Browsing File - Education and Advanced Learning

Browsing File Contents
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Colouring: Horn of Plenty with Fruit; VF 50.1
Colouring: Horn of Plenty without Fruit; VF 50.2
Colouring: Fruits - apple, orange, banana, grapes, pear; VF 50.3
Colour schemes; labelled; (6 braille pages); VF 50.11
The Colour Wheel; keyed and labelled; (4 braille pages); VF 50.10
Wheels; VF 50
The Story of Money; (contracted brl.); MRDF: 790.brf; VF 790
Christmas Decorations; VF 50.6
Math, (unlabeled); VF 50.5
Pumpkin; VF 50.4
Santa, back view; VF 50.7
Snowman; VF 50.8
Weather Symbols; VF 50.9
Basic Beading Instructions; 1 braille page; VF 50.15
Birthstone Man (unlabelled); with instruction sheet, 2 braille pages VF 50.12
Birthstone Woman (unlabeled); with instruction sheet; 2 braille pages; VF 50.13
Lizard (unlabeled); with instruction sheet; 2 braille pages; VF 50.14
Snake (unlabeled); with instruction sheet; 2 braille pages; VF 50.16
CBA Logo (single); VF 90.01
CBA Logo (5 per page); VF 90.02
CBA Logo; print master; VF 90.03
CBA Logo; (letterhead); VF 90.04
Braille n' Speak parameters, MRDF: APPLE;BRLSPK; VF 73.01
Computer Braille Code Symbols, MRDF: CHEAT; VF 73
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Accented Letters; VF 82
French whole word contractions; MRDF: (APPLE) V1, V2, V3; VF 82.1
Greek alphabet, File: greek.brf; VF 82.2
Contractions, MRDF: CHEAT (APPLE); VF 83
Literary Braille Cheat Sheet organized by Category; Source: The Braille
Enthusiast’s Dictionary, by Alan J. Koenig and M. Cay Holbrook; Files: lit-cat.meg, brf; VF 83.2
Selected contractions; MRDF: SELECTED.BRF; VF 83.1
Grades 1-3, MRDF; VF 74
Grades 1-3, (uncontracted, double-spaced braille); file: matsym-u.brf, VF 74.1
Grades 4-6, MRDF; VF 75
Grades 7-9, MRDF; VF 76
Grades 10-12, MRDF; VF 77
Nemeth Code braille symbols; MRDF: (APPLE) PREL V1, V1-1, V1-2; VF 77.1
Cheat sheet, MRDF: CHEAT; VF 72.1
Royal Conservatory of Music, grade 2 Rudiments, Examination Paper #2 (1994
Edition); *7 Braille Pages; VF 784.1
Music Basic, (Requires modification for reprints -- See Master
Print), MRDF; VF 72.2
Music Symbols; VF 72
Atlas Keys; VF 78
Different typed of land and water configurations; ie. Mountains, rivers, peninsula,
deltas, lakes, seas; (unlabeled)VF 78.1
Geographical terms: illustrates different land and water formations (unlabeled) VF 78.2
Notes and Keys (to accompany VF 927-927.7, 928-928.8, 929-929.6); *MN*;
VF 80
Standardized Letter Key for States, Territories and Canadian Provinces;
Quiz; *MN*; VF 81
Braille Compass Instrument and Silva System to Use with Map; VF 71.1
Tactile Graphics, guidelines for making decisions about the inclusion
or omission of embossed diagrams; VF 71
Tactile Producer Texture Reference; VF 70.1
Texture and Symbol Reference Sheets; VF 70
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Balance Sheet; VF 656
General Journal; VF 657
General Ledger; VF 655
Worksheet; VF 658
Federal and Manitoba Individual Income Tax Return: 1986 T1 General, MRDF;
VF 8019
Compaq Armada 4100 ; (4 braille pges); VF 41.1
Versa 2000C; (4 braille pages); VF 41
Keyboard Layout: four sections; 5 braille pages (unlabelled); VF41.2
Puppets; general information; (4 brl. pages); MRDF: PUPPETS; VF 65
Stage, outline, (unlabeled); VF 65.1
Manitoba special Education Review; File: MBEDREV.meg, brf; VF 102
Red River Community College Program outline
And course description. File: cmputr.brf; VF 100
Wellington College of Remedial Massage Therapies, Course outline;
File: massage.brf; VF 101
Why does food smell rotten when it goes bad? (contracted brl),
MRDF: ROTTEN.brf; VF 775
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French-English, English-French, selected contractions (1-4), MRDF; VF 773
Ça Va:
December 1986/January 1987, MRDF; VF 440
February 1987, MRDF; VF 441
March 1987, MRDF; VF 442
April/May 1987, MRDF; VF 443
Le brochets; VF 766
L'éléphant; VF 771
Le fils prodigue; VF 763
Florence Nightingale; VF 762
La légende du miroir; VF 761
Le loup du père Pastourelle; VF 769
Maison de Bernadette; VF 770
Le musicien; VF 767
Un nid dans la boîte aux lettres, VF 764
Perrette; VF 765
Les rêves de Pierre Pujo; VF 760
La rose et la pomme de terre; VF 772
Le rosier mort; VF 768
Alouette; MRDF: ALOUETTE; VF 774.05
Au clair de la lune, MRDF: APPLE; SONGS: LUNE; VF 774.01
La chanson du voyageur; MRDF: CHANSON; VF 774.03
Rame, rame; MRDF: RAME; VF 774.04
Basic rules of handball: VF 32
Bingo, outline (unlabeled), *MN*; VF 27
Scattergories; rules and category cards; MRDF: SCATT1, SCATT2; VF 31
National Child Safety Council "Drug-Free and Safety-Sure Kids",
MRDF, (accompanying master); VF 30
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Alphabetical Order; VF 22
How To Use a Textbook; VF 372 (N.B. see STUDY, METHOD OF)
Parts of a Book; VF 23
What is a Library?; VF 21
Fairy tales, fairies and fairy stories; (general information); 4 brl. pages; MRDF:
To Kill a Mockingbird, test, MRDF; VF 420
Description of old greek gods and their familly tree; (labeled, 3 pages)VF 398
Mechanics: Tone, Detonation and Connotation, Symbol, Metonymy,
Allusion, Theme, MRDF: TONE; VF 422
Poetry; different kinds of poetry; MRDF: LA-GEN; VF 422.1
Dolch Basic Sight Word List, file: DOLCH.BRF, VF 422.3
Frequently misspelled words in the elementary grades; MRDF: words.brf; VF 422.2
My Word Book, *(69 Braille Pages): VF 422.5
Spelling Connections Word List: Grades 2-6; file: wordlist.brf; VF 422.4
Hieroglyphics: Code and Message; VF 421.1
Mechanics: Capitalization, Abbreviations and Numbers (excerpts from
Confident Writer), MRDF: ENG USAGE; VF 421
Grade 5 mathematics; addition tables; (1-12); 5 brl. pages; VF 20.8
Area Measurement; VF 123
Statistics Review; VF 99
Geo-Board master, to be used with *MN*; VF 24.1 & 24.2; VF 24
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Geo-Board, moving on with; *MN* VF 24.1
Geo-Board, numeral polygons; *MN* VF 24.2
Protractor; outline (labeled); VF 24.3
Metric Ease; VF 10
Kitchen Metrics (nonconsumable); VF 392
Metric for Consumers (nonconsumable); VF 391
Metric Handbook (nonconsumable); VF 389
Metric Shopping (nonconsumable); VF 390
Real Estate (nonconsumable); VF 393
Multiplication Table; VF 20.1
Multiplication Tables; VF 20
Multiplication Tables; Grade 5 mathematics; multiplication tables (2-12); 6 brl. pages; VF 20.7
Addition and subtraction exercises. File: addsub20.brf; VF 20.12
Fractions, Linear & Spatial, (Simple Fractions); VF 20.5
Geometric Formulas & Shapes, (Science 100); VF 20.3
Glossary, excerpt taken from "Math in Context 7", MRDF: MATHGLOSS
Line graph; outline; (unlabelled); VF 20.10
X and Y axis; outline; (labelled); VF 20.9
Quadrant map: for x and y axis; (unlabeled)VF 20.13
Grade 3 Mathematics Standards Test; (uncontracted), double spaced format;
Files: math3-96u.meg, brf; VF 19
Trigonometric Values, MRDF: TRIG VAL (APPLE); VF 20.2
Orchestral instruments (includes: baroque, classical, romantic, modern string
ensembles, woodwinds & brass ensembles, percussion ensembles);
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Christmas Carols (lyrics only); VF 781
Prelude and Fugue in G; Mendelssohn, F; OP. 37, No. 2; VF 780 MASTER
PRINT not available (black binder)
MUSIC (Continued)
Notes: whole, half, quarter and eighth; VF 785
Staff, blank; VF 782
Staff, Treble Clef; VF 783
Staff, Bass Clef; VF 784
Dakota Collegiate; VF 6401
Preparation (place setting); VF 6403
Dinner Place Setting, (unlabeled); VF 6504
Canada Food Guide; 1992; MRDF: FOODGUI; VF 6402.4
Complementary Protein Relationships Summary; VF 6402.3
Glossary of Nutrition Terms; VF 6400
Table of Average Energy Requirements, MRDF: HOME EC, File: Table II.I;
VF 6402.1
Table of Recommended Nutrient Intakes (Vitamins and Minerals),
MRDF: HOME EC, File: Table X.1; VF 6402.2
Test your fat I.Q., How much do you know about fat? Files: Fat-IQ.meg;
Fat-IQ.brf; VF 6402.5
Vitamins - table of some vitamins with functions and sources
Egg rolls, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.18
Coolrise Sweet dough, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.20
Master Mix; VF 6458.4
Navjo Frybread; VF 6458.0
Super Fast Pizza Dough; File: recipe1.brf VF 6456.11
Tea Biscuits; VF 6458.2
Hot Porridge; VF 6453.8
Almond Rice, MRDF: ALMOND RICE; VF 6454.63
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Chocolate Chip Cookies; File: recipe1.brf VF 6455.13
Cinnamon Crisps, MRDF: CRISPS.brf; VF 6454.64
Oatmeal Cookies; VF 6455.81
Oatmeal Cookies (metric); VF 6455.8
Peanut Butter Cookies; VF 6454.21
Peanut Butter Cookies (metric); VF 6454.2
Basic Pastry; File: recipe1.brf VF 6455.14
Bavarian Apple Streudel, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.21
Butter Tarts; VF 6457.0
Butter Tarts; File: recipe1.brf VF 6455.15
Cinnamon Rolls; VF 6457.22
Chocolate Spice Cake; VF 6457.6
Coffee Cake; VF 6457.8
Flaky Pastry; VF 6457.4
Jelly Roll; VF 6457.21
Lemon Magic Pudding; File: lemon.brf; wpg; meg; VF 6450.23
Lemon Meringue Pie; VF 6457.2
Lemon Squares, MRDF: LEMN-SQR.brf; VF6457.9
Mandarine Chocolate Chip Cheesecake, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt
VF 6459.22
Philly Cheesecake; File: recipe1.brf VF 6455.12
Rice Krispies Squares (Kellogg's - Low Fat); VF 6450.
Apple-Cot Flip; File: recipe1.brf VF 6455.10
Banana Milkshake; VF 6452.6
Hot Chocolate Mix; VF 6455.4
Milkshakes; File: recipe1.brf VF 6455.9
Orange/fruit Julius; File: recipe1.brf VF 6455.11
Create a Quiche, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.1
Fried Egg; VF 6454.8
Scrambled Eggs; VF 6456.2
Western Omelette Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459
Main Dishes:
Baked Lasagna; File: recipe1.brf VF 6450.30
Broiled Pork Chop; VF 6451.2
Cornflake Chicken; VF 6451.4
Chicken and Vegetable Stir-fry, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.10
Creole Liver on Rice or Noodles, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.14
Curried Beef Pita, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.8
Fettuccine Alfredo. File: recipe1.brf VF 6450.28
Fish Baked in Foil; File: recipe1.brf
Fried Liver and Onions; VF 6450.8
Hamburgers; File: recipe1.brf; VF 6450.29
Italian Beef Topped Potatoes; File: lemon.brf; wpg; meg; VF 6450.24
Italian Pizza; VF 6456.43
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Light and Easy Lemon Broccoli Chicken, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt
VF 6459.13
Linguine Milano, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.16
Lasagna; VF 6456.41
Macaroni and Cheese Casserole; VF 6454.0
Meat Loaf; VF 6451.0
Mexican Fiesta Pie, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.12
Microwave Lasagna, MRDF: LASAGNA.brf; VF 6456.45
Mini Pizzas; VF 6455.6
Navajo Tacos; VF 6456.42
Oven Fried Chicken; VF 6450.6
Panzerotti, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.17
Pizza; VF 6456.44
Salmon Stew; VF 6450.4
Sloppy Joes; VF 6450.2
Soft shelled tacos. File: recipe1.brf VF 6450.26
Spaghetti; VF 6455.0
Spaghetti and meat sauce; File: recipe1.brf VF 6450.27
Spanish Rice; VF 6456.4
Steak Dinner; VF 6450.0
Sweet and spicy Cashew Chicken. File: recipe1.brf VF 6450.25
Szechuan Pork Stir Fry. Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.11
Taco salad: File: Taco.brf, Vf 6450.1
Varenyky (Pyrohy); VF 6450.21
Weedend Pizza Casserole, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.15
The Ultimate Bran Muffin, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6549.19
Bran Muffins; VF 6452.8
Donut Muffins; VF 6452.81
Golden Cornmeal Muffins; File: recipe1.brf VF 6456.9
Crepes with Spiced Apple Filling; File: recipe1.brf VF 6456.10
Pancakes; VF 6454.61
Pancakes (metric); VF 6454.6
Almond – Orange Salad, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.4
Caesar; VF 6456.6
Caesar Salad, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.5
Caesar Salad; File: recipe1.brf; VF 6456.7
Coleslaw; File: recipe1.brf; VF 6456.8
Orange and Banana Salad; VF 6456.0
Sour Cream Cucumber Salad; Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.7
Waldorf Salad, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.6
Broiled Cheesewiches; VF 6453.0
Denver Sandwich; VF 6453.6
Grilled Cheese Sandwich; VF 6455.2
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Monte Cristo Sandwiches, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.
Side Dishes:
Wild Rice Pilaf; File: recipe1.brf; VF 6456.13
Canned Soup; VF 6453.2
Cup-a-soup; VF 6453.4
Hearty Vegetable and Pork Soup; File: recipe1.brf; VF 6453.9
Main Dish Minestrone; File: recipe1.brf; VF 6453.10
Mushroom Chowder, Files: recipe2.brf; meg; txt VF 6459.2
Baked Carrots; VF 6452.0
Baked Potato; VF 6452.2
Boiled Potatoes; VF 6452.4
Canned Vegetables; VF 6451.8
Frozen French Fries; VF 6454.4
Frozen Vegetables; VF 6451.6
Stir-Fry Vegetables with Meat, MRDF: STIR FRY VEG WITH
Veggie Stuffed Baked Potato; File: recipe1.brf VF 6456.12
MEAT; VF 6454.62
Body measurements – Female, (unlabeled); *2 Braille Pages; VF 6500.7
Body measurements – male, (unlabeled); VF 6500.5
Design outline, (unlabeled); VF 6500.8
Fabric Parts, (labelled); VF 6500.1
Fabric Terms, (unlabeled); VF 6500.9
Pattern, Bodice front, (unlabeled); VF 6500.2
Pattern, Bodice back, (unlabeled); VF 6500.3
Pattern, Collar; VF 6500.11
Pattern Front, (unlabeled); VF 6500.6
Practice Stitching; VF 6500
Sewing machine, (unlabeled); VF 6503
Sewing machine, (unlabeled); VF 6502
Sewing machine, outline, (unlabeled); VF 6500.10
Band Saws, MRDF, (accompanying master); *MN* VF 8020.1
Band Saws (blade guide), MRDF; VF 8020.11
Metal Work; VF 8021
Woodworking; VF 8020
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Spot-checking, MRDF; VF 60
Policy Letter, Disk: Letter, MRDF: VERSBRL; VF 60.1
Rules & Safety, MRDF: ARCHERY; VF 28.10
Baseball Diamond, (unlabelled); VF 28.12
Forty (40) braille pages, MRDF; VF 7001
Birds Hill Provincial Park; Bur Oak Trail; 4 brl. pages; VF 28.10
English Saddle
Western Saddle; VF 28.6
A brief history of the ancient Olympic Games; MRDF: OLYMPIC GAMES,
OLY, OLY1; VF 29
Rules of the Game, MRDF: PADDLEBALL, (accompanying master); VF 28.8
Fitness Shoe, (unlabeled); VF 28.9
Strength Training, Terms and Definitions, MRDF: STRENGTH; VF 28.7
Training Heart Rate Chart; VF 28.4
Weight and Height Chart; VF 28.5
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Target; VF 25.01
Iron Sights; VF 25.02
Soccer Field, (unlabelled); VF 28.11
Outline of Diamond, (unlabeled); VF 28.3
Lawn Tennis Court, (unlabeled); VF 28.2
Racquet, parts of, (unlabeled); VF 28.1
Weightlifting Exercises; VF 28
The Soviet Wrestler Fans Love to Hate; VF 28.13
files: wrestler.meg
Sumo Wrestling; VF 28.14
files: sumo.brf
Cheque Book, balance sheet; VF 759.02
Deposit Slip, (labeled); VF 759.01
A Student Guide to Banking; VF 759
Babysitting Guide; file; babysit1,2,3,4,5 VF 8015.01
Cycle 9; VF 755
Exercise; VF 8015
Exercises in Communication of Feelings; VF 8016
Finding Out About Feelings; VF 751
Hearing Loss Symptom Checklist; VF 8011
The Ialac Story; VF 8003
Learning Disabilities Checklist; VF 8008
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Listening Quiz; VF 757
A Look at Me; VF 8004
Make Yourself Understood; VF 758
Personal Communication: gestures, expressions, and body English; VF 8017
Recognizing Speech and Language Problems Early; VF 8013
Speech and Hearing; VF 8012
Suggestions to Stimulate Speech and Language Development; VF 8009
Teaching Sentences and Teaching Words; VF 8010
What I Really Mean; VF 756
Who am I?, worksheet #1; VF 8007
Who am I?, worksheet #2; VF 8006
Who am I?, worksheet #3; VF 8005
Word Jumbles: Communication Review; VF 8018
Yes, No, Maybe So?; VF 8014
Interests, Meaning and Magic at Work; Files: interests.meg, wpd, brf; VF 53.1
Personality and Priorities; Files: person.wpd, meg, brf; VF 53.2
What are your skills?; Files: skills.brf, meg, wpd; VF 53
What employers want to see in an interview; Files: job.wpd, txt, ,meg, brf; VF 51
Winning at Interviews; Files: interview.brf, meg, wpg; VF 51.1
The right resume; Files: resume.brf, meg, wpd; VF 52
Nine steps to a great resume; VF 375, file: resume1.brf
Steps and Procedures, MRDF: STEPS; VF 8002.1
Family Tree; VF 751.1
Floor Plan
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Assiniboine Zoo, school tour route, (unlabeled); VF 2010
Bus Route #14 St. Mary’s: Dakota/Paddington, Dowtown (unlabelled) with key,
5 braille pages; VF 2008.15
Confusion Corner, Winnipeg, (unlabelled); VF 2008.8
Downtown Winnipeg, (keyed); VF 2008.13
Downtown Winnipeg; (Portage and Main); keyed and labelled; (2 braille
pages); VF 2008.7
Downtown Winnipeg, (unlabelled); VF 2008.9
North Portage map of route from RFB to CNIB, keyed, (labeled); VF 2008.2
Oak Bluff, (unlabelled); 2008.12
Red River Community College, ouline, (unlabelled); VF 2008.11
Washington, DC
Winnipeg - districts & rivers, (key to labeling VF: 2008.1); VF 2008.3
Winnipeg - districts & rivers, (unlabeled); VF 2008.1
Winnipeg electoral districts; (unlabeled); VF 2008.4
Winnipeg electoral districts; (Key to VF 2008.4); VF 2008.5
Winnipeg North Centre; (unlabelled); map and key page (2 pages); VF2008.10
Winnipeg; outline with rivers; (unlabeled); VF 2008.6
Winnipeg, Transcona (unlabeled); with key; 2 braille pages; VF 2008.14
Compass; outline; (labeled); VF 2012.02
Dog Guides (excerpt from Foundations of Orientation and Mobility),
Primary; VF 2009
University of Winnipeg, Information Brochure: Services for Students with
Special Needs; VF 2011
Winter Mobility Information, MRDF: WINTER.BRF; VF 2012.01
Take charge, make a difference to the way you look and feel, File: Takechar.brf
VF 751.10
Processing; VF 26
Body Types - endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph, MRDF: BODY; VF 752.8
Human Motivation; VF 8001
How it Affects our Moods, MRDF; VF 752.4
Handwriting Analysis, MRDF; VF 752.5
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Otis Quick-scoring; VF 753
Freudian Theory, diagram of Id, Ego, and Superego, (labeled); VF 752.3
Self-concept Quiz; VF 754
Areas of the Head Relating to Faculties, diagram, (unlabeled); VF 752.2
Psychological Needs; VF 752
Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale for Children, MRDF; VF 752.1
Alcoholism, 13 steps to, MRDF: STEPS; VF 752.6
Narcotics, Drug and Narcotics Identification Chart, MRDF: DRUG; VF 752.7
Catechism (in English), MRDF: CATECHISM; VF 752.6
How to Fight, MRDF: FIGHT; VF 759.05
Safety Precautions, MRDF: SELF-DEFENSE; VF 759.03
Weapons, MRDF: WEAPONS; VF 759.04
Laundry Symbols
SIGNS & SYMBOLS (Continued)
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Basic Traffic Signs
Road Sign Examination
Road Signs, Unit 1
Road Signs, Unit 2
Road Signs, Unit 4
How to use a textbook; VF 372
Study Skills: The Way to Success, MRDF: STUDYSKILLS, STUDYSMART,
(accompanying master); VF 373
Taking Examinations (Definition of terms); VF 371
Web Diagram, outline; VF 374
Operator 168; general information and instructions;
Telephone numbers with corresponding letters; 752.6
Note: This is a blank page which requires modification
for each month.
