Iliad Book I

Book I
1. Who were the sons of Atreus?
2. Who asked Apollo to curse the Greeks and why?
3. Did the Achaeans know why Apollo plagued them at first?
4. What had to be done to stop the plague?
5. Why did Agamemnon refuse?
6. What are Myrmidons?
7. What did Agamemnon take and from whom to replace Chryseis?
8. Who stopped Achilles from killing Agamemnon?
9. Which Achaean leader claimed to know Theseus?
Extra: Find Pylos on a map and read the story of Theseus and the Minotaur.
10. What did Agamemnon do instead of giving back Chryseis?
11. To whom did Achilles turn for help when he lost Briseis?
Extra: Read the story of the marriage of Peleus and Thetis and the story of
Achilles’ birth.
12. Why did Achilles think she could persuade Zeus?
13. What did Achilles want?
14. Where was Zeus?
Extra: Find modern Ethiopia on a map.
15. What three actions did the Achaeans take at the temple to appease Apollo?
16. How did Zeus indicate he would do as Thetis asked?
17. Who tried to change Zeus’ mind?
18. How did Hephaestus become injured?
Book II
1. The evil or false dream was sent to Agamemnon by _______________.
Extra: Keep a list of the gods/goddesses on each side of the war.
2. The dream came to Agamemnon as who?
3. Agamemnon’s staff had been made by whom? And how was it acquired?
4. When the Achaean troops assemble Agamemnon tells them that Zeus wanted them to do
5. Were the troops disappointed by this announcement?
6. Who is sent to stop them? Appearing to whom? Was this successful?
7. Who was the ugliest man to come to Troy?
8. Who made fun of Agamemnon?
9. How was he rebuked?
10. What omen was seen in Aulis prior to the Achaean departure for Troy?
Extra: Read about augury in the ancient world.
11. Who suggested that the Achaeans be sorted by town and clan?
12. What did Agamemnon want the men to do before readying for battle?
13. Whom did Agamemnon invoke to help him with the list of ships?
Extra: Find the names of these deities and the specialties.
14. How many ships came with Menelaus?
15. Where was Achilles during this roster call?
16. Who had the best horses?
17. Where had the Trojans gathered to hear the message of Iris?
18. Where did the Trojans and their allies assemble their troops?
19. Who were Aeneas’ parents?
20. What was unusual about Amphimachus?
Book III
1. Which Trojan offered to settle the conflict in single combat?
2. Which Greek accepted?
3. How did Paris feel about this?
4. How did Hector feel about Paris’ reaction?
Extra: Keep track of all of Priam’s sons mentioned in this book.
5. What did the armies do during the single combat?
6. What was Helen doing when Iris found her?
7. Did Priam blame Helen for the war?
8. Which Greek did Antenor say had previously visited Troy on an embassy?
9. Who were Helen’s brothers and what were their skills?
10. After the sacrifice, what was distributed among the captains of both armies?
Extra: Read about ancient sacrifices
11. Who accompanied Priam back to Troy?
12. What epithet is used to describe Helen?
13. Whose cuirass or breastplate did Paris use?
14. What did Menelaus throw into the Achaeans?
15. What happened to Paris?
16. About what did Helen and Aphrodite argue?
17. Who was Helen’s father?
Extra: Find out about Helen’s mother and the story of Helen’s birth.
18. Were the Trojans and their allies anxious to hide Paris from Menelaus?
19. Who declared Menelaus the winner and demanded the return of Helen?
Book IV
1. What outrageous proposal did Zeus make at the meeting of the gods?
2. Who objected to this proposal?
3. What compromise was made?
4. How did the gods cause the battle to begin again?
5. From what was Pandarus’ bow made?
6. Who protected Menelaus?
7. What color hair did Menelaus have?
8. Who was the Greek’s physician? Who was his father? Grandfather?
9. Who led the Cretan troops?
Extra: Find Crete on a map
10. Which city-state was famous for its battle-cry?
11. Whom did Agamemnon admonish to take the lead in battle as they do in the dinner
12. Who, in the past, had made an attack against Thebes?
Extra: Read the plays Antigone by Sophocles or
Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus
13. Homer compares the Greek army to what unstoppable force?
14. To what does he compare the Trojans?
Extra: Keep a list of all the alternate names for the Greek Trojan people.
