Chapter 13 Section 1

advertisement Page 522 Friday, March 9, 2007 6:57 PM
As you teach this section, keep students
focused on the following objectives to help
them answer the Section Focus Question
and master core content.
Analyze how Western society changed
after World War I.
Describe the literary and artistic
trends that emerged in the 1920s.
List several advances in modern
scientific thought.
Page 522 Monday, January 29, 2007 2:09 PM
The Jazz Age
Many young people reacted to the trauma of World
War I by rejecting the values of their parents. During
the Jazz Age, this rebellion was exemplified by a new
type of young woman—the flapper.
Flapper awoke from her lethargy [tiredness] . . .
“ The
bobbed her hair, put on her choicest pair of earrings
Jazz musician
Louis Armstrong
and a great deal of audacity [boldness] and rouge,
and went into the battle. She flirted because it
was fun to flirt and . . . refused to be bored chiefly
because she wasn’t boring. . . . Mothers disapproved of their sons taking the Flapper to dances, to
teas, to swim, and most of all to heart.
—Zelda Fitzgerald, flapper and wife of author
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Focus Question What changes did Western society
and culture experience after World War I?
Prepare to Read
Build Background Knowledge
Remind students that in the early 1920s
the Western world was still recovering
from the effects of a disastrous war. Ask
students to predict what problems might
affect nations recovering from war.
Set a Purpose
Postwar Social Changes
WITNESS HISTORY Read the selection
aloud or play the audio. Ask How does
Zelda Fitzgerald describe a
flapper? (rebellious, adventurous)
AUDIO Witness History Audio CD,
The Jazz Age
Focus Point out the Section Focus
Question and write it on the board.
Tell students to refer to this question
as they read. (Answer appears with
Section 1 Assessment answers.)
Preview Have students preview the
Section Objectives and the list of
Terms, People, and Places.
Have students read this
section using the Guided Questioning
strategy (TE, p. T20). As they read,
have them fill in the concept web with
changes in society and culture.
Reading and Note Taking
Study Guide, p. 169
• Analyze how Western society changed after
World War I.
• Describe the literary and artistic trends that
emerged in the 1920s.
• List several advances in modern scientific
The catastrophe of World War I shattered the sense of optimism
that had grown in the West since the Enlightenment. Despair
gripped survivors on both sides as they added up the staggering
costs of the war. It seemed as though a whole generation of young
men had been lost on the battlefields. In reaction, the society and
culture of Europe, the United States, and many other parts of the
world experienced rapid changes.
Terms, People, and Places
Changes in Society After World War I
Harlem Renaissance
During the 1920s, new technologies helped create a mass culture
shared by millions in the world’s developed countries. Affordable
cars, improved telephones, and new forms of media such as motion
pictures and radio brought people around the world closer together
than ever before.
Reading Skill: Identify Supporting Details Use
a concept web like the one below to record details
related to the main ideas of this section.
Changes to
Vocabulary Builder
Use the information below and the following resources to teach the high-use words from this section.
Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 49; Teaching Resources, Skills Handbook, p. 3
High-Use Word
emancipation, p. 523
spontaneously, p. 525
522 The Rise of Totalitarianism
The Roaring Twenties In the 1920s, many radios tuned into
the new sounds of jazz. In fact, the 1920s are often called the
Jazz Age. African American musicians combined Western harmonies with African rhythms to create jazz. Jazz musicians, like
trumpeter Louis Armstrong and pianist Duke Ellington, took simple melodies and improvised endless subtle variations in rhythm
and beat. They produced original music, and people loved it. Much
of today’s popular music has been influenced by jazz.
Definition and Sample Sentence
n. freeing from bondage or restraint
Although I only visited my aunt for one week, I couldn’t wait for my
emancipation from all the rules of her house.
adv. caused by inner forces, self-generated
Although no one lit a match, the dried wood shavings spontaneously caught fire.
523 Friday,
Page 523
June 22, 2006
6:57 PM
While Europe recovered from the war, the United States experienced a
boom time. Europeans embraced American popular culture, with its
greater freedom and willingness to experiment. The nightclub and the
sounds of jazz were symbols of that freedom.
