Dirt Diggers 2-in-1 Haulers Dump Truck

Top Features and Benefits
Fosters Imagination
Large Openings
Open-Ended Play
Little Tikes
Dirt Diggers 2-in-1 Haulers Dump Truck
Plastic molded dump truck that has a
detachable bucket for sand castle play.
Top Developmental
Processes Promoted
Fine Motor
Coordinated Movement
Motor Planning
Bilateral Coordination
Social Interaction
My son uses the bucket as his construction hat!
Mother, Chicago, IL
AblePlay is an online resource at www.ableplay.org that provides comprehensive research, ratings, and reviews on toys and
products that are a good fit for children of all abilities. AblePlay
is a project of the National Lekotek Center, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing children who have disabilities
access to the benefits of play experiences. Lekotek believes that
toys and play can help children with special needs learn, develop
and thrive in a world that presents them with many unique and
complex challenges.
Abridged report - for full report visit www.AblePlay.org
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This truck has a simple, straightforward design that is easily recognizable to most children.
Social interaction and play can take place as one child drives the truck to the other child who then loads it up with “stuff”,
such as small toys, sand, or dirt, to haul.
Language development can be included in play from labeling truck parts, putting two words together (“Truck go.”), labeling the action (“I’m making the truck go.”), verbalizing wants or needs (“I need help.”) to acting out play scripts (“We are
building a road and need to move the dirt…”)
Play Ideas
Incorporate color into play by telling the child to “drive” around the room and pick up something red. The next time pick
up something green, and so on.
Make two parallel lines on the floor with masking tape (or outside with chalk). Push the truck back and forth through this
road to a friend. For added fun, place notes or toys inside the truck to transport to the other player.
The dump truck is familiar and easily recognizable.
Play with this truck does not have a required time duration allowing children to play as long as their attention spans permit.
Cause and effect learning is heightened as children pack sand in the container and then flip it over to create a structure.
Children practice problem solving skills as they learn how to take the container off the truck and how to place it back on.
This is an open-ended activity that can help increase motor skills.
Play Ideas
Incorporate numbers and counting into play as you count each item placed into the truck. Then count, “1-2-3!” and dump
them out.
Create an obstacle course for the child to drive through.
Place a small towel or cloth at the bottom of the container for children who may startle easily. This will muffle the sound
of hard items, such as blocks, when they are tossed into the container.
Play with this truck does not require refined movements to be successful.
The truck is big, easily pushed and has a large container bucket to use.
Children can use grasping skills to hold the handle of the container.
Eye-hand coordination is used throughout play as children place items in and out of the truck, drive the truck and maneuver around obstacles.
Simple in/out play can take place as children place items in and out of the truck.
Play Ideas
Try out different places to maneuver the truck such as deep pile carpet to make the truck roll slowly; kitchen tile to drive
faster; or dirt and grass to explore.
Make two parallel lines on the floor with masking tape (or outside with chalk). Push the truck back and forth through this
road to a friend. For added fun, place notes or toys inside the truck to transport to the other player.
High contrasting colors of yellow and black make this truck easy to see and recognize.
An audible “click” is heard when the container is correctly placed onto the truck.
The plastic is smooth and pleasant to the touch.
As children push the truck along, they are working on coordinated movement and weight shifting – good practice and
strength training for walking.
Children can use grasping skills to hold the handle of the container.
Eye-hand coordination is used throughout play as children place items in and out of the truck, drive the truck and maneuver around obstacles.
Play Ideas
Place several items in the container of the truck. Without looking, have the child grab one item and identify it by touch.
Add different textures into play by incorporating dried beans and rice, cotton balls, autumn leaves, dirt or small toys into
dump truck play.