SNCC Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

~ HfY~.T
FY "f THI: f.YE:l.UT1'7E OOtii T"f''CB
Atlan~a .
~~ .
~1J: 'STING,
March. S and .. 6
· Ori 'the first day the Committee discussed t\vo things
Commi tt:::e 1 tself and ·the SCLC-pUmned ·march in Selma to be · held ·
on Sunda.y,March 7.
A set of sules of proeedure for the Executive Committee, dealing
. with how it- lVOUld meet,· when, Wheroe, who Would attend7 and SO ·
fort h , -~:Tas dra-wn up an.d passed. (A copy _of . those_ rules follows
thes 2 minutes.)
With I'egard . tq th'e ;-ma1:-ch, Silas Norman explained that the SNCC staf
in ·Sel-na had beeri opposed .'to -the rnarch .- ~}1e'n t[ley talked about ' it
with SCLC staff i there. Neve~theless, _ th~ - ~~reh was going t6 be
held,. SNCC · staff in Selma agreed to ·prov'iC!e medical services, cars
and ·the sue of the HATS line to protect the people. · The Executive
Committee spenr _many hours discussing themarch. Nany people on
the co:.:rni tt;ee W.<?re opposed to the march . because . they felt that ·
the d ~ ng~rs to the local people were muci great~r than any pos' sibl~ ~Qhi~vements of the mardh maiited.
Th~ majority of the _
Col'mnittee voted to oppese the march, but agreed ' to . provide the
minimal assistance that Silas had earlier agreed to provide. It
was decided that any _SNCC . staff people who ind_ividually supported
the march 'and w~nted · . to : par~icipate :t11 it v7o.uld do so. Finally,
the Executive Committee decided to draft 'a letter to Martin
Luther King concerning the workl.ngrelationsip between SCLC ·
and SNCC in Selma, and expressing a ~esire for a meeting with
King in which these ~att~~s . ~otild , be discrt~sed. _ (The letter
~a~ -drafted and adoptedt ~ith reVision~, the riext _ d~y.) _ The Exenutive Commitee then discussed a ; propo-sal by Courtland
Cox con~erning student involvement in the Missisiippl Challen~e.
(Enclo s ed.) By consensus, Raloh Featherstone was mandated to go
to Wast ington, D.C. and begin implementing this "Plan of Operation. 1
The next da y the Committee meeting began with Tom Brown's dis=
cussion of the Campus Traveler's program. Tom said he needed
at l east 5 more staff persons to work on the program if they
were to he able to expand into all of the states they wanted to
expand into. The Committee agreed that these people should be
added. (Eugene Rouse is now workihg with the Campus Travelers.)
A general evaluation of the program was given, and a number of
its problems discussed. (See minutes.)
Jack !·Iinnis talked about the Research Department, explaining some
of the personnel prob~ems there and also suggesting new ways that
the department can be used by staff, especially when we move into
the neH building and staff cam come in from the field to do
research about their areas.
Julian Bond discussed the communications department, and who is
dling what there. He said he would soon need a full-time secretary
when we move into the new building. He hopes to have a Student
Voice out every two weeks. Hho was doing what in the photo
department was also discussed.
A long and inconclusive discussion of Hhat COFO is was held. Some
people ~rgued that a fairly clear definition of CBFO was needed;
tohers said th~t COFO could not be defined at this point of transition and that it was not necessary to try. (See minutes.)
The Corr.71i ttee then discussed the idea of Peopl' s Conferences. Porter
and ~oy Shields discussed what this would mean and ho~ it could be
implemented in Georgia. It was generally agreed that 1t ~as not
necessary that people from all over the state had to be 1nvolved
before a Peopl's Conference could be held; if only 5 people from
here and 6 from there came, it was still a People's Conference.
- 2 -
T .,
We cou ld work from there to .build it up. It was g enerally ggreed
that t h e staff in Atlanta shotild work on g etting people from
Atlant a to attend that 6onferenoe, as well a~ having pe6ple
from s. w. Georgia.
