Radio Film Discussion - Western Hills Church

Football coach Harold Jones befriends Radio, a mentally-challenged man who becomes a student at T.L. Hanna
High School in Anderson, South Carolina. Their friendship extends over several decades, where Radio transforms
from a shy, tormented man into an inspiration to his community.
Opening Questions
What was the theme of the film? What was the filmmaker trying to tell us? Was he/she successful?
What did you like best about the film? What did you like least? Why?
Was there something you did not understand in the film?
Who was your favorite character? What was your least favorite character? Why?
Which scenes stick out to you? Why?
Digging Deeper
Prejudice can appear in all kinds of different ways. How do you see it where you live? At work? At school?
What does inclusion mean?
What is the difference between no-harm, no-foul pranks and bullying? Is there a difference?
Whose responsibility is it to stop bullying and pranks?
How does our understanding of humanity made in the image of God interact with people like Radio?
Who do you think took on the most risk - Radio or Coach Jones? Why?
What responsibility do those in positions of authority have when it comes to those who can’t speak for themselves?
Coach said that Radio had been teaching them. What do you think Radio was teaching the town?
Do you think the coach made the right decision in quitting coaching? Why or why not?
How do you see Matthew 25:34-40 getting fleshed out in your own life?