Friendship Bracelets

BR - Friendship Bracelets
Basic Friendship Knot Instructions
Although this knot looks difficult it is really quite easy to understand once you get the hang of
it. Basically one knot is the reverse of another knot, read the steps below to find out more:
1 Forward Knot
- Take the left string & cross it over the string next to it, pull tight & repeat!
2 Backwards Knot
- Do the opposite of a forwards knot!
3 Forward Backwards Knot
- Tie a forwards knot then tie a backwards knot with the same strings!
4 Backwards Forwards Knot
- Tie a backwards knot then tie a forwards knot!
How To Read Friendship Bracelet Patterns
Patterns can be a challenge at first but once you understand how to read them properly you’ll breeze
through them!
(the picture above is what a typical friendship bracelet pattern looks like)
The rectangle box at the top of the pattern is what the bracelet will look like.
The row of letters correspond to your colours (each colour will have its own letter!).
The numbers on the side of the rows are what number the row is.
The circles are your knots. Start from either your right or left (depending on if you are right handed or
left handed) then work your way across that row. When you finish the row move down to the next row.
How to Make a Candy Stripe & Chevron Bracelet
Candy Stripe Friendship Bracelet
Step 1: start by tying a forwards knot.
Step 2: continue tying forward knots until you’ve reached the end.
Step 3: repeat steps 1-2 with your other colours.
Chevron Friendship Bracelet
Step 1: start on either side of the bracelet, on the left hand side of the bracelet you will tie forwards
knots & on the right hand side you will tie backwards knot, once you get to the middle you can tie either
knot to connect them.
Step 2: continue step one with the rest of your colours until you finish your bracelet.