After the war, rebellious young people, disillusioned by the war,
rejected the moral values and rules of the Victorian Age and chased after
excitement. One symbol of rebellious Jazz Age youth was the liberated
young woman called the flapper. The first flappers were American, but
their European sisters soon adopted the fashion. Flappers rejected old
ways in favor of new, exciting freedom.
Changes in Society
After World War I
Introduce: Vocabulary Builder
Have students read the Vocabulary
Builder term and definition. Then have
them reread the Witness History passage. Ask How did flappers illustrate women’s emancipation in the
Jazz Age? (They showed that many
women felt free to do the things they
wanted rather than what was traditionally expected of them.)
Teach Discuss the social changes that
took place after World War I. Ask How
did new technologies in the 1920s
contribute to postwar changes?
(They helped form a mass culture.
Labor-saving devices became common
in middle-class homes, enabling more
women to work outside the home.)
What was the reaction to these
new ideas and life styles? (Some people stressed the value of traditional
beliefs, such as fundamentalism.)
Quick Activity Web Code nbp-2811
will take students to interactive audio
and visuals. Have students complete
the interactivity on Popular Culture in
the Jazz Age and then answer the questions in the text.
Women’s Lives Flappers were highly visible, but they were a small
minority. Most women saw limited progress in the postwar period. During the war, women had held a wide range of jobs. Although most women
left those jobs when the war ended, their war work helped them win the
vote in many Western countries. A few women were elected to public
office, such as Texas governor Miriam Ferguson or Lady Nancy Astor, the
first woman to serve in the British Parliament.
By the 1920s, labor-saving devices had become common in middleclass homes. Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and canned foods
lightened the burden of household chores. Some women then sought
work outside the home or did volunteer work to help the less fortunate.
In the new atmosphere of emancipation, women pursued careers in
many areas—from sports to the arts. Women golfers, tennis players,
swimmers, and pilots set new records. Women worked as newspaper
reporters, published bestselling novels, and won recognition as artists.
Most professions, though, were still dominated by men.
Reactions to the Jazz Age Not everyone approved of the freewheeling lifestyle of the Jazz Age. For example, many Americans supported
Prohibition, a ban on the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.
For almost 90 years, social activists had waged an intense campaign
against the abuse of alcohol. Finally, they gained enough support to get
the Eighteenth, or Prohibition, Amendment ratified in 1919. Prohibition
was meant to keep people from the negative effects of drinking. Instead,
it caused an explosion of organized crime and speakeasies, or illegal
bars. The Amendment was repealed in 1933.
In the United States in the early 1900s, a Christian fundamentalist
movement swept rural areas. Fundamentalists support traditional
Christian ideas about Jesus and believe that all of the events
described in the Bible are literally true. Popular fundamentalist
preachers traveled around the country holding inspirational revival
meetings. Some used the new technology of radio to spread their
In 1925, a biology teacher in Tennessee named John
T. Scopes was tried for teaching evolution in his classroom. His action broke a law that barred any teaching
that went against the Bible’s version of creation. The
teacher was found guilty in the well-publicized Scopes
trial, but many fundamentalists believed that the proceedings had hurt their cause.
Vocabulary Builder
emancipation—(ee man suh PAY shun)
n. freedom from restrictions
Life Under Prohibition
A well-dressed couple waits to enter an illicit
speakeasy (below right). Members of the
United States Prohibition Service wore
badges (below left) when they raided
speakeasies and breweries and fought
bootleggers such as Al Capone. What does
the clothing the couple is wearing tell
you about who could afford to go to
Solutions for All Learners
Remind students that the changing manners and culture of the 1920s created a
“generation gap” between young people
and their elders. Have them write a paragraph explaining whether manners and
culture create a similar gap today.
Monitor Progress
L2 English Language Learners
To help students understand the generalization “Roaring
Twenties,” ask them to list things a member of an older generation might say about the music or clothing of teenagers
today. Point out that the 1920s signified an abandonment of
Victorian-era ideals. Then have students look through the
visuals and think about how members of an older generation
may have responded about the youth of the 1920s. For
Independent Practice
As students fill in their concept webs, circulate to make sure they understand the
postwar changes in society. For a completed version of the concept web, see
Note Taking Transparencies, 179
Describe the Jazz Age and some of
the reactions to it.