VF 701
VF 712
VF 713
VF 714
VF 715
VF 716
VF 733
VF 734
VF 735
VF 736
VF 737
VF 738
VF 739
VF 740
VF 741
VF 742
VF 743
VF 744
VF 745
VF 746
VF 747
VF 748
VF 749
VF 750
24 HOUR CLOCK; VF 711.1
Handi-Transit information pamphlet; MRDF: HANDI.txt, HANDI.meg, HANDI.brf;
VF 604
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Out of Darkness, the Story of Louis Braille, Russell Freedman;
Files: LU-BRL.meg, LU-BRL.brf, VF 700.44
About School, File: school.brf; VF 705.204
Act V, Scene 5, MRDF: ACT V; VF 705.72
Adam Cast Forth, MRDF: ADAM; VF 705.116
After Apple-Picking, MRDF: P33.BRF; VF 705.195
Apocalypse, MRDF: P12.BRF; VF 705.204
Ars Poetica, MRDF: ARS; VF 705.115
As I Grew Older; VF 703.2
At Night, MRDF: AT NIGHT; VF 705.154
Background Colors, MRDF: P26.BRF; VF 705.189
Barter, MRDF: BARTER; VF 705.31
Base Details, MRDF: DETAILS; VF 705.140
The Battle of Blenheim, MRDF: BATTLE; VF 705.2
Because I Could Not Stop For Death, MRDF: BECAUSE; VF 705.32
La Belle Dame Sans Merci (1st Edition), MRDF: BELLE; VF 705.119
La Belle Dame Sans Merci (Revised Edition), MRDF: DAME; VF 705.120
The Birth of Tragedy, MRDF: P35.BRF; VF 705.197
The Boarder, MRDF: BOARDER; VF 705.161
Boy at the Window, MRDF: BOY; VF 705.102
Boys Tease a Wounded Hawk, MRDF: HAWK; VF 704.7
Break, Break, Break, MRDF: BREAK; VF 705.91
Bridge Over Troubled Water, MRDF: BRIDGE; VF 705.33
The Broncho That Would Not Be Broken, MRDF: BRONCHO; VF 704.1
The Brothers, MRDF: BROTHERS; VF 704.6
The Brown Dot; VF 703.6
The Burial of Sir John Moore at Coronna, MRDF: BURIAL; VF 705.77
Calamity, MRDF: CALAMITY; VF 705.16
Canada: Case History, MRDF: POEMS 1: CANADA; VF 705.137
Chanticleer: VF 705.915 file: chanti.txt, chanti.meg, chanti.brf
Cheating, MRDF: CHEATING; VF 705.155
Chess, MRDF: CHESS; VF 705.112
Child on Top of a Greenhouse, MRDF: CHILD; VF 705.152
Children's Party, MRDF: PARTY; VF 705.85
The Chimney Sweeper, MRDF: CHIMNEY; VF 705.34
Clay Wingate, MRDF: WINGATE; VF 705.83
Cold Stone, MRDF: P2.BRF; VF 705.167
College Formal, MRDF: COLLEGE; VF 705.160
The Comforters, MRDF: COMFORTERS; VF 705.82
POETRY (continued)
Conjectural Poem, MRDF: CONJECTURAL; VF 705.110
Constantly Risking Absurdity, MRDF: POETII.BRF; VF 705.198
Corner, MRDF: CORNER; VF 705.29
Coward of the County, MRDF: COWARD; VF 705.35
The Cremation of Sam McGee, MRDF; VF 702
The Cremation of Sam McGee, MRDF: MCGEE; VF 702.1
Crossing the Plains, MRDF: CROSSING; VF 705.156
Curiosity, MRDF: CURIOSITY; VF 705.36
The Cyclical Night, MRDF: NIGHT; VF 705.109
Death, Be Not Proud, MRDF: DEATH; VF 705.10
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Death Stands Above Me; VF 705.919 file: death2.txt, death2.meg, death2.brf
The Decision, MRDF: DECISION; VF 705.92
Dirge Without Music, MRDF: P15.BRF; VF 705.179
Dog Hospital, MRDF: DOG; VF 705.138
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, MRDF: GENTLE; VF 705.37
Dover Beach, MRDF: DOVER; VF 705.38
Dragons, booklet of stories & poems, MRDF: DRAGONS; VF 703.8
Dream Variations; VF 703.3
The Dreamer; VF 703.7
Dreams; VF 703.4
Dulce et Decorum Est, MRDF: DULCE; VF 705.39
Dulcia Linquimus Arva, MRDF: ARVA; VF 705.127
The Eagle, MRDF: EAGLE; VF 705.73
The Eagle; VF 705.923 file: theagle.txt, theagle.meg, theagle.brf
Edward, Edward, MRDF: EDWARD; VF 704.9
An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum, MRDF: P10.BRF; VF 705.175
Embarking on the Study of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, MRDF: GRAMMAR;
VF 705.114
Envy, MRDF: P18.BRF; VF 705.182
Erosion, MRDF: EROSION; VF 705.19
Ex-Basketball Player, MRDF: PLAYER; VF 705.143
A Fence, MRDF: FENCE; VF 705.95
Foreign Student; File: foreign.brf, VF 705.205
Fifteen, MRDF: FIFTEEN; VF 705.27
5 P.M./July/the city, MRDF: CITY; VF 705.149
The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy), MRDF: 59TH STREET;
VF 705.41
Fog, MRDF: POEMS 1; FOG; VF 705.132
The Fool on the Hill, MRDF: FOOL; VF 705.42
The Forsaken, MRDF: FORSAKEN; VF 704.5
Futility, MRDF: POETII.BRF; VF 705.202
God's World, MRDF: WORLD; VF 705.96
Hap, MRDF: HAP; VF 705.43
Happy Ending, MRDF: HAPPY ENDING; VF 705.44
High Flight, MRDF: FLIGHT; VF 704.3
Hiroshima, MRDF: POETII.BRF; VF 705.199
The Hollow Men, MRDF: POETII.BRF; VF 705.203
Hopes; VF 705.917 file: hopes.txt, hopes.meg, hopes.brf
How Delicately ..., MRDF: P28.BRF; VF 705.191
How to Eat a Poem, MRDF: HOW TO; VF 705.25
I Have a Dream; VF 705.920 file: dream.txt, dream.meg, dream.brf
I Like to See it Lap the Miles, MRDF: MILES & POEMS 1; MILES;
VF 705.101 & VF 705.135
If I Should Die Tonight, MRDF: P20.BRF; VF 705.183
The Ill-Tempered Lover, MRDF: LOVER; VF 705.147
In Just, MRDF: JUST; VF 705.45
In Memoriam, MRDF: P24.BRF; VF 705.187
In Praise of Darkness, MRDF: DARKNESS; VF 705.108
Incident; VF 705.924 file: incident.txt, incident.meg, incident.brf
Indian Summer, MRDF: P7.BRF & P8.BRF; VF 705.172 & 705.173
Indigo Bunting, MRDF: INDIGO; VF 705.158
Inscription on any Tomb, MRDF: TOMB; VF 705.131
Is My Team Ploughing, MRDF: TEAM; VF 705.46
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It is Dangerous to Read Newspapers, MRDF: P3.BRF; VF 705.168
Jamie, MRDF: JAMIE; VF 705.24
The Jervis Bay Goes Down, MRDF: JERVIS; VF 704.8
John I:14, MRDF: JOHN; VF 705.107
Johnie Armstrong, MRDF: JOHNIE; VF 705.78
Kidnap Poem, MRDF: P16.BRF; VF 705.180
The Labyrinth, MRDF: LABYRINTH; VF 705.105
Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds, MRDF: MARRIAGE; VF 705.9
Lines I Might Have Written and Lost Around 1922, MRDF: LINES; VF 705.104
Lines Supposed to Have Been Addressed to Fanny Brawne,
MRDF: BRAWNE; VF 705.122
Listen, MRDF: STAFF; LISTEN; VF 705.165
Little Boy Blue, MRDF: BOY BLUE; VF 705.97
Little Girls; VF 705.47
Little Lady, MRDF: LITTLE; VF 705.159
London, 1802, MRDF: LONDN; VF 705.48
The Lonely Land, MRDF: LONELY; VF 705.145
To Look at Anything, MRDF: LOOK; VF 705.26
Lord Randal, MRDF: RANDAL; VF 705
Love Poem, MRDF: POEMS 1; LOVE; VF 705.136
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, MRDF: LOVE SONG; VF 705.49
The Man He Killed, MRDF: MAN HE KILLED; VF 705.74
The Man Who Finds That His Son Has Become a Thief, MRDF: MAN;
VF 705.17
Matthew XXV:30, MRDF: MATTHEW; VF 705.106
Medical Aid, MRDF: MEDICAL; VF 705.4
The Mind of Professor Primrose, MRDF: PRIMROSE; VF 705.7
Miracles, MRDF: MIRACLES; VF 704.2
The Misfit, MRDF: P11.BRF; VF 705.176
The Modern Man, MRDF: P13.BRF; VF 705.177
Mosquito, MRDF: MOQUITO; VF 705.15
Mosquitoes, MRDF: MOQUITOES; VF 705.14
Mother to Son; VF 703.1
Mother to Son; VF 705.916 file: motherto.txt, motherto.meg, motherto.brf
The Motive for Metaphor, MRDF: P34.BRF; VF 705.196
Mowing, MRDF: P32.BRF; VF 705.194
The Mowing, MRDF: P31.BRF; VF 705.193
Mr. Artesian's Conscientiousness, MRDF: ARTESI; VF 705.6
Mrs. Fornheim, Refugee, MRDF: MRS. F.; VF 705.18
Mushrooms, MRDF: MUSHROOMS; VF 705.164
My Last Duchess, MRDF: DUCHESS; VF 705.51
My Papa's Waltz, MRDF: WALTZ; VF 705.88
A Narrow Fellow in the Grass, MRDF: POEMS 1; NARROW; VF 705.134
94.0001, MRDF: MELINDA; VF 705.146
No Second Troy, MRDF: TROY; VF 705.52
Ode on a Grecian Urn, MRDF: GRECIAN; VF 705.53
Ode to Melancholy, MRDF: MELANCHOLY; VF 705.125
Ode to a Nightingale, MRDF: NIGHTINGALE; VF 705.121
Oedipus and the Riddle, MRDF: OEDIPUS; VF 705.117
The Old Arm-Chair, MRDF: P29.BRF; VF 705.205
On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer, MRDF: FIRST; VF 705.11
On His Blindness, MRDF: ON HIS; VF 705.54
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114 Sonnet, MRDF: P22.BRF; VF 705.185
113 Sonnet CXVI, MRDF: P23.BRF; VF 705.186
Oranges (Outside), MRDF: P27.BRF; VF 705.190
The Other Tiger, MRDF: TIGER; VF 705.113
"Out, Out--", MRDF: OUT; VF 705.55
The Owl Critic, MRDF: OWL; VF 705.5
Ozymandias, MRDF: OZY; VF 705.3
Parrot, MRDF: PARROT; VF 705.86
The Penalty of Love, MRDF: PENALTY; VF 705.99
A Pencil, MRDF: POEMS 1; PENCIL; VF 705.133
Piano, MRDF: P30.BRF; VF 705.192
Poem of the Gifts, MRDF: GIFTS; VF 705.111
Poems: Bookley of; file: poems.brf ; VF 705.928
A Poison Tree, MRDF: POISON & POEMS; POISON; VF 705.22 &
VF 705.141
The Ponies, MRDF: PONIES; VF 704
Popular Geography, MRDF: POPULAR; VF 705.150
Portrait, MRDF: PORTRAIT; VF 705.20
Portrait of Girl with Comic Book, MRDF: PORTRAIT; VF 705.56
Prayer before Birth, MRDF: P9.BRF; VF 705.174
A Prayer for My Daughter, MRDF: PRAYER; VF 705.57
Provincial, MRDF: PROVINCIAL; VF 705.148
Puff the Magic Dragon, MRDF: PUFF; VF 705.58
The Quarter Horse Colts, MRDF: QUARTER; VF 705.157
The Racer, MRDF: RACER; VF 705.1
The Raggle-Taggle Gipsies, MRDF: GIPSIES; VF 705.79
The Railway Train, MRDF: TRAIN; VF 705.913
The Red Wheel Barrow; VF 705.922 file: redwheel.txt, redwheel.meg redwheel.brf
Reply to the Question "How Can You Become A Poet?", MRDF: POET;
VF 705.162
Residual Paralysis, MRDF: P17.BRF; VF 705.181
The Revenge--A Ballad of the Fleet, MRDF: FLEET; VF 705.76
Reynard the Fox, MRDF: FOX; VF 705.84
The Rich Man, MRDF: RICH; VF 705.911
Richard Cory, File: RICHARD.BRF; VF 705.59 & VF 705.142
Riverdale Lion, MRDF: LION; VF 705.28
The Road Not Taken, MRDF: ROAD; VF 705.8
Rosas, MRDF: ROSAS; VF 705.126
Sailing to Byzantium, MRDF: SAILING; VF 705.61
Samson Agonistes, MRDF: POETII.BRF; VF 705.200
The Second Coming, MRDF: SECOND; VF 705.62
She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways, MRDF: DWELT; VF 705.151
The Shooting of Dan McGrew; VF 703
Sidewalk II, MRDF: SIDEWALK; VF 705.139
Silence, MRDF: P5.BRF; VF 705.170
Silver, MRDF: SILVER; VF 705.163
The Slave Auction, MRDF: SLAVE; VF 705.75
A Soil with Rain and Sunshine; VF 703.5
Sonnet 18, MRDF: SONNET; VF 705.912
Sounds of Silence, MRDF: SILENCE; VF 705.63
Southern Cop; VF 705.921 file: southcop.txt, southcop.meg, southcop.brf
Southern Pacific, MRDF: PACIFIC; VF 704.4
The Stone, MRDF: P1.BRF; VF 705.166
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening, MRDF: STOPPING; VF 705.64
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Suarez, Victor at Junin, MRDF: SUAREZ; VF 705.118
A Subaltern's Love-Song, MRDF: P14.BRF; VF 705.178
Sunset over Villa Ortuzar, MRDF: SUNSET; VF 705.128
Terence, This is Stupid Stuff, MRDF: TERENCE; VF 705.65
That Time of Year, MRDF: YEAR; VF 705.12
This is Just to Say, MRDF: SAY; VF 705.144
Those Winter Sundays, MRDF: P21.BRF; VF 705.184
Thoughts on Silence, MRDF: P6.BRF; VF 705.171
The Tiger, MRDF: TIGER; VF 705.66
'Tis the Last Rose of Summer, MRDF: P25.BRF; VF 705.188
Time; VF 705.918 file: time.txt, time.meg, time.brf
To Althea, From Prison, MRDF: ALTHEA; VF 705.21
To An Athlete Dying Young, MRDF: POETII.BRF; VF 705.201
To Autumn, MRDF: AUTUMN; VF 705.123
To His Coy Mistress, MRDF: MISTRESS; VF 705.67
Travelling Through the Dark, MRDF: DARK; VF 705.103
Two English Poems, MRDF: POEMS; VF 705.130
Two Lean Cats ..., MRDF: LEAN CATS; VF 705.81
Ulysses, MRDF: ULYSSES; VF 705.68
Unknown Street, MRDF: STREET; VF 705.129
Warning, MRDF: WARNING; VF 705.23
Warren Pryor, MRDF: PRYOR; VF 705.87
When I Have Fears, MRDF: FEARS; VF 705.124
When I was One-and-Twenty, MRDF: ONE TWENTY; VF 705.98
Where Have You Gone, MRDF: WHERE; VF 705.153
Will It Be So Again?, MRDF: P4.BRF; VF 705.169
Witches' Song, MRDF: WITCHES'; VF 705.914
The Wolf, MRDF: WOLF; VF 705.69
The World is Too Much With Us, MRDF: WORLD; VF 705.13
Yesterday, MRDF: YESTERDAY; VF 705.71
Bonnie McSmithers, You're Driving Me Dithers; (uncontracted);
The Day The Big Top Burned, Emmett Kelley; File: day.brf; VF 700.47
Different Dinosaurs; MRDF: ladevon5; VF 700.18
Digging for Knowledge, Douglas Leechman, MRDF: DIGGING; VF 700.3
The Duty of Society to the Artist, E.M. Forster, MRDF: FORSTER;
VF 700.6
The Eerie World of Reunited Twins, Claire Mead Rosen, file: EERIE.BRF;
VF 700.39
The End of Something, MRDF: END (SONGS); VF 700.11
The Enormous Adventure; MRDF: ladevon4; VF 700.19
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The Game of Our Lives, Peter Gzowski, MRDF: GAME; VF 700.1
God is Not a Fish Inspector, MRDF: GOD.BRF; VF 700.9
The Half-Husky, MRDF: HALF.HALF1 (SONGS); VF 700.14
The Hallowe'en Party, Miriam Waddington, MRDF: HALLO; VF 700.2
A Horse Named Noble Cause, Reynolds Dobson; VF 700.38
files: horse.wpd
How the lifesaver got it’s hole and other fascination stories behind some of our
Most popular products, Files: lifesave.meg; brf; wpd; doc VF 700.51
In the Jaws of the Crocodile, Jim Hutchison; VF 700.35
files: croco.brf
Indian Camp, MRDF: INDIAN (SONGS); VF 700.10
The Little Steam Engine; (uncontracted); MRDF: LLSTEAM.BRF; VF 700.23
Little Wych to the Rescue; (uncontracted); MRDF: WYCHRESC.BRF;
VF 700.26
Lost in the Atlantic, condensed from AAdrift in the Atlantic@, Deborah Morris;
VF 700.34
files: atlantic.meg
atlantic. txt
Mississippi: Steamboat Days, Earl Schenck Miers; file: missi.brf, VF 700.46
The Mystery of the Friendly Whales, Paula McDonald; VF 700.37
files: whale. brf
whale. meg
whale. wpd
whale. txt
More About Dinosaurs; MRDF: ladevon3; VF 700.17
Mrs. Confedrington, Mary Walker; file: Mrs.brf, VF 700.48
Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, William Faulkner, MRDF: FAULKNER;
VF 700.5
The Open Window, Story by H.H. Munro, MRDF: WINDOW; VF 700.8
The Painted Door, Sinclair Ross, MRDF: PAINT; VF 700
Pete and the Sparrow; (uncontracted); MRDF: PETESPAR.BRF; VF 700.29
Project Orbis, Lisa Yount, file: orbis.brf; VF 700.45
The Reigate Squires, Michael and Mollie Hardwick; file: reigate.brf, Vf 700.50
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A Sound of Thunder; Ray Bradbury; MRDF: V1-2, V1-3; VF 700.20
The Strange Way of Spiders, MRDF: SPIDERS; VF 700.4
The Survivor; Walter F. Moody; MRDF: V1-4, V1-5, V1-6; VF 700.22
The Ten Gallon Hat (one of many things the U.S. owes to Mexico), Albert Q.
