Exam - Test Bank Doctor

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) Which one of the following is not one of the four main tissue categories?
A) neural tissue
B) osseous tissue
C) epithelial tissue
D) muscle tissue
E) connective tissue
2) The tissue that always has a "top" and a "bottom" is
A) epithelial tissue.
B) apical tissue.
C) connective tissue.
D) muscle tissue.
E) basal tissue.
3) Characteristics of epithelia include all of the following except
A) avascularity.
B) extracellular matrix.
C) attachment.
D) polarity.
E) regeneration.
4) The junction type that lets neighboring cells exchange small molecules is the
A) tight junction.
B) desmosome.
C) hemidesmosome.
D) gap junction.
E) zonula adherens.
5) Functions of epithelia include all of the following, except
A) supporting muscle cells.
B) providing physical protection.
C) producing specialized secretions.
D) absorption.
E) controlling permeability.
6) Epithelial cells that are adapted for absorption or secretion usually have ________ at their free
A) junctional complexes
B) microvilli
C) mitochondria
D) Golgi complexes
E) cilia
7) A type of intercellular junction that stops materials from crossing an epithelium between cells is
termed a(n)
A) gap junction.
B) occluding junction.
C) desmosome.
D) intermediate junction.
E) All of the answers are correct.
8) Dead skin cells are shed in thin sheets because they are held together by "spots" of proteoglycan
reinforced by intermediate filaments. Such strong intercellular connections are called
A) tight junctions.
B) intermediate junctions.
C) desmosomes.
D) junctional complexes.
E) gap junctions.
9) Epithelial cells exhibit modifications that adapt them for
A) conduction.
B) circulation.
C) secretion.
D) support.
E) contraction.
10) Epithelium is connected to underlying connective tissue by
A) a basal lamina.
B) proteoglycan.
C) interfacial canals.
D) a reticular lamina.
E) keratin.
11) Which tissue lines the small intestine and the stomach?
A) simple squamous epithelium
B) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
C) stratified squamous epithelium
D) simple columnar epithelium
E) simple cuboidal epithelium
12) A layer of glycoproteins that prevents leakage of materials from connective tissues into epithelia is
A) integral proteins.
B) lamina lucida.
C) ground substance.
D) matrix.
E) lamina densa.
13) Epithelia specialized for providing sensations of smell, taste, sight, equilibrium, and hearing are
known as
A) psychoepithelia.
B) neuroepithelia.
C) multilaminar epithelia.
D) neuropsychoepithelia.
E) protective epithelia.
14) Germinative cells
A) make up most of the epithelial type of tissue.
B) start in the superficial layers of epithelial tissue.
C) cannot divide.
D) cannot function in the repair of epithelial tissue.
E) divide continually to produce new epithelial cells.
15) In stratified epithelia adapted to resist mechanical forces, which of the following types of
cell-to-cell junctions are especially abundant?
A) tight junctions
B) hemidesmosomes
C) basolateral junctions
D) desmosomes
E) gap junctions
16) Close examination of a healthy organ reveals a lining of several layers of cells. The layers do not
contain any blood vessels and one surface of the cells lines the cavity of the organ. This tissue is a
type of
A) muscle tissue.
B) neural tissue.
C) connective tissue.
D) epithelium.
E) fat tissue.
17) Examination of a tissue sample reveals groups of cells united by junctional complexes and
interlocking membranes. The cells have one free surface and lack blood vessels. The tissue is most
likely ________ tissue.
A) epithelial
B) neural
C) connective
D) muscle
E) adipose
18) Transitional epithelium is found
A) lining the urinary bladder.
B) lining the stomach.
C) lining kidney tubules.
D) lining the ducts that drain sweat glands.
E) at the surface of the skin.
19) The heart and blood vessels are lined by
A) transitional epithelium.
B) simple columnar epithelium.
C) pseudostratified columnar epithelium.
D) simple cuboidal epithelium.
E) simple squamous epithelium.
20) You would find pseudostratified columnar epithelium lining the
A) urinary bladder.
B) stomach.
C) secretory portions of the pancreas.
D) surface of the skin.
E) trachea.
21) Glands that secrete their product by the bursting of cells are
A) apocrine glands.
B) holocrine glands.
C) sudoriferous glands.
D) merocrine glands.
E) endocrine glands.
22) Cells that are flat and thin are classified as
A) columnar.
B) blasts.
C) transitional.
D) squamous.
E) cuboidal.
23) Mesothelium is to the body cavities as endothelium is to the
A) urinary bladder.
B) heart and blood vessels.
C) kidneys.
