Test Library Catalogue - Faculty of Health Sciences

This catalogue contains an alphabetical listing of all tests in the test library. Each test has
several details that may help you in deciding whether the test will be appropriate to your
1. SPECIMEN SETS of all (except the very large) tests listed in the following catalogue
have been placed in alphabetical order in Bays 1 to 9 of the compactus within the Test
Library. These specimen sets are available for study in the test library but they may not
be borrowed.
2. PUBLIC DOMAIN TESTS These are tests within the library that can be reproduced.
These tests cannot be borrowed overnight but can be removed for up to 15 min for
3. TESTS AVAILABLE FOR BORROWING can be found on the shelves of the bays in the
library. Bays and their shelves have been numbered and these numbers are listed in the
catalogue under Location.
4. Some tests may only be kept as SPECIMEN SETS in the filing cabinets. Anyone
wishing to borrow such a test should ask the test librarian to order a copy of the test. If
large numbers of any test are required, an order for them should be made well in advance.
While the test collection is now a comprehensive one, it is likely that some tests required
for research/teaching/diagnostic purposes will not be represented.
Potential borrowers should bear in mind that tests not available through companies within
Australia may take upwards of three months to obtain from overseas.
NEW TESTS and revisions of old tests are constantly being added to the test library.
REQUESTS for such tests are welcome and should be directed to Wanda Prokopiak.
They will be added to the collection as funds permit. Notice of tests missing from the
library or incomplete tests or mistakes in the catalogue should also be directed to Wanda.
7. COPYRIGHT Most of the tests in the library (except public domain) are bound by
copyright regulations. NO forms, score sheets, questionnaires etc may be copied for any
reason. 10% of a manual may be copied when needed. Any questions regarding
copyright can be directed to Test Librarian.
8. Copies of this catalogue are kept in the test library, and by Wanda Prokopiak and Dr. Neil
1. The only PEOPLE PERMITTED TO BORROW TESTS from the test library are
members of staff, Honours, Masters and Post-Graduate students and trainee psychologists
being supervised by members of staff. All members of staff and students are required to
complete a form before they may borrow tests. Former students, psychologists and other
people who have no teaching, research or supervision involvement with the School of
Psychology are not permitted to borrow tests or have access to the test library.
2. All test should be RETURNED to the School of Psychology Office (level 4) on
completion of use. TEST RETURN FORMS (blue) must be completed when the test is
returned. Otherwise the borrower may still be liable for an unreturned test.
3. The PERIOD OF THE LOAN is negotiable within the year in which the test is borrowed
but it should in most cases be in terms of days or weeks. Every effort should be made by
borrowers to return tests as soon as possible as there is considerable demand for many of
the tests and the library has only single copies of some tests. Please note that if a
borrower has a test on loan beyond the due date of return, s/he will be unable to borrow
further test materials until the original test is returned. The period of loan must not
exceed November 31st of the year in which the test is borrowed. All tests must be
returned by that date to allow a stocktake to occur.
Most tests are available for loan in test sets or kits: manuals for these tests must not be
borrowed separately as this not only leads to the loss of manuals but it also
inconveniences borrowers who find they have taken out a test without a manual in it.
Enquires about Tests or the use of the Test Library can be made to
Neil Kirby
Test Administrator
8303 5739
Wanda Prokopiak
Test Librarian
8313 0338
Compendiums, Sourcebooks and Portfolios available in the Test Library
A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests
Assesment Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Assesment Scales in Depresion, Mania and Anxiety
Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry
Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio
Child Psychology Portfolio
Compendium of Tests, Scales and Questionnaires (The Practitioner’s Guide to
Measuring Outcomes after Acquired Brain Impairment)
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
Comprehensive Stress Management
Early Childhood Assessment
Evaluating Residential Facilities
Handbook for Analyzing the Social Strategies of Everyday Life
Handbook of Psychiatric Measures with CD Rom
Marketing Scales Handbook
Markieting Scales Handbook – Vol. IV
Measures for Clinical Practice – Vol 1
Measures for Clinical Practice – Vol 2
Measures for Clinical Practice Vol 1 (Couples, Families and Children)
Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio
Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes
Measures of Political Attitudes (Measures of Social Psychological Attitudes)
Measures of Religiosity
Measuring Violence Related Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors Among Youths
Neuropsychological Assessment
Positive Psychological Assessment - A Handbook of Models and Measures
Psychology in Education Portfolio
Rating Scales in Mental Health
Scale Development Theory and Applications
Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies
Taking the Measure of Work; A Guide to Validated Scales for Organizational Research
and Diagnosis
The Experience of Work
The Sourcebook of non Verbal Measures
The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
Work Alienation
Screening Tools for Primary Care
Links to help search for Psychological Tests
Online Resources
Maureen Bell – Barr Smith Library Research Librarian for Psychology
Mental Measurements Year Books and Tests in Print
Educational Testing Service
International Personality Item Pool
Testing Materials Resource Book Online
Suppliers of Psychological Tests within Australia
ACER press
Psychological Assessments Australia
Psychological Corporation
CPP Asia Pacific: Psychometric Assessments
Table of Contents
A ............................................................................................................................................... 57
AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scales-School 2nd Ed.(ABS-S:2) #1837 ....................................................................57
Aberrant Behavior Checklist #750 ........................................................................................................................57
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale #1520 ....................................................................................................57
Absorption Scale (A-Scale) #683..........................................................................................................................57
AC Test of Creative Ability #769 .........................................................................................................................57
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire I&II (AAQ-I & AAQ-II) #2028...............................................................57
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – Measures Package #1968.....................................................................57
Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS) #428 ................................................................................................................57
Acceptance of Others #521 ...................................................................................................................................58
Accepting the Past/Reminiscing about the Past #1350 .........................................................................................58
Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican-Americans-II #1351 .............................................................................58
ACER Advanced Test AL-AQ & BL-BQ (2nd Ed) #1.........................................................................................58
ACER Advanced Test B40 #2 ..............................................................................................................................58
ACER Advanced Test N #3 ..................................................................................................................................58
ACER Applied Reading Test (A&B) #4 ...............................................................................................................58
ACER Checklist for School Beginners #5 ............................................................................................................59
ACER Higher Test ML-MQ & PL-PQ (2nd Ed) #6...............................................................................................59
ACER Higher Test WL-WQ #7 ............................................................................................................................59
ACER Intermediate Test A #1910 ........................................................................................................................59
ACER Intermediate Test D #385 ..........................................................................................................................59
ACER Intermediate Test F & G #8 .......................................................................................................................59
ACER Junior Non-Verbal #10 ..............................................................................................................................59
ACER Junior Test A #9 ........................................................................................................................................59
ACER Lower Grades General Ability Scale #1915 ..............................................................................................60
ACER Mathematics Profile Series #12 .................................................................................................................60
ACER Mathematics Services Test (AM Series) #11 ............................................................................................60
ACER Mechanical Comprehension Test #13 .......................................................................................................60
ACER Mechanical Reasoning Test-R #14 ............................................................................................................60
ACER Number Test #386 .....................................................................................................................................60
ACER Paragraph Reading Test #15 ......................................................................................................................60
ACER Primary Reading Survey Tests #16 ...........................................................................................................60
ACER Short Clerical Test-Form C #17 ................................................................................................................61
ACER Shorthand Aptitude #18 .............................................................................................................................61
ACER Silent Reading Test #2038 ........................................................................................................................61
ACER Speed & Accuracy Test (Form A&B) #19 ................................................................................................61
ACER Test of Learning Ability (TOLA 4&6)) #20 .............................................................................................61
ACER Test of Reasoning Ability #21 ...................................................................................................................61
ACER Tool Knowledge Test #22 .........................................................................................................................61
ACER Verbal and Numerical Reasoning # 2035 ..................................................................................................62
ACER Word Knowledge Test #23 ........................................................................................................................62
Achievement Anxiety Test #1352 .........................................................................................................................62
Activities Index #24 ..............................................................................................................................................62
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Index #1132 ....................................................................................................62
Activity-Feeling Scale-II #1353............................................................................................................................62
Acute Panic Inventory #1561 ................................................................................................................................62
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System (ABAS) #822 .........................................................................................62
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – Scoring Assisstant #913 .....................................................................63
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – 2nd Edition (ABAS II) #1806 ...............................................................63
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System II - Scoring Assistant #1807 ...................................................................63
Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale – Home Version(ABES-R2) #1804.............................................................63
Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale – School Version(ABES-R2) #1805 ...........................................................63
Adaptive Behavior Inventory (ABI) #1835 ..........................................................................................................63
Adaptive Behaviour Scale - Residential & Community (ABS-RC:2) #513 .........................................................63
Adaptive Behaviour Scale - School (ABS-S:2) #751 ...........................................................................................63
Adaptive Behaviour Scale (AAMD) #25 ..............................................................................................................63
Adaptive Behaviour Scale - School Ed. #26 .........................................................................................................64
Adaptive Functioning Index #27 ...........................................................................................................................64
Addiction Severity Index #1579 ...........................................................................................................................64
Adelaide-Conners Parent Rating Scale (APRS) #28 .............................................................................................64
Adherence Determinants Questionnaire #1354.....................................................................................................64
Adjective Checklist, The #29 ................................................................................................................................64
Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Involvement Scale (AADIS) # 1879.....................................................................64
Adolescent Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) (The) #2024 ...................................................................................65
Adolescent Concerns Evaluation #1292 ...............................................................................................................65
Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences (A-COPE) #1293 .......................................................65
Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) #31 ....................................................................................................................65
Adolescent-Dissociative Experiences Scale (A-DES) #825 .................................................................................65
Adolescent-Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes (A-FILE) #1238 .......................................................65
Adolescent Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory – 2nd Version (SASSI-A2) #1880 ..............................65
Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI) #1239 ..........................................................................................65
Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA) The #2002 ....................................................................................................66
Adult Attachment Scale-R #816 ...........................................................................................................................66
Adult Behavior Checklist – Adult Self-Report #1917 ..........................................................................................66
Adult Dispositional Hope Scale #1346 .................................................................................................................66
Adult Health Concerns Questionnaire #1355........................................................................................................66
Adult Self-Expression Scale #1356 ......................................................................................................................66
Advanced Clinical Solutions #1967 ......................................................................................................................66
Advanced Progressive Matrices #30 .....................................................................................................................67
Affect and Arousal Scale (AFARS) #1842 ...........................................................................................................67
Affect Balance Scale #1357 ..................................................................................................................................67
Affect Scale: Positive Affect, Negative Affect, Affect Balance #522 ..................................................................67
Affective Support Scales #1768 .............................................................................................................................67
Affectometer 2 #523 .............................................................................................................................................67
Aggression Inventory #1358 .................................................................................................................................67
Aggression Questionnaire #1359 ..........................................................................................................................67
Aggression Questionnaire #1961 ..........................................................................................................................68
Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire #1360 .....................................................................................................68
AH4 #692 ..............................................................................................................................................................68
Alcohol Beliefs Scale #1361 .................................................................................................................................68
Alcohol Dependence Scale #1580 ........................................................................................................................68
Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire-III #1581.......................................................................................................68
Alcohol Outcome Expectancies Scale #1362........................................................................................................68
Alcohol Outcomes Module #1582 ........................................................................................................................68
Alcohol Timeline Followback #1583....................................................................................................................69
Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) #669 ....................................................................................69
Alexander Performance Scale #32 ........................................................................................................................69
Alienation Scale #524 ...........................................................................................................................................69
Alienation Test #525 .............................................................................................................................................69
Alternate Uses #33 ................................................................................................................................................69
Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS) #1070 .......................................................................................69
Alzheimer's Disease Functional Assessment and Change Scale (ADFACS) #1145 .............................................70
Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Test #1202 ........................................................................................................70
American National Election Studies Egalitarianism Scale #1692 .........................................................................70
American National Election Studies Individualism Scales #1695 .........................................................................70
American National Election Studies Humanitarianism Scale #1695 .....................................................................70
Anger Expression (AX) Scale #34 ........................................................................................................................70
Anger Idioms Scale #1363 ....................................................................................................................................70
Anger, Irritability, and Aggression Questionnaire #1585 .....................................................................................70
Anomia #526.........................................................................................................................................................71
Anomy #527 .........................................................................................................................................................71
Anorectic Behavior Observation Scale (ABOS) #1855 ........................................................................................71
Anti-Semitism Scale (A-S) #528 ..........................................................................................................................71
Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule - IV (ADIS-IV) #193...............................................................................71
Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV - Child Version #690 ..........................................................71
Anxiety Scale (IPAT) #35.....................................................................................................................................71
Anxiety Sensitivity Index #411 .............................................................................................................................71
Anxiety Sensativity Index – Revised 36 (ASI-R-36) #1897 .................................................................................72
Anxiety Statements #494 ......................................................................................................................................72
Apathy Evaluation Scale #1659 ............................................................................................................................72
Apathy Scale for Parkinson's Disease #1119 ........................................................................................................72
Approaches to the Measurement of Health-Related Attributions #455 ................................................................72
APU Arithmetic Test #36 .....................................................................................................................................72
Are you a Workaholic #491 ..................................................................................................................................72
Argumentativeness Scale #1364 ...........................................................................................................................72
Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (ASEX) #1904 ...............................................................................................73
Arnett Inventory of Sensation Seeking (AISS) #665 ............................................................................................73
Arousability Predisposition Scale #1365 ..............................................................................................................73
Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale (AIMS) #430 ..............................................................................................73
A-S Reaction Study in Personality #37 .................................................................................................................73
Ascription of Responsibility Questionnaire #1366 ...............................................................................................73
Asian-American Family Conflict Scale #1044 .....................................................................................................73
Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale(ASDS) #2015 ...........................................................................................73
Assertion Inventory #1367 ....................................................................................................................................74
Assertion Questionnaire in Drug Use #1368.........................................................................................................74
Assertion Self-Statement Test-R #1369 ................................................................................................................74
Assertive Job Hunting Survey #1370 ....................................................................................................................74
Assertiveness Self-Statement Test #1372 .............................................................................................................74
Assertiveness Scale for Adolescents #1302 ..........................................................................................................74
Assertiveness Self-Report Inventory (ASRI) #1017 .............................................................................................74
Assessing Interpersonal Understanding #796 .......................................................................................................75
Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio ................................................................................................................75
Assessment of Children's Language Comprehension (ACLC) #38 ......................................................................75
Assessment of Adaptive Areas(AAA) #1836 .......................................................................................................75
Associated Fluency #39 ........................................................................................................................................75
Astronaut Invented Spelling Test #939 .................................................................................................................76
Attitude Toward Blacks (ATB) #1715 ..................................................................................................................76
Attitude Toward the Provision of Long-Term Care (ATPLTC) #1240 ................................................................76
Attitude Toward War Scale # 1781 ........................................................................................................................76
Attitude Toward Whites (ATW) #1716 ..............................................................................................................76
Attitudes Towards Authority Scales #530 ............................................................................................................76
Attitudes Towards Doctors & Medicine Scale (ADMS) #435 ..............................................................................76
Attitudes towards Democracy #1705 .....................................................................................................................76
Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ) #529 .....................................................................................................77
AUDIT ...................................................................................................................................................................77
Auditory Consonant Trigrams (CCC) #1299 ........................................................................................................77
Auditory Discrimination Test #41 ........................................................................................................................77
Auditory Hallucinations Questionnaire #1373 ......................................................................................................77
Auditory Memory Span Test #42 ..........................................................................................................................77
Auditory Sequential Memory Test #43 .................................................................................................................77
Austin Maze #45 ...................................................................................................................................................77
Australian Developmental Screening Test (ADST) #752 .....................................................................................78
Australian Medicines Handbook #840 ..................................................................................................................78
Australian Scholastic Aptitude Test #44 ...............................................................................................................78
Australian Self-reported Deliquency Scale #780 ..................................................................................................78
Australian Sheep-Goat Scale #682........................................................................................................................78
Authoritarianism-Rebellion Scale (A-R) #531 .....................................................................................................78
Authoritarianism Scale #1374 ...............................................................................................................................78
Authority Behavior Inventory #1375 ....................................................................................................................78
Autism Detection in Early Childhood (ADEC) #1957 .........................................................................................78
Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised #1642 .....................................................................................................79
Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) The #2000 ........................................................................................................79
Autism Spectrum Quotient AQ-10 #2001............................................................................................................79
Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) #1861 ..................................................................................79
Autobiographical Memory Interview #744 ...........................................................................................................79
Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ) #532..................................................................................................79
Autonomic Nervous System Questionnaire #1654 ...............................................................................................79
B ............................................................................................................................................... 80
Bakker Assertiveness-Aggressiveness Inventory #1375 .......................................................................................80
Balanced Attributional Style Questionnaire #679 .................................................................................................80
Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) #533 .................................................................................80
Balthazar Scales of Adaptive Behaviour #46 ........................................................................................................80
Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale #1179 ...................................................................................................................80
Barnett Liking of Children Scale #1376 ...............................................................................................................80
BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory (BarOn EQ-I) #746 ...................................................................................80
Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-II #1377 ...................................................................................................................80
Barthel Index # 432 ..............................................................................................................................................81
BASC Enhanced Assist #958 ................................................................................................................................81
Basic Occupational Literacy Test (BOLT) #379 ..................................................................................................81
Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI) #748 .....................................................................................................81
Battelle Development Inventory - 2nd Edition (BDI-2) #781...............................................................................81
Bayer Activities of Daily Living Scale (B-ADL) #1144 ......................................................................................81
Bayley Scales of Infant Development #47 ............................................................................................................81
Bayley Scales of Infant Development - II (Bayley-II) #48 ...................................................................................82
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development - 3rd Edition (Bayley-III) #877 ............................................82
BEAM-D #1120 ....................................................................................................................................................82
Beavers Interactional Scales (BIS) #713...............................................................................................................82
Beach – Rafaelsen Mania Scale (MAS) #1884 .....................................................................................................82
Beach – Rafaelsen Melancholia Rating Scale (MES) #1885 ................................................................................82
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) #737.....................................................................................................................82
Beck Codependence Assessment Scale #1241......................................................................................................82
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) #49 .................................................................................................................83
Beck Depression Inventory - 2nd Edition (BDI-II) #651 .......................................................................................83
Beck Depression Inventory - FastScreen (BDI-FastScreen) #833 ........................................................................83
Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation #1991 ................................................................................................................83
Beck Youth Inventory #968 ..................................................................................................................................83
BEHAVE-AD #1102 ............................................................................................................................................83
Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale (BASIS-32) #1586..........................................................................83
Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) #786 ....................................................................................84
Behavior Rating Index for Children #1304 ...........................................................................................................84
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) #1934 ......................................................................84
Behavior Rating Scale for Dementia (BRSD) #1124 ............................................................................................84
Behavioral Academic Self-Esteem (BASE) #51 ...................................................................................................84
Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale #1587.....................................................................................................84
Behavioral Characteristics Progression (BCP) #52...............................................................................................84
Behavioral Self-Concept Scale #1303 ..................................................................................................................85
Behavioral Summarized Evaluation – Revised (BSE-R) #1862 ...........................................................................85
Behavioral Upset in Medical Patients-R (BUMP-R) #717 ...................................................................................85
Behaviour Analysis Forms for Clinical Intervention #50 .....................................................................................85
Behaviour Checklist (BCL) #719 .........................................................................................................................85
Behavioural and Mood Disturbance Scale (BMDS) #1193 ..................................................................................85
Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) #659 .............................................................85
Behavioural Inattention Test #658 ........................................................................................................................85
Behavioural Indicators of Self-Esteem (BIOS) #875 ............................................................................................86
Behavioural Screening Questionnaire (BSQ) #718 ..............................................................................................86
Beir-Sternberg Discord Questionnaire (DQ) #1204 ..............................................................................................86
Beliefs about the Distribution of Power #1676 .....................................................................................................86
Belief in Personal Control Scale #1378 ................................................................................................................86
Beliefs about Pain Control Questionnaire (BPCQ) #418 ......................................................................................86
Beliefs about Voices Questionnaire #680 .............................................................................................................86
Beliefs About Work # 1826 ..................................................................................................................................87
Beliefs Associated with Childhood Sexual Abuse #1379 .....................................................................................87
Bem Inventory #53 ...............................................................................................................................................87
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test #55..................................................................................................................87
Benton Visual Retention Test # 54 .......................................................................................................................87
Benton Visual Retention Test – 5th Edition #722 ..................................................................................................87
Bidimentional Acculturation Scale for Hispanics #1380 ......................................................................................87
Biographical Inventory for Students # 56 .............................................................................................................87
Birleson Depression Scale #699 ...........................................................................................................................88
Blacky Pictures # 57 .............................................................................................................................................88
Blessed Dementia Scale # 1069 ............................................................................................................................88
Body Attitudes Questionnaire #681 ......................................................................................................................88
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination #1589 ..................................................................................................88
Body Esteem Scale #534.......................................................................................................................................88
Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire #1381 ......................................................................................................88
Body Investment Scale #1203...............................................................................................................................89
Body Sensations Questionnaire #1382..................................................................................................................89
Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) #482 ...............................................................................................................89
Boehm Test of Basic Concepts #58 ......................................................................................................................89
Booklet Category Test (BCT) #59 ........................................................................................................................89
Boredom Proneness #1383....................................................................................................................................89
Boston Naming Test (BNT) #60 ...........................................................................................................................89
Boston Naming Test - 2nd Edition #1986 ..............................................................................................................89
Boundary Ambiguity Scales - 1-6 (BAS 1-6) #1242 ............................................................................................90
Bracken Basic Concepts Scales (BBCS-R) #753 ..................................................................................................90
Breast Self-Examination Scale #1384 ...................................................................................................................90
Brennan Record for the Interpretation of Miscues (BRIM) #1930 .......................................................................90
Brief Assessment Scale for Depression #1063 .....................................................................................................90
Brief Assessment Schedule Depression Cards (BASDEC) #1054........................................................................90
Brief Cognitive Rating Scale (BCRS) #1074 ........................................................................................................90
Brief Depression Rating Scale #1385 ...................................................................................................................91
Brief Impairment Scale (BIS) #1874 ....................................................................................................................91
Brief Informant Screening Test #1094 ..................................................................................................................91
Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) #1905 .........................................................................................................................91
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) #1164 ......................................................................................................91
Brief Screen for Depression #1386 .......................................................................................................................91
Brief Sexual Function Inventory #1590 ................................................................................................................91
Brief Social Phobia Scale #1591 ...........................................................................................................................92
Brief Symptom Inventory #689 ............................................................................................................................92
Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18) #1041 ......................................................................................................92
Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale #1130 .....................................................................................................92
Bristol Social Adjustment Guides #61 ..................................................................................................................92
British Ability Scales #62 .....................................................................................................................................92
British Ability Scales-II (BAS-II) #754 ................................................................................................................92
British Prejudice Scale #1725 ................................................................................................................................93
Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales for Children & Adolescents #969 ........................................................93
Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales for Children & Adolescents – Scoring Assistant #952 ........................93
Brownout Inventory # 489 ....................................................................................................................................93
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency #63 ............................................................................................93
Bulimia Test-R #1387 ...........................................................................................................................................93
Bulimic Automatic Thoughts Test #1388 .............................................................................................................93
Burden Interview #1187 .......................................................................................................................................93
Burnett Self Scale (BSS) #874 ..............................................................................................................................94
Burt Word Reading Test #98 ................................................................................................................................94
Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory #1592 ...............................................................................................................94
Byrd Health Attitude # 64 .....................................................................................................................................94
C ............................................................................................................................................... 94
Caffeine Exapectancy Questionnaire # 1992 ........................................................................................................94
CAGE Questionnaire #1200 .................................................................................................................................94
Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia #1593 .............................................................................................94
California Dementia Behavior Questionnaire #1123 ............................................................................................95
California F Scales #535 .......................................................................................................................................95
California Psychological Inventory #1909 ............................................................................................................95
California Psychological Inventory (2nd Ed) #66 .................................................................................................95
California Test of Personality #67 ........................................................................................................................95
California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) #660 ....................................................................................................95
California Verbal Learning Test-II (CVLT-II) #910 ............................................................................................95
Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE) #1171 ........................................................................95
Cancer Attitude Inventory (CAI) #438 .................................................................................................................96
Cancer Knowledge Questionnaire #779 ................................................................................................................96
Candidate Like/Dislike Responses #1786 ..............................................................................................................96
Capitalist Values Scale #1696................................................................................................................................96
Captive Princess Test (CPT) #891 ........................................................................................................................96
Care for Caring Parents #655 ................................................................................................................................96
Career Attitudes & Strategies Inventory (CASI) #846 .........................................................................................96
Career Decision Scale #68 ....................................................................................................................................96
Career Development Inventory (CDI-A) #69 .......................................................................................................97
Career Motivation #1834 ......................................................................................................................................97
Career Occupational Preference System (COPSsystem) #70 ...............................................................................97
Career Values Card Sort #71 ................................................................................................................................97
Caregiver Activity Survey (CAS) #1191 ..............................................................................................................97
Caregiver Burden Scale #1390 .............................................................................................................................97
Caregiver Strain Index #1389 ...............................................................................................................................97
Caregiver Time Use #1195 ...................................................................................................................................98
Caregiving Distress Scale #1009 ..........................................................................................................................98
Caregiving Hassles Scale #1188 ...........................................................................................................................98
Caretaker Obstreperous-Behavior Rating Assessment Scale (COBRA) #1109 ....................................................98
Caring Relationship Inventory #72 .......................................................................................................................98
Carlson Psychological Survey #394......................................................................................................................98
Carroll Rating Scale for Depression #536 ............................................................................................................98
Central Life Interests #1817 ..................................................................................................................................99
Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale #1886 ...............................................................................99
CERAD Behavioral Rating Scale #1105 ..............................................................................................................99
CES-D (The Centre of Epidemiology Study-Depression Scale) #414 ..................................................................99
Checklist Differentiating Pseudodementia from Dementia #1060 ........................................................................99
Checklist of Adaptive Living Skills #1838 ...........................................................................................................99
Child and Adolescent Adjustment Profile (CAAP) #1982 ...................................................................................99
Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS) #1941 .............................................................................100
Child Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) The #2025 ............................................................................................100
Child Behaviour Checklist (CBC) #73 ...............................................................................................................100
Child Behaviour Checklist - Direct Observations #409 ......................................................................................100
Child Behaviour Checklist - Teacher's Report Form #474 .................................................................................100
Child Behaviour Checklist - Youth Self Report #507 .........................................................................................100
Child Behaviour Checklist – YSR & TRF Integative Guide #829 .....................................................................100
Child Behaviour Checklist–R (1.5-5yrs)(CBCL/1.5-5) #900 .............................................................................100
Child Behaviour Checklist–R (6-18yrs)(CBCL/6-18) #901 ...............................................................................101
Child Behaviour Checklist–R (Direct Observation Form) (DOF) #904 ............................................................101
Child Behaviour Checklist–R (Teacher's Report Form) (TRF) #903 .................................................................101
Child Behaviour Checklist–R (Youth Self Report) (YSR) #902 ........................................................................101
Child Behaviour Checklist – Rutter Child Scale B #403 ....................................................................................101
Child Dental Control Assessment #1305 ............................................................................................................101
Child Development #74 ......................................................................................................................................101
Child Dissociative Checklist #1594 ....................................................................................................................101
Child Health Questionnaire #1595 ......................................................................................................................102
Child Health Related Quality of Life (CQOL) #716 ...........................................................................................102
Child Psychology Portfolio ..................................................................................................................................102
Child Report of Posttraumatic Symptoms #1306 ................................................................................................103
Child Role Play Measure #854 ...........................................................................................................................103
Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) #959 ...................................................................................................103
Childhood Autism Rating Scale 2nd Edition (CARS 2) #2010 ............................................................................103
Childhood Anxiety Sensativity Index (CASI) #1843..........................................................................................103
Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST) #1863 ..........................................................................................103
Childhood Personality Scale #1308 ....................................................................................................................103
Children's Action Tendency Scale (CATS) #1310 .............................................................................................103
Children’s Aggression Scale (CAS) – Teacher Version #1877 ..........................................................................104
Children’s Aggression Scale (CAS) – Parent Version #1878 .............................................................................104
Children's Apperception Test (5th Ed) #76 .........................................................................................................104
Children's Apperception Test (Revised Edition) #1990 ......................................................................................104
Children's Attributional Style Questionnaire-R #1311 .......................................................................................104
Children's Auditory Verbal Learning Test-2 (CAVLT-2) #949..........................................................................104
Children's Beliefs about Parental Divorce Scale #1312 ......................................................................................104
Children's Body Image Scale (CBIS) #1012 .......................................................................................................104
Children's Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire #1313 ......................................................................................105
Children's Depression Inventory #192 ................................................................................................................105
Children's Depression Scale (CDS) #650 ...........................................................................................................105
Children’s Eating Behavor Inventory (CEBI) #1857 ..........................................................................................105
Children’s Eating Behaviour Qestionnaire (CEBQ) #1858 ................................................................................105
Children's Embedded Figure Test #77 ................................................................................................................105
Children's Global Assessment Scale #1596 ........................................................................................................105
Children’s Headache Assessment Scale (CHAS) #714 ......................................................................................106
Children's Health Locus of Control Scale (Child HLC) #450 .............................................................................106
Children’s Hope Scale The #2004 ......................................................................................................................106
Children’s Impact of Events Scale (IES) #698 ...................................................................................................106
Children's Loneliness Scale #537 .......................................................................................................................106
Children's Memory Scale (CMS) #755 ...............................................................................................................106
Childeren’s Obssesional Compulsive Inventory (CHOCI) #1849 ......................................................................106
Children's Perceived Self-Control Scale #1314 ..................................................................................................106
Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale #818 ................................................................................107
Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) #79 ................................................................................................107
Children's Scale of Social Attitudes #80 .............................................................................................................107
Children's Shyness Questionnaire (CSQ) #879 ...................................................................................................107
Children's Social Desirability Scale (CSD) #538 ................................................................................................107
Children's Test of Non-Word Repetition #784 ...................................................................................................107
Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale #1850 .............................................................................107
Child's Attitude Towards Father and Mother #1309 ...........................................................................................107
Chinese Depressive Symptom Scale #1391 ........................................................................................................108
Chinese Ways of Coping Questionnaire #1315 ..................................................................................................108
Chronic Pain Intrusion and Accomodation Scale #1392 .....................................................................................108
Citizen Duty Scale #1673 ....................................................................................................................................108
Classroom Environment Scale – 2nd Edition #65 ................................................................................................108
Classroom Observation Schedule (COS) #863 ...................................................................................................108
Cleveland Scale for Activities of Daily Living #1133 ........................................................................................108
Client Experiences Questionnaire #1393 ............................................................................................................109
Client Motivation for Therapy Scale #1394 ........................................................................................................109
Client Satisfaction Inventory #1395....................................................................................................................109
Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) #814 ...................................................................................................109
Clifton Assessment Procedure for the Elderly (CAPE) #1073 ...........................................................................109
Climate Questionnaires #1021 ............................................................................................................................109
Clinical Analysis Questionnaire (CAQ) #81 .......................................................................................................109
Clinical Anxiety Scale (CAS) #471 ....................................................................................................................110
Clinical Anxiety Scale #1396 .............................................................................................................................110
Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) #1151 .............................................................................................................110
Clinical Global Impressions Scale #1597 ...........................................................................................................110
Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol #1598 ............................................................................110
Clinical Interpretation of WAIS-III & WMS-III #989 ........................................................................................110
Clinical Rating Scale for Symptoms of Psychosis in Alzheimer's Disease (SPAD) #1121 ................................110
Clinician Administered Rating Scale for Mania #1599 ......................................................................................111
Clinician Alcohol Use Scale #1600 ....................................................................................................................111
Clinician Drug Use Scale #1601 .........................................................................................................................111
Clock Drawing Test #1071 .................................................................................................................................111
Clock Test (The) #983 ........................................................................................................................................111
Co-Dependency Inventory (CODI) #1243 ..........................................................................................................111
Codependent Questionnaire (CdQ) #1244 ..........................................................................................................111
Coding Scheme of Perceived Causality (CSPC) #869 ........................................................................................112
Cognitive Abilities Screening Instument (CASI) #1085 .....................................................................................112
Cognitive Assessment System #742 ...................................................................................................................112
Cognitive Bias Questionnaire (CBQ) #539 .........................................................................................................112
Cognitive Capacity Screening Examination #1090 ............................................................................................112
Cognitive Coping Strategy Inventory #1397 ......................................................................................................112
Cognitive Estimation Test #1296 ........................................................................................................................112
Cognitive Failures Questionnaire #667 ...............................................................................................................113
Cognitive Performance Test #1134 .....................................................................................................................113
Cognitive Processes Survey #1398 .....................................................................................................................113
Cognitive Slippage Scale #1399 .........................................................................................................................113
Cognitive-Somatic Anxiety Questionnaire #1400 ..............................................................................................113
Cognitive Styles Analysis (CSA) #895 ...............................................................................................................113
Cognitive Symptom Checklist (CSC) #82 ..........................................................................................................113
Cognitive Triad Inventory #1401 ........................................................................................................................114
Cohen-Hoberman Inventory of Physical Symptoms (CHIPS) #941 ...................................................................114
Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) - long form #1114 ....................................................................114
Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) - short form #1113 ...................................................................114
Collective Self-Esteem Scale #1402 ...................................................................................................................114
College Health Questionnaire #930 ....................................................................................................................114
College Inventory of Academic Adjustment #374 ..............................................................................................114
Color Form Sorting Test #83 ..............................................................................................................................115
Coloured Progressive Matrices #84 ....................................................................................................................115
Columbia Impairment Scale #1602 .....................................................................................................................115
Columbia Impairment Scale (CIS) #1875 ...........................................................................................................115
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale #85 .................................................................................................................115
Columbia University Scale for Psychopathology in Alzheimer's Disease #1103 ..............................................115
Combat Exposure Scale #1403 ...........................................................................................................................115
Common Belief Inventory for Students #1316 ...................................................................................................116
Community Living Skills #86 .............................................................................................................................116
Companion Animal Bonding Scale #1317 ..........................................................................................................116
Comparison of Bullying Definitions Within and Across Cultures #868 .............................................................116
COMPASS OP #1603 .........................................................................................................................................116
Compassion Fatigue Test #922 ...........................................................................................................................116
Competitive Scale #1205 ....................................................................................................................................116
Complex Figure Test #87 ....................................................................................................................................116
Comprehensive Ability Battery (CAB) #88 ........................................................................................................117
Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale (CPRS) #1161 ......................................................................117
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI) #911 .........................................................................117
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 2nd Edition (CTONI-2) #1968.................................................117
Compulsive Eating Scale #1318 .........................................................................................................................117
Compulsiveness Inventory #1404 .......................................................................................................................117
Conceptions of the Desirable #540 .....................................................................................................................117
Concern About Death-Dying Checklist #1405 ...................................................................................................118
Concern Over Weight and Dieting Scale #1319 .................................................................................................118
Concise Word Reading Test #1912.....................................................................................................................118
Conditional Reasoning Test of Aggression (CRTA) #905 .................................................................................118
Connectedness to Nature Scale #1997 ................................................................................................................118
Confidence in Governmental and Other Institutions Scale #1754 .......................................................................118
Conflict Resolution #493 ....................................................................................................................................118
Conflict Tactics Scale #1245 ..............................................................................................................................118
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) #1180 ...................................................................................................119
Connors' Continuous Performance Test-2nd Ed (CPT-II) #970 ........................................................................119
Conners' Rating Scale(CRS-R) #756 ..................................................................................................................119
Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10 (CD-RISC 10) #1996 .............................................................................119
Consequences #90 ...............................................................................................................................................119
Conservatism of American Public Opinion #1684 ..............................................................................................119
Conservatism Scale # 1685 ..................................................................................................................................119
Construction of Problems Scale (CPS) #1206 ....................................................................................................119
Contact Personality Factor #89 ...........................................................................................................................119
Content-Controlled Measure of Political Tolerance #1709..................................................................................120
Contour Drawing Rating Scale #1083 ................................................................................................................120
Controlled Oral Word Association (COWA) #782 .............................................................................................120
Cool Kids Anxiety Program Kit #1944 ...............................................................................................................120
Cool Kids (Adolescent) Anxiety Program Kit #1945 .........................................................................................120
Cooperative and Militant Internationalism Scale #1778 ......................................................................................120
Cooperative Preschool Inventory #92 .................................................................................................................120
Co-operative Reading Comprehension Test - Form Y #93 .................................................................................121
Coopersmith Self -Esteem Inventory #91 ...........................................................................................................121
COPE #421 .........................................................................................................................................................121
Copenhagen Burnout Inventory #792 .................................................................................................................121
Coping #672 ........................................................................................................................................................121
Coping Checklist #1406 ......................................................................................................................................121
Coping Health Inventory for Parents (CHIP) #706 .............................................................................................121
Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) #724 ......................................................................................121
Coping Resources Inventory #94 ........................................................................................................................121
Coping Responses Inventory (CRI) #487 ...........................................................................................................122
Coping Scale for Adults #652 .............................................................................................................................122
Coping Strategy Questionnaire #413 ..................................................................................................................122
Cornell Coxe Performance Ability Scale #97 .....................................................................................................122
Cornell Dysthymia Rating Scale (CDRS) #1887 ................................................................................................122
Cornell-Brown Scale for Quality of Life in Dementia #1163 .............................................................................122
Cornell Index W #96 ...........................................................................................................................................122
Cornell Learning and Study Skills Inventory (CLASSIC) #2039 .......................................................................122
Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia #1053 ...............................................................................................123
Correctional Institutions Environment Scale #95 ...............................................................................................123
Costello-Comrey Depression and Anxiety Scales #1407 ....................................................................................123
Counterbalanced F Scale #541 ............................................................................................................................123
Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS) #443 ..............................................................................................123
Covi Anxiety Scale (COVI) #1898 .....................................................................................................................123
Creative Therapy: Activities with Children and Adolescents #1797 ..................................................................123
Creativity Checklist (CCh) #369 .........................................................................................................................124
Crichton Royal Behavioural Rating Scale (CRBRS) #1152 ...............................................................................124
Crown-Crisp Experimental Index #1604 ............................................................................................................124
Cultural Congruity Scale #1408 ..........................................................................................................................124
Cultural Cosmopolitanism Scale #1670 ...............................................................................................................124
Cultural Estrangement #542................................................................................................................................124
Culture Fair Test #99 ..........................................................................................................................................124
Cystic Fibrosis Quality of Life Questionnaire #837 ...........................................................................................124
D ............................................................................................................................................. 125
Dailey Vocational Tests #995 .............................................................................................................................125
Daily Adjustments Indicator Scale #1640...........................................................................................................125
Daily Stress Inventory #2026 ..............................................................................................................................125
Darlington Family Assessment System (DFAS) #710 ........................................................................................125
Dartmouth COOP Functional Assessment Charts #1605 ....................................................................................125
Dating and Assertion Questionnaire #1409 ........................................................................................................125
Dean Subscales - Normlessness #543 .................................................................................................................125
Dean Subscales - Powerlessness #544 ................................................................................................................126
Dean Subscales - Social Isolation #545 ..............................................................................................................126
Death Depression Scale #1410 ...........................................................................................................................126
Defense Style Questionnaire #1606 ....................................................................................................................126
Defense Style Questionnaire-40 #1411 ...............................................................................................................126
Defining Issues Test (DIT) #728 ........................................................................................................................126
Delirium Index (DI) #1182 .................................................................................................................................126
Delirium Rating Scale (DRS) #1181...................................................................................................................126
Delis-Kaplin Executive Function System (D-KEFS) #906 .................................................................................127
D-KEFS Scoring Assistant #971 .........................................................................................................................127
Dementia Behavior Disturbance Scale #1115 .....................................................................................................127
Dementia Rating Scale #1154 .............................................................................................................................127
Dementia Rating Scale-2 (DRS-2) #972 .............................................................................................................127
Democratic Legitimacy #1763 .............................................................................................................................127
Democratic Principles and Applications #1700 ...................................................................................................127
Democratic Values Scale #1702 ..........................................................................................................................128
Dennis Independence Scales #1796 .....................................................................................................................128
Dental Anxiety Scale #1412 ...............................................................................................................................128
Dental Fear Survey #1413...................................................................................................................................128
Depression Adjective Checklist #100 .................................................................................................................128
Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) #365 ..................................................................................................128
Depression-Happiness Scale #1414 ....................................................................................................................128
Depression Outcomes Module #1607 .................................................................................................................128
Depression Self-Rating Scale #1320 ...................................................................................................................129
Depression Self-Rating Scale for Children (DSRS) #1852 .................................................................................129
Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ) #546 ..........................................................................................129
Depressive Personality Disorder Inventory #1415 ..............................................................................................129
Depressive Signs Scale (DSS) #1057 .................................................................................................................129
Derriford Apperance Scale 24 (DAS-24) #1948 .................................................................................................129
Design Fluency Test #1297.................................................................................................................................129
Desired Control Scale (DCS) #547 .....................................................................................................................130
Detox Fear Survey Schedule-27 #1416...............................................................................................................130
Detroit Test of Learning Aptitudes #101 ............................................................................................................130
Develpment of the Drake Beliefs about Chance Inventory #1974 ......................................................................130
Developmental Behaviour Checklist(DBC) 2nd Edition #1993 .........................................................................130
Developmental Gestalt Test of School Readiness #733 ......................................................................................130
Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration #102 ......................................................................................130
Developmental Test of Visual Perception #103 ..................................................................................................130
Diagnosing Organizational Culture #1995 ..........................................................................................................131
Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Patients -- Revised #1608 .........................................................................131
Diagnostic Interview for Children & Adolescents-R #105 .................................................................................131
Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders #1609 ........................................................................131
Diagnostic Symptom Questionnaire #407 ..........................................................................................................131
Diagnostic Inventory for Depression (DID) #1888 .............................................................................................131
Dieter’s Inventory of Eating Temptations #1417 ................................................................................................131
Differential Ability Scales (DAS) #106 ..............................................................................................................131
Differential Aptitude Test - Forms L&M #109 ...................................................................................................132
Differential Aptitude Test - Forms S&T #107 ....................................................................................................132
Differential Aptitude Test - Forms V&W (Australian Ed) #108 ........................................................................132
Differential Loneliness Scale #548 .....................................................................................................................132
Differential National Image Scale #1777 ............................................................................................................132
Diffuse Support for the Supreme Court #1675 ....................................................................................................132
Dimensions of Political Tolerance #1710 ............................................................................................................132
Direct Assessment of Activities of Daily Living in Alzheimer's Disease #1142 ................................................133
Direct Assessment of Functional Status (DAFS) #1131 .....................................................................................133
Dispositional Resilience Scale (DRS-15) #1987 ................................................................................................133
Disruptive Behavior Rating Scales (DBRS) #1111 ............................................................................................133
Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule #1610 ..............................................................................................133
Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) #850 .......................................................................................................133
Dogmatism Scale #549 .......................................................................................................................................133
Dominance-Accommodation Scale #1207 ..........................................................................................................133
Doubt about Trustworthiness of People #551 .....................................................................................................134
Doubt and Self-Determination #550 ...................................................................................................................134
Dressing Performance Scale #1137 ....................................................................................................................134
Drinking Motives Questionnaire #1321 ..............................................................................................................134
Drinking-Related Locus of Control Scale #552 ..................................................................................................134
Driver Behaviour Questionnaire #666 ................................................................................................................134
Drug Abuse Screening Test #676 .......................................................................................................................134
Drug Attitude Inventory #1611 ...........................................................................................................................134
Dual-Career Family Scale (DCFS) #1209 ..........................................................................................................135
Duel Employed Coping Scales (DECS) #1208 ...................................................................................................135
Duke Health Profile (DUKE) #1906 ...................................................................................................................135
Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire #677......................................................................................................135
Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) #1210 .............................................................................................................135
Dyadic Sexual Regulation Scale #553 ................................................................................................................135
Dysfunctional Attitude Scale #1418 ...................................................................................................................135
Dysfunctional Behaviour Rating Instrument (DBRI) #1117 ..............................................................................135
Dyslexia Screening Test (DST) #973 .................................................................................................................136
E ............................................................................................................................................. 136
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale #730 ..............................................................................................136
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-R (ECERS-R) #1348 ....................................................................136
Early Math Diagnostic Assessment (EMDA) #974 ............................................................................................136
Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment K-1 (ERDA K-1) #975 ..........................................................................136
Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment 2-3 (ERDA 2-3) #992 ............................................................................136
Early School Personality Questionnaire (ESPQ) #110 .......................................................................................136
Early Signs of Dementia Checklist #1096 ..........................................................................................................137
East-West Questionnaire #554 ............................................................................................................................137
Easycare: Elderly Assessment System #1172 .....................................................................................................137
Eating Attitudes Test #1419 ................................................................................................................................137
Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire #678 ..............................................................................................137
Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2) #111 ............................................................................................................137
Eating Inventory (The) #112 ...............................................................................................................................137
Eating Questionnaire - R #1420 ..........................................................................................................................137
Eating Self-Efficacy Scale #1421 .......................................................................................................................138
Edinburgh Handedness Inventory #934 ..............................................................................................................138
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) #839 .........................................................................................138
Edinburgh Reading Test #113.............................................................................................................................138
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) #114 .........................................................................................138
Efficacy/Powerlessness and Process Commitment Scales #1740 ........................................................................138
Egalitarianism and Inegalitarianism Scales #1693 ...............................................................................................138
Ego Identity Scale #1422 ....................................................................................................................................138
Embarrassability Scale #555 ...............................................................................................................................139
Embedded Figure Test #387 ...............................................................................................................................139
EMBU (Egna Minnen Betraffande Uppfostran) - Modified #687 ......................................................................139
Emotional Assessment Scale #1423....................................................................................................................139
Emotional Intelligence (EI) Scale #1003 ............................................................................................................139
Emotional-Social Loneliness Inventory #556 .....................................................................................................139
Emotional versus Social Loneliness Scales #557 ...............................................................................................139
Emotionalism and Mood Disorders After Stroke #1060 .....................................................................................139
Empathy Quotient #1999 ....................................................................................................................................139
Empirically Derived Value Constructions #558 .................................................................................................140
Employee Aptitude Survey(EAS) #1932 ............................................................................................................140
Empowering Leadership Questionnaire #1034 ...................................................................................................140
Encouraging Reflection in Teaching and Educational Psychology Practice #886 ..............................................140
English Skills Assessment #115 .........................................................................................................................140
Environmental Assessment Index #1246 ............................................................................................................140
Environmental Response Inventory #116 ...........................................................................................................140
Epworth Sleepiness Scale #1612 ........................................................................................................................141
EQ -5D #1952 .....................................................................................................................................................141
Equity/Inequity Scale (E/I) #1211 ......................................................................................................................141
Ethnocentrism Scale #559 ...................................................................................................................................141
EuroQol (EQ-5D) #1181.....................................................................................................................................141
Evaluating Residential Facilities #514 ................................................................................................................141
Evaluation Process within Supervision Inventory (EPSI) #1046 ........................................................................141
Examining for Aphasia #117 ..............................................................................................................................141
Exercise Motivations Inventory (The) #2022 .....................................................................................................141
Explanations for Poverty Scales #1697................................................................................................................142
Executive Profile Survey #410 ...........................................................................................................................142
Exercise Motivations Inventory-2 #1022 ............................................................................................................142
Experience of Shame Scale (ESS) #1011 ...........................................................................................................142
Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R) #1004 ............................................................................142
Expressional Fluency #118 .................................................................................................................................142
Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale (ESRS) #1922 ......................................................................................142
Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory #1322 ............................................................................................................142
Eysenck Personality Inventory #121 ...................................................................................................................143
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) #122 .................................................................................................143
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-R (EPQ-R) #123 ........................................................................................143
F ............................................................................................................................................. 143
Face-Hand Test (FHT) #1089 .............................................................................................................................143
Facial Action Coding System #943 ....................................................................................................................143
Facial Expressions of Emotion: Stimuli and Tests #1669 ...................................................................................143
Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence #395 ...............................................................................................................143
Faith in People Scale #560 ..................................................................................................................................144
Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES-III) #1247..........................................................144
Family Adaptation Scales #1270 ........................................................................................................................144
Family Assessment Device (FAD) #1248 ...........................................................................................................144
Family Awareness Scale #1249 ..........................................................................................................................144
Family Beliefs Inventory #1250 .........................................................................................................................144
Family Celebrations Index #1251 .......................................................................................................................144
Family Coping Coherence Index #1252 .............................................................................................................145
Family Coping Index #1253 ...............................................................................................................................145
Family Coping Inventory #1254 .........................................................................................................................145
Family Crisis Orientated Personal Evaluation Scale (F-COPES) #705 ..............................................................145
Family Distress Index #1255 ..............................................................................................................................145
Family Emotional Involvement and Criticism Scale #1256 ...............................................................................145
Family Empowerment Scale #1257 ....................................................................................................................145
Family Environment Scale #396 .........................................................................................................................146
Family Environment Scale 2nd Ed #1983 ...........................................................................................................146
Family, Friends, and Self Form #1323................................................................................................................146
Family Functioning Scale #1258 ........................................................................................................................146
Family Grid #711 ................................................................................................................................................146
Family Hardiness Index #1259 ...........................................................................................................................146
Family Health Scales (FHS) #712 ......................................................................................................................146
Family Inventories #516 .....................................................................................................................................147
Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes (FILE) #1260 .............................................................................147
Family Inventory of Resources for Management (FIRM) #1261 .......................................................................147
Family Member Well-Being #1262 ....................................................................................................................147
Family-of-Origin Scale #1263 ............................................................................................................................147
Family Organized Cohesiveness Scale #1264 ....................................................................................................147
Family Pressure Scale - Ethnic #1265 ................................................................................................................147
Family Problem Solving Communication #1266 ................................................................................................148
Family Relation Indicator #1952 ........................................................................................................................148
Family Relations Test (Bene Anthony Test) #124 ..............................................................................................148
Family Relations Test – Children’s Version #920 ..............................................................................................148
Family Responsibility Index #1267 ....................................................................................................................148
Family Satisfaction Scale (FSS) #2020...............................................................................................................148
Family Schema – Ethnic #1268 ..........................................................................................................................148
Family Sense of Coherence #1269 ......................................................................................................................149
Family Support Scale (FSS) #707 .......................................................................................................................149
Family Times and Routines Index #1271 ...........................................................................................................149
Family Traditions Scale #1272 ...........................................................................................................................149
Farnsworth Color Blindness #125 .......................................................................................................................149
Fascist Attitude Scale #561 .................................................................................................................................149
Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) #1923 ...................................................................................................................149
Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (FNE) #562 ..................................................................................................149
Fear Questionnaire #469 .....................................................................................................................................150
Fear Survey Schedule #126.................................................................................................................................150
Fear Survey Schedule - II #1426.........................................................................................................................150
Fear Survey Schedule for Children-R (FSSC-R) #697 .......................................................................................150
Fear-of-Intimacy Scale #1425 .............................................................................................................................150
Feelings, Attitudes and Behaviour Scales for Children (FAB-C) #950 ..............................................................150
Feelings of Inadequacy Scale #563 .....................................................................................................................150
Finger Tapping Test #739 ...................................................................................................................................151
FIRO Awareness Scales #128 .............................................................................................................................151
Flanagan Industrial Tests #127 ...........................................................................................................................151
Flow Scales #1988 ..............................................................................................................................................151
Four-Item F Scale #564 ......................................................................................................................................151
Framingham Anger Measure #442......................................................................................................................151
Framingham Type A Behaviour Pattern Measure #441 ......................................................................................151
Franck Drawing Completion Test #129 ..............................................................................................................151
Frequency of Self Reinforcement Questionnaire #1427 .....................................................................................152
Friendliness-Unfriendliness Scale (SACRAL) #1428 ........................................................................................152
Friends for Life For Children #1802 ...................................................................................................................152
Friends for Life for Youth #1803 ........................................................................................................................152
Friends Program-Children # 788 .........................................................................................................................152
Friends Program-Youth # 787.............................................................................................................................152
Friendship Questionnaire #668 ...........................................................................................................................152
Frontal Behavioral Inventory #1097 ...................................................................................................................152
Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale #1429 ...........................................................................................153
Full Range Picture Vocabulary Test #130 ..........................................................................................................153
Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) #1129 .............................................................................................153
Functional Assessment Staging (FAST) #1149 ..................................................................................................153
Functional Dementia Scale (FDS) #1139 ...........................................................................................................153
Functional Disability Inventory (FDI) #715 .......................................................................................................153
Funcional Impairment Scale for Children and Adolescents #1984 .....................................................................153
Functional Limitations Profile (FLP) #433 .........................................................................................................154
Functional Rating Scale (FRS) #1136.................................................................................................................154
Fundamental Principles of Democracy #1699 .....................................................................................................154
G ............................................................................................................................................. 154
Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test #1613 .................................................................................................154
Gambling Attitudes Scale (FRS) #1430 ..............................................................................................................154
Gambling Related Cognitions Scale (GRCS) #1972 ..........................................................................................154
Gapadol Reading Comprehension #131..............................................................................................................154
Gates McKillop Reading Diagnostic Test #132 ..................................................................................................155
Gates Reading Readiness Test #2037 .................................................................................................................155
GBS Scale #1155 ................................................................................................................................................155
General Aptitude Test Battery #133 ...................................................................................................................155
General Causality Orientation Scales #1020.......................................................................................................155
General Clerical Test #134 .................................................................................................................................155
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) #135 ........................................................................................................155
General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12) #468 .............................................................................................156
General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG) #1098 .......................................................................156
General Preventive Health Behaviours Checklist (GPHB) #461 ........................................................................156
General Reasoning Test #1977 ...........................................................................................................................156
General Well-Being Schedule #565 ....................................................................................................................156
General Well-Being Schedule #946 ....................................................................................................................156
Generalized Contentment Scale #1431 ...............................................................................................................156
Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale -R #1432 .........................................................................................156
Generalized Self-efficacy Scale #506 .................................................................................................................157
Geriatric Depression Scale #566 .........................................................................................................................157
Geriatric Depression Scale (Residential) #1050 .................................................................................................157
Geriatric Evaluation by Relative's Rating Instrument (GERRI) #1192 ..............................................................157
Geriatric Rating Scale (GRS) #1156 ...................................................................................................................157
Gessell Development Schedules #136 ................................................................................................................157
Gifted and Talented Screening Form (GTSF) #137 ............................................................................................157
Gifted Rating Scale (GRS) #976 .........................................................................................................................158
GIOTTO #823.....................................................................................................................................................158
Glasgow Content of Thought Inventory (GCTI) #1126 ......................................................................................158
Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) #836.................................................................................................................158
Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) #1924 ..............................................................................................158
Global Assessment of Psychiatric Symptoms (GAPS) #1166 ............................................................................158
Global Assessment Scale #1614 .........................................................................................................................158
Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) #1166 ...........................................................................................................158
Goals and Mode Values Inventory #567 .............................................................................................................159
Goals Inventory #821 ..........................................................................................................................................159
Goldfarb Fear of Fat Scale #1433 .......................................................................................................................159
Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Test of Auditory Discrimination #138 .................................................................159
Goldstein-Scheerer Test of Abstract and Concrete Thinking #139 .....................................................................159
Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital Status #480 ..............................................................................................159
Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS) #479 .......................................................................159
Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test #140 .............................................................................................................159
Gordon's Personal Profile-Inventory, Global edition (Global GPP-I) #960 ........................................................160
Government Attentiveness Scale #1753 ..............................................................................................................160
Government Power Scale #1769 ..........................................................................................................................160
Graduate and Managerial Assessment #141 .......................................................................................................160
Griffiths Mental Development Scale #142 .........................................................................................................160
Griffiths Mental Development Scales (0-2 yrs) – new version #1808 ................................................................160
Grooved Pegboard Test #723 ..............................................................................................................................160
Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) #143 .....................................................................................................160
G-Scale (reversed F scale) #568 .........................................................................................................................161
Guess Who Peer Assessment Technique #852 ...................................................................................................161
Guilford Zimmerman Aptitude Survey #144 ......................................................................................................161
H ............................................................................................................................................. 161
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale #1051 ..........................................................................................................161
Hand Test (The) #146 .........................................................................................................................................161
Harder Personal Feelings Questionnaire #1434 ..................................................................................................161
Hardiness Scale #1435 ........................................................................................................................................161
Hare Self-Esteem Scale #1324 ............................................................................................................................161
Hari's Stress Inventory #2013 .............................................................................................................................162
Hasegawa Dementia Scale - R (HDS-R) #1091..................................................................................................162
Hassels & Uplifts Scales #484 ............................................................................................................................162
Hassels Scale, The #467 .....................................................................................................................................162
Hayes & Lohse Depression Scale #1031 ............................................................................................................162
Hayling and Brixton Test #1936 .........................................................................................................................162
Health Knowledge #460 .....................................................................................................................................162
Health of the Nation Outcome Scale #1615 ........................................................................................................162
Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Older People (HoNOS 65+) #1173 ...................................................162
Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for People with Learning Disabilities(The) .............................................163
(HoNOS-LD) #2019 ...........................................................................................................................................163
Health Opinion Survey (HOS) #437 ...................................................................................................................163
Health Value Scale #456 .....................................................................................................................................163
Helpless Behavior Questionnaire #1436 .............................................................................................................163
Hendrick Sexual Attitude Scale #1437 ...............................................................................................................163
Hierarchic Dementia Scale #1159 .......................................................................................................................163
High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) #104........................................................................................163
Higher Order Need Strength #1825 ....................................................................................................................164
Hogan Development Survey #648 ......................................................................................................................164
Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences #1955 .......................................................................................................164
Hogan Personality Inventory #647 .....................................................................................................................164
Holtzman Inkblot Technique (HIT) #147 ...........................................................................................................164
Home and Employment Role Scales #1830 ........................................................................................................164
Homesickness and Contentment Scale #1438 .....................................................................................................164
Homework Problem Checklist #1325 .................................................................................................................164
Hooper Visual Organization Test (VOT) #148 ...................................................................................................165
Hopelessness Scale for Children #1326 ..............................................................................................................165
Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL) #1019 ......................................................................................................165
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) #464.......................................................................................165
Hospital Fears Rating Scale #1327 .....................................................................................................................165
Hostility & Direction of Hostility Questionnaire (HDHQ) #149 ........................................................................165
How Creative Are You? #736 .............................................................................................................................165
How Supervise? #1913 .......................................................................................................................................166
Humor Test of Personality (IPAT) #150 .............................................................................................................166
Hunger-Satiety Scales #1439 ..............................................................................................................................166
Hypercompetitive Attitude Scale #1440 .............................................................................................................166
Hypochondriasis Scale for Institutional Geriatric Patients #1441 ......................................................................166
Hypothetical, Jealousy-Producing Events Scale (HJPE) #1212 ..........................................................................166
Hysteroid-Obsessoid Questionnaire #151 ...........................................................................................................166
I .............................................................................................................................................. 166
Identifying Problem Drinkers #932 ....................................................................................................................166
Ideological Agreement with Goldwater Scale #1686...........................................................................................167
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities #152 ..................................................................................................167
Illness Attitude Scales #1442 ..............................................................................................................................167
Illness Behavior Inventory #1443 .......................................................................................................................167
Illness Behaviour Questionnaire #153 ................................................................................................................167
Impact of Events Scale #785 ...............................................................................................................................167
Impact of Events Scale – Revised (IES-R) #1899 ..............................................................................................167
Implicit Association Test (IAT) #1079 ...............................................................................................................168
Implicit Self-Esteem and Self-Concept Test #1080 ............................................................................................168
Imposter Phenomenon Scale #1444 ....................................................................................................................168
Impulsivity Scale #1328 .....................................................................................................................................168
Inclusive Education Teacher Stress & Coping Questionnaire #1001 .................................................................168
Incumbant-Based Trust Scale #1752 ...................................................................................................................168
Indecisiveness Scale #1445 .................................................................................................................................168
Independent Living Behavior Checklist #154 .....................................................................................................168
Index of Alcohol Involvement #1446 .................................................................................................................169
Index of Attitudes Towards Homosexuals #1447 ...............................................................................................169
Index of Brother and Sister Relations #1273 ......................................................................................................169
Index of Clinical Stress #1448 ............................................................................................................................169
Index of Drug Involvement #1449 ......................................................................................................................169
Index of Family Relations #1274 ........................................................................................................................169
Index of Job Satisfaction #1450 ..........................................................................................................................169
Index of Marital Satisfaction (IMS) #1213 .........................................................................................................170
Index of Parental Attitudes #1275 ......................................................................................................................170
Index of Peer Relations #1329 ............................................................................................................................170
Index of Pro-Democracy Orientation #1704 ........................................................................................................170
Index of Self-Esteem #1451 ................................................................................................................................170
Index of Sexual Harassment #1452.....................................................................................................................170
Index of Sexual Satisfaction #1453.....................................................................................................................170
Index of Well-Being, Index of General Affect #569...........................................................................................171
Individualised Classroom Environment Questionnaire - Short Form (ICEQ-SF) #858......................................171
Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly #1197 .................................................................171
Information about Foreign Countries #1789 ........................................................................................................171
Information Holding #1787 ................................................................................................................................171
Information System Skills #155 ..........................................................................................................................171
Instructional Model for the Spontaneous Employment of Mnemonic Strategies (IMSEMS) #898 ....................171
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (IADL) #1127.............................................................................171
Intellectual Achievement Responsibility Questionnaire #570 ............................................................................172
Interaction Anxiousness Scale #571 ...................................................................................................................172
Interaction Strain #1818 ......................................................................................................................................172
Interest Checklist #378 .......................................................................................................................................172
Internal Control Index #1454 ..............................................................................................................................172
Internal-External Locus of Control Scale #572...................................................................................................172
Internal State Scale #1616...................................................................................................................................172
Internal Verses External Control of Weight Scale #1455 ...................................................................................172
Internality, Powerful Others, and Chance Scales #573 .......................................................................................173
Internalized Homophobia Scale #1456 ...............................................................................................................173
International Affective Picture System #1809 ....................................................................................................173
International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health (ICF) #830 .....................................................173
Interperson Perception Test #156........................................................................................................................173
Interpersonal Checklist #501 ..............................................................................................................................173
Interpersonal Cognitive Problem Solving #797 ..................................................................................................173
Interpersonal Dependency Inventory #1457 .......................................................................................................173
Interpersonal Problem-Solving Thinking # 798 ..................................................................................................173
Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL) #674............................................................................................174
Interpersonal Trust at Work # 1814 ....................................................................................................................174
Interpersonal Trust Scale #574 ...........................................................................................................................174
Interview for Deterioration in Daily Living Activities in Dementia (IDDD) #1128 ..........................................174
Interview Products - Administrative Positions #844 ...........................................................................................174
Interview Products – Front Line Management #848 ...........................................................................................174
Interview Products – Leadership Positions #849 ................................................................................................174
Intimacy Scale #1458 ..........................................................................................................................................174
Intrinsic Job Motivation #1827 ...........................................................................................................................175
Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) #1014 .......................................................................................................175
Inventory About Learning Approaches #883 ......................................................................................................175
Inventory for Client & Agency Planning (ICAP) #791 ......................................................................................175
Inventory for Client & Agency Planning (ICAP) Compuscore #914 ................................................................175
Inventory for Depressive Symptomatology (IDS) #473 .....................................................................................175
Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (IDS) #1889 .....................................................................................175
Inventory for Dyadic Heterosexual Preferences #1460 ......................................................................................175
Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP) - Client Form #476 ...........................................................................176
Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP) - Progress Form #478 .......................................................................176
Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP) - Therapist Form #477 .....................................................................176
Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment #1330 ................................................................................................176
Inventory of Social Attitudes #1680 ....................................................................................................................176
Inventory to Diagnose Depression #1459 ...........................................................................................................176
Iowa Gambling Task #1796 ................................................................................................................................176
Iowa Test of Basic Skills #996 ...........................................................................................................................176
Irrational Values Scale #1461 .............................................................................................................................177
Irritability, Aggression and Apathy Scale #1118 ................................................................................................177
Issue Awareness Index #1788 .............................................................................................................................177
Ishihara Test for Colour Blindness #157 ............................................................................................................177
IT Scale for Children #575..................................................................................................................................177
J .............................................................................................................................................. 177
Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS) #158 ...................................................................................................................177
Jenkins Non-verbal Test #159.............................................................................................................................177
Jesness Inventory #160 .......................................................................................................................................178
Job Characteristics Inventory #1815 ...................................................................................................................178
Job Attachment #1818 ........................................................................................................................................178
Job Descriptive Index & Job in General Scales #824 .........................................................................................178
Job Interview Self-Statement Schedule #1462....................................................................................................178
Job Involvement Questionnaire #576..................................................................................................................178
Job Observation, 2002 .........................................................................................................................................178
Job Observation and Behavior Scale: Opportunity for Self-Determination(JOBS:OSD) #2034 ........................178
Job Satisfaction Scale #926.................................................................................................................................178
Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) #1033 ..................................................................................................................179
Judicial Legitimacy Scale #1762 .........................................................................................................................179
Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory #161 ........................................................................................................179
Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Revised (JEPQR) #1575................................................................179
Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised – Abbreviated (JEPQR-A) #1577 ......................................179
Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Short form (JEPQ-S) #1576 ...........................................................179
K ............................................................................................................................................. 179
K-ABC Assist (Software) #961 ...........................................................................................................................179
Kansas Family Life Satisfaction Scale #1276 .....................................................................................................179
Kansas Marital Conflict Scale (KMCS) #1214 ...................................................................................................180
Kansas Marital Goals Orientation Scale (KMGOS) #1215 ................................................................................180
Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMS) #1216 ................................................................................................180
Kansas Parental Satisfaction Scale #1277 ...........................................................................................................180
Kaplan Baycrest Neurocognitive Assessment (KBNA) #924 .............................................................................180
Kaufman Adolescent & Adult Intelligence Test (K-AIT) #743 ..........................................................................180
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) #163 ................................................................................180
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children - 2nd Edition (KABC-II) #1665 .....................................................181
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test #164 ................................................................................................................181
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test - 2nd Edition (KBIT-2) #1666 ........................................................................181
KD Proneness Scale and Checklist #167 ............................................................................................................181
Kelvin Measurement of Ability in Infant Classes #1918 ....................................................................................181
Kendrick Assessment Scales of Cognitive Ageing (KASCA) #1664 .................................................................181
Kendricks Cognitive Test for the Elderly #165 ..................................................................................................181
Kent Emergency Scales #166 .............................................................................................................................181
Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) #915 ..............................................................................................182
Kew Cognitive Test #1087 .................................................................................................................................182
Key Maths Assist see Key Math – Revised Computer Software .........................................................................182
Key Math-Revised/NU #953 ..............................................................................................................................182
Kidcope #702 ......................................................................................................................................................182
Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap Survey #2003 ......................................................................................................182
Kindergarten Behavioural Index #168 ................................................................................................................182
Kit of Reference Test for Cognitive Factors #388 ..............................................................................................182
Kit of Selected Tests for Reference Aptitude & Achievement Factors #389 ......................................................182
Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire #1198 ..........................................................................................183
Kuder Preference Record #169 ...........................................................................................................................183
Kusche Affective Interview - Revised (KAI-R) #857.........................................................................................183
Kutcher Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder Scale for Adolescents (K-GSADS-A) #1845 ............................183
Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale (KADS) #1853 .......................................................................................183
L ............................................................................................................................................. 183
Language Aptitude Battery #749 ........................................................................................................................183
Language Facility Test #170 ...............................................................................................................................183
Language Sampling Analysis and Training #171 ...............................................................................................184
Leader Effectiveness & Adaptability Description (LEAD) #382 .......................................................................184
Leadership Opinion Questionnaire #377 ............................................................................................................184
Learning Skills Profile #802 ...............................................................................................................................184
Leiter International Performance Scale-R (Leiter-R) #757 .................................................................................184
Level of Expressed Emotion #1278 ....................................................................................................................184
Levels of Self-Criticism Scale (LOSC) #1007 ...................................................................................................184
Leyton Obsessional Inventory #729....................................................................................................................184
Leyton Obsessional Inventory – Child Version (LOI-CV) #1851 ......................................................................185
Life 3 Scale #577 ................................................................................................................................................185
Life Distress Inventory (LDI) #1217 ..................................................................................................................185
Life Events and Stress #488 ................................................................................................................................185
Life Events Questionnaire #1463 ........................................................................................................................185
Life Events Scale for Children and Adolescents #1641 ......................................................................................185
Life in School Checklist #703 .............................................................................................................................185
Life Orientation Test (LOT) #448 ......................................................................................................................185
Life Roles Inventory-Value Scales #578 ............................................................................................................186
Life Satisfaction in the Elderly Scale (LSES) #511 ............................................................................................186
Life Satisfaction Scale #579 ...............................................................................................................................186
Life Satisfaction Scale - R(LSS) #945 ................................................................................................................186
Life Skills Profile #1617 .....................................................................................................................................186
Liking People Scale #1464 .................................................................................................................................186
Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Scale (LWMAT) #1218 .............................................................................186
Local Cosmopolitan Scale #1671 ........................................................................................................................186
Local Government Alienation Scales #1737 ........................................................................................................187
Locus of Control #402 ........................................................................................................................................187
Locus of Control Scale #497 ...............................................................................................................................187
Locus of Control Scale for Children (LCSC) #735 .............................................................................................187
Logical Reasoning #172 .....................................................................................................................................187
London Handicap Scale #1177 ...........................................................................................................................187
Loneliness Rating Scale #580 .............................................................................................................................187
Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Tests #997 ...........................................................................................................187
Love Attitudes Scale #1465 ................................................................................................................................188
Love Attitudes Scale (short form) #817 ..............................................................................................................188
Luria's Neuropsychological Investigation #173 ..................................................................................................188
M ............................................................................................................................................ 188
Machiavellianism (Mach IV & Mach V & Kiddie Mach) #581 .........................................................................188
Mainstreaming Social Skills Questionnaires (MSSQ) - Primary #855 ...............................................................188
Mainstreaming Social Skills Questionnaires (MSSQ) - Secondary #856 ...........................................................188
Maitland Graves Design Judgement Test #174...................................................................................................188
Majors Personality Type Inventory (The) - 2nd Ed #2016...................................................................................188
Make a Picture Story (MAPS) #175 ...................................................................................................................189
Managerial Opinion Scale #1832 ........................................................................................................................189
Manchester and Oxford Universities Scale for the Psychopathological Assessment of Dementia (MOUSEPAD)
