OWL Strategic Message Planner

Strategic Message Planner
Strategic Message Planner: OWL Tutoring
1) Client and Product
OWL stands for “Opening the World through Literacy. Created in 2010, OWL is a
nonprofit community outreach service in the town of Glen Ellyn, Illinois. OWL Tutoring
is a free, after school tutoring program for African refugee children in the Glen Ellyn, IL
area. This is the only program in the DuPage county area, which provides support for
both the individual child and family in all aspects of their daily lives. During the
academic year, OWL is open from 3pm-6pm, five days a week. During the summer it is
open Monday-Friday from 10am-3pm. It is a full summer program, beginning in June to
the end of August. OWL is 100% volunteer based and their goal is to have one-on-one
tutoring. Academic, cultural, emotional, and physical difficulties are some of the area in
which OWL aids with. OWL’s mission is to provide the children with a safe, nurturing
atmosphere, with volunteers who know and work with the “whole” child. OWL seeks to
build self-esteem, calm fears, and to expect ethical and mannerly behavior, both at OWL
and in their daily lives. With the expected increase new refugee students this spring,
OWL is in dire need of volunteers as well as both monetary and sustainable goods in
order for the program to be successful.
2.) Target Audience
The target audience for this ad is high school and college students, both male and female,
ages 15-25. In regards to high school students, students who attend Glenbard West high school in
Glen Ellyn will be target, with particular attention directed towards students who are in academic
clubs such as Honors Society and Forensics. These students typically have to do a set amount of
community service/volunteer hours to maintain membership. Students involved in sports or
drama will not be a target audience since these activities take up the majority of the student’s
free time. Furthermore, students who attend this high school typically come from upper middle
to upper class families. Therefore, many students are financially supported by their parents and
do not hold afterschool jobs, thus having more free time to volunteer.
Another primary target audience is college students, particularly those who attend
Wheaton College. Wheaton College is within three miles of where OWL tutoring is housed,
making it an ideal proximity. Undergrad students with a major in education, specifically ESL
courses are of specific interest. Furthermore, Wheaton College is known for its religious and
philanthropic background. OWL Tutoring provides an outlet for the students to fulfill their
service based learning credit.
3.) Product Benefits
OWL Tutoring is a mutually beneficial environment. Help struggling African refugee students
overcome both academic and cultural challenges while at the same time fulfill course work
requirements, expand your resume, or simply fill up that free time. However, more importantly,
as a volunteer you will soon discover that the students are not the only ones learning.
4.) Current Brand Image
OWL Tutoring receives little awareness in the community of Glen Ellyn, specifically in the
schools. Current volunteers are ones who have been with the program since its creation in 2010.
Members of the target audience (high school and college students) may not be aware of the
program because the refugee students that attend the services are in grammar and middle school.
5.) Desired Brand Image
OWL Tutoring aims to be a “go to” volunteer program for high school and college students in
the community.
6.) Direct Competitors and Brand Images
Currently, there are no other existing programs with the services that OWL Tutoring provides
in the Glen Ellyn area. There is the local government program, World Relief, which helps
refugee families acclimate living here but only for the first 3 months. Because this is a non-profit
organization, any “competitors” would be beneficial because more students and families could
be helped.
However, competitors when it comes to recruiting volunteers include any after school
activity that would prohibit students from volunteering at OWL. This includes but is not limited
to clubs, sports, jobs, and other volunteering services.
7.) Indirect Competitors and Brand Images
I do not foresee any indirect competitors for OWL Tutoring at this time.
8.) Advertising Goal
The advertising goal is to recruit high school and college students to volunteer at OWL Tutoring.
9.) Strategic Message
“OWL Tutoring, a learning environment for all.” / “OWL Tutoring, the worlds children in your
own backyard await you.”
10.) Supporting Benefits
-Close proximity to school
-Convenient, save gas money, time
-Fulfill course/community service hours
-Maintain membership to club
-Personalized recommendation letter
-Expand resume
-Possible opportunity for growth,
-Extra income
(volunteer to paid aid).
-Outlet for philanthropy work
-Feeling good while doing good!
-Open schedule