Maigel, file: day.brf; VF 700.47
There Will Come Soft Rains; Ray Bradbury; MRDF: V1-1; VF 700.21
Toad's Garden; (uncontracted); MRDF: TOADSGDN.BRF; VF 700.28
Tularecito, MRDF: TUL,TUL1 (SONGS); VF 700.12
Tyrannosaurus the Terrible; MRDF: ladevon2; VF 700.16
The Verger, MRDF: VERGER (SONGS); VF 700.13
Who is Little Wych?; (uncontracted); MRDF: WHOWYCH.BRF; VF 700.25
Why I Write, George Orwell, MRDF: ORWELL; VF 700.7
Why the Beaver Has a Broad Tail; (uncontracted); MRDF: BEAVTAIL.BRF;
VF 700.30
The Wishes; (uncontracted); MRDF: WISHES. BRF; VF 700.24
The World of the Novel, c. 1983 (on "The Stone Angel" by Margaret Laurence),
World of the Polar Bear, condensed from the book by Fred Bruemmer;
VF 700.36
Confusions Masterpiece, (from Macbeth); Files: confusn.brf, confusn.meg;
VF 659.1
The Shakespeare in “ acting Shakespeare” , (part VI); File: shake-1.brf, VF 659.2
What you Will, (from the twelfth night); File: what-1.brf, VF 659
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Anemometer, (unlabeled); VF 504
Rain Gauge, (unlabeled); VF 505
Microscope, compound, (unlabeled); VF 503
Satellite, (unlabeled); VF 507
Simple Distillation Apparatus (labeled); VF 502.1
Thermometer--Centigrade Scale, (unlabeled); VF 500
Thermometer--Fahrenheit Scale, (unlabeled); VF 501
Thermometer--Centigrade and Fahrenheit Scales, (unlabeled); VF 502
A Vacuum bottle, (unlabelled); VF508
Weather Vane, (unlabeled); VF 506
Water molecules as: gas, liquid & solid retain same formula, 3 pages (unlabeled)
VF 503.1
Abnormal Cells - malignant and benign
Animal cell; outline; (unlabeled); VF 346.06
Antibody/Antigen, (unlabelled); VF 345.12
Blood Cells
Bone Cells
Cell; entire life of a cell, (unlabelled); VF 338.3
Cell Division, elementary, (unlabeled); VF 345.2
Cell Division
Cell Division, test question, (unlabeled); VF 345.1
Cell from Stomach; (unlabeled); VF338.8
Cell, outline, (unlabeled); VF 338.1
Cell, outline, (unlabeled); VF 345.7
Cell; outline; (labeled); VF 338.2
Cell magnified at 400x, (labeled); VF 346.04
Cell Membrane – Fluid – Mosaic Model, (unlabeled); VF 345.9
Cell Nucleus, (unlabeled); VF 345.8
Cell Replacement
Cell Specialization - diagrams of muscle, nerve and epithelial cells
Centromere – cinches double stranded chromosomes together; (unlabeled);
VF 345.16
Chloroplast, outline, (unlabeled); VF 346.13
Chromosome (duplicated), unlabeled; VF 346.14
Dehydration and Rehydration of a plant cell, (unlabeled); VF 346.19
Egg Cell, outline, (unlabeled); VF 345.4
Endosperm Cells Dividing, (labeled); VF 345.5
Epithelial (1)
Epithelial (2); VF 336
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Fat Cell, outline, (unlabeled); VF 345.3
Facilitated Diffusion, (unlabeled); VF 345.10
Homeostasis, (labeled)
Interphase and Mitotic cell division in plant cells, (unlabelled); *4 Braille Pages;
VF 346.17
Interrelationships of Some Cell Parts; VF 345
Leucocytes Devouring Germs; VF 345.11
Meiosis (Cell Division); VF 347
Meisos, (unlabelled); VF347.2
Meiosis I and Meiosis II: Overview; (unlabeled)VF 345.14
Meiosis, Down Syndrome, MRDF: DS.BRF; VF 347.1
Meiosis, the first stage for sperm production
Meiosis, the second stage for sperm production
Meiosis, types of reproduction
- binary fission of an amoeba
- budding of a yeast cell
Mitochondria, outline, (unlabeled); VF 346.12
Mitochondrion, (labeled)
Mitosis in plants and animals; VF 346
Mitosis, (unlabeled); *4 Braille Pages; VF 346.15
Mitosis, radiation sickness, MRDF: RS.BRF; VF 346.1
Mitosis of a typical animal cell; VF 346.01
Mold cell; VF 346.05
Muscle Cells
Nerve Cells
Nucleus, parts of, (labeled)
Nucleus, (unlabelled); VF 338.6
Parts of the Cell
Process of chromatid crossing over; (unlabeled)VF 345.15
Animal cell; outline; (unlabeled); VF 346.08
Animal cell, division of, (unlabelled); VF 338.5
Plant cell, division of, (unlabelled); VF 338.4
Plant cell; outline; (unlabeled); VF 346.07
Plant cell; outline; (unlabeled); VF 346.09
Reproduction, by splitting, (unlabeled); VF 345.6
Root epidermal cell; showing the origin of root hair; VF 346.10
Sporozoa; VF 338
Stages of Cancer
Tissues - examples of muscle, nerve, epithelial and bone tissues
Tissues – group of linning cells; (unlabeled); VF 338.7
DNA Chain, (labeled); VF 572.2
DNA Chains, (unlabeled); VF 572.9
Formation of DNA, (labeled); VF 572.5
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Formation of DNA, (labeled); VF 572.6
Formation of DNA: DNA Model: Building on a modle with messenger RNA and Free
Nucleotides, (Labeled); VF 572.1
Formation of DNA: Messenger RNA moving out of nucleus (labeled); VF 572.3
Formation of DNA: Transfer RNA’s approach, (labeled); VF 572.4
Nucleotide Units: Components, (unlabeled); VF 572.7
Arterial System; outline; (unlabeled); VF 365.1
Arterial System; outline; anterior view of complete body; (unlabeled); *MN*
VF 358.6
Arterial System, outline, upper torso only, (unlabeled); VF 358
Arteries, veins and capillaries; VF 358.03
Artery; (unlabeled); VF 321.1
Artery; cross-section; (unlabeled); VF 321.2
Artery; texture key (for VF 321.1, and VF 321.2); VF 321.3
Artery and Vein, cross section; (labelled) ; VF 321.4
Blood Capillary, stereogram, (unlabeled); VF 359
Blood Vessel, cross-section; VF 360.3
Blood Vessels - artery, vein, capillary; VF 360.2
Blood Vessels, outline of connections between the various types of
blood vessels, (unlabeled); VF 360
Blood Vessels - structure of an artery, capillary and vein; VF 360.1
Capillaries; VF 358.01
Capillary, cross section; (unlabelled); VF 321.5
Capillary bed; VF 358.02
Circulation within the Heart; VF 723
Circulatory system; veins and arteries (with the heart); (unlabeled); VF 362.2
Coronary Circulation, outline, (unlabeled); VF 319
Cross-section of Normal Artery and Fatty Deposits Formed on Inner Lining;
VF 322
Fetal Circulation, (unlabeled); VF 363
Fetal Circulation, relationship between blood supply of embryo, placenta
and uterus, (unlabeled); VF 363.1
Healthy Artery; VF 321
Healthy Vein; VF 352
Heart; complex diagram; (unlabeled); VF 360.9
Heart with SA and AV nodes: VF 358.04
Heart, elementary, outline, (unlabeled); VF 317.4
Heart, function of; (keyed and labelled); (2 braille pages); VF318.1
Heart, outline; VF 360.5
Heart Pump; VF 318
Heart, in relation to body; VF 360.4
Heart, (unlabeled); VF 360.6
Heart-Lung circulation; (labeled); VF 360.7
Hepatic Portal System; VF 722
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Major Arteries, lower; VF 719
Major Arteries, upper; VF 720
Major Veins; VF 721
Nodes and nerve-conducting pathways of the heart; VF 358.05
Outline, (unlabeled); VF 365
Outline of Heart; VF 317
Outline of Heart, (unlabeled); VF 317.2
Outline of Heart, rear portion with pacemaker, (unlabeled); VF 317.3
Pulmonary Circulation, outline, (unlabeled); VF 317.1
Upper torso, including liver and kidneys; (unlabeled); VF 360.8
Valves of a Vein, (unlabeled); VF 352.1
Valves - open and closed, (unlabeled); VF 352.2
Vein; (unlabeled); VF 352.3
Vein; cross-section; (unlabeled); VF 352.4
Vein; texture key (for VF 352.3 and VF 352.4); VF 352.5
Veins and Arteries -- connects parts of circulatory system, outline, (unlabeled);
VF 362
Veins and Arteries, (unlabeled); VF 362.1
Digested food passes into the bloodstream; VF 323.13
Digestive organs of the mouth; outline; (unlabeled); VF 323.16
Intestines, elementary, outline, (unlabeled); VF 323.3
Intestines, (unlabeled); VF 324.4
Liver, elementary, outline, (unlabeled); VF 323.1
Liver, Bladder, Stomach, and Pancreas, outline, (unlabeled)
The liver, gall bladder and pancreas (unlabeled); VF 323.18
Liver, in relation to body; VF 323.8
Lower Tract; VF 349
Lower Tract, (unlabeled); VF 357
Mouth; VF 323
Mouth; baby teeth, outline, (unlabeled); VF 324.20
Mouth; primary teeth; outline; (unlabeled); VF 324.19
Mouth (side view); VF 323.14
Mouth, with nasal passages; VF 324.12
Mouth, development of gingivitis and periodontal disease; VF 324.7
Mouth, with plaque; VF 324.6
Mouth; structures in the mouth; outline; (unlabeled); VF 324.16
Mouth, Taste Buds; VF 324.13
Mouth, Teeth and Jaw, (unlabeled); VF 323.5
Outline of Digestive System, (unlabeled); VF 324.2
Outline of the Digestive System, (unlabeled); VF 324.21
Outline of Esophagus, Stomach, Intestines, and Anus, (unlabeled); VF 323.10
Outline of Liver, Bladder, Stomach, and Pancreas, (unlabeled); VF 323.9
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Peristalsis, relaxed and contracted stomach; VF 323.6
Salivary glands; VF 323.12
Shedding of Primary Molar, *(2 Braille Pages); VF 324.19
Small Intestine, outline of villi, (unlabeled); VF 361
Small Intestine, outline of villi, (unlabeled); VF 361.1
Stomach; VF 323.7
Stomach, elementary, outline; (unlabeled); VF 323.2
Stomach, in relation to body; VF 323.11
Stomach, Liver and Pancreas Region, (unlabeled); VF 324.5
Stomach muscles at work; (unlabeled); (2 brl. pages); VF 323.15
Structures, (unlabeled); VF 324.1
Swallowing (unlabeled, 4 braille pages); VF 324.22
Teeth; incisors, cuspids, bicuspids, molars; (unlabeled); VF 324.18
Teeth, outline of lower teeth, (unlabeled); VF 324.91
The large intestine (unlabeled); VF 323.17
The liver, gall bladder and pancreas (unlabeled); VF 323.18
Tongue, areas of taste; VF 323.4
Tooth; VF 324.9
Tooth; outline; (unlabeled); VF 324.15
Tooth; outline; (unlabeled); VF 324.17
Tooth, progress of decay; VF 324.8
Upper Tract; VF 348
Upper Tract, (unlabeled); VF 324.3
Upper Tract, (unlabeled); VF 324.10
Adrenal Glands; VF 327.1
Endocrine System, elementary, outline; VF 327.4
Hormone action; (labeled) VF 327.8
One Messenger Model of Hormone action; VF 327.6
Two messenger Model of Hormone action; VF 327.7
Outline of Glands; VF 327
Pancreas; VF 327.2
Thyroid; VF 327.3
Artificial Kidney Machine; VF 724.2
Bladder, basic shape; VF 325.5
Excretory System; VF 724
Kidney, section through kidney to show distribution of glomeruli, (unlabeled);
VF 325.1
Kidney; (unlabeled); VF 325.7
Kidneys; VF 325
Kidneys, basic shape; VF 325.6
Kidneys and Bladder, in relation to body, outline; VF 325.4
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Nephron; VF 725
Nephron and Nephridium, (unlabeled); VF 725.3
Nephron, showing countercurrent multiplier, (unlabeled); VF 725.2
Outline, elementary, (unlabeled); VF 724.3
Outline, with directional arrows of transport, (unlabeled); VF 724.1
Outline of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra; VF 724.5
Parts of Nephron; VF 326
Parts of Nephron, (unlabeled); VF 725.1
Section through Kidney, (unlabeled); VF 325.3
Section through Kidney to Show Regions, (unlabeled); VF 325.2
The urinary bladder and its associated tubes (unlabeled); VF 325.8
Cross-Section of Nerve Cells in Skin (unlabeled); VF 728.3
Cross-section of Skin, (unlabeled); VF 728.1
Cross-section of Skin; VF 728.2
Hair follicle; VF 728.4
Longitudinal Section through Finger and Nail; VF 329
Section through Human Skin; VF 728
Lymphatics; VF 334
Outline, (unlabeled); VF 334.1
Outline of body showing area drained by Right Lymphatic Duct and area drained
by Thoracic Duct; VF 334.4
Outline of Immune System; VF 334.3
Outline of Lymph Node; VF 334.5
Outline of Nodes, Ducts, Vessels, Thoracic Duct, (unlabeled); VF 334.2
Anterior View, outline, (unlabeled); VF 364
Anterior View, lower portion, (unlabeled); VF 364.2
Anterior View, upper portion, outline, (unlabeled); VF 364.1
Calf Muscles; VF 364.6
Cardiac Muscle, (unlabeled); VF 364.13
Foot Muscles; VF 364.7
Muscle contraction/Muscle relaxation; (unlabeled); (2 brl. pages); VF 364.8
Muscular System of Arm; VF 364.9
Pectorals, (unlabeled); VF 364.10
Posterior View, lower portion, (unlabeled); VF 364.4
Posterior View, upper portion, (unlabeled); VF 364.3
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Skeletal Muscle, (unlabeled); VF 364.14
Smooth Muscle, (unlabeled); VF 364.12
Thigh Muscles; VF 364.5
Thigh and calf Muscles, (unlabeled); VF 364.11
Axon Terminal; VF 305
Brain, control centres; VF 315
Brain, lobes and major fissures, (unlabeled); VF 315.2
Brain, midline section, (unlabeled); VF 315.1
Brain, outline; VF 315.4
Brain, outline of surrounding membrane, (unlabeled); VF 351.8
Brain, rear view; VF 315.6
Brain, in relation to body; VF 315.5
Brain, in relation to head, side view, (unlabeled); VF 315.7
Brain Waves Recorded in an Electroencephalogram; VF 315.3
Cross-section of Spinal Cord; VF 316
Dendrites; VF 333
Ear - middle and inner, enlarged, (unlabeled); VF 331
Ear - outer, middle and inner, (unlabeled); VF 330
Ear, outline, (unlabeled); VF 331.2
Ear, (unlabeled); VF 331.1
Eye, (unlabeled); VF 351
Eye, normal anterior chamber angle, anatomic view, (unlabeled tactile labeled print) VF 351.10
Eye, normal anterior chamber angle, gonioscopic view, (unlabeled tactile labeled print); VF 351.11
Eye, astigmatism, (unlabeled); VF 351.1
Eye, close objects, (unlabeled); VF 351.3
Eye, cones and rods (unlabeled); VF 351.9
Eye, distant object, (unlabeled); VF 351.2
Eye, elementary, outline, (unlabeled); VF 351.4
Eye, farsightedness
Eye - five (5) diagrams showing normal eye, farsighted eye, farsighted eye
corrected with convex lens, nearsighted eye, nearsighted eye corrected
with concave lens, (unlabeled); VF 351.7
Eye, how protected, (unlabeled); VF 331.4
Eye, light rays shown, (labeled)
Eye, light rays passing through the eye into the optic nerve, (unlabeled);
VF 351.5
Eye, nearsightedness
Eye, outline; VF 332
Eye, rod cell of the human retina, outline, (unlabeled); VF 351.12
Eye - types of lenses: plane-convex, double convex, concave-convex, double
concave, plane-concave, convex-concave, (unlabeled); VF 351.6
Eye; view of an object; (unlabeled); VF 351.13
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Inter neuron; outline; (unlabeled); VF 306.12
Motoneuron; outline; (unlabeled); VF 306.10
Motor impulses: the path of the motor impulses from the left side of the brain to
the muscles on the right side of the brain (unlabeled); VF 315.8
Myelinated axon; frontal view; outline; (unlabeled); VF 307.3
Myelinated axon; transverse view; outline; (unlabeled); VF 307.2
Nerve Cell; VF 335
Nerve cells in the nose (unlabeled); VF 331.3
Nerve Fibre; VF 304
Nervous System, outline; (unlabelled); VF 316.3
Neuron; VF 306
Neuron; VF 306.2
Neuron, impulse travel, (unlabeled); VF 306.3
Neuron, (unlabeled); VF 306.1
Outline of Nerves, upper back and neck, (unlabeled); VF 316.1
Outline of Nerves; (unlabeled); VF 316.2
Reflex Arc; VF 727
Section of a Human Brain; VF 726
Sensory neuron; outline; (unlabeled); VF 306.11
Synapse; outline; (unlabeled); VF 307.1
The structure of a motor neuron (unlabeled); VF 315.9
The Synapse (unlabeled); VF 307.4
Transmission Stages of Neuron; VF 307
Outline; VF 328
Outline; VF 328.1
Anterior View; VF 303.1
Body cavities: VF 303.4
Lateral View; VF 303.2
Posterior View; VF 303.3
Outline of Systems & Related Parts; VF 303
Conception, (unlabelled); VF 731.28
Cells - sperm and egg, (unlabeled); VF 337.1
Chromosome Stability, (labelled); VF 731.34
Development of the Fetus; VF 731.4
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Development of the Fetus, (1-8 months), unlabeled, *(8 Braille Pages); VF
Embryo at 3 weeks, (unlabelled); VF 731.29
Fertilization to Birth, charts; VF 731.9
Fertilization, (unlabelled); VF 731.31
Fetal-Maternal exchange, (labelled); VF 731.33
Fetus at 4 months; VF 731.27
First trimester in utero development; (unlabeled); (4 brl. pages); VF 731.20
Formation of Fraternal Twins, (unlabelled); VF 731.32
Fraternal Twins; VF 731.8
Identical Twins; VF 731.7
Identical Twins in utero, (unlabeled); VF 731.35
Organs and related functions, MRDF: REPO1.BRL; VF 731.12