L1 Special Needs
instance, point out the image on the next page of a flapper
on the cover of McClure’s magazine. Have students compare this with the image of the Victorian-era women on
page 360. How would the flapper’s dress, which exposes
her arms and legs, be considered a dramatic departure
from Victorian fashion?
Caption They were higher class people who
could afford to buy expensive clothes.
Some people embraced rebelliousness and
experimentation, symbolized by the new sound
of jazz. Meanwhile, others supported the Prohibition amendment, and fundamentalists supported traditional Christian ideas.
Chapter 16 Section 1 523 Page 524 Friday, March 9, 2007 6:57 PM
The New Literature
Page 524 Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:20 AM
Introduce Read aloud the quotation
from The Sun Also Rises, under A Loss
of Faith: “I did not care what it was all
about. All I wanted to know was how to
live in it.” Ask students to think about
how the quote expresses the feelings of
many young people in the 1920s. Ask
Based on this selection, how would
you describe the literature of the
1920s? (bleak, pessimistic)
Teach Discuss the developments in literature. Ask What did writers like
James Joyce and Virginia Woolf
explore with their use of stream of
consciousness? (people’s hidden
thoughts) What did the writing of
the Harlem Renaissance explore?
(aspects of the African American
experience) Using the Numbered Heads
strategy (TE, p. T23), discuss how these
developments in literature reflected
developments in society.
Quick Activity Ask a volunteer to
read aloud the passage from William
Butler Yeats’s poem on this page. Ask
How is this poem typical of the
literature of the postwar period?
(It reflects a sense of uncertainty, of a
civilization falling apart.)
Independent Practice
Biography To help students better
understand the Harlem Renaissance,
have them read the biography Langston
Hughes and complete the worksheet.
Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 51
Monitor Progress
To help students review the section so far,
ask them to reread the black headings
and summarize the information under
each heading.
uring the Jazz Age, new ideas and new technology transformed the daily lives of many Americans
and Europeans. New, reasonably priced cars allowed
the middle-class population to travel with greater ease.
People used better telephones to communicate across
great distances in an instant. Silent movie stars had fans
on every continent. Radios brought news, music, and sports
into homes throughout the Western world.
䉱 An image of a flapper
dancing to jazz music
on the cover of
McClure’s magazine
Daily Life in the United States, 1920s
Households with radios
10.25 million
Daily local telephone calls
Motion picture attendance
per week
40 million
80 million
Dwellings with electricity
More and more 䉴
families were able
to afford cars.
SOURCE: Historical Statistics of the United States,
Colonial Times to 1970
䉱 Jazz Age flappers shocked their
The New Literature
elders by bobbing, or cutting
short, their hair and wearing
skirts far shorter than those of
prewar fashions. They went out
on dates unchaperoned, enjoyed
wild new dance fads such as the
Charleston, smoked cigarettes,
and drank in nightclubs.
In the 1920s, war novels, poetry, plays, and memoirs flowed off the presses.
All Quiet on the Western Front by German novelist Erich Remarque,
and other works like it, exposed the grim horrors of modern warfare.
These works reflected a powerful disgust with war.
A Loss of Faith To many postwar writers, the war symbolized the
moral breakdown of Western civilization. In 1922, the English poet T. S.
Eliot published The Waste Land. This long poem portrays the modern
world as spiritually empty and barren. In The Sun Also Rises, the American novelist Ernest Hemingway shows the rootless wanderings of young
people who lack deep convictions. “I did not care what it was all about,”
says the narrator. “All I wanted to know was how to live in it.” Many of
these authors, including Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, left the
United States and moved to Paris. Gertrude Stein, an
American writer living in Paris, called them the “lost
In 1921, the Irish poet William Butler Yeats summed up the
generation.” Her label caught on. It referred to Stein’s
mood of many in postwar Europe and the United States:
literary friends, and their generation as a whole.
Primary Source
Literature of the Inner Mind Some writers
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned.
—William Butler Yeats, “The Second Coming”
experimented with stream of consciousness. In
this technique, a writer appears to present a character’s random thoughts and feelings without imposing
any logic or order. In the novel Mrs. Dalloway, British
novelist Virginia Woolf used stream of consciousness
to explore the thoughts of people going through the
Solutions for All Learners
L1 Special Needs
L2 English Language Learners
To help students understand the concept of the Lost Generation, write on the board these definitions of the word
lost: cannot be found, cannot find the way to some place,
confused, or totally involved in something. Ask students
to list other possible definitions. Have students determine
which defintion is most appropriate for Gertrude Stein’s literary friends.