D) mouth.
E) large intestine.
24) The epithelia that line body cavities and blood vessels are classified as
A) stratified squamous.
B) transitional.
C) simple cuboidal.
D) simple squamous.
E) stratified cuboidal.
25) Glands that secrete hormones into the interstitial fluid are
A) exocrine glands.
B) endocrine glands.
C) merocrine glands.
D) interstitial glands.
E) holocrine glands.
26) The two major types of cell layering in epithelia are
A) simple and proper.
B) squamous and simple.
C) cuboidal and columnar.
D) simple and stratified.
E) stratified and pseudostratified.
27) The epithelium that forms air sacs in the lungs is
A) simple squamous epithelium.
B) simple cuboidal epithelium.
C) transitional epithelium.
D) stratified squamous epithelium.
E) simple columnar epithelium.
28) The function of simple cuboidal epithelium is
A) storage.
B) absorption and secretion.
C) support.
D) phagocytosis.
E) protection.
29) The study of cells shed from epithelial surfaces, often for diagnostic purposes, is termed
A) exfoliative cytology.
B) physiology.
C) histology.
D) embryology.
E) anatomy.
30) Secretions through a duct might provide ________, whereas ductless secretions act as ________.
A) enzymes; hormones
B) odors; alarms
C) transport media; physical protectors
D) lubrication; lubricators
E) superficial relief; interstitial fluid
31) The Pap test for cervical cancer utilizes
A) embryology.
B) exfoliative cytology.
C) anatomy.
D) histology.
E) physiology.
32) Cells that are specialized for secretion
A) are usually squamous.
B) have a small nucleus.
C) have a free surface that is flat.
D) exhibit polarity.
E) are found only in the digestive system.
33) Watery perspiration is an example of a(n) ________ secretion.
A) merocrine
B) apocrine
C) holocrine
D) mucous
E) serous
34) Which of the following statements about simple epithelia is false?
A) They afford little mechanical protection.
B) They are characteristic of regions where secretion or absorption occurs.
C) They cover surfaces subjected to mechanical or chemical stress.
D) They are avascular.
E) They line internal compartments and passageways.
35) The pancreas produces ________ secretions.
A) exocrine and endocrine
B) mucous
C) secretory
D) serous
E) merocrine
36) Unicellular exocrine glands secrete
A) milk.
B) sweat.
C) sebum.
D) insulin.
E) mucus.
37) A gland formed by cells arranged in a blind pocket with a single unbranched duct would be called
A) tubuloalveolar.
B) simple alveolar.
C) compound alveolar.
D) simple tubular.
E) compound tubular.
38) Which of the following tissues are classified as "connective tissue proper"?
1. areolar connective tissue
2. adipose tissue
3. fibrocartilage
4. dense irregular connective tissue
A) 3 and 4
B) 1, 2, and 3
C) 1 and 3
D) 1, 2, and 4
E) 1 and 2
39) Which cell produces the protein fibers in areolar connective tissue?
A) squamous cell
B) chondroblast
C) chondrocyte
D) fibroblast
E) adipocyte
40) Blood is which type of tissue?
A) epithelial
B) muscle
C) mesenchyme
D) nerve
E) connective
41) The sticky material between cells of areolar connective tissue is called the
A) cytoplasm.
B) crista.
C) ground substance.
D) cytosol.
E) gel matrix.
42) Cells that store fat are called
A) melanocytes.
B) podocytes.
C) adipocytes.
D) cellulocytes.
E) macrocytes.
43) The framework or stroma of organs such as the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes is made up of
________ tissue.
A) loose connective
B) reticular connective
C) adipose
D) irregular dense connective
E) regular dense connective
44) The dominant fiber type in dense connective tissue is
A) actin.
B) elastin.
C) connectin.
D) myosin.
E) collagen.
45) Each of the following is an example of dense connective tissue, except
A) aponeuroses.
B) ligaments.
C) tendons.
D) elastic tissue.
E) areolar tissue.
46) The three categories of connective tissues are
A) areolar, adipose, and dense tissues.
B) connective tissue proper, fluid connective tissues, and supporting connective tissues.
C) connective tissue proper, cartilages, and bone.
D) epithelial, muscle, and neural tissues.
E) glandular, exocrine, and endocrine.
47) Two classes of macrophages include
A) microphages and adipocytes.
B) mast cells and basophils.
C) fixed macrophages and free macrophages.
D) neutrophils and eosinophils.
E) mesenchymal cells and melanocytes.
48) Two types of microphages include
A) neutrophils and eosinophils.
B) mast cells and basophils.