The Committee then discu~sed . ~o~ Shields question of what you do
when SNCC moves out of an area, and leaves some militant people
feelin g a lone and isolated. · some helpful sugg estions were put
forth. (See minutes.)
The Committee tha.n passed a proposal by Judy Richardson that a
residen tia l freedom school for students from b oth the north and
the sout11 be set up for .this summer -- · with t Ho sessions, each ·
lasting two ~eeks • . ·
The Comm±ttee turned down a proposal for a team of two . persons
(one f rom SNCC staff, one from . the FDp) to travel arou~d to the
projects and talk about and explain the FDP Challnege, and answer
Sta ff ~eople's qti~ stions. THey said this was already being done by
FDP peorl e, and that it would take too long .
The Ex er::;.t tJve · cornmittee .then asked ' three people
Donalds c~ , Carolle Merritt, and Judy Walborn -- tb work on fulfilli r:.g the need for a staff educational program.
Discu ss ion of personnel were put . o f f untll the next E~ucitive
Commi tte e meeting, to be held the second Monday in April, because
people were tired, it was lat e , a nd they h a d to drive all ni ght
in order to g et home in time t o at te n d the COfO meeting in Jackson
and t he march in Selma t he next day .
r::· P.cuti ve Cmnr1
MAeti ng
Time 9:45
Executive Sec re tary~J ~es Foreman
Chairman- John LeWis
Pre'sorr@ilas Norman, Roy Shields, ·Budy Doris Smith Robinson, Cleve Sellers, Lee
Bankhead, Bob 'Manns, Ivanhoe Donalson, Charlie Cobb, George Bess, Silas McGhee
Point 8-silas ·- Rules .o f Procedure~ should be changed. Foreman-changed to a majority
of executive committee members should be present bf'fore m~etin.e: can be called or
order. 1rlitti raw this statement. Only 8 people 1ver·e present ~epre senting the committee. Su vEestion made that . officers should be notified by writing ahead of time.
Cleve Sellers- everyone else is enroute. Silas-we _ shouid proceed with neople present
now. Cleve-a quorUtilCOnsists of a majority. ~ilas-discus s staff' that aren't on the
executive committee beirig present, rule~ of procedure sb that we and they will have
a good understanding. Cleve:..discusses rules of p1~ocedure~ Foreman and Lewis agree on
part 2 of the rules of procedure i.e. that at eac:h executive committee meeting a
chairman whouls be elected. Porter-felt that chairman's only duty was to recognize •. . ·
hands and was not permitted to take part in the discu.ssion. Foreman-exnlained that
the chairman should be active in meeting, not on1y to keep order, but to partici.nate.
Lee Ba.nkhead-suggested that s.e t of rules on what chairman's r!"snonsibili ties are, etc. ·be draljom up. Cleve Sell ers-will see that this is done·. He w:ill talk to Judy and
maybe she can drm.r up cartoon-such as chairman in cartoon and naming his responsibilities. Lee-c;ecretaria t get together and discuss what tyne of rules should be ·drawn
up forfuis t;<tne of meeting .
be::)...mrf:ol.nt ,. 2-ch%i,n;no,m .o.r: SliJ'CO or .any member Qf
the Secretariat has the ~~ ri ght to ··c-a ll an emergency meeting e. c. ''It is
imperative tha t all members of the Secretariat ex. t~ec. of program, be contacted
in the event ?ny memb~r of the executive commi ttee desires an emergency meeting
of the coinmi ttee, he first conta·c-ts a member elf the -~ecretaria. t and · asks
him to call this emergency meeting. If that . member of the secretariat refuses to call
the requested emergency meeting, .· then the member
the executive committee wanting
that meeting c .~u.· mandat e personnel officer or Atlanta o:ffice manager to poll the
other members of the executive committee· on his req')lest t"t- have an emergency meetinr,.