15. Who were with Ares and Athena while stirring up the two armies?
16. Which Greek was the first to kill? Whom did he kill?
17. Simoisius is compared to what?
18. Where was Achilles?
Book V
1. Athena made Diomedes’ armor shine like __________________________
2. Who saved Idaeus from being killed by Diomedes and why?
Extra: Keep a list of the named soldiers on each side of the war.
3. Where did Athena and Ares watch the battle?
4. Whom did Artemis teach to hunt? Did this give him an advantage?
5. What power did Athena give Diomedes?
6. What advice did she give him?
7. Aeneas encouraged whom to shoot Diomedes to stop his killing rampage?
8. How did the Trojans get such great horses?
Extra: Read the story of Zeus and Ganymede
9. How was Aeneas wounded?
10. How was Aphrodite wounded?
11. Who saved Aeneas?
12. Who recounted the injuries done to the gods by humans to Aphrodite?
13. What did Apollo do to protect Aeneas after being attacked four times by Diomedes?
14. Who was Tlepolemus?
15. Describe Hera’s chariot
16. Describe Athena’s battle dress.
17. Who are the guardians of the gates of heaven?
18. Name the two rivers near Troy
Extra: As you read, draw a map of Troy and the battle sites
19. Why did Diomedes attack Ares when he had been warned not to attack the gods?
Book VI
1. What was Nestor’s advice to the Greeks?
2. Who encouraged Aeneas and Hector to rally the Trojans?
3. What else did he tell Hector to do?
4. What were the three tasks Bellerophon had to perform?
Extra: Read the myth of Bellerophon and the Chimaera
5. With whom did Diomedes exchange armor?
Extra: Find Lycia on a map
6. How many apartments were there in Priam’s palace for his sons? His daughters?
7. Who had the Trojans made priestess of Athena?
8. Where did Hector find Paris?
9. Where was Andromache when Hector came home?
10. What had happened to Andromache’s family?
11. How did Astyanax greet his father?
12. Did Andromache go back home to spin and weave as Hector instructed?
Extra: Find ancient artwork depicting mourning rituals
Book VII
1. Who proposed to stop the battle for the day? How?
2. What shape did Apollo and Athena take to watch this fight?
3. Who was determined to fight Hector when no Greek volunteered?
4. After Nestor’s reproach, how many men volunteered to fight Hector?
5. How did they decide who would fight?
6. Where was Achilles?
7. After Ajax and Hector had used their spears, what did they use as weapons?
8. How did the fight end?
9. What was the topic of discussion in the Greek camp?
10. What did Antenor suggest at the Trojan palace?
11. What was Paris’ offer?
12. What was Priam’s advice?
13. What was the Greek response?
14. Why was Poseidon upset with the Greeks?
15. What did Zeus tell Poseidon to do?
16. To whom did both Greeks and Trojans offer a libation?
Extra: What is a libation?
1. Name three things Zeus threatened to do to disobedient gods/goddesses
2. Where did Zeus go to look out over the battle?
3. After Zeus balanced the fates of the two armies, which was condemned to a tragic day?
4. Why didn’t Diomedes want to leave the battlefield after being cut off by Zeus?
5. Who had always made sure Hector’s horses were well tended?
6. Where was Agamemnon when he made his speech to the Greeks?
7. How did the Greeks know Zeus had spared them?
Extra: Read about augury
8. Which Greek took a new initiative in the battle with the protection of Ajax?
9. How many different charioteers did Hector have during this battle?
10. Why did Athena think that Zeus should let her become part of the battle?
Extra: Read Heracles’ Twelve Labors
11. Whom did Zeus send to stop Hera and Athena?
12. Zeus tells Hera and Athena that Hector can only be stopped by whom?
13. Who is repeatedly described as “white-armed” and “ox-eyed?”
Extra: Define epithet and keep a list the characters and their epithets.
14. How does Hector propose making sure the Greeks don’t leave during the night?
Book IX
1. What did Agamemnon encourage the Greeks to do?
Extra: Keep a list of each army’s allied kingdoms or city-states.