Prenatal Testing, MRDF: PRENATAL TESTING; VF 732.1
Sperm and ovum unite, (diagram); VF 731.17
Uterus containing the early embryo (shows the amnion, yolk sac, placenta and
uterine wall, unlabeled); VF 731.39
Birth control that works; MRDF: ayno.brf.meg.txt; VF 731.26
Outline; VF 731
Effect of hormones during stages of the menstrual cycle; (unlabeled)VF 731.40
Fertilization, outline, (unlabeled); VF 731.2
Front view, (unlabeled); VF 731.6
Human development from ovulation through implantation; (unlabeled)VF 732.2
Internal and external, in relation to body, (unlabeled); VF 731.10
Mammary glands (unlabeled); VF 731.38
Menstrual Cycle, diagram; VF 731.3
Menstrual cycle chart, (unlabeled); VF 731.14
Menstrual cycle chart on hormonal changes, (labeled); VF 731.15
Menstrual cycle chart, change in wall of uterus, (unlabeled); VF 731.16
Menstrual cycle; (labelled); VF 731.24
Menstruation; how the reproductive organs work during menstruation;
(unlabelled); in 4 parts; VF 731.25
Passage of the Egg and Developing Embryo Along the Oviduct to the Uterus;
VF 732
Reproductive organs; front view; (unlabelled); VF 731.22
The sequence of follicle development, ovulation and changes to the corpus
luteum and corpus albicans; (unlabeled); VF 731.21
Side view, (unlabeled); VF 731.5
Tubal Ligation, (unlabeled); VF 731.1
Vulva; (unlabelled); VF 731.23
Enlargement of the Seminiferous Tubules, (unlabeled); VF 730.2
Frontal view, (unlabeled); VF 730.3
Front view, (unlabeled); VF 729.3
Frontal view, (unlabelled); VF 729.5
Internal and external, in relation to body, (unlabeled); VF 731.11
Reproductive System, outline, (unlabeled); VF 729.2
Sagittal Section of Lower Part of Body, (labeled); VF 729
Sagittal Section also Showing Pathway for the Release of Sperm,
(unlabeled); VF 729.1
Section of the Testis, (labeled); VF 730
Section of the Testis, (unlabeled); VF 730.1
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Seminiferous tubule - cross-section; VF 731.18
Side view, (unlabeled); VF 729.4
Six stages in fertilization process, (unlabelled); (6 braille pages); VF 731.30
Sperm, (unlabeled); VF 730.4
Sperm; VF 337
Sperm - growth of; VF 731.19
Structure of Human Sperm Cell; VF 731.37
A section through the mouth and nose cavities (unlabeled); VF 356.19
Air Sac; VF 356.4
Air Sac; VF 717.01
Alveolar sac; (unlabeled); VF 356.12
Alveolus and Associated Capillaries; VF 356.5
Alveolus, cross-section, (unlabeled); VF 356.8
Alveolus, external view, (unlabeled); VF 356.7
Expiration; VF 356.3
Gas Exchange, keyed, (labeled)
Inspiration; VF 356.2
Lower Tract, (labeled); VF 718
Lower Tract, numerically keyed; VF 356.1
Lungs; (unlabeled); VF 356.13
Lungs, elementary, outline, (unlabeled); VF 356.9
Lungs, in relation to body; VF 356.11
Lungs and diaphragm - change on inhalation and exhalation; VF 717.02
Mucus membrane from Respiratory Tract, (unlabelled); VF 356.15
Respiratory System, outline, (unlabeled); VF 356
Respiratory System, outline, (unlabeled); VF 356.6
Respiratory System, outline (unlabled); VF 356.14
Right and Left Lung; VF 356.10
The epiglottis, Larynx and Trachea (unlabeled); VF 356.18
The mechanics of breathing, inspiration and expiration (unlabeled, 2 braille
pages); VF 356.16
The Trachea and Bronchial Tree (unlabeled); VF 356.17
Trachea, diagram 1, keyed, (labeled)
Trachea, diagram 2, keyed, (labeled)
Trachea, inside lining; VF 717.04
Trachea, outline; VF 717.03
Upper Tract, (labeled); VF 717
Upper Tract, (unlabeled); VF 324.11
Upper Tract, vocal cord vibrations; *MN* VF 717.1
Arm, Ball and Socket Joint; VF 309.2
Arm, front and back; VF 309
Arm, hinge joint; VF 309.1
Arm, pivot joint; (unlabeled); VF 309.5
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Chest, Sternum and Ribs, outline, (unlabeled); VF 313
Cross-section of bone growth; (unlabeled)VF 312.2
Cross-section of long bone; (unlabeled); VF 312.1
Cross-section of the spinal column; (unlabeled); VF 340.2
Foot, natural arch; VF 342
Foot, side view; VF 343
Foot, traverse arch; VF 311
Foot, viewed from above; VF 344
Growth of a bone (unlabeled); VF 344.3
Hand; VF 308
Hand, outline of bones, (unlabeled); VF 308.1
Joints of the foot (3 braille pages, unlabeled); VF 344.1
Knee; hinge joint; (unlabeled); VF 309.7
Knee joint, frontal view (unlabeled); VF 344.2
Leg; VF 309.3
Leg, in relation to body; VF 309.4
Longitudinal Section through a Bone; VF 312
Lower Limbs; VF 310
Outline of Bones, anterior view; VF 339
Outline of Bones, posterior view; VF 353
Pelvis and Spine; (unlabeled)VF 309.12
Pelvis; ball and socket joint; (unlabeled); VF 309.6
Posture; VF 314
Rib Cage; VF 350
Skeletal system, Frontal view, (unlabeled); VF 353.1
Skull, anterior view; VF 354
Skull, lateral view; VF 355
Spinal Column; VF 341.1
Spinal cord; portion of spinal cord showing 3 protective layers; VF 340.3
Spine, normal curve and spinal scoliosis; VF 341
Spine; outline; (unlabeled); VF 341.2
Tendons in the wrist (unlabeled); VF 309.9
Vertebrae; VF 340.1
Vertebrae - vertebral column; VF 340
Wrist, gliding joint (unlabelled); VF 309.8
Comet Hale-Bopp; VF 150.3
files: Halebopp.meg
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Aquarius, The Water Carrier; VF 151.4
Aquila, The Eagle; VF 142
Aries, The Ram; VF 151.1
Bootes, The Herdsman; VF 139
Cancer, The Crab; VF 137
Canis Major, The Big Dog; VF 147
Canis Minor, The Little Dog; VF 146
Capricorn, The Goat; VF 151.5
Cassiopeia - location: January, April, July, October; VF 144.1
Constellations; general information as well as descriptions of specific
constellations; MRDF: CONSTELL.BRF; VF 151.10
Corona, Northern Crown; VF 140
Cygnus, The Swan; VF 134
Gemini, The Twins; VF 135
Hercules; VF 133
Leo, The Lion; VF 145
Libra, The Scales; VF 151.3
Lyra, The Lyre; VF 143
North Polar; VF 131
Northern Cross; VF 136
Orion, The Hunter; VF 138
Pegasus, The Winged Horse; VF 148
Pisces, The Fish; VF 151
Sagittarius, The Archer; VF 151.6
Scorpius, The Scorpion; VF 141
Taurus, The Bull; VF 151.2
Virgo, The Maiden; VF 144
Outline, (unlabeled); VF 127.9
Cycle of Daytime and Nightime, VF 128.1
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Earth=s Axis (labelled), VF 128.2
Ptolemy=s Theory, (Unlabelled), VF 128.3
Revolution, (unlabeled); VF 554.4
Lunar; VF 130
Solar; VF 129
Solar Eclipse; VF 127.10
Solar Eclipses, (unlabelled); VF 127.53
Solar, lunar showing penumbra; *MN* VF 127.5
Solar, lunar showing penumbra with eclipses; VF 127.52
Solar and Lunar, showing shadow sides, keyed; VF 127.51
Spiral barred, spiral, elliptical, and irregular, outline; VF 149
Basic info, MRDF: (APPLE) SOLAR; VF 150.03
Crescent, with key; VF 127.3
General information; MRDF: Moonfact.wpd, Moonfact.brf, VF 127.54
Gibbous, with key; VF 127.2
Phase - full moon; VF 127.8
Phase - new moon; VF 127.7
Phases, (unlabeled); VF 127.21
Phases, unshaded, test item, (unlabeled); VF 127.1
Phases, shaded, with key, (labeled); VF 127.4
Phases of First Quarter and Third Quarter; VF 127.6
Phases and Revolution of the Moon, (unlabeled); VF 133.18
Phases of the moon, information, MRDF: (APPLE) SOLAR; VF 150.04
Rotation, diagram; VF 127
Inner planet info (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars), MRDF: (APPLE) SOLAR;
VF 150.05
Inner planets review, MRDF: (APPLE) SOLAR; VF 150.06
Outer planets info and review (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto),
Planets orbit around the sun, *(3 Braille Pages): VF 150.09
Info and review, MRDF: (APPLE) SOLAR; VF 150.08
Revolution and Rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Source: World GeographyVol. III, pp 31
Rotation showing sun’s rays June 21 and Dec. 21; (unlabeled); *2 Braille Pages;
VF 552.5
Background Material, MRDF: (APPLE) SOLAR 1; VF 150.02
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Cosmic collisions - excerpt from the "Astronomical Society of the Pacific";
Crossword puzzle review, MRDF: (APPLE) SOLAR 1; VF 150.01
Outline, (unlabeled); VF 150.1
Solar System
Solar System, outline, (unlabeled); VF 150
Components of a rocket (unlabeled); 128.5
Liquid fuelled rockets (labeled); VF 128.6
Multi-stage rockets (unlabeled); VF 128.7
Space Travel, outline; VF 128
Wind Tunnel testing of rockets (unlabeled); VF 128.8
Altair, within Aquila, (unlabeled); VF 133.9
Antares, within Scorpius, (unlabeled); VF 133.7
Big Dipper, (unlabeled); VF 132
Big Dipper, in different seasons, (unlabeled); VF 133.4
The Big Dipper within Ursa Major, (unlabeled); VF 132.3
Big Triangle, (unlabeled); VF 133.3
Binary Star System; VF 133.16
Bootes, Scorpius and Virgo, (unlabeled); VF 133.2
Canis Major, Orion and Taurus, (unlabeled); VF 132.2
Cepheus, Cassiopeia and Cygnus, (unlabeled); VF 132.6
Comparison of Star and Earth, size; VF 133.20
Comparison of Three (3) Stars, size; VF 133.19
Cygnus, Lyra and Aquila, (unlabeled); VF 132.9
Deneb, within Cygnus, (unlabeled); VF 133.8
Draco, (unlabeled); VF 132.5
Gemini and Auriga, (unlabeled); VF 132.8
Growth of a Star; VF 133.12
Leo, Canis Minor and Gemini, (unlabeled); VF 132.7
Neutron Star and Black Hole; VF 133.14
Neutron Star in Comparison to White Dwarf; VF 133.15
North Pole; VF 133.10
North Star, (unlabeled); VF 132.4
Northern Crown, (unlabeled); VF 133.1
Parallax Method of Star Measurements; *MN* VF 133.17
Pleiades and Hyades, (unlabeled); VF 132.1
Regulus, within Leo, (unlabeled); VF 133.5
South Pole; VF 133.11
Sundial, in 13 Parts, (unlabeled); VF 133.21
Vega, within Lyra, (unlabeled); VF 133.6
White Dwarf - Comparison of Size to the Sun; VF 133.13
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Carbohydrates, Monosaccharides: Structural Formula of Glucose, Mannose,
Galactose and Fructose
DNA Molecule; VF 544
Lipids - fat molecule, digestion
Proteins and Amino Acids: Formation of a Peptide Bond
Arterial System of a Foetal Pig; VF 585.1
Incision Lines made on a Pig, (unlabeled); VF 584
Structure of a Pig, (unlabeled); VF 585
Venous System of a Foetal Pig; VF 585.2
Diploid and Haploid Cells, (unlabelled); VF 346.18
Double Chromosome, (unlabelled); VF 346.16
The genetic code, File: genetic.brf VF 573
Auralia; life cycle (unlabelled); VF 584.1
Acetabularia: diagram; (unlabeled); VF 580.16
Animal Cell, main structures, (unlabeled); VF 579.1
Amoeba; VF 575
Amoeba's Digestion; VF 575.2
Amoeba's Reproduction, asexual; VF 575.1
Bacteria, basic shapes of bacterial cells and colonies - cocci, bacilli, and spirilla
Bacteria, structure of a generalized bacterial cell
Bacterial Cell (unlabeled) VF 580.9
Bacterium, outline, (unlabeled); VF 575.10
Binary Fission; as a method of asexual reproduction by bacteria; (unlabeled);
VF 580.18
Binary Fission in Bacteria; VF 582.3
Brewer's yeast; asexual reproduction by budding; (unlabeled); VF 580.5
Chlamydomonas, life cycle; (unlabelled); VF 575.7
Chlamydomonas, structure; (unlabelled); VF 575.6
Chilomonas, (unlabeled); VF 580.12
Colopoda, (unlabeled); VF 580.11
Conjugation in Bacteria, (unlabelled); *2 Braille Pages; VF 580.15
Conjugation in Spirogyra, (unlabelled); *2 Braille Pages; VF 580.15
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Ciliate; VF 574
Flagellates, enlargement of euglena and trachelomonas species
Flagellates, An Euglena; VF 576
Flagellates, general characteristics; VF 577
Fucus (multicelluilar algae) (unlabeled); VF 581.5
Fungi, life cycle of a mushroom
Fungi, sexual reproduction in bread mould
Fungi, structure of a mushroom, basidiocarp, keyed, (labeled)
Fungi, structure of bread mould
Fungi, structure of the gills of a mushroom (magnified section of a gill and section through a
single gill)
Generalized Animal Cell, (labeled print, unlabeled tactile); VF 579
Generalized Plant Cell, (labeled print, unlabeled tactile); VF 578
How bacteria multiply, outline (unlabeled); VF 580.13
Hydra: diagram; (unlabeled); VF 580.17
Hydra, outline; (unlabelled); VF 575.8
Invertebrates Commonly Found in Pond Water - hydra, daphnia, rotifers,
macrothrix, cyclops, diaptomus, (labeled print, unlabeled tactiles); VF 583
Mitosis and cell division in an amoeba; (unlabeled, 5 pages)VF 575.11
Monas, (unlabeled); VF 580.10
Monera Kingdom (general structure & representative organisms; prokaryotes,
bacteria, blue-green algae) (unlabeled); VF 583.2
Multicellular Algae Commonly Found in Pond Water - oscillatoria, spirogyra,
zygnema, pediastrum, pandorina, scenedesmus, cladophora,
hydrodictyon, anabaena, (labeled print, unlabeled tactiles); VF 581
Mushroom; (unlabeled); VF 580.4
Nereocystis (multicellular algae) (unlabeled); VF 581.5
Paramecium, enlargement of pellicle showing cilium and trichocyst
Paramecium, outline, (labeled)
Paramecium, outline, (unlabeled); VF 582.1
Paramecium, two (2) types of reproduction, (unlabeled); VF 582.2
Protist Kingdom (general structure & representative organisms;eukaryotes,
algae, protozoa, slime mold) (unlabeled); VF 583.3
Protozoans Commonly Found in Pond Water - amoeba, difflugia,
actinosphaerium, stylonychia, vorticella, paramecium, stentor,
euplotes, colpidium, spirostomum, (labeled print, unlabeled tactiles);
VF 582
MICRO -ORGANISMS (continued)
Rhizopus; outline; (unlabeled); VF 580.6
Rhizopus; stages of sexual reproduction; (unlabeled); VF 580.3
Slime molds; (unlabeled); VF 580.2
Sponge, outline; (unlabelled); VF 575.9
Sponge section showing direction of water flow (unlabeled); VF 582.7
Sponge Structure (unlabeled); VF 582.6
Stentor (unlabeled); VF 582.4
Trypanosoma (unlabeled); VF 582.5
Ulva (multicellular algae) (unlabeled); VF 581.3
Unicellular Algae Commonly Found in Pond Water - closterium, euastrum,
pinnularia, diatoma, micrasterias, staurastrum, navicula, cyclotella,
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euglena, chlamydomonas, chroococcus, chlorella, (labeled print,
unlabeled tactiles); VF 580
Virus, basic parts
Virus, the cycle of a virulent phage
Viruses. (unlabelled); VF 579.2
Yeast Cell, (unlabeled); VF 580.8
Yeast; life cycle; (unlabeled); VF 580.1
Blastula, (unlabelled); *2 Braille Pages; VF 587.12
Bird's Respiratory System - lungs, keyed, (labeled)
Circulatory Systems: Comparison of Earthworm, Fish, Amphibian and
Mammalian; VF 587.6
A Comparison of the Structure of the Heart of Five Classes of Vertebrates - fish,
amphibians, reptile, bird, and mammal
Cross-section of a Chicken Egg, keyed, (labeled)
Digestive System of a Chicken, keyed, (labeled)
Earthworm, ventral view of anterior end showing external features of the
reproductive system
Earthworm's Circulatory System, (labeled)
Earthworm's Circulatory System; VF 587
Earthworm's Digestive System; VF 587.3
Earthworm's Excretory System; VF 587.1
Earthworm's Nervous System; VF 587.8
Earthworm's Nervous System, detailed; VF 587.81
Earthworm's Reproductive System; VF 587.82
Fish; 3 stages of development, (unlabeled); *3 Braille Pages; VF 587.10
Fish's Respiratory System - gills, keyed, (labeled)
Formation of the Neural Tube; (unlabelled); *2 Braille Pages; VF 587.14
Frog; how a frog grows; (uncontracted braille - labeled); (6 brl. pages); VF 586.8
Frog - outline; VF 587.01
Frog's Circulatory System; VF 587.5
Frog's Digestive System; VF 587.4
Frog's Digestive System, features of the mouth, (unlabeled); VF 586.4
Frog's External Features, (unlabeled); VF 586.3
Frog's Internal Organs, (unlabeled); VF 586.5
Frog's Nervous System; VF 587.9
Frog's Nervous System - brain, (unlabeled); VF 586.1
Frog's Nervous System - eye, (unlabeled); VF 586.2
Frog's Reproductive System - female, (unlabeled); VF 586.6
Frog's Reproductive System - male, (unlabeled); VF 586.7
Frog's Respiratory System - lungs, keyed, (labeled)
Frog's Respiratory System - method of breathing; VF 587.02
