Moon Phases and Eclipses Choice Board

Moon Phases and Eclipses Choice Board
Pick 5 of the following projects to complete on moon phases and eclipses. Each project you
complete is worth 20 points. If you pick a writing assignment, the writing must fill up the
front of a page.
Draw a diagram and label the
phases of the Moon. Include
the number of days for each
moon phase. Be sure to
include both the Sun on the
right and the Sun on the left,
so you will need 2 different
Write a scientific article on
the moon phases. Think about
the EdHelper articles that we
have used in class and how
they were written to write
your article.
Write a short story about an
astronaut that was in space
during a solar or lunar eclipse
and what it looked like from
Write an acrostic poem on
Moon Phases and Eclipses.
See me for an example.
Create a board game using
the phases of the moon. You
should include the vocabulary
words associated with the
phases of the moon (1st
quarter, full moon, new
moon, 3rd quarter, umbra,
penumbra, etc.) and their
definitions as well as the
alignment of the earth, moon,
and sun. Use index cards,
dice, or other materials you
would like to make the game
Make one diagram showing a
solar eclipse and one showing
a lunar eclipse. Label the
diagram (sun, earth, moon,
umbra, penumbra, straight
line). Write the name of the
moon phase underneath your
diagram for the solar eclipse
and for the lunar eclipse.
Write a script for a television
news anchor who is reporting
a lunar or solar eclipse as it is
See me to complete a Moon
Phases activity where you
need to identify different
phases of the moon by
looking at pictures.
Write a poem about the
phases of the moon.
Write a 20 question multiple
choice test about solar and
lunar eclipses and moon
phases. Include the answers.
Create your own notes over
Moon Phases and Eclipses
using the PowerPoints on My
Big Campus.
Come up with your own
activity on Moon Phases and
Eclipses. See me for approval
before you begin.
Rocks and Minerals Choice Board
Pick 5 of the following projects to complete on moon phases and eclipses. Each project you
complete is worth 20 points. If you pick a writing assignment, the writing must fill up the
front of a page.
Draw a diagram and label
the rock cycle. Be sure to
include the words:
weathering, sediments,
heating, pressure,
melting, cooling,
compaction, and
Create a flipbook about
the characteristics and
properties of minerals.
Should include word,
picture and description.
Think of SNIFE to
determine the
characteristics of
minerals and properties
are tests that we can use
to determine the mineral.
How creative can you be?
Write a short story about
the journey of a rock
through the rock cycle.
Create an acrostic poem
about the types of rocks
(igneous, metamorphic,
and sedimentary)
Create a board game/card game using the
minerals and the rock cycle. You should include
the vocabulary words associated with the
minerals and the rock cycle (Mineral, Hardness,
Streak, Mohs Scale, Crystal, Luster, Cleavage,
Fracture, Inorganic, Naturally Occurring, Solid,
Definite composition, Atoms, Sedimentary,
Igneous, Metamorphic, Rock Cycle, Pressure,
Intrusive, Extrusive, Cemented, Compacted,
Metamorphism, Fine-grained,
Course –grained, Glassy, Foliated, Nonfoliated,
Gem, Ore) Use index cards, dice, or other
materials you would like to make the game
Create postcards from each type of rock in the
rock cycle. The front should have a drawn
Illustration of an example of that type of rock
(include the name) and the back should be
written from the perspective of that rock. Be
sure to describe what processes can be found
during each formation.
Create a graphic
organizer to explain the
types of rocks and how
they form.
Write a 20 question
multiple choice test
about minerals and rocks.
Include the answers.
Write a script for a talk show host who is
interviewing a geologist on minerals. In this
interview, include a description that says what
minerals are, atom arrangement, how crystals
form in magma and solution, and the physical
properties that we use to help us identify them.
Create a Venn diagram
comparing minerals to
Create a book or write a story about the
importance and many uses of minerals. Refer
to chapter 3.
Come up with your own
activity on Minerals and
the Rock cycle. See me
for approval before you
Plate Tectonics Choice Board
Pick 5 of the following projects to complete on moon phases and eclipses. Each project you
complete is worth 20 points. If you pick a writing assignment, the writing must fill up the
front of a page.
Draw a diagram and label the
types of plate boundaries. Be
sure to include the formation of
mountains, trenches, volcanic
islands, and mid-ocean ridges.
Write a story about a natural
disaster caused by plate
tectonics, such as a tsunami,
earthquake, or volcano. The
story will be written from a 1st
person perspective.
Write a short story about an
immortal (person who can live
forever) who witnesses how the
surface of the Earth changed
because of plate movement. Be
sure to include detailed
Create a crossword puzzle (with
an answer key!) about plate
tectonics and earth’s layers
Minimum of 10 clues/questions.
Use chapter 10 or INB as a
Create a board game using the
facts about plate tectonics. You
should include the vocabulary
words associated with plate
tectonics (Plate Tectonics,
Continental Drift, Mid-ocean
ridge, Seafloor Spreading,
Pangaea, Plate Boundary
Divergent Boundary
Convergent Boundary, etc). May
use definitions and/or
illustrations. Use index cards,
dice, or other materials you
would like to make the game
Create a comic strip that shows
how volcanoes are related to the
Ring of Fire.
Create a Board game/card game
about continental drift, seafloor
spreading and the theory of
plate tectonics.
Create a child’s story book
explaining continental drift and
the theory of plate tectonics.
Must include illustrations.
Write a poem or acrostic poem
about the theory of plate
Write a 20 question multiple
choice test about layers of the
earth, plate boundaries, plate
movement, and geological
features created. Include the
Create a drawing of the layers of
the Earth using an accurate
description of each layer.
The student will include a key
showing thickness and
composition of each layer.
Come up with your own activity
on Plate tectonics. See me for
approval before you begin.