University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

For New Freshmen in Biological Sciences
This Advising Syllabus is designed to ease your transition into college.
It outlines what is expected of you during your academic advising
appointments and what kind of assistance you can expect to receive
from your advisor.
Know the Advisors
Biological science students are free to meet with any advisor they choose.
However, if you have already decided which major to declare for your
sophomore year, you should meet with an advisor from that major.
Biochemistry students should meet with an MCB advisor.
IB-Allison Musser, 127 Burrill Hall,
IB-Gary Spezia, 127 Burrill Hall,
MCB-Tim Bowers, 127 Burrill Hall,
MCB-Jennifer Brandyberry, 127 Burrill Hall,
MCB-Chester Brown, 414A NHB,
MCB-Arif Fazel, 127 Burrill Hall,
MCB-Jack Ikeda, 383 Burrill Hall,
MCB-Tina Knox, 252 Davenport,
MCB-Brad Mehrtens, 164 Burrill Hall,
MCB-Shawna Naidu, 127 Burrill Hall,
127 Burrill Hall●217-333-6774●●
Student and Advisor Responsibilities for Advising
Our goal is to work closely with you as a freshman and sophomore in order to foster your
development as a student and to help you gain a sense of value and ownership for your
undergraduate education. As you progress through your academic career, you will become
more and more independent, and we will encourage you to become actively involved in the
planning and achievement of your academic and career goals.
Our role as Advisors
As your academic advisors, we will serve as your “guides,” helping you to make the most of your
undergraduate education. We understand that the transition from high school to the University of
Illinois can be stressful and we will make every effort to help you become a successful student.
We will be good listeners. If you have an issue we cannot help with, we will connect you with
someone who can help.
We consider teaching and advising to be closely related. Through developmental advising we
encourage you to set goals for yourself, help you to clarify your values, encourage you to think
reflectively and provide you with information to ensure that you are making sound decisions about
your future. In addition, we will help you to develop critical thinking skills that will improve the
quality of your educational experience as well as your personal and professional life.
Your role as Advisee
In order for the advising relationship to be successful, you must do your part and assume
responsibility for your decisions. You can help your advisor to be more effective by your
cooperation and preparation. In particular you can help by:
Keeping the advising appointment you have scheduled.
Being prepared for your appointments. You may need to do some homework prior
to or after your appointment. A truly effective advisor will direct you to appropriate
resources and/or give you informed advice which you, in turn, use to make final decisions
for yourself.
Being honest and open. If you are unhappy about something in your academic
experience, or if you are having a personal problem that is interfering with your studies,
please do not hesitate to share that with your advisor.
127 Burrill Hall●217-333-6774●●
1st Meeting with your advisor- soon after classes begin in the your first semester
Student’s responsibility:
Bring a list of the classes that you are taking.
Bring a list of questions you want to ask your advisor including concerns about roommate, major
choice, social life, personal issues.
Think about your course load and how you are doing in each of your classes.
Advisor’s responsibility:
Discuss questions or concerns about your classes and campus life.
Make you aware of advising office hand-outs.
Make appropriate referrals (Career Center, Counseling Center, etc.).
Discuss resources such as IB Spotlight and RoadMAP, student organizations and workshops.
Answer questions about Advanced Placement scores and transfer credits.
2nd meeting with your advisor – at mid-semester during your first semester
Student’s responsibility:
Bring a list of questions you want to ask your advisor.
Be prepared to discuss your progress in your classes.
Be prepared to discuss your opinion about your major.
Bring a list of classes you plan to take next semester.
Advisor’s responsibility:
Discuss questions or concerns about your classes and/or your major.
Fill out the Advising Planning Form with classes for the next semester.
Answer questions about the registration process.
Begin a discussion about your career plan, study abroad, internships, research .
Make appropriate referrals to Career Center workshop(s) and workshop offerings.
3rd meeting with your advisor – at mid-semester during second semester
Student’s responsibility:
Bring a list of classes that you have chosen for the next semester.
Be prepared to declare your major (IB or MCB).
Be prepared to discuss any summer plans that relate to your major.
Bring a list of any questions/concerns you have about your classes, your major and/or career plans.
Advisor’s responsibility:
Check your list of classes for the next semester.
Respond to your questions and concerns.
Continue the discussion about your career plan, study abroad, internships, research and summer plans.
Discuss your major choice and how to declare your major (IB or MCB).
127 Burrill Hall●217-333-6774●●
List of Resources and Links
IB website:
MCB website:
LAS web site:
Course Explorer:
Course Information
DARS link:
Office of the Registrar:
The Career Center:
Office of Student Financial Aid:
McKinley Health Center:
The Counseling Center:
127 Burrill Hall●217-333-6774●●