syllabus - Course Websites

Fall 2009
Dr. Lakshmi Chilukuri
Division of Biology, UCSD
La Jolla, CA 92093-0355
Office: 4070C York Hall
Telephone: 822-2032
• Wednesdays: 11:00 – 12:00: regular office hours; may have more than one
student in the office at the same time.
• Mondays: 1:00 – 2:00: for students with brief questions and/or those who
wish to meet with me individually
In addition, I will usually wait after lectures to answer questions.
All course materials will be on WebCT, including syllabus, reading assignments, practice
exams, and midterm keys. The site is available to everyone who is registered for the
class. The address is:
Please make sure that you are able to access this web site and check it often for updates.
I strongly encourage you to post questions on the discussion tool of WebCT rather than
by email as most doubts are common to more than one student. Posting the questions on
WebCT allows me to answer the same question just once rather than several times. I also
encourage you to check WebCT to see if your question has already been posted and to
scan the questions posted by other students. This might be both interesting and profitable
for you.
If the questions are personal or for other reasons you do not wish to post them on
WebCT, you can contact me by e-mail at the address listed above. I will try to answer email quickly, within 24 hours if possible. If the questions are too complex to address by
e-mail or on the discussion site on WebCT, I will ask you to come to my office hours to
discuss them.
The lectures will be podcast. The podcast will be posted at shortly
after the lecture ends.
The podcast is meant to be used as a supplement to lectures and cannot and does not
replace being present in class. I have yet to see a high performing student in class
who has relied on podcast alone, or even on lectures alone. The best performance
consistently comes from those who attend lecture and read the assigned chapters
and may or may not listen to the podcast as necessary.
• Highly Recommended that you read this regularly:
 Wardlaw’s Perspectives in Nutrition, Eighth Edition, Byrd-Bredbenner,
Moe, Beshgetoor, & Berning, McGraw Hill Publishers 2009.
Access to a metabolic biochemistry textbook such as Voet and Voet, Stryer, etc,
would be useful
Tuesdays, Thursdays 9:30 am – 10:50 am, PETER 108
Midterm: Tues Oct 27th, in class
Assignment: Tuesday Nov 17th
Final: Thursday Dec 10th, 8 am – 11 am.
~37% of total points = 110 points
~13% of total points = 40 points
50% of total points = 150 points
Total points possible
= 300 points
The midterm and final exams will have multiple choice type questions and short answer
type questions.
Your final grade will be determined in the following way: the score of the top 5
students in the class will be averaged and that number will be called 100%. Grades
will then be assigned according to the following scale:
100% - 90%; “A” range
89.9% - 80%: “B” range
79.9% - 65%: “C” range
64.9% - 50%: “D” range
less than 50%: “F”
Policy on Cheating:
ANY cheating will be taken seriously. Students caught cheating will be reported
immediately to the student dean of their respective college. The student will receive
“zero” points for the exam in which he/she cheated and may fail the class.
Regrade policy:
Regrades will only be accepted if the exam answers have been written in pen. Regrade
requests must be submitted in writing along with an explanation and justification as to
why the answer(s) was (were) not graded correctly. When an exam is submitted for a
regrade, the entire exam will be reexamined. This means that you may either lose or gain
points upon regrading. Regrades must be submitted in class no later than one week after
the day the exam is handed back in class. There will be NO exceptions to these rules. A
random number of corrected exams will be Xeroxed before returning them to
students to discourage regrade cheating attempts.
Exam Return Policy:
Students wishing to pick up the midterms/assignments from HSS will be required to sign
a waiver permitting me to leave the material there unattended. The midterm can be
picked up from the exam shelves in 1145 H&SS. Please check WebCT for an
announcement in case there are any changes. The dates and times for office pick up of
midterms will be announced in class. Finals will not be returned to the students but will
be available for examination after they have been graded.
Make up Exam Policy:
Make up exams will only be administered for students with genuine, documented reasons
for missing the scheduled exam. No make up exams will be given to those without
documentation, to accommodate other midterms or exams, or to accommodate personal
scheduling problems including travel plans. Absolutely NO exams will be given prior to
the scheduled exam date. All make up exams will be oral exams.
Assignment Turn in Policy:
Assignments are due in the first 10 minutes of lecture on the date they are due. All
assignments turned in after 10 minutes from the start of the lecture will be considered 1
day late. The penalty for late turn in of assignments is 10 points for every day that it is
late. Please DO NOT email your assignments to me. Emailed assignments will not be
accepted. If you know you are not going to be at the lecture, send the assignment with a
classmate or slide it under my office door the day BEFORE it is due.