Frog's Skeletal System; VF 587.03
Frog: Urinogenital System of the Frog, keyed, (labeled)
a) ventral view of female frog
b) ventral view of male frog
Gastrulation, (unlabelled); *2 Braille Pages; VF 587.12
Grasshopper, outline, (unlabeled); VF 586
Grasshopper, spiracles; *MN* VF 587.7
Grasshopper's circulatory system, (labeled)
Browsing File Contents
Page 41
Hydra, ingestion
Incomplete metamorphosis: egg, nymph & adult (of a beetle/bug); (unlabeled);
VF 586.10
Life Cycle of a sea anemone; (unlabeled); VF 587.15
Metamorphosis of caterpillar to butterfly; (unlabeled 6 pages)VF 586.9
Pig; 3 stages of development, (unlabeled); *3 Braille Pages; VF 587.11
Planaria, excretory system; VF 587.2
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 1-2
VF 583.1
Kingdom Protista
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 3-4
VF 583.11
Kingdom Protista
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 5-6
VF 583.12
Kingdom Plantae
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 7-8
VF 583.13
Kingdom Plantae
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 9-10
VF 583.14
Kingdom Animalia
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 11-12
VF 583.15
Kingdom Animalia
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 13-14
VF 583.16
Kingdom Animalia
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 15-16
VF 583.17
Kingdom Animalia
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 17-18
VF 583.18
Browsing File Contents
Page 42
Kingdom Animalia
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 19-20
VF 583.19
Kingdom Animalia
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 21-22
VF 583.21
Kingdom Animalia
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 23-24
VF 583.22
Kingdom Animalia
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 25-26
VF 583.23
Kingdom Animalia
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 27-28
VF 583.24
Kingdom Animalia
Source: Addison Wesley 1984 pp 29-30
VF 583.25
Marchantia, a liverwort (unlabelled); VF 258
How a Pollen Grain Fertilizes an Egg; VF 257
Cross-section of a Leaf, (unlabeled); VF 251.4
Leaf Stoma and Guard Cells, (labeled)
Location of Veins; VF 254
Outline; VF 251
Outline, (unlabeled); VF 251.1
Outline of Leaves, six (6) types
Outline of Palmately Compound Leaves - horse chestnut and virginia creeper
Outline of Pinnately Compound Leaves - walnut and ash
Outline of Simple Leaves - maple, oak, beech
Parallel veins (wheat, unlabeled); VF 254.1
Parts of a Compound Leaf, (labeled)
Parts of a Simple Leaf, (labeled)
Placement; VF 253
Browsing File Contents
Page 43
Shape; VF 252
Stoma, closed; (unlabelled); VF 251.3
Stoma, open; (unlabelled); VF 251.2
Cellular Respiration; VF 255.06
Chlorophyll: Absorption & Action Spectra (Graphs); VF 255.02
The Energy Cycle, outline (unlabeled); VF 255.03
The Energy Cycle, (labelled); VF 255.04
Light-Dependent Stage (Light Reactions), diagram; VF 255.01
Outline, with key page, (labeled); VF 255
Photosynthesis, * 3 Braille Pages, (labeled), uncontracted; VF 255.07
Photosynthesis in a Chloroplast, (unlabeled); VF 255.08
Photosynthesis in a green plant, (unlabelled); VF255.05
Respiration in Plants.*(2 Braille Pages); VF 257.5
Angiosperm: life cycle (flowers, etc)(unlabeled); VF 256.39
Bean Seedling, (unlabeled); VF 256.10
Bean Seedling, outline, (unlabeled); VF 256.19
Bulb Plant, keyed, (labeled); VF 256.3
Bulb; outline; (unlabelled); VF 256.17
Bulbs, keyed, (labeled); VF 256.2
Buttercup (Ranunculus) Root; cross section (unlabelled); VF 257.6
Carrots; (unlabeled); VF 256.12
Corn seedlings, outline, (unlabeled); VF 256.18
Cross section of root tip, (Unlabeled); VF 257.8
Dicot Root, cross-section, (labeled)
Embryos of a Bean Seed and a Corn Fruit, keyed, (labeled)
External structure of Dormant Woody Dicot Stem, (unlabelled); VF 256.29
External structure of Dormant Woody Dicot Stem, (unlabelled); VF 256.44
Ferns: Life Cycle (unlabelled); VF 256.35
Flower; outline; (unlabelled); VF 256.15
Growth, stages of plant; VF 256.01
Gymnosperm: Life Cycle (unlabelled); VF 256.32
Herbaceous Dicot Stem, cross-section, (labeled)
Life cycle of a fern, (unlabeled); VF 256.17
Monocot Root, cross-section, (labeled)
Monocot Stem, corn, cross-section, (labeled)
Mosses: Life Cycle (unlabelled); VF 256.33
Mosses: Life Cycle (unlabelled); VF 256.40
Parts of a Fern
Parts of a Flower, keyed, (labeled)
Parts of a Plant, keyed, (labeled); VF 256.1
Peanut plant; (unlabeled); VF 256.13
Phloem, Structure, (unlabelled); VF 256.26
Pistil and Ovule: diagram, (unlabeled); VF 256.42
Pitil and Ovule: fertilization of a flower, (unlabeled); VF 256.41
Plant; outline; (unlabeled); VF 256.14
Pollen grain, outline, (unlabeled); VF 256.21
Pollination and Fertilization; (in 6 parts); (labelled); VF 256.16
Potato; life cycle, *5 Braille Pages; VF 256.22
Reproduction of Flowering Plant; VF 256
Reproduction by Grafting, (unlabeled); VF 256.9
Reproduction by Layering, (unlabeled); VF 256.8
Browsing File Contents
Page 44
Reproduction by Rhizomes, (unlabeled); VF 256.7
Reproduction by Runners, (unlabeled); VF 256.6
Root; cross-section; (labelled); VF 257.2
Root system underground; (in 2 parts); labelled; VF 257.1
Root tip, (unlabelled); VF 256.27
Root Tip, longitudinal section, (labeled)
Section of a Fern Sorus
Seed evolution; VF 257.4
Stamen, outline, (unlabeled); VF 256.20
Stem Cutting, keyed, (labeled); VF 256.5
Stem tip, longitudinal section, (unlabelled0; VF 256.28
Storage of Food in plants, (unlabelled); VF 257.3
Ulva: Life Cycle (labelled); VF 256.34
Taproots - dandelions and carrots, keyed, (labeled)
Taproots and Fibrous roots (unlabelled); VF 257.7
Terminal Bud, longitudinal section, (unlabelled); VF 256.30
Tree Stem; 2 years old; VF 256.23
Tree Stem; 3 years old; VF 256.24
Tubers, keyed, (labeled), VF 256.4
Whole plant with roots in nutrient-filled soil (unlabeled); VF 256.43
Woody Dicot Stem, Annual rings, (unlabelled); VF 256.31
Xylem Structure, (unlabelled); VF 256.25
Atoms, outline, (unlabeled); VF 542
Atoms: Emphasis on components, (labeled); VF 542.5
Hydrogen atom, (unlabelled); VF 542.2
Names, formulas and charges to some common ions; VF 542.4 *file: ions.brf
Uranium atom, (unlabelled); VF 542.3
Ammonia. VF 541.60
Chlorine gas, (C/2); VF 541.63
Covalent Bonding, diagram; VF 541.32
Electron sharing; (labelled); VF 541.53
Hydrogen Fluoride; VF 541.62
Ionic Bonding, diagram; VF 541.31
Ionic Bonding of Potassium and Fluoride; VF 541.64
Ionic Bonding of Sodium and Chlorine; *3 Braille Pages; VF 541.66
Ionic Bonding of Lithium and Oxygen. VF 541.65
Methane; VF 541.59
Sodium Chloride, diagram; VF 541.34
Water; VF 541.61
Water, diagram; VF 541.33
Carbon-14 dating method; outline; (labeled); (2 brl. pages); VF 541.28
Browsing File Contents
Page 45
Argon; VF 541.56
Arrangement around nucleus; VF 541.39
Calcium, diagram; VF 541.38
Carbon, diagram; VF 541.35
Chlorine; VF 541.55
Fluorine; VF 541.54
Helium; VF 541.58
Magnesium; VF 541.50
Neon; VF 541.57
Oxygen; VF 541.52
Oxygen, diagram; VF 541.36
Sodium, diagram; VF 541.37
Sulphur; VF 541.51
Molecular Theory, (labeled); VF 542.1
Particle Movement; (unlabeled)VF 542.5
States - changes of, keyed, (labeled)
States - particles and space, (labeled)
States - water as solid, liquid and gaseous, (labeled)
Why does food smell rotten when it goes bad? (contracted br1)
MRDF: ROTTEN.brf; VF 775
Atomic Numbers, Numerically Listed with Name, Symbol and Atomic Weight,
MRDF: MB P-2; VF 541.21
Chemical Names, Alphabetically Listed with Symbol and Atomic Number,
MRDF: MB P-3; VF 541.22
Electron Configuration, Numerically Listed by Atomic Number giving Symbol
and Electron Configuration, MRDF: MB P-7; VF 541.23
Fluoride; periodic table information; VF 541.68
Ions - Complex (table of), MRDF: PERCOMP; VF 541.17
Ionic Charge (placement on periodic table), MRDF: PERIONS;
VF 541.16
Ionic Charge (with atomic number and charge), MRDF: PERIONS;
VF 541.15
Magnesium; periodic table information; VF 541.67
Periodic Table, (See Transcriber's Notes Attached), MRDF: PERIODIC;
P-* MB; VF 541.2
Periodic Table, (See Notes Attached), MRDF: APPLE DISK; VF 541.3
Table, Atomic Numbers, MRDF: MB P1-B; VF 541.12
Periodic Table, Covalent Radii, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES,
12-4; VF 541.26
Periodic Table, Diagonal Rule, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES,
8-17, (accompanying master); VF 541.27
Periodic Table, Electronegativities, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES,
Table 12-2; VF 541.25
Periodic Table, Group Names -- Placement on table, MRDF: MB P-1C;
VF 541.13
Periodic Table, key to print labels; VF 541.14
Periodic Table, outline, (unlabeled), MRDF: MB P-1; VF 541.1
Periodic Table, Symbols, MRDF: MB P-1A; VF 541.11
Periodic Table, tactile outline, (unlabeled); VF 541
Browsing File Contents
Page 46
Table of Properties of the Elements, MRDF: MB P-8; VF 541.24
Acids and Bases, Relative Strengths, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES
(Table 24-6); VF 541.47
Acids and Bases, Conjugate, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES
(Table 24-1); VF 541.48
Bonds, Experimental Bond Lengths, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES
(Table 12-5); VF 541.41
Charges, Polyatomic Ions, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES,
(Table 4-4); VF 541.49
Electron Placement Table, diagram; VF 541.4
Ionization Constants, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES (Table A-9);
VF 541.44
Oxidation Reactions, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES (Table 26-2);
VF 541.46
Reaction Types, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES (Table 26-1);
VF 541.45
Symbols and Abbreviations, MRDF: APPLE, CHEMISTRY TABLES
(Table A-2); VF 541.42
Table of constants; relative strengths for selected acids (at 25(C);
MRDF: 543.BRF; VF 543
Thermodynamic Properties (at standard states), MRDF: APPLE,
CHEMISTRY TABLES (Table A-6); VF 541.43
Unit III, Density
Four (4) braille pages
VF 511.2
Unit VI, Section 6-2
Two (2) braille pages
VF 513
Unit VI
Two (2) braille pages
VF 513.2
Unit VI, Water Test
Six (6) braille pages
VF 513.4
Unit VII, Investigation
Four (4) braille pages
VF 514.1
Unit VII, Elements and symbols
Three (3) braille pages
Browsing File Contents
Page 47
VF 514.2
Unit VII, Sample results
Two (2) braille pages
VF 514.4
Unit VII, Table of Combining Powers
Fig. 7-2
Four (4) braille pages
VF 514.6
Unit VII, Combining Powers
Two (2) braille pages
VF 514.7
Unit VIII, Table 49
Ten (10) braille pages
VF 515.1
Unit XII, Investigation
Twelve (12) braille pages
MRDF: SCI 12-1
VF 519.2
Unit II
Note: miscellaneous print and braille, master not
available on disk
VF 520.1
How to focus compound microscope
VF 522.1
Using the compound microscope
VF 522.2
Compound Microscope
labeled parts
VF 522.3
Inclined plane; VF 520.01
Inclined plane, with force; VF 520.02
Inclined plane, motion on; VF 520.03
Browsing File Contents
Page 48
Multiple Pulley Systems; VF 520.08
Multiple Pulley Systems, (unlabelled); VF 520.09
Pulley System, ranging from simple to complex
(8 pages, 8 examples); VF 520.11
Single fixed pulley; VF 520.04
Single moveable pulley; VF 520.05
Using Pulleys to lift loads; VF 520.06
Wheel and axle; VF 520.07
Light Reflected off a smooth surface/rough surface, *(2 Braille Pages);
VF 520.10
Frogs; general information; (research project); uncontracted, double-spaced;
Animal Feet; (unlabelled) (5 braille pages); VF 211.8
Bear; outline; (unlabeled); VF 211
Bear; paw; outline; (unlabeled); VF 211.1
Bears; facts about bears; excerpt from "The Junior Encyclopedia of Canada";
Beaver; general information; (excerpt fromt Animal World);
MRDF: beaver.brf.meg.txt; VF 210.12
Bison: VF 211.15
Bison, outline; VF211.7
Carnivore; skull; outline (unlabeled); VF 210.11
Cheetah, excerpt from "Cats", MRDF: CHEE2.BRF; VF 209.3
Cheetah, excerpt from "The World Book Encyclopedia",
Cheetah, outline, (unlabeled); VF 209.1
Chipmunk, outline; VF 211.10
Elephant, general information; VF 211.12
files: Elephant.meg
Grizzlies: Homeless on the range: Grizzlies struggle for elbow room
and survival in Banff National Park, article from Canadian Geographic
(Jan-Feb 1997); VF 211.13
files: grizzly. brf
grizzly. txt
Horse, hoof, (unlabeled); VF 208.2
Horse, keyed, (labeled); VF 208.1
Horse, outline; VF 208
Horses; facts about thoroughbreds; MRDF: HORSES; VF 211.6
Parts of a Horse
Platypus, (unlabeled); VF 211.14
Sheep; skill; outline (unlabeled); VF 210.10
Squirrel, outline; VF 211.9
Wolf; outline; (unlabeled); VF 211.2
Wolf; paw; outline; (unlabeled); VF 211.3
Browsing File Contents
Page 49
Wolves; facts about wolves; excerpt from "The Junior Encyclopedia of Canada:;
Wolves; facts about wolves; excerpt from AThe Junior Encyclopedia of
Canada@ (uncontracted braille); VF 211.11
files: Wolves.brf Wolves.meg Wolves. wpd
Spider, outline; VF 207
Spider; outline; (unlabeled); VF 207.1
Bird, outline, (unlabeled); VF 201.7
Canada geese; general information; (contracted brl.); MRDF: 201-1.brf; VF 201.1
Duck, outline; VF 201.5
Eagle, outline; VF 201.4
Egg; interior view, (unlabeled); VF 201.6
Geese; general information; MRDF: geese.brf.meg.txt; VF 201.3
Respiratory System of the Bird; VF 201.8
Stages in the development of a bird's egg (6 tactile pages & 2 braille
pages); VF 201.2 and MRDF: BIRDEGG.brf
Welcome to the Raptor Center (general information about various birds);
VF 201.9 *file: birdsrap.meg
Lobster, (unlabeled); VF 203.2
DINOSAURS - (approx. length & size in relation to man)
Apatosaurus, outline; VF 210.1
Brachiosaurus, outline; VF 210.2
Diplodocus, outline; VF 210.3
Edmontosaurus, outline; VF 210.4
Mussaurus, outline; VF 210.5
Protoceratops, outline; VF 210.6
Stegosaurus, outline; VF 210.7
Triceratops, outline; VF 210.9
Tyrannosaurus, outline; VF 210.8
Internal Structure of a Lancelet; VF 203.3
Salmon, (unlabeled); VF 203.1
Snail, showing the basic parts of a mollusk (unlabeled); VF 205.2
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Page 50
Dragonfly, outline; VF 202.1
Flea; VF 202.3
Insect, outline, (unlabeled); VF 202.2
Bat wing; skeletal structure (unlabeled); VF 204.1
Whale flipper; skeletal structure (unlabeled); VF 204.2
Alligator; skeletal system; (unlabeled); VF 206.1
Alligator's egg showing the developing embryo; (unlabeled); VF 206.2
Alligator, outline; VF 206.3
Snake; VF 202.4
Thermometer, (unlabeled); VF 501.1
Edward Schreyer; (contracted brl.); MRDF: Edsch.brf; VF 563
What is a castle: (general information): file: castles1.brf
Castles (general information): file: castles2.brf
“ Making a promise” (Martin Luther King Jr.) File: MLKING.brf; VF 564
“ I will not give up my seat” , the story of Rosa Parks. File: MLKING.brf; VF 564.1
Browsing File Contents
Page 51
“ Keeping the dream alive” , Biography of Martin Luther King Jr. File: MLKING.brf;
VF 564.3
“ Young Hattie” , The story of Harriet Tubman. File: MLKING.brf ;VF 564.2
The underground Railroad. File: MLKING.brf ; VF 564.4
Pygmies, general information; VF 555.9
files: pygmies.meg
South Africa, excerpt from "The World Book Encyclopedia", MRDF:
Zaire, Module 2 from Correspondence Branch Social Studies IV, MRDF:
ZAIRE.BRF, (accompanying master); *MN* VF 555.4
Flag; VF 929.912
The Arctic; general information; (contracted); MRDF: arctic-c.brf; VF 562
The Arctic; general information; (uncontracted); MRDF: arctic-u.brf;
Flag; VF 929.917
Flag; VF 929.918
Alberta - The Arms of Alberta; MRDF: ALBERTA-ARMS; VF 929.79
Alberta - Banff National Park; MRDF: ALBERTA-BANFF; VF 929.84
Alberta - Cattle Ranching in Alberta; MRDF: ALBERTA-CATTLE; VF 929.72