#1104 ...................................................................................................................................................................189
Mania Rating Scale #1059 ..................................................................................................................................189
Manic State Rating Scale (MSRS) #1890 ...........................................................................................................189
Manifest Needs Questionnaire #1824 .................................................................................................................189
Manual Dexterity Test #176 ...............................................................................................................................189
Marital Alternatives Scale (MAS) #1219............................................................................................................190
Marital Comparison Level Index (MCLI) #1220 ................................................................................................190
Marital Conventionalization Scale #1221 ...........................................................................................................190
Marital Happiness Scale #1222...........................................................................................................................190
Marital Instability Index #1223 ...........................................................................................................................190
Marital Intimacy Scale #1189 .............................................................................................................................190
Marital Locus of Control Scale #582 ..................................................................................................................190
Marital Satisfaction Inventory Revised (MSI-R) #2029 .....................................................................................191
Marlowe-Crowne Scale (M-CS) #444 ................................................................................................................191
Marriage Problems Scale #1032 .........................................................................................................................191
Maslach Burnout Inventory #177 .......................................................................................................................191
Maslach Burnout Inventory (3rd Ed) - MBI-III #663 ..........................................................................................191
Massachusetts General Hospital Hairpulling Scale #1618..................................................................................191
Mastery Scale #583 .............................................................................................................................................191
Match Problems #770 .........................................................................................................................................191
Matching Familiar Figure Test #178...................................................................................................................192
Maturity Level for School Entrance and Reading Readiness #1919 ...................................................................192
Maudsley Addiction Profile #835 .......................................................................................................................192
Maudsley Obsessional-Compulsive Inventory #1466 .........................................................................................192
Maudsley Personality Inventory #179 ................................................................................................................192
Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) #1947 .............................................................192
McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities #180 ....................................................................................................192
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) #416 ............................................................................................................192
McMullin Addiction Thought Scale #1467 ........................................................................................................193
Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ) #2021 ....................................................................................................193
Meaninglessness #584 ........................................................................................................................................193
Measure of the Obsessional Personality or Anal Character #1916 .....................................................................193
Measurement of Morale in the Elderly #1199 ....................................................................................................193
Measures in Health Psychology: A User’s Portfolio...........................................................................................193
Measures of Music Audiation (Advanced) #181 ................................................................................................194
Measures of Music Audiation (Primary & Intermediate) #182...........................................................................194
Measuring Delusional Ideation: 21-Item Peters Delusions Inventory (PDI) #1973...........................................195
Measuring Symptoms #434 ................................................................................................................................195
Mechanical Aptitude #183 ..................................................................................................................................195
Mechanical Aptitude #184 ..................................................................................................................................195
Mechanical Comprehension Test #185 ...............................................................................................................195
MED Watch #1619 .............................................................................................................................................195
Medical Avoidance Survey #1468 ......................................................................................................................195
Medical Fear Survey #1469 ................................................................................................................................195
Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale (MISS) #440 ............................................................................................195
Medical Outcomes Study Depression Questionnaire #1891 ...............................................................................196
Meeting Street School Screening Test #186 .......................................................................................................196
Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness #585 ......................................................................196
Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist #1279 .............................................................................................196
Memory for Design Test #187 ............................................................................................................................196
Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire #1470..........................................................................................................196
Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (MAC) #422 ..............................................................................................196
Mental Health Inventory (MHI) #765 .................................................................................................................197
Mental Health Locus of Control Scale #586 .......................................................................................................197
Mental Health Locus of Origin Scale #587 .........................................................................................................197
Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection #1970 ....................................................................197
Mental Status Questionnaire (MSQ) #1088 ........................................................................................................197
Mental Test Score #1068 ....................................................................................................................................197
Merrill Demos DD Scale #189 ............................................................................................................................197
Merrill Palmer Scale of Mental Tests #188 ........................................................................................................197
Meta Memory in Adulthood #397 ......................................................................................................................198
Metacognitive Self-knowledge (MSK) Questionnaire and Interview #896 ........................................................198
Metacomprehension Strategy Index (MSI) #897 ................................................................................................198
Metamemory Questionnaire #892 .......................................................................................................................198
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) #778 .........................................................................................198
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test-Geriatric Version (MAST-G) #1201 ......................................................198
Michigan Picture Test #190 ................................................................................................................................198
Militant and Co-operative Internationalism Scale #1779.....................................................................................198
Military Scale #1780 ............................................................................................................................................198
Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale (MNV) #399 ...........................................................................................................199
Miller Marital Locus of Control Scale (MMLOCS) #1224 ................................................................................199
Miller Social Intimacy Scale #1471 ....................................................................................................................199
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory – III (MCMI-III) #810 .............................................................................199
M.I.N.I. (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview) #838 .........................................................................199
M.I.N.I.6.0 (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview) #1970 ..................................................................199
Mindful Attention Awareness (MAAS) #1994 ...................................................................................................199
Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) #1015 ..................................................................................200
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) #500..................................................................................................200
Mini-Mental State Examination 2nd Edition (MMSE-2) #1966 ..........................................................................200
Mini-Mental State Examination - Modified #1067 .............................................................................................200
Mini-Mental State Examination – Severe #1065 ................................................................................................200
Mini-Mental State Examination – Standardised #1066 ......................................................................................200
Minnesota Counselling Inventory #191 ..............................................................................................................200
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) #197 .............................................................................201
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) #198.......................................................................201
Minnesota Paper Form Board Test - R #194.......................................................................................................201
Minnesota Preschool Scale - Form A #196 .........................................................................................................201
Minnesota Rate of Manipulation #199 ................................................................................................................201
Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire #200 ........................................................................................................201
Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory #195 ......................................................................................................201
Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia #201 ..............................................................................202
Mississippi Scale #1472 ......................................................................................................................................202
MMPI-2 Interpretative System (3 1/2" IBM disk) #518 .....................................................................................202
Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia #470 ..........................................................................................................202
Model-Based Approaches: Health Belief Model #457 ......................................................................................202
Model-Based Approaches: Theory of Reasoned Action #458 ...........................................................................202
Model-Based Approaches: Illness Representation Model #459 .........................................................................202
Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) #202 .................................................................................................202
Modern Occupational Skills Test (MOST) #390 ................................................................................................202
Modern Racism Scale (MRS) #1719 ..................................................................................................................203
Modified Checklist for Autism in Todlers (M-CHAT) #1864 ............................................................................203
Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) #1052 ................................................................203
Mood Disorders Questionnaire (MDQ) #1892 ...................................................................................................203
Mood Related Pleasant Events Schedule #1473 .................................................................................................203
Mood Scales-Elderly (MS-E) #1058 ...................................................................................................................203
Mood Scales - for Parents #504 ..........................................................................................................................203
Mood Survey #1474 ............................................................................................................................................203
Mood Thermometers #1331 ................................................................................................................................204
Mooney Problem Checklist #203 ........................................................................................................................204
Moral Behaviour Scale #588...............................................................................................................................204
Moral Conservatism Index #1691 ........................................................................................................................204
Moral Conservatism Scale #1690 ........................................................................................................................204
Moral Maturity: Measuring the Development of Sociomoral Reflection #509 .................................................204
Moral Traditionalism Scale #1689 .......................................................................................................................204
Morally Debatable Behaviors Scales #589 .........................................................................................................205
Morgan-Russell Assessment Schedule (MRAS) #481 ........................................................................................205
Morrisby Battery #204 ........................................................................................................................................205
Morrisby Differential Test Battery #734.............................................................................................................205
Motivation Analysis Test (MAT) #205...............................................................................................................205
Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ) #872 ..........................................................................................205
Motivational Styles Questionnaire (MSQ) #907 .................................................................................................205
Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory #649 ....................................................................................................205
Mullen Scales of Early Learning #1969 ..............................................................................................................206
Mullen Scales of Early Learning #1971 ..............................................................................................................206
Multi – Aptitude Test #1914 ...............................................................................................................................206
Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale #1332 ...................................................................................................206
Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale (MAST) #1854 ....................................................................................206
Multidimentional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC) #977 .............................................................................206
Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II (MAB-II) #1667 .....................................................................................206
Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire #1475 .............................................................................206
Multidimensional Caregiver Burden Inventory #1196 .......................................................................................207
Multidimensional Desire for Control Scale #1476 .............................................................................................207
Multidimensional Fear of Death Scale #380 .......................................................................................................207
Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale (MHLC) #449 .......................................................................207
Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales #503 ....................................................................................207
Multidimensional Locus of Control Scales for Psychiatric Patients #1477 ........................................................207
Multidimensional Measure of Children's Perceptions of Control #590 ..............................................................207
Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES) #1168 ......................................................207
Multidimensional Pain Inventory (MPI) #415 ....................................................................................................208
Multidimensional Scale of Democratic Values #1703 .........................................................................................208
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support #1478 ..............................................................................208
Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale #1479 .................................................................................................208
Multidimensional Support Scale #686 ................................................................................................................208
Multidimensional-Multiattributional Causality Scale #591 ................................................................................208
Multifactor Racial Attitudes Inventory (MRAI ) #1770 ....................................................................................208
Multifactor Racial Attitudes Inventory – Short Scale (MRAI – SS) #1713 .........................................................209
Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure #1333 ........................................................................................................209
Multi-Index Ethnocultural Identification Scale (MIEIS) #841 ...........................................................................209
Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist #206 ..........................................................................................................209
Multnomah Community Ability Scale #1620 .....................................................................................................209
Munsell: A Colour Notation #207 ......................................................................................................................209
My Class Inventory - Short Form (MCI-SF) #859 .............................................................................................209
My Family & Friends Survey #801 ....................................................................................................................209
My Life in School Checklist #864 ......................................................................................................................209
My Vocational Situation #209 ............................................................................................................................210
Myer Briggs Type Indicators #208 .....................................................................................................................210
Myer Briggs Type Indicators – Form M, Step 1 #847 ........................................................................................210
Myself-As-Learner Scale (MALS) #876 ............................................................................................................210
N ............................................................................................................................................. 210
National Acoustic Laboratory Test of Auditory Language Learning Capabilities in Kindergarten Children
(NALTALLCK) #803 .........................................................................................................................................210
National Adult Reading Test (NART) -2nd Ed #210 ...........................................................................................210
National Involvement Scales #1775.....................................................................................................................210
National Image Scale #1776 ...............................................................................................................................211
Naylor-Harwood Adult Intelligence Scale (NHAIS) #211 .................................................................................211
Naysaying Low F Scale #592 .............................................................................................................................211
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability - Revised #212 ............................................................................................211
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability (2nd Edition) #1908 .....................................................................................211
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability (3rd Edition) #758 ........................................................................................211
Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude #213 ..........................................................................................................211
Negative Attitudes Toward Masturbation Inventory #1480 ................................................................................211
NEO 4 #745 ........................................................................................................................................................212
NEO-Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) #363 ....................................................................................................212
NEO-Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI-3) #1989 ..............................................................................................212
McCrea & Costa, 2010 ........................................................................................................................................212
NEO-Personality Inventory-R #214....................................................................................................................212
NEO Software System #978 ...............................................................................................................................212
NEO Software System (NEO-PI-3, NEO-PI-R and NEO-FFI-3) #2036 ............................................................212
NEPSY #40 .........................................................................................................................................................212
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 9 ..................................................................................................................................212
NEPSY Scoring Assistant #979 ..........................................................................................................................212
NEPSY II #1881 .................................................................................................................................................213
NEPSY II - Scoring Assistant & Assessment Planer #1882 ...............................................................................213
NES independence Classification #1795 .............................................................................................................213
Network of Relationships Inventory #799 ..........................................................................................................213
Network Orientation Scale #1481 .......................................................................................................................213
Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination (NCSE or COGNISTAT) #1621 .............................................213
Neurobehavioural Functioning Inventory #771 ..................................................................................................213
Neurobehavioural Rating Scale #809..................................................................................................................213
Neurobehavioral Rating Scale (NRS) #1108 ......................................................................................................214
Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB) #954 .......................................................................................214
Neuropsychological Assessment Battery – Software Portfolio (NAB-SP) #991 ................................................214
Neuropsychological Assessment of the School-Aged Child #691 ......................................................................214
Neuropsychological Behaviour & Affect Profile #512 .......................................................................................214
Neuropsychological History Questionnaire #783 ...............................................................................................214
Neuropsychological Impairment Scale-Senior (NIS-S) #1099 ...........................................................................214
Neuropsychological Status Examination (NSE) #215 ........................................................................................215
Neuropsychological Test Batteries #216 ............................................................................................................215
Neurotic Perfectionism Questionnaire #1482 .....................................................................................................215
Neuroticism Scale Questionnaire (NSQ) #217 ...................................................................................................215
New Ecological Consciousness # 1677................................................................................................................215
New Left Ideology Scale #1687...........................................................................................................................215
Location: American Political Science Review, 91, 885-897 and pg 128 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
New Junior Maudsley Inventory #218 ................................................................................................................215
New Racism Scale (NRS) #1720 .........................................................................................................................215
New Technology Tests #219...............................................................................................................................216
New York Rating Scales (NYRS) #1872 ............................................................................................................216
News Recall Scale #1784.....................................................................................................................................216
Nickerson Colour Fan #220 ................................................................................................................................216
NIMH Dementia Mood Assessment Scale (DMAS) #1061 ...............................................................................216
Noncontingent Outcome Instrument #1483 ........................................................................................................216
Non-Physical Abuse of Partner Scale (NPAPS) #1225 ......................................................................................216
Non-Verbal Ability Tests #918 ...........................................................................................................................216
Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire ..................................................................................................................217
and Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire #2018 ............................................................................217
Normlessness #593 .............................................................................................................................................217
Normlessness #594 .............................................................................................................................................217
Normlessness #609 .............................................................................................................................................217
North Western Intelligence Test #221 ................................................................................................................217
North Western Syntax Screening Test #222 .......................................................................................................217
Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External Control Scale for Adults #595 ................................................................217
Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External Control Scale for Children #596 .............................................................217
Nufferno Tests #223 ...........................................................................................................................................218
Nurses' Observation Scale for Geriatric Patients (NOSGER) #1169 ..................................................................218
Nurses' Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluation (NOSIE) #1110 .................................................................218
Nursing Home Behavior Problem Scale (NHBPS) #1122 ..................................................................................218
Nursing Tests #224 .............................................................................................................................................218
O ............................................................................................................................................. 218
OARS Depressive Scale (ODS) #1056 ...............................................................................................................218
Object Relations Technique #225 .......................................................................................................................218
Object Sorting Test #226 ....................................................................................................................................219
Observer Classroom Environment Measure (OCEM) #862 ...............................................................................219
Observer Scale (Depression) #499 ......................................................................................................................219
Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory #1484 ............................................................................................................219
Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale #1622 ....................................................................................................219
Obsessive-Compulsive Scale #1485 ...................................................................................................................219
Occupational Preference Inventory #227 ............................................................................................................219
Occupational Stress Indicator #228 ....................................................................................................................220
Occupational Stress Inventory #401 ...................................................................................................................220
Occupational Stress Inventory Revised Edition (OSI-R) #2007 .........................................................................220
Occupational Stress Scale #490 ..........................................................................................................................220
Ohio Penal Classification #229 ...........................................................................................................................220
Omnibus Civil Liberties Scale #1711 ..................................................................................................................220
Omnibus Personality Inventory #230..................................................................................................................220
Oregon Mental Health Referral Checklist #1334 ................................................................................................220
Organizational Alienation #1822 ........................................................................................................................221
Organizational Climate Scale #1486 ...................................................................................................................221
Organiztional Commitment #1829 ......................................................................................................................221
Organizational Commitment Scale #1037 ..........................................................................................................221
Organizational Culture Inventory #231 ..............................................................................................................221
Organizational Culture Profile (OCP) #1029 ......................................................................................................221
Organizational Culture Scale #1036 ...................................................................................................................221
Orientation Memory Concentration #777 ...........................................................................................................221
Orthogonal Cultural Identification Scale #1487 .................................................................................................221
Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency #232 .........................................................................................................222
Otis Higher Test Forms A, B, C #233 .................................................................................................................222
Otis Intermediate Test Forms AB & CD #234 ....................................................................................................222
Outcome Questionnaire #1049............................................................................................................................222
Overall Job Satisfaction #1828 ...........................................................................................................................222
Overt Aggression Scale (OAS) #1107 ................................................................................................................222
Overt Aggression Scale - Modified #1623..........................................................................................................222
Oxford Happiness Questionnaire #1002 .............................................................................................................223
P ............................................................................................................................................. 223
PACTS: Parents, Adolescent, and Child Training Skills #654 ...........................................................................223
Padua Inventory #472 .........................................................................................................................................223
Padua Inventory – Washington State University Revision (PI-WSUR0 #1900 ..................................................223
Paediatric Pain Questionnaire (PPQ) #420 .........................................................................................................223
PAI Software Portfolio (PAI Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Public Safety Selection Report) # 2012 ......223
Pain Catastophizing Scale #1488 ........................................................................................................................223
Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) #419 ............................................................................................223
Pain Questionnaire - for Parents #505 ................................................................................................................224
Pain-Related Self Statements Scale #1489..........................................................................................................224
Pain-Related Control Scale #1490 ......................................................................................................................224
Pain Response Inventory #1335 ..........................................................................................................................224
PALPA (Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing in Aphasia) #235 ..........................................224
PAMIE Scale #1157 ...........................................................................................................................................224
Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS) #1901 ........................................................................................................224
Panic Attack Cognitions Questionnaire #1491 ...................................................................................................225
Panic Attack Symptom Questionnaire #1492 .....................................................................................................225
Panic Disorder screening Interview #408 ...........................................................................................................225
Panic Disorder Severity Scale #1624 ..................................................................................................................225
Parent Affect Test #1280 ....................................................................................................................................225
Parent Behaviour Checklist (PBC) #790 .............................................................................................................225
Parent-Child Relationship Survey #1282 ............................................................................................................225
Parent Report of Posttraumatic Symptoms #1307 ..............................................................................................225
Parent's Report #1281 .........................................................................................................................................226
Parental Authority Quesionnaire #813 ................................................................................................................226
Parental Bonding Instrument #1284....................................................................................................................226
Parental Nurturance Scale (PNS) #1285 .............................................................................................................226
Parental Tolerance Scale #1286 ..........................................................................................................................226
Parenting Locus of Control Scale #597 ..............................................................................................................226
Parenting Scale #1287.........................................................................................................................................226
Parenting Stress Index #236 ................................................................................................................................226
Parenting Stress Index (3rd Edition) #510 ..........................................................................................................227
Participant Role Scales (PRS) #866 ....................................................................................................................227
Partner Abuse Scale: Non-Physical (PASNP) #1226 .........................................................................................227
Partner Abuse Scale: Physical (PASP) #1227.....................................................................................................227
Party Closeness Scale #1793................................................................................................................................227
Party Identification Scale #1790 ..........................................................................................................................227
Party Images Scales #1792 ..................................................................................................................................227
Party Thermometer Scales #1791 ........................................................................................................................228
PASAT: Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test #1938 .........................................................................................228
Passalong Test (The) #237 ..................................................................................................................................228
Passionate Love Scale (PLS) #1228 ...................................................................................................................228
Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) #1893 ..................................................................................................228
Patient Reactions Assessment #1493 ..................................................................................................................228
Patient Request Form (PRF) #436 ......................................................................................................................228
Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire #1625 ...........................................................................................................229
Patriotism Nationalism Questionnaire Scale #1773 .............................................................................................229
Patriotism Scale #1772 ........................................................................................................................................229
Patriotism Scale #1774 ........................................................................................................................................229
Paulhus Deception Scales (PDS) #956 ...............................................................................................................229
PAYES: Program for Assessing Youth Employment Skills #238 ......................................................................229
PDI Employment Inventory #845 .......................................................................................................................229
PDI Leadership Inventory #843 ..........................................................................................................................230
PDI Leadership Inventory Plus #842 ..................................................................................................................230
Peabody Individual Achievement Test #239 ......................................................................................................230
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test #1907 ............................................................................................................230
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - R #240 ........................................................................................................230
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (3rd Ed) - PPVT-III #656 ...............................................................................230
Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale (PARS) #1869 ...................................................................................................230
Pediatric Symptoms Checklist (PSC) #1841 .......................................................................................................230
Peer and Self-Rating Scale #1336 .......................................................................................................................231
Peer Nomination Inventory - Modified #1008 ....................................................................................................231
Peer Relations Questionnaire (PRQ) #921 ..........................................................................................................231
Penn State Worry Questionnaire #1494 ..............................................................................................................231
Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children (PSWQ-C) #1846 .......................................................................231
Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness (PILL) #446 ...............................................................................231
People in Your Life Questionnaire #671 ............................................................................................................231
Perceived Competence Scale for Children #1078 ...............................................................................................231
Perceived Control of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes #451 .....................................................................................232
Perceived Guilt Index - State & Trait #1495.......................................................................................................232
Perceived Health Status: Single Item Measures - Verbal Rating Scales (VRS) #426.........................................232
Perceived Health Status: Single Item Measures - Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) #425 ....................................232
Perceived Intrinsic Job Characteristics #1823 ....................................................................................................232
Perceived Social Support - Friend & Family Scale #1496 ..................................................................................232
Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) #465 .....................................................................................................................232
Perceptions and Experience of Bullying in Younger Children) #865 .................................................................232
Perceptual Demonstration Kit #241 ....................................................................................................................233
Performance-Maintenance Theory of Leadership #1035 ....................................................................................233
Performance Test of Activities in Daily Living (PADL) #1140 .........................................................................233
Perinatal Grief Scale #1288 ................................................................................................................................233
Persistence Scale for Children #1337 .................................................................................................................233
Personal Adjustment Inventory #242 ..................................................................................................................233
Personal Assertion Analysis #1497 .....................................................................................................................233
Personal Attribute Inventory for Children #1338 ...............................................................................................233
Personal Attributes Questionnaire #243..............................................................................................................234
Personal Evaluation Inventory #598 ...................................................................................................................234
Personal Feelings Inventory #931 .......................................................................................................................234
Personal Inventory for Depression and SAD (PIDS) #1894 ...............................................................................234
Personal Orientation Inventory #246 ..................................................................................................................234
Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24) #599 ................................................................234
Personal Report of Confidence as a Speaker #600 .............................................................................................234
Personal Style Inventory #1498 ..........................................................................................................................234
Personal Values Scale #601 ................................................................................................................................235
Personality Assessment Inventory #244 .............................................................................................................235
Personality Assessment Inventory - Interpretive Guide #804 .............................................................................235
Personality Deviance Scales (PDS) #1006 .........................................................................................................235
PersonalityDiagnostic Questionnaire - Version 4 (PDQ-4) #1969 ....................................................................235
Personality Inventory #245 .................................................................................................................................235
Personality Inventory #1101 ...............................................................................................................................235
Personality Research Form (PRF) #373 ..............................................................................................................235
Personnel Classification Test #383 .....................................................................................................................236
Personnel Test for Industry #247 ........................................................................................................................236
PGC Morale Scale - Revised #603 .....................................................................................................................236
Philadelphia Head Injury Questionnaire #405 ....................................................................................................236
Phillips Occupational Preference Scale #362......................................................................................................236
Philosophies of Human Nature #602 ..................................................................................................................236
Physical Abuse of Partner Scale (PAPS) #1229 .................................................................................................236
Physical Arousal Scale for Children (PH-C) #1870............................................................................................236
Physical Self-Efficacy Scale #1499 ....................................................................................................................237
Physical Self-Maintenance Scale (PSMS) #1146 ...............................................................................................237
Physiological Reactions to Stress #466...............................................................................................................237
Pickford Projective Pictures #248 .......................................................................................................................237
Piers Harris Children’s Self Concept Scale #249 ................................................................................................237
Piers Harris Children’s Self Concept Scale-2nd Ed (Piers-Harris 2) #928 ..........................................................237
Pittsburgh Agitation Scale (PAS) #1116.............................................................................................................237
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index #1626 ................................................................................................................238
Play Therapy for Severe Psychological Trauma #1978 ......................................................................................238
Playing with Baby #805 ......................................................................................................................................238
Pleasant Events Schedule-AD #1194 ..................................................................................................................238
Plot Titles #250 ...................................................................................................................................................238
Polarity Scale #1679 ............................................................................................................................................238
Political Alienation Scale #1733 ..........................................................................................................................238
Political Alienation Scale #1734 ..........................................................................................................................238
Political Alienation Scale #1735 ..........................................................................................................................239
Political Alienation Scale (General Social Survey) #1736 ..................................................................................239
Political Allegiance Index #1759 .........................................................................................................................239
Political Awareness #1783 ...................................................................................................................................239
Political Cynicism Scale #1755 ...........................................................................................................................239
Location: Journal of Politics, 23, 477-506 and pg 501 from "Measures of Political Attitudes" .........................239
Political Cynicism Scale #1756 ...........................................................................................................................239
Political Cynicism Scale #1757 ...........................................................................................................................239
Political Criticism Scale #1765 ............................................................................................................................239
Political Support Index #1764..............................................................................................................................240
Political Trust and System Evaluation Scales #1747 ...........................................................................................240
Political-Economic Progressivism Scale (PEP) #604 .........................................................................................240
Political Efficacy Scale #1731 .............................................................................................................................240
Political Efficacy Scale #1732 .............................................................................................................................240
Political Estrangement Scales #1738 ...................................................................................................................240
Political Estrangement and Political Powerlessness Scales #1741 ......................................................................240
Political Incapability and Political Discontent Scales #1739 ...............................................................................241
Political Knowledge Scale #1782 ........................................................................................................................241
Political Normlessness Scale #1743.....................................................................................................................241
Political Support -Alienation Scale #1744 ...........................................................................................................241
Political Support Scale #1761 ..............................................................................................................................241
Political Support Typology #1760 .......................................................................................................................241
Political Powerlessness and Political Normlessness Scales #1742 ......................................................................241
Political Support Scale #1745 ..............................................................................................................................242
Political Tolerance Scale #1712 ...........................................................................................................................242
Porteus Maze Test #251 ......................................................................................................................................242
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) #445 .....................................................................................242
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children (PANAS-C) #1871 ...........................................................242
Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation Inventory #1500 ...................................................................................242
Positive Feelings Questionnaire #1230 ...............................................................................................................242
Post-Critical Belief Scale #1005 .........................................................................................................................242
Post Hospital Behaviour Questionnaire #412 .....................................................................................................243
Post Traumatic Amnesia Scales #368 .................................................................................................................243
Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (PTCI) #1998 ............................................................................................243
Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale #694 .......................................................................................................243
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist #673 ....................................................................................................243
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist #819 ....................................................................................................243
Powerlessness #605 ............................................................................................................................................243
Powerlessness #606 ............................................................................................................................................243
Powerlessness #607 ............................................................................................................................................243
Powerlessness #608 ............................................................................................................................................244
Powerlessness ......................................................................................................................................................244
Prejudice Index #1727 .........................................................................................................................................244
Prejudicial Evaluation & Social Interaction Scale (PESIS) #439 .......................................................................244
Preschool Anxiety Scale #1655 ..........................................................................................................................244
Preschool Attainment Record (PAR) #793 .........................................................................................................244
Preschool Behavior Questionnaire #1578 ...........................................................................................................244
Preschool Inventory-R #731 ...............................................................................................................................244
Preschool Language #789 ...................................................................................................................................245
Preschool Language Assessment Instrument #252 .............................................................................................245
Prescriptive Behaviour Check List for the Severely & Profoundly Retarded #253 ............................................245
Present Functioning Questionnaire (PFQ) #1135 ...............................................................................................245
Pressey X-O Tests of Emotion #254 ...................................................................................................................245
Pre-Vocational Programme Packages #346 ........................................................................................................245
PRF ANDRO #610 .............................................................................................................................................245
Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) #1925...............................245
Primary Communication Inventory #1231 ..........................................................................................................246
Primary Mental Abilities Test K-1 & 2-4 #255 ..................................................................................................246
Primary Reading Test #284.................................................................................................................................246
PRIME-MD #1170..............................................................................................................................................246
Principals' Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education (PATIE) #1000 ....................................................................246
Proactive and Reactive Aggression Scale (PRA) 1873 .......................................................................................246
Pro-Black/Anti-Black Attitudes Questionnaire (PAAQ) #1721 .........................................................................246
Problem Checklist and Strain Scale #1183 .........................................................................................................247
Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) #1975 ...............................................................................................247
Problem-Solving Inventory #1501 ......................................................................................................................247
Procrastination Assessment Scale - Students #1502 ...........................................................................................247
Procrastination Scale #1503 ................................................................................................................................247
Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) #1961 ..........................................................................................247
Profile of Mood States ( POMS ) #256 ...............................................................................................................247
Profiles in Listening and Reading (PILAR) #888 ...............................................................................................247
Programmed Reading Kit #257 ...........................................................................................................................248
Progress Assessment Chart ( PAC ) #258 ...........................................................................................................248
Progressive Achievement Test (PAT) #727 ........................................................................................................248
Prosocial Behaviour Questionnaire (PBQ) #701 ................................................................................................248
Protestant Ethic Scale #1694................................................................................................................................248
Pro-Victim Scale (PVS) #867 .............................................................................................................................248
Provision of Social Relations #1504 ...................................................................................................................248
PSYCHAP Inventory #611 .................................................................................................................................248
Psychiatric Institute Trichotillomania Scale #1627 ............................................................................................249
Psychiatric Symptom Scale #927 ........................................................................................................................249
Psychology in Education Portfolio (PIEP) ...........................................................................................................249
Psycho-Educational Evaluation of the Preschool Child #260 .............................................................................250
Psychogeriatric Assessment Scale #999 .............................................................................................................250
Psychogeriatric Dependency Rating Scale (PGDRS) #1153 ..............................................................................250
Psychological Well-being Scales #936 ...............................................................................................................250
Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale #1657 ................................................................................................250
Pupil Rating Scale (The) #259 ............................................................................................................................251
Pupils' Feelings about School and Work Inventory (PFSSW) #871 ...................................................................251
Purdue Creativity Test #768 ...............................................................................................................................251
Purdue Pegboard #372 ........................................................................................................................................251
Purpose in Life Test #612 ...................................................................................................................................251
Pursuing-Distancing Scale #1505 .......................................................................................................................251
Q ............................................................................................................................................. 251
Quality Adjusted Life Year Index (QALY) 429 .................................................................................................251
Quality of Life Assessment Schedule (QoLAS) #1162 ......................................................................................251
Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q) #1926 ..................................................252
Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease (QOL-AD) #1148 .................................................................................252
Quality of Life Interview #1628 .........................................................................................................................252
Quality of Life Inventory #364 ...........................................................................................................................252
Quality of Life Scale #834 ..................................................................................................................................252
Quality of Life Scale #1629 ................................................................................................................................252
Queensland Test #261 .........................................................................................................................................252
Questionnaire for Identifying Behavioural Problems Associated with Maladaptive Motivational Style #873 ...253
Questionnaire of Experiences of Dissociation #1506 .........................................................................................253
Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Patterns (QEWP) #1859 ...........................................................................253
Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns – Revised #1630 .........................................................................253
Questionnaire on Resources & Stress (QRS-F) #709 .........................................................................................253
Quick Discrimination Index (QDI) #1723 ...........................................................................................................253
Quick Neurological Screening Test #263 ...........................................................................................................253
Quick Scales #1030.............................................................................................................................................253
Quick Test ( QT ) #262 .......................................................................................................................................254
R ............................................................................................................................................. 254
Racial Attitudes Scale (RAS) #1714 ....................................................................................................................254
Racial Resentment Scale (RRS) #1724 ................................................................................................................254
Racial Stereotypes Measure #1728 ......................................................................................................................254
Radicalism-Conservatism Scale #1688 ................................................................................................................254
Randall's Island Performance Scale #264 ...........................................................................................................254
Rape Aftermath Symptom Test #1507 ................................................................................................................254
Rapid Disability Rating Scale-2 (RDRS-2) #1138 .............................................................................................254
Rasch-Type Loneliness Scale #614 ....................................................................................................................255
Raskin Depression Rating Scale #1895 ..............................................................................................................255
Raskin, Schulterbrandt, Reatig,McKeon, 1969 ....................................................................................................255
Rathus Assertiveness Schedule #688 ..................................................................................................................255
Rating Anxiety in Dementia (RAID) #1125 .......................................................................................................255
Rating Scale for Aggressive Behaviour in the Elderly (RAGE) #1106 ..............................................................255
Rating Scale for Extrapyramidal Side Effects......................................................................................................255
Rating Scale for Pupil Adjustment #391 .............................................................................................................255
Rating Student Self-Regulated Learning Outcomes (RSSRL) #882 ...................................................................255
Rational Behavior Inventory #1508 ....................................................................................................................256
Raulin Intense Ambivalence Scale #1509 ...........................................................................................................256
Raven’s Standard Progresive Matrices ................................................................................................................256
see Standard Progresive Matrices ........................................................................................................................256
Reaction Inventory Interference #1510 ...............................................................................................................256
Reading Free Vocational Interest Inventory #267 ..............................................................................................256
Reading Self-Concept Scale (RSCS) #878 .........................................................................................................256
Real Life Rating Scale (RLRS) #1865 ................................................................................................................256
Realizations of Filial Responsibility #1289 ........................................................................................................256
Reasons for Living Inventory #1511...................................................................................................................257
Reason for Living Inventory for Adolescents #1339 ..........................................................................................257
Recent Life Changes Questionnaire (RLCQ) #1976 ...........................................................................................257
Recognition Memory Test #398 .........................................................................................................................257
Recovery from Trauma: What works #1971 .......................................................................................................257
Recovery Locus of Control (RLOC) #452 ..........................................................................................................257
Refined ADL Assessment Scale (RADL) #1143 ................................................................................................257
Regime-Based Trust Scale #1758 ........................................................................................................................258
Reid-Gundlach Social Services Satisfaction Scale #1512 ..................................................................................258
Reiss Profile MR/DD #1946 ...............................................................................................................................258
Relationship Assessment Scale #1232 ................................................................................................................258
Relationship Events Scale #1233 ........................................................................................................................258
Relative's Assessment of Global Symptomatology #1165 ..................................................................................258
Remote Associates Test #767 .............................................................................................................................258
Remote Memory Test #1024...............................................................................................................................259
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) #853 .....................................259
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status II (RBANS II) #2006 ............................259
Report Writer: Adult's Intellectual, Achievement, & Neuropsychological Screening Tests (IBM V.3) #119 ....259
Reported Health Behaviours Checklist #462 ......................................................................................................259
Repression Potential #1708 ..................................................................................................................................259
Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents #2011 ......................................................................................259
Resourceful Adolescent Parent Program #1810 ..................................................................................................259
Responding Desirabily on Attitudes and Opinions (RD-16) #615 ......................................................................260
Restraint Scale #1513 .........................................................................................................................................260
Revised Beta Examination #266 .........................................................................................................................260
Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) #1847 ........................................................................260
Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS) #78 ...............................................................................260
Revised Class Play #776 .....................................................................................................................................260
Revised Kinship Scale #1514 .............................................................................................................................260
Revised Martin-Larsen Approval Motivation #1515 ..........................................................................................260
Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist #1190 ................................................................................261
Revised Self-leadership Questionnaire #923 ......................................................................................................261
Revised Sheridan Gardiner Test #1979...............................................................................................................261
Rey 15-item Memorization Test #935 ................................................................................................................261
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Handbook (RAVLT) #517 ........................................................................261
Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test #400 ..........................................................................................................261
Rey Complex Figure Test & Recognition Trial (RCFT) #404............................................................................261
Reynell Developmental Language Scales - Revised #268 ..................................................................................262
Reynell Developmental Language Scales III #762 .............................................................................................262
Reynolds Bully-Victimization Scale #980 ..........................................................................................................262
Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) #613 .......................................................................................................262
Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWA) #1681 .............................................................................................262
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) #657 ........................................................................................262
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test-2(RBMT-2) #962...................................................................................262
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test-3(RBMT-3) #1959.................................................................................263
Rivermead Head Injury #774 ..............................................................................................................................263
Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire #775 .............................................................................263
Robson Self Concept Questionnaire #919 ..........................................................................................................263
Rohde Sentence Completion Test #265 ..............................................................................................................263
Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity Scale (RCRAI) #1045 .................................................................................263
Role Perception Scale #1516 ..............................................................................................................................263
Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test ( Ink Blot Method ) #269 ..............................................................................263
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) #447 .........................................................................................................264
Rosenzweig: Picture Frustration Study - Adult & Child #270 ............................................................................264
Rothwell Miller Interest Blank Forms F & M #271 ............................................................................................264
Rothwell Miller Interest Blank –R (Australian Ed) #963 ...................................................................................264
Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank #272 .............................................................................................................264
Rotterdam Symptom Checklist (RSCL) #431 .....................................................................................................264
Routine Activities Measure #773 ........................................................................................................................264
Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) #1086 ....................................................................264
Ruff 2&7 Selective Attention Test #951 .............................................................................................................265
Ruff Figural Fluency Test #695 ..........................................................................................................................265
Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire #1016......................................................................................................265
Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index (RAPI) #1883 ..................................................................................................265
Rutter Child Scale B #403 ..................................................................................................................................265
Ryden Aggression Scale #1112 ..........................................................................................................................265
S .............................................................................................................................................. 265
Sales Comprehension Test #274 .........................................................................................................................265
San Francisco Vocational Competency Scale #275 ............................................................................................266
Sandoz Clinical Assessment - Geriatric (SCAG) #1160 .....................................................................................266
SANE Guide for Families(The) – book & DVD #1958 ......................................................................................266
Satisfaction with Appearance Scale #1517 .........................................................................................................266
Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) #427 ........................................................................................................266
Scale for Assessment of Positive and Negative Symptoms #1632 .....................................................................266
Scale for Assessment of Positive and Negative Symptoms #1633 .....................................................................266
Scale for Personality Rigidity #925 ....................................................................................................................266
Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy (SEE) #1047 ....................................................................................................267
Scale of Racial Socialization for Adolescents #1340 ..........................................................................................267
Scales of Independent Behaviour #276 ...............................................................................................................267
Scales of Independent Behaviour-R (SIB-R) #763 .............................................................................................267
Schedule for Affective Disorders & Schizophrenia (SADS) #277 .....................................................................267
Schedule for Affective Disorders & Schizophrenia for School-Aged Children #1637.......................................267
Schizophrenia Outcomes Module #1653 ............................................................................................................267
Schonell Diagnostic Arithmetic Tests #279 ........................................................................................................268
Schonell Graded Word Reading Test #280 .........................................................................................................268
School Stress Survey #800 ..................................................................................................................................268
Schwartz Social Situation - Picture Test #278 ....................................................................................................268
SCID-II (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-VI Axis 1 Disorders) #811 ....................................................268
Screen for Caregiver Burden (SCB) #1186.........................................................................................................268
Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) #1039 .......................................................268
Screener for Somatoform Disorders #1635 .........................................................................................................268
Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) #1896 ..............................................................................268
Seeing Problems #281.........................................................................................................................................269
Selective Reminding Test #1300 ........................................................................................................................269
SELFCARE (D) #1055 .......................................................................................................................................269
Self-Administered Alcoholism Screening Test #1518 ........................................................................................269
Self-Attitude Inventory #1519 ............................................................................................................................269
Self-Concept Scale for Children #1341 ..............................................................................................................269
Self-Consciousness Scale-R #937 .......................................................................................................................269
Self-Control Questionnaire #1521 ......................................................................................................................270
Self-Control Rating Scale #1342 ........................................................................................................................270
Self-Control Schedule #1522 ..............................................................................................................................270
Self-Description Questionnaire-1 #282...............................................................................................................270
Self-Directed Search #283 ..................................................................................................................................270
Self-Directed Search – R (SDS-R) #831 .............................................................................................................270
Self-Efficacy Measurement: Generalised Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) #454......................................................270
Self-Efficacy Measurement: Specific Self-Efficacy Beliefs #453 ......................................................................270
Self-Efficacy Questionnaire #1294 .....................................................................................................................271
Self-Efficacy Scale #1523 ...................................................................................................................................271
Self-Esteem Inventory #616................................................................................................................................271
Self-Esteem Inventories #1980 ...........................................................................................................................271
Self-Esteem Rating Scale #1524 .........................................................................................................................271
Self-Esteem Scale #617 ......................................................................................................................................271
Self-Estrangement #618 ......................................................................................................................................271
Selfism #1527 .....................................................................................................................................................271
Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale #1081 .........................................................................................................272
Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale - R #1082 ...................................................................................................272
Self-Monitoring Techniques #463 ......................................................................................................................272
Self-Ordered Pointing Test (SOPT) #1298 .........................................................................................................272
Self-Perception Profile for Children #619 ..........................................................................................................272
Self Perception Profile for Learning Disabled Students #806.............................................................................272
Self-Rating Depression Scale #620 .....................................................................................................................272
Self-Regulated Learning Interview Schedule (SRLIS) #881 ..............................................................................272
Self-Report Family Instrument #1290 ................................................................................................................272
Self-Report Questionnaire #670 ..........................................................................................................................273
Self-Righteousness Scale #1526 .........................................................................................................................273
Semantic Differential Feeling and Mood Scales #1528 ......................................................................................273
Semantic Differential of Sex Roles #1234 ..........................................................................................................273
Sensation Scale #1529 ........................................................................................................................................273
Sensation - Seeking Scale #285 ..........................................................................................................................273
Sense of Coherence - Orientation to Life #621 ...................................................................................................273
Sense of Symbolic Immortality Scale #1530 ......................................................................................................273
Sentence Comprehension Test (SCT) #887 ........................................................................................................274
Sentence Span Measure (SSM) #890 ..................................................................................................................274
Separation-Individuation Process Inventory #1531 ............................................................................................274
Service Evaluation Questionnaire #1639 ............................................................................................................274
Service Satisfaction Scale - 30 #1636 .................................................................................................................274
SERVQUAL #1638 ............................................................................................................................................274
Session Evaluation Questionnaire #1532 ............................................................................................................274
SET Test #1076 ..................................................................................................................................................275
Seven Plus Assessment #286 ..............................................................................................................................275
Severity of Depression Scale #1648 ...................................................................................................................275
Severity of Symptoms Scale #1533 ....................................................................................................................275
Sex Role Behavior Scale #622 ............................................................................................................................275
Sex-Role Learning Index #623 ...........................................................................................................................275
Sexual Arousability Inventory #1643 .................................................................................................................275
Sexual Arousability Inventory #1534 .................................................................................................................275
Sexual Assault Symptom Scale #1535 ................................................................................................................276
Sexual Attitude Scale #1536 ...............................................................................................................................276
Sexual Behavior Inventory Male & Female #1537 .............................................................................................276
SF-12 Mental Health Survey #812 ......................................................................................................................276
SF-36 Mental Health Survey #406 ......................................................................................................................276
SF-36 – 2nd Edition #870 ....................................................................................................................................276
Sheehan Disability Scale #1644 ..........................................................................................................................276
Short Alcohol Dependence Data (SSAD) #483 ..................................................................................................276
Short Anxiety Screening Test #1064 ..................................................................................................................277
Short Grit Scale #2005 ........................................................................................................................................277
Short Mental Status Questionnaire #1077...........................................................................................................277
Short Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test #1084 .......................................................................................277
Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) #1075 ............................................................................277
Shyness Scale #625 .............................................................................................................................................277
Sibworks #1942 ..................................................................................................................................................277
Sibworks - 2nd Edition #1962 .............................................................................................................................277
Significant Others Scale (SOS) #424 ..................................................................................................................278
Significant Others Scale (SOS) - Long Form #485.............................................................................................278
Significant Others Scale (SOS) - Short Form #486 ............................................................................................278
Simple Rathus Assertiveness Schedule #1538 ....................................................................................................278
Simpson-Angus Extrapyramidal Side Effects Scale #1178 ................................................................................278
Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory (TDI) #794 ...................................................................................278
Six Factor Personality Questionnaire # 2014 ......................................................................................................278
Sixteen PF – 5th edition #287 ..............................................................................................................................278
Sixteen PF – 5th Edition (Revised 2009) #2032 ..................................................................................................279
Sixteen PF5-AUS #741 .......................................................................................................................................279
Skills for Independent Living #764 ....................................................................................................................279
Sleep-Wake Activity Inventory #1656................................................................................................................279
Slingerland Screening Test for Identifying Children with Specific Language Disability #288 ..........................279
Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) #289 ..................................................................................................................279
Smoking Self-Efficacy Questionnaire #1539 ......................................................................................................279
Social Adjustment Scale - Self Report #1540 .....................................................................................................280
Social Activities & Distress Scale (SAD) #475 ..................................................................................................280
Social Anxiety Scale for Children #626..............................................................................................................280
Social Anxiety Subscale of the Self-Consciousness Scale #627 .........................................................................280
Social Anxiety Thoughts Questionnaire #1541 ..................................................................................................280
Social Attitudes Statement and Referent Scales #1678........................................................................................280
Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SAD) #628..............................................................................................280
Social Climate Scales #290 .................................................................................................................................280
Social Competence & Behaviour Evaluation (SCBE) - Pre School Edition #520 ..............................................281
Social Criticism Scale #629 ................................................................................................................................281
Social Distance Scale #1771 ................................................................................................................................281
Social Distance Scale Variation 1: Social Scale #1717 ......................................................................................281
Social Distance Scale Variation 2: Social Distance Questionnaire # 1718 .........................................................281
Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) Scale #1729 ............................................................................................281
Social Fear Scale #1542 ......................................................................................................................................281
Social Inclusion Survey (SIS) #851 ....................................................................................................................282
Social Interaction Self-Statement Test #1543 .....................................................................................................282
Social Network Index #938.................................................................................................................................282
Social Personality Inventory #381 ......................................................................................................................282
Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children #981 ....................................................................................282
Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) #1902 ................................................282
Social Pre-vocational Information Battery #291 .................................................................................................282
Social Problem-Solving Inventory #1544 ...........................................................................................................282
Social Problem-Solving Inventory - Revised #1943 ..........................................................................................283
Social Readjustment Rating Scale #675 .............................................................................................................283
Social Responsibility Scale #1672 .......................................................................................................................283
Social Reticence Scale #630 ...............................................................................................................................283
Social Rhythm Metric #1545 ..............................................................................................................................283
Social Scenarios #1722 ........................................................................................................................................283
Social Self-Esteem #631 .....................................................................................................................................283
Social Skills Improvement System #1956 ..........................................................................................................283
Social Skills Improvement System – ASSIST Scoring and Rerporting System #2008 ......................................284
Social Skills Inventory #1147 .............................................................................................................................284
Social Skills Training #759 .................................................................................................................................284
Social Skills Training Early Years of Schooling #1798 ......................................................................................284
Social Skills Training Primary Years of Schooling #1799 .................................................................................284
Social Skills Training Supplement for Middle Years of Schooling #1800 .........................................................284
Social Support Appraisals Scale #1546 ..............................................................................................................284
Social Support Behaviors Scale #1547 ...............................................................................................................284
Social Support Index #1291 ................................................................................................................................285
Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ) - Short Form #423 ....................................................................................285
Social Support Resources Scale (SSR) #708 ......................................................................................................285
Social Support Scale #495 ..................................................................................................................................285
Sociopolitical Control Scale #1548 .....................................................................................................................285
Sociotropic Evaluations #1674 ............................................................................................................................285
Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) Scale #1729 .............................................................................................285
Somatic, Cognitive, Behavioral Anxiety Inventory #1549 .................................................................................285
Somatic Symptom Inventory #1927....................................................................................................................286
Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire #1550 .................................................................................................286
Somatoform Disorders Schedule #1645..............................................................................................................286
Somatoform Disorders Symptom Checklist #1646 .............................................................................................286
Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS) #1010 ...........................................................................................286
South Oaks Gambling Screen #1551 ..................................................................................................................286
Specific Interpersonal Trust Scale (SITS) #632 ..................................................................................................286
Speech-Appearance Record (S-AR) #732 ..........................................................................................................287
Speed and Capacity of Language Processing Test #1929 ...................................................................................287
Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS) #696 .................................................................................................287
Spheres of Control #633 .....................................................................................................................................287
Spider Phobia Questionnaire for Children #1343 ...............................................................................................287
Spirituality, Religiousness & Personal Beliefs (SRPB) Field-Test Instrument #1040 ........................................287
Spiltting Scale #1552 ..........................................................................................................................................287
Spitzer Quality of Life Index #1658 ...................................................................................................................287
Spouse Enabling Inventory #1235 ......................................................................................................................288
Spouse Sobriety Influence Inventory #1236 .......................................................................................................288
Spouse Treatment Mediation Inventories #1237 ................................................................................................288
St. Lucia Graded Word Reading Test #273 ........................................................................................................288
Stages of Change Readiness & Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES) #815...............................................288
Stamp Behaviour Study Technique #292 ............................................................................................................288
Standard Folded Party Strength #1794 ................................................................................................................288
Standard Progressive Matrices #293 ...................................................................................................................288
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale #294 ...............................................................................................................289
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale –5th Edition #944 ...........................................................................................289
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale – Examiners Handbook #807 ........................................................................289
Stanford Diagnostic Arithmetic Test - Level 1 & 2 #295 ...................................................................................289
State Hope Scale #1347 .....................................................................................................................................289
State Trait Anger Expression Inventory #296 .....................................................................................................289
State Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 #772 .................................................................................................289
State Trait Anxiety Inventory #297.....................................................................................................................290
State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Form Y) (STAI) #1903 ......................................................................................290
State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) #75 ...................................................................................290
State Trait Personality Inventory #298 ...............................................................................................................290
State versus Trait Loneliness Scale #634 ............................................................................................................290
Stenographic Aptitude #299................................................................................................................................290
Stenographic Proficiency #300 ...........................................................................................................................290
Stepwise Comparative Status Analysis (STEP) #1100 .......................................................................................290
Stockton Geriatric Rating Scale #1158 ...............................................................................................................291
Stop and Think Friendship – Video Package #1811 ...........................................................................................291
Story Recall Test (SRT) #889 .............................................................................................................................291
Strain Scale #1184 .............................................................................................................................................291
Street Survival Skills Questionnaire #301 ..........................................................................................................291
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) The #1974 ...............................................................................291
Stress-Arousal Checklist #1553 ..........................................................................................................................291
Stressful Situations Questionnaire #1554 ...........................................................................................................291
Strong Interest Inventory-R #899 .......................................................................................................................292
Strong Vocational Interest – Blank #1921 ..........................................................................................................292
Stroop Colour & Word Test #303 .......................................................................................................................292
Stroop Neuropsychological Screening Test #740 ...............................................................................................292
Structured Assessment of Independent Living Skills (SALES) #1141 ...............................................................292
Structured Doll Play Test #302 ...........................................................................................................................292
Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms (SIRS) #957 .................................................................................292
Structured Interview Questionnaire to Assess Pupil Learning Preferences in English and Science #893 ..........293
Structured Telephone Interview for Dementia Assessment (STIDA) #1093 ......................................................293
Student Attitude Inventory #304 .........................................................................................................................293
Student Classroom Environment Measure (SCEM) #860 ..................................................................................293
Student Jenkins Activity Survey #1555 ..............................................................................................................293
Study Habits Evaluation Kit #305 ......................................................................................................................293
Study of Values #306 ..........................................................................................................................................293
Study Process Questionnaire #307 ......................................................................................................................294
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-Adolescent 2 (SASSI-A2) #982 .................................................294
Substitutes for Leadership Scales #1027.............................................................................................................294
Subsumed Abilities Test #308 ............................................................................................................................294
Subtle and Blatant Prejudice Scales #1726 ..........................................................................................................294
Support for Democracy #1706 .............................................................................................................................294
Support for Democratic Institutions #1766 ..........................................................................................................294
Support for Democratic Principles #1701 ............................................................................................................294
Support for the Political Community #1767 ........................................................................................................295
Survey of Heterosexual Interactions #1556 ........................................................................................................295
Survey of Interpersonal Values 2nd Edition #309................................................................................................295
Survey of Personal Values #310 .........................................................................................................................295
Survey of School Attitudes #311 ........................................................................................................................295
Survey of Study Habits & Attitudes #508 ...........................................................................................................295
Survey of Work Styles #2013 .............................................................................................................................295
Survey Psychiatric Assessment Schedule (SPAS) #1167 ...................................................................................296
Sutherland Phonological Awareness Test-R (SPAT-R) #940 .............................................................................296
Swedish Conservatism Scale #1683.....................................................................................................................296
Sweets Technical Information Test (STIT) #384 ................................................................................................296
Symbol Digit Modalities Test #313 ....................................................................................................................296
Symonds Picture Story Test #314 .......................................................................................................................296
Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R) #315.......................................................................................................296
Symptom Interpretation Questionnaire #664 ......................................................................................................296
Symptom Questionnaire #1557 ...........................................................................................................................297
Symptom Sign Inventory (SSI) #316 ..................................................................................................................297
Symptoms Checklist #1558 ................................................................................................................................297
Systematic Assessment for Treatment Emergent Events #1647 .........................................................................297
Systematic Interview Guide #317 .......................................................................................................................297
Systems of Belief Inventory (SBI-15R) #766 .....................................................................................................297
Szondi Test #318.................................................................................................................................................297
T ............................................................................................................................................. 297
Taking Control of My Own Learning #884 ........................................................................................................298
Tardive Dyskinesia Rating Scale (TDRS) #1176 ...............................................................................................298
Target Child Observation (TCO) #704 ...............................................................................................................298
Taxonomy of Problem Situations (TOPS) #700 .................................................................................................298
TCU Depression and Decision Making Scales #1559 ........................................................................................298
Teacher Classroom Environment Measure (TCEM) #861 ..................................................................................298
Teachers School Entry Screening Test #319.......................................................................................................298
Teacher Stress & Coping Questionnaire #1940 ..................................................................................................299
Teaching All Children To Read #795 .................................................................................................................299
Team Management Profile Questionnaire #916..................................................................................................299
Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status #1095 ...............................................................................................299
Templer Death Anxiety Scale #1560 ..................................................................................................................299
Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale #1018 .....................................................................................................299
Tennessee Self Concept Scale #1911 ..................................................................................................................299
Tennessee Self Concept Scale #320....................................................................................................................299
Ten-Point Clock Test #1072 ...............................................................................................................................300
Test Anxiety Inventory #515 ..............................................................................................................................300
Number in Stock: Permission to copy ................................................................................................................300
Tests of Academic Progress #998 .......................................................................................................................300
Test of Everyday Attention #393 ........................................................................................................................300
Test of Everyday Attention for Children #1935 ..................................................................................................300
Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adult (TOFHLA) #1939 .........................................................................300
Test of Interpersonal Competence for Employment (Working II) #760 .............................................................300
Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) #894 .....................................................................................................300
Test of Motor Impairment #321 ..........................................................................................................................301
Test of Negative Social Exchange #1562 ...........................................................................................................301
Test of Non Verbal Intelligence (TONI-2) #322 ................................................................................................301
Test of Non Verbal Intelligence-3 (TONI-3) #912 .............................................................................................301
Test of Reading Comprehension (TORCH) #726 ...............................................................................................301
Test of Social Inference #761 .............................................................................................................................301
Test of Personality Adjustment #1920 ................................................................................................................301
Texas Social Behavior Inventory #635 ...............................................................................................................302
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) #323 ...........................................................................................................302
Think Good – Feel Good #1937 .........................................................................................................................302
Thought Control Questionnaire #1563................................................................................................................302
Threat Appraisal Scale #1564 .............................................................................................................................302
Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire #1652 ..........................................................................................................302
Time and Change Test #1092 .............................................................................................................................302
Time Urgency and Perpetual Activation Scale (TUPA) #1565 ...........................................................................302
TMR Performance Profile #324 ..........................................................................................................................303
Token Test - Revised (RTT) #325 ......................................................................................................................303
Toronto Alexithymia Scale-1 #820 .....................................................................................................................303
Torrance Test of Creative Thinking #326 ...........................................................................................................303
Torrance Thinking Creatively with Action and Movement #327 .......................................................................303
Torrance Thinking Creatively with Sounds and Words #328 .............................................................................303
Torrance Thinking Creatively with Sounds and Words-R #942 .........................................................................303
Torrens Semi-Diagnostic Mathematics for Beginning Year 3 (TDMT3) #371 ..................................................304
Tourette’s Disorder Scale (TODS) #1866 ...........................................................................................................304
Traditional Family Ideology (TFI) #636 .............................................................................................................304
Trail Making Test #329 ......................................................................................................................................304
Trail Making Test for Children #330 ..................................................................................................................304
Trainee Performance Sample (TPS) #331 ...........................................................................................................304
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) #1038 .............................................................................304
Trait Forgivingness Scale #1962 .........................................................................................................................304
Trait Meta-Mood Scale #1042 ............................................................................................................................304
Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) #964 .....................................................................................305
Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) #375.............................................................................................................305
Treatment Services Review #1649......................................................................................................................305
Triple P #1981 ....................................................................................................................................................305
Trust in Physician Scale #1566 ...........................................................................................................................305
Trust in Government Scale #1746........................................................................................................................305
Trust in Government Scale #1748........................................................................................................................305
Trust in the Incumbent Congress and the Presidency Items #1749......................................................................306
Trust in Member of Congress Scale #1750 ..........................................................................................................306
Trust in Local Government Scale #1751 .............................................................................................................306
Trust Scale #637 .................................................................................................................................................306
TWEAK Test #1650 ...........................................................................................................................................306
Twenty-Item Counterbalanced F Scale #638 ......................................................................................................306
Type A Behaviour Pattern #498 ..........................................................................................................................306
U ............................................................................................................................................. 306
UAB Pain Behaviour Scale #417 ........................................................................................................................306
UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3) #639 ..........................................................................................................307
UCLA Social Support Inventory #684 ................................................................................................................307
Understanding Myself: Managing My Own Behaviour #885 .............................................................................307
Universal Orientation Scale (UOS) #1730 ...........................................................................................................307
University Characteristics Index #332 ................................................................................................................307
University Environment Scale #1567 .................................................................................................................307
Unlabelled Fascist Attitudes #640 ......................................................................................................................307
UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale #2027 ..........................................................................................................307
Utility Test #333 .................................................................................................................................................307
V ............................................................................................................................................. 308
Validity Indicator Profile (VIP) #1349 ...............................................................................................................308
Value Orientations #641 .....................................................................................................................................308
Value Profile #642 ..............................................................................................................................................308
Value Survey #643 ..............................................................................................................................................308
Values Survey #1668 ..........................................................................................................................................308
Values Conflict Resolution Assessment #1568 ..................................................................................................308
Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test #693 .............................................................................................................308
Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale (VADPRS) #1867 ..............................................................308
Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Teacher Rating Scale (VADTRS) #1868 ...........................................................309
Varni-Thompson Paediatric Pain Questionnaire (PPQ) #420 .............................................................................309
Verbal Aggressiveness Scale #1569 ...................................................................................................................309
Verbal Language Development Scale #376 ........................................................................................................309
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Classroom Edition #335 ........................................................................309
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Expanded Form #334 ............................................................................309
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Interview Edition #336 .........................................................................309
Vineland II - ASSIST The Teacher Rating Form #1950....................................................................................310
Vineland II – ASSIST Expanded Form #1972....................................................................................................310
Vineland II – ASSIST Reporting System #1973 ................................................................................................310
Vineland II - Survey Interview #1661 ................................................................................................................310
Vineland-II Expanded Interview #1662 ..............................................................................................................310
Vineland II – Teacher Rating #1663 ...................................................................................................................310
Vineland Social Maturity Scale #337 .................................................................................................................310
Visual Neglect #1301 ..........................................................................................................................................310
Visual Object and Space Perception Battery (VOSP) #1933 ..............................................................................310
Visual Patterns Test: a test of short term visual memory #1801 ........................................................................311
Vocational & Educational Counselling #370 ......................................................................................................311
Vocational Behaviour Checklist #338 ................................................................................................................311
Vocational Preference Inventory #339 ................................................................................................................311
Vocational Training Screening Test #340 ...........................................................................................................311
W ............................................................................................................................................ 311
WAIS-R as a Neuropsychological Instrument (WAIS-R NI) #162 ....................................................................311
WAIS III Assessment #826.................................................................................................................................311
WAIS III / WMS III Writer #827 .......................................................................................................................312
WAIS-III/WMS-III/WIAT-II Writer (Windows Version) #908 .........................................................................312
WAIS-IV (Scoring Assisstant) #1951 .................................................................................................................312
Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal #341 ...............................................................................................312
Way of Life Scale #1570 ....................................................................................................................................312
Ways of Coping #502 .........................................................................................................................................312
Ways of Coping - Cancer Version #685 .............................................................................................................312
Ways of Coping Questionnaire #312 .................................................................................................................312
Ways of Coping Checklist - Adult #1185 ...........................................................................................................312
Ways of Coping Checklist – Child/Adolescent #1812........................................................................................313
Ways to Live #644 ..............................................................................................................................................313
Ways to Live (Short Form) #624 ........................................................................................................................313
Webster Scale #1175...........................................................................................................................................313
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) #738 ................................................................................313
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI-II) #2030 ..........................................................................313
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Revised (WAIS-R) #342 ...........................................................................313
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (3rd Ed) - WAIS-III #662 .............................................................................313
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (4th Ed) – WAIS-IV #1949 .........................................................................313
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Administration & Scoring Manuals #344 ....................................................314
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Microcomputer Assisted Interpretative Report (IBM) #343 ........................314
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) #345 .......................................................................................314
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – II (WIAT-II) #909 ............................................................................314
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – II Abreviated (WIAT-II Abbreviated) #832 .....................................314
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised (WISC-R) #1931 ..............................................................314
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - III (WISC-III) #347 ........................................................................314
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – 4th Ed (WISC-IV) #985 ..................................................................315
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Micro Computer Assisted Interpretative Report #348 ......................315
Wechsler Memory Scale - Revised (WMS-R) #349 ...........................................................................................315
Wechsler Memory Scale (3rd Ed) - WMS-III #661 .............................................................................................315
Wechsler Memory Scale (4th Ed) – WMS-IV #1963 ..........................................................................................315
Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability – WNV # .................................................................................................315
WMS-IV #1964 ..................................................................................................................................................315
WMS-IV #1965 ..................................................................................................................................................315
Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence - Revised (WPPSI-R) #350 .............................................315
Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence - III (WPPSI-III) #917 ....................................................316
Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence - IV (WPPSI-IV) #2031 ..................................................316
Wechsler Test of Adult Reading (WTAR) #828 .................................................................................................316
Weight Locus of Control Scale #645 ..................................................................................................................316
Welsh Figure Preference Test #351 ....................................................................................................................316
Werry-Weiss-Peters Activity Rating Scale #720 ................................................................................................316
West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory #1651 ...............................................................................316
Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) #120...............................................................................................................317
Western Aphasia Battery – Revised #1954 .........................................................................................................317
White Bear Supression Inventory #1571 ............................................................................................................317
WHOQOL-SRPB Field Test Instrument #1295..................................................................................................317
WHO Well-Being Index (WHO-5) #1013 ..........................................................................................................317
Who-Are-You (W-A-Y) #880 ............................................................................................................................317
Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) #352 ..................................................................................................317
Wide Range Achievement Test - 3 (WRAT-3) #353 ..........................................................................................317
Wide Range Achievement Test - 4th Edition (WRAT-4) #1660 ........................................................................318
Wide Range Assessment of Memory & Learning-2 (WRAML-2) #965 ............................................................318
Wide Range Interest-Opinion Test (WRIOT) #366 ............................................................................................318
Wilson-Patterson Attitude Inventory (WPAI) Conservatism Scale #1682 ..........................................................318
Willingness to Care Scale #1572 ........................................................................................................................318
Willingness to Tolerate Nonconformists #1707...................................................................................................318
Williams Intelligence Test for Children with Defective Vision #356 .................................................................318
Wine Knowledge Test #1025 ..............................................................................................................................319
WISC-III PI #747................................................................................................................................................319
WISC-III Writer (Windows Version) #519 .......................................................................................................319
WISC-IV Scoring Assistant #986 .......................................................................................................................319
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test #354 .....................................................................................................................319
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: Computer Version 4 (WCST:CV4) #984 ............................................................319
Wisconsin Quality of Life Index #1584 ..............................................................................................................319
Wittenborn Psychiatric Rating Scale #355 .........................................................................................................320
Wonderlic Personnel Test #987 ..........................................................................................................................320
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test - R #367 ........................................................................................................320
Woodcock-Johnson Psyco Educational Battery - Revised #357 .........................................................................320
Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ-III) #966 .................................................................................................................320
Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ-III) – Compuserve #993 .........................................................................................320
Woodcock-Johnson Technical Manual #808 ......................................................................................................320
Woodcock-Johnson Report Writer for WJ III #1960 ..........................................................................................320
Work Adjustment Inventory (WAI) #948 ...........................................................................................................320
Work Adjustment Rating Scale #358 ..................................................................................................................321
Work Alienation #646.........................................................................................................................................321
Work Alienation #1821.......................................................................................................................................321
Work Alienation: An Intergrative Approach #990 .............................................................................................321
Work and Life Attitudes Survey #947 ................................................................................................................321
Work Aptitude Profile & Practice Set #359 ........................................................................................................321
Work Aspect Preference Scale (WAPS) #360 ....................................................................................................321
Work Aspect Preference Scale II (WAPS-II) #967.............................................................................................321
Work Environment Scale #361 ...........................................................................................................................321
Work Environment Scale – 2nd Edition #725 ......................................................................................................322
Work Environment Scale – 4th Edition #2009 ....................................................................................................322
Work Locus of Control Scale #1026 ...................................................................................................................322
Work Potential Profile #653 ...............................................................................................................................322
Work Preference Questionnaire #1816 ...............................................................................................................322
Work Readiness Profile #2017 ...........................................................................................................................322
Work-Related Expectancies #1813 .....................................................................................................................322
Worker Opinion Survey #1028 ...........................................................................................................................322
Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) #1048 .........................................................................................................322
Working II............................................................................................................................................................323
Worth of Youth Organization Questionnaire #1043 ...........................................................................................323
Wory Scale for Older Adults (WS) #1928 ..........................................................................................................323
WPPSI-III Scoring Assistant #988 .....................................................................................................................323
Y ............................................................................................................................................. 323
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale #933 .................................................................................................323
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Modified for Body Dysmorphic Disorder #1631 ............................323
Yale Global Tic Severity Scale #1588 ................................................................................................................323
Young Adult Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes #1573 ...................................................................323
Young Adult Social Support Inventory #1574 ....................................................................................................324
Young Children's Social Desirability Scale #1344 .............................................................................................324
Young Mania Rating Scale #1634 ......................................................................................................................324
Youth Coping Index #1345 .................................................................................................................................324
Z ............................................................................................................................................. 324
Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale #1525 ..............................................................................................................324
Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale #929 ...........................................................................................................324
AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scales-School 2nd Ed.(ABS-S:2) #1837
Lambert, Nihira & Leland, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range 3-18 yrs
Description: Assesses the current functioning of children being evaluated for evidenceof mental retardation
andfor evaluating adaptive behaviour characteristics of children with autism and differentiating children
with behaviour disorders who require special education assistance from those with behaviour problems
who can be educated in regular class programs.