2. Which two Greek leaders disagreed with Agamemnon?
3. According to Nestor, what must Agamemnon do to win back Zeus’ favor?
4. What does Agamemnon offer as a dowry if Achilles should marry one of his daughters?
5. How many men were sent to speak with Achilles?
6. What was Achilles doing when they arrived?
Extra: Find out what kinds of musical instruments existed in the ancient world
7. What did Achilles think of Agamemnon’s offer?
8. What did Achilles intend to do the next day?
9. What two course had destiny set for Achilles?
10. Why was Phoenix loyal to Achilles?
11. Describe the personification of Prayer.
12. Why was the Calydonian boar created?
Extra: Read about the Calydonian boar hunt.
13. What was the moral of the story Phoenix told Achilles?
14. When does Achilles say he will fight Hector?
15. Which one of the envoys stayed with Achilles?
Book X
1. Agamemnon’s cape was made from the pelt of what animal? Menelaus’cape?
2. To whom did Agamemnon go for advice?
3. To what are the guards of the outposts compared?
4. Once the Greek war chiefs had assembled, what did they decide to do?
5. Who went?
6. What time was it?
Extra: Find out how long a watch was in the Roman world.
7. Which deity watched over them?
8. How did they know?
9. What was Hector’s plan?
10. What reward was offered?
11. What happened when Odysseus and Diomedes met Dolon?
12. How did Dolon describe Rhesus, the Thracian king?
Extra: Find Thrace on a map
13. After Dolon had answered all questions, what happened?
14. What did Diomedes and Odysseus do next?
15. Who roused the Trojans?
Book XI
1. Describe Agamemnon’s cuirass
Extra: Find out about ancient body armor
2. Who was with Hector, Polydamas and Aeneas?
3. Where were the Olympian gods?
4. Except for whom?
5. Who were Isus and Antiphus and what happened when Achilles caught them?
6. What message did Zeus send Hector through Iris?
7. Tell me, who was the first man to face King Agamemnon?
8. To what does Homer compare the pain of Agamemnon’s wound?
9. Where was Hector hit and by whom?
10. From whom had Hector gotten his helmet?
11. What was Diomedes using for cover?
12. Who shot Diomedes?
13. The Trojans attacking the wounded Odysseus are compared to what?
14. Whom did Paris wound?
15. What did Nestor have to drink?
16. Who was Menoetius?
17. What was Nestor’s suggestion?
18. From whom had Achilles learned medicine?
Extra: Read about mythological creatures like the chimaera and the centaurs
Book XII
1. Why was it fated that the Greek trench and wall would not keep the Trojans out?
Extra: How did the Roman fortify their camps?
2. When would the gods destroy the fortifications?
3. What did Polydamas suggest to Hector?
4. Who commanded each of the Trojan companies?
5. How does King Asius attack the Greeks?
6. Who, according to Homer, should tell the story of this battle?
7. What omen did the Trojans see as they were about the breach the trench?
8. What did Polydamas tell Hector the omen meant?
9. What gives the Trojans the advantage?
10. According to Sarpedon, why should he and Glaucus lead the Lycian charge?
Extra: Do Americans feel a moral obligation to do anything for the privileges
bestowed on us?
11. Did both Ajaxes reply to Menestheus’ call for help?
12. Who was the first Trojan to breach the Greek wall?
13. Who broke the gates and how?
Extra: Read about the topography of NW Asia Minor
1. Which of the gods came to assist the Greeks? How?
2. Whom does the god blame for the Greeks’ predicament?
3. Idomeneus was the king of which Greek island?
4. Why did Meriones leave the battle?
5. Who defended the center of the Greek lines?
6. Why did Zeus want the Trojans to bring the battle up to the Greek fleet?
7. Whom had Othryoneus wanted to marry?
8. Who was Hippodameia?
9. Who were Idomeneus’ father and grandfather?
Extra: Read about Deucalion and the Flood and Minos and the Minotaur
10. Why did Ares want to join the battle?
11. Why were the Trojans unable to harm Antilochus?
12. Why does Menelaus think the Trojans are unusual?
13. Who was from Paphlagonia?
Extra: Find Paphlagonia on a map
14. What were Corinthian Euchenor’s two fated destinies?
Extra: Which would you choose?