Records .of letters and . phone convers<;~tions J!lUSt be kept of this polling. If the
poll indicates that a majority of the executive committee wants the .meeting then the
personnel director or the Atl<mta office man<lger must call the meeting · at the time
and place designated by the executive committee member who requested.the meeting.
Last sentence up for discussior1 •. · Lee-Member would know 111rhether or not there were
accomodations in the· territo~; he wished to have a me&ting in. ( Exec.· Comm.2nd Monday of each month at 9 :: 00 a.m.)
Point 3. , Up for discussion. All acti9ns taken in executive committee meetings shall
be by a ma jority of executive commj ttee member s p res ent • . ( If a member of the
COiliiTli ttee is in jail or otherwise unable to attend, he could give his proxy to another ·
Point 6- the program -secretary shall be responsible for sending minutes. to the
executive commi~tee and staff
Point 7-Jack l"Iinnis-Addition-instead of recording vote, names of people and how
they voted, if there is a consensus, this .w ould not be necessary. (Mimeographed
sheets could be dr awn up listing names and chairman could check off names as people
bated yea or nay.
' Point 6-Minnis explained this point to us and the point was further discussed • . Leethis rule shm..1.ld be s.hortened so that we will all know what an a.genda is and what it is
about, also, how to deal with it.
Point 1 Add-( in order to change the agenda once it is adopted by the executive
committee) Once an item .on agenda has been complE'ted, . a person on the executive
committee can ask to ch;mge the order of the agenda~
Point 6-Foreman-point 6 should be -witten over and clarified in layman's languaf-'e.
This section should be broken up into t wo pa ,--:ts. First part is above ( point 1 add)
*Insert above-Point 2-Re: How meetings are to be called- Jack Minnis- addition-any
menber can instruc t. the Secretariat in Atlant a to poll the members of the executive
committee for an emergency meeting.
Po1.nt 7-Minni ~ -~uf(?"?'!':i'tr; thPt in order ·<' lc::rn t}l&. Ruleos oi' '" rocedure, we have to
q~ r t.hPtn anr1 'lll f.i :)l(• ;utlV\"' mf'Ptin~s 11 <l E' v ·· N1 0
llles . He al::~ o sugr:ests _that peoplEl
have their motions written up and hand it to the secretary. For eman-suggests
rewording . of Point 7 changed to Point 9 on n ew sheet. Minnis - Hhe t her want the
rule to specify that there must _be a motion .on the fl oor or have _the chair bring ·up
for discus s ion items on the ag enda.
Point7-Debat e on a motion with r espect to the agenda item. Rewrite it (.!!?)
Ivanhoe, Ralph Featherstone, Minnis, Jim and Jack will rewrite.
Back to Point 3-Suggestion: Be cause of sickness or the person b e-i ng in jail, an
alternate should be elect ed , then if all a re incapacitated, the program secretary
should appoint someone fr om that district, or that state. Then the program secretary
should ask t ha t this person be accep-l:,ed by the executive committee.
The program secretary will look into .other avenue s
executive committee meetings.
finding different areas for
Courtland Cox-on why-- I excludes them from the vote. II pe ople in CC
ought to be familiar with the rules by whi ch the executive committee will onerate.
Vote on Byl2ws-"yes 11 , Le e , Lafayette, Silas, Roy, .Ben, Doug, John Buffinp:ton, and
..Tames Jones. Stokely abs ta ins on the grounds he 1-rasn't in on the discu8si ons.
Chair agstains.
Chair is to be elected to preside over this meeting. Roy Shields nominated
and declines. stokeley also nominated and declines. Ben Greenish ( Ark.) apnointed
a s Cha irman by John Lewis t o preside over the meeting.
Cleve Sellers, Program Secretary, brings up f o r discussion whether or not the secretariat would automatica lly be on the executive committ ee and have equal pm-Jers.