Time: 15 – 30 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Aberrant Behavior Checklist #750
Aman & Singh, 1986
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A scale for rating inappropriate and maladaptive behaviour of mentally retarded individuals in
residential settings.
Time: Untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale #1520
Guy & National Institute of Mental Health, 1976
Administration: Individual
Range: Children-Adults
Description: Developed at the National Institute of Mental Health and utilized to provide a numeric measure to
the observed normal movements in different parts of the body.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 226 from “Rating Scales in Mental Health, 2nd edition” and pg 166 from “Handbook of
Psychiatric Measures” and pg 116 from “Assessment Scales in Depresion, Mania and Anxiety”.
Absorption Scale (A-Scale) #683
Tellegen & Atkinson, 1974
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 83(3): 268-277.
AC Test of Creative Ability #769
AC Spark Plugs Division, General Motors, 1959
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
D0escription: Designed to give a measure of the quantity an the uniqueness of the ideas an individual can
produce in a given situation.
Time: timed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire I&II (AAQ-I & AAQ-II) #2028
Bond, Bunce, Hayes 2003
Description: Assesses acceptance experiential avoidance, and psychological inflexibility in individuals.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – Measures Package #1968
Compiled by: Ciarrochi, Bilich – School of Psychology University of Woolongong.
Revised: October 2006
Description: Process measures of potential relevance to ACT. To be used for educational puposes only.
Location: Bay 3, Shelf 2
Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS) #428
Felton, Revenson & Hinrichsen, 1984
Administration: Individual
Description: Focuses directly on the extent to which respondents are able to accept their illness without
experiencing negative feelings or responses.
Time: less than 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Health Status & Health-Related Quality of Life)
Acceptance of Others #521
Fey, 1955
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: This scale was devised to test the relationship between three separate variables: feelings of selfacceptance, acceptance of others, and feelings of acceptability to others.
Location: Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 50, 274-276 and pg.409 - from "Measures of Personality
& Social Psychological Attitudes"
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Accepting the Past/Reminiscing about the Past #1350
Santor & Zuroff, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 55+ yrs
Description: A 27-item scale comprising of two components: acceptance of the past as a predictor of
depressive symptoms and reminiscence of the past.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 63, 294-312 and pg.5 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican-Americans-II #1351
Cuellar, Arnold & Maldonado, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure acculturation by measuring cultural orientation as well as models of
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences,17, 275-304 and pg.9 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
ACER Advanced Test AL-AQ & BL-BQ (2nd Ed) #1
ACER, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ years
Description: Designed to measure general intellectual ability. Two aspects of scholastic ability are measured,
linguistic and quantitative.
Time: 15 mins AL-BL; 20 mins AQ-BQ
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed & storage
ACER Advanced Test B40 #2
ACER, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ years
Description: A group test of general ability including both verbal and numerical reasoning items.
Time: 55 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
ACER Advanced Test N #3
ACER, 1968
Administration: Group
Range: 13+ years
Description: Test of general ability designed to measure verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning.
Time: 50 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Applied Reading Test (A&B) #4
Van den Berg & Woff, 1990
Administration: Group
Range: technical / trade
Description: Tests the ability to comprehend written material such as would be encountered during a trade
training course. Form A for personnel selection; Form B for TAFE Colleges.
Time: 30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
ACER Checklist for School Beginners #5
ACER, 1974
Administration: Individual
Range: Pre K to Grade 1
Description: Measures school readiness of preschool and kindergarten children
Time: untimed, varies
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Higher Test ML-MQ & PL-PQ (2nd Ed) #6
ACER, 1981
Administration: Group
Range: 15+ years
Description: ML-MQ & PL-PQ are parallel forms designed to measure intellectual ability
Time: ML or PL - 15 mins; MQ or PQ - 20 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed
ACER Higher Test WL-WQ #7
ACER, 1983
Administration: Group
Range: 13+ years
Description: Test of general mental ability. Section L - Linguistics, Section Q - Quantitative
Time: WL - 15 mins; WQ - 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Intermediate Test A #1910
Administration: Group
Range: 10-14 yrs
Description: Measures the general ability or intelligence of Australian children between ages 10 and 14 as
revealed by their performance on material of a verbal and numerical nature.
Time: 50 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
ACER Intermediate Test D #385
ACER, 1958
Administration: Group
Range: 10-14 years
Description: General ability test designed to measure the general mental ability of a person by giving the
subject an opportunity to demonstrate an ability to see relationships and to solve problems.
Time: 30-50 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Intermediate Test F & G #8
ACER, 1982
Administration: Group
Range: 10-15 years (Years 5-9)
Description: Parallel forms designed to assess general reasoning ability, which is independent of learning in
specific school subjects. Items assess verbal comprehension, verbal reasoning & quantitative reasoning.
Time: 30 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
ACER Junior Non-Verbal #10
ACER, 1965
Administration: Group
Range: 8.6-12 years
Description: Measures general ability or intelligence in children as revealed by their performance on material of
a pictorial and diagrammatic nature.
Time: 60 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Junior Test A #9
ACER, 1982
Administration: Group
Range: 8.6-11.5 years
Description: Test of intelligence containing verbal, non-verbal and quantitative reasoning.
Time: 30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Lower Grades General Ability Scale #1915
ACER, 1966
Range: 6-9 yrs
Time: 20-25 min
Description: Comprises four pictorial tests designed to appraise the general mental ability of children.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
ACER Mathematics Profile Series #12
ACER, 1977
Administration: Group
Range: 8-15 years
Description: Designed to provide a flexible system for monitoring students’ mathematical development.
Time: 30-40 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Location: Filed
ACER Mathematics Services Test (AM Series) #11
ACER, 1979
Administration: Group
Range: 8-12 years
Description: Measures the mathematical skills used by children in solving problems.
Time: 30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Mechanical Comprehension Test #13
ACER, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13.6+ years
Description: A 45 item test to show understanding of mechanical problems
Time: 30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
ACER Mechanical Reasoning Test-R #14
ACER, 1979 & 1988
Administration: Group
Range: 15+ years
Description: Designed to assess aptitude for solving problems requiring the understanding of mechanical ideas.
It does not require mechanical knowledge.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: 2 copies from 1979, Specimen Set from 1988
Location: Filed
ACER Number Test #386
ACER, 1942
Administration: Group
Range: 13.6-15.6 years
Description: Designed to give a measure of speed and accuracy with which a person can carry out simple
numerical tasks.
Time: Separately timed sections; total time 15min.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Paragraph Reading Test #15
ACER, 1976
Administration: Group
Range: 12-14 years
Description: A screening test designed to identify poor readers in a classroom.
Time: 35-40 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Primary Reading Survey Tests #16
ACER, 1979,1984
Administration: Group
Range: 8-11 years
Description: Designed to test the language skills of primary school students. There are separate tests of Word
Knowledge and Reading Comprehension.
Time: Timed; Reading Comprehension - 30 mins: Word Knowledge - 20 mins.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Location: Filed
ACER Short Clerical Test-Form C #17
ACER, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ years
Description: The test consists of two subtests, the first designed to measure speed and accuracy in checking
handwritten or printed material, the second designed to measure basic arithmetic skills.
Time: 10 mins (5 mins for each part)
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Filed & storage
ACER Shorthand Aptitude #18
ACER, 1958
Administration: Group
Range: 15+ years
Description: Contains 4 subtests: 1. Speed test; 2. Spelling; 3. phonetic association; 4. Words in phonetic code.
Time: Timed; 10 mins per section
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Silent Reading Test #2038
ACER, 1946
Administration: Individual
Range: 10-13yrs
Description: Measures proficiency in three main reading skills and are given in separate parts:1) Word
Knowlwdge 2) Speed of Reading, 3) Reading for Meanning.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
ACER Speed & Accuracy Test (Form A&B) #19
ACER, 1963
Administration: Group
Range: 13.6+ years
Description: Designed to measure ability to perceive, retain and check relatively familiar material while
working to a time limit.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Filed & storage
ACER Test of Learning Ability (TOLA 4&6)) #20
ACER, 1976
Administration: Group
Range: TOLA 4: 8.6-11.5 years (Year 4) TOLA 6: 10.3-13.2 years (Year 6)
Description: Measures of the language and reasoning aspects of general intellectual ability which are important
for academic success. Each level contains three separately timed subtests.
Time: 33 mins total testing time for each level
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
ACER Test of Reasoning Ability #21
ACER, 1990
Administration: Group
Range: upper secondary - adult
Description: A verbal test of general ability developed for educational guidance and selection purposes.
Time: 45 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
ACER Tool Knowledge Test #22
ACER, 1960
Administration: Group
Range: 13+ years
Description: Tests the knowledge of trade tools - their names, what they are used for and who uses them.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
ACER Verbal and Numerical Reasoning # 2035
ACER, 2013
Administration: Individual/Group
Range: 15+years
Description: Designed to measure verbal and numerical abilities as demonstrated by the capacity to see
relationship and solve problems.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
ACER Word Knowledge Test #23
ACER, 1960, 1990
Administration: Group
Range: upper secondary & applicants for employment
Description: Used to assess candidates’ knowledge of word meanings.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Achievement Anxiety Test #1352
Alpert & Haber, 1960
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures anxiety about academic achievement. Assesses anxiety as a motivator and assesses the
degree to which anxiety interferes with performance.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 61, 207-215 and pg.20 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Activities Index #24
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed & storage
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Index #1132
Sheikh et al, 1979
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of activities of daily living function in chronic disability.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: International Rehabilitation Medicine, 1, 51-58 and pg.199 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Activity-Feeling Scale-II #1353
Reeve, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures organismic needs which theoretically give rise to intrinsic motivation. The four
organismic needs are competence, self-determination, relatedness, and curiosity.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 2, 23-36 and pg.24 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Acute Panic Inventory #1561
Liebowitz & Fyer & Gorman, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to evaluate the symptoms experienced by individuals during panic attacks.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Copy with permission
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 41 98(8), 764-770 and pg 62 from “Rating Scales in Mental Health,
2nd edition”
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System (ABAS) #822
Harrison & Oakland, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-21 yrs
Description: Used to evaluate levels of adaptive behaviour functioning and specify treatment goals. Assesses
ten areas of adaptive behaviour specified by DSM-IV.
Time: 15min
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 16, Shelf 2
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – Scoring Assisstant #913
Psychological Corporation, 2000
Administration: Individual
Description: Used to quickly and efficiently score and analyse ABAS results.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System – 2nd Edition (ABAS II) #1806
Harrison & Oakland, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 0-89 yrs
Description: The ABAS-II may be used to assess an individual’s adaptive skills for diagnosis aand classification
of disabilities and disorders, identifications of strenghs and limitations, and to document and monitor
an individual’s progress over time
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System II - Scoring Assistant #1807
Harrison & Oakland 2003
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale – Home Version(ABES-R2) #1804
McCarney & Arthaud, 2006
Range: 13-18 yrs
Description: Assesses adaptive behaviour in home invironment.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale – School Version(ABES-R2) #1805
McCarney & Arthand, 2006
Range: 13-18 yrs
Description: Assesses adaptive behaviour in school invironment
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Adaptive Behavior Inventory (ABI) #1835
Brown & Leigh, 1986
Range: 6 -18 yrs
Administration: Individual
Discription: Evaluates the functional daily living skills of school age children and helps identify students
belived to be mentally retarded or emotionally disturbed.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Adaptive Behaviour Scale - Residential & Community (ABS-RC:2) #513
Nihira, Leland & Lambert, 1993
Range: Adult
Description: ABS-RC:2 is the 1993 version of the 1969 and 1974 AAMD Adaptive Behaviour Scales.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 4 (forms)
Adaptive Behaviour Scale - School (ABS-S:2) #751
Nihira, Leland & Lambert, 1993
Range: up to 21 yrs
Description: Used for assessing the current functioning of children being evaluated for evidence of mental
retardation and evaluating adaptive behaviour characteristics of autistic children who require special
education assistance.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 4
Adaptive Behaviour Scale (AAMD) #25
Nihira, Foster, Shellhaas & Leland, 1975
Administration: Individual
Range: 3 yrs-Adults
Description: A behaviour scale for intellectually and developmentally disabled individuals and for those with
suspected emotional maladjustments.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 5
Location: Filed & storage
Adaptive Behaviour Scale - School Ed. #26
Lambert, Windmiller, Tharinger & Cole, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-6 yrs
Description: A behaviour scale for intellectually and developmentally disabled individuals and for those with
suspected emotional maladjustments.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Adaptive Functioning Index #27
Marlett, 1977
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescents & Adults
Description: Measures the developmentally disabled or mentally retarded individual’s ability to function
independently in the community.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 16, Shelf 8 & 9
Addiction Severity Index #1579
McLellan, Luborsky & Woody, 1980
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Used to assess the severity and nature of life problems/symptoms experienced as a result of
substance abuse.
Time: 60 min, 15-20 min followup
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 168, 26-33 and pg 288 from “Rating Scales in Mental
Health, 2nd edition” and pg 474 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Adelaide-Conners Parent Rating Scale (APRS) #28
Glow, 1978
Range: 5-13 years
Description: Developed to improve the reliability of clinical diagnosis by systematically surveying the most
common behavioural problems and organising them into a coherent fashion.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Adherence Determinants Questionnaire #1354
DiMatteo, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to assess patient adherence to cancer control regiments.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 5, 102-112 and pg.27 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Adjective Checklist, The #29
Gough & Heilbrun, Jr, 1983
Range: Adult
Description: A standardised 300 adjective list used in personality assessment and psychometric research.
Time: untimed; 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Involvement Scale (AADIS) # 1879
Moberg, 2005
Range: 11-17 years
Discription: Assesses alcohol and drug involvement.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: http://www.pophealth.wisc.edu/chppe/adis/. And pg 185 from “Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry”.
Adolescent Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) (The) #2024
Baron-Cohen, Hoekstra, Knickmeyer ,Wheelwright 2006
Administration: Individual
Range: 12-15 yrs
Description: Measures the symptoms for Autism (Adolescent).
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2006 36:343-350
Adolescent Concerns Evaluation #1292
Springer, 1998
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: Used to identify youths who are at risk of running away.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Social Work Research, 22, 241-250 and pg.449 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences (A-COPE) #1293
Patterson & McCubbin, 1991
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: Measures the behaviours adolescents find helpful in in managing problems or difficult situations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.454 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) #31
Frydenberg & Lewis, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: Focuses on psychological well-being and adaptive strategies in young people assessing what
young people do rather than what they feel they should be doing.
Time: 2 mins Short Form; 10 mins Long Form
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Adolescent-Dissociative Experiences Scale (A-DES) #825
Armstrong, Putnam, Carlson, Libero & Smith, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent
Description: A screening measure for pathological dissociation during adolescence.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 185, 491-497
Adolescent-Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes (A-FILE) #1238
McCubbin et al, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent
Description: Measures an adolescent's perspective on family changes as a measure of family stress.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.197 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Adolescent Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory – 2nd Version (SASSI-A2) #1880
Miller, Lazowski, 2001
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: Assesses substance use problem
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Springville, IN: The SASSI Institute, 2001 and pg 188 from “Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry.
Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI) #1239
Bavolek, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess parenting and child rearing strengths and weaknesses in four areas: 1)
inappropriate developmental expectations of children, 2) lack of empathy towards the child's needs, 3)
belief in the use of corporal punishment, 4) reversing parent-child roles.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Handbook for the Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory, Eua Claire, Wisconsin: Family
Development Associates, Inc. and pg.204 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA) The #2002
Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, 2011
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Diagnosis Asperger Syndrom in adults.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Adult Attachment Scale-R #816
Collins, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Contains three subscales – close – depend – anxiety. Each subscale has six items.
Number in stock: Photocopy
Location: UCSB, Dept of Psychology, California USA (Permission from Author)
Adult Behavior Checklist – Adult Self-Report #1917
Achenbach, Rescorla, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 18-59 yrs
Description: Enables professionals from many backgrounds to quickly and effectively assess diverse aspects of
adaptive and maladaptive functioning.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set – Forms Bay 1 Shelf 3
Location: www.ASEBA.org
Adult Dispositional Hope Scale #1346
Snyder et al, 1991
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at agency (goal-directed determination), and pathways (planning of ways to meet goals).
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 570-585
Adult Health Concerns Questionnaire #1355
Spoth & Dush, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: A psychiatric symptom checklist.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Innovations in Clinical Practice: A Sourcebook, 7, 289-297 and pg.31 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Adult Self-Expression Scale #1356
Gay, Hollandsworth,Jr & Galassi, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-60 yrs
Description: An assertiveness scale developed from the College Self-Expression Scale.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 22, 340-344 and pg.34 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Advanced Clinical Solutions #1967
For WAIS-IV and WMS-IV, 2009
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: It is designed to address specific needs of clinical assessment, including those of diagnostic and
forensic evaluations. The ACS contains tasks, procedures, and scores that yield additional information on
the processes underlying performance on the WAIS-IV and WMS-IV.
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 4
Advanced Progressive Matrices #30
Raven, 1983
Administration: Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: A non-verbal test of intelligence using items similar to but more difficult than the Standard
progressive matrices. Measures intellectual efficiency.
Time: untimed; 40 mins
Number in Stock: 1x1988ed, 1x1994ed, 1x1998
Location: Bay 5, Shelf 4 & storage
Affect and Arousal Scale (AFARS) #1842
Chorpita, Daleiden, Moffitt, Yim, Umemoto, 2000
Range: 7-18 yrs
Discription: Assesses positive and negative affect and psychological arousal.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Parapsychology and Behavioral Assessment 2000; 22: 141-60 and pg 39 from “Assessment
Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”.
Affect Balance Scale #1357
Bradburn & Noll, 1969
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure psychological well-being, especially mood state or happiness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.38 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Affect Scale: Positive Affect, Negative Affect, Affect Balance #522
Bradburn, 1969
Range: Adults
Description: Three scales developed to measure psychological wee-being for the general population.
Location: pg.83 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Affective Support Scales #1768
Komberg & Clark, 1992
Range: Adults
Description: Taps feelings toward a variety of political agencies and actors at the national level.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Taps feelings toward a variety of political agencies and actors at the national level.
Affectometer 2 #523
Kammann & Flett, 1983
Range: Adults
Description: Measures of general happiness based on the balance of positive and negative feelings in recent
Location: pg.98 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Aggression Inventory #1358
Gladue, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-34 yrs
Description: Designed to measure different aggressive traits.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Reports, 68, 675-684 and pg.40 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Aggression Questionnaire #1359
Buss & Perry, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures four aspects of aggression: physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 63, 452-459 and pg.43 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Aggression Questionnaire #1961
Buss & Warren, 2000
Administartion: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Discription: Effective assessment instrument to aid in evaluatingan individual's aggressive responsesand ability
to channel those responses in a safe and constructive manner.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire #1360
Chambless et al, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure thoughts concerning negative consequences of experiencing anxiety.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52, 1090-1097 and pg.46 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
AH4 #692
Heim, Watts & Simmonds
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: An assessment primarily of deductive reasoning. It assesses an individual's ability to solve verbal,
numerical and diagrammatic problems.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Alcohol Beliefs Scale #1361
Connors & Maisto, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses one's belief about the effects of alcohol and its usefulness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.48 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Alcohol Dependence Scale #1580
Horn, Skinner, Wanberg & Forster, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to yeild a quantitative measure of severity of the alcohol dependence syndrome.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 91(3), 119-209 and pg 474 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire-III #1581
Goldman, Brown & Christiansen, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the degree to which individuals expect alcohol to produce a variety of general and
specific effects.
Time: 20-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 48(5), 483-491 and pg 476 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Alcohol Outcome Expectancies Scale #1362
Leigh & Stacy, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Looks at the beliefs people hold about the effects of alcohol on their behaviour , moods and
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 5, 216-229 and pg.53 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Alcohol Outcomes Module #1582
Smith et al, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess the process of care, patient characteristics, and outcomes of care for patients with
alcohol dependence.
Time: 20 min, 14 min followup
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 210 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Alcohol Timeline Followback #1583
Sobell & Sobell, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A method for assessing the quantity of alcohol consumption on a daily basis.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 477 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) #669
Saunders, Aslan, Babor, DeLaFuente & Grant, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to identify persons whose alcohol
consumption has become hazardous or harmful to their health.
Time: <5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Addiction, 88: 791-804 and pg 305 from “Rating Scales in Mental Health, 2nd edition” and pg 460 from
“Handbook of Psychiatric Measures” and pg.370 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed”
Alexander Performance Scale #32
Alexander, 1948
Administration: Individual
Range: 11+ yrs
Description: Used to assess children in primary schools - comprises of three tests 1) The Passalong 2) Koh’s
Block Design 3) Cube Construction.
Time: timed; 45 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 6, Shelf 1
Alienation Scale #524
Jessor & Jessor, 1977
Range: 14-25 yrs
Description: Measures generalised alienation in terms of uncertainty about the meaningfulness of daily roles
and activities and a belief that one is isolated from others.
Location: pg.359 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Alienation Test #525
Maddi, Kobasa & Hoover, 1979
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Designed to be conceptually comprehensive of alienation and to assess a conscious subjective state.
Location: pg.361 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Alternate Uses #33
Wilson, Merrifield, Christensen & Guilford, 1978
Administration: Group
Range: 10 yrs-Adult
Description: Measures ability to produce spontaneously ideas in response to objects or other ideas.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS) #1070
Rosen, Mohs & Davis, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed specifically to evaluate all aspects of Alzheimer's disease. Cognitive function includes
components of memory, language and praxis. Non cognitive features include mood state and behavioural
Time: 45 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 1356-1364 and pg.48 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." and pg 441 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Alzheimer's Disease Functional Assessment and Change Scale (ADFACS) #1145
Galasko, Bennett & Sano, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of activities in daily living in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Alzheimer's Disease and Associated Disorders, 11(Suppl 2), S33-S39 and pg.220 - from "Assessment
Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Alzheimer's Disease Knowledge Test #1202
Dieckmann, Zarit, Zarit & Gatz, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess the level of knowledge of Alzheimer's disease in caregivers, professionals and other
personnel involved in the care of Alzheimer's patients.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: The Gerontologist, 28, 402-407 and pg.373 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
American National Election Studies Egalitarianism Scale #1692
Feldman, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures commitment to the value of equal opportunity in American society.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Political Science, 32, 416-440 and pg 167 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
American National Election Studies Individualism Scales #1695
Markus, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the concept of individualism as discussed in analyses of American politics and the
American political culture.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Markus, G. (1990). Measuring popular individualism. Report to the Board of Overseers for the
American National Election Studies and pg 174 from “Measures of Political Attitudes”
American National Election Studies Humanitarianism Scale #1695
Steenbergen, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures variations in beliefs that people should care about the well-being of others and be willing
to help them.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 181 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Anger Expression (AX) Scale #34
Spielberger, 1986
Description: Designed to assess how people generally react or behave when they feel angry or furious.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Anger Idioms Scale #1363
Malgady & Rogler & Cortes, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure cultural expression of psychiatric symptoms.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 8, 265-268 and pg.55 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Anger, Irritability, and Aggression Questionnaire #1585
Coccaro et al, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to evaluate impulsive aggression.
Time: 35-50 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 3(2), S44-S51 and pg 694 from “Handbook
of Psychiatric Measures”
Anomia #526
Srole, 1956
Range: 16-69 yrs
Description: This scale was operationalised in a way that emphasises normlessness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.313 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes" and American
Sociological Review, 21(6), 709-716
Anomy #527
McClosky & Schaar, 1965
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to examine personality variables that might cause anomy.
Location: pg.318 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Anorectic Behavior Observation Scale (ABOS) #1855
Vandereycken, 1992
Range: 12-24 yrs
Description: Assesses eating behaviour and attitudes
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1992; 85: 163-6 and pg102 from”Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry”
Anti-Semitism Scale (A-S) #528
Levinson & Sanford, 1944
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure anti-Semitism in psychodynamic terms.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.519 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes" and Journal of
Psychology, 17, 339-370
Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule - IV (ADIS-IV) #193
Brown, DiNardo & Barlow, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Enables clinicians to establish accurate and reliable diagnosis for all anxiety disorders, mood
disorders, substance abuse disorders and selected somatoform disorders (eg. hypochondriasis)
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 20, Shelf 1
Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV - Child Version #690
Silverman & Albano, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 7-17 yrs
Description: To diagnose anxiety in children who present with emotional disorders
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 20, Shelf 2
Anxiety Scale (IPAT) #35
Cattel, Scheier & Krug, 1976
Administration: Individual
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Developed as a means of getting clinical anxiety information in a rapid objective and standard manner.
Time: untimed; 10 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: filed
Anxiety Sensitivity Index #411
Reiss, Peterson, Gursky & McNally, 1986
Administration: Individual
Time: untimed
Number in stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behaviour, Research & Therapy, 24(1), 1-8
Anxiety Sensativity Index – Revised 36 (ASI-R-36) #1897
Taylor, Cox, 1998
Range: Aults & Adolescents
Description: Screens for winter depression.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Bethesda, MD, National Institute of Mental Health and pg 51 from” Assessment Scales in
Depression, Mania and Anxiety"
Anxiety Statements #494
Peterson, 1989
Number in stock: Photocopy on file
Location: Looking forward through the life span. New York: Prentice Hall
Apathy Evaluation Scale #1659
Marin, Biedrzycki & Firinciogullari, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to measure apathy in patients and to measure changes in apathy with treatment.
Time: 2-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychiatry Research, 38, 143-162 and pg 409 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Apathy Scale for Parkinson's Disease #1119
Starkstein et al, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of apathy in patients with Parkinson's disease.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Neurosciences, 4, 134-139 and pg.168 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Approaches to the Measurement of Health-Related Attributions #455
Peterson, Semel, von Bayer, Abramson, Metalsky & Seligman, 1982
Administration: Individual
Description: Provides a number of different causes for a given event such as an accident or health problem.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Casual & Control Beliefs)
APU Arithmetic Test #36
Closs & Hutchings, 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 11-18 yrs
Description: A general purpose test of arithmetic skills for use in personnel selection or vocational guidance.
Time: 25 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Are you a Workaholic #491
Machlowitz, 1980
Number in Stock: Photocopy on file
Location: Workaholics: Living with them, working with them. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, pp. 17-20
Argumentativeness Scale #1364
Infante & Rancer, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure the tendency to argue about controversial issues.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 46, 72-80 and pg.57 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (ASEX) #1904
McGahuey, Gelenberg et al., 2000
Range: Adults
Description: Measuring sexual function.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 26(1):25-40 and pg 118 from "Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Therapy"
Arnett Inventory of Sensation Seeking (AISS) #665
Arnett, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16-18 yrs
Description: Measures the personality trait of sensation seeking related to a variety of types of risk behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personality & Individual Differences, 16(2): 289-296
Arousability Predisposition Scale #1365
Coren, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to assess cognitive arousal that is predictive of sleep disturbance.
Time: 2-3 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behavioural Research and Therapy, 26, 415-420 and pg.59 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale (AIMS) #430
Meenan, Gertman & Mason, 1980
Administration: Individual
Description: Measures a range of health status components in a multidimensional fashion by using nine specific
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Health Status & Health-Related Quality of Life)
A-S Reaction Study in Personality #37
Allport & Allport, 1939
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A scale to measure ascendance-submission in personality. Aims to discover the disposition of an
individual to dominate his fellows.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Ascription of Responsibility Questionnaire #1366
Hakstain & Suedfeld, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures willingness to ascribe specific responsibility.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 50, 229-247 and pg.61 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Asian-American Family Conflict Scale #1044
Lee, Choe, Kim & Ngo, 2000
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at present relationships with parents and the severity of the conflict.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47(2), 211-222
Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale(ASDS) #2015
Smith-Myles, Jones Bock, Simpson 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-18 yrs
Description: The ASDS is used for assessment of individuals ages 5 trough 18 who manifest the characteristics
of Asperger Syndrome.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Assertion Inventory #1367
Gambrill & Richey, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures three aspects of assertion: discomfort with assertion, response probability of engaging
in assertive behaviour, and identification of situations where assertion needs to be improved.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Therapy, 6, 550-561 and pg.64 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Assertion Questionnaire in Drug Use #1368
Callner & Ross, 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-25 yrs
Description: Designed to measure assertion in heavy drug users, particularity males.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Therapy, 7, 659-667 and pg.68 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Assertion Self-Statement Test-R #1369
Heimberg et al, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to assess the role of self-statements in assertive (or nonassertive) behaviours.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Cognitive Therapy and Research, 7, 455-464 and pg.71 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Assertive Behaviour Scale #492
Rathus, 1973
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behaviour Therapy, 398-406
Assertive Job Hunting Survey #1370
Becker, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses assertiveness in hunting for jobs. That is, the extent to which the respondent acts on his
or her environment to procure information, establish contact persons on organisations, and so on.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, 13, 43-48 and pg.75 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice:
a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Assertiveness Self-Statement Test #1372
Schwartz & Gottman, 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure cognitions - defined as self-statements - in assertion-related problems.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44, 910-920 and pg.80 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Assertiveness Scale for Adolescents #1302
Lee, Hallberg, Slemon & Haase, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: Measures assertiveness of adolescents in specific situations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41, 51-57 and pg.459 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Assertiveness Self-Report Inventory (ASRI) #1017
Herzberger, Chan & Katz, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Developed with concern for endorsement frequency, internal consistancy, and independence from
social desirability response bias.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Jourmal of Personality Assessment, 48(3), 317-323 and pg.77 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice:
a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Assessing Interpersonal Understanding #796
Selman, 1979
Range: Child-Adult
Description: Designed primarily for researchers in the behavioural sciences to gain insight into the
interpersonal understanding of children or adults.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio
NFER-Nelson, 1993
Global Measure of Distress
See General Health Questionnaire 12
Fear Questionnaire
Padua Inventory
Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia
Clinical Anxiety Scale
See Inventory for Depressive Symptomatology
Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale
Interpersonal Difficulties
See Inventory of Interpersonal Problems
Social Activities & Distress Scale
Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction
Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State
Habit Disorder
See Body Shape Questionnaire
Morgan Russell Assessment Schedule
Short Alcohol Dependence Data
Psychological Adjustment to Illness
See McGill Pain Questionnaire
Stress, Coping & Social Support
See Significant Others Scale
Hassles & Uplifts Scales
Coping Responses Inventory
Location: Bay 3, Shelf 2
Number in Stock : 2
Assessment of Children's Language Comprehension (ACLC) #38
Foster, Giddan & Stark, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-6 yrs
Description: Identifies receptive language difficulties in young children in order to provide guidelines for
remediation of language disorders.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Assessment of Adaptive Areas(AAA) #1836
Bryant, Taylor & Pedrotty Rivera, 1996
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Associated Fluency #39
Chrisensen & Guilford, 1957
Administration: Group
Description: Measures the ability to produce spontaneously meaningful words.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set – no manual
Astronaut Invented Spelling Test #939
Neilson, 2003
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 4-8 yrs
Description: Used for assessing children's ability to write words for which they do not necessarily know the
conventional spelling.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Attitude Toward Blacks (ATB) #1715
Brigham, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures attitudes toward black people.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 1933-1967 and pg 330 from "Measures of Political
Attitude Toward the Provision of Long-Term Care (ATPLTC) #1240
Klein, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult & Elderly
Description: Measures the attitude of persons providing informal support to frail, impaired, or disabled family
members on an ongoing basis.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Social Service Research, 16,147-162 and pg.207 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Attitude Toward War Scale # 1781
Stagner, 1942
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures general attitudes toward war as an institution.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Social Psychology, 16, 131-142 and Journal of Social Psychology, 24, 187-215, and pg 585
from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Attitude Toward Whites (ATW) #1716
Brigham, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures attitudes toward black people.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 1933-1967 and pg 333 from "Measures of Political
Attitudes Towards Authority Scales #530
Ray, 1971
Range: Adolescents & Adults
Description: A unique measure of authoritarianism in that none of the items are taken or modified from ones in
the California F-scale.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.547 from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes" and Australian
Psychologist, 6, 31-50
Attitudes Towards Doctors & Medicine Scale (ADMS) #435
Marteau, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Designed to assess the attitudes of individuals and groups such as patients and nurses to doctors
and medicine.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Expectations, Experience & Evaluations of
Health Care)
Attitudes towards Democracy #1705
Whitefield & Evans, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Measure the political, cultural, and economic attitude
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Post-Soviet Affairs, 12, 218-242 and pg 252 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ) #529
Peterson, Semmel, vonBaeyer, Abramson, Metalsky & Seligman, 1982
Range: 17-21 yrs
Description: Designed to measure a stable tendency to make particular kinds of casual interferences or
attributions, which are hypothesised to play a casual role in depression.
Number in Stoc: Photocopy - on file
Location: pg.225 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes" & Cognitive Therapy
and Research 6(3), 1982, pp.287-300
See Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) #669
Auditory Consonant Trigrams (CCC) #1299
Stuss et al, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adult
Description: An active maze solution task used as a means of assessing a number of dimensions of cognition
including behavioural control, learning, error utilisation, memory and planning.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 1, 139-152 and pg. 263 - "A Compendium of Neuropsychological
Auditory Discrimination Test #41
Wepman, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-8 yrs
Description: Used to determine a child’s ability to recognise the fine differences that exist between the
phonemes used in English speech.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 4 - out of print
Auditory Hallucinations Questionnaire #1373
Hustig & Hafner, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the presence and characteristics of auditory hallucinations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 178, 264-267 and pg.85 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Auditory Memory Span Test #42
Wepman & Morency, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-8 yrs
Description: Measures the ability of children to retain and recall words as auditory units.
Time: untimed; 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Auditory Sequential Memory Test #43
Wepman & Morency, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-8 yrs
Description: Measures the ability of children to remember and repeat what they have just heard.
Time: untimed; 5 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Austin Maze #45
Walsh, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: An active maze solution task used as a means of assessing a number of dimensions of cognition
including behavioural control, learning, error utilisation, memory and planning.
Time: timed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 2
Australian Developmental Screening Test (ADST) #752
Burdon, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-60 mths
Description: Used to provide a brief screening measure of early developmental delay-for use in clinic/office
setting when the child's abilities are unknown.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 2
Australian Medicines Handbook #840
2008, 2011
Description: A book used primarily to provide information about theraputic drugs.
Number in Stock: Book
Location: Bay3, Shelf 3 (2008) http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url=http://amh.hcn.net.au (2011)
Australian Scholastic Aptitude Test #44
ACER, 1970
Administration: Group
Time: 3 hrs
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Australian Self-reported Deliquency Scale #780
Mac, 1993
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Australian Sheep-Goat Scale #682
Thalbourne & Delin, 1993
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Social & Physical Research, 59(832): 172-186.
Authoritarianism-Rebellion Scale (A-R) #531
Kohn, 1972
Range: 17-21 yrs
Description: A 30-item counterbalanced scale in which half of the items are original or modified F-scale items
with more extreme wording and half are reversals that are relatively extreme left-wing.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.542 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Authoritarianism Scale #1374
Heaven, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures authoritarian behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, 545-551 and pg.89 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Authority Behavior Inventory #1375
Rigby, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Measures the acceptance of authority in the form of a behavioural inventory.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 51, 615-625 and pg.91 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Autism Detection in Early Childhood (ADEC) #1957
Young, 2007
Admministration: Individual
Range: 12 mnth-3 yrs
Description: Screens for autistic tendencies in young children
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 20, Shelf 1 (manipulatives)
Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised #1642
Lord & Rutter & LeCouteur, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-4 yrs
Description: A clinical, diagnostic instrument that was developed to assess autism in children and adults.
Time: 90 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 24, 659-685 and pg 351 from “Handbook of
Psychiatric Measures”
Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) The #2000
Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, Clubley 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Self-administered instruments for measuring the degree to which an adult with normal intelligence
has the traits associated with the autistic spectrum.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol 31. No 1, 2001
Autism Spectrum Quotient AQ-10 #2001
Auyeung, Baron-Cohen 2012
Administration: Indvidual
Description: A quick referal guide for adults with suspected autism who do not have a learning disability.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 51(2):202-12
Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) #1861
Ehlers, Gillberg, Wing, 1999
Range: 6-17 yrs
Description: Assesses autistic behaviours.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Autism and Divelopemental Disorders 1999; 29: 129-41 and pg 121 from”Assessment
Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”.
Autobiographical Memory Interview #744
Kopelman, Wilson, & Baddeley, 1990
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: A useful research tool for investigating retrograde amnesia. It provides an assessment of a
subject’s personal remote memory rather than public events and personalities.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 3
Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ) #532
Hollon & Kendall, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17-21 yrs
Description: Designed to measure the frequency of automatic negative thoughts associated with depression and
the self
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Cognitive Therapy and Research, 4, 383-395 and pg.238 - from "Measures of Personality & Social
Psychological Attitudes" and pg.94 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Autonomic Nervous System Questionnaire #1654
Stein et al, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to determine the utility of a brief screening tool for panic disorder in the primary care
Time: 1-3 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychosomatic Medicine, 61, 359-364
Bakker Assertiveness-Aggressiveness Inventory #1375
Bakker, Bakker-Rabdau & Breit, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measure assertiveness in terms of two components necessary for social functioning: the ability to
refuse unreasonable requests, and the ability to take the initiative , make requests, or ask favours.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 42, 277-284 and pg.97 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Balanced Attributional Style Questionnaire #679
Feather & Tiggemann, 1984
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Australian Journal of Psychology, 36: 267-283.
Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR) #533
Paulus, 1988
Range: Adults
Description: Measures 2 constructs 1) self-deceptive positivity 2) impression management.
Location: pg.37 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Balthazar Scales of Adaptive Behaviour #46
Balthazar, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: 5 yrs-Adult
Description: Evaluates the coping behaviours of profoundly retarded adults and children.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale #1179
Barnes, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A scale used to assess drug-induced akathisia.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, 154, 672-676 and www.medafile.com/zyweb/Barnes.htm and pg.311 from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." and pg 165 from “Handbook of Psychiatric
Barnett Liking of Children Scale #1376
Barnett & Sinisi, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to access the extent to which individuals have a favourable attitude towards children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 55, 161-167 and pg.101 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory (BarOn EQ-I) #746
Bar-On, 1997
Range: Adults
Description: Measures an individual’s ability to deal with everyday demands and pressures.
Time: timed, 30 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-II #1377
Barratt, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses impulsivity as a trait independent of anxiety.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 768-774 and pg.104 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2" and pg 691 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Barthel Index # 432
Mahoney & Barthel, 1965
Administration: Individual
Description: An assessment of independence in daily activities, originally designed for use with people with
neuromuscular or musculoskeletal disorders.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Illness, Symptom, Disability & Recovery) and Maryland
State Medical Journal, 14, 61-65 and pg.190 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
BASC Enhanced Assist #958
Reynolds & Kamphaus, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.5-18 yrs
Description: Software for scoring and interpretive information.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Basic Occupational Literacy Test (BOLT) #379
US Employment Service, 1974
Range: Adults
Description: Measures basic reading and arithmetic skills of educationally disadvantaged adults. Used for
occupational training and counselling.
Time: 2.5 hrs for all tests; 15-30 mins / test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI) #748
Newborg, Stock, Wnek, Guidubaldi, & Svinicki, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: birth – 8 yrs
Description: A standardised battery of key developmental skills in children providing for screening, diagnosis,
evaluation and program development.
Time: 10-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 20, Shelf 6
Battelle Development Inventory - 2nd Edition (BDI-2) #781
Newborg, 2004
Administration: Individual
Range: birth – 8 yrs
Description: Used to screen, diagnose and evaluate early development.
Time: 1-2 hrs (screening test), 10-30 min (Individual)
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 21, Shelf 4
Bayer Activities of Daily Living Scale (B-ADL) #1144
Hindmarch, Lehfeld & Jongh, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of activities of daily living in people with mild to moderate dementia.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 9(Suppl 2), 20-26 and pg.218 - from "Assessment
Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Bayley Scales of Infant Development #47
Bayley, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: Up to 2 yrs 6 mths
Description: Assesses mental, motor and behavioural development.
Time: 45 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Storage
Bayley Scales of Infant Development - II (Bayley-II) #48
Bayley, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: 1-42 mths
Description: Assesses mental, motor and behavioural development.
Time: 45 mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 7 & 8
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development - 3rd Edition (Bayley-III) #877
Bayley, 2005, 2006
Administration: Individual
Range: 1-42 mths
Description: A battery of five subtests used to identify deficits in very young children across five major
development domains: cognitive, language, motor, adaptive behaviour, and social-emotional.
Time: 30-60 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 7 & 8
BEAM-D #1120
Sinha et al, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to assess the effects of treatment on behavioural problems of inpatients with dementia.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychiatry Research, 41, 73-88 and pg.169 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Beavers Interactional Scales (BIS) #713
Beavers & Hampson, 1990
Administration: Individual
Description: Consists of two observer rating scales related to family competence and family style.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Families & Relationships)
Beach – Rafaelsen Mania Scale (MAS) #1884
Bech, Rafaelsen, Kramp, Bolwig, 1978
Range: Adults & Adolescents
Description: Assesses severity of symptoms of mania in patients with bipolar disorder.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Neuropharmacology 1978; 17(6):430-1 and pg 8 from” Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and
Beach – Rafaelsen Melancholia Rating Scale (MES) #1885
Bech, Rafaelsen, 1980
Range: Adult & Adolescents
Description: Assesses severity of Depressive symptoms.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 62(285):128-32 and pg 9 from "Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) #737
Beck, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: 17-80 yrs
Description: Measures the severity of anxiety through psychological and cognitive symptoms of anxiety.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Filed
Beck Codependence Assessment Scale #1241
Beck, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure codependence, defined as chronic enabling or caretaking behaviours towards
a dysfunctional significant other.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Codependence Assessment Manual. Chicago: Administrative Services. and pg.210 - from "Measures
for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) #49
Beck & Steer, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: 13-80 yrs
Description: Measures an individual’s level of depression.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Beck Depression Inventory - 2nd Edition (BDI-II) #651
Beck, Steer, & Brown 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: 13-80 yrs
Description: Measures an individual’s level of depression
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 4
Beck Depression Inventory - FastScreen (BDI-FastScreen) #833
Beck, Steer, & Brown 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: 13-80 yrs
Description: Developed specifically for medical practitioners to quickly evaluate depression in patients. Has
only seven questions.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation #1991
Beck & Steer, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults over the age 17 yrs
Description: Used by clinicians to detect and measure the severity of suicidal ideation in adults and adolescents.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Beck Youth Inventory #968
Beck, Beck, & Joly, 2001
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 7-14 yrs
Description: Looks at thoughts, feelings, and behaviours associated with the emotional and social impairment
of youth.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Reisberg et al, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed to be useful in prospective studies of behavioural symptoms and in pharmacological
trials to look at behaviour symptoms in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 48(suppl 5), 9-15 and pg.125 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." and pg 401 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale (BASIS-32) #1586
Eisen & Grob, 1986
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A brief but comprehensive outcome measure of mental health treatment from the patient's
Time: 5-20 mins
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Location: pg 86 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) #786
Reynolds & Kamphaus, 1992
Range: 4-18 yrs
Description: Acoordinated system of instruments that evaluate the behaviours, thoughts and emotions of
children and adolescents.
Time: 10-20 min teacher/parent form; 30 min self report
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Behavior Rating Index for Children #1304
Stiffman et al, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adult
Description: Designed to be used as a rating scale by people in children's environments, to measure the degree
of children's behaviour problems.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 16, 83-90 and pg.473 - from
"Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) #1934
Gioia, Isquith&Guy, 2000
Range: 5-18 yrs
Description: BRIEF is a questionnaire for parents and teachers of school age children that enables professionals
to assess executive function behaviours in the home and school environments.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 7
Behavior Rating Scale for Dementia (BRSD) #1124
Mack, Patterson & Tariot, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed to measure the extent and severity of behavioural pathology in people with dementia.
Time: 25 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 12, 211-223 and pg.179 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Behavioral Academic Self-Esteem (BASE) #51
Coopersmith & Gilberts, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 4-15 yrs
Description: Measures academic self-esteem of children from pre-school to lower years of high school.
Time: untimed; about 5 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale #1587
Epstein & Sharma, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-18 yrs
Description: Developed to measure the emotional and behavioural strengths of children and adolescents.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: pg 380 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Behavioral Characteristics Progression (BCP) #52
The Santa Cruz County Office of Education, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: Children - Adults
Description: Assesses developmental skills. Used by professionals working with severely handicapped,
mentally retarded, autistic and physically disabled.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Behavioral Self-Concept Scale #1303
Williams & Workman, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: Child
Description: Designed to measure children's school-related self-concept.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Therapy, 9, 680-681 and pg.469 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Behavioral Summarized Evaluation – Revised (BSE-R) #1862
Barthelemy, Roux, Adrien, et al., 1997
Range : 11/2-12 yrs
Description : Assesses autistic behaviour.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Autism and Divelopemental Disorders 1990; 20: 189-204 and pg 123 from”Assessment
Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Behavioral Upset in Medical Patients-R (BUMP-R) #717
Zeldow, et al, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-16 yrs
Description: Developed to provide a readily completed checklist of behaviours that might indicate
psychological distress in hospitalised children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Health & Illness in Childhood)
Behaviour Analysis Forms for Clinical Intervention #50
Cautela, 1977
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Time: 1 hr
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Behaviour Checklist (BCL) #719
Richman, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 1-4 yrs
Description: Covers the same items as BSQ but is completed by parents
Time: 3-5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Health & Illness in Childhood)
Behavioural and Mood Disturbance Scale (BMDS) #1193
Greene, Smith, Gardiner & Timbury, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A scale that enables relatives to make a standard assessment of mood and behaviour disturbance
shown by older people with dementia living at home.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Age and Ageing, 11, 121-126 and pg.340 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) #659
Wilson, Alderman, Burgess, Emslie & Evans, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: 16+ years
Description: A test battery that is specifically sensitive to those skills involved in problem solving, planning
and organising behaviour over an extended period of time. The battery thus assesses capacities that are
normally exercised in everyday living.
Time: various times
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 5
Behavioural Inattention Test #658
Wilson, Cockburn & Halligan, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Developed to respond to the ecological needs of people with unilateral visual neglect: it is an
objective behavioural test of everyday skills.
Time: various
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 4
Behavioural Indicators of Self-Esteem (BIOS) #875
Burnett, 1998
Administration: Group
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Structured format for teachers' observations of student behaviours indicative of high or low selfesteem.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Children's Self-Perceptions)
Behavioural Screening Questionnaire (BSQ) #718
Richman & Graham, 1971
Administration: Individual
Range: 1-4 yrs
Description: A screening instrument for preschool children. Looks at eating problems, sleeping problems,
relationships with sibling and peers, and attention seeking and dependency.
Time: 20-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Health & Illness in Childhood)
Beir-Sternberg Discord Questionnaire (DQ) #1204
Beir & Sternberg, 1977
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure two dimensions of a marital relationship: discord or conflict and the degree
of unhappiness attached to such discord.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Communication, 27, 92-100 and pg.81 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Beliefs about the Distribution of Power #1676
Form & Rytina, 1969
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses whether an individual believes that power in the USA is distributed according to the
positions advocated by David Riesman (political pluralism), C. Wright Mills (power elite), or Karl
Marx (control by big business)
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Sociological Review, 34, 19-31 and pg 31 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Belief in Personal Control Scale #1378
Berrenberg, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure three dimensions of personal control: general external control, the
exaggerated control, and the God-mediated dimension.
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 51, 194-206 and pg.107 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Beliefs about Pain Control Questionnaire (BPCQ) #418
Skevington, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Measures beliefs in the internal or personal control of pain, beliefs that powerful others (doctors)
control pain and beliefs that pain is controlled by chance events.
Time: <10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Pain & Pain Behaviours)
Beliefs about Voices Questionnaire #680
Chadwick & Birchwood, 1995
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, 166: 773-776.
Beliefs About Work # 1826
Buchholz, 1977
Number in Sock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personnel Psychology 1977, 30: 567-587 and pg 137 – from “The Experience of Work”
Beliefs Associated with Childhood Sexual Abuse #1379
Jehu, Klassen & Gazan, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure common distorted beliefs associated with childhood sexual abuse.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Social Work and Human Sexuality, 4, 49-69 and pg.111 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Bem Inventory #53
Bem, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Measures masculinity and femininity. Used for research on psychological androgyny.
Time: 10 mins Short Form; 15 mins Inventory
Number in Stock: Permission to Copy
Location: Field
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test #55
Bender, 1946
Administration: Individual
Range: 7 yrs-Adult
Description: Assesses visual-motor functions. Also is used to evaluate developmental problems in children,
learning disabilities, retardation, psychosis and organic brain disorders.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed & storage
The Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test for Children
Benton Visual Retention Test # 54
Benton, 1963
Administration: Individual
Range: 8 yrs-Adult
Description: Measures visual memory, visual perception and visuoconstructive abilities.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Benton Visual Retention Test – 5th Edition #722
Benton-Sivan, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: 8 yrs-Adult
Description: Designed to assess visual perception, visual memory, and visuoconstructive abilities.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Bidimentional Acculturation Scale for Hispanics #1380
Marin & Gamba, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure acculturation among Hispanics but can be adapted for use with other
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences,18, 297-316 and pg.115 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Biographical Inventory for Students # 56
Siegal, 1955
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult males
Time: 55-60 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Birleson Depression Scale #699
Birleson, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Child - Adolescent
Description: Developed as a clinical instrument to assess the degree of depressive feelings.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Anxiety, Depression and Post Traumatic Stress in Childhood)
Blacky Pictures # 57
Blum, 1950
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Clinical assessment of personality dynamics.
Time: 45 mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Filed & storage
Blessed Dementia Scale # 1069
Blessed, Tomlinson & Roth, 1968
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed to assess quantitatively the signs of dementia to enable a comparison to be made with
pathological changes.
Time: 30 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, 114, 797-811 and pg.46 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Body Attitudes Questionnaire #681
Ben-Tovim & Walker, 1991
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Medicine, 21: 775-784.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination #1589
Rosen, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescents-Adults
Description: Designed to diagnose body dysmorphic disorder, measure the severity of negative body image,
and quantify change in response to treatment.
Time: 15-30 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Location: Behavioural Research and Therapy, 34, 755-766 and pg 610 from “Handbook of Psychiatric
Body Esteem Scale #534
Franzoi & Shields, 1984
Range: Adults
Description: A scale designed to measure a specific aspect of self-concept that is presumably importantly
related to self-esteem.
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: pg.151 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire #1381
Rosen et al, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure behavioural tendencies that often accompany body-image disturbance.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Assessment, 3,32-37 and pg.120 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Body Investment Scale #1203
Orbach & Mikulincer, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13-19 yrs
Description: Pertains to self-destructive behaviour and can be used to study a variety of normal and
pathological behaviours.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment,10(4), 415-425 and pg.476 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Body Sensations Questionnaire #1382
Chambless et al, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure body sensations associated with agrophobia.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52, 1090-1097 and pg.123 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) #482
Cooper, Taylor, Cooper & Fairburn, 1987
Administration: Individual
Description: Concerns about body size and shape, of the kinds found in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Habit Disorder)
Boehm Test of Basic Concepts #58
Boehm, 1971
Administration: Group or Individual
Range: 4-8 yrs
Description: Measures children’s mastery of basic concepts used in classroom instruction. Identifies individual
children with low level of concept development.
Time: 15-20 mins/booklet
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Booklet Category Test (BCT) #59
DeFilippis & McCampbell, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Diagnoses brain dysfunction. Used in clinical assessment of brain damage.
Time: 30-60 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 1
Boredom Proneness #1383
Famer & Sundberg, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure the tendency or predisposition to boredom.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 50, 4-17 and pg.129 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Boston Naming Test (BNT) #60
Goodglass, Kaplan & Weintraub, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: 5.5-10.5 yrs & Adults
Description: Used with learning disabled, brain-damaged, dementing and aphasic populations.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Boston Naming Test - 2nd Edition #1986
Kaplan, Harold, Weintraub, 2001
Administaration: Individual
Description: Designed for the assessment of aphasia for inpatient or outpatient populations.Can be used with
adults with other forms of acquired disabilities
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Boundary Ambiguity Scales - 1-6 (BAS 1-6) #1242
Boss, Greenberg & Pearce-McCall, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A set of six scales, each of which measures a different type of boundary ambiguity: 1) wives of
men declared missing-in-action, 2) widows, 3) parents of adolescents leaving home, 4) adolescents and
adult children of divorce, 5) divorced adults, 6) caregivers of patients with dementia.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Process, 29, 245-254 and pg.214 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Bracken Basic Concepts Scales (BBCS-R) #753
Bracken, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: 2yrs6mths - 8yrs
Description: Used to measure children's basic concept acquisition and receptive language skills. Can be used
for norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, or curriculum-based assessments.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 1
Breast Self-Examination Scale #1384
Race & Silverberg, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure women's attitudes towards breast self-examination.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Evaluatiom Review, 20, 541-551 and pg.131 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Brennan Record for the Interpretation of Miscues (BRIM) #1930
Brennan revised by Williams, 1979
Range: Schoolage
Description: Diagnostic instrument which will enable the teacher of reading to determine how the student
approaches the task of reading i.e getting meaning from print.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Funded by Education Research & Development Committee, Riverina College of Advanced Education
Brief Assessment Scale for Depression #1063
Allen et al, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A brief screening tool to assess depression in elderly patients for use in busy primary care
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Age and Aging, 23(3), 213-218 and pg.29 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Brief Assessment Schedule Depression Cards (BASDEC) #1054
Adshead, Day & Pitt, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A measure designed as a screening for depression in the elderly by alowing the patient to choose
their answer from a deck of cards.
Time: 2-8 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British Medical Journal, 305,397 and pg.10 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Brief Cognitive Rating Scale (BCRS) #1074
Reisberg & Ferris, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: An assessment of cognitive symptoms it is divided ito five axes: concentration, recent memory,
past memory, orientation and function/self-care.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 24, 629-636 and pg.61 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Brief Depression Rating Scale #1385
Kellner, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure depression by clinical observations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.134 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Brief Impairment Scale (BIS) #1874
Bird, Canino, Davies, et al., 2005
Range: 4-17 yrs
Description: Assesses functional impairment.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2005; 44: 699-707 and pg 201
from “Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”.
Brief Informant Screening Test #1094
Ritchie & Fuhrer, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: An informant questionnaire.
Time: 11-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 11, 149-156 and pg.83 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) #1905
Osaba, 1991
Range: Adults
Desription: Assesses the severity of pain and the impact of pain on daily functions.
Time: 5 mins (short form)
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Chapter 21. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 1991 and pg 120 from "Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) #1164
Overall & Gorham, 1962
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A rapid assessment of global psychiatric symptomatology particularily suited to the evaluation of
patient change.
Time: 18 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Reports, 10, 799-812 and pg.272 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." And pg 453 from “Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies” and pg 123 from
“Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”
Brief Screen for Depression #1386
Hakstain & McLean, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to serve as a screening device for depression.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 1, 139-141 and pg.138 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Brief Sexual Function Inventory #1590
O'Leary et al, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult males
Description: Used to provide a brief self-report measure of current sexual functioning in men.
Time: 2-5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Urology, 46, 687-706 and pg 634 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Brief Social Phobia Scale #1591
Davidson et al, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A semistructured interview for assessing severity and treatment response in social phobia.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 52, 48-51 and pg 569 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures” and
pg 69 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”
Brief Symptom Inventory #689
Derogatis, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: A short form of the SCL-90-R often used as part of test batteries for initial screening and for
monitoring patient progress and outcomes measurement.
Time: 8-10 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18) #1041
Derogatis, 2000
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: A shortened form of the BSI. Measures three symptom dimensions - Somatisation, Depression
and Anxiety.
Time: 4-5 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set & Filed
Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale #1130
Bucks et al, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of activities of daily living in patients with dementia either in the community or on
clinical research trial.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Age and Ageing, 25(2), 113-120 and pg.195 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Bristol Social Adjustment Guides #61
Stott, 1974
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-15 yrs
Description: Diagnoses the nature and extent of behavioural disturbances and social adjustment in children.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
British Ability Scales #62
Elliott, Murray & Pearson, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.6-17.6 yrs
Description: Assesses cognitive ability.
Time: Depends on number of scales administered
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Storage
British Ability Scales-II (BAS-II) #754
Elliott, Murray & Pearson, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: 2yrs6mths - 17yrs6mths
Description: A battery of tests of cognitive abilities and educational achievement. Provides a comprehensive
and flexible means of assessing different aspects of children's current intellectual functioning.
Time: Depends on number of scales administered
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 1, Shelf 4
British Prejudice Scale #1725
Lepore & Brown, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of anti-black prejudice, suitable for use in the United Kingdom
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 275-287 and pg 370 from "Measures of Political
Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales for Children & Adolescents #969
Brown, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-12 yrs; 12-18 yrs
Description: Assesses critical executive aspects of cognitive functioning as well as evaluating inattention,
emotional regulation and self-management in determining how this disorder affects thinking, academic
work and behaviour.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scales for Children & Adolescents – Scoring Assistant #952
Psychological Corporation, 2001
Administration: Individual
Description: Designed to assist with scoring the BA-DDS Gives comprehensive reports that include tables,
graphs, and narrative comments.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Brownout Inventory # 489
Greenberg, 1996
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Comprehensive Stress Management. Madison: Brown & Benchmark
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency #63
Bruininks, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: 4.6-14.6 yrs
Description: Determines a child’s level of motor proficiency.
Time: 45-60 mins Complete, 15-20 mins Short Form
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 8
Bulimia Test-R #1387
Thelen, Farmer, Wonderlich & Smith, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Measures bulimia using the definitions set forth in the DSM-III-R.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 3,119-124 and pg.140 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Bulimic Automatic Thoughts Test #1388
Franco & Zuroff, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure cognitions that are specific to bulimic individuals.
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48(4), 505-509 and pg.148 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Burden Interview #1187
Zarit, Reever & Bach-Peterson, 198\0
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assessment of the feelings of burden of caregivers in caring for an older person with dementia.
Time: 25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: The Gerontologist, 20, 649-655 and pg.327 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
and pg 411 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Burnett Self Scale (BSS) #874
Burnett, 1994
Administration: Group
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Measures eight aspects of self-concept together with a separate measure of self-esteem.
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Children's Self-Perceptions)
Burt Word Reading Test #98
Gilmore, Croft & Reid, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-12 yrs
Description: Measures word reading skills of children.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory #1592
Buss & Durkee, 1957
Administration: Individual
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Developed to systematically assess various components of hostility.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21, 343-349 and pg 697 from “Handbook of Psychiatric
Byrd Health Attitude # 64
Byrd, 1941
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Measures health attitudes.
Time: 30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Caffeine Exapectancy Questionnaire # 1992
Huntley & Juliano, 2011
Description: Assesses caffeine expectancies among coffeine consumers and nonconsumers.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Advance on line publication. Doi: 10.1037/a0026417
CAGE Questionnaire #1200
Ewing, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to briefly screen for clinically significant alcohol problems in a variety of treatment and
non treatment settings..
Time: 1 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of the American Medical Association, 252. 1905-1907 and pg.368 - from "Assessment Scales
in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." and pg33 - from "Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies" and pg 462
from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia #1593
Addington, Addington & Schissel, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to assess symptoms of major depressive disorder in patients with schizophrenia.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Schizophrenia Research, 3, 247-251 and pg 504 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures” and pg 169
from “Assessment Scales in Depression. Mania and Anxiety”
California Dementia Behavior Questionnaire #1123
Victoroff, Nielson & Mungas, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A comprehensive caregiver-rater questionnaire for non-cognitive behavioural disturbances in
Time: 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Psychogeriatrics, 9, 155-174 and pg.175 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
California F Scales #535
Adorno, Levinson, Frenkel-Brunswik & Sanford, 1950
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to measure ethnic prejudice and “prefacist tendencies” simultaneously, without
mentioning members of minority groups.