Alberta - The Climate of Alberta; MRDF: ALBERTA-CLIMATE; VF 929.71
Alberta - Crossword; MRDF: ALBERTA-CROSSWORD; VF 929.80
Alberta - Drilling for Oil; MRDF: ALBERTA-DRILLING; VF 929.76
Alberta - Edmonton; MRDF: ALBERTA-EDMONTON; VF 929.82
Alberta - Farming in Alberta; MRDF: ALBERTA-FARMING; VF 929.73
Alberta, flag; VF 929.21
Alberta - Fossils from the Badlands; MRDF: ALBERTA-FOSSILS; VF 929.78
Alberta - How Oil Was Formed; MRDF: ALBERTA-OIL; VF 929.75
Alberta - Introducing Alberta; MRDF: ALBERTA; *MN: Tactile map VF 901.2
must be retrieved and modified as indicated on print; VF 929.70
Alberta - The Land; MRDF: ALBERTA-LAND; VF 929.74
Alberta - River Systems of Alberta; MRDF: ALBERTA-RIVERS; VF 929.77
Alberta - Urban Riddles and Puzzles; MRDF: ALBERTA-URBAN; VF 929.83
Alberta - Word Graph; MRDF: OIL-WORD GRAPH; VF 929.81
Browsing File Contents
Page 52
Alberta - Word Search; MRDF: ALBERTA-WORD SEARCH; VF 929.85
The Atlantic Provinces; MRDF: ATLANTIC; *MN: Tactile map VF 839 must
be retrieved and modified as indicated on print; VF 929.62
British Columbia, flag; VF 929.919
British Columbia Information; VF 930
Climatic Graphs and Map; VF 851
Comparison Graph of Size; VF 850
Flag; VF 929.9
Manitoba - Animal Habits; MRDF: MAN-ANIMAL; *MN: Tactile map VF 904
must be retrieved and modified as indicated on print; VF 929.32
Manitoba - The Bison; MRDF: MAN-BISON; VF 929.33
Manitoba - Bison Word Search; MRDF: BISON WORD SEARCH; VF 929.46
Manitoba - The Climate of Manitoba; MRDF: MAN-CLIMATE; *MN: Tactile
map VF 904.1 must be retrieved and modified as indicated on print;
VF 929.31
Manitoba - Crossword; MRDF: MAN-CROSSWORD; VF 929.43
Manitoba Emblem; VF 929.930
Manitoba, factual information; VF 929.86
files: Manitoba.brf
Manitoba - Lake Agassiz; MRDF: MAN-AGASSIZ; VF 929.37
Manitoba - The Land; MRDF: MAN-LAND; VF 929.36
Manitoba - Mining Nickel; MRDF: MAN-MINING; VF 929.42
Manitoba - The Port of Churchill; MRDF: MAN-CHURCHILL; VF 929.38
Manitoba - Puzzling Places; MRDF: MAN-PUZZLING; VF 929.41
Manitoba - The Railways; MRDF: MAN-RAILWAYS; VF 929.40
Manitoba - Wapusk National Park; VF 929.87
files: Natpark.brf
Manitoba - Winnipeg; MRDF: MAN-WINNIPEG; VF 929.39
Manitoba - Word Search; MRDF: MAN- WORD SEARCH; VF 929.35
New Brunswick, flag; VF 929.22
New Brunswick - Introducing New Brunswick; MRDF: NEW BRUNSWICK;
VF 929.57
New Brunswick - Making Pulp and Paper; MRDF: NB-PULP; VF 929.58
Newfoundland - Cod Fishing; MRDF: NFL-COD; VF 929.60
Newfoundland, flag; VF 929.23
Newfoundland - The Grand Banks; MRDF: GRAND BANKS; VF 929.61
Newfoundland - Introducing Newfoundland; MRDF: NEWFOUNDLAND;
VF 929.59
Northwest Territories, flag; VF 929.24
Nova Scotia - Apple Growing in the Annapolis Valley; MRDF: NS-APPLE;
VF 929.68
Nova Scotia - Dairy Farming; MRDF: NS-DAIRY; VF 929.69
Nova Scotia - Fishing; MRDF: NS-FISHING; VF 929.65
Nova Scotia, flag; VF 929.25
Nova Scotia - Introducing Nova Scotia; MRDF: NOVA SCOTIA; VF 929.63
Nova Scotia - Louisbourg; MRDF: NS-LOUSIBOURG; VF 929.67
Nova Scotia - Where the People Live; MRDF: NS-PEOPLE; VF 929.64
Nova Scotia - Word Search; MRDF: NS-WORD SEARCH; VF 929.66
Browsing File Contents
Page 53
Ontario, flag; VF 929.26
Prince Edward Island, flag; VF 929.27
Prince Edward Island Information, MRDF: PRINCE EDWARD; VF 850.1
Quebec, flag; VF 929.92
Quebec: After the Deluge; the Sagueney Flood of 1997; VF 929.99
files: flood. brf
Saskatchewan - The Climate of Saskatchewan; MRDF: SASK-CLIMATE;
VF 929.47
Saskatchewan - Crossword; MRDF: SASK-CROSSWORD; VF 929.54
Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan Coat of Arms; MRDF: SASK-ARMS; VF 929.52
Saskatchewan, flag; VF 929.28
Saskatchewan - The Grain Elevator; MRDF: SASK-GRAIN; VF 929.49
Saskatchewan - Introducing Saskatchewan; MRDF: SASK-INTRO; *MN Tactile
map VF 902 must be retrieved and modified as shown in print; VF 929.56
Saskatchewan - Mining Potash; MRDF: SASK-MINING; VF 929.50
Saskatchewan - Northern Saskatchewan; MRDF: SASK-NORTHERN; VF 929.48
Saskatchewan - Regina: The Queen City; MRDF: SASK-REGINA; VF 929.51
Saskatchewan - Urban Puzzles & Riddles; MRDF: SASK-URBAN; VF 929.53
Saskatchewan - Word Search; MRDF: SASK-WORD SEARCH; VF 929.55
Winnipeg - Facts; information on Winnipeg; MRDF: Winnipeg; VF 932
Yukon, flag; VF 929.29
Yukon and North West Territories., files: Yuko.brf; VF 930.3
Ancient History, Files: chinahis.brf, chinahis.meg, chinahis.txt. VF 710.1
Constitution of the Communist Party, 1969; VF 707
Economic Reform; VF 706
Education; VF 709
Flag; VF 929.96
History - Manifesto of the Tung-meng Hui; VF 710
History: War Lords; VF 708
Egypt; general information; (in one volume); MRDF: egypt;
*MN* Master tactiles & modified instructions to accompany the braille text
can be retrieved from master tactile collection - VF 706.1; VF 706.1
Flag; VF 929.94
Minifacts, MRDF; VF 705
Flag; VF 929.916
Browsing File Contents
Page 54
Flag; VF 929.95
History of India; file: India.wpg ; VF 929.922
Flag; VF 929.915
Flag; VF 929.97
Japan, Module 4 from Correspondence Branch Social Studies IV, MRDF:
JAPAN.BRF, (accompanying master); *MN* VF 555.5
Cozumel (general information); VF 925.5 *file: cozumel.wpd
Flag of Mexico; VF 925.921
The Netherlands; general information; (in one volume); MRDF: nether;
*MN* Master tactiles & modified instructions to accompany the braille
retrieved from master tactile collection - VF 706.2;
Flag; VF 929.913
Flag; VF 929.98
COUNTRIES (continued)
Flag; VF 929.911
Switzerland, Module 3 from Correspondence Branch Social Studies IV,
MRDF: SWITZ1-4.BRF, (accompanying master); *MN* VF 555.6
Flag; VF 929.910
Flag; VF 929.93
text can be
Browsing File Contents
Page 55
Venezuela, general information; VF 930.2
files: Venezuel.meg
Vietnam, MRDF: VIET.BRF; VF 929.920
Flag; VF 929.914
Zaire, general information; VF 930.1
files: Zaire.brf
A brine shrimp ecosystem; outline; (unlabeled); VF 161.1
A sow bug ecosystem; outline; (unlabeled); VF 161
Plant and Animal ecosystem: simple (2 labeled braille pages) VF 161.2
Earth Summit, The Fate of the Earth; MRDF: EARSUM; VF 160.33
The Greenhouse Effect, (unlabelled); (2 braille pages); VF 160.34
The Greenhouse Effect, (unlabeled); VF 160.35
Mercury Contaminated English-Wabigoon River System
Water pollution; the cycle of water pollution; (unlabeled); VF 164
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What is Electricity? VF 162.7
files: electric.meg
A complete circuit; outline; (unlabeled); VF 162.1
An incomplete circuit; outline; (unlabeled); VF 162.2
Conductivity: apparatus for testing (labeled, 2 braille pages) VF 162.21
Conductors & Insulators (activity: experiment) (labeled); VF 162.17
Conductors & Insulators (activity: experiment) (labeled); VF 162.18
Lamps in a series circuit; outline; (unlabeled); VF 162.3
Lamps in a parallel circuit; outline; (unlabeled); VF 162.4
Parallel circuits: instructions to label parts (unlabeled); VF 162.12
Parallel circuits: set-up (unlabeled); VF162.13
Series circuits: instructions to label parts (unlabeled); VF 162.15
Series circuits: set-up (unlabeled); VF162.14
Series circuit with switch (labelled); VF 162.16
Series & Parallel Circuits (activities)(6 braille pages)(labeled); VF 162.11
Short Circuits (activity: experiment); (labeled); VF 162.19
Fossil fuel thermal power plant; (unlabelled); VF 166
Geothermal power plant; (unlabelled); VF 166.3
Hydroelectric Power Plant; (unlabelled); VF162.6
How a hydroelectric generator produces electric current; (unlabelled);
VF 162.5
How a turbine works; (unlabeled); VF 162
Magnetic field; lines of force: attraction and repulsion; (labeled); (3 brl. pages);
VF 163
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Dry cell battery; outline; (unlabeled); VF 165
Generator; outline; (unlabeled); VF 165.2
Wet cell battery; outline; (unlabeled); VF 165.1
Windmill; outline; (unlabeled); VF 165.3
How an internal combustion engine works, (unlabelled); (3 braille pages);
VF 166.6
Wavelength, (unlabelled); VF 166.6
Comparison of Coal and Uranium as Energy Resource, (unlabelled);
(2 braille pages); VF 166.4
Nuclear fusion reactor, (unlabelled); VF 166.2
Uranium - fueled nuclear power plant, (unlabelled); VF 166.1
Solar energy as a resource; (unlabelled); VF 166.5
Solar heating system, (unlabelled); VF 165.7
Crop Variety Zones in Manitoba
FRED - The Fund for Rural Economic Development
Grain elevator; how it operates; outline; (unlabeled); VF 558
Grain Terminal Locations and Transportation Routes in North America
Localized Agriculture in Southern Ontario
Pyramids, outline, (labeled); VF 557
Pyramids in Egypt, excerpt from the New Standard Encyclopedia, Vol. XI,
Air Currents, January and June, (labeled); VF 551.3
Air Mass Source Areas and General Movement
Air Masses, pressure belts in Central America
Atmospheric Pressure System
Climatic Graph, (labelled); VF 552.9
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Clouds - Cumulus, Stratus, Cirrus and Nimbus, (unlabeled); VF 551.7
Cold Front, (unlabelled); VF 552.7
Convectional Precipitation
Cyclonic Precipitation, cross-section of a cold front
Cyclonic Precipitation, cross-section of a warm front
Earth's Tilt in Northern and Southern Hemisphere
Frost-Free Periods
Global Air Pressure Systems and Prevailing Winds
Hurricane Tracks -- Anita (1977) and Allen (1980)
Hydrological Cycle, (labeled); VF 551.5
Hydrological Cycle, (unlabeled); VF 551.6
Land and Water Surfaces
Land and Sea Breezes, day time, (labeled); VF 551.1
Land and Sea Breezes, night time, (labeled); VF 551.2
Wind and effects of wind with key, (3 pages, labeled); VF 551.15
CLIMATOLOGY (continued)
Magnetic Field of the Earth, (unlabeled); VF 554.3
Orographic Precipitation (1)
Orographic Precipitation (2); VF 551
Precipitation, variability
Precipitation and Temperature graph (labelled); (2 braille pages);
VF 552.6
Radiation Fog
Radiation and Reflection, keyed, (labeled); VF 551.4
Revolution, (labeled); VF 554.5
Temperature at Varying Latitudes
Temperature Inversion
The Water Cycle, (unlabeled); VF 551.12
The Water Cycle, (unlabeled); VF 551.14
Thunderstorms are nature=s sound and light show; information on thunderstorms
and lightening; VF 551.11
files: lightnin.brf
Tornados - infant, adult and dying, (unlabeled); VF 551.8
The Water Cycle, (unlabeled); VF 551.9
The Water Cycle, (unlabelled); VF 551.10
Warm Fronts, (unlabelled); VF 552.8
Winnipeg Climagraph
Winnipeg, precipitation and temperature graphs; VF 554.2
Plate Movement; convergent, spreading and fracture,(unlabeled);
*(4 Braille Pages); VF 550.8
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Continental Shelf
EEC Fishing Triangle
Fishing, North America
New International Maritime Boundary
Salmon Fishing
Salmon Fishing Farms (Rolling with the Tides), MRDF: MB ROLLING.BRF,
Glacial Lakes and Ice Sheet, (unlabeled); VF 556
Pleistocene Glacier; VF 556.1
Post Glacial Lakes
Columbia River Project
Kettle-Gillam Site
Continent; VF 554.14
Coral Islands, keyed, (labeled); VF 552.1
Cordillera, outline, (unlabeled); VF 552.2
Delta/Mouth; outline; (unlabeled); VF 552.05
Earth’s Landscape, Block Diagram; VF 554.18
Formation of a Meandering River, (unlabeled); *(4 Braille Pages);
VF 552.10
Geographic Features, (unlabeled tactile); VF 552
Gulf-Bay; VF 554.13
Inlet/Bay; outline; (unlabeled); VF 552.03
Island; VF 554.12
Island; VF 552.3
Island/Peninsula; outline; (unlabeled); VF 552.04
Isthmus; VF 554.16
Landforms, outline, (unlabeled - print shows labels);
VF 553.01
Ocean/Sea; VF 554.17
Peninsula; VF 554.11
Permafrost, MRDF: PERMA; VF 553.3
Rivers, showing oxbow lake, delta and flood plains, (unlabeled);
VF 552.11
Strait; VF 554.15
Strait/Isthmus; outline; (unlabeled); VF 552.01
River/Tributary; outline; (unlabeled); VF 552.02
Rivers, Streams and Delta; VF 552.4
Sedimentary Rock, (labeled); VF 554.6
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Coal Mining
Coal Deposits, Appalachia
Mine Shafts
Cross-section of an Open Pit Mine
Shaft Mine; VF 9001
Shaft Mining
Slope Mine; VF 9002
Surface Mine; VF 9003
Coal Mines
Steel Production
Alaska Pipeline Routes (proposed)
Extraction Process for Alsands Project
Geological Profile of the Athabaska Oil Sands
Mackenzie Valley Pipeline
Oil and Gas Exploration
Water Resources
Garrison Diversion Project
Hydrological cycle
Canada's Natural vegetation zones (unlabeled); VF 553.5
Natural Vegetation
Tundra, MRDF: TUNDRA; VF 553.4
Compass, (unlabelled); VF 554.19
Earth's Structure, outline, (unlabeled); VF 555
Earth's Structure, outline, (unlabeled); VF 555.7
Latitude and Longitude, (unlabelled); VF 554.20
Latitude; Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, (unlabeled);
VF 554.7
Latitude; Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle
And Antarctic Circle, (unlabeled); VF 554.8
Map Compass, two (2) versions; VF 554.1
Parallels & meridians, (labeled)
Parallels & meridians, (unlabeled); VF 554
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North America
Profile Across the Prairies along Latitude 50 N
Sod Hut; Files: sod.brf, sod.meg, sod.wpd; VF 8022.2
Dwellings; Teepee VF 8022.1
Haida Indians of British Columbia, Files: Haida.brf; meg; wpd; text
Settlement Patterns in North America
Pygmies: general information, files: pygmies.brf; meg; wpd, VF 8022
Black Migration Patterns 1975-1980
Federal System -- BNA, 1867 (flowchart)
Government System -- Constitutional Act, 1791 (flowchart)
Government System in New France, 1663 (flowchart)
Government System in Quebec, 1763-1791 (flowchart)
Population Growth in Quebec, late 1700's to early 1800's (graph)
Responsible Government in the United Canadas and Nova Scotia (flowchart)
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European Trading Blocs; VF 561
Nato Alliance; VF 560
Breakup of Continental Plates (Pangaea: Super Continent), outline; VF 550.2
Breakup of Pangaea, (Continental Drift), outline; VF 550.1
Continental Drift, outline; VF 550.3
- MAP 1: 200 million years ago
- MAP 2: 10 million years in the future
Continental Drifts, (labeled); VF 550
Folds and Faults
Plate Movement; convergent, spreading and fracture. (unlabeled), *4 Braille
Pages; VF 550.8
Plates Influencing Central America and the Caribbean
Seismograph; (unlabeled); VF 550.4
Earthquake; (unlabeled); VF 550.5
Epicentre; VF 550.23
Fault Zones in California
L – Waves; VF 550.20
P – Waves; VF 550.21
S – Waves; VF 550.22
Rivers; VF 590.3
Folding rock layers; (unlabeled); VF 550.6
Vertical fault resulting from breaking crust; outline; (unlabeled); VF 550.7
Dome Mountain, outline,(unlabeled); VF 550.9
Faultblock Mountains, outline, (unlabeled); VF 550.11
Fold Mountain, outline, (unlabeled); VF 550.10
Folding, Faulting and Ocean Basins
Mountains and Trenches, (unlabelled); VF 590.12
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Ocean Floor, (unlabelled); VF 590.11
Ocean Currents Affecting North America
Anticlinal Trap
Fault Trap
Stratigraphic Trap
Earth’s structure, cross-section, (unlabeled); VF 555.10
Two Oceanic Plates, (unlabeled); VF 550.12
GEOLOGY (Continued)
Alluvial Fans, keyed, (labeled); VF 590.1
Metamorphic Rock Formation, cross-section split, outline, (unlabeled);
VF 590.5
Metamorphic Rock Formation, outline, (unlabeled); VF 590.4
Permeability, keyed, (labeled); VF 590
Rocks, outline of various types of Rocks and Mountains, (unlabeled); VF 590.9
Rock Formation
Rock Structures
Sedimentary Rock Formation, outline, (unlabeled); VF 590.6
The Rock Cycle; VF 590.10
How soil is made (3 stages), (unlabeled); VF 590.7
Profile, (labeled)
Profile, (unlabeled); VF 590.2
Profile, (unlabeled); VF 590.
