Notes filled

Skeletal system:
Skeletal system:
126 bones
Pectoral girdles
A set of bones that attach the arms to the
axial skeleton.
Clavical and scapula.
clavicles 2
Collar bones: anterior bone of the pectoral girdle.
sternal extremity
The end that joins the sternum: medial
acromial extremity
The end that joins the scapula; lateral
scapulae 2
Shoulder blade: posterior.
Process that joins with the
acromial end of the clavicle.
glenoid cavity
The cup-like space on the lateral
side of the bone that forms a joint
with the humerus.
supraspinous fossa
A shallow depression on the body of
the scapula where the supraspinous
muscle orginiates.
Upper extremities (arms)
60 bones
Humerus 2
The upper arm bone.
A large rounded condyle that fits into the glenoid
deltoid tuberosity
A roughened area on the lateral side of the
humerus that serves as an attachment site
for the deltoid muscle.
A condyle on the distal, anterior
surface of the humerus:
articulates with the radius.
olecranon fossa
A fossa on the distal, posterior
surface of the humerus: The
olecranon process of the ulna fits
here when the forearm is extended.
medial and lateral
Muscle attachment sites near the
distal end.
Ulna 2
The medial bone is the forearm
olecranon process
The point of the elbow, fits
into the fossa on the humerus.
trochlear notch
A c-shaped notch that covers the
trochlea on the humerus; part of
a joint between the humerus and
Radius 2
The lateral bone in the forearm
radial tuberosity
A rough area that is the attachment site
for the biceps muscle
Carpals 8/side
Bones that form the wrist and part of the palm.
Forms joint with the
Forms joint with the
Metacarpals 5
Form part of the palm: consist of 5 bones, I-V from thumb side to the little
finger side.
Fingers or digits. The 4 fingers have the following:
Nearest the metacarpals.
The most distal phalanges.
The thumb has only the
proximal and distal.
Pelvic gridle
The set of bones that attaches the lower
extremities to the axial skeleton.
A name used to designate the collection of bones that form both pelvic
coxal bones
An alternate term used to name each pelvic bone
Part of the vertebral column, and not directly part of the girdle, but
found in this region.
Tail bone and part of the vertebral column.
coxal bones
A pelvic girdle; made of 3 bones.
Most superior bone.
Anterior and inferior.
Posterior and inferior.
! acetabulum
A deep fossa formed by all three
coxal bones; femur articulates here.
iliac crest
A ridge along the superior border of the ilium.
Attachment site for muscles.
auricular surface
On the lateral surface; a rough area the forms the lateral side of the sacroiliac
obuturator foramen
A large foramen formed by the ischium and pubic bones.
symphysis pubis
The flat area between the right and left pubic bones is attached to a
fibrocartilage disc called the pubic symphysis.
Lower extremities"
Femur 2 Thigh bone.
Large round condyle which
articulates with the acetabulum
of the coxal bones.
greater and lesser trochanter
Large processes near the proximal end of
the bone that serve as muscle attachment
medial and lateral condyle
Large smooth condyles at the distal end
of the bone that articulate with the tibia.
patellar surface/groove
Smooth area on the distal, anterior
surface of the femur, between the
condyles, that articulates with the
patella; knee cap.
Patella 2
The knee cap.
A sesamoid bone found embedded
within the tendon of the quadriceps
(or patellar ligament.)
Tibia 2
The larger, medical of the two
bones of the lower leg.
Support 90% of the forces
transmitted through the lower leg.
tibial tuberosity
A large rough area on the
anterior, proximal surface of
the tibia; the patellar ligament
attaches here.
medial malleolus
A large “epicondyle” on the
medial, distal surface of the
tibia; forms the medial side of
the so called “ankle bone.”
Fibula 2
The smaller, lateral of the two
bones of the lower leg.
These bones cannot rotate around
each other; they are fixed.
lateral malleolus
A large epicondyle on the
lateral, distal surface of the
tibia; forms the lateral side of
the ankle.
Tarsals 7/side
The bones that form the ankle
joint and the posterior part of
the foot.
The bone that articulates with the
tibia and fibula.
The heel bone. Contains the
calcaneal tuberosity, that is the
attachment point for the
Forms the anterior part of the
arch of the foot. Same number
and organization as the palm.
Similar organization as the foot.