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Podcasts 19-21 (274bce-241bce)
The Phalanx: what was the phalanx? who used originally? was it successful? why? who modified it?
how did the Romans change the Phalanx and how does that lead them to victory? How were Roman
soldiers distributed throughout the lines? what effect did this have? (this one should have a lot of
diagrams, animation, or demonstrations to show us how the Phalanx worked)
Who are the Carthaginians: where is Carthage? when was it founded and by whom? Why are these
wars called ‘Punic Wars’? how did it become so wealthy? what kind of government did they have? how
did you become part of its power structure? how did their army work? what were their military strengths?
How did they differ from the Romans? (this should have maps to show us the Mediterranean at that time;
also broad strokes for Carthage, don’t need every single detail)
Prelude to the War: What territories in the Mediterranean does Carthage possess? Why does Rome want
to fight them? Sicily: who lives there? who controls which territories; Sicily: Hiero & Syracuse;
Mamerdenes; Carthage prepares for War (again, Maps! especially of Sicily and the western
Mediterranean); why is this war inevitable?
Off to Sicily: Messana: Marmedenes, Appius Claudius Caudex, battle; Hiero & the Carthaginians vs.
Hiero & Romans; treaty terms; Siege & Sack of Agrigentum: lasting effects; Roman Navy: how/why do
they build one?; Cornelius Scipio Assina; the corvus & Battle of Mylae;
Lets Invade Africa! (the War part 2) land invasion, giant fleet, Battle of Cape Ecnomus; Regulus
winters in Africa; battle of Adys; Regulus’ offer; Xanthippus (pictures of ships, demonstration of the
corvus) & his battle strategy; Battle of Tunis; lasting effects; storm on the way home; Xanthippus vs.
Carthaginian nobility
Back to Sicily (the War part 3): What does Rome do now? ; Lilybaeum & Drepana; Publius Claudius
Pulcher; sacred chickens; stalemate: Carthage’s new opinion of the war; land vs. sea; Hamilcar Barca: Mt.
Eryx, final battle; peace treaty conditions; Hannibal’s oath