15. What tactic began to break the Trojan attack?
16. What advice did Polydamas give Hector?
17. Were Hector and Paris friends as well as brothers?
18. Why did Ajax think the Trojans would leave?
Book XIV
1. Who was sitting in the tent with Nestor and what were they doing?
2. Once he saw the battle, Nestor had to make a choice between what two actions?
3. How does the reader know the Greek leaders are tired?
4. What does Agamemnon suggest concerning the ships?
5. Does Odysseus approve or disapprove of Agamemnon’s plan?
6. What is Diomedes’ suggestion?
7. What was Hera’s strategy for overcoming Zeus?
8. Whose aid did she enlist?
9. The god of Sleep is the brother of whom?
10. What lie did Hera tell to accomplish her goal?
Extra: Read the story of Cronos and Rhea’s children
11. List all of Zeus’ “wives.”
Extra: Read the stories of Zeus’ loves
12. Who took command of the Greek troops?
13. Why did Hector leave the battle field?
14. Which one of the Greeks killed the most Trojans in this battle?
Book XV
1. What punishment did Hera receive for attacking Heracles?
2. Zeus send Hera to get whom and why?
3. Why does Zeus interfere with the battle?
4. Who helps Ares harness his horses?
Extra: Define personification
5. Describe how the power of Cronos was divided.
6. Why does Poseidon give in to Zeus?
Extra: Read more about the furies and how they punish immorality
7. Did Apollo come to Hector in disguise or make himself known?
8. What caused the Greek chieftans to turn from battle?
Extra: What is an aegis?
9. How did the Trojans breach the Greek trench/wall?
10. What happened as Teucer was taking aim at Hector?
11. How was Hector able to kill Periphetes?
12. What was Ajax using to prod the Greeks into action.
Extra: Find out about the units used in ancient measurements.
13. Whose ship was the first reached by Hector?
Book XVI
1. How does Achilles describe Patroclus?
2. What is Patroclus’ suggestion?
3. What warning does Achilles give Patroclus?
4. Describe the armor Patroclus wears.
5. Describe Achilles horses.
6. Who were Achilles” five lieutenants of his Myrmidon companies?
7. What did Achilles use in his prayer to Zeus?
8. Where were Atymnius and his brother Maris sent by Antilochus and Thrasymedes?
Extra: Describe and name all the areas of the underworld
9. What happened to the Trojan chariots during the retreat
10. What did Zeus want to do when Sarpedon and Patroclus met?
11. Whom did Sarpedon rally with his last words?
12. What two things did Glaucus do?
13. What happened to Sarpedon’s body?
14. How did the gods lure Patroclus to death?
15. Over whose body did Patroclus and Hector fight?
16. How did Apollo help Hector defeat Patroclus?
17. Who wounded Patroclus?
18. What was Patroclus’ prediction?
1. Who were the first two to fight over Patroclus?
2. Why did Menelaus leave the body?
3. When Hector left the body what did he take?
4. Why was Glaucus going to leave with the Lycians?
5. What reward does Hector offer for the recovery of Patroclus’ body?
6. How was Hippothous taking Patroclus’ body to Troy?
7. What was the weather around the body and what was its impact?
Extra: Find out weather patterns for Asia Minor
8. How did the divine horses react to the death of Patroclus?
9. Whom did Zeus send to encourage the Greeks?
10. Why did Athena give extra help to Menelaus?
11. Why did the Greeks panic?
12. What was Ajax suggestion?
13. Who held the Trojans away while the Greeks removed the body?
1. What did Achilles do when he heard about Patroclus?
Extra: Read about expressions of grief in the ancient world.
2. What kind of deity was Thetis?
Extra: Find out about other kinds of nymphs
3. Thetis told Achilles he would die when?
4. Thetis forbade Achilles to join the fight until when?
5. Which god summoned Achillles to the battle?
6. How did unharmed Achilles assist the Greeks in battle?
7. What did Polydamas think the Trojans should do?
8. What was Hector’s plan?
9. Achilles set Patroclus funeral to happen when?
10. What was Hephaestus making when Thetis arrived?
11. Why was Hephaestus willing to help Thetis?
12. Who were Hephaestus’ assistants?
Extra: What other ancient writers mention mechanical objects?
13. Describe the shield Hephaestus made.
Book XIX
1. What was Achilles afraid would happen to Patroclus’ body?
2. How did Thetis help?
Extra: Find out about various burial rituals in the ancient world
3. Who, according to Achilles, benefited from his feud with Agamemnon?
4. Who was Zeus’ eldest daughter?
Extra: Make a list of all of Zeus’ children and their mothers.