524 The Rise of Totalitarianism
Use the following resources to help students acquire
basic skills.
Adapted Reading and Note Taking
Study Guide
■ Adapted Note Taking Study Guide, p. 169
■ Adapted Section Summary, p. 170
Page 525
Page 525 Wednesday,
26, 2005
6:58 PM
Listening to the 䉴
radio was a
family activity.
New Scientific
Thinking Critically
For: For Interactive Audio and Visuals
Web Code: nbp-2811
1. Draw Inferences Why do you
think the flapper is considered the
symbol of the Jazz Age?
2. Draw Conclusions How did
technology affect daily life in the
United States during the Jazz
Silent movie 䉱
star Charlie Chaplin
ordinary actions of their everyday lives. In Finnegans Wake, the Irish
novelist James Joyce explored the inner mind of a hero who remains
sound asleep throughout the novel.
Teach Discuss the effects that the scientific theories of the early 1900s have
had on society. Ask Why did Curie’s
and Einstein’s theories seem unsettling to the general public? (They
seemed to reinforce the sense of old certainties falling apart and a universe that
seemed beyond human understanding.)
How did Fleming’s discovery of
penicillin affect people’s lives? (It
led to the development of antibiotics,
which revolutionized the medical treatment of infections.) How did Freud’s
work have an impact beyond medicine? (It led artists to explore the subconscious mind.)
Ask students to work in small groups to
explore the effects of one scientific discovery covered, such as Fleming’s discovery
of penicillin. How did the everyday lives
of people change due to this discovery?
Did the discovery have an immediate
effect or did it affect later generations?
cultural awakening called the Harlem Renaissance began in Harlem, a
neighborhood in New York City that was home to many African Americans.
African American writers and artists expressed their pride in their unique
culture. James Weldon Johnson, Jean Toomer, and Zora Neale Hurston
explored the African American experience in their novels and essays. The
poets Claude McKay and Langston Hughes experimented with new styles,
while Countee Cullen adapted traditional poetic forms to new content.
Monitor Progress
How did postwar authors show disillusionment with
prewar institutions?
To check student understanding, point
out the picture of Marie Curie on the next
page. Ask students to draw connections
between her pioneering work and the
influence of flappers on society. How did
both reject the traditional roles of
New Scientific Theories
It was not only the war that fostered a sense of uncertainty. New scientific discoveries challenged long-held ideas about the nature of the world.
Discoveries made in the late 1800s and early 1900s showed that the
atom was more complex than anyone suspected.
French scientist Marie Curie and others found that the atoms of certain
elements, such as radium and uranium, spontaneously release charged
particles. As scientists studied radioactivity further, they discovered that
Introduce Ask students to read this
subsection’s introductory sentences and
preview the black headings. Then have
them predict how new theories will
challenge long-held ideas about the
Independent Practice
The Harlem Renaissance Also during the 1920s, an African American
Marie Curie and Radioactivity In the early 1900s, the Polish-born
Vocabulary Builder
spontaneously—(spahn TAY nee us lee)
adv. caused by inner forces, selfgenerated
History Background
Notable Records In the 1920s, records and
phonograph players were not new. Yet during this
decade, record sales soared. Record companies
adopted the small disc format for recordings, making
record production easy and records themselves
convenient for consumers. Double-sided records
offered music fans a relatively inexpensive way to
Thinking Critically
hear many of their favorite bands. In 1927 alone, Americans bought over 100 million jazz records. Recordings
by acts such as Louis Armstrong’s Hot Five brought jazz
to remote areas that rarely saw live bands. These phonograph records made the rapid spread of jazz music
possible, and for the first time turned music and music
production into a major industry.
1. Sample: She embodies a rejection of traditional
values and a new way of doing things.
2. More people had access to electricity, telephones, radios, and the movies. They were also
able to travel more because of faster and more
affordable cars.