Location: pg.527 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
California Psychological Inventory #1909
Harrison, Gough, 1975
Range: 12yrs – Adult
Description: Addresses the personality characteristics important for social living and social interaction.
Time: 45 mins – 1 hr
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
California Psychological Inventory (2nd Ed) #66
Gough, 1987
Administration: Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Assesses personality characteristics important for daily living.
Time: untimed; 45-60 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 6
California Test of Personality #67
Thorpe, Clark & Tiegs, 1953
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 2-3 yrs; 4-8 yrs; 7-10 yrs; 9-16 yrs; Adults
Description: Designed to identify and reveal the status of certain highly important factors in personality and
social adjustment usually designated as “intangibles”.
Time: untimed; 20-45 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed
California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) #660
Deli, Kaplan, Kramer & Ober, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: 17+ years
Description: Assesses verbal learning and memory deficits in the elderly and the neurologically impaired.
Time: 35 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
California Verbal Learning Test-II (CVLT-II) #910
Delis, Kaplan, Kramer & Ober, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-89 years
Description: Looks at recall and recognition of words. Measures encoding strategies, learning rates, and error
Time: 15-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE) #1171
Reynolds, Thornicroft & Abas, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A comprehensive assessment of needs for older people that allows ratings of patient, carer and
staff views.
Time: 25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, 176, 444-452 and pg.294 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Cancer Attitude Inventory (CAI) #438
Berrenberg, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Samples various domains of negative attitudes (fear of death, pain, disfigurement, loss of control,
social stigmatisation, isolation, anxiety, depression, economic hardship) plus some positive aspects such
as personal growth and renewed meaning of life.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Expectations, Experience & Evaluations of
Health Care)
Cancer Knowledge Questionnaire #779
Leanne Seaman, Honours 1991
Range: Children
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Candidate Like/Dislike Responses #1786
Kessel and Smith, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Based on the number of responses given to open-ended questions asking what the respondent likes
and dislikes about the two major parties and their candidates.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 625 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Capitalist Values Scale #1696
McLosky et al
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures support for the values and practices of capitalism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 176 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Captive Princess Test (CPT) #891
Lucangeli, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-10 years
Description: Designed to assess metamemory in children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Memory & Listening Comprehension)
Care for Caring Parents #655
Schultz & Schultz, 1997
Description: The main objective of this program is to maximise personal and social support for parents who
care for a child with a disability.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Career Attitudes & Strategies Inventory (CASI) #846
Holland & Gottfredson, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to assess some common attitudes, feelings, experiences, and obstacles that influence
the careers of employed and unemployed adults.
Time: 35 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 16, Shelf 5
Career Decision Scale #68
Osipow, 1976
Administration: Group
Range: Secondary & Tertiary Students
Description: Identifies barriers preventing an individual from making career decisions.
Time: untimed; 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Career Development Inventory (CDI-A) #69
Lokan, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13-18 yrs
Description: Consists of four scales assessing specific dimensions of career development. 1)career planning,
2)career exploration, 3)world of work information, 4)career decision making.
Time: untimed; 40-50 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Career Motivation #1834
Gould, 1979
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Academy of Management Journal 1979, Vol. 22 No. 3, 539-550 and pg 168 from “The Experience
of Work”
Career Occupational Preference System (COPSsystem) #70
Knapp & Knapp, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent
Description: Designed to assist individuals in the career decision making process.
Time: untimed; 30-40 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Career Values Card Sort #71
Knowdell, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Helps clients identify and clarify their career values.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Caregiver Activity Survey (CAS) #1191
Davis et al, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to assess the amount of time caregivers were spending looking after patients with
Alzheimer's disease.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 12, 978-988 and pg.333 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Caregiver Burden Scale #1390
Zarit, Reever & Bach-Peterson, 1980
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the feeling of burden experienced by caregivers of elderly persons with senile dementia.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: The Gerentologist, 20, 649-655 and pg.152 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Caregiver Strain Index #1389
Robinson, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: 22-83 yrs
Description: Measures the strain among caregivers of physically ill and functionally impaired older adults.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 38, 344-348 and pg.150 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Caregiver Time Use #1195
Clipp & Moore, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess the time spent caring for a person with dementia.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 58, 228-236 and pg.343 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Caregiving Distress Scale #1009
Cousins, Davies, Turnbull & Playfer, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses psychological distress in caregivers. Looks at five distinctive subscales - relationship
distress, emotional burden, care-reciever demands, social impact, and personal cost.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British journal of Clinical Psychology, 41, 387-403
Caregiving Hassles Scale #1188
Kinney & Stephens, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed specifically to assess minor events of the day-to-day experience of caregiving.
Time: 25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Gerontologist, 29, 328-332 and pg.328 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Caretaker Obstreperous-Behavior Rating Assessment Scale (COBRA) #1109
Drachmen et al, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: An assessment of 'obstreperous' behaviours in dementia. Looks at four main areas 1)
aggressive/assaultive, 2) disordered ideas/personality, 3) mechanical/motor 4) vegitative.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 40, 463-470 and pg.148 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Caring Relationship Inventory #72
Shostrom, 1975
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the essential elements of caring (or love) in the relationship between a woman and a
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Carlson Psychological Survey #394
Carlson, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses and clarifies criminal offenders. Used to evaluate persons presenting behavioural or
substance-abuse problems.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Carroll Rating Scale for Depression #536
Carroll, Feinberg, Smouse, Rawson & Greden, 1981
Range: 18-64 yrs
Description: Designed as a self-rated measure to parallel the widely used therapist-rated Hamilton Rating Scale
for Depression
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file.
Location: pg.207 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Central Life Interests #1817
Dubin, 1956
Description: Determines whether the job and workplace represents principal interests of the respondent or if his
and her main orientation is more towards the world outside work
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Social Problems (“Industrial Workers’ Worlds”) 131-142 and pg. 154-from “The Experince of Work”
Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale #1886
Radloff, 1977
Range: Adults & Adolescents
Description: Assesses depressive symptomatology in the general population.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Phocopy – on file
Location: Applied Psychological Measurement 1: 385-401 and pg14 from” Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
CERAD Behavioral Rating Scale #1105
Tariot et al, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A rating of pathology in patients with probable Alzheimer's disease.
Time: 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 152, 1349-1357 and pg.138 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
CES-D (The Centre of Epidemiology Study-Depression Scale) #414
Radloff, 1977
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescents - Adults
Description: Specifically constructed to assess current frequency of depressive symptoms, with emphasis on
depressed effect or mood.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio and pg.212 - from "Measures of Personality &
Social Psychological Attitudes" and pg.13 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
and pg117 - from "Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies" and pg.155 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Checklist Differentiating Pseudodementia from Dementia #1060
Wells, 1979
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: An instument focusing on clinical history, behaviour and an assessment of mental capacities.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 136, 895-900 and pg.21 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Checklist of Adaptive Living Skills #1838
Morreau & Bruininks, 1989, 1991
Administration: Individual
Discription: Determines the specific skills an individual has mastered or needs to master in importante
environments. Can be used to determine instructional needs, develop individualized training
objectives,and monitorthe progress of learners toward achieving instructional goals.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Child and Adolescent Adjustment Profile (CAAP) #1982
Ellsworth, 1981
Administartion: Individual
Time: 15 mins
Range: 3 through 19 years old
Description: The Child and Adolescent Adjustment Profile (CAAP) measures the psychosocial adjustment of
youth analyzing peer relations, dependency, hostility, productivity, and withdrawal. It is designed
to be rated by parents, counselors, teachers, and others who observe and work with children and
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS) #1941
Malecki, Demaray, Elliott, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: Grades 3-12
Description: Measures the perceived social support of children and adolecents in grades 3-12.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Child Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) The #2025
Auyeung, Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright 2007
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-11 yrs
Description: Measures the symptoms of autism (Children).
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2008 Aug;38(7):1230-40. Epub 2007 Dec 7.
Child Behaviour Checklist (CBC) #73
Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: 2-3 yrs & 4-8 yrs
Description: Contains two pages of questions regarding the child’s social history, interests and school performance.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 3 x 4-8 yrs; 1 x 2-3 yrs
Location: Filed & storage
Child Behaviour Checklist - Direct Observations #409
Achenbach, 1991
Administration: Individual
Description: Rates 96 problem behaviours from 0-3 for a 10 minute period.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Child Behaviour Checklist - Teacher's Report Form #474
Achenbach, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Presented in a 4-page format, gathers background information and assesses 118 items related to
classroom behaviour.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Child Behaviour Checklist - Youth Self Report #507
Achenbach, 1991
Administration: Individual
Description: Presented in a 4-page format, gathers first-hand information related to the items on the Child
Behaviour Checklist.
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Child Behaviour Checklist – YSR & TRF Integative Guide #829
Achenbach, 1991
Administration: Individual
Description: This book shows the relations among the CBCL/4-18, YSR, and TRF profiles and the procedures
used to derived the syndromes common to all three.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Child Behaviour Checklist–R (1.5-5yrs)(CBCL/1.5-5) #900
Achenbach, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 1.5-5 yrs
Description: Used to assess preschoolers as seen by parents, caregivers, and preschool teachers. Also includes
the Language Development Survey used for identifying children whose language development is delayed.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 4
Child Behaviour Checklist–R (6-18yrs)(CBCL/6-18) #901
Achenbach, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 1.5-5 yrs
Description: Completed by parents and others who see the child in family-like context. Parallel forms with
YSR and TRF.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: 8
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 4 (forms)
Bay 13, Shelf 4a (manuals)
Child Behaviour Checklist–R (Direct Observation Form) (DOF) #904
Achenbach, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-14 yrs
Description: An observer writs a description of the child's behaviour as it occurs over a 10 minute interval in
the classroom or other group setting.
Time: 60-90 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 4
Child Behaviour Checklist–R (Teacher's Report Form) (TRF) #903
Achenbach, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-18 yrs
Description: Completed by teacher and other school personnel who are familiar with the child's functioning at
school. Parallel forms with CBCL/6-18 and YSR.
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 4
Child Behaviour Checklist–R (Youth Self Report) (YSR) #902
Achenbach, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 11-18 yrs
Description: Completed by child. Parallel forms with CBCL/6-18 and TRF.
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 4
Child Behaviour Checklist – Rutter Child Scale B #403
See Rutter Scales-Revised
Child Dental Control Assessment #1305
Weinsteinet al, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-14 yrs
Description: Designed as a situationally specific measure of control strategies for children visiting the dentist.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – file on
Location: Behaviour Research and Therapy, 34, 11-21 and pg.480 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Child Development #74
Crandall, Katkovsky & Crandall, 1965
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-16 yrs
Description: A scale for assessing children’s beliefs that they, rather than other people, are responsible for their
intellectual-academic successes and failures.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Child Dissociative Checklist #1594
Putnam, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-12 yrs
Description: A parent or adult observer report scale that was developed to assess the degree and types of
dissociative behaviour exhibited by children 5-12 yrs.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Abuse and Neglect,17, 731-741 and pg 619 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Child Health Questionnaire #1595
Landgraf & Ware,Jr, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-16 yrs
Description: Designed to measure the physical, emotional, and social well-being of children and the relative
burden of disease and benefits of health care.
Time: 20-60 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Location: pg 389 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Child Health Related Quality of Life (CQOL) #716
Graham, Stevenson & Flynn, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-16 yrs; 5-16yrs
Description: Designed to provide a core set of dimensions on which quality of life could be rated for children
with a wide variety of physical and mental illnesses.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Health & Illness in Childhood)
Child Psychology Portfolio
NFER-Nelson, 1997
Health & Illness in Childhood
See Children’s Haedache Assessment Scale
Children’s Health Locus of Control
Child Health Related Quality of Life
Functional Disability Inventory
Paediatric Pain Questionnaire
Behaviour Upset in Medical Patients-R
Social Behaviour & Competence in Childhood
See Locus of Control Scale for Children
Prosocial Behaviour Questionnaire
Taxonomy of Problem Situations
Target Children Observation Schedule
Life in School Checklist
Emotional & Behavioural Problems in Children
See Rutter Scales A & B, Preschool & School Age-Revised
Werry-Weiss-Peters Activity Rating Scale
Behaviour Screening Questionnaire
Child Behaviour Checklist
Parental Coping & Support
See Coping Health Inventory for Parents
Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scale
Social Support Resources
Questionnaire on Resources & Stress-Friedrich Short Form
Anxiety, Depression & Post Traumatic Stress in Childhood
See Children’s Impact of Events Scale
Birleson Depression Scale
Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale
Fear Survey Schedule for Children
Families & Relationships
See Darlington Family Assessment System
Beaver’s Interactional Scales & Family Competence Scale
Family Health Scales
Family Grid
Location: Bay 3, Shelf 2
Number in Stock: 2
Child Report of Posttraumatic Symptoms #1306
Greenwald & Rubin, 1999
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-14 yrs
Description: Measures a child's self-report of posttraumatic symptoms.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Research on Social Work Practice, 9, 61-75 and pg.484 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Child Role Play Measure #854
Dodge, McClaskey & Feldman, 1985
Range: 5-12 yrs
Description: Assesses the pupils' skills in thinking of and carrying out behavioural responses in a variety of key
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence)
Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) #959
Schopler, Reichler & Renner, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: 2-18 yrs
Description: Designed to help to identify children with autism and to distinguish them from developmentally
handicapped children who are not autistic.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Childhood Autism Rating Scale 2nd Edition (CARS 2) #2010
Schopler, Bourgondien,Wellman & Love, 2010
Administration: Individual
Range: 2+ years
Description: Identifies and clasifies children with autism.
Time: 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Childhood Anxiety Sensativity Index (CASI) #1843
Silverman, Fleisig, Rabian, Peterson, 1991
Range: 8-15 yrs
Description: Assesses belief that anxiety symptoms have negative consequences.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 1991; 20: 162-8 and pg 41 from “Assessment Scales in Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry”.
Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST) #1863
Scott, Baron-Cohen, Bolton, Brayne, 2002
Range: 4-11 yrs
Description: Assesses behaviours associated with Asperger syndrome.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Autism 2002; 6: 9-31 and pg 129 from “Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”.
Childhood Personality Scale #1308
Dibble & Cohen, 1974
Administration: Individual
Range: Child
Description: Designed to be completed by a parent as a way of measuring a child's personality and competence.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 30, 805-815 and pg.488 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Children's Action Tendency Scale (CATS) #1310
Deluty, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-12 yrs
Description: Measures assertive, aggressive, and submissive behaviour in children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47, 1061-1071 and pg.499 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Children’s Aggression Scale (CAS) – Teacher Version #1877
Halperin, McKay, Grayson, Newcorn, 2003
Range: 6-12 yrs
Description: Assesses aggressive behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Time: 10 mins
Location: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2003; 42: 965-71 and pg 172
from “Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Children’s Aggression Scale (CAS) – Parent Version #1878
Halperin, McKay, Newcorn, 2002
Range: 7-11 yrs
Description: Assessment of aggressive behaviour
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Time: 10 mins
Location: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and pg 172 from “Assessment
Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Children's Apperception Test (5th Ed) #76
Bellak & Bellak, 1971
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-10 yrs
Description: Assesses children’s personality. Used in clinical evaluation and diagnosis.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 5 + 2 supplements
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 2
Children's Apperception Test (Revised Edition) #1990
Bellak & Abrams, 1998
Administartion: Individual
Range: 3-10 yrs
Description: Assesses children’s personality. Used in clinical evaluation and diagnosis.
Time: Unlimited
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Children's Attributional Style Questionnaire-R #1311
Thompson et al, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-12 yrs
Description: Designed to measure attributional style for children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 10, 166-170 and pg.505 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Children's Auditory Verbal Learning Test-2 (CAVLT-2) #949
Administration: Individual
Range: 6.6-17.11 yrs
Description: Measures auditory verbal learning and memory abilities-processes commonly disrupted in
learning disabilities and brain trauma.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Children's Beliefs about Parental Divorce Scale #1312
Kurdek & Berg, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-15 yrs
Description: Measures children's problematic beliefs about their parent's divorce.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55, 712-718 and pg.509 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Children's Body Image Scale (CBIS) #1012
Truby & Paxton, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: 7-12 yrs
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British journal of Clinical Psychology, 41, 185-230
Children's Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire #1313
Zatz & Chassin, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 10-12 yrs
Description: Measures self-defeating and self-enhancing cognitions associated with test anxiety.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51, 526-534 and pg.513 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Children's Depression Inventory #192
Kovacs, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: 7-17 yrs
Description: Designed to parallel the Beck Depression Inventory but was adapted to suit the developmental and
reading-level needs of children.
Time: untimed; 15 mins
Number in Stock: 7
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 4
and pg.240 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Children's Depression Scale (CDS) #650
Lang & Tisher, 1983
Range: 9-16 yrs
Description: Measures depression in children. Identifies depressed children in need of further evaluation.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Children’s Eating Behavor Inventory (CEBI) #1857
Archer, Rosenbaum, Streiner, 1991
Range: 2-12 yrs
Description: Assesses eating behaviour.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Pediatric Psychology 1991; 16 :629-42 and pg 106 from “Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry”
Children’s Eating Behaviour Qestionnaire (CEBQ) #1858
Wardle, Guthrie, Sanderson, Rapoport, 2001
Range: 2-11 yrs
Description: Assesses eating style.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and pg 108 from “Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry.
Children's Embedded Figure Test #77
Witkin, Oltman, Raskin & Karp, 1971
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-10 yrs
Description: Assesses cognitive style in perceptual tasks.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed
Children's Global Assessment Scale #1596
Shaffer, Gould, Bird & Fisher, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-16 yrs
Description: Measures the overall severity of disturbance in children.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 40, 1228-1231and pg 363 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Children’s Headache Assessment Scale (CHAS) #714
Budd, Workman, Lemsky & Quick, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-16 yrs
Description: Developed to provide a parent rating scale for 'identifying environmental variables associated with
paedriatric headache'.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Health & Illness in Childhood)
Children's Health Locus of Control Scale (Child HLC) #450
Parcel & Meyer, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Designed for measuring children’s health locus of control beliefs.
Time: <10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Casual & Control Beliefs) & Child Psychology
Portfolio (Health & Illness in Childhood)
Children’s Hope Scale The #2004
Snyder, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 7-15 yrs
Description: Self-report instrument assessing goal-directed thinking.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Children’s Impact of Events Scale (IES) #698
Horowitz, 1979
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-18 yrs
Description: Used to monitor the main phenomena of re-experiencing the traumatic event and of avoidance of
that event and the feelings to which it gave rise.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Anxiety, Depression and Post Traumatic Stress in Childhood)
Children's Loneliness Scale #537
Asher & Hymel & Renshaw, 1984
Range: 9-12 yrs
Description: Develops a reliable measure of children’s feelings of loneliness and social dissatisfaction.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.278 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes" and pg.517 - from
"Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Children's Memory Scale (CMS) #755
Cohen, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-16 yrs
Description: Used to assess children's learning and memory capacities. It parallels the structure of the WMSIII and is also linked to the WISC-III and WIAT.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 7, Shelf 3
Childeren’s Obssesional Compulsive Inventory (CHOCI) #1849
Shafran, Frampton, Heyman, et al., 2003
Range : 7-17 yrs
Description : Assesses obsessive and compulsive problems.
Time : 15 min
Number in Stock : Photocopy
Location: Journal of Adolescents 2003; 26: 137-42 and pg 71 from “Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent
Children's Perceived Self-Control Scale #1314
Humphrey, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 10-12 yrs
Description: Measures self-control from a cognitive-behavioural perspective.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50, 624-633 and pg.519 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale #818
Grych, Seid & Fincham, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-12 yrs
Description: Assesses marital conflict from the child’s perspective.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Number in Stock: Child Development 63, 558-572
Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) #79
Porter & Cattell, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Assesses personality development in children.
Time: untimed; 30-60 mins per Form
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Children's Scale of Social Attitudes #80
Wilson, Nias & Insel, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Looks at the way in which attitudes develop through experiences within the family an exposure to
other social influences.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Children's Shyness Questionnaire (CSQ) #879
Crozier, 1995
Administration: Group
Range: 9-13 yrs
Description: Measures children's feelings of shyness and embarrassment in social situations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Children's Self-Perceptions)
Children's Social Desirability Scale (CSD) #538
Crandall, Crandall & Katkovsky, 1965
Range: 9-17 yrs
Description: Modelled after the Marlowe-Crowne Scale. Assesses social desirable responses in children as
motivated by need for approval.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.43 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Children's Test of Non-Word Repetition #784
Gathercole, Willis, Baddeley & Emslie, 1994
Range: 4-9 yrs
Description: Designed to evaluate the use of a nonword repetition test as a means of assessing children's
language skills.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Memory, 1994, 2(2), 103-127
Children’s Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale #1850
Goodman, 1989
Range: 4-18 yrs
Description: Assesses the severity of obsesive and compulsive symptoms
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry and pg 76 from “Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent
Child's Attitude Towards Father and Mother #1309
Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13-18 yrs
Description: Designed to measure the extent, degree, or severity of problems a child has with his or her father
or mother.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.495 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Chinese Depressive Symptom Scale #1391
Lin, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure depressive symptoms among Chinese people in China.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 177, 121-131 and pg.157 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Chinese Ways of Coping Questionnaire #1315
Chan, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent-Adult
Description: Designed to measure coping activities among Chinese secondary school students and teachers.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission – on file
Location: American Educational Research Journal, 35, 145-163 and pg.521 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Chronic Pain Intrusion and Accomodation Scale #1392
Jacob et al, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures two aspects of an individual's appraisal of pain problems: intrusion (predictability), and
pain accommodation.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31, 519-527 and pg.160 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice:
a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Citizen Duty Scale #1673
Campbell, Gurin & Miller, 1954
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Defines an individual's sense of citizen duty as the feeling that people ought to participate in the
political process
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 25 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Classroom Environment Scale – 2nd Edition #65
Moose, 1986
Administration: Group
Range: 13 -18 yrs
Description: Designed to assess the atmosphere in high school classrooms. Helps evaluate the effects of course
content, teaching methods, teacher personality, class composition or characteristics.
Time: Untimed; 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Classroom Observation Schedule (COS) #863
Waxman, Wang, Lindvall & Anderson, 1988
Administration: Group
Range: 5-17 yrs
Description: A systematic observation schedule designed to record pupil behaviour with reference to a number
of aspects of classroom learning environments.
Time: 45 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (The Learning Environment)
Cleveland Scale for Activities of Daily Living #1133
Pattersonet al, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed specifically to reflect changes in the nature and extent of the broad spectrum of
functional difficulties seen in individuals with Alzheimer's disease.
Time: 25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 6, 145-163 and pg.200 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Client Experiences Questionnaire #1393
Greenley & Greenberg, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: The measure consists of two instruments designed to assess a client's satisfaction with services and
satisfaction withb quality of life.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Social Work, 42, 244-254 and pg.163- from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Client Motivation for Therapy Scale #1394
Pelletier, Tuson & Haddad, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure client motivation for therapy.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 68, 414-435 and pg.168 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Client Satisfaction Inventory #1395
McMurty & Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the degree or magnitude of satisfaction experienced by clients regarding the services
that were provided to them.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.172 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) #814
Larsen, Attkisson, Hargraves & Nguyen, 1979
Range: Adult
Description: Measures client/patient satisfaction with health and mental health services.
Time: 5-8 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Evaluation and Program Planning, 2, 197-207 and pg.174 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2" and pg 186 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Clifton Assessment Procedure for the Elderly (CAPE) #1073
Pattie & Gilleard, 1979
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of mental and physical functioning in the elderly.
Time: 15-25 min
Number in Stock: Permission
Location: pg.56 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Climate Questionnaires #1021
Deci & Ryan, 1994
Administration: Individual
Description: This is a family of questionnaires that assesses the perceptions of individuals about the degree to
which a particular social context is autonomy supportive versus controlling. Included are the health care
climate (HCCQ); the learning climate (LCQ); the work climate (WCQ); and the sports climate (SCQ).
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: www.psych.rochester.edu/SDT/measures
Clinical Analysis Questionnaire (CAQ) #81
IPAT & Cattell, 1980
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Intended for use in general clinical diagnosis and for evaluating therapeutic progress.
Time: untimed; 1.5 hrs
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Clinical Anxiety Scale (CAS) #471
Snaith, Baugh, Clayden, Husain & Sipple, 1982
Administration: Individual
Description: Rates clients on psychic tension, ability to relax, startle response, worrying apprehension &
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Anxiety)
Clinical Anxiety Scale #1396
Thyer, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the amount, degree, or severity of clinical anxiety reported by the respondent.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.177 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) #1151
Morris, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A global measure of dementia. Six domains are assessed: 1) memory, 2) orientation, 3) Judgement
and problem solving, 4) community affairs, 5) home and hobbies, 6) personal care.
Time: 40 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Neurology, 43, 2412-2413 and pg.238 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
and pg 446 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Clinical Global Impressions Scale #1597
Guy, 1976
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A standardised assessment tool that allows the clinician to rate the severity of illness, changes over
time, and efficacy of medication.
Time: 1-2 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 100 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures” and pg 126 from “Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety”
Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol #1598
Sellers, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to quantify the current severity of alcohol withdrawal in which detection of alcohol
withdrawal is important and needs to be closely monitored.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 48, 442-447 and pg 479 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Clinical Interpretation of WAIS-III & WMS-III #989
Tulsky, Saklofske, Bornstein, Chelune & Ivnik, 2002
Administration: Individual
Description: A guide to the WAIS-III & WMS-III tests based on data obtained in the standardisation of the
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 3, Shelf 1
Clinical Rating Scale for Symptoms of Psychosis in Alzheimer's Disease (SPAD) #1121
Reisberg & Ferris, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of psycholtic features in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 21, 101-104 and pg.171 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Clinician Administered Rating Scale for Mania #1599
Altman et al, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to evaluate the severity of core features of mania and to illustrate changes in manic
symptoms over time or with treatment.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Biological Psychiatry, 36, 124-134 and pg 537 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures” and pg 16
from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”
Clinician Alcohol Use Scale #1600
Drake, Mueser & McHugo, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to rate alcohol use of persons with severe mental illness, especially psychotic disorders.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 507 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Clinician Drug Use Scale #1601
Drake, Mueser & McHugo, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to rate the substance use of persons with severe mental illness, especially psychotic
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 507 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Clock Drawing Test #1071
Brodaty & Moore, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A screening measure or a measure of severity in dementia.
Time: 2 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 12, 619-627 and pg.51 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Clock Test (The) #983
Tuokko, Hadjistavropoulos, Miller, Horton & Beattie, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: 65+ yrs
Description: Designed to quickly assess visual-spatial construction, visual perception, and abstract
conceptualisation. Helps differentiate between normal elderly and those suffering from dementia.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Co-Dependency Inventory (CODI) #1243
Stonebrink, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure codependence in family and friends of substance abusers.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.222 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Codependent Questionnaire (CdQ) #1244
Roehling & Gaumond, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure codependency among families where at least one member has some
psychological disorder such as alcohol abuse.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 14, 85-95 and pg.225 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Coding Scheme of Perceived Causality (CSPC) #869
Elig & Frieze, 1979
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-16 yrs
Description: An instument for analysing open-end or free-response data generated by asking pupils why they
believe success or failure events have occurred.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Attribution and Motivation)
Cognitive Abilities Screening Instument (CASI) #1085
Teng et al, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A cognitive test providing a quantitative assessment for a wide range of cognitive skills.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Psychogeriatrics, 6, 45-58 and pg.70 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Cognitive Assessment System #742
Naglieri & Das, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-17 yrs
Description: A norm-referenced measure of intelligence based on the PASS cognitive processing theory.
Time: 40-60 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 7, Shelf 3
Cognitive Bias Questionnaire (CBQ) #539
Krantz & Hammen, 1979
Range: 17-19 yrs
Description: Designed to measure negative thinking and cognitive biases hypothesised to be associated with
depression, independent of dysphoric affect.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.229 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Cognitive Capacity Screening Examination #1090
Jacobs et al, 1977
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assessment of mental Status in medically ill patients.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Annals of Internal Medicine, 86, 40-46 and pg.76 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Cognitive Coping Strategy Inventory #1397
Butler et al, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the cognitive coping strategies and catastrophising in managing acute pain.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 1, 41-45 and pg.179 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Cognitive Estimation Test #1296
Axelrod & Millis, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess working and strategic memory.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Assessment, 1, 69-274 and pg. 195 - "A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests"
Cognitive Failures Questionnaire #667
Broadbent, Cooper, Fitzgerald & Parkes, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A measure of self-reported failures in perception, memory and motor function.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21: 1-16 and pg.346 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Cognitive Performance Test #1134
Burns, Mortimer & Merchak, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A test that focuses on the ability to perform specific tasks, the emphasis is on the degree to which
deficits in information processing compromise activities.
Time: 45 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 7, 46-54 and pg.201 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Cognitive Processes Survey #1398
Martinetti, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure three components of imaginal life: degree of imaginal life, orientation
toward imaginal life, and degree of suppression.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Perceptual and Motor Skills, 69, 643-649 and pg.189 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Cognitive Slippage Scale #1399
Miers & Raulin, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure cognitive slippage, an aspect of cognitive distortion that is viewed as a
primary characteristic of schizophrenia.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.193 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Cognitive-Somatic Anxiety Questionnaire #1400
Schwartz et al, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A simply worded, easy to understand measure of the cognitive and somatic components of
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychosomatic Medicine, 40, 321-328 and pg.196 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Cognitive Styles Analysis (CSA) #895
Riding, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: 11-16 yrs
Description: A computer-presented method of assessing an individual's position on the two cognitive style
dimensions - wholist/analytic and verbal/imagery.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Learning Styles & Metacognition) NOT COMPLETE
Cognitive Symptom Checklist (CSC) #82
O'Hara, Harrell, Bellingrath & Lisicia, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Developed to assist in the identification and treatment of 5 basic cognitive areas: 1) memory, 2)
attention/concentration, 3) visual process, 4) language, 5) executive functions.
Time: 10-20 mins per Checklist
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Cognitive Triad Inventory #1401
Beckham et al, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the cognitive triad hypothesised to be present in depressed persons: negative views of
themselves, their words, and their future.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 566-567 and pg.198 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Cohen-Hoberman Inventory of Physical Symptoms (CHIPS) #941
Cohen & Hobermann, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Lists 33 common physical symptoms. Includes psychosomatic symptoms but not physical
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set & Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 13, 99-125
Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) - long form #1114
Cohen-Mansfield, Marx & Rosenthal, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Looks at agitated behaviour in patients with cognitive impairment.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 44, M77-M84 and pg.159 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI) - short form #1113
Cohen-Mansfield, Marx & Rosenthal, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used for quantifying agitated behaviour by direct observation.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 44, M77-M84 and pg.157 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Collective Self-Esteem Scale #1402
Luhtanen & Crocker, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures social or collective self-esteem.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 18, 302-318 and pg.203 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
College Health Questionnaire #930
Whitney & Cadoret & McClure, 1971
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 25-74 yrs
Description: Looks at current depression, past depression and anxiety. Part of the NCHS General well-being
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Am. J. Psychiatry, 128, 766-770
College Inventory of Academic Adjustment #374
Borow, 1949
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Young Adults
Description: Designed to identify certain attributes, apart from scholastic aptitude, which have been shown to
be significantly related to college student’s academic performance.
Time: untimed; 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Color Form Sorting Test #83
Weigl, Goldstein & Sheerer, 1945
Administration: Individual
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Psychological Monographs, Vol 53, No.2, 1941 pg 110-130
Coloured Progressive Matrices #84
Raven, Court & Raven, 1986
Administration: Group
Range: 5.5-11 yrs
Description: Assesses the mental ability of younger children & older adults who are mentally subnormal or
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 4x1986, 2x1998
Location: Bay 5, Shelf 3
Columbia Impairment Scale #1602
Bird, Shaffer & Fisher, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A global measure of impairment that taps four major dimensions: interpersonal relations,
psychopathology, job or schoolwork, and use of leisure time.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 3, 167-176 and pg 367 from “Handbook of
Psychiatric Measures”
Columbia Impairment Scale (CIS) #1875
Bird, Shaffer, Fisher, et al., 1993
Range: 4-16 yrs
Discription: Assesses functioning
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 1993; 3: 167-76 and pg 207 from
“Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale #85
Burgemeister, Blum & Lorge, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: 3.6-10 yrs
Description: Assesses mental ability. Used with preschoolers, kindergartens, or children with physical or
verbal impairments.
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 6, Shelf 1
Columbia University Scale for Psychopathology in Alzheimer's Disease #1103
Devanand et al, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A screening instrument for psychopathology in Alzheimer's disease. Rates most items on a
catagorical measure of presence or absence in the last month.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Archives of Neurology, 49, 371-376 and pg.130 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Combat Exposure Scale #1403
Keane et al, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: 36.9-39.3 yrs
Description: Measures the subjective report of wartime stressors experienced by combatants.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Assessment, 1, 53-55 and pg.206 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Common Belief Inventory for Students #1316
Hooper & Layne, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 10-13 yrs
Description: Measures rationality in children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 47, 85-90 and pg.524 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Community Living Skills #86
Schalock & Gadwood, 1980
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: The evolution of a systematic approach to teaching community living skills within a community
based mental retardation program.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Companion Animal Bonding Scale #1317
Poresky et al, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15-47 yrs
Description: Measures the extent of human-animal bonding based on the extent of human-animal activities.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Reports, 60, 743-746 and pg.528 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Comparison of Bullying Definitions Within and Across Cultures #868
Smith, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: 8+ yrs
Description: Cards showing a stick figure cartoon and caption describing a social interaction. Can be used and
translated into other languages.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Bullying Behaviour in Schools)
Howard, Brill & Grissom, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess general mental health status, patient characteristics, and outcomes of care.
Time: 25 min, 15 min followup
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Location: pg 207 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Compassion Fatigue Test #922
Florida State University, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: http://www.ace-network.com/cftest.htm
Competitive Scale #1205
Laner, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure a partner's competitiveness in relationships. Divided into three subscales; 1)
pleasant 2) unpleasant 3) aggressive/abusive.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Family Relations, 35, 275-279 and pg.84 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Complex Figure Test #87
Visser, 1985
Administration: Individual
Description: Used to discriminate hereditary mental deficiency from acquired mental deficiency.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 2
Comprehensive Ability Battery (CAB) #88
Hakstian, Cattell & IPAT, 1982
Administration: Group
Range: 16+ years
Description: Measures a variety of abilities important in industrial settings for individuals high school age &
Time: varies according to test
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed (Bay 17, Shelf 4 – forms)
Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale (CPRS) #1161
Bucht & Adolfsson, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: The assessment of neuropsychiatric features of dementia in patients with Alzheimer's disease and
multi-infarct dementia.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 68, 263-270 and pg.255 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI) #911
Hammill, Pearson & Wiederholt, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-89 yrs
Description: A battery of six subtests that measure different but interrelated nonverbal intellectual abilities.
Time: 40-60 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 3
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 2nd Edition (CTONI-2) #1968
Hammill, Pearson & Wiederholt, 2009
Administartion: Individual
Range: 6-89 yrs
Description: Allowes to assess the reasoning ability of individuals who would otherwise be difficult to test.
Time: 60 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 3
Compulsive Eating Scale #1318
Kagan & Squires, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13-18 yrs
Description: Measures compulsive eating which is associated with obesity.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Adolescence, 19, 15-29 and pg.530 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Compulsiveness Inventory #1404
Kagan & Squires, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Based on Leyton Obsessional Inventory, is designed to measure compulsive behaviours that are
common in the "normal" population.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Reports, 57, 559-563 and pg.208 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Conceptions of the Desirable #540
Lorr, Suziedelis & Tonesk, 1973
Range: Adults
Description: Values are conceptualised as personal goals, social goals and modes of conduct deemed personally
or socially preferable and assessed in terms of their importance in the respondent’s life.
Location: pg.700 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Concern About Death-Dying Checklist #1405
Fry, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Measure seven aspects of one's fear of death or dying.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 46, 737-748 and pg.210 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Concern Over Weight and Dieting Scale #1319
Kagan & Squires, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13-18 yrs
Description: Measures concerns over weight and dieting as symptoms of eating disorders.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Adolescence, 19, 15-29 and pg.532 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Concise Word Reading Test #1912
Andrews, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: 7-12 yrs
Description: Assesses children's reading achievements and preliminary diagnosis of reading error patterns and
word attack skills.
Time: 3-4 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Conditional Reasoning Test of Aggression (CRTA) #905
James & McIntyre, 2000
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A personality-based reasoning assessment that predicts the potential for aggression in the
Time: short scale 5-10 min; long scale 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Connectedness to Nature Scale #1997
Frantz, Mayer, Norton & Rock 2005
Administration: Individual
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Envirinmental Psychology 25(2005)427-436
Confidence in Governmental and Other Institutions Scale #1754
Smith, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures confidence in the leaders of a variety of social and political institutions, of which three
are national government agencies and two are related to government (military and education).
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 499 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Conflict Resolution #493
Greenberg, 1996
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Comprehensive Stress Management. Madison: Brown & Benchmark
Conflict Tactics Scale #1245
Straus & Gelles, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure three tactics in resolving conflict between family members, 1) reasoning, 2)
verbal aggression, 3) violence.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.229 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) #1180
Inouye et al, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A instrument for the non-psychiatric clinician to detect delerium.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Annals of Internal Medicine, 113, 941-948 and pg.315 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." and pg 398 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Connors' Continuous Performance Test-2nd Ed (CPT-II) #970
Conners, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: 6 yrs-Adult
Description: Computerised program that assesses problems with attention and associated cognitive processes.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Conners' Rating Scale(CRS-R) #756
Conners, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 3-17 yrs
Description: Consists of parent, teacher, and self-report scales. Mainly used for assessment of ADHD but also
contain subscales for the assessment of conduct problems, emotional problems, anger control problems,
and anxiety problems.
Time: short scale 5-10 min; long scale 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 2
Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10 (CD-RISC 10) #1996
Connor, Davidson 2001
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Consequences #90
Christensen, Merrifield & Guilford, 1958
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Measures ability to produce spontaneously original ideas in response to associated ideas.
Time: 2 mins per item
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Conservatism of American Public Opinion #1684
Ray, 1983
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of liberalism-conservatism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location:: Journal of Social Psychology, 119, 293-294 and pg 115 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Conservatism Scale # 1685
McClosky, 1958
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures classical conservatism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Polical Science Review, 52, 27-45 Political Methodology, 6, 149-172 and pg 118 from
"Measures of Political Attitudes"
Construction of Problems Scale (CPS) #1206
Heatherington et al, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent or Adult
Description: Designed to assess an individual's private cognitive construction of a presenting problem.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Processes, 37, 167-187 and pg.87 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Contact Personality Factor #89
Cattell, King & Schuettler, 1954
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Developed to measure the extent to which a potential employee would be happy and adjusted in a
job requiring a lot of interaction with people.
Time: 10min
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Content-Controlled Measure of Political Tolerance #1709
Sullivan, Piereson and Marcus, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the willingness to permit the expression of ideas or interests one opposes.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 75, 92-106 and American Political Science Review, 73, 781-794
and pg 266 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Contour Drawing Rating Scale #1083
Thompson & Gray, 1995
Administration: Individual or group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: A body-image assessment tool consisting of 9 males and 9 females that are of precisely graduated
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 64(2), 258-269
Controlled Oral Word Association (COWA) #782
Administration: Individual
Description: Evaluates the spontaneous production of words beginning with a given letter or a given class
within a limited amount of time.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.131 & 447 in Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests
Cool Kids Anxiety Program Kit #1944
Rapee, Lyneham, Schniering et al, 2006
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 6-12 yrs
Description: This package aids the mental health professional in conducting treatment program for anxious
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Cool Kids (Adolescent) Anxiety Program Kit #1945
Rapee, Lyneham, Schniering et al, 2006
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13-18 yrs
Description: This package aids the mental health professional in conducting treatment program for anxious
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Cooperative and Militant Internationalism Scale #1778
Wittkopf, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Taps the "two faces" of internationalism.
Number in Stock: Phhotocopy
Location: pg 575 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Cooperative Preschool Inventory #92
Caldwell & Freund, 1970
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-6 yrs
Description: A brief individual assessment and screening procedure designed to measure achievement in areas
regarded as necessary for success in school.
Time: untimed; about 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set- out of print
Co-operative Reading Comprehension Test - Form Y #93
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at vocabulary, speed of comprehension, level of comprehension and reading.
Time: 25-40 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Coopersmith Self -Esteem Inventory #91
Coopersmith, 1981
Range: 8-15 yrs School Form; 16+ yrs Adult Form
Description: Measures attitudes towards the self in social, academic and personal contexts.
Time: untimed; 10 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 8
COPE #421
Carver, Scheier & Weintraub, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Used to assess situational coping or dispositional coping, or both.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Coping)
Copenhagen Burnout Inventory #792
Borritz, Kristensen & Bjoerner, 1999
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Preliminary questionnaireused for assessing burnout. Uses the Maslach as a comparison.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Coping #672
MacCarthy & Benson & Brewin, 1986
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Medicine, 16: 431-438.
Coping Checklist #1406
Fry, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Measures coping responses to death or dying.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 46, 737-748 and pg.210 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Coping Health Inventory for Parents (CHIP) #706
McCubbin, McCubbin, Patterson, Cauble, Wilson & Warwick, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Developed to measure parental coping styles. It aims to assess parents' perceptions of the
helpfulness of behaviours that they are currently utilizing to manage family life , when they have a
seriously and/or chronically ill child.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Parental Coping & Support) and pg.237 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) #724
Endler & Parker,
Administration: Individual & Group
Range: 13-18yrs & Adults
Description: Identifies and measures individual coping styles in response to stress.
Time: untimed, 10 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Coping Resources Inventory #94
Hammer & Marting, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure personal resources for coping with stress.
Time: untimed; 10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Coping Responses Inventory (CRI) #487
Moos, 1993
Description: Looks at personal coping strategies, both positive and maladaptive.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Stress, Coping & Social Support)
Coping Scale for Adults #652
Frydenberg & Lewis, 1997
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assist individuals and organisations that work with adults in clinical counselling and
human resource context to consider issues surrounding coping.
Time: varies
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Coping Strategy Questionnaire #413
Rosenstiel & Keefe, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Pain, 17, p.33-44
Cornell Coxe Performance Ability Scale #97
Cornell & Coxe, 1934
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-12 yrs
Description: Constructed to aid children deficient in verbal and abstract abilities.
Time: 45 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Cornell Dysthymia Rating Scale (CDRS) #1887
Mason, Kocsis et.al, 1993
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses severity of symptoms of dysthymia.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychiatric Annals 23(11):625-31 and pg 20 from"Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and
Cornell-Brown Scale for Quality of Life in Dementia #1163
Ready, Ott, Grace & Fernandez, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to measure the quality of life in patients with dementia.
Time: 10-12 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Alzheimer's Disease and Associated Disorders, 16, 109-115 and pg.266 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Cornell Index W #96
Weider & Wolfe & Brodman & Mittelmann & Wechsler, 1948
Administration: Individual & Group
Range: Adults
Description: Used for screening a large number of persons with serious personal and psychosomatic
Time: 5-15 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 19, Shelf 2
Cornell Learning and Study Skills Inventory (CLASSIC) #2039
Pauk, Cassel, 1970
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: The Cornell Learning and Study Skills Inventory is comprised of 120 items which deal with
critical factors related to learning.
Time: No time limit
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia #1053
Alexopouloset al, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Interviews carer and patient to determine the diagnosis of depression in patients with a dementia
Time: 10-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Biological Psychiatry, 23, 271-284 and pg.9 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed." and pg23 - from "Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies" and pg 407 from “Handbook
of Psychiatric Measures” and pg 174 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”
Correctional Institutions Environment Scale #95
Moos, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: 17+ yrs
Description: Composed of 9 subscales that measure the social climate of juvenile and adult correctional
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Costello-Comrey Depression and Anxiety Scales #1407
Costello & Comrey, 1967
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: An anxiety and depression scale that can be administered together or seperately.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: The Journal of Psychology, 66, 303-313 and pg.213 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Counterbalanced F Scale #541
Lee & Warr, 1969
Range: Adults
Description: Constructed as a counterbalance authoritarianism scale in which the reversed items were worded
so the semantic structure of each item was positive.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.539 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS) #443
Watson & Greer, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: A questionnaire developed to measure emotional control or expressivity.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Individual & Demographic Differences)
Covi Anxiety Scale (COVI) #1898
Lipman, 1982
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses severity of symptoms of dysthymia
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychiatric Annals 23(11):625-31 and pg 20 from” Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and
Creative Therapy: Activities with Children and Adolescents #1797
Hobday & Ollier 1998
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 5
Creativity Checklist (CCh) #369
Johnson, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Developed to identify overt creativity observed by at least one other person.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Crichton Royal Behavioural Rating Scale (CRBRS) #1152
Robinson, 1961
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: For the assessment of psychogeriatric patients. Can be self completed or used with informants.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Gerontologia Clinica, 3, 247-257 and pg.241 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Crown-Crisp Experimental Index #1604
Crown & Crisp, 1966
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed for the rapid quantification of symptoms and traits of psychoneurotic illness an
personality disorder.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, 112, 917-923 and pg 79 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Cultural Congruity Scale #1408
Gloria & Robinson-Kurpius, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures Chicano/a students' sense of cultural congruity or cultural fit within the college
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences,18, 553-549 and pg.219 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Cultural Cosmopolitanism Scale #1670
Robinson & Zill, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures a variety of attitudes about broad cultural issues that have correlations with political
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Demographics, 19, 48-52 and pg 16 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Cultural Estrangement #542
Kohn & Schooler, 1983
Range: Adults
Description: A four item scale that assesses whether one believes that one’s ideas and opinions about important
matters differ from those of people in one’s primary and secondary groups.
Location: pg.352 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Culture Fair Test #99
Cattell & Cattell, 1977
Administration: Group
Range: 4-8 yrs
Description: Measures individual intelligence in a manner designed to reduce the influence of verbal fluency,
cultural climate, and educational level.
Time: 22 mins
Number in Stock: 7
Location: Bay 1, Shelf 3
Cystic Fibrosis Quality of Life Questionnaire #837
Gee, Abbott, Conway, Etherington & Webb, 2000
Range: Adolescents – Adults
Description: Adisease specific measure consisting of 52 itemsacross domains of functioning important to
adolescents and adults with cystic firosis
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Thorax 55(11) 946-954
Dailey Vocational Tests #995
Dailey, 1965
Administration: Individual
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Subtests consist of a variety of aptitude and achievement items which are designed to predict both
training and occupational success in a number of skilled trades and technical opperations.
Time: timed sub tests
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Daily Adjustments Indicator Scale #1640
Burchard & Schaefer, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Child - Adolescent
Description: Designed to provide a reliable measure of behaviours and events that are believed to relate to a
child's risk of movement to a more restrictive placement.
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Clinical Psychology Review, 12, 867-882
Daily Stress Inventory #2026
Brantley, Waggoner, Jones, Rappaport 1987
Administration: Individual
Description: Measure introduced to provide researches and clinicians with a psychometrcally sound self-report
instrumentfor daily assessment of the sources and individualized impact of relatively minor stressful
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Behavioural Medicine, Vol.10, No.1, 1987
Darlington Family Assessment System (DFAS) #710
Wilkinson, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: Children & Adults
Description: Modelled around the concept of multisystem-multimethod assessment. Aimed to develop an
efficient and pragmatic assessment which could be used for both clinical and training purposes.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Families & Relationships)
Dartmouth COOP Functional Assessment Charts #1605
Nelson et al, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent-Adult
Description: Developed to measure functional status in adolescents and adults.
Time: 1-9 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Journal of Chronic Diseases, 40(supp1), 55S-63S and pg 121 from “Handbook of Psychiatric
Measures” and pg 128 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”
Dating and Assertion Questionnaire #1409
Levenson & Gottman, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure social competence with a focus on social skills in two social situations:
dating and assertion.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46, 453-462 and pg.221 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Dean Subscales - Normlessness #543
Dean, 1961
Range: Adults
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.316 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Dean Subscales - Powerlessness #544
Dean, 1961
Range: Adults
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.295 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Dean Subscales - Social Isolation #545
Dean, 1961
Range: Adults
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.350 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Death Depression Scale #1410
Templer et al, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures depression about one's own impending death, the death of others, or death in general.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 46, 834-839 and pg.225 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Defense Style Questionnaire #1606
Bond, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A measure that dimensionally assesses conscious derivatives of defense mechanisms and provides
quantitative scores on four styles of defensive functioning: maladaptive action, image-distorting, selfsacrificing, and adaptive.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 40, 333-338 and pg 747 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Defense Style Questionnaire-40 #1411
Andrews, Singh & Bond, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures defence style/defence mechanisms.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 181, 246-256 and pg.227 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Defining Issues Test (DIT) #728
University of Minnesota, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Measures moral judgement.
Time: 30-40 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set / Photocopy
Delirium Index (DI) #1182
McCusker et al, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to rate the severity of delirium.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Psychogeriatrics, 10, 421-433 and pg. 319 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Delirium Rating Scale (DRS) #1181
Trzepacz, Baker & Greenhouse, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: An instrument to assess symptoms of delirium.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychiatric Research, 23, 89-97 and pg.317 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Delis-Kaplin Executive Function System (D-KEFS) #906
Delis, Kaplin & Kramer, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-89 yrs
Description: Comprehensive assessment of the key components of executive functions believed to be mediated
primarily by the frontal lobe.
Time: 90 min, varies with each subtest
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 7
D-KEFS Scoring Assistant #971
Delis, Kaplan & Kramer, 201
Administration: Individual
Description: Used to quickly and eficiently score and analyse D-KEFS results.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Dementia Behavior Disturbance Scale #1115
Baumgarten, Becker & Gauthier, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Measurement of behavioural disturbances in dementia.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 38, 221-226 and pg.162 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Dementia Rating Scale #1154
Lawson, Rodenburg & Dykes, 1977
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Evaluates global functioning in dementia.
Time: 20-25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 32, 153-159 and pg.245 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Dementia Rating Scale-2 (DRS-2) #972
Mattis, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 55-89 yrs
Description: Measures cognitive functioning at lower ability levelsand is used to track changes in cognitive
ability over time. Looks at Attention, Initiation/Perseveration, Construction, Conceptualisation and
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 9 (forms)
Democratic Legitimacy #1763
McDonough, Barnes & Lopez-Pina, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure support for democratic institutions.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 80, 735-760 and pg 518 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Democratic Principles and Applications #1700
McClosky, 1964
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the abstract democratic principles and their application in concrete circumstances.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 58, 361-382 and pg 232 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Democratic Values Scale #1702
McClosky & Zaller, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures support for "clear" and "contested" democratic norms related to rights and liberties
accorded to various groups, political equality, due process, and privacy rights
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 238 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Dennis Independence Scales #1796
Dennis, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures independence in terms of psychological self-identification.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British journal of Political Science, 18, 197-219, pg. 719 from “Measures of Political Attitudes”
Dental Anxiety Scale #1412
Corah, Gale & Illig, 1969
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures anxiety about dental treatment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Dental Association, 97, 816-818 and pg.231 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Dental Fear Survey #1413
Kleinknecht et al, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to identify the respondent's specific and unique responses to a variety of dental-related
stimuli that could produce fear and/or avoidance.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Dental Association, 108, 59-61 and pg.233 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Depression Adjective Checklist #100
Lubin, 1967
Range: Adults
Description: Developed to measure transient depressive mood, feeling, or emotion (as opposed to chronic,
enduring depression).
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: pg.215 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) #365
Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+
Description: Designed to measure the negative emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 3 Filed
Depression-Happiness Scale #1414
Joseph & Lewis, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures depression and happiness. Represents a mix of affective, cognitive, and bodily
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54, 537-544 and pg.240 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Depression Outcomes Module #1607
Smith et al, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess the process of care, patient characteristics, and outcomes of care for patients with
major depressive disorder.
Time: 3 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 213 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Depression Self-Rating Scale #1320
Birleson, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 7-13 yrs
Description: Designed specifically to measure depression in children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 22, 73-88 and pg.535 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Depression Self-Rating Scale for Children (DSRS) #1852
Birleson, Hudson, Buchanan, Wolff, 1987
Range: 8-14 yrs
Description: Assesses depressive symptoms.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1987; 28: 43-60 and pg 87 from “Assessment Scales in
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ) #546
Blatt, D'Afflitti & Quinlan, 1976
Range: Adults
Description: Measures two major dimensions of depression 1)anaclitic depression, 2)introjective depression.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.219 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Depressive Personality Disorder Inventory #1415
Huprich et al, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to assess cognitions that are representative of the DSM-IV conceptualisation of the
depressive personality disorder.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52, 153-159 and pg.242 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Depressive Signs Scale (DSS) #1057
Katona & Aldridge, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: This measure is used to detect depressive signs in people with severe dementia.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Affective Disorders, 8, 83-89 and pg.15 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Derriford Apperance Scale 24 (DAS-24) #1948
Moss, Harris, Carr, 2004
Administration: Individual
Time: 5-10 min
Description: The DAS 24 is a twenty four item scale designed to measure distress and dysfunction to problems
of apperance.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Design Fluency Test #1297
Jones-Gotman & Milner, 1977
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adult
Description: Measures the production of novel abstract design.
Time: timed, 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Neuropsychologia, 15, 653-674 and pg. 199 - "A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests"
Desired Control Scale (DCS) #547
Reid & Ziegler, 1981
Range: 65+ yrs
Description: Assesses the degree to which an elderly person feels in control of desirable events of everyday
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.464 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Deterioration de Cognition Observee (DECO)
see Brief Informant Screening Test
Detox Fear Survey Schedule-27 #1416
Gentile & Milby, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the pathological fear of methadone detoxification, which has been termed detoxification
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48, 797-807 and pg.245 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Detroit Test of Learning Aptitudes #101
Baker & Leland, 1967
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-17 yrs
Description: Used to solve children’s learning problems in practical ways.
Time: 50 mins - 2 hrs
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Develpment of the Drake Beliefs about Chance Inventory #1974
Wood, Clapham 2005
Administration: Individual
Description: Designed to determine and quantify erroneous beliefs about games of chance.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Developmental Behaviour Checklist(DBC) 2nd Edition #1993
Einfeld & Tonge, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-18 yrs
Description: For the assessmentof a broad range of behavioural and emotional disturbances in young people
with ID.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Developmental Gestalt Test of School Readiness #733
Brenner, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-6 yrs
Description: This test is based on developmental and learning principles, perceptual and conceptual
differentiation abilities of the child.
Time: untimed, 3-10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration #102
Beery & Buktenica, 1967
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 3-6 yrs Short Form; 3-18 yrs Long Form
Description: Identifies children with visual perception, hand control and eye-hand coordination problems.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Developmental Test of Visual Perception #103
Frostig, Lefever & Whittlesey, 1966
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 4-8 yrs
Description: Designed to evaluate the visual perception skills of young children.
Time: 35-50 mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Filed & storage
Diagnosing Organizational Culture #1995
Harrison, Stokes 1992
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to help identify aspects of the organization's culture.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Patients -- Revised #1608
Zanarini, Gunderson & Frankenburg, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to categorically assess borderline personality.
Time: 50-90 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Disorders, 3, 10-18 and pg 727 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Diagnostic Interview for Children & Adolescents-R #105
Reich & Kaplin, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-17 yrs
Description: Structured psychiatric interview scheduled to be used in interviews with children.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders #1609
Zanarini, Frankenburg, Sickel & Yong, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A semistructured clinical interview developed to categorically assess the DSM-IV personality
Time: 90 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 720 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Diagnostic Symptom Questionnaire #407
Rapee, Brown, Antony & Barlow, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 101(3): 538-552
Diagnostic Inventory for Depression (DID) #1888
Zimmerman, Sheeran, Young, 2004
Range: Aadult
Description: Used to diagnose depression according to impairment and quality of life.
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology 60(1):87-110 and pg 23 from "Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety”
Dieter’s Inventory of Eating Temptations #1417
Schlundt & Zimering, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures behavioural competence in six types of situations related to weight control: overeating,
negative emotional eating, exercise, resisting temptation, positive social eating, and food choice.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Addictive Behaviors, 13, 151-164 and pg.248 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Differential Ability Scales (DAS) #106
Elliott, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.6-17.11 yrs
Description: Measures children’s cognitive abilities. Used to diagnose and analyse children’s learning
disabilities; and, to identify, select, and classify children with various learning and other disabilities.
Time: 45-65 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 20, Shelf 3
Differential Aptitude Test - Forms L&M #109
Bennett, Seashore & Wesman, 1963
Administration: Individual
Range: 13-17 yrs
Description: Assesses aptitude. Used for educational and vocational guidance in junior and senior high
Time: 120 mins Book1; 115 mins Book2
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Differential Aptitude Test - Forms S&T #107
Bennett, Seashore & Wesman, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: 13-17 yrs
Description: Assesses aptitude. Used for educational and vocational guidance in junior and senior high schools.
Time: 120 mins Book1; 115 mins Book2
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Differential Aptitude Test - Forms V&W (Australian Ed) #108
Bennett, Seashore, Wesman; adapted by deLemos, 1989
Range: 14 yrs-Adult
Description: Eight tests presented in five different booklets. This battery of tests are used for personnel
selection and vocational and educational guidance.
Time: varies for each test
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 16, Shelf 3&4
Differential Loneliness Scale #548
Schmidt & Sermat, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: A test where the respondents are asked to evaluate the quality and quantity of their interactions in
four kinds of relationships.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.267 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Differential National Image Scale #1777
Kurbanov and Robinson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: A test where the respondents are asked to evaluate the quality and quantity of their interactions in
four kinds of relationships.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg570 from “Measures of Political Attitudes”.
Diffuse Support for the Supreme Court #1675
Caldeira, Gibson, Tanenhaus & Murphy, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures diffuse support defined as "a reservoir of favorable attitudes or good will that helps
members to accept or tolerate outputs to which they are opposed or the effects of which they see as
damaging to their wants"
Location: American Journal of Political Science, 36, 635-664; and Journal of Politics, 43, 24-39 and pg 29 from
"Measures of Political Attitudes"
Dimensions of Political Tolerance #1710
Gibson & Bingham, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures political tolerance which is defined as "opposition to state actions that limit
opportunities for citizens, individually or in groups, to compete for political power".
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 76, 603-620 and pg 271 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Direct Assessment of Activities of Daily Living in Alzheimer's Disease #1142
Skurla, Roger & Sunderland, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of activities of daily living by using a direct measure of self-care.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 36, 97-103 and pg.215 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Direct Assessment of Functional Status (DAFS) #1131
Loewenstein et al, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A direct assessment of functional capacities in Alzheimer's disease and other disorders.
Time: 25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 44, 114-121 and pg.197 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Dispositional Resilience Scale (DRS-15) #1987
Bartone 2009
Administartion: Individual
Description: This is the most recent and up-to-date version of the 15-item Dispositional Resilience Scale
currently available
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Disruptive Behavior Rating Scales (DBRS) #1111
Mungas, Weiler, Franzi & Henry, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of disruptive behaviour in patients with dementia.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 2, 196-202 and pg.152 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule #1610
Ross, Heber & Norton, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A fully structured diagnostic interview that was developed for the diagnosis of dissociative
Time: 30-60 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Dissociation, 2, 169-189 and pg 624 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) #850
Bernsein & Putnam, 1986
Description: Developed to offer a means of reliability to measure dissociation in normal and clinical
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous & Mental Diseases, 174 (12), 727-735
Dogmatism Scale #549
Rokeach, 1956
Range: Adults
Description: Measures individual differences in open versus closed belief systems, designed to encompass both
right and left authoritarianism
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.560 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Dominance-Accommodation Scale #1207
Hoskins, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures dominance and accomidation in interpersonal relationships, particularily in couples and
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Reports, 58, 627-642 and pg.92 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Doubt about Trustworthiness of People #551
Scheussler, 1982
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the extent to which people doubt that others are ‘generally fair, forthright, and honest in
their everyday lives.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.323 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Doubt and Self-Determination #550
Scheussler, 1982
Range: Adults
Description: Measures whether a person feels shaped by social circumstances rather than capable of shaping
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.306 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Dressing Performance Scale #1137
Beck, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Developed specifically to address issues of dressing people with dementia.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Alzheimer's Care and Related Disorders and Research, 3, 21-25 and pg.205 from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Drinking Motives Questionnaire #1321
Cooper, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent
Description: Measures adolescents' motives for using alcohol.
Number in Stock: Photocopy - – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 6, 117-128 and pg.537 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Drinking-Related Locus of Control Scale #552
Keyson & Janda, 1972
Range: 40-50 yrs
Description: A measure of control expectations dealing with a variety of drinking-related behaviours.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.485 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Driver Behaviour Questionnaire #666
Reason & Manstead & Stradling & Baxter & Campbell, 1990
Location: Ergonomics, 33(10/11): 1281-1290.
Drug Abuse Screening Test #676
Skinner, 1982
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to provide a brief instrument for clinical screening and treatment evaluation research.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Addictive Behaviours, 7: 363-371
Drug Attitude Inventory #1611
Hogan & Awad, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses a patient's subjective response to medications.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Medicine, 13, 177-183 and pg 509 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Dual-Career Family Scale (DCFS) #1209
Pendleton et al, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed for assessing career wives. Measures six characteristics of dual-career families 1)
marriage type, 2) domestic responsibility, 3) satisfaction, 4) self-image, 5) career salience and 6) career
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 42, 269-276 and pg.104 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Duel Employed Coping Scales (DECS) #1208
Skinner & McCubbin, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the coping behaviours spouces find helpful in managing work and family
roles when both partners are employed outside the home.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.96 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Duke Health Profile (DUKE) #1906
Parkerson, Broadhead, Tse, 1990
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses general health status and health-related quality of life.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Medical Care 28(11):1056-72
Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire #677
vanStrien & Fryters & Bergers & Defares, 1986
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Journal of Eating Disorders, 5(2): 295-315.
Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) #1210
Spanier, 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess the quality of the relationship as perceived by married or cohabiting couples.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 38, 15-28 and pg.108 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Dyadic Sexual Regulation Scale #553
Catania, McDermott & Wood, 1984
Range: 25-30 yrs
Description: Assesses control beliefs relevant to sexual activity with partners.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.491 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Dysfunctional Attitude Scale #1418
Weissman, 1980
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to identify cognitive distortions - particularly the distortions that may underlie or cause
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.263 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Dysfunctional Behaviour Rating Instrument (DBRI) #1117
Molloy, McIlroy, Guyatt & Lever, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Measures the frequency of, and caregiver's responses to, a range of behaviours found in elderly
people with cognitive impairment.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 84, 103-106 and pg.165 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Dyslexia Screening Test (DST) #973
Nicolson & Fawcett, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: 4yrs-6mths-6yrs-5mths; 6yrs-6mths-16yrs-5mths
Description: Screens for literacy difficulties in children and adolescents. Looks at Rapid Naming, Bead
Threading, Phonological Discrimination, Postural Stability, Rhymn Detection/First Letter Sound,
Forward Digit Span, Digit Naming, Letter Naming, Sound Order and Shape Copying.
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 1
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale #730
Harms & Clifford, 1980
Administration: Individual
Range: 2-6 yrs
Description: Gives an overall picture of the surroundings that have been created for the children and adults who
sharean early childhood setting.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-R (ECERS-R) #1348
Harms & Clifford & Cryer, 2005
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.5-5 yrs
Description: Gives an overall picture of the surroundings that have been created for the children and adults who
share an early childhood setting. Contains seven subscales: Space and Furnishing, Personal Care
Routines, Language-Reasoning, Activities, Interaction, Program Structure, Parents ans Staff.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Early Math Diagnostic Assessment (EMDA) #974
Psychological Corporation, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-6 yrs
Description: Used to screen and identify children at risk for maths difficulties. It targets areas of needed
instruction and monitors progress and intervention.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay14, Shelf 3
Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment K-1 (ERDA K-1) #975
Psychological Corporation, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-8 yrs
Description: Helps to identify strenghts and weaknesses in a student's reading skills. Assesses five components
of reading: Phonemic Awareness, Fluency, Comprehension, Phonics, and Vocabulary.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment 2-3 (ERDA 2-3) #992
Psychological Corporation, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-8 yrs
Description: Helps to identify strenghts and weaknesses in a student's reading skills. Assesses five components
of reading: Phonemic Awareness, Fluency, Comprehension, Phonics, and Vocabulary.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Early School Personality Questionnaire (ESPQ) #110
Coan & Cattell, 1976
Range: 6-8 yrs
Description: Measuring personality in children in the early school years.
Time: 30-50 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Early Signs of Dementia Checklist #1096
Visser et al, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 50+ yrs
Description: Used to detect dementia in people with a learning disability.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Mental Retardation, 101, 400-412 and pg.89 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
East-West Questionnaire #554
Gilgen & Cho, 1979
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to measure Eastern versus Western orientations in belief systems.
Location: pg.709 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Easycare: Elderly Assessment System #1172
EasyCare Development Group, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A comprehensive assessment instrument looking at a variety of needs of older people. Designed
for the rapid assessment of an older person's physical, mental and social well-being.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.295 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Eating Attitudes Test #1419
Garner & Garfinkel, 1979
Administration: Individual
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Measures a broad range of behaviours and attitudes characteristic of anorexia nervosa.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Medicine, 9, 273-279 and pg.267 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire #678
Fairburn & Cooper, 1996
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Binge Eating: Nature Assessment & Treatment. New York: Guilford Press.
Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2) #111
Garner, Olmsted & Polivy, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure specific cognitive and behavioural dimensions that may differentiate
subgroups of individuals with eating disorders and distinguish individuals with serious psychopathology
from ‘normal’ dieters.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Eating Inventory (The) #112
Stuckard & Messick, 1983
Range: 17+ years
Description: Measures behaviour important to the understanding and treatment of eating-related disorders such
as anorexia and bulimia.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Eating Questionnaire - R #1420
Davies et al, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses symptoms of bulimia and can be used to differentiate binge eaters and obesity.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.270 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Eating Self-Efficacy Scale #1421
Glynn & Ruderman, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses the individual's self-efficacy regarding eating (or overeating) behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Cognitive Therapy and Research, 10, 403-420 and pg.273 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Edinburgh Handedness Inventory #934
Oldfield, 1971
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A method of assessing handedness on a qualitative scale.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Neuropsychologia, 9, 97-113
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) #839
Cox, Holden & Sagovsky, 1987, 2003
Range: Adult
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 150 and pg 177 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania
and Anxiety”.
Edinburgh Reading Test #113
Godfrey Thomson Unit for Educational Research, University of Edinburgh, 1972
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 7-12.6 yrs
Description: Assesses the non-verbal reasoning abilities of children.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) #114
Edwards, 1959
Administration: Group
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses an individuals personality.
Time: untimed; 45 mins
Number in Stock: 6
Location: Filed & storage
Efficacy/Powerlessness and Process Commitment Scales #1740
Watts, 1973
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures political efficacy, process commitment, and trust.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 445 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Egalitarianism and Inegalitarianism Scales #1693
Kluegel & Smith, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures popular beliefs about inequality.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 169 from “Measures of Political Attitudes”
Ego Identity Scale #1422
Tan, Kendis, Fine & Porac, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures ego identity.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 41, 279-284 and pg.275 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Embarrassability Scale #555
Modigliani, 1966
Range: Adults
Description: Consists of brief descriptions of 26 social situations that may cause people to feel embarrassed.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.173 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Embedded Figure Test #387
Wittin, Oltman, Raskin & Karp, 1971
Administration: Individual
Range: 10+ yrs
Description: Assesses cognitive style in perceptual tasks. Used in counselling.
Time: timed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
EMBU (Egna Minnen Betraffande Uppfostran) - Modified #687
Winefield, Goldney, Tiggemann & Winefield, 1990
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: Journal of Genetic Psychology, 151(2): 211-219.
Emotional Assessment Scale #1423
Carlson et al, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-34 yrs
Description: Measures immediate emotional responses to a full range of emotions at the same time.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Psychpathology and Behavioral Assessment, 11, 313-325 and pg.278 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Emotional Intelligence (EI) Scale #1003
Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden & Dornheim, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A self-report measure of emotional intelligence.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personality & Individual Differences, 25, 167-177
Emotional-Social Loneliness Inventory #556
Vincenzi & Grabosky, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: A multidimensional measure designed to distinguish among four constructs related to typology of
loneliness, emotional and social isolation, and emotional and social loneliness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 2, 257-270 and pg.275 - from "Measures of Personality &
Social Psychological Attitudes" and pg.281 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Emotional versus Social Loneliness Scales #557
Russell & Cutrona & Rose & Yurko, 1984
Range: Adults
Description: Two measures designed to distinguish emotional isolation from social isolation.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.271 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Emotionalism and Mood Disorders After Stroke #1060
Houseet al, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used for the assessment of emotional lability post-stroke.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British Medical Journal, 298, 991-994 and Age and Ageing, 18, 371-379 and pg.26 - from
"Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Empathy Quotient #1999
Lawrence, Shaw, Baker, Baron-Cohen, David 2004
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Self-report scale designed to meausure the emphaty.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Meicine Vol.34 Issue 05 July 2004 p.911-920
Empirically Derived Value Constructions #558
Gorlow & Noll, 1967
Range: Adults
Description: A set of empirically derived values representing 1)sources of meaning in life, 2)sources of
pleasure in life, 3)goals in life.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.705 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Employee Aptitude Survey(EAS) #1932
Ruch & Stang, 1963
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses abilities that are important for wide veriety of jobs.
Time: 5 – 10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Empowering Leadership Questionnaire #1034
Arnold, Arad, Rhoades & Drasgow, 2000
Range: 18-60 yrs
Description: An interview type test where participants were asked to describe effective and ineffective
behaviours in their first-line or direct managers.
Time: 20-90 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21, 249-269
Encouraging Reflection in Teaching and Educational Psychology Practice #886
Cameron, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: For teachers and educational psychologists. Looks at the reflection of a critical incident and the
management of this event.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Self-Regulated Learning and Behaviour)
English Skills Assessment #115
ACER, 1982
Administration: Group
Range: 15-17 yrs
Description: A combination of two test batteries to be used to provide information about students strengths and
weaknesses in areas of English skills and reading skills.
Time: 60 mins Part1; 70 mins Part2
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Environmental Assessment Index #1246
Poresky, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 3-11 yrs
Description: Assesses the educational/developmental quality of children's home environments.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurements, 47, 969-975 and pg.243 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Environmental Response Inventory #116
McKechnie, 1974
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Measures an individual’s disposition towards different physical/psychological environments.
Time: 25-30 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Filed & storage
Epworth Sleepiness Scale #1612
Johns, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess the overall level of daytime sleepiness.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Sleep, 14, 540-545 and pg 682 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures” and pg 131 from
“Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”.
EQ -5D #1952
Oppe, Rabin, de Charro, 2008
Administartion: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Standardised measure of health status developed by the EUROQoL Group in order to provide a
simple, generic measure of health for clinical and economic appraisal.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Equity/Inequity Scale (E/I) #1211
Traupmann et al, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure levels of equity intimate couples perceive in their relationships.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Applied Psychological Measurements, 5, 467-480 and pg.112 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice:
a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Ethnocentrism Scale #559
Adorno, Levinson, Frenkel-Brunswik & Sanford, 1950
Range: Adults
Description: Measures ethnocentrism. An ideological distinction ‘made between ingroups and outgroups’.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.524 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
EuroQol (EQ-5D) #1181
Brooks, Rabin & deCharro, 2003
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A non-disease specific instument used to measure health-related quality of life.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.228 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Evaluating Residential Facilities #514
Moos & Lenke, 1996
Description: A five part procedure for evaluating the physical and social environments in residential settings
for older adults.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Evaluation Process within Supervision Inventory (EPSI) #1046
Lehrman-Waterman & Ladany, 2001
Range: Adult
Description: A measure that examines evaluation practices in clinical supervision..
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 48(2), 168-177
Examining for Aphasia #117
Eisenson, 1954
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Assesses language functioning of aphasics.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Exercise Motivations Inventory (The) #2022
Description: Assesses individual's participation motives.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Explanations for Poverty Scales #1697
Feagin, Kluegel & Smith, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures popular beliefs about the causes of poverty in the United States.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 179 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Executive Profile Survey #410
Lang & Krug, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures executive potential and identifies individuals likely to succeed. Assesses an
organisations’ executive strengths and identifies future needs.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Exercise Motivations Inventory-2 #1022
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses a individuals participation motives in relation to exercise.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: www.FitnessLogistics.com
Experience of Shame Scale (ESS) #1011
Andrews, Qian & Valentine, 2002
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at the relationship between shame and psychopathology. Assesses four areas of
characterological shame, three areas of behavioural shame and one area of body shame.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British journal of Clinical Psychology, 41, 29-42
Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R) #1004
Sibley & Liu, 2004
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A self report measure of adult romantic attachment.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personality & Individual Differences, 36, 969-975
Expressional Fluency #118
Christensen & Guilford, 1958
Range: Adolescent/Adult
Description: Measures the ability to produce spontaneously statements of organised thought.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale (ESRS) #1922
Chouinard, Ross-Chouinard, Annable, Jones, 1980
Range: Adults & Adolescents
Description: Assesses severity of extrapyramidal symptoms (Parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonia)
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 7:233 and pg 132 from "Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory #1322
Eyberg, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 2-17 yrs
Description: Designed to measure conduct-problem behaviours in children and adolescents.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 2, 391-397 and pg.540 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Eysenck Personality Inventory #121
Eysenck & Eysenck, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures extroversion and neuroticism, the two dimensions of personality that account for most
personality variance.
Time: untimed; about 15 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) #122
Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs Adult Form; 7-15 yrs Junior Form
Description: Designed to measure two main personality factors: 1)extroversion-introversion 2) neuroticism-stability.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set & storage
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-R (EPQ-R) #123
Eysenck & Eysenck, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A convenient measure of three key dimensions of personality 1) extroversion-introversion, 2)
neuroticism or emotionality 3) psychoticism or ‘tough-mindedness’. It also incorporates a lie scale.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 5
Face-Hand Test (FHT) #1089
Fink, Green & Bender, 1952
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used a a diagnostic procedure for brain damage. It is culture-free and can be used with patients
who have impaired communication.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Neurology, 1, 46-58 and pg.75 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Facial Action Coding System #943
Ekman, Friesen & Hagar, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at the Action Units which represent the muscular activity that produces momentary changes
in facial expression.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 1
Facial Expressions of Emotion: Stimuli and Tests #1669
Young et al, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assess recognition of facial expressions of emotion. The stimuli include the six basic emotions
from the Ekman and Friesen series (happiness, surprise, fear, sadness, disgust, anger), as well as the
neutral faces..
Number in Stock: Specimen Set-CD
Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence #395
Fagan & Shepherd, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-12 mths
Description: A non-invasive test of information processing. It differentiates those babies who are most likely
to be mentally retarded from those who are likely to develop normally.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Faith in People Scale #560
Rosenberg, 1957
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to assess one’s degree of confidence in the trustworthiness, honesty, goodness,
generosity, and brotherliness of people in general.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.404 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES-III) #1247
Olson, Portner & Lavee, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure two main dimensions of family functioning, 1) cohesion, 2) adaptability.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Process, 25, 337-351 and pg.246 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Adaptation Scales #1270
Antonovsky & Sourani, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure a family's sense of adaptation to internal and external environments.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 50, 79-92 and pg.354 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Assessment Device (FAD) #1248
Epstein & Baldwin & Bishop, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to evaluate family functioning according to the McMaster model.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 9, 171-180 and pg.250 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Awareness Scale #1249
Kolevzon & Green, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure family competence as described in the Beavers-Timberlawn Model of
Family Competence.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Process, 24, 385-398 and pg.259 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Beliefs Inventory #1250
Roehling & Robin, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Measures unreasonable beliefs regarding parent-adolescent relationships.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 693-697 and pg.263 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Celebrations Index #1251
McCubbin & Thompson, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure family celebrations, or the extent to which a family celebrate special events.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.280 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Coping Coherence Index #1252
McCubbin, Larson & Olson, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure manage life changes and stresses.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Assessment: Resilience, Coping and Adaptation Inventories for Research and Practice.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 703-712 and pg.282 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Coping Index #1253
McCubbin, Thompson & Elver, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13-19 yrs
Description: Designed to assess coping efforts of families of youth at risk, youth offenders, and youth in
residential treatment programs.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Assessment: Resilience, Coping and Adaptation Inventories for Research and Practice.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 509-535 and pg.284 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Coping Inventory #1254
McCubbin et al, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures how spouses perceive their own responses to a family seperation that is 1) permanent, 2)
for an extended period, 3) that recurs repeatedly.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.288 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Crisis Orientated Personal Evaluation Scale (F-COPES) #705
McCubbin & Olson & Larsen, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescents & Adults
Description: Used to identify the problem-solving attitudes and behavioural strategies employed by families in
difficult or problematic situations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Parental Coping & Support)
Family Distress Index #1255
McCubbin, Thompson & Elver, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Used to obtain family self-report observations reguarding the occurance of family hardships and
challenges that reflect family disharmony and family intolerance.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Assessment: Resilience, Coping and Adaptation Inventories for Research and Practice.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 509-535 and pg.298 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Emotional Involvement and Criticism Scale #1256
Sheilds et al, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures two aspects of expressed emotions 1) emotional involvement in the family, 2) perceived
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 18, 395-407 and pg.300 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Empowerment Scale #1257
Koren, DeChillo & Friesen, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the empowerment of a parent or caregiver of an emotionally disabled child.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Rehabilitation Psychology, 37, 305-321 and pg.302 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Environment Scale #396
Moos, 1974
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescents & Adults
Description: Designed to examine interpersonal relationships, personal growth, and system maintenance and
change within social environments.
Time: untimed; 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Family Environment Scale 2nd Ed #1983
R. Moos, B. Moos, 1986
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: The Second Edition includes additional information on the clinical and consulting uses of the FES
and an updated and expanded review of research applications.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Family, Friends, and Self Form #1323
Simpson & McBride, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13-18 yrs
Description: Designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of youth involving family setting and relations,
peer activities and involvement, and personal perceptions of self and environment as well as
psychological adjustment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 14, 327-340 and pg.545 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Functioning Scale #1258
Tavitian et al, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures general dimensions of family functioning.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 2, 191-204 and pg.307 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Grid #711
Davis, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess a parents self-esteem, and his or her relationship with the partner or child.
Time: 10-25 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Families & Relationships)
Family Hardiness Index #1259
McCubbin, McCubbin & Thompson, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the characteristic of hardiness as a stress-resistance and adaptation resource
in families.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.312 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Health Scales (FHS) #712
Kinston & Loader & Miller, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adult
Description: Used as observer rating Scales which give a method for structuring and organising a detailed
description of families' stucture and function in a way which is likely to be clinically useful.
Time: 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Families & Relationships)
Family Inventories #516
Olsen & McCubbin & Barnes & Larsen, 1992
Administration: Individual
Description: A comprehensive series of inventories designed for use with couples or families. Looks at the
family life cycle from young married couples to retired couples and from husband and wife and
adolescents living in the home.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes (FILE) #1260
McCubbin, Patterson & Wilson, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the pile-up of life events experienced by a family as an index of family
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.315 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Inventory of Resources for Management (FIRM) #1261
McCubbin, Comeau & Harkins, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure a family's resources in a number of areas: 1) personal resources, 2) family
system, 3) internal resources, 4) social support.
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.322 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Member Well-Being #1262
McCubbin & Patterson, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the degree to which a family member is adjusted in terms of concern about health,
tension, energy, cheerfulness, fear, anger, sadness, and general concerns.
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment: Resilience, Coping and Adaptation Inventories for Research and Practice.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 509-535 and pg.329 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family-of-Origin Scale #1263
Hovestadt et al, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures self-perceived levels of health in one's family of origin.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 11(3), 287-297 and pg.331 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Organized Cohesiveness Scale #1264
Fischer, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the respondent's perception of how cohesiveness is organised in his or her family.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Process, 31, 399-419 and pg.336 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Pressure Scale - Ethnic #1265
McCubbin, Thompson & Elver, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to be inclusive of pressures related to the life experience of families of colour and to
obtain an index of severity of the pressure in the family system.
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment: Resilience, Coping and Adaptation Inventories for Research and Practice.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 227-236 and pg.338 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Problem Solving Communication #1266
McCubbin & McCubbin & Thompson, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the two dominant patterns in family communication that appear to play a
major part in the way families cope with hardship and catastrophes.
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment: Resilience, Coping and Adaptation Inventories for Research and Practice.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 639-686 and pg.342 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Relation Indicator #1952
Howells & Lickorish, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: 7-12 yrs
Description: Designed to explain the relationships between the members of the family; as well as to provide
some account of the feelings and attitudesof the individuals comprising it.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Family Relations Test (Bene Anthony Test) #124
Bene & Anthony, 1965
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-7 yrs; 7-15 yrs
Description: Used for assessing a child’s subjective experience of relationships with the family.
Time: untimed; 20-25 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 2 & storage
Family Relations Test – Children’s Version #920
Bene & Anthony, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-7 yrs; 7-15 yrs
Description: Used for assessing a child’s subjective experience of relationships with the family.
Time: untimed; 20-25 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 2
Family Responsibility Index #1267
Bjorkquist, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure behaviourally the way spouses divide family-role responsibility.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 48, 3-5 and pg.345 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Satisfaction Scale (FSS) #2020
Olson 1986
Description: Designed to assess satisfaction with various aspects of family functioning including family
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Family Schema – Ethnic #1268
McCubbin, Thompson & Elver, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the degree to which a family has cultivated a family schema, a world view.
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment: Resilience, Coping and Adaptation Inventories for Research and Practice.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 713-721 and pg.351 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Sense of Coherence #1269
Antonovsky & Sourani, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure a family's sense of coherence to internal and external environments.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 50, 79-92 and pg.354 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Support Scale (FSS) #707
Dunst, Jenkins & Trivette, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: It is designed to measure the degree to which different sources of support are helpful to rearing a
young child.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Parental Coping & Support)
Family Times and Routines Index #1271
McCubbin, McCubbin & Thompson, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Examines family time together and the routines that families adopt as indicators of family
integration and stability.
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.363 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Family Traditions Scale #1272
McCubbin & Thompson, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the extent to which a family is involved in maintaining traditions around transitions
and/or changes in the family.
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.370 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Farnsworth Color Blindness #125
Farnsworth, 1947
Administration: Individual
Range: Child & Adult
Description: Provides a clear quick indication of colour blindness.
Time: untimed; 5 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Fascist Attitude Scale #561
Stagner, 1936
Range: Adults
Description: Measures based on content analysis of German and Italian Fascist writings.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.510 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) #1923
Krupp, LaRocca, Muir-Nash, Steinberg, 1989
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses severity of fatigue.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Archives of Neurology 46(10):1121-3 and pg 136 from "Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania
and Anxiety"
Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (FNE) #562
Watson & Friend, 1969
Range: Adults
Description: Apprehension about other’s evaluations, distress over their negative evaluations and the
expectancy that others would evaluate oneself negatively.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.165 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes" and pg 76 from
"Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety" and pg 287 from "Measures for Clinical Practice:
a sourcebook - Vol.2"
Fear Questionnaire #469
Marks & Mathews, 1979
Administration: Individual
Description: Looks at the main difficulties experienced by people with agoraphobia, blood, illness and injury
phobias, and social anxiety.
Time: <5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Anxiety) Behavioural Research and Therapy, 17,263-267
and pg168 - from "Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies" and pg.291 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2" and pg.47 from "Rating Scales in Mental Health, 2nd Edition" and pg 558
from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures” and pg 79 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and
Fear Survey Schedule #126
Wolpe & Lang, 1977
Range: Adult
Description: Evaluates the manner in which an individual deals with fear-related situations.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Fear Survey Schedule - II #1426
Geer, 1965
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures responses to commonly occurring fears.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Research and Therapy, 3, 45-53 and pg.294 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Fear Survey Schedule for Children-R (FSSC-R) #697
Ollendick, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 7-18 yrs
Description: A three point response scale with good psychometric properties.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Anxiety, Depression and Post Traumatic Stress in Childhood)
Fear-of-Intimacy Scale #1425
Descutner & Thelen, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures fear of intimacy, defined as the inhibited capacity of an individual, because of anxiety,
to exchange thoughts and feelings of personal significance with another individual who is highly valued.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 3, 218-225 and pg.284 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Feelings, Attitudes and Behaviour Scales for Children (FAB-C) #950
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 6-13 yrs
Description: Designed to assess emotional and behavioural problems in children. Assesses Self-image,
Negative Peer Relations, Conduct Problems, Antisocial Behaviour and Worry.
Number in Stock: 1
Feelings of Inadequacy Scale #563
Janis & Field, 1959
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Quantifies a person’s feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, self-consciousness and social anxiety.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.123 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Finger Tapping Test #739
Description: Used to measure the maximum oscillation rate of the index finger.
Time: timed
Number in Stock: 2 different ones
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 2
FIRO Awareness Scales #128
Shutz, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Scales intended to evaluate interpersonal relationships from the point of view of the respondent.
Time: untimed; about 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Flanagan Industrial Tests #127
Flanagan, 1965
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Predicts success for given job elements in adults.
Time: 5-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Flow Scales #1988
Jackson, Eklund, Martin, 2010
Administartion: Individual
Range: 16-82 yrs
Description: The Flow Scale elicits an estimate of the frequency with which a person experiences each element
of the flow experience (i.e., when one is fully involved in the present moment and operating at ‘full’
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Four-Item F Scale #564
Lane, 1955
Range: Adults
Description: Very short F-scale designed for use in survey research with cross-sectional samples.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.555 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Framingham Anger Measure #442
Haynes, Levine, Scotch, Feinleib & Kannel, 1978
Administration: Individual
Description: Consists of four subscales; 1) anger symptoms, 2)anger-in, 3)anger-out, 4) anger-discuss.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio ( Individual & Demographic Differences)
Framingham Type A Behaviour Pattern Measure #441
Haynes, Levine, Scotch, Feinleib & Kannel, 1978
Administration: Individual
Description: Consists of three types of questions; 1)traits and qualities, 2)how the respondent feels at the end of
an average day, 3)Whether the respondent gets upset when waiting.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio ( Individual & Demographic Differences)
Franck Drawing Completion Test #129
Franck & ACER, 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Subject completes the drawing of 36 stimulus figures, which are analysed to give a qualitative
score which can be placed on a masculinity-femininity continuum.
Time: untimed; 15 mins
Number in Stock: 3 - out of print
Location: Filed & storage
Frequency of Self Reinforcement Questionnaire #1427
Heiby, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to assess respondents' encouraging, supporting, and valuing themselves and their own
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44, 263-270 and pg.296 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Friendliness-Unfriendliness Scale (SACRAL) #1428
Reisman, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure friendliness as related to self-concept, accessibility, rewardingness, and
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 53, 113-121 and pg.299 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2
Friends for Life For Children #1802
Barrett 2004
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Friends for Life program aims to treat and prevent anxiety, increase emotional resilience and
problem-solving abilities, and teach lifelong coping skills to chldren to protect them against stress and
change in later life.
Number in Stock: 5
Location: Bay 21 Shelf 2
Friends for Life for Youth #1803
Barrett 2005
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Friends for Life program aims to treat and prevent anxiety, increase emotional resilience and
problem-solving abilities, and teach lifelong coping skills to chldren to protect them against stress and
change in later life
Number in Stock: 5
Location: Bay 21, Shelf 2
Friends Program-Children # 788
Barrett, Lowry-Webster & Holmes, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 7-11 yrs
Description: Designed to assist children, at an appropriatedevelopmental level, to learn important skills and
techniques to cope with and manage anxiety.
Time: 10 sessions; 45-60 min/session.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Friends Program-Youth # 787
Barrett, Lowry-Webster & Holmes, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 12-16 yrs
Description: Designed to assist youth, at an appropriatedevelopmental level, to learn important skills and
techniques to cope with and manage anxiety.
Time: 10 sessions; 45-60 min/session.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Friendship Questionnaire #668
Tustin, Smyth & Pennington, 1990
Minda Incorporated, Australia.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Frontal Behavioral Inventory #1097
Kertesz et al, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A behavioural inventory specific for the diagnosis of frontal lobe dementia.
Time: 15-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 6, 460-468 and Behavioural Neurology,
1, 111-117 and pg.93 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale #1429
Frost & Martin, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure several components of perfectionism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Cognitive Therapy and Research, 14, 449-468 and pg.302 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice:
a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Full Range Picture Vocabulary Test #130
Ammons & Ammons, 1948
Administration: Individual
Range: 2 yrs-Adult
Description: Assesses individual intelligence.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed
Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) #1129
Pfeffer et al, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: The assessment of functional capacity in older people, with or without dementia.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 37, 323-329 and pg.192 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Functional Assessment Staging (FAST) #1149
Reisberg, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of functional change in ageing and dementia.
Time: 2 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 24, 653-659 and pg.235 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Functional Dementia Scale (FDS) #1139
Moore, Bobula, Short & Mischel, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: An instument used by families to monitor functional disability in dementia.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: The Journal of Family Practice, 16, 499-503 and pg.209 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Functional Disability Inventory (FDI) #715
Walker & Greene, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-16 years
Description: A global measure of the impact of illness on children's physical and psychosocial functioning in
everyday social role.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Health & Illness in Childhood)
Funcional Impairment Scale for Children and Adolescents #1984
Franks Marks, 2000
Administartion: Individual
Range: 5-18 yrs
Discription: Assesses impairement
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal American Acad. Child Adolescent Psychiatry 2000; 39: 1300-8
Functional Limitations Profile (FLP) #433
Patrick & Peach, 1989
Administration: Individual
Description: Assesses changes in function due to ill health. The British version of American Sickness Impact
Time: 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Illness, Symptom, Disability & Recovery)
Functional Rating Scale (FRS) #1136
Crockett, Tuokko, Koch & Parks, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assesses information in eight areas: 1) memory, 2) social/community/occupational, 3)
home/hobbies, 4) personal care, 5) language skills 6) problem solving, 7) affect, 8) orientation.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Clinical Gerontologist, 8, 3-25 and pg.202 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Fundamental Principles of Democracy #1699
Prothro & Grigg, 1960
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures support among members of the mass public for abstract democratic principles,
specifically the principles of majority rule and minority rights, and the extent to which support for
democratic principles in the abstract is translated into approval of both principles in concrete
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Politics, 22, 276-294 and pg 229 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test #1613
Levin, O'Donnell & Grossman, 1979
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to objectively measure the disorientation and amnesia that occur as a consequence of
head injury.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 167, 675-684 and pg 443 from “Handbook of Psychiatric
Gambling Attitudes Scale (FRS) #1430
Kassinove, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures general attitudes towards gambling and attitudes towards gambling in casinos, betting
on horse races, and playing the lottery.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54, 763-771 and pg.306 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Gambling Related Cognitions Scale (GRCS) #1972
Raylu, Oei 2004
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-73yrs
Discription: Screen for a range of gambling related cognitions in gamblers.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Gapadol Reading Comprehension #131
McLeod & Anderson, 1972
Administration: Group
Range: 7-16 years
Description: Measures reading comprehension.
Time: 30min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Gates McKillop Reading Diagnostic Test #132
Gates & McKillop, 1962
Administration: Individual
Range: Child
Description: Evaluates children’s oral reading, spelling and writing skills, an diagnoses reading difficulties of
older students.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Gates Reading Readiness Test #2037
Gates, 1939
Administartion: Individual or Group
Range: Third week of School
Description: Measures readiness for beginning reading.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
GBS Scale #1155
Gottfries, Brane & Steen, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to rate the degree of physical activity, impairment of intellectual and emotional capacities
and behavioural symptoms common in dementia.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Gerontology, 28, 20-31 and pg.246 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
General Aptitude Test Battery #133
US Employment Service, 1980
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Measures vocational aptitudes of literate individuals who need help choosing an occupation.
Time: 48 min-2.5 hrs
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 2, Shelf 4
General Causality Orientation Scales #1020
Deci & Ryan, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses strengths of three different motivational orientations within an individual. The three
subscales are Autonomy, Controlled, and Impersonal.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: www.psych.rochester.edu/SDT/measures, and Journal of Research in Personality, 19, 109-134
General Clerical Test #134
Administration: Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Assesses clerical aptitude.
Time: timed; varies for each part
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Filed & storage
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) #135
Goldberg & Williams, 1991
Administration: Group
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: A screening test aimed at detecting psychiatric disorders among general medical outpatients and
those in community settings.
Time: untimed; GHQ-60 = 6-8min; GHQ-30 = 3-4min
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 4
General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12) #468
Goldberg, 1972
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: A short screening test for non-psychiatric disorders.
Time: 1-2 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Stress, Emotion & Life Events) Assessment: A
Mental Health Portfolio (Global Measures of Distress)
General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG) #1098
Brodaty et al, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A screening test for dementia in general practice.
Time: 5-6 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 50, 530-534 and pg.95 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
General Preventive Health Behaviours Checklist (GPHB) #461
Amir, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Deals with the area of health protective behaviours.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Health-Related Behaviours)
General Reasoning Test #1977
Range: Adults of a wide range of ability & young people over 15
Description: A comprehensive and in-depth measure of mental agility, GRT2 has ben designed to assess general
reasoning ability. Suitable for non-graduate level applicants , it consists of three sections which can
be administered individualy or together, measuring Verbal (VR2), Numerical (NR2) and Abstract
(AR2) reasoning ability.
Time: 28 min+administration time
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
General Well-Being Schedule #565
Fazio, 1977
Range: Adults
Description: Developed for the National Center for Health Statistics. It is a structured instrument for assessing
self-representations of subjective well-being.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.90 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
General Well-Being Schedule #946
Dupuy, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A highly structured instument for assessing self-representations of subjective well-being and
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Vital Health Statistics-Series 2 No 73, DHEW Publication No (HRA) 78-1347
Generalized Contentment Scale #1431
Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Measures the degree,severity, or magnitude of nonpsychotic depression.
Number in Stock: Permission required
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.310 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale -R #1432
Hale & Cochran, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-85 yrs
Description: Designed to assess dispositional optimism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 48, 517-521 and pg.313 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Generalized Self-efficacy Scale #506
Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1992
Description: Assesses the strengths of an individual’s belief in his or her own ability to respond to novel or
difficult situations and to deal with any associated obstacles or set backs.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Casual & Control Beliefs)
Geriatric Depression Scale #566
Brink, Yesavage, Lum, Heersema, Adey & Rose, 1982, 1983
Range: 65+ yrs
Description: Developed as a geriatrically orientated alternative to other self-report screening tests for
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 244 from “Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes" and pg.2 - from
"Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." and pg 179 from "Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
Geriatric Depression Scale (Residential) #1050
Sutcliffe et al, 2000
Range: 65+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure depression in nursing home residents.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Psychogeriatrics, 12(2), 173-181 and pg.4 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Geriatric Evaluation by Relative's Rating Instrument (GERRI) #1192
Schwartz, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: The instrument consists of short phrases covering behavioural disturbances and problems with
cognitive function, social functioning and mood.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 24, 713-716 and pg.337 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Geriatric Rating Scale (GRS) #1156
Plutchik et al, 1970
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used in the assessment of behavioural problems and functional ability of geriatric patients.
Time: 20-25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 18, 491-500 and pg.247 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Gessell Development Schedules #136
Gessell, 1949
Administration: Individual
Range: 4 wks - 72 mths
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Gifted and Talented Screening Form (GTSF) #137
Johnson, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 4 - 14 yrs
Description: Identifies gifted and talented children.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Gifted Rating Scale (GRS) #976
Pfeiffer & Jarosewich, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-6.11yrs; 6-13.11yrs
Description: Identifies children for plascement in gifted and talented educational programs.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Rust, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Suited for use pre-interview, indicating particular aspects of a candidate's work-based behaviour
and attitudes.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set – No Scoring Capability
Glasgow Content of Thought Inventory (GCTI) #1126
Harvey & Espie, 2004
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16-65 yrs
Description: Used for the assessment of pre-sleep cognitive activity in adults with sleep-onset insomnia.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 43, 409-420
Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) #836
Wilson, Pettigrew & Teasdale, 1998
Description: Identifies gifted and talented children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Neurotrauma 15(8) 573-585
Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) #1924
Endicott, Spitzer, Fleiss, Cohen, 1976
Range: Adults
Description: Measures global psychosocial functioning in patients with psychiatric disorders.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry 33(6):766-71 and pg 138 from "Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
Global Assessment of Psychiatric Symptoms (GAPS) #1166
Raskin & Crook, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A global assessment of psychiatric symptoms for use in older people, designed to detect change.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 24, 721-725 and pg.276 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Global Assessment Scale #1614
Endicott, Spitzer & Fleiss, 1976
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to evaluate the overall functioning of a patient at a specified time period on a continuum of
psychological or psychiatric health-sickness.
Time: 1-2 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 33, 766-771 and pg 96 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) #1166
Reisberg , Ferris, deLeon & Crook, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A staging instrument indicating deteriation in dementia.
Time: 2 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 139, 1136-1139 and pg.236 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Goals and Mode Values Inventory #567
Braithwaite & Law, 1985
Range: Adult
Description: An expanded set of goals and modes of conduct, measures absolute rather than relative
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.678 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Goals Inventory #821
DeBacker-Roedel, Schraw & Plake, 1994
Description: Looks at the psychometric properties of an instument that measures learning and performance goal
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: educational & Psychological Measurement 54(4) 1013-1021
Goldfarb Fear of Fat Scale #1433
Goldfarb, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Measures one of the underlying emotional experiences of eating disorders, the fear of becoming fat.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, 329-332 and pg.318 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Goldman-Fristoe-Woodcock Test of Auditory Discrimination #138
Goldman, Fristoe & Woodcock, 1970
Administration: Individual
Range: 3.5 yrs-Adult
Description: Assesses an individual’s ability to discriminate speech sounds in quiet and in noise.
Time: 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Goldstein-Scheerer Test of Abstract and Concrete Thinking #139
Goldstein & Scheerer, 1947
Administration: Individual
Range: Brain injured adults
Description: Measures impairment of the brain’s abstract and concrete reasoning functions.
Time: untimed; 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: 5
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 1
Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital Status #480
Rust & Crowe & Bennun & Golombok, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses the quality of a relationship and identifies areas of conflict between partners.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Interpersonal Difficulties)
Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS) #479
Rust & Golombok, 1986
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses sexual functioning of adults.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Interpersonal Difficulties)
Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test #140
Harris, 1963
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-15 yrs
Description: Assesses mental ability without requiring verbal skills.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Gordon's Personal Profile-Inventory, Global edition (Global GPP-I) #960
Gordon, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at nine aspects of personality important to job performance; ascendancy, responsibility,
emotional stability, sociability, self-esteem, cautiousness, original thinking, personal relations and vigor.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Government Attentiveness Scale #1753
Bennett, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures respondent perceptions regarding the attentiveness of national government officials and
institutions to the public.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Micropolitics, 3, 309-348 and pg 496 from “Measures of Political Attitudes”
Government Power Scale #1769
Bennett & Bennett, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures perceptions of the power of the federal government.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 529 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Graduate and Managerial Assessment #141
Blinkhorn, 1985
Range: Applicants for graduate & managerial positions
Description: Three separately timed tests of advanced-level reasoning ability; verbal, numerical & abstract
Time: 2 hrs for entire battery
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Griffiths Mental Development Scale #142
Griffiths, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: 0-2 yrs; 2-8 yrs
Description: Two sets of standardised scales for measuring development in babies and young children.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 3 of 0-2 yrs; 2 of 2-8 yrs
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 5
Griffiths Mental Development Scales (0-2 yrs) – new version #1808
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 5
Grooved Pegboard Test #723
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-9 yrs; 9-15 yrs; 15+yrs
Description: A manipulative dexterity test. 25 holes of randomly positioned slots that must be rotated so the peg
matches the hole before it can be inserted.
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 2
Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) #143
Oltman, Raskin & Witkin, 1971
Administration: Group
Range: 10+ yrs
Description: Designed for situations requiring large group administration.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed
G-Scale (reversed F scale) #568
Bass, 1955
Range: Adult
Description: A systematic attempt to construct reversed F-scale items to test the effect of agreement response
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.534 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Guess Who Peer Assessment Technique #852
Coie, Dodge & Coppotelli, 1982
Administration: Group
Range: 7+ yrs
Description: Used in classroom settings whereby descriptions are presented to the class who are asked to 'guess
who' from their classmates fits each description.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence)
Guilford Zimmerman Aptitude Survey #144
Guilford & Zimmerman, 1947
Time: timed; varies for each test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale #1051
Hamilton, 1960
Administration: Individual
Range: Children & Adults
Description: A semi structured interview to assess the severity of depression for clinical research purposes.
Time: 20-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 23, 56-62 and pg.6 - from "Assessment
Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." And pg 28 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania
and Anxiety”
Hand Test (The) #146
Wagner, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: 3+ yrs
Description: Measures an individual’s attitudes and action tendencies that are likely to be expressed in an overt
behaviour, particularly aggression.
Time: 10-20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Harder Personal Feelings Questionnaire #1434
Harder, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17-22 yrs
Description: Designed to measure proneness to shame and guilt.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 55, 729-745 and pg.320 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Hardiness Scale #1435
Bartone et al, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure dispositional resilience, the hardiness of one's personality.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 177, 317-328 and pg.322 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Hare Self-Esteem Scale #1324
Hare, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 10-14 yrs
Description: Measures self-esteem of school children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.550 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Hari's Stress Inventory #2013
Chandran 2009
Description: Measures the amount of stress experienced in daily life.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Hasegawa Dementia Scale - R (HDS-R) #1091
Imai & Hasegawa, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of cognitive function as a means of screening for dementia.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Hong Kong College of Psychiatry, 4, 20-24 and pg.78 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Hassels & Uplifts Scales #484
Kanner, Coyne, Schaefer & Lazarus, 1981
Administration: Individual
Description: Two scales that lead to an understanding of stress by assessing life events, both positive and negative.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Stress, Coping & Social Support)
Hassels Scale, The #467
Kanner & Lazarus, 1981
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Adapted from Kanner, A.D. et al. J. Behav. Medicine, 4, 1-39
Hayes & Lohse Depression Scale #1031
Hayes & Bernstein, 2001
Range: 50+ yrs
Description: Looks at depression in older adults. A 20 item Scale.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Clinical Gerontologist, 24(1/2), 39-54
Hayling and Brixton Test #1936
Burgess & Shallice, 1997
Administration: Individual
Ranga: Adult
Description: Test for executive functioning. Consist of two section, which are both given to all subject in the
same order (1 followed by 2). Each section measures a separate ability that has been shown to be
demaged in patients with frontal lobe lesions and schizophrenia.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12 Shelf 3
Health Knowledge #460
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Beliefs & Knowledge about Health & Illness)
Health of the Nation Outcome Scale #1615
Wing, Curtis & Beevor, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure and record problems in personal mental health and social functioning and
track change over time.
Time: 15-30 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: pg 104 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Older People (HoNOS 65+) #1173
Burns et al, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 65+ yrs
Description: Global rating of mental and physical functioning and social circumstances of older people.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, 174, 424-427 and pg.297 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for People with Learning Disabilities(The)
(HoNOS-LD) #2019
Roy, Matthews, Clifford, Fowler, Martin 2002
Administration: Individual
Description: It is designed for use with people with learning disability with mental health needs.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Health Opinion Survey (HOS) #437
Krantz, Baum & Wideman, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Designed to measure preferences for different treatment approaches in health care.
Time: <5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Expectations, Experience & Evaluations of
Health Care)
Health Value Scale #456
Lau, Hartman & Ware, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Concerned with the value an individual places on his or her health. Developed to provide a
general measure of health value.
Time: 1-2 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Beliefs & Knowledge about Health & Illness)
Helpless Behavior Questionnaire #1436
Peterson, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures helpless behaviour to explain a variety of failures of human adaptation including
depression, academic failure, victinisation, athletic setbacks, poor work performance, illness, and even
early death.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Research and Therapy, 31, 289-295 and pg.334 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Hendrick Sexual Attitude Scale #1437
Hendrick & Hendrick, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures four dimensions of sexuality: permissiveness, sexual practices, communion in the
relationship, and instrumentality.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: The Journal of Sex Research, 23, 502-526 and pg.336 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Hierarchic Dementia Scale #1159
Cole, Dastoor & Koszycki, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: elderly
Description: Used to assess cognitive performance over a wide range of disabilities including reflexes and
Time: 15-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Experimental Gerontology, 5, 219-234 and pg.251 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) #104
Cattell, Cattell & Johns, 1984
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: Multidimensional test of personality giving scores on 14 independent factors. Parallels the 16PF.
Time: untimed; about 45-60 mins
Number in Stock: 6
Location: Filed & storage
Higher Order Need Strength #1825
Warr, Cook & Wall, 1979
Description: Designed to be completed by employees of modest educational attainment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psycholgy, 1979, 52, 129-148 and pg. 150 from “The Experience of Work”
Hogan Development Survey #648
Hogan & Hogan, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Designed to assess eleven common dysfunctional dispositions.
Time: untimed, 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Hogan Motives, Values, Preferences #1955
Hogan & Hogan
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+yrs
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Hogan Personality Inventory #647
Hogan & Hogan, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Designed primarily for the use in personnel selection, individualised assessment, and career
related decision making
Time: untimed, 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Holtzman Inkblot Technique (HIT) #147
Holtzman, 1961
Administration: Individual
Range: 5 yrs-Adult
Description: Assesses an individual’s personality characteristics. Used for diagnosis and therapy planning.
Time: 45-90 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Home and Employment Role Scales #1830
Parry & Warr, 1980
Description: Designed to measure mothrs’ attitudes to paid employment and to employment in the home
as well as interaction strain experienced by employed mothers coping with both domestic an paid work.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psychology, 1980, 53, 245-252 and pg.34 from “The Experience of Work”
Homesickness and Contentment Scale #1438
Shin & Abell, 1999
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to be culturally sensitive to an Asian population in measuring emotional and
psychological adjustment to a new culture.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Research and Social Work Practice, 9, 45-60 and pg.339 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Homework Problem Checklist #1325
Anesko et al, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 6-10 yrs
Description: Designed to measure the frequency and intensity of children's homework problems.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavioral Assessment, 9, 179-185 and pg.553 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Hooper Visual Organization Test (VOT) #148
Hooper, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescents & Adults
Description: Assesses organic brain pathology of both hemispheres.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Hopelessness Scale for Children #1326
Kazdin, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 5-13 yrs
Description: Measures cognitions of hopelessness, as a construct pertinent to depression and suicidal ideation.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51, 504-510 and pg.556 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL) #1019
Derogatis, Lipman, Rickels, Uhlenhuth & Covi, 1974
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at symptom configurations commonly observed among outpatients. Scored on five
underlying symptom dimensions - sonatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety
and depression.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behavioral Sciences, 19, 1-15
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) #464
Zigmond & Snaith, 1983
Administration: Individual
Description: Detects anxiety and depression and measures the severity of emotional disorder in general medical
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Stress, Emotion & Life Events) Assessment: A
Mental Health Portfolio (Depression) and pg 81 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and
Hospital Fears Rating Scale #1327
Melamed & Lumley, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Child
Description: Assesses the magnitude of fear one has in response to a variety of medical and hospital stimuli.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.558 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Hostility & Direction of Hostility Questionnaire (HDHQ) #149
Caine & Foulds & Hope, 1967
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
How Creative Are You? #736
Cohen, 1998
Administration: Group
Range: Secondary School
Description: Developed to provide an instument that can be used to evaluate some key aspects of creative
Time: up to 40 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 2, Shelf 2
How Supervise? #1913
File, Remmers, 1971
Adminstration: Group
Discription: Measures a knowledge and the insight concerning human relations that of a supervisor.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Humor Test of Personality (IPAT) #150
Cattell & Cattell & Hicks, 1952
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures personality factors of emotional stability vs neuroticism, surgency vs desurgency, and
dominance vs submissiveness.
Time: untimed; 30 mins form A, 20 mins form B
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Hunger-Satiety Scales #1439
Garfinkel, 1974
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-23 yrs
Description: Measures the sensation of hunger and satiety.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Medicine, 4, 309-315 and pg.343 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Hypercompetitive Attitude Scale #1440
Ryckman et al, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure hypercompetitiveness - the need to compete and win at any cost as a way of
maintaining self-worth.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 55, 630-639 and pg.347 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Hypochondriasis Scale for Institutional Geriatric Patients #1441
Brinket al, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Measures beliefs about physical health in geriatric patients.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 26, 552-559 and pg.350 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Hypothetical, Jealousy-Producing Events Scale (HJPE) #1212
Hansen, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure marital jealousy using hypothetical jealousy-producing events as stimuli.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Family Relations, 31, 513-518 and pg.116 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Hysteroid-Obsessoid Questionnaire #151
Caine & Hope, 1967
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Devised to measure a component of personality claimed to detect neurotics.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Identifying Problem Drinkers #932
Mulford & Wilson, 1966
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to develop and evaluate interview survey techniques designed to identify problem drinkers.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Public Health Service Publication No.1000-Series 2-No. 16
Ideological Agreement with Goldwater Scale #1686
Selznick & Steinberg, 1966
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures agreement with ideological tenets of conservative political beliefs expressed by
Goldwater in his campaign for the presidency in 1964
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 124 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities #152
Kirk, McCarthy & Kirk, 1968
Administration: Individual
Range: 2-10 yrs
Description: Assesses specific psycholinguistic abilities and disabilities in young children.
Time: about 60 mins
Number in Stock: 2; 4 in storage
Location: Bay10, Shelf 1
Illness Attitude Scales #1442
Kellner, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures attitudes, fears, and beliefs associated with the psychopathology of hypochondriasis and
that of abnormal illness behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 173, 554-560 and pg.352 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Illness Behavior Inventory #1443
Turkat & Pettegrew, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to assess the behaviours performed or reported by a respondent that indicate that he or
she is physically ill or in physical discomfort.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Behavioral Assessment, 5, 35-45 and pg.356 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Illness Behaviour Questionnaire #153
Pilowsky & Spence, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Assesses attitudes towards illness, affective disturbance, and hypochondriasis.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Impact of Events Scale #785
Horowitz, Wilner & Alvarez, 1979
Range: Adult
Description: An instument that measures the current degree of subjective impact experienced as a result of a specific
event. The wording is not anchored to a specific occurrence, but to the particular qualities of conscious experience.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychosomatic Medicine, 1979, 4(3), 209-218
Impact of Events Scale – Revised (IES-R) #1899
Weiss, Marmar, 1996
Range: Adults & Adolescents
Description: Assesses distress (intrusion, avoidance and hyperarousal) associated with stressful life events.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 82 from "Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety"
Implicit Association Test (IAT) #1079
Greenwald, McGhee & Schwartz, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures differential association of 2 target concepts with an attribute.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(6), 1464-1480
Implicit Self-Esteem and Self-Concept Test #1080
Greenwald & Farnham, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures self-esteem by assessing automatic associations of self with positive or negative valence
using the Implicit Association Test.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(6), 1022-1038
Imposter Phenomenon Scale #1444
Clance, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses the internal experience of phoniness, theoretically a result of an inability to internalise
successful experiences.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 60, 48-59 and pg.365 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Impulsivity Scale #1328
Hirschfield, Sutton-Smith & Rosenberg, 1965
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 10-12 yrs
Description: Assesses impulsivity defined as the tendency towards restlessness, rule-breaking, and indulgence
in horseplay.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Genetic Psychology, 107, 117-126 and pg.560 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Inclusive Education Teacher Stress & Coping Questionnaire #1001
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – contact author
Incumbant-Based Trust Scale #1752
Craig, Niemi & Silver, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures trust in incumbent officeholders, as distinguished from support for the political regime
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Political Behavior, 12, 289-314 and pg 494 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Indecisiveness Scale #1445
Frost & Shows, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure indecisiveness as a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Research and Therapy, 31, 683-692 and pg.369 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Independent Living Behavior Checklist #154
Walls, Zane & Thvedt, 1979
Administration: Individual
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Assesses independent living skills, progress in reaching goals, and program effectiveness.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Index of Alcohol Involvement #1446
MacNeil, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure the degree or magnitude of problems of alcohol abuse.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: Research and Social work Practice, 1, 68-75 and pg.372 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Index of Attitudes Towards Homosexuals #1447
Hudson & Ricketts, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the degree or magnitude of a problem clients may have with homophobia, the fear of
being in close quarters with homosexuals.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.374 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Index of Brother and Sister Relations #1273
Hudson, MacNeil & Dierks, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the degree or magnitude of problems between siblings.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.376 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Index of Clinical Stress #1448
Abell, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the degree or magnitude of problems clients have with personal stress.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission – Photocopy – on file
Location: Social Work Research and Abstracts, 27(2) pg 12 and pg.376 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice:
a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Index of Drug Involvement #1449
Faul & Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17-51 yrs
Description: Measures the degree or magnitude of the problems of an individual using drugs.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.378 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Index of Family Relations #1274
Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures family relationship problems.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.379 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Index of Job Satisfaction #1450
Pike & Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to provide information about job satisfaction among employees.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.381 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Index of Marital Satisfaction (IMS) #1213
Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the degree, severity, or magnitude of a problem one spouse or partner has in
the marial relationship.
Number in Stock: Needs permission to photocopy
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.119 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Index of Parental Attitudes #1275
Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the extent, severity, or magnitude of parent-child relationship problems as seen by the
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.382 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Index of Peer Relations #1329
Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Child/Adolescent
Description: Measures the extent, severity, or magnitude of a problem the respondent has with peers.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.562 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Index of Pro-Democracy Orientation #1704
Reisinger, Miller, Hesli & Mayer, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Identifies support for democratic values which are viewed as a combination of values pertaining to
civil liberties and to the form of government.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Political Science, 24, 183-223 Public Opinion Quarterly, 59, 1-40 and pg 249 from
"Measures of Political Attitudes" American Political Science Review, 90, 153-166
Index of Self-Esteem #1451
Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Measures the degree, severity, or magnitude of a problem the client has with self-esteem.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.383 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Index of Sexual Harassment #1452
Hudson & Decker, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the degree or magnitude of harassment experienced by an individual in the workplace or
in any group setting where harassment can occur.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.386 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Index of Sexual Satisfaction #1453
Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the degree, severity or magnitude of a problem in the sexual component of a couple's
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.388 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Index of Well-Being, Index of General Affect #569
Campbell, Converse & Rodgers, 1976
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: A two part measure of self reported well-being with life as currently experienced.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.86 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Individualised Classroom Environment Questionnaire - Short Form (ICEQ-SF) #858
Rentoul & Fraser, 1979
Administration: Group
Range: 13-17 yrs
Description: Measures how secondary-aged pupil's perceptions of traditional classrooms differed from
classrooms which included more enquiry-based and indiviualised approaches.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (The Learning Environment)
Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly #1197
Jorm & Jacomb, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A questionnaire administered to an informant about the changes in the everyday cognitive function
of an elderly person.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Medicine, 19, 1015-1022 and pg.348 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Information about Foreign Countries #1789
Robinson, 1967
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses a person's knowledge of certain characteristics of foreign countries
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Robinson, J.P. (1967). Public information about world affairs. Ann Arbor, MI: Survey Resarch
Center, and pg 634 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Information Holding #1787
Luskin, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Based on knowledge of the relative position of the major parties on a range of issues..
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Political Science, 31, 856-899, and pg 628 from "Measures of Political
Information System Skills #155
Morrisby, 1988
Administration: Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Devoted to accurately predict a person’s success in operating terminal based information systems.
Time: 45 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Instructional Model for the Spontaneous Employment of Mnemonic Strategies (IMSEMS) #898
Male, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: 7 yrs
Description: An integrated technique of assessment and intervention which aims to enable children
experiencing learning difficulties spontaneously to employ mnemonic strategies within the sorts of
learning tasks encountered in the school curriculum.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Learning Styles & Metacognition)
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (IADL) #1127
Lawton & Brody, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to assess the functional ability of older people in relation to activities of daily living.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: The Gerontologist, 9, 179-186 and pg.186 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Intellectual Achievement Responsibility Questionnaire #570
Crandall, Katkovsky & Crandall, 1965
Range: 8-16 yrs
Description: Assesses children’s beliefs about their control and responsibility for success and failure
experiences in the intellectual achievement area.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.436 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Interaction Anxiousness Scale #571
Leary, 1983
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to provide a measure of the tendency to experience subjective social anxiety
independently of accompanying behaviours.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment 47, 66-75 and pg.168 - from "Measures of Personality & Social
Psychological Attitudes"
Interaction Strain #1818
Parry & Warr, 1980
Description: Points out that many measures of occupational experience are less than adequate for employed
mothers with dependant children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psychology, 1980, 53, 245-252 and pg. 106 from “The Experience of Work”
Interest Checklist #378
US Department of Labor, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: A technique developed to help the counsellor identify the clients occupational interests.
Time: 25 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Internal Control Index #1454
Duttweiler, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure where a person looks for, or expects to obtain, reinforcement.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 44, 209-221 and pg.394 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Internal-External Locus of Control Scale #572
Rotter, 1966
Description: A generalised expectancy about the causation of reinforcements or outcomes, with one end of the
unidimensional continuum labelled internal, and its opposite, external.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.420 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Internal State Scale #1616
Bauer et al, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to measure manic and depressive symptoms for patients with bipolar disorder.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 48, 807-812 and pg 539 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Internal Verses External Control of Weight Scale #1455
Tobias & MacDonald, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17-26 yrs
Description: Measures the degree to which respondents consider achievement of a goal as contingent or
noncontingent on their own behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 45, 647-653 and pg.397 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Internality, Powerful Others, and Chance Scales #573
Levenson, 1981
Range: Adults
Description: Representation of three separate components of the control construct, each viewed as independent
and therefore, to be used in a profile of casual beliefs
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: pg.425 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Internalized Homophobia Scale #1456
Ross & Rosser, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult Male
Description: Measures internalised homophobia.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52, 15-21 and pg.399 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
International Affective Picture System #1809
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
International Classification of Functioning, Disability & Health (ICF) #830
World Health Organisation, 2001
Description: ICF classification is used to provide a unified and standard language and framework for the
description of health and health-related states.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Interperson Perception Test #156
Heussenstamm & Hoepfner, 1969
Administration: Group
Range: 11-13 yrs; 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses interpersonal perception or social cognition.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Interpersonal Checklist #501
Leary, 1956
Description: A complex combination of methods and measures for assessment of personality.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Interpersonal Cognitive Problem Solving #797
Platt & Spivack, 1977
Range: Adult & Adolescents
Description: Means-end thinking is an aspect of problem-solving thinking defined as the ability to plan step-bystep means to reach a stated goal in a given situation. This ability is measured by the means-ends
problem-solving (MEPS) procedure.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Interpersonal Dependency Inventory #1457
Hirschfield et al, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures the thoughts, behaviours, and feelings revolving around the need to associate closely
and valued people.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 41, 610-618 and pg.401 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Interpersonal Problem-Solving Thinking # 798
Platt & Spivack, 1977
Description: Teaches skills to learn how to become a better problem-solver.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL) #674
Cohen, Mermelstein, Karmarck & Hoberman, 1985
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Social Support: Theory Research & Applications, Dordeith.
Interpersonal Trust at Work # 1814
Cook & Wall, 1980
Desription: A distinction is made between faith in the intention of others and confidence in the abilityof others,
and a 12-item instrument is developed to measure this two aspects of trust with respect to both peers and
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psychology, 1980, 53, 39-52 and pg. 260 from “The Experience of Work”
Interpersonal Trust Scale #574
Rotter, 1971
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to measure one’s expectation that the behaviour, promises, or statements of other
individuals can be relied upon.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.393 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Interview for Deterioration in Daily Living Activities in Dementia (IDDD) #1128
Teunisse & Derix, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to assess activities of daily living in dementia.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Tijdschrift voor gerontologie en Geriatrie, 22, 53-59 and pg.188 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Interview Products - Administrative Positions #844
EPredix, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A step-by-step guide for preparing for an interview, opening and structuring the interview,
conducting the interview, telling,selling and closing the interview and evaluating the candidate.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Interview Products – Front Line Management #848
EPredix, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A step-by-step guide for preparing for an interview, opening and structuring the interview,
conducting the interview, telling,selling and closing the interview and evaluating the candidate.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Interview Products – Leadership Positions #849
EPredix, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A step-by-step guide for preparing for an interview, opening and structuring the interview,
conducting the interview, telling,selling and closing the interview and evaluating the candidate.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Intimacy Scale #1458
Walker & Thompson, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 20-79 yrs
Description: Measures general intimacy or affection.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 45, 841-849 and pg.405 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Intrinsic Job Motivation #1827
Warr, Cook & Wall, 1979
Descrition: Scale that is easily completed by employees of modest educational attainment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psycholgy, 1979, 52, 129-148 and pg.126 from “The Experience of Work”
Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) #1014
Ryan, 2001
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: This instrument measures participants' interest/enjoyment, perceived competence,
value/usefulness, felt pressure/tension, effort, and perceived choice while performing a given activity.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: www.psych.rochester.edu/SDT/measures/intrins.html
Inventory About Learning Approaches #883
Norwich, 1988
Administration: Group
Description: Used to help the pupil to self-assess learning and prevenative factors in his or her classroom then
to self-plan for improvement.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Self-Regulated Learning and Behaviour)
Inventory for Client & Agency Planning (ICAP) #791
Bruininks, Hill, Weatherman & Woodcock, 1986
Administration: Individual
Range: Infant - Adult
Description: A structured instrument that uses both descriptive and normative information to assess the status,
adaptive functioning, and service needs of handicpped, disabled, and elderly people. As well as providig a
systematic means of recording the client's diagnostic status and functional limitations.
Time: 30-45 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Inventory for Client & Agency Planning (ICAP) Compuscore #914
Hill, 1999
Administration: Individual
Description: Computes ICAP scores automatically, calculating derived scores from raw scores.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Inventory for Depressive Symptomatology (IDS) #473
Rush, Giles, Schlesser, Fulton, Weissenberger & Burns, 1986
Administration: Individual
Description: A measure of depressive signs and symptoms.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Depression)
Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (IDS) #1889
Rush, Gullion, Basco, Jarrett, Trivedi, 1996
Range: Adult & Adolescents
Discription: Assesses severity and change in depressive symptoms.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Medicine 26(3):477-86 and pg 33 from "Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and
Inventory for Dyadic Heterosexual Preferences #1460
Purnine, Carey & Jorgensen, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17-59 yrs
Description: Measures preferences for specific sexual behaviours of heterosexual men and women in a dyadic
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Research and Therapy, 34, 375-387 and pg.413 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP) - Client Form #476
Horowitz, Rosenberg, Baer, Ureno & Vellasnor, 1988
Administration: Individual
Description: Concerns difficulties relating to other people in the following six areas; 1) assertiveness, 2)
sociability, 3) submissiveness, 4) intimacy, 5) responsibility, and 6) control.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Interpersonal Difficulties)
Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP) - Progress Form #478
Horowitz, Rosenberg, Baer, Ureno & Vellasnor, 1988
Administration: Individual
Description: Concerns difficulties relating to other people in the following six areas; 1) assertiveness, 2)
sociability, 3) submissiveness, 4) intimacy, 5) responsibility, and 6) control.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Interpersonal Difficulties)
Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP) - Therapist Form #477
Horowitz, Rosenberg, Baer, Ureno & Vellasnor, 1988
Administration: Individual
Description: Concerns difficulties relating to other people in the following six areas; 1) assertiveness, 2)
sociability, 3) submissiveness, 4) intimacy, 5) responsibility, and 6) control.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Interpersonal Difficulties)
Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment #1330
Armsden & Greenberg, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 10-20 yrs
Description: Measures one's attachment to parents and peers. Has separate scales to measure attachment to
mother, father, and close friend.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Youth and Adolescent, 16, 427-454 and pg.564 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Inventory of Social Attitudes #1680
Eysenck, 1951
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Measures social attitudes and beliefs based on two primary dimensions: radicalism-conservatism
(the R factor) and tendermindedness-toughmindedness (the T factor).
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: International Journal of Opinion and Attitude Research, 1, 49-84; and British Journal of Sociology,
11, 198-209; and British Journal of Clinical Social Psychology, 14(4), 323-331; and Psychological
Reports, 39, 463-466; and pg 98 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Inventory to Diagnose Depression #1459
Zimmerman et al, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to diagnose major depressive disorder.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 43, 1076-1081 and pg.407 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Iowa Gambling Task #1796
Bechara, 1994
Description: The IGT was eveloped as a neuropsychological probe to detect decision making deficits in
relationship to Damasio;s Somatic Marker Hypothesis. The IGT is four pack card game which simulates
real-life decision making by factoring in un certainty together with reward and punishment
Reference: A.Bechara, A.R.Damasio & H.Damasio, S.W.Anderson(1994) Intensivity to future consequences
following damage to human prefrontal cortex. Cognition, 50, 7-15.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Iowa Test of Basic Skills #996
Lindquist & Hieronymus, 1964
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-14 yrs
Description: This test is designed to measure 5 major areas; vocabulary, reading, language, work-study, and
Time: timed subtests
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Irrational Values Scale #1461
MacDonald, 1972
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures a respondent's endorsement of nine irrational values that are based on the work of Albert Ellis.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Rational Living, 7, 25-28 and pg.418 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Irritability, Aggression and Apathy Scale #1118
Burns, Folstein, Brandt & Folstein, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed to measure non-cognitive features of irritability and apathy in dementia.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 178, 20-26 and pg.166 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Issue Awareness Index #1788
Patterson & McClure, 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Based on knowledge of presidential candidates' stands on a series of campaign issues.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 632 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Ishihara Test for Colour Blindness #157
Ishihara, 1962
Administration: Individual
Range: 6+ yrs
Description: Determines whether a patient has normal colour vision.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 3
IT Scale for Children #575
Brown, 1956
Range: 3-8 yrs
Description: A measure of sex role preference or “the preferential responses of children to sex-typed objects
and activities.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.638 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Jenkins Activity Survey (JAS) #158
Jenkins & Zyzanski & Rosenman, 1979
Administration: Group
Range: 25-65 yrs
Description: Identifies persons with the Type A behaviour pattern associated with coronary heart disease.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Jenkins Non-verbal Test #159
ACER, 1989
Administration: Group
Range: 3-8 yrs
Description: Designed to provide a non-verbal measure of general ability.
Time: 25 mins + 10-15 mins administration
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Filed & storage
Jesness Inventory #160
Jesness, 1972
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-18 yrs
Description: Evaluates personality disorders predictive of asocial tendencies.
Time: untimed; 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed & storage
Job Characteristics Inventory #1815
Sims, Szilagyi & Keller, 1976
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Academy of Management Journal, 1976, 19, 195-212 and pg.185 from “The Experience of Work”
Job Attachment #1818
Koch & Steers, 1978
Number in Stock: Photocoopy – on file
Location: Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1978, 12, 119-128 and pg . 93 from “The Experience of Work”
Job Descriptive Index & Job in General Scales #824
Blazer et al, 1997
Range: Adult
Description: Aids to identify and solve practical personnel problems on job satisfaction.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Dept of Psychology, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
Job Interview Self-Statement Schedule #1462
Heimberg, Keller & Peca-Baker, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures positive and negative conditions and their relationship to evaluative anxiety in job
interview situations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 33, 190-195 and pg.424 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Job Involvement Questionnaire #576
Lorence & Mortimer, 1985
Range: Adults
Description: The emphasis in this scale is on ‘psychological attachment to a particular job rather than an
occupational and organisational commitment’.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.344 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Job Observation, 2002
Administration: Individual
Description: Evaluates the performance of workers with supported employment needs
Time: 30 mins or less
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Job Observation and Behavior Scale: Opportunity for Self-Determination(JOBS:OSD) #2034
Brady, Rosenberg & Frain, 2006
Administration: Individual
Range: Secondary aged students
Description: Allows secondary-aged sudents enrolled in work experience and supported emplyment special
education programs and other transitional work programs to self-evaluate the quality of their
performance as well as their own need for employment support.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Job Satisfaction Scale #926
Warr & Cook & Wall, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at job Satisfaction. Part of the Work and Life Attitudes Survey
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psychology, 52, 129-148
Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) #1033
Spector, 1994
Range: Adult
Description: A 36 item, nine facet scale to assess employee attitudes about the job and aspects of the job.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: American Journal of Community Psychology, 13(6), 693-713
Judicial Legitimacy Scale #1762
Tyler, 1990
Range: Adult
Description: Measures general positive affect toward the court system and toward police.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 516 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory #161
Eysenck, 1971
Administration: Group
Range: 7-16 yrs
Description: Measures the major personality dimensions of children.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Revised (JEPQR) #1575
Corulla, 1990
Range: 11-15 yrs
Description: Measures the dimensions of personality traits in children and adolesents.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personality & Individual Differences, 11(1), 65-76
Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised – Abbreviated (JEPQR-A) #1577
Francis, 1996
Range: 13-15 yrs
Description: Measures the dimensions of personality traits in children and adolescents.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personality & Individual Differences, 21(6), 835-844
Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Short form (JEPQ-S) #1576
Francis & Pearson, 1988
Range: 15-16 yrs
Description: Looks at the relationship between religiosity and personality among children and adolescents.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personality & Individual Differences, 9(5), 911-916
K-ABC Assist (Software) #961
Kaufman & Kaufman, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.6-12.6 yrs
Description: This program offers numerous report options, including score summary, narrative, graphic profile,
composite comparisons, high/low analysis, shared/unique abilities and aptitude/achievement discrepancy
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Kansas Family Life Satisfaction Scale #1276
Schumm & Jurich & Bollman, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess satisfaction with family relationships and family life as a whole.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Reports, 58, 975-980 and pg.386 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Kansas Marital Conflict Scale (KMCS) #1214
Eggeman, Moxley & Schumm, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A series of three scales designed to measure the stages of marital conflict.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Reports, 57, 171-181 and pg.122 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Kansas Marital Goals Orientation Scale (KMGOS) #1215
Eggeman, Moxley & Schumm, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure intentionality in a couple's marital relationship.
Time: 2-3 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Reports, 57, 171-181 and pg.125 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale (KMS) #1216
Schumm et al, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A brief measure of marital satifcation.
Time: 2 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 48, 381-387 and pg.127 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Kansas Parental Satisfaction Scale #1277
Schumm & Hall, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure satisfaction with oneself as a parent, the behaviour of one's children, and
one's relationship with one's children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Reports, 57, 163-169 and pg.386 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Kaplan Baycrest Neurocognitive Assessment (KBNA) #924
Leach & Kaplan & Rewilak & Richards &Proulx, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: 20-89 yrs
Description: Used a quick test of cognitive functioning.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Kaufman Adolescent & Adult Intelligence Test (K-AIT) #743
Kaufman & Kaufman, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: 11-85+ yrs
Description: Based on the Cattell-Horn model of fluid/crystallised intelligence, this test is a 10-subtest battery.
Six subtests make up the core and four are memory.
