11 Nov 08 issue.pub - Valley Forge Homestead Quilters

Valley Forge Homestead Quilters
Guild Newsletter
November 2008
Clips from Chris
Valley Forge Homestead
Quilt Guild
PO Box 62463
King Of Prussia, PA 19406
NQA member # 451
In this issue
Presidents Note
Next Guild Meeting
Sign Retrieval
Quilt Show Recap Meeting 2
What a great show, thanks to our friend and quilt show chair, Jean Hayden, dedicated members, husbands, and friends for all of their help. It
appeared that there were lots of
wonderful people who were eager
to participate in any way. I feel
that is why we were able to put on
the best show yet. Comments from
visitors were so positive, it made
me so proud to be part of this
group. As for the quilts, words
can’t express the beauty. As for the
talent we have within our
group…outstanding. Congrats to
all, you are all winners in my eyes.
Keep on quilting!
November Guild Meeting Information (11/18/08)
Not only will we celebrate Thanksgiving in November but Maggie
Walker will be with us to talk about her patterns and the company she
started: Maggie Walker Design. Or visit her website to see her patterns at
http://www.maggiewalkerdesign.com/index.html. Be prepared; bring
your money as Maggie will also be selling her patterns and other items.
Fat-quarter Raffle
Cash for Stach w/ Twist
Guild Workshops
We Have Winners
Quilters Retreat
Meeting Minutes
Shirley Horning Laura Chaplar
Quilts at the Art Museum
Carolyn Nentwick Cathy Fennell
Quilt Shows
Perkiomen Valley Class
December Meeting Preview 7
Special Request
Quilt Competition
Refreshment assignments
Hors d'oeuvres
Sue Nann
Winnie Spoonts
Sherlee Hilberg
Susan Yayac
Susan Gustafson
Jean Cordey
Ann Palmer
Mary Plewinski
Candy Garrido
Sign Retrieval
Our “Quilt Show” signs did their job, we had a terrific turnout for our
show! Please remember to bring all the quilt show signs that you have
to our November guild meeting. And be sure to keep the stands separate and away from the signs so the signs don’t get scratched or damaged. Chris Candello will be storing our signs for our next Quilt show.
Bees Bees Bees Bees Bees
Evening Bee—4th Tuesday
Afternoon Bee—2nd Tuesday
November 11, 2008, 12:30 – 3:30
PM, at the home of Joan Markowitz,
112 Boulder Road, Plymouth Meeting,
PA, 610-828-0740.
December 9, 2008, 12:30 – 3:30 PM, at the
home of Judy Snook, 163 Sloan Road, Phoenixville, PA, 610-933-8094.
NOTE: the evening bee for November and December are very close to the holidays and
since we are all very busy at this time, the November and December evening bees will be
canceled. But “bee” happy, the evening bee
will resume in January. Keep checking the newsletter for the date and hostess. (NOTE: Anyone
who would still like to get together on our November Bee date can meet at Donna Raymond’s
house—give her a call if you’re interested.)
Our Bees are open to all members of the Valley Forge Homestead Quilters Guild. They offer an opportunity to share quilting information and renew friendships. We work on our own hand projects
(as there’s not usually room for sewing machines); we assist each other by suggesting ways to layout
quilt blocks, work with colors, etc.; and we enjoy each others company in a smaller venue. Please
check your calendar and see if you are able to join one (or both) of the Bees. If you would like to
host one of the Bees, please contact Jean Hayden (Afternoon Bee) or Beth Quigley (Evening Bee).
Quilt Show
Recap Meeting
Our favorite dentist lending a
hand at our quilt show
All Quilt Show Committee Chairs
are asked to attend the recap
meeting for the Quilt show at the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints in Trooper on November 17, 2008 at 7:00. At this
time, we will discuss the show—
triumphs, problems, and solutions.
All committee chairs should also
submit a written report to Jean
Hayden at this meeting.
Please have your Expense Reimbursement forms along with all
receipts ready to submit to Gail
Dovalovsky that night so that we
can get an accurate accounting of
our show.
November 1 Joan Lautensack
November 5 Amy Frazier
November 12 Sally Lightcap
November 13 Sandy Darlington
November 19 Joan Markowitz
November 28 Cheryl McGuire
December 1
Ally Howell
Joan Gunder
December 3
Ethel Hutchinson
December 4
Judi Bell
December 5
Ann Palmer
December 7
Carol Divis
December 8 Gerry Fontaine
December 19 Becky Weiland
December 20 Elizabeth Bullwinkle
JoAnn Thomas
Welcome Welcome!