C) fixed macrophages and free macrophages.
D) microphages and adipocytes.
E) mesenchymal cells and melanocytes.
49) Tissues that provide strength and support for areas subjected to stresses from many directions are
A) dense irregular connective tissues.
B) reticular tissues.
C) ligaments.
D) tendons.
E) areolar tissue.
50) What type of cell makes up almost half the volume of blood?
A) phagocyte
B) platelet
C) monocyte
D) leukocyte
E) erythrocyte
51) Wharton's jelly is a form of
A) embryonic epithelium.
B) ground substance.
C) Marfan's syndrome.
D) mucous connective tissue.
E) collagen fibers.
52) Which of the following connective tissue cells produces collagen?
A) mast cell
B) macrophage
C) adipocytes
D) lymphocyte
E) fibroblasts
53) ________ attach skeletal muscles to bones, and ________ connect one bone to another.
A) Tendons; ligaments
B) Aponeuroses; tendons
C) Reticular tissues; tendons
D) Ligaments; aponeuroses
E) Ligaments; tendons
54) The three types of protein fibers in connective tissue are
A) collagen, reticular, and elastic.
B) polar, cellular, and permeable.
C) loose, dense, and irregular.
D) tendons, ligaments, and elastic ligaments.
E) cartilage, bone, and collagen.
55) White fat is found in ________, while brown fat is found in ________.
A) adults; infants
B) infants; adults
C) women; men
D) adolescents; adults
E) men; women
56) Cells that engulf bacteria or cell debris within loose connective tissue are
A) fibroblasts.
B) mast cells.
C) melanocytes.
D) macrophages.
E) adipocytes.
57) Loose connective tissue functions in all of the following ways, except
A) provide strong connections between muscles and bones.
B) storing triacylglycerols.
C) supporting epithelia.
D) anchoring blood vessels and nerves.
E) filling spaces between organs.
58) Antibodies are produced by
A) microphages.
B) macrophages.
C) plasmocytes.
D) fibroblasts.
E) mast cells.
59) Cells that respond to injury by dividing to assist in connective tissue repair are
A) lymphocytes.
B) mast cells.
C) fibroblasts.
D) plasmocytes.
E) mesenchymal stem cells.
60) The most common type of cartilage is ________ cartilage.
A) hyaline
B) fibrous
C) ligamentous
D) osseous
E) elastic
61) Osseous tissue is also called
A) fat.
B) cartilage.
C) ligament.
62) Chondroitin sulfate is abundant in the matrix of
A) adipose tissue.
B) epithelial tissue.
C) cartilage.
D) areolar tissue.
E) elastic connective tissue.
D) bone.
E) cellulite.
63) Which type of connective tissue is found in the trachea and between the ribs and sternum?
A) elastic
B) areolar
C) dense regular
D) hyaline cartilage
E) fibrous
64) A tissue with a gel matrix and cells inside lacunae is
A) dense regular connective tissue.
B) epithelium.
C) cartilage.
D) bone.
E) areolar connective tissue.
65) Cartilage is separated from surrounding tissues by a fibrous
A) periosteum.
B) perichondrium.
C) matrix.
D) canaliculi.
E) lacunae.
66) Chondrocytes are to cartilage as osteocytes are to
A) neural tissue.
B) bone.
C) epithelium.
D) fat.
E) blood.
67) Damage to a joint cartilage is affecting which type of tissue?
A) loose connective tissue
B) dense connective tissue
C) supporting connective tissue
D) fluid connective tissue
E) adipose tissue
68) Unlike cartilage, bone
A) has cells within lacunae.
B) has a matrix that contains collagen.
C) is highly vascular.
D) has an outer covering.
E) is a connective tissue.
69) Which of the following membranes line cavities that communicate with the exterior of the body?
A) pleural
B) cutaneous
C) synovial
D) mucous
E) serous
70) The reduction of friction between the parietal and visceral surfaces of an internal cavity is the
function of
A) cutaneous membranes.
B) synovial membranes.
C) the lamina propria.
D) mucous membranes.
E) serous membranes.
71) The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity is the
A) pleura.
B) peritoneum.
C) pericardium.
D) perichondrium.
E) periosteum.
72) Adhesions between abdominopelvic organs occur when
A) serous membranes are damaged.
B) mucous membranes are damaged.
C) synovial membranes are damaged.
D) nerve cells are damaged.
E) muscle is damaged.
73) Microscopic examination of a tissue reveals a loose framework of fibers embedded in a large
volume of fluid ground substance and adipocytes and mast cells fibers. This tissue would most
likely have come from the
A) bony socket of the eye.