Time: 60 min for Core; 90 min for Expanded
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 1
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) #163
Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.6-12.6 yrs
Description: Measures intelligence and achievement. Defines intelligence as ability of children to process
information and solve problems.
Time: depends on number of subtests given
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 6
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children - 2nd Edition (KABC-II) #1665
Kaufman & Kaufman, 2004
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-18 yrs
Description: Assesses a child's ability to receive and process information, helping pinpoint cognitive strengths
and weaknesses.
Time: 25-55 min (Lauria model), 35-70 min (CHC model)
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 6
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test #164
Kaufman & Kaufman, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-90 yrs
Description: A brief, individually administered measure of the non-verbal intelligence of a wide range of
children, adolescents and adults.
Time: 15-30 mins
Number in Stock: 1, storage 1
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 5
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test - 2nd Edition (KBIT-2) #1666
Kaufman & Kaufman, 2004
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-90 yrs
Description: A brief screener of intelligence that measures two distinct cognitive abilities: Verbal and Nonverbal.
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 5
KD Proneness Scale and Checklist #167
Kvaraceus, 1950
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: Assesses delinquent behaviour.
Time: 15-25 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Kelvin Measurement of Ability in Infant Classes #1918
Fleming, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-7 yrs
Description: Measures ability in infant classes.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Kendrick Assessment Scales of Cognitive Ageing (KASCA) #1664
Kendrick & Watts, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 40-92 yrs
Description: Measures four areas of cognitive function comprised by ageing: short term memory, speed of
information processing, reasoning and attention, and visiospatial ability.
Time: 15-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay11, Shelf 2
Kendricks Cognitive Test for the Elderly #165
Kendrick, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: 55+ yrs
Description: Identifies early dementia and depressive psychosis of adults.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 2
Kent Emergency Scales #166
Kent, 1946
Range: 5.5-6yrs; 6-8 yrs
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) #915
Kessler & Mroczek, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A scale of psychological distress for use in epidemiological surveys. Used as an outcome measure
in people with anxiety and depressive disorders.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Aust & NZ J Public Health, 2001, 25(6) p494-497 & http://www.gpcare.org
Kew Cognitive Test #1087
Hare, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of memory, speech and parietal function in dementia.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Medical Journal, 2, 266-267 and pg.73 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Key Maths Assist see Key Math – Revised Computer Software
Key Math-Revised/NU #953
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-22 yrs
Description: Assesses critical math skills through 13 subtests. A measure of understanding and application of
important mathematics concepts and skills.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 3
Kidcope #702
Spirito, Stark & Williams, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 7-12 yrs; 13-18 yrs
Description: Developed to provide a brief measure to identify coping in children and adolescents.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Social Behaviour & Competence in Childhood)
Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap Survey #2003
Kilamann, Saxton, 2011
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Enables to graph Culture-Gap Profile. The various profiles enable to pinpoint the particular
Culture-Gaps that are barriers to oganizational success.
Number in Stock: 9
Kindergarten Behavioural Index #168
Banks, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: 5.5-6.5 yrs
Description: A checklist of behavioural responses which a teacher may observe in the normal classroom situation.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Kit of Reference Test for Cognitive Factors #388
French, Ekstrom & Price, 1963
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescents +
Description: A set of tests defining aptitude and achievement factors.
Time: varies for each test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Kit of Selected Tests for Reference Aptitude & Achievement Factors #389
French, 1954
Administration: Individual
Description: A set of tests defining aptitude and achievement factors.
Time: varies for each test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire #1198
Cherry, West, Reese & Yassuda, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess the general knowledge of normal and pathological memory ageing.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Educational Gerontology, 26, 195-219 and pg.352 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Kuder Preference Record #169
Kuder, 1960
Administration: Individual
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Evaluates occupational interests of students and adults.
Time: untimed; 30-40 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Filed & storage
Kusche Affective Interview - Revised (KAI-R) #857
Kusche, Greenberg & Beilke, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: 7+ yrs
Description: Used as a pre and post measureof the effectiveness of the intervention on affective development.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence)
Kutcher Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder Scale for Adolescents (K-GSADS-A) #1845
Brooks, Kutcher, 2004
Range: 11-17 yrs
Description: Assesses social anxiety problems.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Child Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2004; 14: 273-86 and pg 46 from “Asessment
Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Kutcher Adolescent Depression Scale (KADS) #1853
Brooks, Krulewicz, Kutcher, 2003
Range: 12-17 yrs
Description: Assesses Depresive Problems
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Child Adolescent Psychopharmacology 2003; 13: 337-49 and pg 89 from “Assessment
Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Language Aptitude Battery #749
Pimsleur, 1966
Administration: Group
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: An apptitude battery designed, first, for predicting student success in foreign language learning and,
second, for diagnosing language learning difficulties..
Time: 50-60 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Language Facility Test #170
Dailey, 1977
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-15 yrs
Description: Evaluates how well children speak in the language or dialect in which they were reared.
Time: untimed; 10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Language Sampling Analysis and Training #171
Tyack & Gottsleben, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 2 yrs-Adult
Description: Describes procedures for training children whose language delay is serious enough to warrant
Time: 60 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Leader Effectiveness & Adaptability Description (LEAD) #382
Hersey & Blanchard, 1973
Range: Adults
Description: Used to provide information about one’s own leadership style. The instrument consists of twenty
typical job situations that involve a leader and one or more staff members.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Leadership Opinion Questionnaire #377
Fleishman, 1969
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures leadership style. Used in a variety of industrial and organisational settings for selection,
appraisal, counselling, and training of employees.
Time: untimed; 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Learning Skills Profile #802
Boyatzis & Kolb, 1993
Description: Designed to measure Personal Learning Skills (your learning aptitudes in critical skill areas) and
Job Skill Demands (learning skills most critical to the effective performance of your job). Helps people
understand how power and influence are wielded in their organizations.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: http://trgmcber.haygroup.com/Products/learning/lspus.htm
Leiter International Performance Scale-R (Leiter-R) #757
Stoelting Co., 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 2-21 yrs
Description: A non verbal test that measures intelligence and cognitive abitities. It consists of two nationally
standardised batteries 1) visualisation and reasonoing 2) attention and memory.
Time: varies according to test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay9, Shelf 3
Level of Expressed Emotion #1278
Cole & Kazarian, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure perceived emotional climate in a person's influential relationships.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 44, 392-397 and pg.388 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Levels of Self-Criticism Scale (LOSC) #1007
Thompson & Zuroff, 2004
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure two dysfunctional forms of negative self-evaluation: Comparative SelfCriticism and Internalized Self-Criticism.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personality & Individual Differences, 36, 419-430
Leyton Obsessional Inventory #729
Cooper, 1970
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Describes the construction and development of an inventory dealing with the subjective assessment
of obsessional traits and symptoms.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Medicine,1970, 1,48-64
Leyton Obsessional Inventory – Child Version (LOI-CV) #1851
Berg, Whitaker, Davies, Flament, Rapoport, 1988
Range: 13-18 yrs
Description: Assesses obsessive and compulsive symptoms.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescents Psychiatry 1988; 27: 759-763 and pg 80
from “Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Life 3 Scale #577
Andrews & Withey, 1976
Description: Based on two questions that ask respondents to evaluate ‘their life as a whole’ on a 1-7 response
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.88 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Life Distress Inventory (LDI) #1217
Thomas, Yoshioka & Ager, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Used to measure the current level of distress experienced across 18 areas of life.
Time: 3-5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.129 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Life Events and Stress #488
Anderson, 1972
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Masters Thesis, North Dakota State University
Life Events Questionnaire #1463
Brugha, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures common life events that tend to be threatening.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 82, 77-81 and pg.430 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Life Events Scale for Children and Adolescents #1641
Coddington, 1971
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-19 yrs
Description: Developed to assess the occurrence of specific life events and assign a weighting for the impact or
severity of such events.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 16, 7-18 and pg 229 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Life in School Checklist #703
Arora & Thompson, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 5-18 yrs
Description: An informal assessment of the amount of bullying experienced by primary and secondary school
children. Measures bullying within a school durin the past week.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Social Behaviour & Competence in Childhood)
Life Orientation Test (LOT) #448
Scheier & Carver, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Consists of eight items which count towards the dispositional optimism score, four phrased in the
positive direction and four negative, plus four filler items to disguise the purpose of the test.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio ( Individual & Demographic Differences)
Life Roles Inventory-Value Scales #578
Fitzsimmo, & Macnab & Casserly, 1985
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the importance of twenty kinds of values considered relevant to assessing the relative
importance of the work role in relation to other major roles in different cultures.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.697 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Life Satisfaction in the Elderly Scale (LSES) #511
Salamon & Conte, 1992
Administration: Group & individual
Range: 55-90 yrs
Time: 15-25 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set + 1998 Specimen Set
Location: Bay 15, Shelf 3 (forms)
Life Satisfaction Scale #579
Neugarten & Havighurst & Tobin, 1961
Range: 50+ yrs
Description: Three separate measures of life satisfaction.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.77 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Life Satisfaction Scale - R(LSS) #945
Salamon, 2003
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 30-80+ yrs
Description: Assesses quality of life in adults.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set+ 1 copy
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 3
Life Skills Profile #1617
Parker, Hadzi-Pavlovic & Rosen, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures functioning and disability in adults with schizophrenia.
Time: 5-20 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Schizophrenia Bulletin, 15, 325-337 and pg 107 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Liking People Scale #1464
Filsinger, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures one aspect of interpersonal orientation, the general liking of other people.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 45, 295-300 and pg.434 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Scale (LWMAT) #1218
Locke & Wallace, 1959
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: One of the first short measures of marital adjustment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Marriage and Family Living, 21, 251-255 and pg.133 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Local Cosmopolitan Scale #1671
Dye, 1963
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Characterizes an individual as more "local" or more "cosmopolitan" according to the social
environment in which he/she feels most comfortable.
Numer in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Social Forces, 41, 239-246 and pg 19 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Local Government Alienation Scales #1737
Zimmer, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures political alienation of general local government alientation and specific local
government alienation.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Social Science Quarterly, 64, 634-640 and pg 436 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Locus of Control #402
Nowicki & Strickland, 1974
See: Nowicki–Strickland Internal–External Control Scale for Adults
Locus of Control Scale #497
Greenberg, 1996
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Comprehensive Stress Management. Madison: Brown & Benchmark
Locus of Control Scale for Children (LCSC) #735
Nowicki & Strickland, 1974
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-18 yrs
Description: Developed to extend the measurement of locus of control to children. A 40 item test that provides
a single, dimensional score of the degree of external/internal locus of control.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Social Behaviour & Competence in Childhood)
Logical Reasoning #172
Hertzka & Guilford, 1955
Administration: Group
Description Designed to measure important primary mental ability in the general area of intelligence.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
London Handicap Scale #1177
Harwood, Gompertz & Ebrahim, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to determine the handicap experience by people 1 year following stroke.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 57, 825-829 and pg.307 - from "Assessment
Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Loneliness Rating Scale #580
Scalise, & Ginter & Gerstein, 1984
Range: Adults
Description: A multidimensional scale that assesses the frequency and intensity of particular affects reported by
lonely people.
Number in Stick: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment 48(5), 525-530 and pg.259 - from "Measures of Personality &
Social Psychological Attitudes"
Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Tests #997
Lorge & Thorndike & Hagen, 1964
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-18 yrs
Description: A series of tests of abstract intelligence. Has both a verbal and non verbal battery.
Time: timed subtests
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Love Attitudes Scale #1465
Hendrick & Hendrick, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Six subscales that measure attitudes about love: eros, ludus, storge, pragma, mania, and agape.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 5, 239-254 and pg.440 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Love Attitudes Scale (short form) #817
Hendrick, Hendrick & Dicke., 1998
Range: Adult
Description: Constructed to measure six love styles: Eros, Ludus, Storge, Pragma, Mania & Agape.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Social & Personal Relationships 15(2) 147-159
Luria's Neuropsychological Investigation #173
Christensen, 1975
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Diagnoses type and severity of brain injury.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 1
Machiavellianism (Mach IV & Mach V & Kiddie Mach) #581
Christie & Geis, 1970
Range: 8+ yrs
Description: Designed to tap a person’s general strategy for dealing with people.
Location: pg.376 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Mainstreaming Social Skills Questionnaires (MSSQ) - Primary #855
Salend & Lutz, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-12 yrs
Description: Teacher-completed rating scale designed to identify the social skills competencies which pupils
require to function successfully in mainstream classes and were developed to assisst with the integration
into mainstream classes of pupils who have special educational needs.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence)
Mainstreaming Social Skills Questionnaires (MSSQ) - Secondary #856
Salend & Salend, 1986
Administration: Individual
Range: 13-17 yrs
Description: Teacher-completed rating scale designed to identify the social skills competencies which pupils
require to function successfully in mainstream classes and were developed to assisst with the integration
into mainstream classes of pupils who have special educational needs.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence)
Maitland Graves Design Judgement Test #174
Graves, 1948
Administration: Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Devised to measure certain components of aptitude for the appreciation or production of art structure.
Time: untimed; 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Majors Personality Type Inventory (The) - 2nd Ed #2016
Majors 2012
Administration: Individual
Range: 15+yrs
Description: Assesses personality type.
Time: Untimed approximately 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Make a Picture Story (MAPS) #175
Schneidman, 1948
Administration: Individual
Range: 6+ yrs
Description: Used as an aid in inferring psychodynamic interpretations and structural aspects of personality.
Measures fantasies, defences and impulses.
Time: untimed; 45-90 mins
Number in Stock: 2 - out of print
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 1
Managerial Opinion Scale #1832
Warr & Routledge, 1969
Description: Measures job satisfaction more adequately covering features of particular relevance to supervisors
and managers.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Occupational Psychology, 1969, 43, 95-109 and pg.59 from “The Experience of Work”
Manchester and Oxford Universities Scale for the Psychopathological Assessment of Dementia
(MOUSEPAD) #1104
Allen, Gordon , Hope & Burns, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to measure psychiatric symptoms and behavioural changes in patients with dementia.
Time: 15-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, 169, 293-307 and pg.133 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Mania Rating Scale #1059
Bech, Rafaelsen, Kramp & Bolwig, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolecents & Adults
Description: Used to quantify the severity of manic states.
Time: 15-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Neuropharmacology, 17, 430-431 and pg.19 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Manic State Rating Scale (MSRS) #1890
Beigel, Murphy, Bunney, 1971
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses severity of manic symptoms.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry 25:256-62 and pg 36 from” Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania
and Anxiety"
Manifest Needs Questionnaire #1824
Steers & Braunstein, 1976
Description: Designed to measure the four needs of Achivement, Affiliation, Autonomy and Dominance,
Trough behaviourally-based items with specific reference to work settings.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1976, 9, 251-266 and pg. 159 from “The Experience of Work”
Manual Dexterity Test #176
Educational & Industrial Test Services
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure manual dexterity required in occupations including assembling and
packaging work, machine operation and many areas within production.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Marital Alternatives Scale (MAS) #1219
Udry, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the perception of how much better or worse opff a person would be without
his or her present spouse, and how easily that spouse would be replaced with one of comparable quality.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 43, 889-897 and pg.136 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Marital Comparison Level Index (MCLI) #1220
Sabatelli, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure an individual's perception of the degree to which his or her marital
relationship is living up to his or her expectations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 46, 651-662 and pg.138 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Marital Conventionalization Scale #1221
Edmonds, 1967
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the extent to which a person distorts the appraisal of his or her marriage in the direction
of social desirability.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 29, 681-688 and pg.142 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Marital Happiness Scale #1222
Azrin, Naster & Jones, 1973
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses marital happiness in nine different areas of interaction, with a global single-item index
measuring general happiness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavioral Research and Therapy, 11, 365-382 and pg.144 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Marital Instability Index #1223
Edwards, Johnson & Booth, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure marital instability and, especially, proneness to divorce.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Family Relations, 36, 168-170 and pg.146 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Marital Intimacy Scale #1189
Morris, Morris & Britton, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses the relationship between marital intimacy and that of the strain and depression in spouse
carers of individuals suffering from dementia.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Medical Psychology, 61, 231-236 and pg.330 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Marital Locus of Control Scale #582
Miller & Lefcourt & Ware, 1983
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses the locus of control orientation for the achievement of marital status.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.460 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Marital Satisfaction Inventory Revised (MSI-R) #2029
Snyder 2004
Administaration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Identifies separately for each partner in relationship, the nature and extend of distress along several
key dimensions of their relationship.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Marlowe-Crowne Scale (M-CS) #444
Crowne & Marlowe, 1960
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses avoidant or repressive styles.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio ( Individual & Demographic Differences) & pg.29
from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Marriage Problems Scale #1032
Clements & Swensen, 1991
Range: 50+ yrs
Description: A marital assessment for use with individuals 50 yrs and over.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Clinical Gerontologist, 20(2), 35-46
Maslach Burnout Inventory #177
Maslach & Jackson, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Attempts to measure ‘burnout’ a syndrome said to occur frequently among individuals whose
work involves interaction with others at an intense level.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Maslach Burnout Inventory (3rd Ed) - MBI-III #663
Maslach, Jackson & Leiter, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Attempts to measure ‘burnout’ a syndrome said to occur frequently among individuals whose
work involves interaction with others at an intense level.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 4
Massachusetts General Hospital Hairpulling Scale #1618
Keuthen et al, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to evaluate the severity of trichotillomania, a disorder characterised by repetitive
hair pulling.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 64, 141-145 and pg 708 from “Handbook of Psychiatric
Mastery Scale #583
Pearlin, Lieberman, Menaghan & Mullan, 1981
Range: 18-65 yrs
Description: A seven item scale answered in a four-point agree-disagree format.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.304 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Match Problems #770
Berger & Guilford, 1963
Administration: Individual
Description: Looks at 'adaptive flexibility' pertinent to creative thinking.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed & storage
Matching Familiar Figure Test #178
Salkind, 1965
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-12 yrs
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Maturity Level for School Entrance and Reading Readiness #1919
Banham 1959
Administration: Individual
Range: For Kindergarten First Grade
Description: Assesses the maturity level for school entrance and reading rediness.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Maudsley Addiction Profile #835
Marsden et al, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A brief, interviewer administered questionnaire for treatment outcome research applications:
Measures substance use, health risk behaviour, physical & psychological health, and personal/social
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Maudsley Obsessional-Compulsive Inventory #1466
Hodgson & Rachman, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure different types of obsessive-compulsive ritual.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Research and Therapy, 15, 389- 395 and pg.448 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Maudsley Personality Inventory #179
Eysenck, 1972
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Measures the personality dimension of extroversion-introversion and neuroticism-stability in high
school and college students and adults
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Filed
Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) #1947
Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: 17 yrs & over
Description: Designed to assess emotional inteligence.Developed from an intelligence-testing tradition that was
substantially informed by emergingscientific understanding of emotions and their function.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities #180
McCarthy, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.5 yrs-8.5 yrs
Description: Used to assess cognitive and motor development in children. Tasks are designed to be suitable for
both sexes, as well as for children from various ethnic and socio-economic groups.
Time: 45-60 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 7, Shelf 2
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) #416
Melzack, 1975
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses and diagnoses pain states. Detects differences among the different methods used to treat
pain, and provide information about the effects of a particular method on the sensory, affective, and
evaluative dimensions of pain.
Time: untimed; 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Pain & Pain Behaviours) & Assessment: A
Mental Health Portfolio (Psychological Adjustments to Illness)
McMullin Addiction Thought Scale #1467
McMullin, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17-78 yrs
Description: Measures irrational cognitions of chemically dependent clients both for assessment and evaluation
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.452 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ) #2021
Steger, Frazier, Oishi, Kaler 2006
Description: Designed to measure two dimensions of meaning in life: 1.Presence of Meaning, 2. Search for
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Meaninglessness #584
Neal & Groat, 1974
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Composed of nine items with response categories ranging over a four-point continuum.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.329 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Measure of the Obsessional Personality or Anal Character #1916
Kline, 1971
Administration: Individual or Gruup
Description: Assesses the obsessional personality.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Measurement of Morale in the Elderly #1199
Pierce & Clarke, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed to assess the level of morale amongst older people with mental health problems
Time: 20-25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Aging and Human Development, 4, 83-101 and pg.360 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Measures in Health Psychology: A User’s Portfolio
NFER-Nelson, 1995
Pain & Pain Behaviours
See McGill Pain Questionnaire
UAB Pain Behaviour Scale
Beliefs about Pain Control Questionnaire
Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire
Varni-Thompson Paediatric Pain Questionnaire
Stress Emotion & Life Events
See Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale
General Health Questionnaire 12
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale
Perceived Stress Scale
Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale
Social Support
See Short Form Social Support Questionnaire
Significant Others Scale
Health Status & Health Related Quality of Life
See Perceived Health status
Verbal Rating Scales of Health Status
Satisfaction with Life Scale
Acceptance of Illness Scale
Quality of Adjusted Life Year Index
Illness Specific Measures-Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale
Rotterdam Symptom Checklist
Illness, Symptoms, Disability & Recovery
See Barthel Index
Functional Limitations Profile
Health-Related Behaviour
See General Preventative Health Behaviours Checklist
Reported Health Behaviours Checklist
Self-Monitoring Techniques
Expectations, Experiences & Evaluations of Health Care
See Attitudes towards Doctors & Medicine Scale
Patient Request Form
Krantz Health Opinion Survey
Cancer Attitude Inventory
Prejudicial Evaluation Scale & Social Interaction Scale
Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale
Individual & Demographic Differences
See Framingham Type A Behaviour Pattern Measures
Framingham Anger Measure
Courtauld Emotional Scale
Marlowe-Crowne (Social Desirability) Scale
Positive & Negative Affect Schedule
Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
Life Orientation Test
Causal & Control Beliefs
See Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale
Children’s Health Locus of Control Scale
Perceived Control of Insulin Dependent Diabetes
Recovery Locus of Control Scale
Self-eficacy measurement-Specific self-efficacy beliefs & General Self-Efficacy Scales
Beliefs & Knowledge About Health & Illness
See Health Value Scale
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 3, Shelf 2
Measures of Music Audiation (Advanced) #181
Gordon, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-16 yrs
Description: Designed to act as objective aids to teachers and parents in helping each child make the best of his
or her music aptitudes through appropriate music opportunities and instruction.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Measures of Music Audiation (Primary & Intermediate) #182
Gordon, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 5-8 yrs
Description: Designed to act as objective aids to teachers and parents in helping each child make the best of his
or her music aptitudes through appropriate music opportunities and instruction.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Measuring Delusional Ideation: 21-Item Peters Delusions Inventory (PDI) #1973
Peters et.al, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-67yrs
Description: The PDI, originally based on the Present State Examination, incorporates the multidimentionality
of delusions by including measures of distress, preoccupation, and conviction.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Measuring Symptoms #434
Dunnell & Cartwright, 1972
Description: One method of assessing symptoms is simply to use a standard list and to assess whether or not
the respondent has experienced each one within a specified time.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Illness, Symptom, Disability & Recovery)
Mechanical Aptitude #183
O'Rourke, 1940
Time: Timed; 30 mins - part 1, 25 mins - part 2
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Mechanical Aptitude #184
Richardson, Bellows & Henry, 1950
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: Tests three major components of mechanical aptitude 1) mechanical knowledge, 2) space
relations, and 3) shop arithmetic
Time: 25 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Mechanical Comprehension Test #185
Bennett, 1969
Administration: Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures the ability to perceive and understand the relationship of physical forces and mechanical
elements in practical situations
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
MED Watch #1619
Kessler, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to increase voluntary reporting by health professionals of adverse events and product
Time: 2-3 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy on file
Location: JAMA, 269, 2765-2768 and pg 161 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Medical Avoidance Survey #1468
Kleinknecht, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures the extent to which respondents have avoided medical treatment due to fear of various
procedures or anticipated outcomes.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Research and Therapy, 34, 323-331 and pg.455 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Medical Fear Survey #1469
Kleinknecht, 1999
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure blood, injection, and injury fear and phobias.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.459 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale (MISS) #440
Wolf, Putnam, James & Stiles, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Contains 26 items which measure satisfaction with three aspects of medical encounters 1)
affective aspect, 2) behavioural aspect, 3) cognitive aspect.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Expectations, Experience & Evaluations of
Health Care)
Medical Outcomes Study Depression Questionnaire #1891
Burnam, Wells, Leake, Landsverk, 1988
Range: Adults under 60 yrs
Description: Screens for depression and dysthymia.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Time: 15 mins
Location: Medical Care 26(8):775-89 and pg 37 from "Assessment Scales for Depression, Mania and Anxiety"
Meeting Street School Screening Test #186
Hainsworth & Siqueland, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-7.5 yrs
Description: Identifies kindergartners and first-graders with learning disorders.
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness #585
Kozma & Stones, 1980
Range: 65-95 yrs
Description: Developed as a self-appraised measure of mental health among the elderly.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.96 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist #1279
Zarit & Zarit, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed to determine how frequently a dementia patient engages in problem behaviours and
which problems are especially upsetting for family members.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.392 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Memory for Design Test #187
Graham & Kendall, 1975
Administration: Individual
Range: 8.6-60 yrs
Description: A simple drawing test of perceptual-motor coordination that depends on immediate memory.
Time: untimed; 10 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed
Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire #1470
Chesney, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures two types of menstrual pain: spasmodic, and congestive.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behaviour Research and Therapy, 13, 237-244 and pg.463 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale (MAC) #422
Watson, Greer, Young, Inayat, Burgess & Robertson, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Developed to assess ‘adjustment’, or responses, to the diagnosis of cancer.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Coping)
Mental Health Inventory (MHI) #765
Description: Designed to measure general psychological distress and well-being. The measure includes
positive aspects of well-being as well as negative aspects of mental health.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Tahereh Ziaian PhD thesis, 2000
Mental Health Locus of Control Scale #586
Hill & Bale, 1980
Range: Adults
Description: Bipolar measure of beliefs about control of therapeutic changes in which the internal pole reflects beliefs
that the patient bears responsibility for changes and the external pole places the burden on the therapist.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.479 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Mental Health Locus of Origin Scale #587
Hill & Bale, 1980
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the locus-of-control beliefs about the etiology of psychopathology.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.482 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection #1970
Compiled by Quality and Effectiveness Section Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Branch Department of
Health and Ageing, 2003
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Description: Overview of Clinician-Rated and Consumer Self-Report Measures V 1.50
Location: Bay 3, Shelf 2
Mental Status Questionnaire (MSQ) #1088
Kahn, Goldfarb, Pollack & Peck, 1960
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of cognitive function.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 117, 326-328 and pg.75 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Mental Test Score #1068
Hodkinson, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A brief test to screen for cognitive impairment in the elderly.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Age and Ageing, 1, 233-238 and pg.44 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Merrill Demos DD Scale #189
Demos & Weijola, 1971
Administration: Group
Range: 8-12 yrs; 13-15 yrs
Description: An attitude scale designed primarily as an instrument to provide quick and convenient measures of
the understanding and acceptance of Teachers, Police, School, and Community in order to identify
potential or actual drug abuse and delinquent behaviour.
Time: 15-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Merrill Palmer Scale of Mental Tests #188
Administration: Individual
Range: 18-71 mths
Description: Measures intelligence in children. A 19 task assessment and oral response test measuring
language skills, motor skills, dexterity and matching.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 5, Shelf 1
Meta Memory in Adulthood #397
Hertzog, Dixon, Schulenberg & Hultsch, 1987
Description: Looks at differentiation of memory beliefs from memory knowledge.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Experimental Aging Research, 13, 101-107
Metacognitive Self-knowledge (MSK) Questionnaire and Interview #896
Goos, 1999
Administration: Group
Range: 15-17 yrs
Description: Aims to explore metacognitive awareness in learning.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Learning Styles & Metacognition)
Metacomprehension Strategy Index (MSI) #897
Schmitt, 1990
Administration: Group
Range: 8-11 yrs
Description: Used to evaluate students' knowledge of strategic processes for reading narrative text.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Learning Styles & Metacognition)
Metamemory Questionnaire #892
Kreutzer, Leonard & Flavell, 1975
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-11 yrs
Description: Designed to gather information about the metamemory strategies used by individual children
across a range of real life situations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Memory & Listening Comprehension)
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) #778
Selzer, 1971
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: AmericanJournal of Psychiatry, 127, 1653-1658
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test-Geriatric Version (MAST-G) #1201
Blow, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to screen for alcohol use disorders.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Ann Arbour: University of Michigan Alcohol Research Centre and pg.369 - from "Assessment Scales
in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Michigan Picture Test #190
Andrew, Hartwell, Hutt & Walton, 1953
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-14 yrs
Description: Differentiates between emotionally maladjusted children and emotionally well adjusted children.
Time: untimed - 1 hour
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Militant and Co-operative Internationalism Scale #1779
Holsti & Rosenau, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Relying on Wittkopf's (1990) definitions of Militant Internationalism (MI) and Co-operative
Internationalism (CI) the authors create four types: hard-liners, internationalists, isolationists, and
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Politics, 52, 94-125
Military Scale #1780
Peffley and Hurwitz, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Taps a general desire for the government to assume an assertive posture in foreign affairs
emphasizing military strength versus a more flexible, accommodating stance through negotiations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 583 from “Measures of Political Attitudes”.
Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale (MNV) #399
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Measures an individual’s ability to recall information and state it verbally.
Time: untimed - 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 5, Shelf 4
Miller Marital Locus of Control Scale (MMLOCS) #1224
Miller, Lefcourt & Ware, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures locus of control in marital relationships.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 15, 266-279 and pg.150 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Miller Social Intimacy Scale #1471
Miller & Lefcourt, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure closeness with others and the level of social intimacy.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 46, 514-518 and pg.469 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory – III (MCMI-III) #810
Millon, Millon & Davis, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to assess DSM-IV related personality disorders and clinical syndromes..
Time: 25 mins
Number in Stock: 1 (2nd edition), 1 (4th edition)
Location: Bay 8, Shelf 3 (forms)
M.I.N.I. (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview) #838
Sheehan et al, 2002
Administration: Individual
Description: A abrieviated psychiatric structured interview. It uses decision tree logic to assess the major adult
Axis I disorders in DSM-IV & ICD-10.
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: http://medical-oucomes.com
M.I.N.I.6.0 (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview) #1970
Sheehan et al, 2010
Administration: Individual
Description: Short, structured diagnostic interview that was developed for DSM-IV and ICD-10 psychiatric
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Mindful Attention Awareness (MAAS) #1994
Brown, Ryan 2003
Administration: Individual
Description: The state MAAS is a 5-item scale designed to assess the short-term or current expression of a core
characteristic of mindfulness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2003, Vol.84, No 4, 822-848
Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) #1015
Brown & Ryan, 2003
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at the role of mindfulness in psychological well-being.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: www.psych.rochester.edu/SDT/measures
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) #500
Folstein, Folstein & McHugh, 1975
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to give a quantitative estimate of the severity of a person's cognitive imparement, or to
serially document cognitive change.
Time: untimed, approx 30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Psychiatric Research, 12, 189-198
Mini-Mental State Examination 2nd Edition (MMSE-2) #1966
Folstein, Folstein, White & Messer 2010
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Discription: The MMSE-2 improves the clinical utility of the original MMSE by extanding the test's ceiling,
increasing the range of raw scores, and increasing the screening sensativity for individuals with less
severe cognitive impairment, such as those with subcortical dementia and mild cognitive impairment.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 8, Shelf 1
Mini-Mental State Examination - Modified #1067
Teng & Chui, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed to sample a broader range of cognitive function than the original MMSE.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 48, 314-318 and pg.42 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Mini-Mental State Examination – Severe #1065
Harrell, Marson, Chatterjee & Parrish, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A readily usable assessment of cognitive abilities in moderately to severely impaired patients with
Alzheimer's disease.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 14, 168-175 and pg.38 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Mini-Mental State Examination – Standardised #1066
Molloy, Alemayehu & Roberts, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Developed in an attempt to improve the objectivityof the original MMSE.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 148, 102-105 and pg.40 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Minnesota Counselling Inventory #191
Berdie & Layton, 1957
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13-16 yrs
Description: Looks at personality dynamics, personality structure, and personality problems of young people.
Time: 50 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) #197
Hathaway & McKinley, 1967
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Designed to provide an objective assessment of some of the major personality characteristics that
affect personal and social adjustment.
Time: untimed; 45-90 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) #198
Hathaway & McKinley, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Abroad-band test designed to assess a number of the major patterns of personality and emotional
Time: 60-90 mins
Number in Stock: 6
Location: Bay 8, Shelf 3
Minnesota Paper Form Board Test - R #194
Likert, Quasha & Jenkinson, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure ability to mentally manipulated two-dimensional shapes by requiring the
individual to visualise how a number of separate sections will appear when combined to form a single
geometric shape.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Minnesota Preschool Scale - Form A #196
Goodenough, Maurer & Wagenen
Administration: Individual
Description: A series of 26 short subtests which provide an estimate of verbal and non-verbal intelligence.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Minnesota Rate of Manipulation #199
American Guidance Service, 1969
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures finger-hand-arm dexterity.
Time: timed for each test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 1
Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire #200
Weiss, Dawis, England & Lofquist, 1967
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Evaluates employees’ satisfaction with their jobs. Used for occupational and social research.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Minnesota Teacher Attitude Inventory #195
Cook, Leeds & Callis, 1972
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure those attitudes of a teacher which predict how well he/she will get along with
pupils in interpersonal relationships, and indirectly how well satisfied he will be with teaching as a
Time: untimed; 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia #201
Schuell, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Child or Adult
Description: Assesses language disturbances due to brain damage. Aids in classifying patients and determining
Time: untimed; 45 min-2 hrs
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Mississippi Scale #1472
Keane, Caddell & Taylor, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) resulting from combat.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, 85-90 and pg.472 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
MMPI-2 Interpretative System (3 1/2" IBM disk) #518
Green & Brown, 1990
Description: This program incorporates the features of the MMPI Adult Interpretative Program and provides
interpretation for the MMPI-2.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia #470
Chambless, Caputo, Jasin, Gracely & Williams, 1985
Administration: Individual or group
Range: Adult
Description: A 29-item questionnaire focusing on avoidance behaviour in those with agoraphobia.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Anxiety) and pg 88 from “Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety”
Model-Based Approaches: Health Belief Model #457
Becker, 1974
Description: To be used for predictive purposes.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Beliefs & Knowledge about Health & Illness)
Model-Based Approaches: Theory of Reasoned Action #458
Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Beliefs & Knowledge about Health & Illness)
Model-Based Approaches: Illness Representation Model #459
Leventhal & Nerenz, 1985
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Beliefs & Knowledge about Health & Illness)
Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) #202
Carroll & Sapon, 1959
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Assesses the ease with which students will learn a foreign language in a typical foreign language
Time: 30 mins short form; 60 mins complete form
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 19, Shelf 2
Modern Occupational Skills Test (MOST) #390
Johnson, Blinkhorn, Wood & Hall, 1990
Administration: Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: A battery of task specific tests designed to cover most of the key skills required in a work
Time: timed; varies with each test
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Modern Racism Scale (MRS) #1719
McConahay, Hardee & Batts, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures racism (theoretical construct of symbolic or modern racism in contrast to old-fashioned
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 25, 563-579 and pg 344 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Modified Checklist for Autism in Todlers (M-CHAT) #1864
Robins, Fein, Barton, Green, 1992
Range: 18-30 mnts
Discription: Assesses autistic behaviours
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Autism and Divelopmental Disorders 2001; 31: 131-44 and pg 141 from “Assessment
Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) #1052
Montgomery & Asberg, 1979
Administration: Individual
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: This scale is designed as a sensitivity measure of chanmge in the treatment of depression.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British journal of Psychiatry, 134, 382-389 and pg.8 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." And pg 39 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”.
Mood Disorders Questionnaire (MDQ) #1892
Hirschfeld et,al., 2000
Range: Adults
Description: Screens for bipolar spectrum disorders.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry 157(11):1873-5 and pg 42 from "Assessment Scales for Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
Mood Related Pleasant Events Schedule #1473
MacPhillamy & Lewinsohn, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures how frequently one engages in pleasant events and how much enjoyment one derives
from those events.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50, 363-380 and pg.482 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Mood Scales-Elderly (MS-E) #1058
Raskin & Crook, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Elderly
Description: Assesses depression in elderly people.
Time: 25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin,24,727-732 and pg.18 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Mood Scales - for Parents #504
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Designed by Diana Dorstyn- Masters 1997
Mood Survey #1474
Underwood & Froming, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses happy and sad mood traits, that is, as long-term personality characteristics.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 44, 404-414 and pg.486 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Mood Thermometers #1331
Tuckman, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Child-Adult
Description: Quickly and accurately measures subjective feeling states at any particular moment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 48, 419-427 and pg.574 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Mooney Problem Checklist #203
Mooney & Gordon, 1950
Administration: Group
Range: 12-20 yrs
Description: Identifies individuals who want or need help with personal problems.
Time: untimed; 35-50 mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Filed
Moral Behaviour Scale #588
Rettig & Pasamanick, 1959
Range: Adults
Description: A list of ethically disputable or ‘morally prohibited’ activities are rated by respondents in terms of
their rightness and wrongness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.739 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Moral Conservatism Index #1691
Woodrum, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Ascertains agreement with conservative stands on contemporary issues with moral implications.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 27, 192-210 and pg 141 from "Measures of Political
Moral Conservatism Scale #1690
Wald, Owen & Hill, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the moral aspect of liberal and conservative sentiments.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 82, 531-548 and pg 140 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Moral Maturity: Measuring the Development of Sociomoral Reflection #509
Gibbs & Basinger & Fuller, 1992
Description: A book designed to provide researchers with a valid and practical instrument for assessing the
maturity of moral judgement.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Moral Traditionalism Scale #1689
Conover & Feldman, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures support for traditional moral and social values separately from other aspects of
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Center for Political Studies. (1985). Codebook for American National Elections Study: Pilot Study;
Codebook for American National Election Study 1988-1996 and pg 138 from "Measures of Political
Morally Debatable Behaviors Scales #589
Harding & Phillips, 1986
Description: Assesses the justifiability of behaviours reflecting contemporary moral issues which adults
confront in their lives or have an opinion about.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.742 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Morgan-Russell Assessment Schedule (MRAS) #481
Morgan & Russell, 1975
Administration: Individual
Description: A structured interview intended to provide a brief but thorough assessment of the central clinical
features of anorexia nervosa.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Habit Disorder)
Morrisby Battery #204
Morisby, 1955
Administration: Group
Range: 6-16 yrs
Description: A differential test battery.
Time: timed; varies with each test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Morrisby Differential Test Battery #734
Morisby, 1970
Administration: Group
Range: 13 yrs-Adults
Description: A comprehensive battery of tests to give a complete statement in objective terms of the intellectual
and modal (personality) structure of the person.
Time: timed; varies with each test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 2, Shelf 2
Motivation Analysis Test (MAT) #205
Cattell & Horn & Sweney & Radcliffe, 1964
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17+ yrs
Description: Contains four objective subtests that provide a measure of the ten clinically important dynamic
structures found to be representative, and comprehensive in coverage, of late adolescence and adult
Time: untimed; 55-65 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Motivation for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ) #872
Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997
Administration: Group
Range: 7-12 yrs
Description: Measures different aspects or dimensions of school-aged children's reading motivation.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Attribution and Motivation)
Motivational Styles Questionnaire (MSQ) #907
Tarleton, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Used to identify how to best harness an individual's potential by focusing on intrinsic motivators.
Time: 25 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory #649
Hogan & Hogan, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Designed to serve two important goals: 1) permits an evaluation of the fit between an individual
and the organisational culture, 2) allows assessment of a person’s motives directly.
Time: untimed, 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Mullen Scales of Early Learning #1969
Mullen, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Birth-68 months
Description: A developmentally integrated system that assesses language, motor, and perceptual abilities
Time: 15-60 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 20, Shelf 1
Mullen Scales of Early Learning #1971
Mullen, 1995
Training Video
Multi – Aptitude Test #1914
Cureton, Cureton, 1955
Administration: Group
Description: Fulfills the need for representative test content which can be used both to familiarize students and
laymen with the more usual kinds of ability measures and to provide material for practice in test
administration, scoring and analysis.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Time: Whole test 50 min, individual parts 8-12 min
Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale #1332
Orbach et al, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent
Description: Designed to measure suicide tendency among adolescents.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 3, 398-404 and pg.576 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale (MAST) #1854
Orbach, Milstein, Har-Even, et al., 1991
Range: 14-24 yrs
Discription: Assesses suicidal behaviour.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment 1991; 3: 398-404 and pg 96 from “Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry”
Multidimentional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC) #977
Maech, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-19 yrs
Description: Assesses the major dimension of anxiety in childrewn and adolescents.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II (MAB-II) #1667
Jackson, 2003
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Assesses aptitudes and intelligence yeilding a profile of ten subtests scores, Verbal IQ, Performance IQ,
and Full Scale IQ.
Time: 1 hr 40 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire #1475
Cash, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure self-attitudinal aspects of the body-image construct.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.488 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Multidimensional Caregiver Burden Inventory #1196
Novak & Guest, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: A diverse multidimensional instrument that measures the impact of burden on caregivers.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: The Gerontologist, 29, 798-803 and pg.344 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Multidimensional Desire for Control Scale #1476
Anderson, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult Male
Description: Designed to measure three dimensions of clients' desire for control in clinical health care interactions.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Health Education Research, 4, 383-397 and pg.492 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Multidimensional Fear of Death Scale #380
Range: Adults
Description: Eight independent subscales designed to measure different aspects of the fear of death construct
(or death anxiety).
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale (MHLC) #449
Wallston, Wallston & de Villis, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses control beliefs relevant to health, building upon Levenson’s dimensions of personal control or
internally, the effectiveness of powerful others, and the role of chance in determining one’s health status.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Casual & Control Beliefs) & pg.475 - from
"Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales #503
Greenberg, 1996
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Comprehensive Stress Management. Madison: Brown & Benchmark
Multidimensional Locus of Control Scales for Psychiatric Patients #1477
Levenson, 1973
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A multidimensional instrument that measures the belief that reinforcement is contingent upon one's
own behaviour or on events which are not contingent upon one's behaviour, such as chance or luck.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 41, 397-404 and pg.500 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Multidimensional Measure of Children's Perceptions of Control #590
Connell, 1985
Range: 8-14 yrs
Description: Designed to assess the different casual attributions that can be used to interpret both successful
and unsuccessful experiences.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.447 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes" & Psychology in
Education Portfolio (Attribution and Motivation)
Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES) #1168
Helmes, Csapo & Short, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of behaviours in elderly people.
Time: 25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 42, 395-405 and pg.284 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Multidimensional Pain Inventory (MPI) #415
Kerns, Turk & Rudy, 1985
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Pain, 23, p245-203
Multidimensional Scale of Democratic Values #1703
Gibson, Duch & Tedin, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of support to basic democratic rights, liberties and institutions: polical tolerance,
valuation of liberty, support for broad norms of democracy, consciousness of politcal rights, support for
political dissent, support for independent media, and support for electoral competition.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Politics, 54, 329-371 and pg 244 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support #1478
Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet & Farley, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-51 yrs
Description: Measures perceived social support from three sources: family, friends, and significant other.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 52, 30-41 and pg.502 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale #1479
Thorson & Powell, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures personal sense of humour as one mechanism for helping people cope with life.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 53, 605-619 and pg.504 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Multidimensional Support Scale #686
Winefield, Winefield & Tiggeman, 1992
Range: Adults
Description: Looks at frequency and adequacy of emotional, practical and informational support.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 58(1): 198-210.
Multidimensional-Multiattributional Causality Scale #591
Lefcourt, vonBaeyer, Ware & Cox, 1979
Range: Adults
Description: Composed of two parts, each dealing with casual beliefs about their respective areas: achievement
and affiliation.
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.454 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Multifactor Racial Attitudes Inventory (MRAI ) #1770
Woodmansee & Cook, 1967
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures a variety of components of attitudes toward black.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 7, 240-250 and pg 322 from "Measures of Political
Multifactor Racial Attitudes Inventory – Short Scale (MRAI – SS) #1713
Ard & Cook, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures white people's attitudes toward black people.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 37, 741-744 and pg 312 from "Measures of Political
Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure #1333
Phinney, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14-18 yrs
Description: Examines young people's degree of identification with their ethnic group, regardless of the unique
characteristics of their ethnic group.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Adolescent Rersearch, 7, 156-176 and pg.581 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Multi-Index Ethnocultural Identification Scale (MIEIS) #841
Marsella & Horvath, 1995
Range: Adult
Description: A 27-item self-report for people of all ethnocultural backgrounds.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Horvath, A-M., Marsella, A.J., & Yamada, S. Y. (in press) Psychological Reports.
Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist #206
Zuckerman & Lubin, 1965
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Measures anxiety, depression, and hostility in high school and college students and adults.
Time: untimed; 5mins / form
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Multnomah Community Ability Scale #1620
Barker et al, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to measure the degree of psychiatric disability in four major areas: interference with
functioning, adjustment to living, social competence, and behavioural problems.
Time: 2-3 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 102 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Munsell: A Colour Notation #207
Munsell, 1961
Description: Describes the system of colour notion by identifying colours in terms of three attributes 1) hue, 2)
value, and 3) chroma.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 4, Shelf 1
My Class Inventory - Short Form (MCI-SF) #859
Fraser, Anderson & Walberg, 1982
Range: 5-12 yrs
Description: Measures the pupils' and teachers' perceptions of their classroom learning environment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (The Learning Environment)
My Family & Friends Survey #801
Wenz-Gross, 1999
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
My Life in School Checklist #864
Arora & Thompson, 1987
Administration: Group
Range: 5-18 yrs
Description: Used to gauge the extent of bullying behaviour, other types of aggressive behaviour and friendly
behaviour in the school at a particular point in time.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Bullying Behaviour in Schools)
My Vocational Situation #209
Holland & Daiger & Power, 1980
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Assesses the problems that may be troubling an individual seeking help with career decisions.
Time: untimed; 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Myer Briggs Type Indicators #208
Meyers, 1962
Administration: Group
Range: 9-17 yrs
Description: Measures personality disposition and interests based on Jung’s theory types. This measure is
concerned with the differences in the way people perceive and in the way they make decisions.
Time: 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay17, Shelf 2
Myer Briggs Type Indicators – Form M, Step 1 #847
Myers, McCaulley, Quenk & Hammer, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: A revised version of Form G.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Myself-As-Learner Scale (MALS) #876
Burden, 1998
Administration: Group
Range: 9-16 yrs
Description: Used for assessing the academic self-perceptions of children in the middle and secondary school
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Children's Self-Perceptions)
National Acoustic Laboratory Test of Auditory Language Learning Capabilities in
Kindergarten Children (NALTALLCK) #803
Dermody & Kehoe & Bochner, 1989
Administration: Group
Range: 4-7 yrs
Description: Developed to identify kindergarten children at risk for language-learning problems.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
National Adult Reading Test (NART) -2nd Ed #210
Nelson & Willison, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: 20-70 yrs
Description: Designed to provide a means of estimating the premorbid intelligence levels of adults suspected of
intellectual deterioration.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 4 (out of print)
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 6
National Involvement Scales #1775
DeLamater, Katz, Kelman, 1969
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Attempts to separate three different mechanisms by which an individual can be nationalistic:
symbolic, normative and functional
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 13: 320-357, and pg 563 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
National Image Scale #1776
Hurwitz, Peffley and Seligson, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Measures public perceptions of the properties of other nations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: International Studies Quarterly, 37, 245-240 and pg 569 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Naylor-Harwood Adult Intelligence Scale (NHAIS) #211
Naylor & Harwood
Administration: Individual
Description: An Australian adaptation of the WAIS designed also as an equivalent form of the WAIS.
Number in Stock: 3 - out of print
Location: Bay 2, Shelf 2
Naysaying Low F Scale #592
Couch & Keniston, 1960
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to counterbalance positively worded items to provide a ‘true’ measure if
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.545 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability - Revised #212
Neale, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-13 yrs
Description: Consists of a set of graded passages for the testing of Rate, Accuracy, and Comprehension of oral
reading, and a Supplementary Test for diagnostic assessment.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 19, Shelf 7
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability (2nd Edition) #1908
Neale, 1966
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-13 yrs
Description: Assesses child's reading ability.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability (3rd Edition) #758
Neale, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-13 yrs
Description: Can be used to assess reading progress objectively as well as obtain structured diagnostic
observations of an individual's reading behaviour.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude #213
Hiskey, 1955
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-10 yrs
Description: Developed in response to a need for a non-verbal, non-timed, individual scale. Standardised on
deaf and hard-of-hearing children of pre-school or early school age.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed & storage
Negative Attitudes Toward Masturbation Inventory #1480
Abramson & Mosher, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures negative attitudes towards masturbation.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 43, 485-490 and pg.512 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
NEO 4 #745
Costa & McCrea, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Provides information on four personality domains: Extaversion, Openness to experience,
Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Designed for use in career counselling.
Time: 25 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 19, Shelf 6
NEO-Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) #363
Costa & McCrea, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Shortened version of the NEOPI-R Form S. Provides a quick measure of the five domains of adult
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 19, Shelf 4
NEO-Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI-3) #1989
McCrea & Costa, 2010
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 12 yrs or older
Description: Comprehensive assessment of adolescent and adult personality.
Time: 30-40 min
Number in Stock: 1
NEO-Personality Inventory-R #214
Costa & McCrae, 1992
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: Provides a comprehensive overview of emotional, interpersonal, experimental, attitudinal, and
motivational styles. It is a concise measure of the five major domains of personality, as well as the six
traits or facets that define each domain.
Time: 35-45 mins
Number in Stock: 5
Location: Bay 19, Shelf 5
NEO Software System #978
Costa & McCrae, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: 17+ yrs
Description: Allows administration of NEO PI-R or NEO FFI on-screen and generate interpretive reports. Raw
data can also be entered and reports generated.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
NEO Software System (NEO-PI-3, NEO-PI-R and NEO-FFI-3) #2036
Costa, McCrae, PAR Staff, 2014
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Korkman & Kirk & Kemp, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-4 yrs & 5-12 yrs
Description: Used to detect stengths and weaknesses in 5 function domains that facilitate or interfere with
Time: 45-60 min for 3-4 yrs, 1-2hrs for 5-12 yrs
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 9
NEPSY Scoring Assistant #979
Korkman & Kirk & Kemp, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-12 yrs
Description: Automatically computes all NEPSY scores, including Core Domain Scores, Subtest and
Supplemental Scores, and Qualitative Observations.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
NEPSY II #1881
Korkman & Kirk & Kemp, 2007
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-16 yrs
Description: Assesses neuropsychological development in preschool and school-age children. Provides the
clinician with insight regarding academic, social and behavioural difficulties.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 6
NEPSY II - Scoring Assistant & Assessment Planer #1882
Korkman & Kirk & Kemp, 2007
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-16 yrs
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
NES independence Classification #1795
Campbell, Gurin & Miller, 1954
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures independence in terms of psychological self-identification.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: . The voter decides. Evanston, IL.: Row, PetersonCampbell, A., Converse, P.E., Miller, W.E., &
Stokes, D.E. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
Network of Relationships Inventory #799
Furman, 1996
Range: Children
Description: Summary of evidence is presented in Furman, W (1996). The measurement of children &
adolescents' perceptions of friendships: Conceptual & methodological issues. In WM Bukowski, AF
Newcombe, & WW Hartup (Eds), The company they keep: Friendships in childhood and adolescence.
Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Network Orientation Scale #1481
Vaux & Burda & Stewart, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 22-60 yrs
Description: Measures negative network orientation - the perspective that is inadvisable, useless, or risky to
seek help from others.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Community Psychology, 14, 159-170 and pg.515 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination (NCSE or COGNISTAT) #1621
Kiernan et al, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A brief cognitive assessment instrument that can provide a differentiated profile of functioning
across multiple cognitive domains.
Time: 5-30 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – photocopy – on file
Location: Annals of Internal Medicine, 107, 481-485 and pg 434 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Neurobehavioural Functioning Inventory #771
Kreutzer, Seel & Marwitz, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 17-80 yrs
Description: Develop effective treatment plans for patient with traumatic brain injury and neurological
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 12 Shelf 7
Neurobehavioural Rating Scale #809
Leven et al, 1987
Description: Looks at the severity and chronicity of closed head injury.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 50, 183-193
Neurobehavioral Rating Scale (NRS) #1108
Sultzer et al, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A comprehensive instrument assessing a wide range of changes. It characterises the cognitive,
psychiatric and behavioural disturbance in patients with dementia.
Time: 30-40 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 40, 549-555 and pg.146 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB) #954
Stern & White, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 18-97 yrs
Description: Provides a comprehensive, integrated modular battery that assesses a wide range of
neuropsychological skills and functioning in adults. Screening, Attention, Language, Spatial, Memory,
Executive function.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 8
Neuropsychological Assessment Battery – Software Portfolio (NAB-SP) #991
Stern & White, 2003
Administration: Individual
Description: Scores and profiles an individual’s performance on the NAB
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Neuropsychological Assessment of the School-Aged Child #691
Anderson, Lajoie & Bell, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 7-14 yrs
Description: Used to assess memory and executive function in children an provide information which can be
used to inform both diagnosis and treatment.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Neuropsychological Behaviour & Affect Profile #512
Satz, Nelson & D'Elia, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Designed to address the emotional responding needs of brain-impaired individuals. It has five
rationally-derived scales: 1)indifference, 2)inappropriateness, 3)pragnosia, 4)depression, 5)mania.
Time: untimed; 20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy-permission to copy
Location: Mind Garden
Neuropsychological History Questionnaire #783
Wolfsen, 1985
Range: Children-Adults
Description: A questionnaire that provides a structured framework for collecting data about an individual's
social, medical, developmental, educational, and neuropsychological history.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Neuropsychological Impairment Scale-Senior (NIS-S) #1099
O'Donnell, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to evaluate an elderly person's awareness of their cognition.
Time: 25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57, 423-427 and pg.98 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Neuropsychological Status Examination (NSE) #215
Schinka, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Provides a systematic means of recording data obtained during neuropsychological assessment as
a basis for preparing a comprehensive report.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 5
Location: Filed
Neuropsychological Test Batteries #216
Reitan, 1944
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-8 yrs; 9-14 yrs; 15+ yrs
Description: The test battery includes: 1) category test, 2) tactual performance test, 3) seashore rhythm test, 4)
speech-sounds perception test, 5) finger oscillation (tapping) test, 6) time sense test 7) matching pictures
and figures test, 8) colour form test.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Neurotic Perfectionism Questionnaire #1482
Mizman, Slade & Dewey, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Measures neurotic perfectionism in persons with eating disorders.
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 50, 516-522 and pg.518 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Neuroticism Scale Questionnaire (NSQ) #217
Cattell & Scheier, 1961
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures the degree of neuroticism or ‘neurotic trend’. Designed to give a properly weighted
total of six personality dimensions selected as those accounting for the most marked differences between
clinically judged neurotics and normals.
Time: untimed; 10 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
New Ecological Consciousness # 1677
Ellis & Thompson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures general feelings about the degradation of the environment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
New Left Ideology Scale #1687
Gold & Christie & Friedman , 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 91, 885-897 and pg 128 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
New Junior Maudsley Inventory #218
Furneaux & Gibson, 1966
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-16 yrs
Description: Designed to assess extroversion in children.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 2
New Racism Scale (NRS) #1720
Jacobson, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of symbolic racism
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Conflict Resolution, 29, 306-329 and pg 351 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
New Technology Tests #219
Blinkhorn, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Assesses an individual’s speed and accuracy in using simple commands to process data similar to
that presented on a video display terminal.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
New York Rating Scales (NYRS) #1872
Miller, Klein, et al., 1995
Range: 3-17 yrs
Description : Assesses disruptive behaviours and positive peer relations.
Time : 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1995; 34: 359-70 and pg 181
from “Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
News Recall Scale #1784
Robinson et al
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure basic awareness of recent stories prominent in the news.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Public Opinion Quarterly, 57, 133-164, and pg 620 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Nickerson Colour Fan #220
British Standards Institution, 1968
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
NIMH Dementia Mood Assessment Scale (DMAS) #1061
Sunderland et al, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A measure of mood in cognitively impaired subjects with mild to moderate dementia.
Time: 20-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 145, 955-959 and pg.23 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Noncontingent Outcome Instrument #1483
Shapiro, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-23 yrs
Description: Designed as an index of the respondent's pessimism regarding the occurrence of relatively
uncontrolled events in the lives of people in general.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 52, 297-308 and pg.522 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Non-Physical Abuse of Partner Scale (NPAPS) #1225
Garner & Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the degree or magnitude of perceived non-physical abuse.
Number in Stock: Needs permission to photocopy
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing Company
and pg.154 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Non-Verbal Ability Tests #918
Rowe, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 5 yrs - Adult
Description: A non-verbal test battery that provides a measure of general intelligence that is based on
information-processing components relating to perceptual, conceptual, attention, and memory abilities.
Time: Each subtest is individually timed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Storage
Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire
and Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire #2018
Paunonen, Douglas, Jackson,Ashton 2004
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17+yrs
Description: Evaluates personality based on the 5 factor model of personality.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Normlessness #593
Neal & Groat, 1974
Range: Adults
Description: Composed of eight items with response categories that range from ‘strongly agree’ to ‘strongly
disagree’, responded to on a four-point continuum.
Location: pg.321 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Normlessness #594
Kohn & Schooler, 1983
Range: Adults
Description: Four items being scored on an agree-disagree basis. Scores range from 0 (low normlessness) to 4
(high normlessness)
Location: pg.325 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Normlessness #609
Dean, 1961
Range: Adults
Description: Developed as a three-part general alienation measure focusing on three important components of
alienation, one of which was normlessness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.316 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
North Western Intelligence Test #221
Gilliland, 1951
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-12 wks; 13-36 wks
Description: A test for measuring adaptation to the physical and social environment.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 10
Location: Filed & storage
North Western Syntax Screening Test #222
Lee, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-8 yrs
Description: Measures a child’s syntactic development.
Time: untimed; 15-25 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External Control Scale for Adults #595
Norwicki & Duke, 1974
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses the locus of control as a generalised expectancy of control with the poles of the
dimension being internal versus external.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.431 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External Control Scale for Children #596
Norwicki & Strickland, 1973
Range: 8-18 yrs
Description: Designed as a measure of generalised expectancies of internal versus external control of
reinforcement among children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.442 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Nufferno Tests #223
Furneaux, 1953
Administration: Individual
Range: 11+ yrs
Description: A test of reasoning powers.
Time: 30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Nurses' Observation Scale for Geriatric Patients (NOSGER) #1169
Spiegel et al, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Developed as a useful instrument for longitudinal studies in psychogeriatrics. Looks at behaviour
and functioning in the elderly.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 39, 339-347 and pg.288 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Nurses' Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluation (NOSIE) #1110
Honigfeld & Klett, 1965
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess changes in patients with schizophrenia.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21, 65-71 and pg.150 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Nursing Home Behavior Problem Scale (NHBPS) #1122
Ray, Taylor, Lichtenstein & Meador, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Looks at specific behavioural problems in the nursing home setting which are so disruptive as to
lead to the use of medications or physical restraints.
Time: 3-5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 47, M9-M16 and pg.174 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Nursing Tests #224
Hunt, 1944
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures aptitude for nursing.
Time: 35 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
OARS Depressive Scale (ODS) #1056
Blazer, 1980
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used for the identification of elderly people with depressive symtomology, based on the DSM-III.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 28, 52-58 and pg.14 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Object Relations Technique #225
Philipson, 1955
Administration: Individual
Range: 11+ yrs
Description: Assesses interpersonal relations.
Time: untimed; 90 mins
Number in Stock: 8
Location: Filed & storage
Object Sorting Test #226
Lovibond, 1967
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure tendencies towards forms of thinking considered characteristic of
Time: 30 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 1
Observer Classroom Environment Measure (OCEM) #862
Midgley, Eccles & Feldlaufer, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-17 yrs
Description: Designed to sample observers' perceptions of aspect of task organisation within the classroom,
opportunities for student input, competition among sudents, co-operation and interaction among students,
teachers fairness and friendliness, and informal relations between teacher and student.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (The Learning Environment)
Observer Scale (Depression) #499
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Source Unknown
Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory #1484
Foa, Kazak & Salkovskis, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and facilitate the diagnosis of obsessivecompulsive disorder.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 10, 206-214 and pg.524 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2" and pg 90 from “Assessment Scales in Depresssion, Mania and Anxiety”
Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale #1622
Anton, Moak & Latham, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the obsessive and compulsive cognitive aspects of alcohol craving.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 19(1), 92-99 and pg 481 from “Handbook of
Psychiatric Measures”
Obsessive-Compulsive Scale #1485
Gibb, Bailey, Best & Lambirth, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Used to measure the degree of compulsivity.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 43, 1233-1237 and pg.529 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Occupational Preference Inventory #227
Brainard & Brainard, 1945
Administration: Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Designed to help the subject find what studies and occupations are best for them.
Time: untimed; 40-60 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Occupational Stress Indicator #228
Cooper, Sloan & Williams, 1988
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess stress levels within a company and to identify the causes of stress so that an
appropriate human-resource management decision can be made.
Time: untimed; 40 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 19, Shelf 3
Occupational Stress Inventory #401
Osipow & Spokane, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure three dimensions of occupational adjustment: 1) occupational stress, 2)
psychological stain, 3) coping resources.
Time: untimed; 20-40 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 19, Shelf 3
Occupational Stress Inventory Revised Edition (OSI-R) #2007
Osipow, 1998
Administartion: Individual or Groups
Range: Adult
Description: A concise measure of threedimesions of occupational adjustment: occupational stress,
psychological strain and coping resources.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Occupational Stress Scale #490
Greenberg, 1996
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: Comprehensive Stress Management. Madison: Brown & Benchmark
Ohio Penal Classification #229
Sell, 1952
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: A test of mental ability especially designed for penal populations.
Time: 25 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Omnibus Civil Liberties Scale #1711
McClosky & Brill, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures attitudes toward allowing or denying civil liberties such as free speech, free press, and
freedom of assembly to people in general and to specific groups..
Location: pg 276 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Omnibus Personality Inventory #230
Heist & Yonge, 1968
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses selected personality factors, values, and interests of students relevant to an academic
Time: 45-60 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Filed
Oregon Mental Health Referral Checklist #1334
Corcoran, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent
Description: Identifies youths in the juvenile justice system in need of a mental health referral.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.587 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Organizational Alienation #1822
Aiken & Hage, 1966
Description: In order to examine the correlates of two organizational features – Centralizatiion and
Formalization – the authors devised two measures of alienation for use with professional employees.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: American Sociological Review, 1966, Vol.31, No 497-507 and pg.77 from “The Experience of
Organizational Climate Scale #1486
Thompson & McCubbin, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the problem-solving and communication patterns of individuals in the
workplace that are sensitive to organisational change.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.531 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Organiztional Commitment #1829
Cook & Wall, 1980
Description: View Organizational Commitment in terms three interrelated components: Identification,
Involvement and Loyalty.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psychology, 1980 53, 39-52 and pg. 91 from “The Experience of Work”
Organizational Commitment Scale #1037
Allen & Meyer, 1990
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the three-component model of commitment: 1) affective component, 2) continuance
component, 3) normative component.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psychology, 63, 1-18
Organizational Culture Inventory #231
Cooke & Lafferty
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at three cultural styles: 1) constructive, 2) passive/defensive, 3) aggressive/defensive, in
terms of the behaviours they promote and their impact on organisations and their members.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Organizational Culture Profile (OCP) #1029
O'Reilly-III, Chatman & Caldwell, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A Q-sort tests used to investigate person-culture fit. Contains 54 statements that can generically
capture individual and organisational values.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Academy of Management Journal, 34(3), 487-516
Organizational Culture Scale #1036
Robert & Wasti, 2002
Range: Adult
Description: A measure of organisational individualism and collectivism constructs in understanding the
relationships between individuals, organisations, and societies.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Management, 28(4), 544-566
Orientation Memory Concentration #777
Levin, Overall, Goethe, High & Sisson, 1997
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Adapted from Neurobehavioural Rating Scale
Orthogonal Cultural Identification Scale #1487
Beauvais & Oetting, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent
Description: Designed to measure the magnitude of identification with a number of cultures.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Hispanc Journal of Behavioral Sciences,20, 131-154 and pg.535 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency #232
DeCosta, 1946
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-14 yrs
Description: A year-scale of tests of motor maturation for measuring genetic levels of motor proficiency.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Otis Higher Test Forms A, B, C #233
Otis, 1955
Administration: Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Designed to give a measure of general ability or intelligence.
Time: 30-40 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Otis Intermediate Test Forms AB & CD #234
Otis, 1958
Administration: Group
Range: 9-14 yrs
Description: Designed to estimate innate mental ability, rather than acquire knowledge.
