Introduction to the Camp Arête Counselor Training Program

Introduction to the Camp Arête
Counselor Training Program
8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy
of praise, dwell on these things.
Welcome to the correspondence course for the training and certification of counselors for Camp
You are receiving this message because you have expressed interest in a leadership position at
Camp. Accordingly, we at Camp Arête invite you to enter this process of instruction and review.
Our training program is meant to equip each counselor, assistant, and staff member with the
categorical theological basics which bring us together as an organization.
This train-up will be a review and summary for most counselors. Others will find some of the
material new. All will be challenged to know the Scriptures and to defend the faith. Because our
camp ministry is a fellowship of several churches with shared doctrinal convictions, the train-up
is a shared ministry of these churches, with contributions from several pastors and teachers.
Prepare yourself to be challenged, to be stretched, to be equipped for spiritual leadership in the
Camp Arête organization. We have given a name to our efforts with this camp; the Greek word
Arête translates best in English as "Excellence." We want you to embrace this same vision of
excellence in all your endeavors in the Lord. He supplies the power and the standard; it is for
you to trust Him and commit yourself to His grace.
Overview of the Program
A. Contents: This course is a summary of our shared systematic, Biblical theology, delivered
in sixteen lessons that range in subject matter from Theology Proper to Disciple-making.
Therefore we ask and answer the ultimate questions of Who God is and what He wants of us.
Serious students of God's Word who can articulate these principles will be equipped to lead
young believers by example and precept.
The lessons are as follows:
1. Theology Proper I: Who Is God? Introduction to Attributes
2. Theology Proper II: Communicable Attributes of our Creator
Bibliology: What is the Bible? Revelation, Inspiration, Canonicity, Literal Interpretation
Biblical Anthropology I: Who is Man? Creation, and Nature of Man
Biblical Anthropology II: Fall and Sinfulness of Mankind
Christology: Who is Jesus Christ? Incarnation, Hypostatic Union
Soteriology: How Can I Have a Relationship with God? Original sin, grace,
substitutionary atonement, justification by faith, the problem of works
8. Sanctification I: How Can I Walk Worthy of My Calling? Practical Pneumatology
(Walk by the Spirit, Be Filled, Let the Word of Christ Dwell Richly within you)
9. Sanctification II: What is Expected in my Walk? Commands of NT Scriptures,
especially Jn 13:34, The Law of Christ
10. Angelic Conflict: What Am I Up Against? Satan, World System, Full Armor of God
11. Separation I: What is Wrong with the World? Deception of Satan, WORLDVIEW I
12. Separation II: What is My Role in the World? In the World but not OF the World,
13. The Church I: What is it?
14. The Church II: What is my role in it?
15. Personal Evangelism: How Can I Share Christ with an Unbeliever?
16. Disciple-making: How can I encourage a new believer to grow in grace?
B. Format: As a correspondence course, lessons are taken at each person's pace, but the course
is intended to take no longer than 3 weeks. Each lesson consists of an mp3 audio portion of
about an hour, along with a printed notes sheet that accompanies the audio lesson. Each
counselor will need to have these note sheets in a binder for quick reference while at camp. See
the notes sheet format below.
It is important that the counselor trainee actually work through the lessons with the note sheets at
hand. Take notes on them. The effectiveness of this course in equipping counselors depends on
their actual internalization of the concepts in each lesson. Furthermore, each lesson's "Reflection
Questions" are designed to facilitate discussion between the counselor and his team while at
C. Progress Reviews: This is the supervision portion of the Counselor Training Program's
certification process. There are two progress reviews: after lesson 8 and after lesson 16. The
progress reviews are conducted via telephone with one of the pastoral board members of the
Camp Arête board of directors, Pastor Todd Atwood, Chaplain Rick King, Pastor Mark Perkins,
or Pastor David Roseland,.
D. Certification: Those who successfully complete this course are either recommended to the
board as counselors and certified, or they are invited to continue to train.
Notes Sheet Contents
Each notes sheet will include the following key headings:
I. Key Scripture passages for this topic of Bible Doctrine
II. Summary of the lesson contents
III. Questions for Reflection and Interaction
IV. Looking to the Future (Eschatology of this Doctrinal Category)