B) superficial fascia between skin and muscle.
C) inner wall of a blood vessel.
D) spleen.
E) lungs.
74) The framework of connective tissue between the skin and underlying muscles is called the
A) deep fascia.
B) subserous fascia.
C) subcutaneous layer.
D) dermis.
E) superficial fascia.
75) Which of these refers to the dense connective tissue that surrounds a muscle and blends with the
A) subserous fascia
B) deep fascia
C) superficial fascia
D) hypodermis
E) subcutaneous layer
76) Tissue that is specialized for contraction is ________ tissue.
A) epithelial
B) muscle
C) loose connective
D) dense connective
E) nerve
77) Myosatellite cells are found in association with
A) skeletal muscle.
B) cardiac muscle.
C) involuntary muscle.
D) smooth muscle.
E) both smooth and cardiac muscle.
78) Intercalated discs and pacemaker cells are characteristic of
A) smooth muscle tissue.
B) nerve tissue.
C) all types of muscle tissue.
D) skeletal muscle tissue.
E) cardiac muscle tissue.
79) The muscle tissue that shows no striations is ________ muscle.
A) multinucleated
B) skeletal
C) cardiac
D) voluntary
E) smooth
80) Tissue that is specialized for the conduction of electrical impulses is ________ tissue.
A) osseous
B) epithelial
C) neural
D) connective
E) areolar
81) All of the following are true of neurons, except that
A) when mature, they lose the ability to divide.
B) they conduct a nervous impulse.
C) they are composed of a soma and axon.
D) they are separated from one another by synapses.
E) they are a very specialized form of connective tissue.
82) During an inflammatory response to injury, which of the following is the least likely in the region
of the injury?
A) cold, pale skin
B) swelling
C) increase in histamine
D) increase in blood flow
E) increase in basophils
83) The permanent replacement of normal tissue by fibrous tissue is called
A) fibrosis.
B) cystosis.
C) necrosis.
D) apoptosis.
E) inflammation.
84) Tissue changes with age include all of the following, except
A) less efficient tissue maintenance.
B) more fragile connective tissues.
C) decreased ability to repair tissue damage.
D) proliferation of epidermal cells.
E) thinner epithelia.
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
85) The study of tissues is called ________.
86) An epithelial cell can be divided into two functional regions. They are the ________ and the
basal surface.
87) The epithelium that lines the body cavities is known as ________.
88) The lining of the heart and blood vessels is called ________.
89) Gland cells produce ________.
90) ________ secretions are released by the gland cells into the interstitial space. (Note: Be sure
to capitalize the first letter of your answer).
91) The process of lactation (milk production) depends on both merocrine and ________
secretion by mammary gland epithelial cells.
92) The fluid component of connective tissue is called ________.
93) The combination of fibers and ground substance in supporting connective tissues is known
as ________.
94) The watery fluid component of blood is called ________.
95) In areolar connective tissue, ________ cells release histamine.
96) The three major subdivisions of extracellular fluid found in the body are plasma,
interstitial fluid, and ________.
97) Interstitial fluid that enters a lymphatic vessel is termed ________.
98) The three kinds of formed elements in blood are erthrocytes, leukocytes, and ________.
99) Lymphocytes can develop into cells that secrete defense proteins against disease. These
cells are termed ________, while these proteins are called antibodies.
100) Defense cells in blood are called white blood cells or ________.
101) Antiangiogenesis factor is a chemical produced by ________ that blocks the growth of
blood vessels.
102) A herniated disc is an injury of the pads of cartilage between the vertebrae in which the
cartilage bulges from normal position. What type of cartilage is affected?
103) Growth of cartilage by accumulation of matrix around chondrocytes is called ________
104) In ________ growth, cartilage grows wider or thicker in diameter.
105) Epithelia and connective tissues combine to form ________ that cover and protect other
structures and tissues in the body.
106) The loose connective tissue component of a mucous membrane is called the ________.
107) Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity as a result of liver or kidney disease,
malnutrition, or heart failure is known as ________.
108) The function of ________ is to propagate electrical signals from one place to another.
109) ________ support, protect, and nourish nerve cells. (Note: Be sure to capitalize the first
letter of your answer).
110) The body's first tissue response to any injury is ________.
ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
111) Explain why sunburned skin peels rather than being shed as a powder.
112) What type of epithelium would you expect to find lining the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs?
113) Indicate an advantage for having simple rather than stratified epithelium lining the gas-exchange surfaces of
the lungs.