Diverging Plates, (unlabeled); VF 550.15
One Oceanic Plate- One Continental Plate, (unlabeled); VF 550.13
Two Continental Plates, (unlabeled); VF 550.14
Two types of Plates: granite, basalt; VF 550.16
Erupting Volcano, (labeled); VF 553.13
Erupting Volcano, (unlabeled); VF 553.12
Outline, (unlabeled); VF 553
Outline of Underlying Structure, (unlabeled); VF 553.1
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Volcano; formation of; keyed and labeled; (4 brl. pages); VF 553.14
Volcanoes--Cinder, Shield, Composite Cones
Volcanoes; profile outline; (unlabeled); VF 553.15
Heating Systems
Heat Pump, Heating and Cooling Cycles; (unlabelled); (2 br. pages);
VF 165.6
Forced Air Heating System, outline (unlabelled); VF 165.5
Hot Water Heating System, outline (unlabelled); VF 165.4
Ukrainian settlement in Manitoba; (8 brl. pages); MRDF: ukrain; VF 602
HOLOCAUST, 1933-1945
The Confession, by Julie Heifetz
(based on a speech to a high school class 1982); files: confess.txt,
confess,meg, confess.brf
The Federal Government; VF 603.1
The House of Commons Chamber; The Lower House; The Green Chamber;
(unlabeled); VF 603
Communism Today
Sounds, (general information); files: sound.brf, sound. meg, sound.wpd, VF 168
Distance Chart
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Arch Bridge; VF 559.1
Beam Bridge; VF 559.2
Confederation Bridge; VF 559.3
Suspension Bridge; VF 559
SOCIAL STUDIES -- MAPS ** All maps are unlabeled unless specified
Central Africa, outline showing Chad, Cameroon, Central African Empire,
Gabon, Congo & Zaire; VF 801.3
East Africa, outline showing Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi,
Tanzanie, Kenya, Somalia, & Djibouti; VF 801.2
The Great Rift Valley System; VF 801.5
Latitude Lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10025
Longitude Lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10026
Lower Portion, outline; VF 804
Lower Portion--political divisions, (unlabeled); VF 804.1
The Nile with Delta, outline; VF 801.6
Northern region (includes Middle East), outline showing
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt; VF 801.4
SEE ALSO Middle East
Outline; VF 801
Outline with political divisions, (unlabeled); VF 801.1
Outline, including The Mediterranean and Red Seas, (unlabeled); VF 801.7
Outline, including rivers and lakes, (unlabeled); VF 801.8
Upper Portion, outline; VF 803
Upper Portion--political divisions, (unlabeled); VF 803.1
Egypt, key pages to modify (VF 918) map; VF 918.1
Egypt, outline; VF 918
Egypt, outline; VF 918.2
Nigeria, outline, (unlabeled); VF 925.2
Outline of Zambia (unlabeled); VF 925.6
Zaire, cities and rivers, (unlabeled); VF 809
Zaire, with scale, (unlabeled); VF 809.1
South Pole, outline; VF 2002
South Pole, outline; VF 2002.1
Asia; VF 1003
Asia; *MN* VF 10004
Asia, excluding Soviet Union and Middle East; VF 1005
Asia, latitude lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10029
Asia, longitude lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10030
Asia, political boundaries; VF 1004
Asia, southeast, latitude lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10033
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Asia, southeast, longitude lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10034
Asia, southwest, latitude lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10031
Asia, southwest, longitude lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10032
Central Japan, (unlabelled); VF 10013.1
East Asia; VF 10011
The Far East
Indo-China, outline with political divisions, (unlabeled), VF 10005.2
Japan, Korea, Eastern China and USSR; VF 10012
Japan, Korea, Eastern China and USSR, with latitude and
longitude lines; *MN* VF 10013
South Asia; VF 10005
Southeast Asia; VF 10003
Southeast Asia, political boundaries; VF 1001
Soviet Central Asia and Kazakhstan, (unlabelled); VF 10032.1
China and Mongolia, (unlabeled); VF 10005.3
China, outline, (unlabeled); VF 10005.1
China, outline keys for map project; VF 10005.4
India, outline; VF 2006
India, (unlabeled); VF 834
Japan, outline; VF 2001
Japan, outline, (unlabeled); VF 10012.1
Japan, outline keys for map project; VF 10012.2
Japan outline (showing 2 major cities & mountain, unlabeled); VF 2001.1
Korea, North and South Republics, outline, (unlabeled); VF 10011.1
Malay Archipelago, outline, (unlabeled); VF 921
Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, outline, (unlabeled); VF 10011.2
Australia, key to cities; VF 847.9
Australia, key to political divisions; VF 847.1
Australia, key to political divisions; VF 847.7
Australia, key to surrounding waters; VF 847.6
Australia, master map, (unlabeled); VF 847.8
Australia, political boundaries, (unlabeled); VF 847.5
Islands of Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Tasmania; VF 847
Latitude Lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10035
Longitude Lines; *MN* VF 10036
New Zealand, North Island, outline; VF 847.4
New Zealand, outline; VF 802
New Zealand, outline; VF 847.2
New Zealand, South Island, outline; VF 847.3
Outline showing all major islands in the area; VF 847.11
Southeast Australia, (unlabelled); VF 847.10
Outline, (unlabeled); VF 1022
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CANADA ** SEE ALSO The Canadian Provinces and Territories
Canada--elevation; (0-500 ft.); (unlabelled); VF 926.1
Canada--elevation; (500-1000 ft.); (unlabelled); VF 926.2
Canada--elevation; (1000-2000 ft.); (unlabelled); VF 926.3
Canada--elevation; (2000-5000 ft.); (unlabelled); VF 926.4
Canada--elevation; (5000-10000 ft.); (unlabelled); VF 926.5
Canada, key to political boundaries; VF 909.1
Canada, key to political boundaries; VF 909.2
Canada, key to political boundaries; VF 909.3
Canada, keys to modified project; VF 909.4
Canada, (labeled in uncontracted French)
Canada, latitude lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10017
Canada, longitude lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10018
Canada, northeastern with political boundaries; (unlabeled); VF 833.6
Canada, outline; VF 823
Canada, outline, (unlabeled); VF 823.1
Canada, outline with water, no political boundaries; VF 823.3
Canada, outline, including Northern U.S. and Alaska (unlabeled); VF 823.4
Canada, political boundaries; VF 909
Canada, political boundaries
- MAP 1: Provinces and cities, keyed, (labeled)
- MAP 2: Cities, (unlabeled); Physical regions, keyed, (labeled)
Canada, political boundaries and cities
Canada, political boundaries and cities, (unlabeled); VF 823.2
Canada, political boundaries and rivers; VF 823.5
Canadian Arctic, Inuit Groups
Canadian National Railways System
Canadian Shield, political boundaries, cities, water, keyed, (labeled)
Canadian Shield (minerals), minerals and cities, texture, keyed, (unlabeled)
Central water system includes Red River and Mississippi; VF 908.05
Eastern; VF 900
Eastern, key to outline; VF 900.1
Eastern, key to outline; VF 900.2
Eastern Region without detail; VF 900.4
Eastern Region without political divisions - major water bodies; VF 900.3
Eastern Region, including the Great Lakes, (unlabeled); VF 900.5
The Great Lakes; outline; VF 908.10
The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
Great Lakes, southeast area; VF 908.03
Great Lakes, west to Central Plains area; VF 908.02
Labrador, outline showing northeastern Quebec (unlabeled); VF 904.6
Lake of the Woods area from Lake Manitoba to Lake Superior including
northern U.S.; VF 908.04
Mid-Canada and Mid-Canada Corridor
Native Groups in Canada
Native People
Northern Canada
Northern Canada, Subregions
Northwest Region with the Mackenzie River, (unlabeled); VF 833.1
Quebec, Eastern Townships region, Montreal, Quebec City and Sherbrooke
shown (unlabeled); VF 909.6
St. Lawrence Seaway, (unlabelled); VF 909.5
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Urbanization, political boundaries, cities and population code, keyed, (labeled)
Western Canada (BC, AB, SK, MB) with provincial boundaries; VF 823.6
Western Canada - includes Yukon, B.C., Alberta, and part of Saskatchewan
and N.W.T., outline, (unlabeled); VF 833.4
Western Canada, key to political boundaries and water; VF 833.2
Western Canada, key to political boundaries and water; VF 833.3
Western Canada; outline; (unlabelled); VF 833.5
Western Canada, political boundaries and water; VF 833
Western Canada, with political boundaries (Alberta & BC); VF 833.7
Western Canada, with political boundaries (Manitoba, Sask., Alberta, & BC)
VF 833.8
Western Canada, Route of the CPR across the West
Arctic; VF 927.7
Cold Continental; VF 927.6
East Coast; VF 927.4
Lower Lakes; VF 927.3
Mountain; VF 927.1
Prairie; VF 927.2
South Laurentian; VF 927.5
West Coast; VF 927
Appalachian; VF 929.3
Canadian Shield; VF 929.6
Coastal Plain and Lowlands, Hudson Bay Lowlands; VF 929
Great Lakes -- St. Lawrence; VF 929.4
Innuitians; VF 929.5
Interior Plains (MacKenzie Lowlands, Alberta Plains, Saskatchewan Plains,
Manitoba Lowlands); VF 929.2
Western Cordillera, (Rocky Mountains, Columbia Mountains,
Island Mountains); VF 929.1
Arctic (Tundra); VF 928
Coniferous Forest; VF 928.2
Deciduous Forest; VF 928.8
Grassland; VF 928.5
Interior Mountain; VF 928.6
Mixed Forest; VF 928.3
Parkland; VF 928.4
Sub-arctic; VF 928.1
West Coast Forest; VF 928.7
Alberta, outline; VF 901
Alberta, outline; VF 901.1
Alberta, with cities and rivers, (unlabeled); VF 901.2
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British Columbia, Greater Vancouver, outline, (unlabelled); VF 827.3
British Columbia, key to outline; VF 827.1
British Columbia, key to outline; VF 827.2
British Columbia, major Indian groups
British Columbia, outline; VF 827
British Columbia, southwest region, key to outline; VF 923.1
British Columbia, southwest region, outline, (unlabeled); VF 923
British Columbia and the Cordilleras
- MAP 1: British Columbia with political boundaries, cities and relief,
keyed, (labeled)
- MAP 2: Fraser Delta Lands
British Columbia, with rivers; (unlabelled); VF 827.4
East – West Cross-Section through Southern BC. VF 923.2
Vancouver Island, outline;(unlabelled); VF 827.5
Vancouver Island – Southeastern region, (unlabelled); VF 827.6
District of Franklin; VF 913
District of Franklin, key to outline; VF 913.1
District of Franklin, key to outline; VF 913.2
Labrador, outline, (unlabeled); VF 904.4
Manitoba, central; VF 908
Manitoba, central area; outline (unlabeled); VF 904.5
Manitoba, northern; VF 907
Manitoba, outline; VF 905
Manitoba, outline with bordering provinces and states, (unlabeled);
VF 905.1
Manitoba Farming--mixed grain; VF 907.1
Manitoba Farming--livestock and mixed farming; VF 907.2
Manitoba Farming--dairying; VF 907.3
Manitoba Farming--cattle; VF 907.4
Manitoba Farming--lumbering; VF 907.5
Manitoba, in relation to Canada; VF 904.2
Manitoba, in relation to North America; VF 904.3
Manitoba f--highlands (over 450 m); VF 906.3
Manitoba landforms--lowlands (0-200 m); VF 906.1
Manitoba landforms--middlelands (200-450 m); VF 906.2
Manitoba, southern; VF 906
Manitoba, water; VF 904
Manitoba, water, major cities, (unlabeled); VF 904.1
Manitoba, withlakes, rivers (Hudson Bay & Lake Superior are shown)
(unlabelled); VF 906.4
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200 Mile Fishing Zone
- MAP 1: East Coast
- MAP 2: West Coast
Appalachian Canada
- MAP 1: Political boundaries, cities, water, keyed, (labeled)
- MAP 2: Highlands, uplands and lowlands, texture, keyed, cities,
- MAP 3: Fishing banks, continental shelf, texture, keyed, cities,
Maritimes, Banks and Continental Shelf; VF 839.4
Maritimes, key to outline; VF 839.1
Maritimes, key to outline; VF 839.2
Maritimes, key to outline; VF 839.3
Maritimes, outline; VF 839
Southern Atlantic Region without Newfoundland; VF 926
New Brunswick, outline; VF 840
Newfoundland; northern extremity; outline; (unlabeled); VF 836.1
Newfoundland, outline; VF 836
Newfoundland, outline; VF 836.2
Northwest Territories; VF 912
Northwest Territories, key to districts of Mackenzie and Keewatin; VF 912.1
Northwest & Yukon Territories, key to outline with islands, (unlabeled);
VF 924.1
Northwest & Yukon Territories, outline with islands (unlabeled); VF 924
Yellowknife, (unlabelled); VF 912.2
Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island; VF 915
Ontario, hydroelectricity
Ontario, key to outline; VF 825.1
Ontario, key to outline; VF 825.2
Ontario, key to outline; VF 825.3
Ontario, outline; VF 825
Ontario, southwest, (unlabeled); VF 825.4
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Prairie Provinces - agricultural regions, texture key; VF 908.7
Prairie Provinces, key to political boundaries and water; VF 910.1
Prairie Provinces, key to political boundaries and water; VF 910.2
Prairie Provinces, outline with rivers; (no political boundaries); VF 910.4
Prairie Provinces, political boundaries, cities, water, relief, keyed, (labeled)
Prairie Provinces, political boundaries, outline; VF 917
Prairie Provinces, political boundaries and water; VF 910
Prairie Provinces, precipitation lines; VF 908.6
Prairie Provinces, soils, texture key; VF 908.9
Prairie Provinces, southern without political divisions; VF 908.01
Prairie Provinces - vegetation zones, texture key; VF 908.8
Prairie Provinces with water; VF 910.3
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island, outline; VF 919
Quebec, key to outline; VF 826.1
Quebec, outline; VF 826
Saskatchewan, outline; VF 903
Saskatchewan, water; VF 902
Yukon; VF 911
Yukon, key; VF 911.1
Caribbean Sea (Isthmus), outline; VF 848
Central America; elevation (0-500 ft.); (unlabelled); VF 1015.6
Central America; elevation (500-1000 ft.); (unlabelled); VF 1015.7
Central America; elevation (1000-2000 ft.); (unlabelled); VF 1015.8
Central America; elevation (2000-5000 ft.); (unlabelled); VF 1015.9
Central America; elevation (5000-10000 ft.); (unlabelled); VF 1015.10
Central America; elevation (10000+ ft.); (unlabelled); VF 1015.11
Central America, key to cities; VF 1015.4
Central America, outline, political boundaries; VF 1015.2
Central America, outline with water, no political boundaries; VF 1015.3
Central America, with political boundaries; VF1015.12
Central America and the Caribbean
Central America and the Caribbean; VF 1015
Central America and the Caribbean, key to outline; VF 1015.1
Cuba; VF 2007.2
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Cuba, outline keys for map project; VF 2007.3
St. Lucia
The Panama Canal; outline (unlabeled); VF 1015.5
West Indies including Leeward and Windward Islands; VF 2007.1
West Indies, outline; VF 2007
West Indies, (unlabeled); VF 2007.4
Latitude; *MN* VF 1013
Longitude; *MN* VF 1010
Outline; *MN* VF 807
Outline, (unlabeled); VF 835.1
Baltic States: Outline of political boundaries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania;
VF 914.2
Central Europe with political boundaries (unlabeled); VF 1007.2
Eastern Europe; VF 10006
Europe; VF 1006
Europe and Northern Africa without political boundaries, outline (unlabeled);
VF 1006.2
Europe and the Middle East, without political divisions (showing northern Africa,
Unlabeled); VF 1006.3
Europe, latitude lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10023