Dottie Dolgash lives in Wayne, PA and heard about
us through various quilt shows. Her sewing background is in sewing clothing, drapes and curtains for
the home, although she did take a quilting class about
twenty years ago. Her interest in quilting started in
1980 when she began a stenciled queen size bed quilt
from a magazine. Dottie has yet to complete this
quilt but hopes to do so now that she has joined our
guild. She enjoys quilt projects that can be made into
clothing and kitchen items such as potholders and
placemats. Dottie retired in 2007 as a regional sales
manager for the Millipore Corp. She is married to
Bob and has one stepson, Ron and an eight and a
half year old granddaughter, Rachael. Dottie also has
pets, freshwater fish (Angels).
Barbara Wright of Phoenixville, PA recently became a
member of the VFHQ Guild. Barbara found us
through an Internet search. Although she has joined
the guild, she says she hates to sew but became interested in quilting when her daughter received fabric
from her friends to make a “baptism” quilt for her
firstborn child. Barbara enjoys quilt projects that are
“scrappy”. She has completed a bed-size quilt and
enjoys hiking, whitewater rafting, photography and
Great Valley High School Basketball. Barbara is a retired nurse.
Fat Quarter Raffle
The current Fat Quarter Raffle drawing
will occur at December’s guild meeting.
The fabric theme for this time is holiday
fabric, for any holiday. To participate,
simply bring a fat quarter, place it in the
designated basket, along with your name,
and you’ll be eligible for the drawing to
win them all! You will receive one
chance to win for each fat quarter you
contribute. The guidelines are simple:
1. 1The fabric must be a fat quarter measuring 18" X 22".
2. It should be washed and ironed
3. It must keep to the announced theme
4. It should be “quilt-shop-quality” fabric
Any questions, contact Jean Corday.
Cash for Stash aka 50-50 With a Twist
The big winner for October's Cash for Stash aka 50-50 was Beth
Quigley. Maybe with the $26.50 that she won she can get started
on the next quilt show's boutique items. In November, we are
going to start the twist, Deal or No Deal. Here's how it works.
Purchase your tickets for $1.00 each before Chris resumes the
meeting. The winner gets a chance to make a deal: the money or
the gift bag. Whatever is not chosen will be stashed away for future games.
-The Sisters, Nancy and Kate
AQS Books
Kathy Graff will have the
forms and book lists for
the AQS Book orders.
Books may be ordered
through Kathy at the October and November
Guild meetings, as well
as, at the Quilt Show.
Please pre-pay Kathy and
the books ordered may
be picked up at the following meeting.
Guild Workshops
Ladies Bag Day: Choice of three bags
taught by three great instructors: Chris
Candello, Cathy Fennell, Gerry Higgins
DATE: January 17, 2009
TIME: 9:30AM – 4:00 PM
PLACE: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Kind of Prussia, PA
We Have Winners!
Congratulations to our two guild members who won
really exciting raffles at our Quilt Show on October
25. The lucky winners were Sandy Dounce, who
won the Raffle Quilt and Judy Snook, who won the
Bernina Sewing Machine donated by Steve’s. Congratulations, again!
PRICE: TBD – See Jean Hayden to sign up
BRING: Supply list will be provided
upon payment to Jean Hayden
Comfort Quilt Workshop - Shirley Horning
DATE: February 28, 2009
TIME: 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
PLACE: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
King of Prussia, PA
BRING: Your sewing machine, normal
sewing supplies, and your lunch. We will
also need extra mats, rotary cutters, Irons
and ironing boards and power
strips/extension cords.
Two fabulous FUTURE workshops with
big-name presenters are slated for 2009.
You’ll want to enter the dates in your
calendar (as soon as you get your 2009
calendar). The reason we’re notifying
you now is because these workshops will
both occur on Wednesdays so plan ahead
if you need to use a vacation day in order to participate:
• Mimi Detrich — June 17, 2009
• Betty Neff — October 21, 2009
Quilter's Retreat - SAVE THE DATES
April 30, May 1, 2, 3, 2009 for our Spring Quilter's
Retreat at Mensch Mill Conference and Retreat Center, Kline Lodge, in Berks County, PA. Cost will be
$185 for Thursday through Sunday and $135 for Friday through Sunday. If interested give your name to
Sally Rapp. Giving a $20 deposit is the only way to
hold your space, which is non-refundable.