Sample: by writing about the horrors of modern warfare and moral emptiness, and by
experimenting with new styles of writing
Chapter 16 Section 1 525 Page 526 Friday, March 9, 2007 6:59 PM
Modern Art and
Page 526 Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:20 AM
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity In 1905 and 1916, the German-born
Introduce Ask students to recall how
writers and musicians rejected traditional values and styles after World
War I. Point out the Kandinsky painting on the next page. Ask students how
this, too, reflects that same rejection of
traditional styles. Then have them predict how the public would react to this
new art form.
Teach Explore the new styles artists
developed during and after the war,
from cubism and dada to surrealism.
Ask Why did critics call the new
artists fauves, or wild beasts?
(because the colors and odd distortions
seemed wild to them) What did surrealism have in common with the
stream-of-consciousness technique
and Freud’s work? (They all attempted
to explore the unconscious mind.)
Quick Activity Display Color Transparency 168: The Persistence of
Memory, by Salvador Dali. Remind
students that surrealists rejected rational thought, which they felt had led to
the devastation of World War I. Discuss
the meaning of the painting’s title.
Then use the lesson suggested in the
transparency book to guide a discussion on Dali’s painting.
Color Transparencies, 168
Independent Practice
In groups, have students create a chart,
listing the name of each new artistic
movement, its style, its key artists, and
what it stood for. Then ask them to create
an image in one of those styles.
Monitor Progress
To check student understanding of this
section, ask students to summarize the
ways in which dadaists and surrealists
each reflected a new view of the world.
Check Reading and Note Taking Study
Guide entries for student understanding.
BIOGRAPHY Sample: Pursuing a career
in science and winning Nobel prizes were not
what a woman was expected to do.
Atomic research changed the Newtonian
view of science and led to the development
of atomic weapons, the discovery of penicillin paved the way for antibiotics, and
Freud’s ideas revolutionized psychology.
526 The Rise of Totalitarianism
it can change atoms of one element into atoms of another. Such findings
proved that atoms are not solid and indivisible.
Marie Curie
Marie Curie (1867–1934) won two
Nobel prizes, one in physics and one
in chemistry. Still, like many other
women, she struggled to balance her
work with home duties. “I have a
great deal of work,” she said, “what
with the housekeeping, the children,
the teaching, and the laboratory, and
I don’t know how I shall manage
it all.”
Curie won worldwide fame for her
groundbreaking research on radioactivity. But she paid a high price for
knowledge. Although she shrugged
off the health dangers, she died from
radiation poisoning. Why do you
think Marie Curie’s achievements
were unique for her time?
physicist Albert Einstein introduced his theories of relativity. Einstein
argued that measurements of space and time are not absolute but are
determined by the relative position of the observer. Einstein’s ideas
raised questions about Newtonian science, which compared the universe
to a machine operating according to absolute laws.
In 1934, building on Curie’s and Einstein’s theories, Italian physicist
Enrico Fermi and other scientists around the world discovered atomic fission, or the splitting of the nuclei of atoms in two. This splitting produces
a huge burst of energy. In the 1940s, Fermi (now an American), along
with fellow American physicists J. Robert Oppenheimer and Edward
Teller, would use this discovery to create the devastating atomic bomb.
In the postwar years, many scientists came to accept the theories of
relativity. To the general public, however, Einstein’s ideas were difficult
to understand. They seemed to further reinforce the unsettling sense of a
universe whirling beyond the understanding of human reason.
Fleming Discovers Penicillin In 1928, the Scottish scientist Alexander
Fleming made a different type of scientific discovery. He accidentally discovered a type of nontoxic mold that kills bacteria, which he called “penicillin.” Later, other scientists used Fleming’s work to develop antibiotics,
which are now used all over the world to treat infections.
Freud Probes the Mind The Austrian physician Sigmund Freud
(froyd) also challenged faith in reason. He suggested that the subconscious
mind drives much of human behavior. Freud said that learned social
values such as morality and reason help people to repress, or check,
powerful urges. But an individual feels constant tension between
repressed drives and social training. This tension, argued Freud, may
cause psychological or physical illness. Freud pioneered psychoanalysis,
a method of studying how the mind works and treating mental disorders.
Although many of his theories have been discredited, Freud’s ideas have
had an extraordinary impact far beyond medicine.
How did scientific discoveries in the 1920s change
people’s views of the world?