Time: 30-40 mins
Number in Stock: 5
Location: Specimen Set
Outcome Questionnaire #1049
Vermeersch, Lambert & Burlingame 2000
Range: Adult
Description: Designed as a repeated measurement of patient changes occuring throughout the course of mental
health treatments.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 74(2), 242-261
Overall Job Satisfaction #1828
Hoppock, 1935
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Academy of Management Journal, 1978,.21, No 4, 737-742 and pg.15 from “The Experience
of Work”
Overt Aggression Scale (OAS) #1107
Yudofsky et al, 1986
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed as an objective rating of verbal and physical aggression specifically to quantify the
severity of the aggression and to distinguish those with chronic hostility from those with episodic
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 143, 35-39 and pg.144 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Overt Aggression Scale - Modified #1623
Coccaro, Harvey & Kupsaw-Lawrence, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess various manifestations of aggressive behaviour in outpatients incorporating
three domains: Aggression, Irritability, and Suicidality.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 3, S44-S51 and pg 699 from “Handbook of
Psychiatric Measures”
Oxford Happiness Questionnaire #1002
Hills & Argyle, 2002
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Derived from the Oxford Happiness Inventory, a broad measure of personal happiness.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personality & Individual Differences, 33, 1073-1082
PACTS: Parents, Adolescent, and Child Training Skills #654
Herbert & British Psychological Society, 1997
Description: A series of twelve practical guides designed for all practitioners who work with children and
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Padua Inventory #472
Sanavio, 1988
Administration: Individual
Description: A 60-item list of common obsessional thoughts and compulsive behaviour.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Anxiety)
Padua Inventory – Washington State University Revision (PI-WSUR0 #1900
Burns, Keortge, Formea, Sternberger, 1996
Range: Adults & Elderly
Description: Assesses severity of obsessions and compulsions.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behavioural Research and Therapy 34(2):163-73 and pg 92 from Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
Paediatric Pain Questionnaire (PPQ) #420
See Varni-Thompson Paediatric Pain Questionnaire
PAI Software Portfolio (PAI Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Public Safety Selection
Report) # 2012
Roberts, Thompson, Johnson 2004
Range: Adults
Description: The PAI Software Portfolio(PAI-SP) for Windows is a powerful diagnostic and intrpretative
system, offers a variety of modules to meet specific assessment needs, provides a common framework of
basic functionality and services to all enabled PAI-SP modules.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Pain Catastophizing Scale #1488
Sullivan, Bishop & Pivik, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures the role of catastophising in mediating responses to pain.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 7, 524-532 and pg.544 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) #419
Rosenstiel & Keefe, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Assesses the use of coping strategies when pain is experienced and the extent to which these are
effective in controlling and/or reducing pain.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Pain & Pain Behaviours)
Pain Intensity Rating Scales
Melzack, 1975
Administration: Individual
Description: Rating scales for assessing the subjective intensity of current pain
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ)
Pain Questionnaire - for Parents #505
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Designed by Diana Dorstyn- Masters 1997
Pain-Related Self Statements Scale #1489
Flor, Behle & Birbaumer, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure situation-specific aspects of a patient's cognitive coping with pain.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31, 63-73 and pg.547 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Pain-Related Control Scale #1490
Flor, Behle & Birbaumer, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses underlying cognitive schemata of pain patients, especially beliefs of the pain's
controllability and predictability.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31, 63-73 and pg.547 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Pain Response Inventory #1335
Walker et al, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-18 yrs
Description: Measures children's coping response to recurrent pain.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 9, 392--405 and pg.590 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
PALPA (Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing in Aphasia) #235
Kay, Lester & Coltheart, 1992
Administration: Individual
Description: Designed to assess language processing skills in people with aphasia.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 1
PAMIE Scale #1157
Gurel & Linn & Linn, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Developed to meet the need for an instrument which would allow a comprehensive behavioural
evaluation of the disabilities of patients going from hospital to nursing home care.
Time: 45 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 27, 83-90 and pg.248 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS) #1901
Bandelow, 1999
Range: Adults & Adolescents
Description: Assesse severity of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 95 from "Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Axiety
Panic Attack Cognitions Questionnaire #1491
Clum, Broyles, Borden & Watkins, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the negative or catastrophic cognitions associated with panic attacks.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 12, 233-245 and pg.551 - from "Measures
for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Panic Attack Symptom Questionnaire #1492
Clum, Broyles, Borden & Watkins, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure duration of symptoms (and, hence, severity) experienced during panic
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 12, 233-245 and pg.553 - from "Measures
for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Panic Disorder screening Interview #408
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Panic Disorder Severity Scale #1624
Shear et al, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to provide a simple way to measure the overall severity of DSM-IV panic disorder.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 154, 1571-1575 and pg 565 from “Handbook of Psychiatric
Measures” and pg 99 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”
Parent Affect Test #1280
Linehan, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure two aspects of parental response to child behaviour: anger and pleasure.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 12, 161-166 and pg.397 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice:
a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Parent Behaviour Checklist (PBC) #790
Fox, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Parents of Children 1-4 yrs
Description: A family evaluation for parents of children 1 through 4 years of age. It was developed to provide
an objective, psychometrically sound measure of parenting young children.
Time: 10-20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Parent-Child Relationship Survey #1282
Fine, Moreland & Schwebel, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures adults perceptions of their parent-child relationship.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Developmental Psychology, 19, 703-713 and pg.416 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Parent Report of Posttraumatic Symptoms #1307
Greenwald & Rubin, 1999
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the parent's report of the child's posttraumatic symptoms.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Research on Social Work Practice, 9, 61-75 and pg.484 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Parent's Report #1281
Dibble & Cohen, 1974
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure a parent's perception of his or her own parenting style in relation to a
particular child.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 30, 805-815 and pg.408 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Parental Authority Quesionnaire #813
Buri, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescents - Adults
Description: Measures parental authority, or disciplinary practices, from the point of view of the child.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 57(1), 110-119 and pg.420 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Parental Bonding Instrument #1284
Parker, Tupling & Brown, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescents - Adults
Description: Measures parental behaviours and attitudes from the perspective of the child.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Medical Psychology, 52, 1-10 and pg.424 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Parental Nurturance Scale (PNS) #1285
Buri, Misukanis & Mueller, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to measure parental nurturance includes parental approval, acceptance, and affirmation
of their children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Adolescent Behavior, 4, 33-49 and pg.427 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Parental Tolerance Scale #1286
Butler, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the parental tolerance to a child's nocturnal enuresis.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behaviour Research and Therapy, 24, 307-312 and pg.429 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Parenting Locus of Control Scale #597
Campis & Lyman & Prentice-Dunn, 1986
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses locus of control beliefs regarding the parent’s perspective of child rearing successes and
failures, assessed with regard to feelings of responsibility, efficacy, and a sense of control.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.469 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Parenting Scale #1287
Arnold, O'Leary, Wolff & Acker, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: An instrument designed to measure dysfunctional dicipline practices in parents of young children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Assessments, 5, 137-144 and pg.431 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Parenting Stress Index #236
Abidin, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to identify parent-child relations that are under stress and at risk for the development of
dysfunctional parenting behaviours or behaviour problems in children.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Specimen Set + Storage
Parenting Stress Index (3rd Edition) #510
Abidin, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Used to identify parent-child systems under stress, dysfunctional parenting, and the development
of emotional pathology in children.
Time: 10 mins Short Form; 20-30 mins Long Form
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 4 (forms)
Participant Role Scales (PRS) #866
Salmivalli, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 7+ yrs
Description: Used to look at understanding the different roles pupils play within the bullying situation
concerned with high bullying groups.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Bullying Behaviour in Schools)
Partner Abuse Scale: Non-Physical (PASNP) #1226
Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the degree or magnitude of perceived non-physical abuse.
Number in Stock: Needs permission to photocopy
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing Company
and pg.156 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Partner Abuse Scale: Physical (PASP) #1227
Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the degree or magnitude of perceived physical abuse.
Number in Stock: Needs permission to photocopy
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing Company
and pg.158 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Party Closeness Scale #1793
Barnes, Jennings, Inglehart & Farah, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A general partisanship direction measure that could be used in multiple-party systems as well as in
two-party systems.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Barnes, S. Jennings, M.K., Inglehart, R., & Farah, B. 1988. Party identification and party closeness in
comparative perspective. Political Behavior, 10, 215-231
Party Identification Scale #1790
Campbell et al
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures long-term identification with a political party.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Campbell, A., Gurin, G., & Miller, W.E. (1954). The voter decides. Evanston, IL: Row,
Peterson.Campbell, A., Gurin, G. & Miller, W.E., & Stokes, D.E. (1960). The American voter. New York:
Party Images Scales #1792
Matthews & Prothro, 1966
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures separate reactions to each political party based on the respondent’s open-ended
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Matthews, D.R., & Prothro, J.W. (1966). Negroes and the new southern politics. New York:
Harcourt, Brace and World.
Party Thermometer Scales #1791
Weisberg, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures general affect toward each political party separately, with a “party thermometer
difference” calculated to measure differential affect toward the two major parties.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Political Behavior, 2, 33-60, and Comparative Political Studies, 15, 197-222.
PASAT: Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test #1938
Gronwall, 1977
Description: Assesses rate of information processing and sustained attention
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Passalong Test (The) #237
Alexander, 1937
Administration: Individual
Range: 5+ yrs
Description: A performance test of intelligence suitable for both hearing and deaf cases.
Time: timed; varies with each test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Archive
Passionate Love Scale (PLS) #1228
Hatfield & Sprecher, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: This instrument was designed to measure passionate love, especially in adolescents.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Adolescence, 9, 383-410 and pg.160 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) #1893
Kroenke, Spitzer, Williams, 2001
Range: Adults & Adolescents
Description: Screens for depression in primary care.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of General Internal Medicine 16(9):606-13 and pg 44 from "Assessment Scales in Depresion,
Mania and Anxiety"
Patient Reactions Assessment #1493
Galassi, Schaberg & Ware, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Composed of three subscales designed to measure perceived quality of information, affective
behaviours of health care providers, and the client's perceived ability to initiate communication.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 4, 346-351 and pg.556 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Patient Request Form (PRF) #436
Salmon & Quine, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Designed to quantify the extent to which patients want each of four different types of help from
their general practitioner in a given consultation.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Expectations, Experience & Evaluations of
Health Care)
Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire #1625
Ware, Snyder & Wright, 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A survey instrument that measures patient satisfaction with medical care in general.
Time: 10-12 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 179 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Patriotism Nationalism Questionnaire Scale #1773
Kosterman and Feshback, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Captures the multidimensionality of the constructs of patriotism (feelings of attachment to
America), nationalism (the view that America is superior and should be dominant), and internationalism
(attitudes toward other nations), among other beliefs.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Kosterman, R., Feshbach, S. (1989). Toward a measure of patriotic and nationalistic attitudes.
Political Psychology, 10, 257-274 and pg 548 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Patriotism Scale #1772
ANES, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures a deeply felt affective attachment to the nation which constitutes the symbolic side of
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Political Science, 36, 200-234 and pg 546 from "Measures of Political
Patriotism Scale #1774
Sullivan, Fried, Theiss-Morse and Dietz, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of patriotism
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Political Science, 36, 200-234 and pg 553 from "Measures of Political
Paulhus Deception Scales (PDS) #956
Administration: Individual
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Measures the tendency to give socially desirable responses - Impression Management and SelfDeceptive Enhancement.
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
PAYES: Program for Assessing Youth Employment Skills #238
Lokan & Shears, 1981
Administration: Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Measures the attitudes, knowledge, and interests of students preparing for entry-level employment.
Time: untimed; 90 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
PDI Employment Inventory #845
EPredix, 2001
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A pre-employment tool used to help select aplicants who will become prodctive and successful
employees in the following four areas - performance - tenure - customer service - sales.
Time: 20-45 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set – No scoring capability
PDI Leadership Inventory #843
EPredix, 2001
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Has been developed to assess the traits and abilities that contribute to success in entry through
mid-level management jobs.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set – No scoring capability
PDI Leadership Inventory Plus #842
EPredix, 2001
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Has been developed to assess the traits and abilities that contribute to success in entry through
mid-level management jobs.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set – No scoring capability
Peabody Individual Achievement Test #239
Dunn & Markwardt, 1970
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-18 yrs
Description: Provides an overview of individual scholastic achievement.
Time: 30-40 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Location: Bay 4, Shelf 2
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test #1907
Lloyd, Dunn, 1965
Administration: Individual
Description: Designed to provide an estimate of a sbject's verbal inteligence through measuring his hearing
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set + Storage
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - R #240
Dunn & Dunn, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.5-40 yrs
Description: Measures an individual’s receptive (hearing) vocabulary and provides at the same time, a quick
estimate of verbal ability or scholastic aptitude.
Time: untimed; 10-20 mins
Number in Stock: 1set, 3 manuals
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (3rd Ed) - PPVT-III #656
Dunn, Dunn & Williams, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.5-85+ yrs
Description: Measures receptive vocabulary and estimation of verbal ability/scholastic aptitude.
Time: untimed; 5-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 4, Shelf 2
Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale (PARS) #1869
The research units on pediatric psychopharmacology anxiety study group, 2002
Range: 6-17 yrs
Description: Assesses the severity of anxiety symptoms.
Time: 30 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 41, 1061-9 and pg 51 from
Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychology
Pediatric Symptoms Checklist (PSC) #1841
Jellinek,Murphy, Robinson et al., 1988
Range: 14-16 yrs
Description: Assesses emotional and behavioural problems.
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Pediatrics,112,201-9 and pg 32 from “ Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent
Peer and Self-Rating Scale #1336
Glow & Glow, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Child/Adolescent
Description: Designed to measure symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity in peers and self.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 8, 471-495 and pg.595 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Peer Nomination Inventory - Modified #1008
Perry, Kusel & Perry, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Developed to assess the degree to which children are subjected to direct physical and verbal abuse
by peers.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Developmental Psychology, 24(6), 807-814
Peer Relations Questionnaire (PRQ) #921
Rigby & Slee, 1995
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: An instument designed to assess the nature, extent and effects of bullying in schools.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Dr K Rigby, UniSA
Penn State Worry Questionnaire #1494
Meyer, Miller, Metzger & Borkovec, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure the trait of worry.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behaviour Research and Therapy, 28, 487-495 and pg.559 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children (PSWQ-C) #1846
Chorpita, Tracey, Brown, Collica, Barlow, 1997
Range: 6-18 yrs
Description: Assesses wory
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavioural Research and Therapy 1997; 35: 569-81 and pg 55 from Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry and pg 102 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania, and Anxiety”.
Pennebaker Inventory of Limbic Languidness (PILL) #446
Pennebaker, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Provides a measure of the disposition to report symptoms.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio ( Individual & Demographic Differences)
People in Your Life Questionnaire #671
Marziali, 1987
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 175(6):327-338.
Perceived Competence Scale for Children #1078
Harter, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-12 yrs
Description: Assesses a child's sense of competence across different domains 1. Cognitive, 2. Social, 3. Physical.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Development, 53, 87-97
Perceived Control of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes #451
Bradley, Brewin, Gamsu & Moses, 1984
Description: Developed to assess people’s perceived control over diabetes.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Casual & Control Beliefs)
Perceived Guilt Index - State & Trait #1495
Otterbacher & Munz, 1973
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures the emotional experience of guilt as a state at the moment and as a generalised selfconcept.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 40, 115-121 and pg.562 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Perceived Health Status: Single Item Measures - Verbal Rating Scales (VRS) #426
Wright, 1987
Administration: Individual
Description: Made up of four words 1)excellent, 2)good, 3)fair, 4)poor which are verbally answered to
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Health Status & Health-Related Quality of Life)
Perceived Health Status: Single Item Measures - Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) #425
Wright, 1987
Administration: Individual
Description: Single lines (usually 10cm in length) with an extreme negative value at one end and an extreme
positive value at the other.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Health Status & Health-Related Quality of Life)
Perceived Intrinsic Job Characteristics #1823
Warr, Cook and Wall, 1979
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psychology, 1979, 52, 129-148 and pg.190 from “The Experience of Work”
Perceived Social Support - Friend & Family Scale #1496
Procidano & Heller, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure the degree one perceives his/her needs for support as fulfilled by friends and
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Community Psychology, 11, 1-24 and pg.565 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) #465
Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983
Administration: Individual
Description: Measures the degree to which situations in one’s life are appraised as stressful.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(4) 385-396 and Measures in Health Psychology: A Users
Portfolio (Stress, Emotion & Life Events)\
Perceptions and Experience of Bullying in Younger Children) #865
Smith & Levan, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: under 7 yrs
Description: A pictorial questionnaire related to relationships with peers, attitudes towards playtime, definitions
of bullying and experiences of bullying.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Bullying Behaviour in Schools)
Perceptual Demonstration Kit #241
Weintraub & Walker, 1972
Administration: Individual
Description: Designed to provide an array of primary perceptual experiences.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Performance-Maintenance Theory of Leadership #1035
Misumi & Peterson, 1985
Range: Adult
Description: A measure used to measure leadership and a variety of attitudinal and performance criteria.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Administrative Science Quarterly, 30, 198-223
Performance Test of Activities in Daily Living (PADL) #1140
Kuriansky & Gurland, 1976
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to measure the self-care capacity of old-age psychiatric patients.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 7, 343-352 and pg.210 - from "Assessment
Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Perinatal Grief Scale #1288
Potvin, Lasker & Toediter, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures bereavement in perinatal loss (abortion, ectopic, fetal death, and neonatal death)
including the entire pregnancy and postpartum period.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 11, 29-45 and pg.436 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Persistence Scale for Children #1337
Lufi & Cohen, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 7-13 yrs
Description: Designed to measure persistence in children or the ability to continue to work at a difficult or even
insoluble task, especially over the long run.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 51, 178-185 and pg.600 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Personal Adjustment Inventory #242
Rogers, 1961
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-13 yrs
Description: Devised to measure the extent to which a child is satisfactorily adjusted towards his fellows, his
family and himself.
Time: untimed; 40-50 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Personal Assertion Analysis #1497
Hedlund & Lindquist, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Designed to assess passive, aggressive, and assertive behaviour and to help determine an
individual's need for assertion training.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behavioral Assessment, 6, 379-390 and pg.573 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Personal Attribute Inventory for Children #1338
Parish & Taylor, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 10-13 yrs
Description: Designed to measure children's self concept.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 38, 565-569 and pg.603 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Personal Attributes Questionnaire #243
Spence, Helmreich & Stapp, 1974
Description: Provides independent assessment of masculinity and femininity in terms of the respondent’s selfperceived possession of personality traits stereotypically believed to differentiate the sexes but considered
socially desirable in both sexes.
Number in Stock Photocopy
Location: pg.597 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Personal Evaluation Inventory #598
Shrauger, 1990
Range: Adults
Description: Measures self confidence, an aspect of self-evaluation defined as a person’s sense of his or her
own competence or skill and perceived capability to deal effectively with various situations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.147 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Personal Feelings Inventory #931
Zubin & Fleiss, 1970
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 25-47 yrs
Description: Looks at 2 sub-scales - anxiety and depression. Part of the NCHS General well-being schedule.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Depression in the 70's, Proceedings of the Symposium, New York, pp7-19
Personal Inventory for Depression and SAD (PIDS) #1894
Terman, Terman & Williams, 1998
Range: Adults & Adolescents
Description: Screens for depression, seasonality neurovegetative symptoms.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Practical Psychiatry and Behavioral Health 5:287-303 and pg 46 from"Assessment Scales
in Depression, Mania and Anxiety
Personal Orientation Inventory #246
Shostrom, 1990
Administration: Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Provides a measure of values and behaviour seen to be important in the actualising person - a
person who is more fully functioning and lives a more enriched life than does the average person.
Time: untimed; 30 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed
Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA-24) #599
McCroskey, 1982
Range: Adults
Description: Contains four subscales of six items each. The subscales measure 1)communication apprehension
in group settings, 2)dyadic interactions, 3)meetings, 4) public speaking situations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.170 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Personal Report of Confidence as a Speaker #600
Paul, 1966
Range: Adults
Description: A measure of ‘interpersonal-performance’ anxiety, but it is more commonly referred to as a
measure of ‘speech anxiety’ or audience anxiety’.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.188 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Personal Style Inventory #1498
Robins & Luten, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures sociotropy and autonomy as they are related to depression.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100, 74-77 and pg.576 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Personal Values Scale #601
Scott, 1965
Range: Adults
Description: Comprised of 12 scales - each represented by a set of items. 4-6 items in the short version and 20
items/scale in the long version.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – in file
Location: pg.726 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Personality Assessment Inventory #244
Morey, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ years
Description: Designed to provide information on critical variables.
Time: 40-50 mins
Number in Stock: `
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 6
Personality Assessment Inventory - Interpretive Guide #804
Morey, 1996
Description: An interpretive guide for the Personality Assessment Inventory.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Personality Deviance Scales (PDS) #1006
Deary, Bedford & Fowkes, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 55-74 yrs
Description: Used to measure aspects of dysfunctional personality and to separate these traits from symptoms
of psychiatric illness, including neurosis ans psychosis.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personality & Individual Differences, 19(3), 275-291
PersonalityDiagnostic Questionnaire - Version 4 (PDQ-4) #1969
Administration: Individual
Description: Assesses whether subject could have a clinically significant personality disorder.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Time: 20-30 min
Personality Inventory #245
Bernreuter, 1932
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Measures several different aspects of personality at one time.
Time: untimed; 25 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Personality Inventory #1101
Brooks & McKinlay, 1983
Administration: Individual
Description: Assessment of personality changes after severe head injury. It can also be used to assess
personality in dementia.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 46, 336-344 and pg.124 - from "Assessment
Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Personality Research Form (PRF) #373
Jackson, 1969
Administration: Group
Range: Children - Adults
Description: Assesses a set of personality traits broadly relevant to the functioning of an individual in a wide
variety of situations.
Time: 30-45 mins or 40-70 mins depending on test
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Personnel Classification Test #383
Wesman, 1965
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Measures two aspects of mental ability 1)verbal reasoning and 2)numerical reasoning.
Time: timed; part1-18 mins; part2-10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Personnel Test for Industry #247
Wesman, Doppett & Langmuir, 1969
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses general ability. Used to select workers for skilled positions in industrial settings.
Time: untimed; 40 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
PGC Morale Scale - Revised #603
Lawton, 1975
Range: 70+ yrs
Description: Measures subjective well-being for older populations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.85 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Philadelphia Head Injury Questionnaire #405
Curry, Ivins & Gowen
Administration: Individual
Description: A structured information and history-gathering instrument used in detailing, organising, and
documenting both objective and subjective clinical findings secondary to all degrees of head trauma.
Time: untimed; 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Phillips Occupational Preference Scale #362
Phillips, 1965
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Used in vocational counselling.
Time: untimed; 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Philosophies of Human Nature #602
Wrughtsman, 1974
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to assess philosophies of human nature, conceived of as the expectations that people
have about the ways in which other people generally behave.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.385 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Physical Abuse of Partner Scale (PAPS) #1229
Garner & Hudson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the degree or magnitude of perceived physical abuse.
Number in Stock: Needs permission to photocopy
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing Company
and pg.163 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Physical Arousal Scale for Children (PH-C) #1870
Laurent, Catanzaro, Joiner, 2004
Range: 10-18 yrs
Description: Assesses physiological arousal
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment 2004; 16: 373-80 and pg 57 from “Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry”
Physical Self-Efficacy Scale #1499
Ryckman, Robbins, Thornton & Cantrell, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: An instrument that is based on the assumption that people's expectations about their own efficacy
have important effects on cognitive, affective, and behavioural patterns.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 891-900 and pg.586 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Physical Self-Maintenance Scale (PSMS) #1146
Lawton & Brody, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses both basic and more complex activities of daily living. Items assessed are functions such
as toileting, feeding and grooming.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Gerontologist, 9, 179-186 and pg.221 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Physiological Reactions to Stress #466
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Adapted from H Ebel et al., eds, Presidential sports award fitness manual, 197-198
Pickford Projective Pictures #248
Pickford, Bowyer & Struthers, 1963
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-15 yrs
Description: Used as a therapeutic medium or for a diagnostic assay which develops into therapeutic procedure.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Piers Harris Children’s Self Concept Scale #249
Piers & Harris, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-18 yrs
Description: Used to provide information on the psychological health of children and adolescents, identifying
those individuals requiring further testing or treatment.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Storage
Piers Harris Children’s Self Concept Scale-2nd Ed (Piers-Harris 2) #928
Piers, Harris & Herzberg, 2002
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-18 yrs
Description: The test has 6 scales: Behavioral Adjustment, Freedom from Anxiety, Happiness and Satisfaction,
Physical Appearance and Attributes, and Popularity. Used to identify if further testing and treatment is
Number in Stock: 6
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 4
Pittsburgh Agitation Scale (PAS) #1116
Rosen et al, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to assess agitation in patients with dementia.
Time: 1 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2, 52-59 and pg.163 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index #1626
Buysse, Reynolds, Monk, Berman & Kupfer, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to measure sleep quality during the previous month and to discriminate between good
and poor sleepers.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychiatric Research, 28, 193-213 and pg 678 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures” and pg 141
from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”.
Play Therapy for Severe Psychological Trauma #1978
Gil, 1998
Description: The educational videotape program seeks to inform and stimulate professionals who work with
abused children.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Playing with Baby #805
Lynden & Pearson, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Parent information cards on how to play & stimulate babies at different levels of early
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Pleasant Events Schedule-AD #1194
Teri & Logsdon, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to help caregivers identify appropriate and pleasant activities for patients with
Alzheimer's disease.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Gerontologist, 31, 124-127 and pg.341 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Plot Titles #250
Berger & Guilford, 1969
Administration: Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Measures ability to spontaneously produce original ideas.
Time: 3 mins for each section
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Polarity Scale #1679
Tomkins, 1964; Stone & Schaffner, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures tendencies of humanism and normativeness in a variety of domains
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 90 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Alienation Scale #1733
Thompson & Horton, 1960
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measure of political alienation which involes both awareness of and a displeasure in being
powerless element of distrust of those in power.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Social Forces, 38, 190-195 and pg 429 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Alienation Scale #1734
McDill & Ridley, 1962
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measure of political alienation containing elements of apathy in response to political
powerlessness or inefficacy and elements of distrust of political leaders.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Sociology, 68, 205-213 and pg 431 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Alienation Scale #1735
Malik, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of political alienation as powerlessness, self-estrangement, political ineffectiveness, and
disorientation toward the political system.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Asian and African Studies, 17, 45-73 and pg 433 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Alienation Scale (General Social Survey) #1736
Davis & Smith, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures various sentiments related to feeling a lack of power in social and political relations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 434 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Allegiance Index #1759
Citrin, McClosky, Shanks & Sniderman, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures general feelings of separation, distance, or rejection from the political process at the
national level.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Political Science, 5, 1-31and pg 511 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Awareness #1783
Zaller, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures respondents' ability to recall "political ideas that have been encountered, comprehended,
and remain available for use"
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 615 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Cynicism Scale #1755
Agger & Goldstein & Pearl, 1961
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure beliefs about politicians and the political process.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Politics, 23, 477-506 and pg 501 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Cynicism Scale #1756
Citrin & Elkins, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures cynical versus trusting attitudes toward British politicians and government officials.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 503 from "Measures of Political Attitudes”.
Political Cynicism Scale #1757
Sniderman, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures feelings of trust in political authorities in general.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 507 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Criticism Scale #1765
Baloyra, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Taps assessments of the long-term performance of recent democratic governments..
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 72, 987-1002 and pg 523 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Information Scale #1785
Iyengar & Zaller, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of a person's general political knowledge.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 623 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Support Index #1764
Miller, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of attitudes toward political authorities and rules in a political system under-going regime
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 521 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Trust and System Evaluation Scales #1747
Mason, House & Martin, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures public confidence in the federal government to act in ways perceived as right and fair.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Sociological Methodology, 15, 111-151and pg 484 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political-Economic Progressivism Scale (PEP) #604
Newcomb, 1943
Range: Adults
Description: A measure of progressivism in terms of the main issue of the New Deal in the 1930’s.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.513 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Political Efficacy Scale #1731
Campbell, Gurin & Miller, 1954
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measure of the feeling that political and social change is possible, and that the individual citizen
can play a part in bringing about this change.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 424 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Efficacy Scale #1732
Verba, Scholzman & Brady, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measure of efficacy in terms of how much attention a local and a national government official
would pay if the respondent had a complaint and how much influence the respondent has over local or
national government decisions.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 427 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Estrangement Scales #1738
Schwartz, 1973
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures political estrangement as a perception that one does not identify oneself with the
political system.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 438 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Estrangement and Political Powerlessness Scales #1741
Ross, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures political alienation as combining feelings of political estrangement and political
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 449 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Incapability and Political Discontent Scales #1739
Olsen, 1969
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures feelings of powerlessness, meaninglessness, and guidelessness (individual
normlessness) that are forced on people by their enviornment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Social Forces, 47, 288-299 and pg 442 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Knowledge Scale #1782
Carpini and Keeter, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures knowledge of basic civics, political parties, ad people prominent in public affairs
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Delli Carpini, M.X., & Keeter, S. (1996). What Americans know about politics and why it matters.
New Haven, CT: Yale Unviersity Press, and pg 610 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Normlessness Scale #1743
Schoultz, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures political normlessness as a perception that the rules and norms that should be used in the
political arena are not being followed.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Politics, 40, 82-111 and pg 454 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Support -Alienation Scale #1744
Muller, Jukam & Seligson, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures political support-alienation
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Political Science, 26, 240-264 and Social Indicators Research, 12, 1-24 and pg
456 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Support Scale #1761
Muller and Jukam, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Multi-faceted measure of political system affect
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 71, 1561-1595 and pg 514 from "Measures of Political
Political Support Typology #1760
Sniderman, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures different kinds of allegiance to, and disaffection from, the American national
Number in stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 512 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Powerlessness and Political Normlessness Scales #1742
Schoultz, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures political powerlessness and political normlessness
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 64, 389-410 and pg 450 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Political Support Scale #1745
Muller & Jukam, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures affect for authorities in general, for the values, norms, and institutions of a regime, and
for the political community
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 71, 1561-1595 and pg 459 from "Measures of Political
Political Tolerance Scale #1712
Duckitt & Farre, 1994
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses support for political tolerance in the new majority-rule South Africa.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Social Psychology, 134, 735-741 and pg 284 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Porteus Maze Test #251
Porteus, 1965
Administration: Individual
Range: 3+ yrs
Description: Assesses mental ability with the verbally handicapped or restricted.
Time: untimed; 25 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 8
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) #445
Watson, Clarke & Tellegen, 1988
Administration: Individual
Description: Developed as a brief measure of both Negative Affectivity and Positive Affectivity dimensions.
Used to assess either state or trait dimensions by varying the time instructions.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio ( Individual & Demographic Differences)
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children (PANAS-C) #1871
Laurent Catanzaro, Joiner, et al., 1999
Range: 10-18 yrs
Description : Assesses positive and negative affects
Time : 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment 1999; 11: 326-38 and pg 57 from “Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry”
Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation Inventory #1500
Osman, Kopper, Barrios & Gutierrez, 2000
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures positive and negative thoughts about suicide.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Reports, and pg.589 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Positive Feelings Questionnaire #1230
O'Leary, Fincham & Turkewitz, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure positive affect or love towards one's spouse.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51, 949-951 and pg.165 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Post-Critical Belief Scale #1005
Fontaine, Duriez, Luyten & Hutsebaut, 2003
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: A measure of individual differences in the two-dimentional space along the bipolar dimensions
Exclusion vs. Inclusion of Transcendence and Literal vs. Symbolic.
Range: 16-92 yrs
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy - on file
Location: Personality & Individual Differences, 35, 501-518
Post Hospital Behaviour Questionnaire #412
Vernon, Schulman & Foley, 1966
Administration: Individual
Range: up to 16 yrs
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: American Journal of Diseases of Children, 111, 581-593 (must write to AMA for permission to use)
Post Traumatic Amnesia Scales #368
Forrester & Geffen, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Used to measure post traumatic amnesia as an assessment of the severity of neurotrauma.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (PTCI) #1998
Foa, Clark, Torin & Orsillo 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: This quiz evaluates specific thought patterns that people sometimes have after having been
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, Vol 11, No. 3, 303-314
Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale #694
Foa, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-65 yrs
Description: Designed to aid in the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder. Used to quickly and efficiently
diagnose individuals with PSTD and to quantify the severity of their symptoms.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: 1
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist #673
Weathers, Litz, Herman, Huska & Keane, 1991
Location: Personal communication with Prof. A.C. McFarlane.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist #819
Weathers, Litz, Huska & Keane, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: http://www.isu.edu/~bhstamm/tests/pclc.htm
Powerlessness #605
Dean, 1961
Range: Adults
Description: This subscale is one part of a 3-part general alienation measure.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.295 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Powerlessness #606
Neal & Seeman, 1964
Range: Adults
Description: Used to measure an individual’s internal or external locus of control.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.298 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Powerlessness #607
Neal & Groat, 1974
Range: Adults
Description: This scale only looks at attitudes related to war & peace, power, government decisions, world
opinion of the United States, and inflation.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.301 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Powerlessness #608
Kohn & Schooler, 1983
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: This scale focuses on the sense of being powerless (lack of personal efficacy) rather than the fact
of being powerless.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.309 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Slomczynski, Miller and Kohn, 1981
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Prejudice Index #1727
Bobo & Kleuegel, 1993
Range: Adult
Description: Measures stereotyped perceptions of blacks relative to perceptions of whites on dimensions
relevant to common black stereotypes
Number: Photocopy
Location: American Sociological Review, 58, 443-464 and pg 377 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Prejudicial Evaluation & Social Interaction Scale (PESIS) #439
St. Lawrence, Kelly, Owen, Hogan & Wilson, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Measures the attitudes of a group of clinicians towards individuals with AIDS compared with their
attitudes towards individuals with leukaemia and towards those with homosexual and heterosexual
Time: 10-20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Expectations, Experience & Evaluations of
Health Care)
Preschool Anxiety Scale #1655
Spence, Rapee, McDonald & Ingram, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 31-83 months
Description: Measures anxiety on five sub-scales each tapping a specific aspect of child anxiety.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behavioural Research and Therapy, 39, 1293-1316
Preschool Attainment Record (PAR) #793
Doll, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: Birth-7 yrs
Description: Provides an assessment of children of preschool years with or without various types of handicaps,
including social-cultural. It provides a record of performance which is a base-line for educatioal
planning, treatment or management.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Preschool Behavior Questionnaire #1578
Behar & Stringfield, 1974
Range: 3-6 yrs
Description: A screening instrument as a first step in identifying preschoolers who show symptoms, or
constellations of symptoms, that suggest the emergence of emotional problems.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Developmental Psychology, 10(5), 601-610
Preschool Inventory-R #731
Caldwell, 1970
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-6 yrs
Description: Developed to give a measure of achievement in the areas regarded as necessary for success in school.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Preschool Language #789
Zimmerman, Steiner & Evatt, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: 1.5-7 yrs
Description: Assesses language by using the natural dichotomy between auditory comprehension and verbal
ability as a basis for constuction.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Preschool Language Assessment Instrument #252
Blank, Rose & Berlin, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-6 yrs
Description: Assesses young children’s skills in coping with the language demands of the teaching situation.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Prescriptive Behaviour Check List for the Severely & Profoundly Retarded #253
Popovich, 1977
Administration: Individual
Description: Used to evaluate severely and profoundly retarded children as well as prescribing an
individualised method of teaching the needed skills.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Present Functioning Questionnaire (PFQ) #1135
Crockett, Tuokko, Koch & Parks, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Collates reported problems in five areas: 1) personality, 2) everyday tasks, 3) language skills, 4)
memory functioning, 5) self care.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Clinical Gerontologist, 8, 3-25 and pg.202 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Pressey X-O Tests of Emotion #254
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Number in Stock: 2 – Photocopy – on file
Pre-Vocational Programme Packages #346
Hughson, Berrien & Brown, 1982
Description: Training and assessment packages designed for developmentally handicapped adolescents and
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 16, Shelf 1
Berzins, Welling & Wetter, 1978
Range: Adults
Description: Provides independent assessments of masculinity and femininity, in terms of the respondents’
agreement or disagreement with self-descriptive statements pertaining to socially desirable,
stereotypically masculine and feminine behaviours and characteristics.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.608 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) #1925
Spitzer, Kroenke, Williams, 1999
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses mental disorders, functional impairment and recent psychosocial stressors.
Time: Depends on version.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of the American Medical Association and pg. 145 from “Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety”
Primary Communication Inventory #1231
Locke, Sabaght & Thomes, 1967
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess marital communication.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Process, 6, 173-184 and pg.165 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Primary Mental Abilities Test K-1 & 2-4 #255
Thurstone & Thurstone, 1963
Administration: Group
Range: 5-7.5 yrs
Description: Assesses learning readiness of kindergartners and first-graders.
Time: untimed; 60 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Primary Reading Test #284
France, 1981
Administration: Group
Range: 6-11 yrs
Description: Assesses reading comprehension.
Time: untimed; 30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
PRIME-MD #1170
Spitzer, Kroenke & Williams, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: A screening instrument for the detection of psychiatric disorders.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of the American Medical Association, 282, 1737-1744 and pg.293 - from "Assessment Scales
in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Principals' Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education (PATIE) #1000
Bailey, 2004
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: An attitude scale designed to measure the attitudes of school principals towards the inclusion of
students with disabilities in regular schools.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Australian Psychologist, 39(1), 76-87
Proactive and Reactive Aggression Scale (PRA) 1873
Dodge, Coie, 1987
Range: 1-6 grade
Description: Assesses agresive behaviours
Time: 1 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1987; 53: 1146-58 and pg 183 from “Assesment Scales
in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Pro-Black/Anti-Black Attitudes Questionnaire (PAAQ) #1721
Katz & Hass, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of pro- and anti-black attitude
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55, 893-905 and pg 354 from "Measures of Political
Problem Checklist and Strain Scale #1183
Gilleard, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assessment of problems experienced by carers of patients with dementia.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Beckenham:Croom Helm and pg.322 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) #1975
Ferris, Wynne 2001
Administration: Individual
Description: Assessing whther you need to take corrctive action.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Problem-Solving Inventory #1501
Heppner, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure how individuals believe they generally react to personal problems in their
daily lives.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 29, 66-75 and pg.591 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Procrastination Assessment Scale - Students #1502
Solomon & Rothblum, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-21 yrs
Description: Measures the frequency of cognitive-behavioural antecedents of procrastination.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31, 503-509 and pg.595 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Procrastination Scale #1503
Tuckman, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 19-22yrs
Description: Designed to measure tendencies of procrastination.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 51, 473-480 and pg.602 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) #1961
Stamm, 2009
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: ProQOL is used in one of three ways: for research study, to monitor professional quality of life
among staff at organization like a state's social workers or group such as aid workers, to self-monitor
one's status for personal interest.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Profile of Mood States ( POMS ) #256
McNair, Lorr & Droppleman, 1981, 2005
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Looks at feeling and mood measured by 1) tension-anxiety, 2) depression-dejection, 3) angerhostility, 4) vigour-activity, 5) fatigue-inertia, and 6) confusion-bewilderment.
Time: untimed; 3-5 mins
Number in Stock: 4(1981) + 1 (2005)
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 3
Profiles in Listening and Reading (PILAR) #888
Carlisle, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 6-16 yrs
Description: A test of listening and reading comprehension where the pupil listens to or reads a story then
responds yes or no to a set of sentences.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Memory & Listening Comprehension)
Programmed Reading Kit #257
Stott, 1974
Administration: Group
Range: Child
Description: Teaches reading by a phonic code using symbols (letters) to represent a sound.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 2, Shelf 1
Progress Assessment Chart ( PAC ) #258
Gunzburg, 1974, 1977
Administration: Individual
Range: Child & Adult
Description: Designed to provide a means of observing systematically the social behaviour of mentally
handicapped people and recording it individually.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed
Progressive Achievement Test (PAT) #727
ACER, 1973, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-14 yrs
Description: Measures skill in "plain-sense" comprehension and interpretation of prose material and word
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Prosocial Behaviour Questionnaire (PBQ) #701
Weir & Duveen, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 5-11 yrs
Description: Designed to provide a quick and easy rating of the positive aspectsof children's interpersonal and
social behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Social Behaviour & Competence in Childhood)
Protestant Ethic Scale #1694
Mirels & Garrett, 1971
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 36, 40-44 and pg 171 from "Measures of Political
Pro-Victim Scale (PVS) #867
Rigby & Slee, 1991
Administration: Group
Range: 9-18 yrs
Description: Used to identify pupil attitudes towards bullying.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Bullying Behaviour in Schools)
Provision of Social Relations #1504
Turner, Frankel & Levin, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure components of social support.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Research in Community and Mental Health,3, 67-111 and pg.604 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
PSYCHAP Inventory #611
Fordyce, 1986
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to measure happiness in general populations by examining an individual’s status on
other facets of happiness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.100 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Psychiatric Institute Trichotillomania Scale #1627
Winchell et al, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adult
Description: A measure used to assess the number of hair pulling sites, quantity of hair loss, time spent pulling
and thinking about pulling, resistance to hair pulling urges, distress regarding hair pulling behaviour and
its consequences, and interference with daily activities.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 28, 463-476 and pg 711 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Psychiatric Symptom Scale #927
Dohrenwend & Crandell, 1970
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 25-74 yrs
Description: Derived from the Langner Scale. Looks at either depression or anxiety. Part of the NCHS General
well-being schedule.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 126, 87-97
Psychology in Education Portfolio (PIEP)
NFER-Nelson, 2000
Bullying Behaviour in Schools
See My Life in School Checklist;
Perceptions and Experiences of Bullying in Younger Children
Participant Role Scales (PPS)
Pro-victim Scale (PVS)
Comparisons of Bullying Definitions Within and Across Cultures
The Learning Environment
See Individualised Classroom Environment Questionnaire Short Form (ICEQ-SF)
My Class Inventory Short Form (MCI-SF)
Student Classroom Environment Measure (SCEM)
Teacher Classroom Environment Measure (TCEM)
Observer Classroom Environment Measure (OCEM)
Classroom Observation Schedule (COS)
Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence
See Social Inclusion survey (SIS)
Guess Who Peer Assessment Technique
Taxonomy of Problematic Social Situations (TOPS)
Child Role Play Measure
Mainstreaming Social Skills Questionnaire (MSSQ)
Kusche Affective Interview - Revised (KAI-R)
Attribution and Motivation
See Coding Scheme of Perceived Causality (CSPC)
Intellectual Achievement Responsibility Questionnaire (IAR)
Multidimensional Measure of Children's Perceptions of Control (MMCPC)
Pupil's Feelings about School and School Work Inventory
Motivation for Reading Questionnaire
Questionnaire for Identifying Behavioural Problems Associated with Maladaptive Motivational Style
Children's Self-Perceptions
See Burnett Self Scale (BSS)
Behavioural Indicators of Self-Esteem (BIOS)
Myself-As-A-Learner Scale (MALS)
The Reading Self-Concept Scale (RSCS)
Children's Shyness Questionnaire (CSQ)
Who-Are-You? (W-A-Y)
Self-Regulated Learning and Behaviour
Self-Regulated teaming Interview Schedule (SRLIS);
Rating Student Self-Regulated teaming Outcomes: A Teacher's Scale (RSSRL);
Inventory about Learning Approaches;
Taking Control of My Own Learning;
Understanding Myself: Managing my Own Behaviour;
Encouraging Reflection in Teaching and Educational Psychology Practice.
Learning Styles and Metacognition
See Structured Interview Questionnaire to Assess Pupil Learning Preferences in English and Science
Taking Control of my own learning
Cognitive Styles Analysis (CSA)
Metacognitive self-Knowledge (MSK) Questionnaire and Interview
Metacomprehension Strategies Index (MSI)
Instructional Model for the Spontaneous Employment of Mnemonic Strategies (IMSEMS)
Memory and Listening Comprehension
See Sentence Comprehension Test (SCT)
Profiles in Listening and Reading (PILAR)
Story Recall Test (SRT)
Sentence Span Measure (SSM)
Captive Princess Test (CPT)
Metamemory Questionnaire
Location: Bay 3, Shelf 2
Psycho-Educational Evaluation of the Preschool Child #260
Jedrysek, Klapper, Pope & Wortis, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: Child
Description: To be used as a guide in evaluating the educational potential of preschool children.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Psychogeriatric Assessment Scale #999
Jorm & Mackinnon, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 60+ yrs
Description: Designed to gather information on the psychogeriatric disorders: dementia and depression.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: http://www.mhri.edu.au/pas/
Psychogeriatric Dependency Rating Scale (PGDRS) #1153
Wilkinson & Graham-White, 1980
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Measures the dependency in elderly patients from a nurses view.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, 137, 558-565 and pg.243 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Psychological Well-being Scales #936
Ryff & Schmutte, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description Looks at the six dimensions of psychologyical well-being.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: J of Personality & Social Psychology, 73, 549-559
Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale #1657
Derogatis, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to assess the quality of the patient's psychosocial adjustment to a current medical illness
or the sequelae of a previous illness.
Time: 20-25 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy - on file
Location: pg 147 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Pupil Rating Scale (The) #259
Myklebust, 1971
Range: 5-14 yrs
Description: Measures hearing, speech, motor and social behaviour of elementary school children.
Time: untimed - 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Pupils' Feelings about School and Work Inventory (PFSSW) #871
Entwistle, Kozeki & Tait, 1989
Range: 11-16 yrs
Description: Enables teachers and researchers to compare levels of motivation between classes and between schools.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Attribution and Motivation)
Purdue Creativity Test #768
Lawshe & Harris, 1960
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to look at the fluent, flexible and original ideas in thinking.
Time: timed 2min/object
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Purdue Pegboard #372
Tiffin, 1968
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Measures hand-finger-arm dexterity required for certain types of manual work.
Time: Timed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 2, Shelf 3
Purpose in Life Test #612
Crumbaugh, 1968
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to measure the degree to which a person experiences a sense of meaning and purpose in life.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.335 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Pursuing-Distancing Scale #1505
Bernstein, Santelli, Alter-Reid & Androsiglio, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 23-39 yrs
Description: Designed to measure the construct of interpersonal pursuing and distancing.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, 273-281 and pg.606 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Quality Adjusted Life Year Index (QALY) 429
Rosser & Kind, 1988
Administration: Individual
Description: Based on a two-dimensional matrix (disability x distress) which attempts to quantify different
health/illness states for use as a global health indicator.
Time: <10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Health Status & Health-Related Quality of Life)
Quality of Life Assessment Schedule (QoLAS) #1162
Selai, Trimble, Rosser & Harvey, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A questionnaire to identify the relationship between patients current health condition and their
quality of life.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 11, 219-243 and pg.263 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q) #1926
Endicott, Nee, Harrison, Blumenthal, 1993
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses generic quality of life.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin 29(2):321-6 and pg 150 from "Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety.
Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease (QOL-AD) #1148
Logsdon, Gibbons, McCurry & Teri, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of quality of life in dementia. Includes patient and caregiver reports.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Mental Health and Aging, 5, 21-32 and pg.232 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Quality of Life Interview #1628
Lehman, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the quality of life of individuals with severe and persistent mental illness.
Time: 45 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Evaluation and Program Planning, 11, 51-62 and pg 138 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Quality of Life Inventory #364
Frisch, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Developed to provide a measure of positive mental health that could supplement measures of
negative affect and psychiatric symptoms in both outcome assessment and treatment planning.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Quality of Life Scale #834
Burakhardt, 1989
Range: Adult
Description: A 16 item questionnaire developed from the Flanagan 1982 scale.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: burckhac@ohsu.edu (Oregon Health Sciences University)
Quality of Life Scale #1629
Heinrichs, Hanlon & Carpenter, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to measure the quality of life of individuals with schizophrenia.
Time: 45 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Schizophrenia Bulletin, 10, 388-397 and pg 140 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Queensland Test #261
McElwain & Kearney, 1969
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-15 yrs
Description: A test of general cognitive ability. It does not require verbal or written instructions or responses.
Time: 45-65 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 2, Shelf 3
Questionnaire for Identifying Behavioural Problems Associated with Maladaptive Motivational
Style #873
Leo & Galloway, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 10-13 yrs
Description: Explores different aspects of motivation and behaviour. Used to establish that teacher's perception
of troublesome behaviour is linked to their perception of motivational style.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Attribution and Motivation)
Questionnaire of Experiences of Dissociation #1506
Riley, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures dissociation or the failure to integrate thoughts, feelings, and actions into consciousness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 176, 449-450 and pg.611 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Questionnaire of Eating and Weight Patterns (QEWP) #1859
Johnson, Kirk, Reed, 2000
Range: 10-18 yrs
Description: Assesses eating behaviour
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: International Journal of Eating Disorders 2000; 29: 94-6 and pg 110 from “Assessment Scales in
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Questionnaire on Eating and Weight Patterns – Revised #1630
Spitzer, Yanovski & Marcus, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent - Adult
Description: A screening instrument designed to assist in the identification and diagnosis of individuals with
binge eating disorders.
Time: 5-15 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: pg 665 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Questionnaire on Resources & Stress (QRS-F) #709
Friedrich, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the impact of a developmentally delayed, or chronically ill child on other
family members.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Parental Coping & Support)
Quick Discrimination Index (QDI) #1723
Ponterotto, Burkard, Rieger and Grieger, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Provides a general measure of receptivity to multiculturalism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 55, 1016-1031 and pg 363 from "Measures of Political
Quick Neurological Screening Test #263
Sterling, Mutti & Spalding, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: 5+ yrs
Description: Assesses 15 areas of neurological integration as it relates to learning.
Time: 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Quick Scales #1030
Brebner, 2002
Administration: Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Designed to test five factors similar to the 'Big Five'. Extaversion, Neuroticism, Openness to
Experience, Concientiousness and Agreeableness.
Time: untimed, 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy with permission – on file
Quick Test ( QT ) #262
Ammons & Ammons, 1962
Administration: Individual
Range: 1.5-19 yrs
Description: Assesses individual intelligence. The test requires no reading, writing or speaking.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Racial Attitudes Scale (RAS) #1714
Sidanius, Pratto, Martin & Stallworth, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures racial prejudice.
No. in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Political Psychology, 12, 691-721 and pg 327 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Racial Resentment Scale (RRS) #1724
Kinder & Sanders, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of racial resentment.
No. in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 367 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Racial Stereotypes Measure #1728
Peffley, Hurwitz & Sniderman, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assessesses respondents’ beliefs or stereotypes about the personal attributes of blacks.
No. in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Political Science, 41, 30-60 and pg 380 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Radicalism-Conservatism Scale #1688
Comrey & Newmeyer, 1965
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures sociopolitical attitude.
Location: Journal of Social Psychology, 67, 357-369 and pg 133 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Randall's Island Performance Scale #264
Poull, Bristol, King & Peatman, 1942
Administration: Group
Range: 2-5 yrs
Time: varies on test given
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Rape Aftermath Symptom Test #1507
Kilpatrick, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult - Female
Description: Designed to measure fear and other symptoms commonly experienced by female victims after a
rape experience.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.613 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Rapid Disability Rating Scale-2 (RDRS-2) #1138
Linn & Linn, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to assess disability in elderly people.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 30, 378-382 and pg.207 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Rasch-Type Loneliness Scale #614
deJong-Gierveld & vanTilburg, 1990
Range: Adults
Description: Based on a multidimensional conceptualisation of loneliness according to which persons perceive,
experience, and evaluate their isolation and lack of communication with others.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.262 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Raskin Depression Rating Scale #1895
Raskin, Schulterbrandt, Reatig,McKeon, 1969
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses severity of depresive symptoms, with a specific focus upon verbal report, behaviour and
secondary symptoms.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 148(1):87-98 and pg 50 from "Assesssment Scales in
Depression, Mania and Anxiety"
Rathus Assertiveness Schedule #688
Rathus, 1973
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behavior Therapy, 4: 398-406.
Rating Anxiety in Dementia (RAID) #1125
Shankar, Walker, Frost & Orrell, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to measure anxiety in patients suffering from dementia.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Aging and Mental Health, 3, 39-49 and pg.183 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Rating Scale for Aggressive Behaviour in the Elderly (RAGE) #1106
Patel & Hope, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Designed to be of value in studies involving the treatment and correlates of aggressive behaviour
in psychgeriatric inpatients.
Time: 3-5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Medicine, 22, 211-221 and pg.142 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Rating Scale for Extrapyramidal Side Effects
See the Simpson-Angus Extrapyramidal Side Effects Scale.
Rating Scale for Pupil Adjustment #391
Michigan Department of Mental Health, 1953
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: An objective method for classifying children in terms of personal and social adjustment as shown
in the classroom
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Rating Student Self-Regulated Learning Outcomes (RSSRL) #882
Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: 11-17 yrs
Description: A teacher rating scale looking at self-regulated learning strategies for successful learning.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Self-Regulated Learning and Behaviour)
Rational Behavior Inventory #1508
Shorkey & Whiteman, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Provides an overall index of irrationality, or the tendency to hold irrational and absolutist beliefs.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 37, 527-534 and pg.621 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Raulin Intense Ambivalence Scale #1509
Raulin, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure intense ambivalence.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52, 63-72 and pg.625 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Raven’s Standard Progresive Matrices
see Standard Progresive Matrices
Reaction Inventory Interference #1510
Evans & Kazarian, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to identify obsessional thoughts and compulsive acts that interfere with an individual's
daily activities.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 33, 436-439 and pg.628 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Reading Free Vocational Interest Inventory #267
Becker, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Assesses the vocational interests of people with a variety of disabilities.
Time: 45 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Storage
Reading Self-Concept Scale (RSCS) #878
Chapman & Tumner, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-10 yrs
Description: Measures the reading sub-component of academic self-concept.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (children's self-Perceptions)
Real Life Rating Scale (RLRS) #1865
Freeman, Ritvo, Yokota, Ritvo, 1986
Range: 6-16 yrs
Description: Assesses autistic behaviours.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and pg146 from Assessment
Scales in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Realizations of Filial Responsibility #1289
Seelbach, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Elderly
Description: Measures an aged parent's perception of the level of aid and support received from his or her
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Family Coordinator, 27, 341-350 and pg.438 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Reasons for Living Inventory #1511
Linehan, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses a range of beliefs that differentiate suicidal from nonsuicidal individuals and can be
viewed as a measure of an individual's commitment to various reasons for not committing suicide.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51, 276-286 and pg.631 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Reason for Living Inventory for Adolescents #1339
Osman et al, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent
Description: Measures a range of beliefs and attitudes which differentiate suicidal from nonsuicidal
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 54, 1063-1078 and pg.606 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Recent Life Changes Questionnaire (RLCQ) #1976
Miller, Rahe 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures stress caused by life change events
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol. 43, No.3, pp.279-292, 1997
Recognition Memory Test #398
Warrington, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: 18-70 yrs
Description: Developed to detect minor degrees of memory deficit that might be specific to either verbal or
non-verbal material in the adult population.
Time: 12-15 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 3
Recovery from Trauma: What works #1971
Creamer, Phelps, Forbes, Cooper, Couineau, 2009
Description: The DVD is intended for people who have experienced a traumatic event, or are close to someone
who has and need help to cope with the experience.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Recovery Locus of Control (RLOC) #452
Partridge & Johnson, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Provides a measure of the internality/externality of the person’s perception of control over his or
her recovery.
Time: <5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Casual & Control Beliefs)
Refined ADL Assessment Scale (RADL) #1143
Tappen, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: designed specifically for patients with Alzheimer's disease in the middle and later stages of the
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 20, 36-41 and pg.216 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Regime-Based Trust Scale #1758
Craig, Niemi & Silver, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Measures support for the American political regime - as distinguished from trust in incumbent
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Political Behavior, 12, 289-314 and pg 509 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Reid-Gundlach Social Services Satisfaction Scale #1512
Reid & Gundlach, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Provides an overall satisfaction-with-service score plus three subscales dealing with consumers'
reactions to social services regarding: relevance, impact, and gratification.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Social Service Research, 7, 37-54 and pg.635 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Reiss Profile MR/DD #1946
Reiss, Haverca, 2001
Administration: Individual
Description: This is a 100-item instrument designed to assess motives in people with cognitive disabilities based
on caretaker, parent, or teacher ratings.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Relationship Assessment Scale #1232
Hendrick, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A brief, easily administered and scored measure of satisfaction in romantic relationships in
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 50, 93-98 and pg.171 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Relationship Events Scale #1233
King & Christensen, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures courtship progress, reflecting increasing intimacy, interdependence, and commitment in
dating relationships.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Marriage and the Family, 45, 671-678 and pg.173 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Relative's Assessment of Global Symptomatology #1165
Raskin & Crook, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A global assessment of psychiatric symptoms for use in older people, designed to detect change.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 24, 721-725 and pg.276 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Remote Associates Test #767
Mednick & Mednick, 1967
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A measure of the ability to think creatively. Designed to measure individual differences in an
ability considered to be fundemental to the creative thinking process.
Time: timed 45 min
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Filed
Remote Memory Test #1024
Shum & O'Gorman, 2001
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 21-77 years
Description: Designed for use in Australia using famous faces and public events.
Time: 30-60 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Australian Journal of Psychology, 53(1), 36-45
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) #853
Randolph, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: 20-89 years
Description: Used to determine the neuropsychological status of adults who have neurologic injury or disease
such as dementia, head injury, and stroke.
Time: 20-25 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 6 (forms)
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status II (RBANS II) #2006
Randolph, 2012
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Measures attention, language, visuospatial/constructional abilities, and immediate and delayed
Time: 20-30 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Report Writer: Adult's Intellectual, Achievement, & Neuropsychological Screening Tests (IBM
V.3) #119
Dougherty & Bortnick, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Helps write reports for several psychological tests.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Reported Health Behaviours Checklist #462
Prohaska, Leventhal, Leventhal & Keller, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: “Health Practices and Illness Cognition in Young, Middle Aged, and Eldery Adults”, Journal of
Gerontology, 40, 569-78 and pg.13 from “Measures in Health Psychology Health Related Beaviour”
Repression Potential #1708
Marsh & Kaase, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Measures the tendency to grant authorities instruments of control in order to contain challenges
from protesters, strikers, and other unorthodox activists.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 264 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents #2011
Prince-Embury, 2007
Administration: Individual
Range: 9-18 yrs
Description: Designed to systematically identyfy and quantify core personal qualities of resiliancy in youth, as
expressed in their own words about their own experience.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Resourceful Adolescent Parent Program #1810
Shochet & Wurfl 2001
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Helps parents promote the happiness and well being of their kids trough thei teenage years.
Contains of six parts: 1. Parents are People Too! 2. Managing Our Stress 3. Helping our Adolescents
Develop a Good Self Esteem.4. Independence With Attachment 5. Preventing, Managing & Getting Over
Conflict 6. Looking Forward to a Positive Future.
Number in Stock: 3
Responding Desirabily on Attitudes and Opinions (RD-16) #615
Schuessler & Hittle & Cardascia, 1978
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to detect socially desirable responding in attitude and opinion surveys on the general
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.41 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Restraint Scale #1513
Herman, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures one aspect of dieting behaviour, the ability to restrain from eating in order to maintain a
particular weight.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 1, 593-607 and pg.638 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice:
a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Revised Beta Examination #266
Kellog, Morton, Linder & Gurvitz, 1946
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures mental ability of non-reading applicants.
Time: 45 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS) #1847
Chorpita, Moffitt, Gray, 2005
Range: 6-18 yrs
Description: Assesses anxiety and depression symptoms corresponding to dimensions of several DSM-IV
anxiety disorders and major depression
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavioural Research and Therapy 2005; 43: 309-22 and pg 59 from “Assessment Scales in Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry”.
Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS) #78
Reynolds & Richmond, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 6-19 yrs
Description: Used to help pinpoint the problems in a child’s life. It can be used for treating children for
academic stress.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 3
Revised Class Play #776
Leanne Seaman, Honours 1991
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Revised Kinship Scale #1514
Bailey & Nava, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure feelings of deep affiliation and love in interpersonally close relationships.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Reports, 68, 215-227 and pg.640 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Revised Martin-Larsen Approval Motivation #1515
Martin, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses the need for favourable evaluations from others.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 48, 508-519 and pg.642 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist #1190
Teri et al, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of behaviour problems in patients with dementia.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology and Aging, 7, 622-631 and pg.332 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Revised Rutter Scales - Photocopy
Revised Self-leadership Questionnaire #923
Houghton & Neck, 2002
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Used for testing a hierarchical factor structure for self-leadership.stress
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: J Managerial Psychology, 8. 672-691
Revised Sheridan Gardiner Test #1979
Sheridan, 1970
Administration: Individual
Description: The Sheridan Gardiner suite of tests contain near vision, distance and reduced Snellen tests which
utilise shape-matching methodology making them suitable for use with patients of all ages and and
abilities, including illiterates, the disabled, people with learning disabilities or patients who do not
share a common language with the examine.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Rey 15-item Memorization Test #935
Boone & Salazar & Lu & Warner-Chacon & Razani, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Similar to Rey 15-item memory test but this test is interspersed with 15 foils similar to the target
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: J of Clinical & Experimental Psychology, 24(5), 561-573
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Handbook (RAVLT) #517
Schmidt, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: 7-88 yrs
Description: Developed to bring together, in a single convenient reference, clinically relevant information
about the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test #400
Rey, 1964
Administration: Individual
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Measures immediate memory span, new learning, susceptibility to interference, and recognition
Time: 10-15 mins + delay times
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Rey Complex Figure Test & Recognition Trial (RCFT) #404
Meyers & Meyers, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: 18-89 yrs
Description: Provides an objective and standardised approach to scoring drawings based on the widely used 36point scoring system
Time: 45 mins including a 30 mins delay interval
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 3 (forms)
Reynell Developmental Language Scales - Revised #268
Reynell, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: 1-6 yrs
Description: Measures children’s expressive language and verbal comprehension.
Time: untimed; 60 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Storage
Reynell Developmental Language Scales III #762
Edwards, Fletcher, Gurman, Hughes & Letts, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 15 mths-7 yrs
Description: Measures children’s expressive language and verbal comprehension.
Time: untimed; 35-40 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 1
Reynolds Bully-Victimization Scale #980
Reynold, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-18 yrs
Description: Gives a comprehensive picture of a child's experience of peer related threat, level of distress, and
anxiety related to school safety.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) #613
Altemeyer, 1981
Range: Adults
Description: A counterbalanced scale that combines variations of items used in studies following from TAP
and items developed by Altemeyer.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.550 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (RWA) #1681
Altemeyer, 1988
Range: Adults
Description: Identifies right-wing authoritarianism and distinguishes it from more general conservatism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 102 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) #657
Wilson, Cockburn & Baddeley, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 11-16 yrs, 16-69 yrs, 70-95 yrs
Description: Comprises of a number of subtests, each attempting to provide an objective measure of one of a
range of everyday memory problems reported and observed in patients with memory difficulties.
Time: varies; four parallel forms
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 4
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test for Children #1985
Wilson, Ivani-Chalian, Aldrich, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-10 yrs
Discription: Assesses child’s memory
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 3
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test-2(RBMT-2) #962
Wilson, Cockburn & Baddeley, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 11-64 yrs
Description: Provides an objective measure to everyday memory problems reported and observed in patients
with memory difficulties.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 4
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test-3(RBMT-3) #1959
Wilson et al, 2008
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults up to 89 yrs
Description: Assesses the memory abilities of adults.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 4
Rivermead Head Injury #774
Crawford, Wenden & Wade, 1996
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 60, 510-514
Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire #775
King, 1996
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 61, 75-81
Robson Self Concept Questionnaire #919
Robson, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A self-report questionnaire for measuring self esteem by satisfying psychometric requirements
without sacrificing the intuitive meaning of the concept
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Medicine, 1989, 19, 513-518
Rohde Sentence Completion Test #265
Rhode, 1967
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 12+ yrs
Description: A projective technique used in clinical or more general settings.
Time: untimed; 40 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Location: Filed & storage
Role Conflict and Role Ambiguity Scale (RCRAI) #1045
Olk & Friedlander, 1992
Range: Adult
Description: Examines 1. The nature and the extent of counselor trainees' experiences of of role conflict and
ambiguity in supervision and 2. The relationship of these role difficulties with counseling experience,
satisfaction with supervision, and anxiety and satisfaction with clinical work.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 39(3), 389-397
Role Perception Scale #1516
Richardson & Alpert, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures four aspects of one's perception of roles: innovation, involvement, affectivity, and
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Sex Roles, 6, 783-793 and pg.646 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test ( Ink Blot Method ) #269
Rorschach, 1948
Administration: Individual
Range: 3+ yrs
Description: The original projective technique in which the examinee is required to interpret what he or she
sees in ten ink blots.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 2
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) #447
Rosenberg, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Looks at the concept of self-esteem, or perceived self-worth, as part of a wider construct of selfconcept.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio ( Individual & Demographic Differences)
Rosenzweig: Picture Frustration Study - Adult & Child #270
Rosenzweig, Flemming & Rosenzweig, 1948
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 4-11 yrs; 12-19 yrs; 19+ yrs
Description: Measures aggression in personality. Assesses an individual’s patterns of response to everyday
frustration and stress.
Time: untimed; 15 mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Filed & storage
Rothwell Miller Interest Blank Forms F & M #271
Rothwell & Miller, 1958
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Designed to provide an instrument economical in time and cost, which would assist guidance
officers and others who are concerned with the investigation of the basic interests, attitudes, and
motivations of those seeking assistance in making occupational plans.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: 2 - out of print
Location: Filed
Rothwell Miller Interest Blank –R (Australian Ed) #963
Miller & Tyler, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Provides a measure of comparative interest in 12 work fields; outdoor, mechanical, computational,
scientific, persuasive, literary, aesthetic, musical, social service,clerical, practical and medical.
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 3
Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank #272
Rotter & Rafferty, 1950
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: Studies personalities by using sentence completion.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Rotterdam Symptom Checklist (RSCL) #431
de Haes, van Knippenberg & Neijt, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Developed to measure symptoms reported by people with cancer who were involved in clinical
Time: 8 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Health Status & Health-Related Quality of Life)
Routine Activities Measure #773
Rodgers & Roberts
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Canadian Journal of Criminology, 37, 363-369
Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) #1086
Storey, Rowland, Conforti & Dickson, 2004
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A simple method for detecting dementia that is valid across cultures. Accesses multiple cognitive
domains including memory, praxis, language, judgement, drawing and body orientation.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Psychogeriatrics,16(1), 13-31
Ruff 2&7 Selective Attention Test #951
Ruff & Allen,
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-70 yrs
Description: Measures two aspects of visual attention: sustained attention and selective attention.