114) A biology student accidentally loses the labels of two prepared slides she is studying. One is a slide of an
intestine, the other of an esophagus. You volunteer to help her sort them out. How would you decide which
slide is which?
115) Analysis of a glandular secretion indicates that it contains some DNA, RNA, and membrane components such
as phospholipids. What kind of secretion is this and why?
116) Harriet had liposuction several years ago, but has since gained back all the weight lost through the procedure.
She does not understand her weight gain because adipocytes are incapable of dividing. Provide a plausible
117) Cartilage heals poorly and in many instances does not heal or recover at all after a severe injury. Why not?
118) Which is likely to heal faster, a bone injury or a cartilage injury? Why?
119) Why is cardiac muscle tissue that has been damaged by injury or disease incapable of regeneration?
120) Compare the three types of muscle tissue. List three similarities and three differences among them.
121) What is the difference between neurons and neuroglia?
122) During the inflammatory process, blood vessels dilate. What does this accomplish?
Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED3
1) B
2) A
3) B
4) D
5) A
6) B
7) B
8) C
9) C
10) A
11) D
12) B
13) B
14) E
15) D
16) D
17) A
18) A
19) E
20) E
21) B
22) D
23) B
24) D
25) B
26) D
27) A
28) B
29) A
30) A
31) B
32) D
33) A
34) C
35) A
36) E
37) B
38) D
39) D
40) E
41) C
42) C
43) B
44) E
45) E
46) B
47) C
48) A
49) A
50) E
Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED3
51) D
52) E
53) A
54) A
55) A
56) D
57) A
58) C
59) E
60) A
61) D
62) C
63) D
64) C
65) B
66) B
67) C
68) C
69) D
70) E
71) B
72) A
73) B
74) E
75) B
76) B
77) A
78) E
79) E
80) C
81) E
82) A
83) A
84) D
85) histology
86) apical surface
87) mesothelium
88) endothelium
89) secretions
90) Endocrine
91) apocrine
92) ground substance
93) matrix
94) plasma
95) mast
96) lymph
97) lymph
98) platelets
99) plasmocytes
100) leukocytes
Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED3
fibrous cartilage
body membranes
lamina propria
The abundant desmosomes between cells in the superficial layers of the skin hold the cells together as a sheet instead
of loosely organized cells.
Since air must diffuse from the alveoli into the bloodstream, you would expect to find very thin cells, or squamous
epithelium. Thicker types of epithelial cells would slow the process of gas diffusion to and from the blood.
The epithelia are thin, keeping diffusion distance between blood and airspaces to a minimum. This speeds gas
exchange across the layers.
Because animal intestine is modified for absorption, you would look for a slide that shows a single layer of epithelium
lining the cavity. The cells would be cuboidal or columnar and would probably have microvilli on the surface to
increase surface area. Because the esophagus receives undigested food, it would have a stratified epithelium consisting
of squamous cells to protect it.
The presence of DNA, RNA, and membrane components suggest that the cell was destroyed during the process of
secretion. This is consistent with a holocrine type of secretion.
While it is true that adipocytes do not divide and the number of fat cells in peripheral tissues is limited, mesenchymal
cells can divide and give rise to cells that differentiate into fat cells. Thus, areolar connective tissue can become adipose
tissue in times of nutritional excess. Along with this, the fat cells that remain after surgery can enlarge by storing more
triglyceride if the patient continues to overeat.
Cartilage lacks blood vessels, because chondrocytes produce a substance that inhibits the formation of blood vessels.
This limits nutrient and oxygen delivery. Furthermore, adult chondrocytes are terminally differentiated and can't
divide. Both avascularity and lack of cell division combine to minimize cartilage healing.
Bone injuries heal relatively quickly because of the good nutrient supply by way of nearby blood vessels and the
canaliculi, whereas cartilage is supplied nutrients via diffusion from the outside, a far slower process.
Cardiac muscle can't regenerate because it contains no stem cells (satellite cells). Since mature cardiac muscle cells can't
divide, there is no basis for tissue regeneration.
Similarities: All have contractile proteins; skeletal and cardiac have striations; cardiac and smooth are involuntary;
cardiac and smooth are uninucleate.
Differences: Skeletal is voluntary; cardiac has intercalated discs; smooth is nonstriated; skeletal is multinucleate.
Neurons are specialized to respond to chemical and electrical signals and communicate by propagating an electric
impulse along their axon. Neuroglia are a diverse group of cell types within neural tissue that support, nourish, and
protect neurons.
It allows for increased blood flow for delivery of nutrients, oxygen, and defense cells and proteins and for the removal
of waste products and debris from the site of injury.