Modern Art and Architecture
In the early 1900s, many Western artists rejected traditional styles.
Instead of trying to reproduce the real world, they explored other dimensions of color, line, and shape. Painters like Henri Matisse (ma TEES) utilized bold, wild strokes of color and odd distortions to produce works of
strong emotion. He and fellow artists outraged the public and were
dubbed fauves (fohv), or wild beasts, by critics.
New Directions in Painting While Matisse continued in the fauvist
style, other artists explored styles based on new ideas. Before World
War I, the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso and the French artist Georges
Braque (brak) created a revolutionary new style called cubism. Cubists
painted three-dimensional objects as complex patterns of angles and
planes, as if they were composed of fragmented parts.
527 Friday,
Page 527
June 22, 2006
6:59 PM
Later, the Russian Vasily Kandinsky and the Swiss Paul
Klee moved even further away from representing reality. Their
artwork was abstract, composed only of lines, colors, and
shapes, sometimes with no recognizable subject matter at all.
During and after the war, the dada movement burst onto
the art world. Dadaists rejected all traditional conventions
and believed that there was no sense or truth in the world.
Paintings and sculptures by Jean Arp and Max Ernst were
intended to shock and disturb viewers. Other dadaist artists
created collages, photomontages, or sculptures made of objects
they found abandoned or thrown away.
Cubism and dada both helped to inspire surrealism, a
movement that attempted to portray the workings of the
unconscious mind. Surrealism rejected rational thought,
which had produced the horrors of World War I, in favor of
irrational or unconscious ideas. The Spanish surrealist Salvador Dali used images of melting clocks and burning giraffes
to suggest the chaotic dream state described by Freud.
Assess and Reteach
Assess Progress
What effect did World War I have on art movements
in the 1920s?
Looking Ahead
Terms, People, and Places
1. What do many of the key terms listed at
the beginning of the section have in
common? Explain.
2. Reading Skill: Identify Supporting
Details Use your completed concept
web to answer the Focus Question:
What changes did Western society and
culture experience after World War I?
1. Many of the terms relate to social or cultural history.
2. Disillusioned by World War I, the younger
generation rebelled against Victorian values. Writers expressed a similar loss of
faith and artists revolted against traditional styles and created new ways of
viewing the world. Advances in science
revolutionized scientific thought.
To further assess student understanding, use
Progress Monitoring
Transparencies, 118
Adapted Reading and
L1 L2
Note Taking Study Guide, p. 170
Abstract Art
Vasily Kandinsky painted Swinging (above)
in 1925. He used geometrical shapes to
convey the feeling of movement that the
title suggests. Analyzing Art How does
Swinging show the abstract style of art
that Kandinsky pioneered?
Spanish Reading and
Note Taking Study Guide, p. 170
See this Chapter’s Professional Development pages for the Extend Online activity
on the Harlem Renaissance.
Progress Monitoring Online
Section 1 Assessment
Administer the Section Quiz.
If students need more instruction, have
them read the section summary.
Reading and Note Taking
Study Guide, p. 170
For: Self-quiz with vocabulary practice
Web Code: nba-2811
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
3. Determine Relevance How did flappers symbolize changes in Western
society during the 1920s?
4. Identify Point of View How did the
ideas of Einstein and Freud contribute
to a sense of uncertainty?
5. Synthesize Information Choose one
postwar writer and one postwar artist.
Explain how the work of each reflected
a new view of the world.
Stunned by the trauma of World War I, many people sought to change
the way they thought and acted during the turbulent 1920s. As nations
recovered from the war, people began to feel hope rising out of their disillusionment. But soon, the “lost generation” would face a new crisis—this one
economic—that would revive many old problems and spark new conflicts.
Have students complete the Section
Teaching Resources, Unit 4, p. 44
New Styles of Architecture Architects, too, rejected classical traditions and developed new styles to match a new
world. The famous Bauhaus school in Germany influenced
architecture by blending science and technology with design.
Bauhaus buildings feature glass, steel, and concrete but have
little ornamentation. The American architect Frank Lloyd
Wright held that the function of a building should determine
its form. He used materials and forms that fit a building’s environment.
● Writing About History
Quick Write: Choose a Topic The topic of
a compare-and-contrast essay must involve
two things that are neither nearly identical
nor extremely different. Think of a topic
from this section that would be a good candidate for a compare-and-contrast essay.