Meeting Minutes – October 21, 2008
Chinese Auction – see Patti McLean Fulton
and Judy Snook.
Meeting Commenced: 7:05 pm
Welcome: Chris Candello welcomed all including one guest, Shirley Horning’s friend from
Decorations – see Martha Klein. Mums are
Ricky Tims/Libby Liebman/Alex Anderson:
BOM winner: Gail Foster.
Door Prizes: Marge Quinn, Debbie Graves and
Cost: $179.00 for 3 day seminar the end of
April 2009. Looking into renting 1 or 2 buses.
See Chris for details.
Jacqui Santangelo.
50/50 Game: winner: Beth
Retreat: See Sally Rapp for
Quigley. Kate and Nancy explained the next game.
room assignments.
Comfort Quilts: Shirley Horning asked that all quilts be
turned in at the November
meeting for distribution.
Please see Chris is anyone is
interesting in coordinating the
Comfort Quilt program.
Membership Renewal: dues
($25.00) must be paid in advance
of displaying your quilt at the
Quilt Show.
Raffle Quilt Tickets: See Donna
Raymond. Every member is responsible to sell $10.00.
Excursion: see Susan Glazer.
Tonight’s Activity: Quilt
Fat Quarters: Jean Corday men-
tioned that more fat quarters are
needed. The theme of this quarter fabric is fall or holiday. As a
side note, Jean is looking for a
recipe for cranberry bread.
Bees: The November afternoon bee is sched-
check-in tickets were given out
at the door for anyone displaying quilts at the Show to
minimize long lines. The
members sat in circle groups
with projects to be worked on and to socialize.
Chris held a Question and Answer forum. Refreshment sign up book was circulated.
uled for November 11th at the home of Joan
Markowitz at 12:30 p.m. The November and
December evening bees are being cancelled, but
if there is enough interest, Donna Raymond offered to host the November evening bee.
Show and Tell
Quilt Show: Jean Hayden
Respectfully Submitted:
Marge Quinn, Recording Secretary
Signs are in place; please take the signs
down as quickly as possible
after the show so they are not
Meeting Adjourned: 10:10 p.m.
Staffing – see Chris if you
haven’t signed up;
Electrical – see Donna
LeBlanc; label all items.
Saturday (after show) – volunteers need to break-down displays. Members reminded to
pick-up quilts and consignments or arrange to have
them picked up.
Grandma’s Attic – see Jean
Corday or Ruth Heslin.
Boutique – see Jacqui Santangelo or Marge Quinn.
Two Quilt Exhibits at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
If you haven’t had a chance to see these exhibits at the
art museum, there’s still time. Plan a road trip with
your quilting friends.
Gee’s Bend: The Architecture of the Quilt: September
16 – December 14, 2008. This exhibition takes a fresh
look at the quilting tradition in Gee’s Bend, Alabama,
introducing new artists and new motifs in works ranging from the early twentieth century through 2005.
Nearly 65 quilts, all of which are being shown for the
first time will be presented. See generations of quilt
making as it takes on the highest form of expression
and innovation.
African-American Quilts from the Ella King Torrey Collection: August 16, 2008 – February 2009. The collection was formed between 1981 and 1983 and includes thirteen examples by leading southern quilt
makers. Among its highlights are an appliquéd “word
quilt” by the Mississippi artist Sarah Mary Taylor (born
1916) and one of her “hand” quilts, a version commissioned for the film The Color Purple.
Quilt Shows
Patchwork Politics: From George to
George W: June 6 – December 31,
2008 at the Heritage Center Museum,
5 West King Street, Lancaster. An outstanding exhibition of quilts, clothing
and memorabilia made to commemorate America’s
Presidential campaigns. For more information visit
Two exhibitions focusing on the material manifestations
of women's identity will open at the Philip and Muriel
Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College this fall.
Women's Work: Two Exhibitions Looking at Women's
Bodies of/as Work will bring together 19th century quilts
from the collection of well-known collector Judy Roche,
with the textile and body-based works of contemporary
artists Tamar Stone and Christine LoFaso. The exhibitions are scheduled to open Sept. 14 and run through
Dec. 7 in both the Main and Upper galleries in the museum. The museum is open 10 AM to 4 PM, Tuesday
through Friday; noon to 4:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday,
and closed Mondays and college holidays. Admission is
free. For group tour information call 610-409-3500.