The chair would entertain a motion to deal with problem of whether Secretariat would
be a part of t1-j_e executive committee. Motion, move that all members of .S ecreta;riat
be a part of t.he executive cornmj:ttee, secondeq and all in favor. Unreadiness of
executive com:rrii ttee t o go on record with t hi s and it r,vou ld be put un t o the C. C.
for discus sion. Foreman- sugge stEi .the motion of John's be 1rJi thdrawn because of ambiguit;,
of the d i-scv.ssion and this committee would discuss it at the ·next C.C.
Ivanhoe..:.sugg ests that the executive COITL'Tlitte e s hould be s tr ong , set u'D it's Drocedures, present it to C.C., if the ~r don't like it, it can be cha ng ed l ater.
Program Secretary s hould be on e:xecuti ve committee b ecause of the 1-vork he has to do.
\pTe should ke ep in mind that C.C. is able to change bylaws. Stokeley takes over Johri's
motion. Ther e is a consensus on thi~ motion that 3 members have a voice and vote in
Fxe cuti ve cornr:Ji t t ee and be on the executive commi tt~ee.
Chair rules we will discuss Selrna Project. Lafayette - about march concerning SCLC
and SNCC- 3 day march to Hontgom1sry-starting Sunday from Brown 1 s and arrive in Mnntgomery on Wed. about 4 :00 p.m. nuestions about whether or not 2NCC would Darticipate
in this mareh.. Silas said c;NCC would participa te. .~ilas apoointed Lafayette to
1-rork with c;CLC on the march concerning m0ney and necessities. Portable toiletsSCLC has thes e ;tents;set up on Negro property-places for penole to sleep-doctors and
nurse'S said they \·muld be glad to p articipa te if SCLC and CJNCC would send a telegram
to them. Church in Montgomery for people to have mass me eting on \~Ted. morning.
Mayor says ci t._.- will provide pr ote ction. Ha ry Farela has walkie talkies. 500
blankets c ost ~450 a nd cooking utensils cost snL.o. Total cost is ~5000 Cleve and
Love want to leave meeting for f : .C. Cleve feels that he can help Love to make
c ontacts in S . Carolina arid that this i s a c onv en~_ ent time. Cleve wi thdrar,vs his request .
to leave.
Back to Selma-purpose of March-Silas-\~Te SnCC a greed t o set up c ormnunications, assignments and that the march is going t o proceed, and Silas f eels he has to go. 2 or 3 1or
weeks ago a t the staff mr eting-purpose was to a sk \~Tallace to void elections in the
state . The meeting that took place the other night was a protest our n ot having the
right to v ote and a gains t police brutatity, and the state hasn't u sed their power
to protect our right.s . Blackw·ell 1-rants t o stress the above 3 points. The first
reason seems to have gotten l ost in the shuffl e .
- 3 ...
Cleve wants to know the reasons for our participation in this march and the
objectives. Lafayette feels we need to let the oeople know we're with them.
John Lewis-question of whether or not we give the ~2000. Jim (Ark.) People taking
their own food and own blankets. Ivanhoe-feels that it is politically important
that SNCC goes onthe i'larch and also decide on whether or not we should pull out of
Alabama. Love- concerning the matter of SCLC-we · should take this thing to King
and not give the, money and make our positj_on clear in Selma. J\lso thinks that SCLC
is bringing money in to buy ou t white stores as they go out of business because of
the boycott. So people are going to be taken on a joyride in many ways.
Discussion concerning the apnearance book-Prathia, Ivanhoe, Courtland and Silas
Ivanhoe sug ests that a letter be drafted to King and ·scLc about mat part we will
play in this march and th~t a meeting should be ~:ret up l-Tith KinP:, Young and .Abe]:-nathy.Harris, Forman, etc. shcmld be at this meeting.. Courtland Cox-we should not
split with SCLC but continue ;d_th the fuzzy t'elationship we now have and go on
about our work. · Set up meetings, FT_1'0 and othc;r programs should . be discussed.
Silas-we need ne6ple, · C?rs to work in:. the counties. Nothing more.,- nothing less.
Foreman-Lis .there . any validit-y of, organizing around the right to vote in Alabama?