Show why it would be a good topic by listing categories in which the two items could
be compared and contrasted.
3. Flappers symbolized the rejection of the
moral values and rules of the Victorian Age.
4. Einstein argued that measurements of
space and time are not absolute, thus
raising questions about Newtonian science and reinforcing the image of a universe beyond human understanding.
Freud’s ideas that the subconscious mind
drives much human behavior seemed to
challenge faith in reason.
Analyzing Art It uses lines, shapes, and colors
to portray a feeling of movement.
Artists rejected traditional representations
and began to look for new and modern
ways of expression.
5. Answers should indicate an understanding of how the writer or artist reflected a
rejection of traditional views of reality.
● Writing About History
Responses should include a topic from this
section and two items that could be compared and contrasted.
For additional assessment, have students
access Progress Monitoring Online at
Web Code nba-2811.
Chapter 16 Section 1 527 Page 528 Thursday, June 21, 2007 3:13
Page 528 Tuesday, January 30, 2007 4:35 PM
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso
■ Gain
a better understanding of
Picasso’s artwork.
■ Understand
the significance of Picasso
in the development of modern art.
Build Background Knowledge
Ask students if they have visited an art
museum or art gallery. Ask them to list
the different styles of art they may have
seen there. Tell them they will learn
about the different styles used by one
artist, Picasso.
■ For
each image, ask students to read
the caption and describe the image.
Ask students what they notice about
Picasso’s use of color, lines, and shape.
Ask Why do you think Picasso used
so many different styles to create
his artwork? (Sample: Perhaps his
tastes and goals changed over time;
perhaps he enjoyed experimenting with
new techniques.)
The painter Pablo Picasso was one of the most important artists
of the last century. Picasso and his friend Georges Braque
together developed the art movement known as Cubism. The
movement began around 1907
and continued through the
First World War into the 1920s.
Picasso’s work continued to
Picasso in his studio
working on a sculpture
develop until his death in 1973
at the age of 91. Here are some
of his best known artworks.
Still Life With Violin,
1912. In this Cubist
still life, the objects,
which include a violin,
are fragmented into
so many views that
they are barely
Mother and Child,
1901. The years 1901
to 1904 are known as
Picasso’s Blue Period.
Following the death of
a close friend, Picasso
used the color blue in
many paintings to
express his sadness.
Hands With
Flowers, 1958.
This lithograph,
done after
Picasso’s Cubist
period, is a
simple image
of a hand
holding flowers.
■ Direct
students to Still Life With
Violin. Ask students if they can see the
parts of the violin. Point out that cubism rejected the traditional ways of
representing objects in a natural or
realistic way by adapting such techniques as perspective. Ask How are
Still Life With Violin and Hand
With Flowers similar? (They both
show a two-dimensional image.)
Monitor Progress
To review this section, ask students to
reread the first sentence in the introductory paragraph. Ask students to explain
why his work is considered to be so
Thinking Critically
1. Compare Describe the differences between Mother and
Child and Still Life With Violin.
2. Synthesize Information Describe how Picasso’s style
changed over time, based on the artworks shown here.
Thinking Critically
1. Mother and Child is a realistic representation of
a scene, while Still Life With Violin is a cubist
representation broken into abstract angles
and shapes, rendering the objects almost
2. Picasso’s style ranged from realistic (Mother
and Child), to abstract and cubist (Still Life With
Violin), and back to representational (Hand
With Flowers). He also ventured into different
media like sculpture.
History Background
The Artist’s Life Born in Malaga, Spain, in 1881,
Picasso’s talent was recognized by his father, a professor of drawing, at an early age. The young artist had
his first exhibition at age 13. Although he attended art
school in Barcelona as a teenager, he disappointed his
family by dropping out to develop his own style. He
moved to Paris in 1904 and spent most of the rest of
his life in France.
Still, he took a keen interest in Spain. During the
Spanish Civil War, he supported the Republican (antifascist) side and painted his famous mural called
Guernica for Spain to show the 1937 World’s Fair.
Guernica is a powerful anti-war piece. The fascists
won the civil war in 1939, and maintained power until
the 1970s. Picasso never returned to Spain.