2008 Quilt Exhibition presented by Lebanon Quilters
Guild: December 4 – 6; 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM, and December 7: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. More than 80 quilts
on display at the Lebanon Expo Center. Admission is
$2.00. For directions to the Expo Center visit
www.lebexpo.com. For more information about the
exhibit, call 717-679-5522.
Perkiomen Valley Pattern Class
Sally Rapp will be teaching a 3-session class on making this regional pattern quilt. Class times are 7
to 9 p.m. on three Monday evenings, January 12, January 26 and February 23, 2009. All classes
will be held at Trinity UCC Church, Collegeville. (Church is on Main Street across from the Ursinus
College campus). Cost is $40 for the 3-sessions. To get the most out of the class you should attend
all 3 sessions. Sign-ups begin immediately, at which time a supply list will be given.
Guild Officers
December Meeting Preview
– Chris Candello
– Jean Hayden
TREASURER – Gail Dovalovsky
December 16, 2008
Begin the holiday season with our guild’s holiday party and gift exchange. For the exchange, please bring a quilting/sewing related
gift costing between $7 and $10. Also, bring a
treat to share with the group: if your last name
begins with a letter between A-H, please bring
a dessert; if your last name begins with a letter
between J- Z, please bring a hors d’oeurves.
We will be bringing back a game we played a
few holiday parties ago, Strip Poker (it’s not
really poker and we don’t really strip). In order to play, everyone should bring ten to
twelve strips of fabric, cut 2 ½" x width of fabric (about 43") or
ten-twelve jelly roll strips. You can use their winnings to construct one of the bags being offered at the January Bag Workshop, it takes only 9 strips to make. Lots of fun and great prizes
for all, see you there.
Quilt Competition
Peddler’s Village will display quilts for their annual quilt competition in the Peddler’s Village Gazebo from January 12 through
April 5, 2009. You can enter a quilt and be part of the competition. Deadline for competition registration is January 1, 2009 and
the entry drop off date is January 4, 2009. There are many categories one can enter and cash prizes to be won. There is no entry
fee. Copies of the Quilt competition Categories and registration
form will be on the “Information Table” at the next guild meeting
on November 18.
Special Request
Dear Friends,
Please visit the web site www.americanquilter.com between
Nov.3rd & Nov. 30th and cast a vote to send my Feathered Fantasy quilt to Paducah, Kentucky for a special exhibit this spring.
Feathered Fantasy is entry number 1063. Go to drop down Quilt
contests online. There will be a choice to cast your vote.
Please make sure you sign in, you may win a prize package also!
Committee Chairs
– Gloria Clark
Cathy Fennell (editor)
& Lou Chandler (publisher)
WEB MASTER – Lou Chandler
WORKSHOPS – Jean Hayden
REFRESHMENTS – Paula Pettyjohn
SET-UP – Cathy Fennell
HOSTESS/ DOOR PRIZES – Patti McLain Fulton
& Marebeth Conard
Joan Gunder
Lisa Hudock
BLOCK OF THE MONTH – Rosemary Geisler
QUILT SHOW – Jean Hayden
QUILT BEES – Jean Hayden (day)
Beth Quigley (night)
RETREATS – Sally Rapp
EXCURSIONS – Susan Glaser
RAFFLE QUILT – Susan Glaser
TICKETS – Donna Raymond
CHALLENGE – Linda Hammel
COMFORT QUILTS – Shirley Horning
Rosemary Geisler
PUBLICITY – Nancy Hannum
Jean Corday
HISTORIAN – Lisa Hudock
Nancy Hannum
LIBRARY – Art & Ethel Hutchison
AQS BOOKS – Kathy Graff
SUNSHINE – Norma Brechbiel
Thank you for your support ! Barb Jones
Newsletter Submissions
Information for the next newsletter must
be received by the 1st day of the month.
An d
Shep h
Goodran Churc
DAY: Third Tuesday
of each month
Rt 23
TIME: 7 p.m.
e Fre
ping Ctr
rge Shop
alley Fo
PLACE: Good Shepherd
Lutheran Church
King of Prussia, PA
H en
Cathy Fennell
fennell@rosemont.edu (preferred)
32 Clearfield Avenue
Eagleville, PA 19430
610-630-8645 (home)
610-526-2973 (work)
Guild Meetings
Rt 202