Incomplete Policy:
Incompletes will only be allowed if you miss the Final exam due to an unavoidable,
documented emergency. The documentation must include the day of the scheduled final.
You cannot file for an incomplete before Finals week. No exceptions.
Classroom behavior:
As a courtesy to your fellow students I strongly encourage you to follow the guidelines
listed below.
1. Come to the lectures. The material posted on the website will give you only the
basic information on what the lecture covers. I will always present material in
greater depth in the lecture itself.
2. Come to class on time. The first 5 minutes of lecture are usually spent going over
general information required by the students. This includes topics such as
registration issues, midterm, assignments, reading assignments, etc. Given the
limited amount of time for the lectures, I do not repeat this information for those
who come in late.
3. If you do come in late, enter quietly so as to avoid disturbing your classmates and
disrupting the lecture.
4. Please turn off your cell phones or place them on vibrate.
5. Please refrain from chatting with your friends during the lecture as it is distracting
to me and to other students, and it is a waste of your class time. If your
conversation is detracting from the lecture, I will ask you to leave the room
Lecture, Exam, and Reading Schedule
Fall 2009
Note: In addition to the main topic, each chapter in the book has case scenarios, critical
thinking, Take Action, Expert Perspective from the Field, and Medical Perspective
sections. The case scenarios and critical thinking are study and analytical aids and are
used at your discretion. The Take Action, Expert Perspective from the Field, and Medical
Perspective provide additional information on topics of interest. You may choose to read
them to expand your knowledge of the subject. Unless listed under reading (as for
chapters 5 and 6), these topics will not be separately addressed in class
Lecture, assignment, and exam dates
Thursday Sept 24th
Tuesday Sept 29th
Thursday Oct 1st
Tuesday Oct 6th
Thursday Oct 8th
Tuesday Oct 13th
Thursday Oct 15th
Tuesday Oct 20th
Thursday Oct 22nd
Tuesday Oct 27th
Thursday Oct 29th
Tuesday Nov 3rd
Thursday Nov 5th
Tuesday Nov 10th
Thursday Nov 12th
Tuesday Nov 17th
Lecture #
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
Lecture 9
Midterm. Covers all material up to and including
lecture 9
Lecture 10
Lecture 11
Lecture 12
Lecture 13
Lecture 14
Lecture 15
Thursday Nov 19
Tuesday Nov 24th
Tuesday Dec 1st
Thursday Dec 3rd
Thursday December 10th
Final 8:00 am – 11:00 am,
location to be announced,
usually in the regular
Assignment due in the first 10 minutes of lecture
Lecture 16
Lecture 17
Lecture 18
Lecture 19
Final is cumulative with greater emphasis on
topics not covered on midterm
Lecture Topics and Reading Assignments
The following is a listing of the topics in the order in which they will be covered and the
textbook chapters assigned for these topics.
Dietary Guidelines
Digestive system, Digestion
Absorption, Digestive disorders – these
may be scattered through the next few
Chapter 2
Cardiovascular disease
Energy balance and weight loss
Fat-soluble vitamins
Chapter 6: Medical Perspective
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
(Chapter 9)* Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
(Chapter 12.3, Chapter 14.6 Medical
Chapter 13
Water soluble vitamins
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 Medical Perspective
Chapter 6
*Indicates that material from these chapters will be used in this lecture along with
whatever other information I feel is pertinent.
Discussion section information
4:00 - 4:50 pm
5:00 - 5:50 pm
6:00 - 6:50 pm
8:00 - 8:50 am
1:00 - 1:50 pm
3:00 - 3:50 pm
4:00 - 4:50 pm
6:00 - 6:50 pm
1:00 - 1:50 pm
5:00 - 5:50 pm
6:00 - 6:50 pm
12:00 - 12:50
2:00 - 2:50 pm
3:00 - 3:50 pm
Center 207
Center 207
Center 207
Center 218
York 3000A
Center 207
Center 207
HSS 2321
Center 220
CSB 005
CSB 005
Sally Baho
Kristine Park
Kristine Park
Simon Lai
Jessica Chang
Tenai Eguen
Tenai Eguen
Keilina Lu
Steve Loh
Joel Tourtellotte
Joel Tourtellotte
Center 205
Center 218
Center 218
Jonathan Lin
Ashley Lakoduk
Ashley Lakoduk