2. Is organizing around th-e; Vote ·a dVaijc1ng,, the- . sp:e-e'd of ,the mov-ement? ~.Having made
the committm c tt, should -.v-e ~ay 11>te : are not -in agreement -; .' w;i~~ - ., ;~;~·~,,-f,>-~ this march
on the right to vote? or continuing ~mrkinf- with SCLC? h. t,nat kirid of nrograms
are WE going to a 1vance in Alabama? · \''ho 1 s going to carry out these programs?
Silas-for a program in Alabama independent of SCLC. l•!e ought to be .._10rkin~ for the ·
FDP. \l!e have to get out and start talking With people. Me -need help with ward
m(: etings • . We need people coming in to work with students. itJe should organize ourselves into a unit.
DiscuE'sion of Foreman's L questions above. Organizing around the right to votesOJ9-e ·good can come out of this. 1'\Te should 't2ke the fight to lr,T ashirigt0n. Fe are
committed to the march because of our r,rork in S-elma and there have been verbal
committments. '•Te don't have to send off staff on the march. · If we only send two
or three, they c~m represent SNCC. Other staff can go on about the;r work. · r-> c
Tactic<>l advantages of being on the march-King1 s only going halfway but Lewis is
going all the way. Long Range Plans~-:-Program from here .on out. i'l!e should go along
on our progra:ns without feeling apologetic just as SCLC does. They do not let us
worry them so we should do the same.
Regarding iluhe inarch, H r will Pive medical aid, include cars to those who want to
participate. Silas cont'd-A. l•?tter &rafted to SCLC about the way things have been
hapnening in Selnia, also have a meeting set up with them. People come to Ala. at
9:00 on Thursday. Jliotion pass1ed. A friendly amendment-mandate the' program secre- ·
tary to move oeople into AlF.barna as s-.riftly as uossible. · Ay' s included Doug c:\mith,
Silas, Lee, Foreman, Jim Jones :, Cleve, Buffington and James Jones. Abstaine included Johri Lewis, and Roy Shields because of not enough -knowledge of the situation.
Ivanhoe ahd Silas Norman will draft a letter to SCLC. It should be ready in the
morn]ng; ~aturday March 6, 196~. Break.
9:30 Friday evening
Discussion of SNCC Programs fo:r 196). Courtland Cox discussed his pror:ram-"~tudent
involvement in the Challenge". Courtland 1..rants the executive committee to take his
proposal back to the individual projects and to think over and discu~ s it. Then to
reconsider it at the next executive meeting. Carmichael feels that certain p~rts ·
of Cox's proposal are good and could possibly be incorporated into the 1 65 SNCC
Programs. Cox feels that if w,e have · students to lobby in it,Tash. for three weeks, it
will cause a. flood of indi viduH freedom fighters to come into the Routh. He wants
to avoid this.
Chair read nplan of Operations'' to the committee and staff present. This plan concerns SNCC's support of the Mississinpi Challenge. Discussion on this subject was not
forthcoming so a · letter from Frank f'mith was read, "Tell them what we want". Frank
suggests we start discussions in l•Tard meetings of local people writing their own
voting :bills. Foreman-feels that t.~is let -ter is irrelev:::jnt to the discussion already
in progress Em:
Motion proposed by Foreman- that Executive committee sanction Ralph Featherstone to
go to D.C. to t:€gin organizational work to implement this plan of operation. Consensus.
- ?-
r-!!''!h 6, 1.961)
Foreman-was at Harvard-couple of pt=ople there want to set un a nress : to publish a
- paper for the DeH.a. _, J],m .says he SllgPested- that they should get in' touch "' Bond.
__ Bond should•write tq collegf3 papers; and see ho!J."1~e can encompas them in with the
Student Voice, so tha't credit w:L-11 be given where credit is due~ Also sug?ests that
Bond tr-avel to d"ifferent nroj ects to see what c8.n be done.
Chair: Discussion should be . turned to listening to letter nested to SCLC on Selma.