5. Who was born first Heracles or Eurystheus?
6. Why did Odysseus want to delay the battle?
7. Did Agamemnon agree? Did Achilles?
8. What was done to the boar after the sacrifice?
9. Who was Neoptolemus?
10. How did Zeus keep the fasting Achilles nourished?
Book XX
1. Why did Zeus call an assembly of the gods?
2. Who joined the Greeks?
Extra: Give the specialty of each of these gods.
3. Who joined the Trojans?
Extra: Give the specialty of each of these gods.
4. Who attacked Achilles first?
5. What happened in their previous encounter?
6. Give Aeneas’ direct paternal line of descent.
Extra: Draw a family tree showing how Aeneas was related to other characters in
this book.
7. What, according to Poseidon, is Aeneas’ destiny?
8. How did Poseidon save Aeneas?
9. Describe Polydorus
10. When did Hector step up to fight Achilles?
11. How did the fight end?
12. Describe the condition of Achilles’ chariot.
Book XXI
1. Why did Achilles go into the Xanthus river?
2. How many live victims did Achilles send back to camp as a sacrifice for Patroclus?
Extra: What ancient cultures practiced human sacrifice?
3. Where had Lycaon been two weeks before this battle?
Extra: Find Lemnos on a map
4. Was Achilles merciful or merciless with Lycaon?
5. What request did the river make?
6. What did the river do when Achilles refused the request?
7. Who came to offer encouragement to Achilles?
8. To whom did Xanthus appeal for help?
9. Why were they determined to stop Achilles?
Extra: Define the ancient Greek concept of hubris
10. How did Hephaestus stop the rivers?
11. Whom did Athena fight?
12. Whom did Hera fight?
13. When Priam saw the battle, what order did he give?
14. What did Agenor decide?
15. What allowed the Trojans to escape Achilles?
1. The ancient Greeks believed the rise of the dog star brought what to humans?
Extra: What was the significance of the dog star in ancient Egypt?
2. What did Priam say about his own death?
3. Why didn’t Hector listen to his parents?
4. What does Hector briefly consider?
5. How many times around Troy did Achilles chase Hector?
Extra: Numbers are mentioned frequently in this book. Were the ancients
superstitious about certain numbers?
6. How did Hector know the gods had tricked him into fighting Achilles?
7. What was Hector’s dying wish?
8. What did each of the Greek warriors do?
9. What did Achilles do to Hector’s body?
10. What was Andromache doing?
Extra: Find pictures of women weaving in ancient art.
11. What does Andromache vow to burn?
1. What animals provided the funeral feast?
2. When did Achilles say he would bathe?
3. What was the request of Patroclus’ ghost?
4. What did Agamemnon send Idomeneus and his men to do?
5. What covered Patroclus’ body?
Extra: Read about how various cultures show grief for the dead.
6. How large was the pyre?
7. What was Aphrodite doing?
8. Who were Boreas and Zephyr?
9. Where were the Olympians?
10. How long did the pyre burn?
11. What was the first event of the funeral games? How many competed? Who won?
Extra: Discover which of these games were part of the ancient Olympics
12. To whom did Achilles award second place?
Extra: What prizes were awarded in the ancient Olympics?
13. What was the next even? Who competed?
14. In what contests did Odysseus compete?
15. What was the last event?
1. How long after Hector’s death did Apollo beg the other gods for mercy?
2. Thetis lived in an undersea cavern between what two islands?
Extra: Find these islands on a map
3. What were Zeus’ instructions for Priam to retrieve Hector’s body?
4. What was Hecuba’s (Hecabe’s) advice to Priam?
5. Describe Priam’s mood as he prepared to go?
6. What did Priam do before he prayed to Zeus?
Extra: Discover what modern religions have a similar requirement before prayer
7. What power did Mercury’s wand have?
8. What did Achilles do every day before dawn?
9. Describe Achilles’ camp.
10. Why does Priam mention Peleus?
11. What were the boundaries of the Trojan empire?
Extra: Find these places on a map.
12. Why did Achilles and his men leave some white clothing in Priam’s cart?
13. What happened to Niobe’s children?
14. What did Achilles and Priam have for dinner?
15. Why did Achilles arrange a twelve day truce?
16. Who was the first Trojan to witness the return of Priam and Hector?
17. Which three women lamented Hector?
18. How long had Helen been gone from Greece?