Europe, longitude lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10024
Europe, outline, no boundaries, (unlabeled); VF 10007.1
Europe, outline with Northern Africa; (unlabeled); VF 1006.1
Europe, political boundaries; *MN* VF 10007
Europe, political divisions; VF 835.2
Europe, (unlabeled); VF 835
France, northern Italy and surrounding areas without political divisions, with
rivers (unlabeled); VF 916.6
Northeastern Europe with political boundaries (unlabeled); VF 10010.3
Northern Europe and the British Isles; VF 10010
Northern Italy, Switzerland and Austria, with rivers (no political boundaries,
unlabeled); VF 1008.5
Northwestern Europe (Benelux) with political boundaries (unlabeled);VF 10010.2
Outline with seas and major rivers, (unlabeled); VF 10007.2
South Europe; VF 10008
Southeastern Europe with political boundaries (unlabeled); VF10008.2
Western Europe; VF 10009
Western Europe, political boundaries; VF 1007
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British Isles, outline; VF 805
Eastern Europe - Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Albania;
VF 10006.1
England; outline with longitude and cities; (keyed and labeled); (3 brl. pages);
VF 805.2
France, grid background
France, (labeled in uncontracted French)
France, outline; VF 916.1
France, outline; (unlabeled); VF 916.2
France; outline with longitude and cities; (keyed and labeled); (3 brl. pages);
VF 916.3
Germany, outline with rivers, (unlabeled); VF 916.5
Greece; VF 916
Ireland, outline, (unlabeled); VF 805.1
Italy, outline; VF 1021.1
The Netherlands, outline; VF 931
Northern Norway; VF 914.1
Outline of Austria, (unlabeled); VF 2005.1
Portugal, outline; VF 916.4
Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark); VF 914
Spain and Portugal, outline, (unlabeled); VF 1021
Switzerland, key to modify (2004) map; VF 2004.1
Switzerland, outline; VF 2005
Switzerland, river systems; VF 2004
Switzerland, water, lakes, major cities, political boundaries, (unlabeled);
VF 2003
Mediterranean Area outline without political boundaries (unlabeled); VF 810.02
Mediterranean Area, northwestern region without political boundaries
(unlabeled); VF 810.03
Mediterranean Basin, outline; VF 810.01
Outline, (unlabeled); VF 810
Mexico, outline, (unlabelled); VF 828.5
Mexico, The Valley of Mexico; VF 828.7
Mexico and Central America with political boundaries (unlabeled); VF 828.8
Bahrain, outline; VF 1003.7
Cyprus, outline; VF 1002.5
Iran, outline; VF 1003.1
Iraq, (labeled with key page); VF 1002.4
Iraq, outline, (unlabeled); VF 1002.3
Israel, outline; VF 1002.9
Jordan, outline; VF 1002.8
Kuwait - cities; VF 1003.3
Kuwait, outline; VF 1003.2
Lebanon, outline; VF 1003.9
Libya, outline; VF 1003.8
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The Near and Middle East; VF 1002
The Near and Middle East, outline (labeled with key pages); VF 1002.2
Northern part of the Red Sea area (without political boundaries, unlabeled);
VF 1004.11
Oman, outline; VF 1004.3
Outline of area; VF 1004.5
Outline of area, (labeled); VF 1004.6
Outline (includes North Africa); VF 801.4
Outline including Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Israel & Jordan, (unlabeled); VF 1002.1
Outline of Israel showing Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea (without political
boundaries, unlabeled); VF 1004.9
Outline showing Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Sinai,
Saudi Abrabia, Yemen (Aden), Yemen (Sana), Oman, United Arab
Emirates & Egypt; VF 1004.7
Outline without political boundaries, showing the Nile River, Persian Gulf,
Caspian Sea, Black Sea, and Mediterranean Sea. (unlabeled); VF
Outline with rivers (without political boundaries, unlabeled); VF 1004.10
Qatar, outline; VF 1002.6
Saudi Arabia, outline; VF 1002.7
South Yemen, outline; VF 1004.2
Sudan, outline; VF 1003.6
Syria, outline; VF 1003.5
Turkey, outline; VF 1003.4
United Arab Emirates, outline; VF 1004.4
Yemen, outline; VF 1004.1
Agricultural Interior
The biomes of North America; includes texture key page; (4 brl. pages);
VF 824.6
Canada & Northern U.S. with political boundaries and rivers (unlabelled);
VF 828.6
The Doorway to America
Eastern North America, outline, (unlabelled); VF 824.7
Eastern North America with rivers and lakes, (unlabelled); VF 824.8
Eastern Region; outline (unlabeled) VF 824.5
The Industrial Heartland
Latitude Lines, key to; VF 10016.1
Latitude Lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10015
Longitude Lines; *MN* VF 10016
Longitude Lines, key to; VF 10015.1
Northeast U.S. and southeast Canada with political boundaries, (unlabeled);
VF 824.2
Northeast U.S. and southeast Canada with political boundaries, (unlabeled);
VF 824.4
Outline; VF 824
Outline; VF 10001
Outline, key to; VF 10001.1
Outline, with major waters - rivers, (unlabeled); VF 828.3
Outline with rivers; (unlabelled); VF 828.4
Political Boundaries; VF 828
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Political Boundaries, key to; VF 828.1
Political Boundaries, (unlabeled); VF 828.2
Political Boundaries, except New England
Potential Water Diversion Routes
- MAP 1: Continental Divide and Routes of Major North American
Water Diversion Proposals
- MAP 2: Rivers and Routes
Southeast U.S., Central America and Northwest South America with political
boundaries, (unlabeled); VF 824.3
Western U.S. and Canada with political boundaries, (unlabeled); VF 824.1
Outline, key to; VF 10014.1
Outline, key to; VF 10014.2
Outline, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10014
Latitude Lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10021
Longitude Lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10022
Northeast Region, outline showing Brazil and the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam
& French Guiana); VF 1028.3
Outline; VF 2000
Outline; (labeled)
Outline; Rivers (unlabeled); VF 2000.1
Political Boundaries; VF 1028.2
Political Divisions with capital cities, (unlabeled); VF 1028
Southern Region, outline showing Argentina, Paraguay, & Uruguay;
VF 1028.5
Western Region, outline showing Venezuela & Adean South America
(Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, & Chile); VF 1028.4
Argentina, outline; VF 925
Brazil, outline, (unlabeled); VF 925.1
Chili, southern tip, outline, (unlabeled); VF 922
Equador; outline with latitude and cities; (keyed and labeled); (3 brl. pages);
VF 925.3
Galapagos Islands, (unlabeled); VF 829
Peru – outline with rivers (unlabeled); VF 1028.6
Peru - mountains and rivers, outline, (unlabeled); VF 1028.1
Venezuela, outline (unlabelled); VF 925.4
Alaska; VF 1026.1
Alexander Archipelago, outline, (unlabeled); VF 1026
California; VF 1016
Colorado, (keyed and labeled); VF 1017.9
Eastern States; VF 1017
Browsing File Contents
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Florida, (keyed and labeled); VF 1017.7
Florida, outline, (unlabeled); VF 1023
Florida - Routes in Southern Tip including keys, (keyed and labeled);
VF 1017.10
MAPS (continued)
Great Lakes States, (keyed and labeled); VF 1017.3
Hawaii, (keyed and labeled); VF 1017.4
Hawaii, outline, (unlabeled); VF 1018
Illinois, (keyed and labeled); VF 1017.2
Indiana; outline with rivers and cities; (keyed and labeled); (2 brl. pages);
VF 1018.1
Latitude Lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10019
Longitude Lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10020
Massachusetts, (keyed and labeled); VF 1017.13
Middle Atlantic States with political boundaries; VF 1024.2
Midwest and West Coast; (unlabelled); VF 1018.8
New England; VF 1017.1
New England, Southeast, outline, (unlabeled); VF 1024
New England States with political boundaries; VF 1024.1
New York; outline with rivers and cities; (keyed and labeled); (2 brl. pages);
VF 1018.3
North Carolina; outline with latitude and longitude and cities; (keyed and labeled);
(3 brl. pages); VF 1018.4
North Carolina; outline with rivers, cities and mountains; (keyed and labeled); (2
brl. pages); VF 1018.5
North Central States (East); Corn Belt; (unlabelled); VF 1018.7
Olympic National Park; outline with cities; (keyed and labeled); (2 brl. pages);
VF 1018.6
Outline; VF 1008
Outline, key to; VF 1008.1
Outline, political boundaries; VF 1008.2
Outline with rivers, no political boundaries; (unlabelled); VF 1008.4
Outline, with water, no political boundaries; VF 1008.3
Outline without political divisions, with major landforms, (keyed and labeled);
VF 1017.12
Political Divisions with Capital Cities, keyed, (labeled); VF 1027
Pennsylvania, (keyed and labeled); VF 1017.8
Plain States, (keyed and labeled); *MN* VF 1017.5
South Atlantic States, (unlabelled); VF 1018.9
The South
Southeast, outline (unlabeled); VF 1020
Southwest, outline, (unlabeled); VF 1019
Utah, outline, (unlabeled); VF 1025
Washington; outline with rivers and cities; (keyed and labeled); (2 brl. pages);
VF 1018.2
Washington - Routes, cities, (keyed and labeled); VF 1017.11
Yellowstone National Park, (keyed and labeled); VF 1017.6
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Caucasia; (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan), (with political divisions;
Unlabeled); VF 10027.7
Latitude Lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10027
Longitude Lines, (unlabeled); *MN* VF 10028
Outline with major rivers, (unlabeled); VF 10027.2
Outline with political divisions, (unlabeled); VF 10027.1
Outline keys for map (VF 10027.1 & VF 10027.2); VF 10027.3
Russia, (western Sibertia); unlabeled; VF 10027.5
With Political Divisions, (unlabeled); VF 10027.4
Latitude; *MN* VF 1012
Longitude; *MN* VF 1009
Outline; VF 806
Outline of North and South America; VF 806.1
Outline of North and South America with latitude lines; VF 806.2
Outline of North and South America with longitude lines; VF 806.3
Atlantic Ocean Area; showing eastern Canada and France; outline with
political divisions; (unlabeled); VF 808.14
Atlantic Ocean Area, showing North America, Greenland and part of
Western Europe; VF 808.15
The Commonwealth, 1981
- MAP 1: North America, Northern South America
- MAP 2: Africa, India, Europe
- MAP 3: Malorpia, Australia, Fyi, New Zealand
Food Crisis Areas and Potential Crisis Areas
- MAP 1: Western Hemisphere
- MAP 2: Eastern Hemisphere
The Hemispheres; in 4 parts; (unlabelled); VF 1014.1
Latitude; *MN* VF 1014
Latitude lines VF 1014.2
Latitude and Longitude lines: general diagram of planet, (unlabeled); VF 1014.4
Longitude; *MN* VF 1011
Mercator Projection, (unlabeled); VF 808.6
Mollweide Projection, (unlabeled); VF 808.8
Mountains; VF 808.2
Mountains, key to outline; VF 808.4
North Atlantic Ocean area; VF 808.5
North Atlantic Ocean area; outline (unlabeled); VF 808.10
Northern half of Eastern Hemisphere, outline; VF 808.9
Outline; VF 808
Outline; interrupted projection (unlabeled); VF 808.11
Outline; showing Africa, Europe and part of South America; (unlabeled);
Browsing File Contents
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VF 808.12
Peter's Projection, (unlabeled); VF 808.7
Plains; VF 808.3
Plateaus; VF 808.1
Rotational axis VF 1014.3
The Three (3) Worlds
View of the Earth from the North Pole; VF 811
View of the Earth from the South Pole; VF 811.1
View of the Earth from the South Pole, simplified outline; VF 811.2
Wegner's Theory; outline; (unlabeled); (3 brl. pages); VF 808.13
World, French-speaking countries and areas
World; North America with political boundaries; (unlabeled); VF 10002.5
World; (North & South America, Europe & Africa) with equator and prime
meridian, VF 10002.6
World Physical, 45( N-45( S and 125( W-60( E; VF 10002.2
World Physical, Eastern Hemisphere on left; VF 10002
World Physical, with International Date Line and Prime Meridian;
*MN* VF 10002.3
World Physical, with Tropic of Cancer, Equator and Tropic of Capricorn,
outline, (unlabeled); VF 10002.1
World; showing North and South America, centered; (unlabeled); VF 10002.4
Cold Polar, (unlabeled); VF 10037.4
Dry, (unlabeled); VF 10037.2
Highland, (unlabeled); VF 10037.5
Humid Cold, (unlabeled); VF 10037.3
Humid Tropical, (unlabeled); VF 10037
Sub-tropical, (unlabeled); VF 10037.1
Desert and Mountain, (unlabeled); VF 10038.2
Ice Cap and Tundra, (unlabeled); VF 10038.4
Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forests, (unlabeled); VF 10038
Prairie and Steppe, (unlabeled); VF 10038.1
Savanna and Rain Forest, (unlabeled); VF 10038.3
Canada in 1905
Canada, Indian Treaties, 1871-1921
Canada's Growth, 1867, 1873, 1912, 1949; VF 1029
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Constitutional Act, 1791
The Expansion of Canada
Exploration and the Fur Trade
French Settlements, 1700's
Loyalists, late 1700's
Manitoba--Route of Hudson Bay Railway
Maritimes and Upper Canada--Loyalist Settlements
Nova Scotia--Scottish Settlement
Port Royal, Stadacona and Hochelaga
Quebec, boundaries between 1763 and 1791
Quebec, 1759
The Quebec Act, 1774
Red River Colony, boundaries of Lord Selkirk's colony of Assiniboia
Trading Companies, 1700 to 1800's
Western Interior of Canada
Shang China
Ancient Egypt
England and the Danelaw
The English Civil Wars
Barbarian Invasions
Byzantine Empire, End of
Byzantine Empire under Justinian
Christianity, Spread of
The Crusades
The Early Aegean World
Europe After the Congress of Vienna
Europe After World War I
Europe in the Late Middle Ages
Expansion of the Roman Empire
Expansion of Roman Republic
Frankish Empire
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Germanic Kingdoms
Medieval Towns and Trade Routes
Medieval Universities
Napoleonic Europe
Religions of Europe
Roman Empire; VF 835.3
- MAP 1: VIII century before J.C.
- MAP 2: II century before J.C.
- MAP 3: I century before J.C.
- MAP 4: II century after J.C.
Treaty of Verdun, 843
Viking Trade and Expansion
World War 1 divides Europe. (keyed); VF 835.8
Routes of Cabot and Columbus
LaSalle's Route
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece, (unlabelled); VF 835.4
Athens; a democratic city-state; (labelled); VF 835.5
Early India
Expansion of Islam
Phoenicia and the Hebrew Kingdoms
Etruscan Italy
Renaissance Italy
Independence in Latin America, (Inset) Latin America 1790
Archaeological Sites
The Assyrian and Chaldean Empires
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Empire of Alexander the Great
Mesopotamia, (outline); VF 835.6
Mohammed's Arabia
The Persian Empire
New France, 1712
The North Atlantic Triangle
Pattern of Settlement on a Seigneury
British North America, Before Confederation
Eastern Canada and Northeast U.S., Loyalist settlements
and routes
Exploration of West Coast, 1700's
North America, French and English Colonies
- MAP 1: areas and state borders
- MAP 2: enlarged eastern coast; state borders and cities
Original Colonies and Waterways used (labeled); VF 835.9
Settlement of Thirteen Colonies
The Dawson Route, 1872
The Thirteen Colonies; with political divisions; (unlabeled); VF 1030
The Thirteen Colonies, 1772; VF 835.7
The Growth of Moscow
Kievan Rus (Russia)
Alaska Boundary Dispute
The American Revolution
The Growth of the United States
The Thirteen Colonies
European Colonies in the New World
Developing Nations
European Voyages of Discovery
River Valley Civilizations
World War II in the East
World War II in the West