,C .Cox disa grees with letter. Feels key to out dispute is one of ideology. Ma,iority
- of persons present disag~Eed with t"bis~ - Selma SNCC shoul)l c.vri te up: a compilation
of events iri s ·e lma with SCLC_so th?t entire staff will know the wheres - and whyfores
pf our arguments • .- Foreman~c.ouple sentenqes should ,be reworded · and -also state ideology
summary of bei!lg in Selma, our differences. C.Cox~history of SNCC, organizat~ onai
-differences to avoid ir:lgroup fighting. Annie Pearl-feels letter should be more
specific and s'tate such t~ irigs as night Iitarches, discuss compromises with local
people. Bond-disagrees with letter as it is ann changes stated by Foreman-just t ell
them that ~,rhere we can work togE'ther we will and vice versa, Foreman-we should
have ~ to _discuss ~ead::rship, structure and "techniques of working; "~ey to
our d1f.ferences mth SCLC 1s about techniques of working. Letter adopted, with revisi
COFO-fits in with People' s conference-coalition of Civ-il RiP"hts groups at first. Me
ha <e had 4 or 5 COFO meetings s i nce July. iA
Tilkins hasma,de statements that N.ll.ACP
is withdrawing from COFO and that he didn 1 t know anYthing ahout Freedom -~chools.
"I urged that Henry; Guyot and 1"1oses Call a meeting to d-i.scu ·s what is COFO?"
Foreman, Mrs. Devine, Bill Higgs, Marion, Kirioy etc. at meeting to ctiscuss some
definition of co:Fo. Prathia asked question to make clet:~rer if. the NAACP nulls away
from GOFO what do they pull away from? Do they pull away from people 1 8 convention or
civil rights groups. Lee Bankhead ( Mi!"sissippi) we have been bothered with NAACP
shit for a l ong time. Ve don't have to worry about NAACP wat-ering down COFO since
they have - n ever worked with anybody but a certain class of people. Cobb-most of thei1
NAACP's effor ts · are eonceutrated in the urban areas. S<=tndv Lee-doesn't feel that the
NAAXP; if - it doe s pull out of COFG, will not be missed in f-1i. ssissinni. Doug SmithNAACP has messed up in too many cases. People are ver;r upset 8bmit their act-ions in
Miss. and feels they will catch hell on Sunday at the COF,O mE'etinr;J' and nr. Henry
cou:)cd ne\rer leave his store on saturday for the meetings of COFO. Emma Bellewe should decir'le if we'
going to su-pport NAACP Summer 'Oroject beCgUSe this questior
is going to come up in th e COF'O meeting. Lee Barikhead-sttpnort for NAACl? is ridiculom
we, the local people, are sick of them asking for money. They should become aware
of what is going on around us and them. · It has been all money and no action.
Ermna Belle - How many more people in Miss. feel as yoU: do about the N.AACP. I know of
people · who ,,roulcl _ra !:.her die than let the NAACP walk. Sand}! Lee-I do not believe that
the local p .0ple will be afraid to speak to Wilkins and others about t h eir predicaments. Fore"lan-we voted at c.c. the>t we would havE' People's Conferences in several
states. 3zw;;:ld COFO be a convention organi zation? 1r·.1hat does ~NCC feel, hot-.r do they
feel COFO should be defined? hTe have been a part of those meetings with COFO and
it is import'.'lnt that we disc,'ss what might take place at their meeting. There is
confusion in my mind about what is COFO. Cobb-COFO is a Federated Organization of
Civil Rights groups. In Miss. it is the people in the communities who meet and talk
about the problems. Some of these people who make decisions in COFO and they are
also on our staff. Ivanhoe-COFO is a people's organization. Tom Brown-CnFO is a
coalition of confusion. Foreman- I feel it is important that we know what COFO is an
it 1 s functions. My problem i~; that there are these many definitions. ,,re should try
to have a definition. Doug Smith-I'd like to know what CO'B'O is so that I could
explain it t ,_, others. Lee-COFO was a group of people interested in Civil Rights in
Miss. this ihcluded SCLC, CORE, SNCC, and NAACP. Now, that is the meaning, what it
has developed into is another thing. Courtland-COFO is a thing in being. ForemanCOFO should b e a convention type organ. Political programs should be left to "FDP.
Miss. citiz Ens should go to that convention and formulate programs. SNCC should not
participate in the convention, but can impl~nent programs they would like to see
come out of this convention.
Chair: feels that we should move on to discus s People's Conference.
Porter-says it w:IDll be very hard to have a state conference of people in Georgia.
Reason- l. Georgia Voter's League, 2. ? 3. 2nd district where thev all work in
different ways-this would make it hard. Cobb-Is there a time limit on the People's
Conferences? Ivanhoe-is there is a hidden deadline? Cobb-this can still be dealt
with if a precinct has 5 people tv-ho wish to participate, just use those 5 and go from
there. Chair-we are also \ Ark. ) having difficulty in getting neople to People's
Conferences. We don't know the limitations of ~N CC, etc. Foreman- we should work
towards getting a good cross--section of people from all over ea ch state whether its
5 or 6 from one place and 6 or 7 from another. I don't expect 5,000 people but
we should get as many as we ean for the conference.
• • $. ...- ....... · . · - - · .
UO.J JO AJlUQ!'J 'UO!S!A!Q ld!JJSnUBlAJ ;lQl JO SliO!P~IIOj ;1Ql WOJJ p;1;,np0Jda}J
M a ·eh 6, l 96S
- .,) :_
-p..,,...A'm~tn...nt'! .Sutnmf'lr '!t:~ untP-e ra .\'ind S1.1mmer ?roject .. There .are ·alot of peole :tnterested in coming So:uth. What do we plan to do? 'l'here are many people frbm. the North . ·
that worked . on the sumriler project's and they will never be the same again and
therefore, they are riot interested in working in their o~m communities.
Back to the People's Conference.
Roy Shields - wants to know what you do about Mrs. Daniels .iri Dodson, Georgia when
SNCC pulled out. and . left her .alone. Ivanhoe-we should establish ties in other .parts
of the state so tha~ she will not feel left _alone. In other words, to put her in
contact with p eople in JllOtion. Porter- .we made a committment to raise funds when
Mrs. Daniel's house was bombed and other such committments. Foreman- . haven't we
sent her mone;:,r? Unanswered. Hell, maybe you, Roy, should bring her to the next
executive comndttee meeting, establish new · lines of contact with her. She could
also bring 4. or r' _,J,~al people with her.
·:·-· .
nsert' front below
Discussion on T ~vel_ Team for Staff Education on FDP etc. - Judy Walborn
Judy-Staff should b.av~ .two people go around to projects arid discuss FDP proE.::am
and challenge s o there will .be a better understanding of ·these things.
Foreman- feel F that this program would take too ·long • . Jitn. ( Ark.) someone frotn
FUP should go around to explain it. Ivanhoe-proposal shows there is a need for a
staff oriented program about SNCC, F1IP etc. because staff doesn't usually read
materials sent to them. A program should be implemented. Foreman- we should ask
Judy Walborn, Ivanhoe, Carol Merrit to dravJ up a prQspectus or specific plan of
operation for an in-staff training program in the new offices, taking into considera- .
tion the new. class rooms we will have there! Roy-we should . pool staff to see whe.t
they want t o know and a program could be built around this~ Chair; suggests leaving.
Stokely- do ~s n 1 t agree, because Personnel hasn't oeen discussed. Foreman- understand Ar. staff wants to leave and Miss. staff als0., but feels this Personnel Discussion would be important to_all of us. Dou g Smith-moves that w~ adjourn until the
next executive committee meeting-seconded.
insert above-Discussion on RE;sidential Freedom School- Judy Richardson
Judy-one · of t h e schools should be in the South and the other one in the North sci
that they could see problems of each other. Proposal accepted. Foreman- should
contact Mrs. J':I.Jntgomery for support with money.