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Ruff Figural Fluency Test #695
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-70 yrs
Description: Used to provide information about nonverbal capacity for initiation, planning and divergent
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire #1016
Trapnell & Campbell, 1999
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at the distinction between ruminative and reflective types of private self-attentiveness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(2), 284-304
Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index (RAPI) #1883
White, Labouvie, 1989
Range: 12-21 yrs
Description: Assesses problem drinking.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Studies on Alcohol 1989; 50: 30-7 and pg 197 from “Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry”
Rutter Child Scale B #403
Rutter, 1967
Administration: Individual
Range: 7-13 yrs
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 8: 1-11.
Ryden Aggression Scale #1112
Ryden, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to measure aggressive behaviour in community-based persons with dementia.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 2, 342-355 and pg.154 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Sales Comprehension Test #274
Bruce, 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to aid in the appraisal of sales ability and potential.
Time: untimed; 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
San Francisco Vocational Competency Scale #275
Levine & Elzey, 1968
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to provide an assessment of the mentally retarded adult based on observation of
characteristic performance within the work situation.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Sandoz Clinical Assessment - Geriatric (SCAG) #1160
Shader, Harmatz & Salzman, 1974
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of psychopathology in older people.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 22, 107-113 and pg.253 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
SANE Guide for Families(The) – book & DVD #1958
SANE Australia, 2009
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Description: The SANE Guide for Families is intended to help family, friends and other carers of people who
have beenseriously affected by mental illness.
Satisfaction with Appearance Scale #1517
Lawrence, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess both the subjective appraisal and social/behavioural components of body image
among burn survivors.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 10, 64-70 and pg.650 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) #427
Diener, Emmons, Larson & Griffin, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Developed as a measure of the judgmental component (life satisfaction) and is a five-item, selfreport scale.
Time: 2 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Health Status & Health-Related Quality of Life)
Scale for Assessment of Positive and Negative Symptoms #1632
Andreasen, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess the severity of symptoms in patients with schizophrenia and other related psychotic
disorders. Complements the Scale for Assessment of Positive Symptoms.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Location: pg 498 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Scale for Assessment of Positive and Negative Symptoms #1633
Margernsten & Glazer, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess the severity of symptoms in patients with schizophrenia and other related psychotic
disorders. Complements the Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptoms.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Scale for Personality Rigidity #925
Rehfisch, 1958
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Birth - Adult
Description: A true-false scale to measure personality rigidity of adults.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Consulting Psychology; 22(1), 11-15
Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy (SEE) #1047
Wang, Davidson, Yakushko, Savoy, Tan & Bleier, 2003
Range: Adult
Description: A self-report instrument that measures empathy toward people of racial and ethnic backgrounds
different from one's own.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50(2), 221-234
Scale of Racial Socialization for Adolescents #1340
Stevenson, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent
Description: Assesses the degree of acceptance of racial socialisation attitudes or race-related messages of child
rearing within African-American culture.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Black Psychology, 20, 445-468 and pg.612 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Scales of Independent Behaviour #276
Bruininks, Woodcock, Weatherman & Hill, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Birth - Adult
Description: Used to assess adaptive and maladaptive behaviour.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Storage
Scales of Independent Behaviour-R (SIB-R) #763
Bruininks, Woodcock, Weatherman & Hill, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Infancy-80+ yrs
Description: A comprehensive non-referenced assessment of adaptive and maladaptive behaviour.
Time: short form 15-20 min; full scale 45-60 min
Number in Stock: 1
Location : Bay 7, Shelf 4
Schedule for Affective Disorders & Schizophrenia (SADS) #277
Spitzer & Endicott, 1977
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Assesses change in psychopathological symptoms for the previous week.
Time: untimed; 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Schedule for Affective Disorders & Schizophrenia for School-Aged Children #1637
Kaufman et al, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-18 yrs
Description: An interviewer-based, semi-structured interview to assess episodes of psychopathology and to
make categorical diagnoses by directly interviewing children and adolescents and their parents.
Time: 35-70 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescence Psychiatry, 36, 980-989 and pg 296 from
“Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Schizophrenia Outcomes Module #1653
Fischer et al, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess the process of care, patient characteristics, and outcomes of care for patients with
schizophrenia in mental health care settings.
Time: 25-30 min/section
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 218 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Schonell Diagnostic Arithmetic Tests #279
Schonell & Lit, 1962
Description: Intended primarily for diagnosis of difficulties in arithmetic.
Time: timed or untimed; varies with each test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Schonell Graded Word Reading Test #280
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-12.5 yrs
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
School Stress Survey #800
Wenz-Gross, 1999
Range: 11-14 yrs
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Schwartz Social Situation - Picture Test #278
Schwartz, 1931
Administration: Individual
Range: 9-13 yrs
Time: 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
SCID-II (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-VI Axis 1 Disorders) #811
First, Spitzer, Gibbon & Williams, 1997
Administration: Individual
Description: A structured clinical interview that can be used to diagnoseclinical disorders as defined byDSMIV.
Number in Stock: 20
Location: Bay 8, Shelf 3
Screen for Caregiver Burden (SCB) #1186
Vitaliano et al, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to quantify the physical, psychological, emotional, social, and financial problems that
can be experienced by those that care for impaired older relatives.
Time: 2-5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Geronologist, 31, 76-83 and pg.325 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." and
pg 413 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) #1039
Birmaher, Khetarpal, Brent, Cully, Balach, Kaufman & Neer, 1997
Range: 9-18 yrs
Description: A screening instrument for anxiety disorders.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 36(4),545-553
Screener for Somatoform Disorders #1635
Janca, Burke, Isaac & WHO, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess somatoform disorders cross-culturally.
Time: 45 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: European Psychiatry, 10, 373-378 and pg 596 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) #1896
Rosenthal, Bradt, Wehr, 1984
Range: Adults, Adolescents & Children
Description: Screens for winter depression.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Bethesda, MD, National Institute of Mental Health and pg 51 from"Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
Seeing Problems #281
Merrifield & Guilford, 1969
Time: 4 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Selective Reminding Test #1300
Buschke, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adult
Description: Measures verbal learning and memory during a multiple-trial list-learning task.
Time: 10-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 12, 543-550 and pg. 282 - "A Compendium of
Neuropsychological Tests"
SELFCARE (D) #1055
Bird, MacDonald, Mann & Philpot, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Elderly
Description: A self-rating depression scale for use with elderly subjects in general practice.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2, 31-38 and pg.11 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Self-Administered Alcoholism Screening Test #1518
Swenson & Morse, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the presence of alcohol abuse.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 50, 204-208 and pg.662 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Self-Attitude Inventory #1519
Lorr & Wunderlich, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure self-esteem.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 50, 18-23 and pg.667 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Self-Concept Scale for Children #1341
Lipsitt, 1958
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 10-12 yrs
Description: Measures the self-concept of children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Development, 29, 463-472 and pg.617 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 1"
Self-Consciousness Scale-R #937
Scheier & Carver, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8 years - adult
Description: A 22 item measure containing three scales: 1) Public Self-Consciousness, 2) Private SelfConsciousness, 3) Social Anxiety.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 15, 687-699 and pg.671 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Self-Control Questionnaire #1521
Rehm, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures depression-related self-control behaviours and cognitions.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 91, 457-461 and pg.673 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Self-Control Rating Scale #1342
Kendall & Wilcox, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Designed to measure the degree to which a child's behaviour can be described as self-contrlled
(verses impulsive).
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47, 1020-1029 and pg.619 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Self-Control Schedule #1522
Rosenbaum, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to assess individual tendencies to apply self-control methods to the solution of
behavioural problems.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Therapy, 11, 109-121 and pg.677 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Self-Description Questionnaire-1 #282
Marsh, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 7-12 yrs
Description: Developed to measure self concept in four non academic areas 1) physical ability, 2) physical
appearance, 3) peer relations, 4) parent relations and three academic areas 1) reading, 2) maths, 3)
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Self-Directed Search #283
Holland, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8 years - adult
Description: A self-administered, self-scored, and self-interpreted vocational counselling tool.
Time: untimed; 45-60 mins
Number in Stock: Storage
Self-Directed Search – R (SDS-R) #831
Shears & ACER, 2000
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Revised Australian edition of the SDS (Holland 1985).
Time: untimed; 25-40 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 16, Shelf 7
Self-Efficacy Measurement: Generalised Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) #454
Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Assesses the strength of an individual’s belief in his or her own ability to respond to novel or
difficult situations and to deal with any associated obstacles or setbacks.
Time: 2-3 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Casual & Control Beliefs)
Self-Efficacy Measurement: Specific Self-Efficacy Beliefs #453
Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Time: 2-3 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Casual & Control Beliefs)
Self-Efficacy Questionnaire #1294
Perry, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-13 yrs
Description: Looks at vicitimisation in children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: perrydg@fau.edu
Self-Efficacy Scale #1523
Sherer et al, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures general expectations of self-efficacy that are not tied to specific situations or behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Reports, 51, 663-671 and pg.681 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Self-Esteem Inventory #616
Coopersmith, 1967
Range: 10-12 yrs
Description: Measures evaluative attitudes across several domains pertaining to the self.
Location: pg.127 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Self-Esteem Inventories #1980
Coopersmith, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Children to 16 years and above
Time: 10 mins
Description: Designed to measure evaluative attitudes toward the self in social, academic, family and personal
areas of experience
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Self-Esteem Rating Scale #1524
Nugent & Thomas, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to provide a clinical measure of self-esteem that can indicate not only problems in self
esteem but also positive or nonproblematic levels.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Research on Social Work Practice, 3, 191-207 and pg.690 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Self-Esteem Scale #617
Rosenberg, 1965
Range: 14-18 yrs
Description: Designed to measure adolescent’s global feelings of self-worth or self-acceptance.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.121 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Self-Estrangement #618
Kohn & Schooler, 1983
Range: Adults
Description: Looks at both a negative evaluation of self-worth and a sense of being detached from the self.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.347 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes.
Selfism #1527
Phares & Erskine, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure narcissism, referred to as selfism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 44, 597-608 and pg.699 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale #1081
Tafarodi & Swann,Jr, 1995
Administration: Group
Range: Elderly
Description: A self-report measure of global self-esteem.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 65(2), 322-342
Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale - R #1082
Tafarodi & Swann,Jr, 2001
Administration: Group
Range: Elderly
Description: A self-report measure of global self-esteem.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Personality and Individual Differences, 31, 653-673
Self-Monitoring Techniques #463
Description: Offers some ideas about how to construct self-monitoring ideas.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Health-Related Behaviours)
Self-Ordered Pointing Test (SOPT) #1298
Petrides & Milner, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adult
Description: Used to assess working and strategic memory.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Neuropsychologia, 20, 249-262 and pg. 209 - "A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests"
Self-Perception Profile for Children #619
Harter, 1985
Range: 8-13 yrs
Description: Measures several aspects of children’s self-concept that are related primarily to competence and
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.139 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Self Perception Profile for Learning Disabled Students #806
Renick & Harter, 1988
Range: 8-13 yrs
Description: Used for assessing both learning disabled and normally-achieving children's domain-specific
judgements of their competence or adequacy and their perceived worth or self esteem.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Self-Rating Depression Scale #620
Zung, 1965
Range: Adults
Description: Developed to assess and distinguish among the ‘psychic-affective’, psychological, psychomotor,
and psychological manifestations of depression.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.204 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Self-Regulated Learning Interview Schedule (SRLIS) #881
Zimmerman & Martinez-Pons, 1986
Administration: Group
Range: 11-17 yrs
Description: Self-regulating learning strategies associated with successful learning.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Self-Regulated Learning and Behaviour)
Self-Report Family Instrument #1290
Beavers, Hampson & Hulgus, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Based on the Beavers-Timberlawn Model of Family Competence in which sever dimensions of
family functioning are proposed to distinguish competent from less competent families.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Process, 24, 398-405 and pg.441 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Self-Report Questionnaire #670
Marie & McGuinn, 1989
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychophysiology, 26: 43
Self-Righteousness Scale #1526
Falbo & Belk, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17-45 yrs
Description: Measures the conviction that one's beliefs or behaviour are correct, especially in comparison to
alternative beliefs or behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, 72-77 and pg.697 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Semantic Differential Feeling and Mood Scales #1528
Lorr & Wunderlich, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: A semantic differential scale for measuring feeling and mood states.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 44, 33-35 and pg.702 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Semantic Differential of Sex Roles #1234
Hafner, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures sex roles in marital relationships. Has three subscales 1) power, 2) empathy, 3) autonomy.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychotherapy, 21, 530-542 and pg.175 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Sensation Scale #1529
Maisto, Adesso & Lauerman, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the respondents' perceptions of physiological changes following alcohol
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behavior Research and Therapy, 18, 37-43 and pg.705 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Sensation - Seeking Scale #285
Zuckerman, 1979
Description: Developed as a measure of individual differences in optimal levels of stimulation and arousal.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Sense of Coherence - Orientation to Life #621
Antonovsky, 1987
Range: 13-90 yrs
Description: The sense of coherence is a global orientation that expresses the extent to which one has a
pervasive, enduring though dynamic feeling of confidence.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.331 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Sense of Symbolic Immortality Scale #1530
Drolet, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure one's inner realisation of death's inevitability as a way of deriving meaning
in life.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 46, 148-160 and pg.708 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Sentence Comprehension Test (SCT) #887
Wheldall, Mittler & Hobsbaum, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.5-7 yrs
Description: Assesses a child's ability to comprehend sentences of varying length and grammatical complexity
by requiring the child to listen to a sentence and then choose an appropriate picture from a set of four.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Memory & Listening Comprehension)
Sentence Span Measure (SSM) #890
Swanson, Cochran & Ewers, 1989
Administration: Group
Range: 7-14 yrs
Description: Measures working memory by listening to a set of sentences, responding to a question about one
of them before recalling the last word of each sentence.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Memory & Listening Comprehension)
Separation-Individuation Process Inventory #1531
Christenson & Wilson, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures disturbances in the childhood processes of separation and individuation as manifested in
adult pathology.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 173, 561-565 and pg.712 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Service Evaluation Questionnaire #1639
Nguyen, Attkisson & Stegner, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: An effective measure of service satisfaction that can be related to symptom level, demographic
characteristics, and type and extent of service utilisation.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Evaluation and Program Planning, 6, 299-314
Service Satisfaction Scale - 30 #1636
Greenfield & Attkisson, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess the satisfaction of groups of consumers with a range of health and human
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Evaluation and Program Planning, 12, 271-278 and pg 188 from “Handbook of Psychiatric
Parasuraman, Zeithalm & Berry, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Used for assessing customer perceptions of service quality in service and retailing organisations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Retailing, 64, 12-40 and pg 176 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures” and pg 152
from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”
Session Evaluation Questionnaire #1532
Stiles, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure clients' perceptions of two dimensions of clinical sessions, depth and
smoothness and two dimensions of post-session mood, positivity and arousal.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 31, 3-12 and pg.715 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
SET Test #1076
Isaacs & Akhtar, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A brief test of mental function which is not perceived as a threat. A varient of verbal fluency.
Time: 2-5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Age and Ageing, 1, 222-226 and pg.66 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Seven Plus Assessment #286
Lambert, 1957
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 7-8 yrs
Description: Early assessment test for children 7-8 years old.
Time: 15-20 mins / test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Severity of Depression Scale #1648
Raskin, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to assess severity of depression in subjects screened for participation in a large,
multicentre drug treatment study.
Time: 2-5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 533 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Severity of Symptoms Scale #1533
Vitiello, Spreat & Behar, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the severity of symptoms of compulsive behaviour in the developmentally disabled.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 177, 232-236 and pg.717 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Sex Role Behavior Scale #622
Orlofsky, 1981
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses the interest/role behaviour level of sex roles which is considered to be distinct from sex
role personality traits and sex role attitudes.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.629 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Sex-Role Learning Index #623
Edelbrock & Sugawara, 1978
Range: 3-9 yrs
Description: A measure of early sex role acquisition in preschool age children through to age 9.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.642 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Sexual Arousability Inventory #1643
Hoon, Hoon & Wincze, 1976
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess sexual arousability and sexual anxiety.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Archives of Sexual Behavior, 5, 291-300 and pg 617 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Sexual Arousability Inventory #1534
Hoon & Chambless, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-28 yrs
Description: Measures sexual arousability and sexual anxiety.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.720 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Sexual Assault Symptom Scale #1535
Ruch, Gartell, Amedeo & Coyne, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure trauma in the immediate aftermath of sexual assault.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 3, 3-8 and pg.724 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Sexual Attitude Scale #1536
Hudson, Murphy & Nurius, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures liberal versus conservative attitudes toward human sexual expression.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission
Location: The WALMYR Assessment Scales Scoring Manual. Tallahassee, FL: WALMYR Publishing
Company and pg.728 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Sexual Behavior Inventory Male & Female #1537
Bentler, 1968
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17-29 yrs
Description: Measures the extent to which a male or female has engaged in heterosexual behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behaviour Research and Therapy, 6, 21-30 and pg.730 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
SF-12 Mental Health Survey #812
Ware, Kosinski & Keller, 1998
Range: 14+ years
Description: Measures and interprets health status outcomesin both general and specific populations.
Time: <5 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
SF-36 Mental Health Survey #406
Ware, 1994
Range: 14+ years
Description: Used to measure generic health concepts relevant across age, disease, and treatment groups.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
SF-36 – 2nd Edition #870
Ware & Kosinski, 2001
Range: 14+ years
Description: Used to measure generic health concepts relevant across age, disease, and treatment groups.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Sheehan Disability Scale #1644
Sheehan, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the extent to which three major sectors in the patient's life are impaired by
panic, anxiety, phobic, or depressive symptoms.
Time: 1-2 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: pg 113 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Short Alcohol Dependence Data (SSAD) #483
Raistrick, Dunbar & Davidson, 1983
Administration: Individual
Description: Designed to assess various aspects of drinking behaviour.
Time: <5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Habit Disorder)
Short Anxiety Screening Test #1064
Sinoff, Ore, Zlotogorsky & Tamir, 1999
Range: 70+ yrs
Description: Developed to standardise the detection of anxiety disorder in the elderly even in the presence of
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14, 1062-1071
Short Grit Scale #2005
Duckworth, Quinn, 2009
Admninstartion: Individual
Range: Adolescents
Description: Measures trait-level perseverance and passion for long – term goals.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality Assessment, 91: 2, 166 — 174
Short Mental Status Questionnaire #1077
Robertson, Rockwood & Stolee, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of mental status in the elderly.
Time: 5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Canadian Journal of Ageing, 1, 16-20 and pg.67 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Short Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test #1084
Katzman et al, 1983
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A brief 6-item cognitive test developed from the longer Blessed Information and Concentration Test.
Time: 3-5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 140, 734-739 and pg.68 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ) #1075
Pfeiffer, 1975
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A reliable instument to detect the presence of intellectual impairment and to determine the degree.
Time: 2 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of American Geriatrics Society, 23, 433-441 and pg.64 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Shyness Scale #625
Cheek & Buss, 1981
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses both social anxiety and behavioural inhibition.
Location: pg.182 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Sibworks #1942
Strohm, Nesa, 2005
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Addresses the needs of siblings of children with special needs.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Sibworks - 2nd Edition #1962
Strohm & Nesa, 2005
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Addresses the needs of siblingsof children with special needs. This manual focuses on a group
program for siblings. However, at the same time it improves the capcity of both parents and providers to
support siblings.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Significant Others Scale (SOS) #424
Power, Champion & Aris, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Developed to assess five emotional and five practical social support functions.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Social Support)
Significant Others Scale (SOS) - Long Form #485
Power, Champion & Aris, 1988
Administration: Individual
Description: A measure used to elicit information on the perceived form and function of social support.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Stress, Coping & Social Support)
Significant Others Scale (SOS) - Short Form #486
Power, Champion & Aris, 1988
Administration: Individual
Description: A measure used to elicit information on the perceived form and function of social support.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Stress, Coping & Social Support)
Simple Rathus Assertiveness Schedule #1538
McCormick, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures assertiveness for persons with low reading ability.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavioral Assessment, 7, 95-99 and pg.746 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Simpson-Angus Extrapyramidal Side Effects Scale #1178
Simpson & Angus, 1970
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed to distinguish the emerging conventional neuroleptic medications in terms of the
extrapyramidal side effects associated with them.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia, 212(Suppl44), 11-19 and www.medafile.com/zyweb/SAMS.htm and
pg.310 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." and pg 163 from “Handbook of
Psychiatric Measures”
Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory (TDI) #794
Singer, Loomis, Kirkhart & Kirkhart, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Provides an opportunity to clarify an individuals personality. It is a key to understanding the
individuals own habit patterns and ways of approaching tasks or situations.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed
Six Factor Personality Questionnaire # 2014
Jackson, Sampo, Paunonen, Tremblay 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: 18+
Description: Used; Counseling, clinical, educational,business, industrial, government
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Sixteen PF – 5th edition #287
Cattell, Cattell & Cattell, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Assesses levels of assertiveness, maturity, shrewdness, tension, self-sufficiency and 11 other
primary traits. It also has five global factors 1) extroversion, 2) Anxiety, 3) tough mindedness, 4)
independence, 5) self-control.
Time: 35-50 mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 2
Sixteen PF – 5th Edition (Revised 2009) #2032
Cattel (Revised) 2009
Administration: Individual
Range: 16+yrs
Description: Assesses traits in both the abnormal and normal ranges of personality.
Time: 35-50 min by pencil 25-35 min by computer
Number in Stock: 5
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 2
Sixteen PF5-AUS #741
Cattell, Cattell & Cattell, 1999
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Uses the same 16 primary personality factors as 16PF, but provides a “common language”
description of each factor. More than 70 of the 187 items have been rewritten. Normative data is based
on a general Australian population sample.
Time: 35 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 3
Skills for Independent Living #764
Irvin, Halperm & Becklund, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent-Adult
Description: Developed for the use in unstructional programs addressing survival skills, daily living skills, or
social and prevocational skills.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 4
Sleep-Wake Activity Inventory #1656
Rosenthal, Roehrs & Roth, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed as a brief, multidimensional self-report measure of daytime sleepiness and (subjective)
sleep disturbance.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Biological Psychiatry, 34, 810-820 and pg 680 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Slingerland Screening Test for Identifying Children with Specific Language Disability #288
Slingerland, 1970
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 5-6 yrs; 6-7 yrs; 8-9 yrs; 10-11 yrs
Description: Screens primary school children for indications of specific language disabilities in reading,
spelling, handwriting, and speaking.
Time: 20-25 mins each session
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Bay 4, Shelf 1
Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) #289
Slosson, 1961, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: 4+ yrs
Description: A quick and reliable test that evaluates crystallised intelligence in children.
Time: untimed; 10-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Sets
Smoking Self-Efficacy Questionnaire #1539
Colletti & Supnick, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures beliefs about one's ability to resist the urge to smoke.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavioral Assessment, 7, 249-260 and pg.749 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Social Adjustment Scale - Self Report #1540
Weissman & Paykel, 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure adaptive functioning within a variety of social contexts.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 33, 1111-1115 and pg.752 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Social Activities & Distress Scale (SAD) #475
Watson & Friend, 1969
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: A measure of social anxiety as a way of gauging interpersonal differences.
Time: 2-3 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Assessment: A Mental Health Portfolio (Interpersonal Difficulties)
Social Anxiety Scale for Children #626
LaGreca, Dandes, Wick, Shaw & Stone, 1988
Range: 6-12 yrs
Description: A broad scale designed to include not only subjective anxiety, but also social avoidance and fear
of negative evaluation
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.186 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Social Anxiety Subscale of the Self-Consciousness Scale #627
Fenigstein, Scheier & Buss, 1975
Range: Adults
Description: Looks at social anxiety as discomfort in the presence of others.
Location: pg.179 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Social Anxiety Thoughts Questionnaire #1541
Hartman, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures the frequency of cognitions that accompany social distress and anxiety.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 40, 137-139 and pg.763 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Social Attitudes Statement and Referent Scales #1678
Kerlinger, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures general factors of liberalism and conservatism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: "Liberalism and conservatism: The nature and structure of social attitudes" by F.N. Kerlinger.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates and pg 83 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SAD) #628
Watson & Friend, 1969
Range: Adults
Description: Looks at the tendency for people to avoid social interactions and to feel anxious while in them.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.177 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes" and pg 76 from
“Assessment Scales in Depression,Mania and Anxiety”
Social Climate Scales #290
Moos, 1987
Administration: Group
Description: A guide that covers the 10 scales in the series.
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Filed 3
Social Competence & Behaviour Evaluation (SCBE) - Pre School Edition #520
LaFreniere & Dumas, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: 30-78 mths
Description: Designed to assess patterns of social competence, affective expression, and adjustment difficulties
in children.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Social Criticism Scale #629
Jessor & Jessor, 1977
Range: 14-18 yrs
Description: Questions in this scale focus on areas such as social justice, economic opportunity, personal
fulfilment, militarism, the environment and education.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.355 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Social Distance Scale #1771
Bogardus, 1928
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the extent to which people wish to maintain social distance and increasing levels of
intimate contact between themselves and members of different social, racial, ethnic, or national groups.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Sociology and Social Research, 17, 265-271 and pg 335 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Social Distance Scale Variation 1: Social Scale #1717
Byrnes & Kiger, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures willingness to interact with and accept black people in various social roles.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurements, 48, 107-119 and pg 340 from "Measures of Political
Social Distance Scale Variation 2: Social Distance Questionnaire # 1718
Crandall, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures social rejection and willingness to interact with an individual member of a social group
social roles.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 1, 165-172 and pg 341 from "Measures of
Political Attitudes"
Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) Scale #1729
Sidanius & Pratto, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Description: Measures individual differences in the extent to which respondents prefer inequality among social
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1994, Vol.67, No 4, 741-763 and pg 383 from
"Measures of Political Attitudes"
Social Fear Scale #1542
Raulin & Wee, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures the particular type of social fear that is believed to be a common characteristic of
schizotypic individuals.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 40, 780-784 and pg.767 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Social Inclusion Survey (SIS) #851
Fredrickson, 1994
Administration: Group
Range: 7+ yrs
Description: Two questionnaires which indicate how well a pupil is accepted within a class or other group in
school. Uses sociometric (social measurement) techniques.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence)
Social Interaction Self-Statement Test #1543
Glass, Merluzzi, Biever & Larson, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure cognitions (self-statements) associated with anxiety about social interactions.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Cognitive Therapy and Research, 6, 37-55 and pg.769 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Social Network Index #938
Cohen & Doyle & Skoner & Rabin & Gwaltney, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at the number of different network domains in which a respondant is active.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal American Medical Association., 277, 1940-1944
Social Personality Inventory #381
Maslow, 1942
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-25 yrs
Description: Looks at the role of self-esteem in personalities of relatively normal people.
Time: untimed; 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children #981
Turner & Beidel & Morris, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-14 yrs
Description: Assesses social anxiety and social fears unique to childhood situations.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) #1902
Mattick, Clarke, 1998
Range: Adults
Description: The SPS was developed to assess fear of being observed by others during routine activities
whereas the SIAS measures fear of social interaction.
Time: 5 mins each
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behavioural Research and Therapy36(4):455-70 and pg 107 from "Assessment Scales iin Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
Social Pre-vocational Information Battery #291
Halpern, Raffeld, Irvin, Link & Munkres, 1975
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescents
Description: Designed to assess social and prevocational knowledge of junior and senior highschool educable
mentally retarded pupils and mildly retarded adults.
Time: untimed; 15-25 mins each test
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed & storage
Social Problem-Solving Inventory #1544
D'Zurilla & Nezu, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Multidimensional measure based on a prescriptive model of problem solving.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 2, 156-163 and pg.772 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Social Problem-Solving Inventory - Revised #1943
Zurilla, Nezu, Maydeu-Olivares, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: 13 yrs & older
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Social Readjustment Rating Scale #675
Holmes & Rahe, 1967
Description: Measures the intensity and length of time necessary to accommodate to a life event
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Psychsomatic Research, 11: 213-218
Social Responsibility Scale #1672
Berkowitz & Lutterman, 1968
Description: Assesses a person's traditional social responsibility, an orientation toward helping others even
when there is nothing to be gained from them.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Public Opinion Quarterly, 32, 169-185 and pg 23 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Social Reticence Scale #630
Jones & Briggs, 1986
Range: Adults
Description: A measure of social shyness: a form of social anxiety in which self-focus and reticence prevent
effective functioning in social situations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.184 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Social Rhythm Metric #1545
Monk, Flaherty, Frank & Kupfer, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the social rhythms that are important to structuring one's day.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 178, 120-126 and pg.780 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Social Scenarios #1722
Byrnes & Kiger, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Developed to assess self-esteem as it evolves from social interaction and exchange.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Educational and Psychological Measurement, 48, 107-119 and pg 358 from "Measures of Personality
& Social Psychological Attitudes"
Social Self-Esteem #631
Ziller, Hagey, Smith & Long, 1969
Range: Adults
Description: Developed to assess self-esteem as it evolves from social interaction and exchange.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.134 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Social Skills Improvement System #1956
Gresham, Elliott, 2008
Administration: Individual and small groups
Range: 3-18 yrs
Description: Enables target assessment of individuals snd small groups to help evaluate social skills, problem
behaviours, and academic competence. Teacher, parent and student forms help provide a comprehensive
picture across school, home, and community settings.
Time: 10-25 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Social Skills Improvement System – ASSIST Scoring and Rerporting System #2008
Gresham, Elliott 2008
Number in stock: Specimen Set
Social Skills Inventory #1147
Riggio & Carney, 2003
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure the possession of basic emotional and social communication skills. Looks at
three basic communication skills: 1) expressive skills, 2) sensitivity skills, 3) control skills.
Time: 30-45 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Social Skills Training #759
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 5-18 yrs
Description: Comprehensive package of up-to-date materials that provides the means to assess social
competence and design appropriate individual intervention programs.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 5
Social Skills Training Early Years of Schooling #1798
Petersen & Adderley 2002
Range: 4-8 yrs
Description: Social skills program for use in schools with children who have social – emotional –
behavioural difficulties. It is also designed as a classroom curriculum for all children to prevent
such difficulties arising. Prposed for 4-8 years.
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 4a
Social Skills Training Primary Years of Schooling #1799
Petersen & Adderley 2002
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Social skills program for use in schools with children who have social – emotional –
behavioural difficulties. It is also designed as a classroom curriculum for all children to prevent
such difficulties arising. Prposed for 8-12 years
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 4a
Social Skills Training Supplement for Middle Years of Schooling #1800
Peterson & Lewis 2004
Range: 12-15 yrs
Description: Social skills program for use in schools with children who have social – emotional –
behavioural difficulties. It is also designed as a classroom curriculum for all children to prevent
such difficulties arising. Prposed for 12-15 years.
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 4a
Social Support Appraisals Scale #1546
Vaux et al, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15-48 yrs
Description: Measures subjective appraisals of support.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Community Psychology, 14, 195-219 and pg.783 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Social Support Behaviors Scale #1547
Vaux, Riedel & Stewart, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Assesses five models of social support: emotion, socialising, practical assistance, financial
assistance, and advice/guidance.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Community Psychiatry, 15, 209-237 and pg.786 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Social Support Index #1291
McCubbin, Patterson & Glynn, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the degree to which families find support in their communities.
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment: Resilience, Coping and Adaptation Inventories for Research and Practice.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 357-389 and pg.446 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ) - Short Form #423
Sarason, Shearin, Pierce & Sarason, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Provides a short and reliable measure of two aspects of social support. 1) number of support
2) satisfaction with support.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Social Support)
Social Support Resources Scale (SSR) #708
Vaux & Harrison, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the size, characteristics, and composition of an individual's social support network, and
the quality of the components relationship within it.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Parental Coping & Support)
Social Support Scale #495
Dean, 1961
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: American Sociological Review, 26, 753-758
Sociopolitical Control Scale #1548
Zimmerman & Zahniser, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: A measure that attempts to distinguish sociopolitical control from other types of perceived control.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Community Psychology, 19, 189-204 and pg.791 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Sociotropic Evaluations #1674
MacKuen , Erikson & Stimson, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures an individual's concern about the overall economic state of the country (in relation to
one's personal economic state)
Location: American Political Science Review, 86, 597-611 and pg 27 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) Scale #1729
Sidanius & Pratto, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures individual differences in the extent to which respondents prefer inequality among social
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67, 741-763 and pg 383 from "Measures of Political
Somatic, Cognitive, Behavioral Anxiety Inventory #1549
Lehrer & Woolfolk, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the three components of anxiety: behaviour (social avoidance), cognition
(worrying), and somatic (hyperventilation).
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavioral Assessment, 4, 167-177 and pg.793 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Somatic Symptom Inventory #1927
Barsky, Wyshak, Klerman, 1986
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses severity of somatic symptomatology.
Time: 7 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry 43(5):493-500 and pg 164 from "Assessment Scales in Depression,
Mania and Anxiety"
Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire #1550
Nijenhuis, van der Hart & Vanderlinden, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to evaluate the severity of somatoform symptomatology, which generally is found with
dissociative disorders.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.799 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Somatoform Disorders Schedule #1645
Janca, Burke, Isaac & WHO, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess somatoform disorders cross-culturally.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: European Psychiatry, 10, 373-378 and pg 596 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Somatoform Disorders Symptom Checklist #1646
Janca, Burke, Isaac & WHO, 1995
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess somatoform disorders cross-culturally.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: European Psychiatry, 10, 373-378 and pg 596 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS) #1010
Barsky, Wyshak & Klerman, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at patients' responses to visceral and somatic sensations.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Psychiatric Research, 24(4), 323-334
South Oaks Gambling Screen #1551
Lesier & Blume, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to identify pathological gamblers.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: American Journal of Psychiatry, 114, 1184-1188 and pg.803 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice:
a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Specific Interpersonal Trust Scale (SITS) #632
Johnson-George & Swap, 1982
Range: Adults
Description: Orientated towards the measurement of the varieties of interpersonal trust held by one individual
for a specific person.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.396 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Speech-Appearance Record (S-AR) #732
Bennett & Doppelt, 1967
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-25 yrs
Description: It provides, through a structured interview, a systematic procedure for evaluating a person's speech
and appearance.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Speed and Capacity of Language Processing Test #1929
Baddeley, Emslie, Nimmo Smith, 1992
Range: 16-79 yrs
Description: Detects and measure breakdown in language procesing in cognitive processes.
Number in Stock: Needs Permission (only The Spot-the-Word Test)
Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS) #696
Spence, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Provides an overall measure of anxiety consisting of 38 anxiety items, 6 filler items and one openended, non-scored iten. Written in child-friendly language.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Anxiety, Depression and Post Traumatic Stress in Childhood)
Spheres of Control #633
Paulhus, 1983
Range: Adults
Description: A three-dimensional battery of measures pertaining to the domains of personal efficacy,
interpersonal control, and sociopolitical control.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.428 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Spider Phobia Questionnaire for Children #1343
Kindt, Brosschot & Muris, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Designed to assess fear of spiders in children.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Behaviour Research and Therapy, 34, 277-282 and pg.623 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Spirituality, Religiousness & Personal Beliefs (SRPB) Field-Test Instrument #1040
World Health Organization, 2002
Range: Adult
Description: A field-test instrument consisting of 32 questions covering quality of life aspects related to
spirituality, religeousness, and personal beliefs.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Department of Mental Health & Substance Dependence, WHO, Geneva Switzerland
Spiltting Scale #1552
Gerson, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the characterological use of spitting as a defence mechanism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 40, 157-162 and pg.807 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Spitzer Quality of Life Index #1658
Spitzer et al, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Developed as a multidimensional assessment of quality of life for patients with chronic illnesses.
Time: 1 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Chronic Disease, 34, 585-597 and pg 149 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Spouse Enabling Inventory #1235
Thomas, Yoshioka & Ager, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses spouse behaviours that enable alcohol use of a marital partner.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.178 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Spouse Sobriety Influence Inventory #1236
Thomas, Yoshioka & Ager, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses two separate aspects of spouse efforts to change the partner's drinking behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Substance Abuse, 4, 309-318 and pg.184 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Spouse Treatment Mediation Inventories #1237
Ager & Thomas, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses a spouse's capability to function as a mediator of planned change between a therapist and
a target person who may or may not participate in the treatment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.191 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
St. Lucia Graded Word Reading Test #273
Andrews, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: Measures reading comprehension of children in primary school.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Stages of Change Readiness & Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES) #815
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: http://text.nlm.nih.gov
Stamp Behaviour Study Technique #292
Stamp, 1972
Range: 3-5 yrs
Description: Measures behavioural development and adjustment of preschool children.
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Filed & storage
Standard Folded Party Strength #1794
Campbell et al, 1954, 1960
Range: Adult
Description: Measures strength of identification with a political party.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Standard Progressive Matrices #293
Raven, 2000
Administration: Group or Individual
Range: 10+ yrs
Description: A test of non-verbal reasoning ability, particularly useful where reading or linguistic deficiencies
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: 1, 7 x1958
Location: Bay 5, Shelf 3
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale #294
Thorndike & Hagen & Sattler, 1986
Administration: Individual
Range: 2yrs - Adults
Description: This test is organised under a 3-level hierarchical model of intelligence: The model incorporates a
general ability factor, three broad factors (crystallised abilities, fluid-analytical abilities, and short term
memory), and three more specific factors (verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and abstract/visual
Time: Depends on test administered
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 20, Shelf 5 and Storage (3)
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale –5th Edition #944
Roid, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 2-90 yrs
Description: Includes comprehensive coverage of five factors--Fluid Reasoning, Knowledge, Quantitative
Reasoning, Visual-Spatial Processing, and Working Memory--and the ability to compare verbal and
nonverbal performance.
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 20, Shelf 4
Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale – Examiners Handbook #807
Delaney & Hopkins, 1988
Administration: Individual
Description: Designed to provide assistance in the administration, scoring, interpretation, and reporting of
results in the 4th edition of the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale.
Number in Stock: 6
Location: Bay 20, Shelf 5
Stanford Diagnostic Arithmetic Test - Level 1 & 2 #295
Beatty & Madden, 1966
Administration: Group
Range: 7-9 yrs; 9-13 yrs
Time: 16 mins/sitting
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
State Hope Scale #1347
Snyder et al, 1996
Administration: Group
Range: Adult
Description: A self-report measure of ongoing goal-directed thinking.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 321-335
State Trait Anger Expression Inventory #296
Spielberger, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Assesses anger components for use in detailed evaluations of normal and abnormal personality.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Storage 2
State Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 #772
Spielberger, 1999
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescents - Adult
Description: Measures the experience, expression, and control of anger. Assesses both the intensity of the
anger at a particular time and the frequency that anger is experienced, expressed, and controlled.
Time: 15-20 mins - untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 5(forms)
State Trait Anxiety Inventory #297
Spielberger, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent & Adult
Description: Designed to measure anxiety-proneness (trait) as well as the current level of tension-apprehension
Time: untimed; 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Form Y) (STAI) #1903
Spielberger, Gorush, Lushene, 1970
Range: Adults, Adolescents & Children
Description: Assesses state and trait levels of anxiety.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Location: pg 109 from "Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety"
State Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC) #75
Spielberger, 1973
Administration: Group
Range: 9-12 yrs
Description: Developed as a research tool for the study of anxiety in elementary school children. Used for
measuring two distinct anxiety concepts 1)the temporary condition of state anxiety (A-State) and 2)the
more general and longstanding quality of trait anxiety (A-Trait)
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Permission to Copy
State Trait Personality Inventory #298
Spielberger, 1995
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Looks at how the client feels at the particular moment they are asked to fill out the questionnaire.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
State versus Trait Loneliness Scale #634
Shaver, Furman & Buhrmester, 1985
Range: Adults
Description: The purpose of these scales is to distinguish short-term, possibly transient and situationally
induced loneliness from chronic, dispositional loneliness.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.255 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Stenographic Aptitude #299
Bennett, 1947
Administration: Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Stenographic Proficiency #300
Blackstone & McLaughlin, 1932
Administration: Group
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: A comprehensive test to measure the abilities of the stenographer or secretary.
Time: 4-6 mins depending on test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Stepwise Comparative Status Analysis (STEP) #1100
Wallin et al, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Developed to act as a complement to clinical and ADL assessments in the evaluation of a person
with suspected dementia.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 9, 185-199 and pg.117 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Stockton Geriatric Rating Scale #1158
Meer & Baker, 1966
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to rate needs based on behaviour, physical and mental functioning.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 21, 392-403 and pg.250 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Stop and Think Friendship – Video Package #1811
Peterson & LeMessurier, 2000
Range: 6-12 yrs
Discription: A social skills program for children aged 6-12 about making and keeping friends using an appealing
and impactful visual medium.
Time: 25 min.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Story Recall Test (SRT) #889
Beardsworth & Bishop, 1984
Administration: Indiviual
Range: 8-12 yrs
Description: A test of verbal memory that combines both listening comprehension and memory skills.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Memory & Listening Comprehension)
Strain Scale #1184
Gilleard, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Assessment of strain.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Beckenham:Croom Helm and pg.322 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Street Survival Skills Questionnaire #301
Linkenhoker & McCarron, 1979
Administration: Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Measures specific aspects of the adaptive behaviour of special education students, particularly the
mentally retarded.
Time: 60 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 9
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) The #1974
Range: 3-16yrs
Description: Brief behaviouralscrening questionnaire about 3-16years olds. It exists in severalversions to meet
the needs of researches, clinicians and educationalits.
Number in Stock: Photocopy on file
Stress-Arousal Checklist #1553
Mackay & Cox, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures stress and arousal using common adjectives.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 17, 283-284 and Educational and Psychological
Measurement, 45, 143-146 and pg.814 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Stressful Situations Questionnaire #1554
Hodges & Felling, 1970
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures apprehension and concerns in stressful situations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 34, 333-337 and pg.816 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Strong Interest Inventory-R #899
Strong, 1994
Administration: Indiviual
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Designed as an aid in making long-range vocational plans. It compares a person's interests with
those of others in a variety of occupations.
Time: 25-35 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 16, Shelf 5
Strong Vocational Interest – Blank #1921
Strong, 1966
Range: Adults
Description: Helps to identify different interests in different jobs among those occupations that college students
usually enter, helps to plan the future for the young people entering a work force.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Stroop Colour & Word Test #303
Golden, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: 7 yrs - Adult
Description: Differentiates between normal, brain damaged psychiatric, and brain damaged subjects. It
investigates personality, cognition, stress response, psychiatric disorders, and other psychological
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 5
Stroop Neuropsychological Screening Test #740
Trenerry, Crosson, DeBoe & Leber, 1989
Administration: Group
Range: 18-55+ yrs
Description: A standardised version of the Stroop procedure effectively differentiates brain-damaged from
normal adults. It consists of two parts 1) colour task and 2) colour-word task.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 5
Structured Assessment of Independent Living Skills (SALES) #1141
Mahurin, DeBettignieis & Pirozzolo, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assessment of everyday activities affected in dementia. Looks at motor tasks and cognitive tasks.
Time: 60 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 46, 58-66 and pg.212 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Structured Doll Play Test #302
Lynn, 1959
Administration: Individual
Range: 2-11 yrs
Description: Designed as a clinically useful doll play projective technique.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms (SIRS) #957
Rogers, Bagby & Dickens,
Administration: Individual
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Used to assess malingering and feigning of psychiatric symptoms.
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay8, Shelf 3
Structured Interview Questionnaire to Assess Pupil Learning Preferences in English and Science
Riding & Read, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 11-16 yrs
Description A questionnaire designed to indicate range of teaching approaches needed.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Learning Styles & Metacognition)
Structured Telephone Interview for Dementia Assessment (STIDA) #1093
Go et al, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to distinguish individuals with normal cognitive function from those with changes in
cognition and daily functioning suggestive of early Alzheimer's disease.
Time: 10-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 10, 161-167 and pg.81 - from "Assessment Scales in
Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Student Attitude Inventory #304
Anderson & Western, 1967
Administration: Group
Range: Tertiary Students
Description: Developed as a measure of the influence of exposure to an academic environment on student’s
Time: untimed; 15 mins
Number in Stock: 1 - out of print
Location: Bay 19, Shelf 2
Student Classroom Environment Measure (SCEM) #860
Midgley, Eccles & Feldlaufer, 1991
Administration: Group
Range: 5-17 yrs
Description Designed to sample students' perceptions of competition, social comparison among students,
opportunities for co-operative learning, interactions among students, teacher fairness, friendliness and
interest in class work.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (The Learning Environment)
Student Jenkins Activity Survey #1555
Yarnold & Bryant, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures Type A behaviours: coronary-prone behaviours that consist of time urgent/impatient,
hard-driving/competitive, and aggressive/hostile behaviours.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 9, 401-4145 and pg.819 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Study Habits Evaluation Kit #305
Jackson, Reid & Croft, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 13-17 yrs
Description: Measures and provides instruction on study habits.
Time: untimed; 30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Study of Values #306
Allport, Vernon & Lindzey, 1970
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the relative prominence of an individual’s basic interests or personality motives.
Time: untimed; 20 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed
Study Process Questionnaire #307
Biggs, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses a student’s general orientation towards learning by identifying the motives and strategies
that comprise an approach to learning.
Time: timed; 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-Adolescent 2 (SASSI-A2) #982
Miller, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: Consists of nine scales that identify adolescents as either High Probability or Low Probability of
having a Substance Use Disorder.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 18, Shelf 8
Substitutes for Leadership Scales #1027
Kerr & Jermier, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: A 55-item scale used for trying to predict the effects of leadership on subordinate criteria
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Organiizational Behavior and Human Performance, 22, 375-403
Subsumed Abilities Test #308
Sanders, 1963
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Used to determine relatively quickly if an individual or group is able and willing to learn or to use
a previously learned written language, system of mathematics, coding system, or other visual symbol
Time: 15-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed & storage
Subtle and Blatant Prejudice Scales #1726
Pettigrew & Meertens, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Assesses prejudice toward a variety of racial and ethnic groups, distinguishing between blatant
prejudice and subtle prejudice.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: European Journal of Social Psychology, 25, 57-75 and pg 373 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Support for Democracy #1706
Weil, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: To distinguish between support for democratic principles and values, and evaluations of
democracy as a form of government
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Sociological Review, 54, 682-706 and pg 254 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Support for Democratic Institutions #1766
Schmitt, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Developed to tap specific and diffuse support for democratic forms of government.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: European Journal of Political Research, 11, 353-376 and pg 525 from "Measures of Political
Support for Democratic Principles #1701
Kaase, 1971
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Identifies attitudes on a number of consensual and contested principles common to democratic
systems, including basic democratic values and support for political rights versus social order.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Political Science, 24, 469-493 and pg235 from “Measures of Political Attitudes”.
Support for the Political Community #1767
Sniderman, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Taps supportive feelings toward the national political community.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Sniderman, P.M. (1981). A question of loyalty. Berkeley: University of California Press and pg 526
from “Measures of Political Attitudes”.
Survey of Heterosexual Interactions #1556
Twentyman & McFall, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs Males
Description: Designed to evaluate males' ability to handle social situations involving interaction with women.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behavior Modifications, 5, 523-552 and pg.824 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Survey of Interpersonal Values 2nd Edition #309
Gordon, 1976
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the relative importance of six values (support, conformity, recognition, independence,
benevolence, leadership) associated with the way in which people relate to one another.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: pg.736 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Survey of Personal Values #310
Gordon, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the critical values that help an individual determine coping ability with everyday
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Survey of School Attitudes #311
Hogan, 1975
Administration: Group
Range: 6-9 yrs; 10-14 yrs
Description: Assesses children’s reaction to major areas of school curriculum.
Time: untimed; 30-40 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Survey of Study Habits & Attitudes #508
Brown & Holtzman, 1967
Range: 14-20 yrs
Description: Measures study methods, motivation for studying, and certain attitudes towards scholastic
activities that are important in the classroom
Time: 20-35 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Survey of Work Styles #2013
Douglas, Jackson, Gray 1998
Administration: Individual or Groups
Range: 18+yrs
Discription: The SWS measures six distinct components of TABP: Anger, Job Dissatistaction, Time Urgency,
Impatience, Work Involvement and Competetivenes.
Time: 15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Survey Psychiatric Assessment Schedule (SPAS) #1167
Bond, Brooks, Carstairs & Giles, 1980
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Assesses the prevelance of the whole range of psychiatric disorders affecting elderly people.
Time: 20-30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, 137, 148-162 and pg.281 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Sutherland Phonological Awareness Test-R (SPAT-R) #940
Neilson, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-8 yrs
Description: Measures children's phonological awareness.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Swedish Conservatism Scale #1683
Sidanius & Nilsson & Ekehammar, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measure of sociopolitical attitudes in Sweden
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 111 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Sweets Technical Information Test (STIT) #384
Sweet, 1973
Administration: Group
Range: 14-17 yrs
Description: Measures the technical knowledge of students.
Time: timed; 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Symbol Digit Modalities Test #313
Smith, 1982
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8+ years
Description: Detects cognitive impairment in less than 5 minutes.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Symonds Picture Story Test #314
Symonds, 1964
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescents
Description: A projective technique designed for the study of personality of adolescent boys and girls.
Time: untimed; 60 mins each set
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R) #315
Derogatis, 1993
Range: 13+ yrs
Description: Designed to primarily reflect the psychological symptom patterns of psychiatric and medical
Time: 12-15 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 3
Symptom Interpretation Questionnaire #664
Robins & Kirmayer, 1991
Range: Adult
Description: Explores the casual attributions of common somatic symptoms.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Medicine 21, 1029-1045
Symptom Questionnaire #1557
Kellner, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures four major aspects of psychopathology: depression, anxiety, somatization, and angerhostility.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 48, 268-274 and pg.830 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Symptom Sign Inventory (SSI) #316
Foulds & Hope, 1968
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used as an aid to the differential diagnosis of the mentally ill.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Symptoms Checklist #1558
Bartone, Ursano, Wright & Ingraham, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures frequency of psychiatric symptoms.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 177, 317-328 and pg.834 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Systematic Assessment for Treatment Emergent Events #1647
Levine & Schooler, 1986
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to provide a strategy or technique for eliciting treatment-emergent adverse events in the
context of clinical drug trials.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin,22, 343-381 and pg 155 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
and pg 156 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”.
Systematic Interview Guide #317
Scott, 1967
Administration: Individual
Range: Brth-5 yrs
Description: Aimed to bring system into the information obtained from the mother about her child’s early
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Systems of Belief Inventory (SBI-15R) #766
Holland et al, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-82 yrs
Description: Designed to measure religious and spiritual beliefs and practices, and the social support derived
from a community sharing those beliefs.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psycho-Oncology, 7, 460-469
Szondi Test #318
Szondi, 1949
Administration: Individual
Description: An experimental method for revealing the psychologic effects of the latent genes as they direct us
in our spontaneous choice reactions.
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Taking Control of My Own Learning #884
Cameron, 1999
Administration: Group
Range: 11-16+ yrs
Description: Relates to learning style and self-regulation of learning. Uses tactics for more efficient learning.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Self-Regulated Learning and Behaviour) & Psychology in
Education Portfolio (Learning Styles & Metacognition)
Tardive Dyskinesia Rating Scale (TDRS) #1176
Simpson, Lee, Zoubok & Gardos, 1979
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used to assess the nature and severity of abnormal movements in psychiatric patients. Useful in
studies in older people with schizophrenia.
Time: 20-25 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychopharmacology, 64, 171-179 and pg.304 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Target Child Observation (TCO) #704
Sylva, Roy & Painter, 1980
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-6 yrs
Description: An instument for describing the behaviour of an individual child in a preschool setting.
Time: 20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Social Behaviour & Competence in Childhood)
Taxonomy of Problem Situations (TOPS) #700
Dodge, McClaskey & Feldman, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-11 yrs
Description: A situationally based measure of competence focused on the school setting. Looks at teacher's
appraisals of the children's social skills.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Social Behaviour & Competence in Childhood) & Psychology in
Education Portfolio (Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence)
TCU Depression and Decision Making Scales #1559
Joe et al, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures depression and decision making in intravenous drug users.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Reports, 68, 339-347 and pg.836 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
Teacher Classroom Environment Measure (TCEM) #861
Midgley, Eccles & Feldlaufer, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-17 yrs
Description: Designed to sample teachers' perceptions of their general teaching and marking practices,
discipline techniques, reward strategies, opportunities for student autonomy and co-operative interaction
in the classroom.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (The Learning Environment)
Teachers School Entry Screening Test #319
Sheppard, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: 4.9-7 yrs
Description: A test for teachers to be used only as a screening device.
Time: Varies depending on test
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Filed
Teacher Stress & Coping Questionnaire #1940
Forlin, 2001
Range: Adults
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Publisher: Faculty of Education The University of Southern Queensland.
Teaching All Children To Read #795
Wallach & Wallach, 1976
Administration: Individual
Range: Child
Description: A set of procedures for helping a child learn to read.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Team Management Profile Questionnaire #916
Margerison & McCann, 1997
Range: Adult
Description: A 60-item assessment focused on enhancing the understanding of an individual's approach to
work. It provides constructive, work-based information outlining an individual's work peferences, based
on the Team Management Wheel, and the strengths that an individual brings to a team.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status #1095
Brandt, Spencer & Folstein, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A cognitive screening test that does not require face-to-face interaction and can be administered
over the telephone.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology and pg.86 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Templer Death Anxiety Scale #1560
Templer, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures respondents' anxiety about death.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.838 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Temporal Satisfaction with Life Scale #1018
Pavot, Diener & Suh,1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses an individual's past, present and future life satisfaction.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Jourmal of Personality Assessment, 70(2), 340-354 and pg.840 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Tennessee Self Concept Scale #1911
William, Fitts, 1965
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 12+ yrs
Description: Assesses self concept.
Time: 10-20 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set, Storage 3
Tennessee Self Concept Scale #320
Roid & Fitts, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 12+ yrs
Description: Measures an individual’s self concept in the terms of identity, feelings and behaviour.
Time: untimed; 10-20 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: on file
Ten-Point Clock Test #1072
Manos & Wu, 1994
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A screening measure for dementia.
Time: 3-5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 24, 229-244 and pg.55 - from "Assessment Scales in Old
Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Test Anxiety Inventory #515
Spielberger, Gonzalez, Taylor, Anton, Algaze, Ross & Westberry, 1980
Administration: Individual & Group
Range: 14-25 yrs
Description: Measures individual differences in test-taking anxiety.
Time: 8-10 mins
Number in Stock: Permission to copy
Tests of Academic Progress #998
Scannel, 1965
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15-18 yrs
Description: Designed to provide an efficient and comprehensive appraisal of student progress towards the
academic education of secondary school. Comprises of 6 tests; Social Studies, Composition, Science,
Reading, Mathematics, and Literature.
Time: timed sub tests
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Test of Everyday Attention #393
Robertson, Ward, Ridgeway, Nimmo-Smith,1994
Administration: Individual
Range: 16+ years
Description: Tests three aspects of attention 1)selective attention, 2)sustained attention, 3)attentional switching.
Time: 45-60 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 5
Test of Everyday Attention for Children #1935
Manly, Robertson, Anderson & Nimmo-Smith, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-16 yrs
Description: Particularly relevant for use with children diagnosed or suspected attention dificulties, in more
clearly identifying the paterns of attentional problems they may have and informing treatment and
management programs.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 5
Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adult (TOFHLA) #1939
Nurss, Parker,Williams, Baker, 1995
Administration: Adult
Description: Designed to evaluate adult literacy in the health care setting.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Test of Interpersonal Competence for Employment (Working II) #760
Foss & Vilhauer, 1986
Range: Adult
Description: Develops scoial competence for a range of employment settings. Used to assess handicapped
persons' knowledge of critically important social competencies required in work settings.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 5
Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) #894
Tombaugh, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-84 yrs
Description: Provides a systematic method to assist neuropsychologists in discriminating between bona fide
memory-impaired patients and malingerers.
Time: 15 min
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 5
Test of Motor Impairment #321
Stott, Moyes & Henderson, 1972
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-6 yrs; 7-9 yrs; 11-12 yrs; 13-14 yrs
Description: Identifies and describes impairments of gross-motor and fine-motor functioning in children.
Time: Varies depending on test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 1
Test of Negative Social Exchange #1562
Ruehlman & Karoly, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures negative social exchange (social interactions).
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Psychological Assessment, 3, 97-104 and pg.843 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Test of Non Verbal Intelligence (TONI-2) #322
Brown, Sherbenou & Johnsen, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 5+ yrs
Description: Provides a language-free measure of intelligence and reasoning.
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Storage
Test of Non Verbal Intelligence-3 (TONI-3) #912
Brown, Sherbenou & Johnsen, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-89 yrs
Description: A language-free, motor reduced, and culture reduced measure of intellectual functioning.
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 3
Test of Reading Comprehension (TORCH) #726
Mossenson, Hill & Masters, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-12 yrs, 11-15 yrs
Description: Aim to assess the extent to which readers are able to obtain meaning from text. A set of fourteen
untimed stories
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set / Photocopy
Test of Social Inference #761
Edmonson, deJung, Leyland & Leach, 1974
Administration: Individual
Range: 12-19 yrs
Description: Devised to assess the differences with which one and another person makes social interpretations
and the relevance of social inerpretations to behaviour.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 5
Test of Personality Adjustment #1920
Rogers, 1931
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 9-13 yrs
Description: The test is an instrument devised to measure roughly the extend to which a child is satisfactorily
adjusted toward his fellows, his family and himself.
Time: 40-50 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Texas Social Behavior Inventory #635
Helmreich, Stapp & Ervin, 1974
Range: Adults
Description: An objective measure of an individual’s feelings of self-worth or social competence constructs
that are not distinguished conceptually or empirically.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.131 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) #323
Bellak, 1973
Administration: Individual
Range: 3 yrs-Adult
Description: Assesses personality through projective technique focusing on dominant drives, emotions,
sentiment, complexes, attitudes, and conflict.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 11 (2 + 3 in storage)
Location: Bay 13, Shelf 2
Think Good – Feel Good #1937
A Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Workbook for Children and Young People.
Stallard, 2002
Number in Stock: 5
Locatiopn: Bay 21, Shelf 2
Thought Control Questionnaire #1563
Wells & Davies, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18-47 yrs
Description: Designed to assess strategy for controlling unpleasant and unwanted thoughts.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Behaviour Research and Therapy, 32, 871-878 and pg.845 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Threat Appraisal Scale #1564
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Situation-specific measure of the extent to which respondents perceive a situation as holding
potential for harm to self.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.849 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire #1652
Stunkard & Messick, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses restrained eating and its relationship to obesity and eating disorders.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 29, 71-83 and pg 657 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Time and Change Test #1092
Inouye, Robinson, Groehlich & Richardson, 1998
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: A standardised performance-based test incorporating real world activities as an adjunct to
screening tests developed for dementia.
Time: 25 sec
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Gerontology, 54A, M281-M286 and pg.79 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Time Urgency and Perpetual Activation Scale (TUPA) #1565
Wright & McCurdy & Rogoll, 1992
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures two components of Type A behaviour patterns that are associated with coronary heart
disease: time urgency and perpetual activation.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Assessment, 4, 352-356 and pg.851 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
TMR Performance Profile #324
DiNola, Kaminsky & Sternfeld, 1968
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adolescent
Description: An evaluation scale for pupil performance based upon teacher-observation. To be used with the
moderately and severely handicapped.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed
Token Test - Revised (RTT) #325
McNeil & Prescott, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess the integrity of the auditory system related to aphasia. It looks at colour, shape
and size of the tokens.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 3
Toronto Alexithymia Scale-1 #820
Bagby, Parker & Taylor, 1994
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Psychosomatic Research 38(1) 23-32
Torrance Test of Creative Thinking #326
Torrance & Ball, 1984
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 5+ yrs
Description: Assesses the ability to visualise and transform words, meanings and patterns.
Time: 30-45 mins
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 4, Shelf 3 & 4
Torrance Thinking Creatively with Action and Movement #327
Torrance, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-8 yrs
Description: Assesses the creativity of young children through verbal and physical responses.
Time: 10-30 mins
Number in Stock: 8
Location: Bay 4, Shelf 3 & 4
Torrance Thinking Creatively with Sounds and Words #328
Torrance, Khatena & Cunnington, 1973
Administration: Group
Range: Level I - 8-18 yrs; Level II - Adults
Description: A battery of two tests 1)sounds and images, 2)onomatopoeia and images.
Time: 30 mins / test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 4, Shelf 3 & 4
Torrance Thinking Creatively with Sounds and Words-R #942
Khatena & Torrance, 1998
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 8-20 yrs
Description: This test is composed of two independent tests. Assesses creative thinking through the
employment of stimuli.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Torrens Semi-Diagnostic Mathematics for Beginning Year 3 (TDMT3) #371
Westwood, 1975
Administration: Individual
Range: 7-8 yrs
Description: An orally administered test to detect pupils who are deficient in their understanding of basic
concepts and the number system.
Time: untimed; 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Tourette’s Disorder Scale (TODS) #1866
Shytle, Silver, Sheehan, 2003
Range: 6-17 yrs
Description: Assessment of tics and comorbid symptoms.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Assessment 2003; 10: 273-87 and pg 114 from “Assessment Scales in Child and Adolescent
Traditional Family Ideology (TFI) #636
Levinson & Huffman, 1955
Range: Adults
Description: Designed to assess differences in family ideology along an authoritarian-democratic dimension.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.557 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Trail Making Test #329
Reitan, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: An easily administered test of visual conception and visuomotor tracking.
Time: timed; varies with each test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Trail Making Test for Children #330
Reitan, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: 9-14 yrs
Description: An easily administered test of visual conception and visuomotor tracking.
Time: timed; varies with each test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Trainee Performance Sample (TPS) #331
Irvin & Gersten, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescents & Adults
Description: Designed to measure the type and amount of resources required for vocational skill training of
severely retarded adolescents and adults.
Time: 20-25 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 17, Shelf 9
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) #1038
Petrides & Furnham, 2003
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure global trait emotional intelligence. It has been constructed with the aim of
providing comprehensive coverage of the trait EI domain.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: European Journal of Personality, 17, 39-57
Trait Forgivingness Scale #1962
Berry, Worthington, Jr., O'Connor, et al., 2005
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality 73:1 February 2005
Trait Meta-Mood Scale #1042
Salovey, Mayer, Goldman, Turvey & Palfai, 1995
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at emotional intelligence. Measures Attention to Feelings; Clarity of Discrimination of
Feelings; and Mood Repair.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: ennebaker, J. W. (1995) Emotion, Disclosure, and Health. Washington, D.C.: American
Psychological Association. (pp. 125-154)
Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) #964
Briere, 1996
Administration: Individual
Range: 8-16 yrs
Description: Measures posttraumatic stress and related psychological symptomology in children who have
experienced traumatic events such as physical and sexual abuse, major loss, natural disaster or witnessing
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) #375
Briere, 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to evaluate posttraumatic stress and other psychological effects of traumatic events
including rape, spouse abuse, physical assault, combat, major accidents, natural disasters, and the lasting
sequelae of childhood abuse.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 19, Shelf 7
Treatment Services Review #1649
McLellan et al, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Used to provide a quantitative profile of the number and types of treatment services received by
patients during alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation.
Time: 10 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg 206 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Triple P #1981
Sanders, Ralph, 2002
Range: Parents of teenagers 12 to 16 yrs old
Description: System of easy to implement, proven parenting solutions that helps solve current parenting
problems and prevents future problems before they arise.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 3, Shelf 2
Trust in Physician Scale #1566
Anderson & Dedrick, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures patients' interpersonal trust in their primary-care physicians.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychological Reports, 67, 1091-1100 and pg.858 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Trust in Government Scale #1746
Miller, 1974
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the public's general trust in the national government in Washington, D.C..
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 68, 951-972 and pg 481 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Trust in Government Scale #1748
Muller & Jukam, 1977
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures different aspects of attitudes toward the federal government and government officials.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Political Science Review, 71, 1561-1595 and pg 486 from "Measures of Political
Trust in the Incumbent Congress and the Presidency Items #1749
Abramson & Finifter, 1981
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures trust in the incumbent president and Congress.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: American Journal of Political Science, 25, 297-307 and pg 488 from "Measures of Political
Trust in Member of Congress Scale #1750
Parker & Parker, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses trust in the congressional representative.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 490 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Trust in Local Government Scale #1751
Baldassare, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures feelings of trust in local government
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Social Science Quarterly, 66, 704-712 and pg 493 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Trust Scale #637
Rempel & Holmes, 1986
Range: Adults
Description: A measure of trust in close relationships.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.400 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
TWEAK Test #1650
Russell, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Briefly screens for heavy drinking and clinically significant current or past alcohol problems.
Time: 1 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 15, 991-1000 and pg 470 from “Handbook of
Psychiatric Measures”
Twenty-Item Counterbalanced F Scale #638
Christie, Havel & Seidenberg, 1958
Range: Adults
Description: Designed as a counterbalanced F-scale with reversed items that were worded in probabilistic
language intended to appeal to relatively sophisticated and liberal respondents.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.536 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Type A Behaviour Pattern #498
Greenberg, 1996
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Comprehensive Stress Management. Madison: Brown & Benchmark
UAB Pain Behaviour Scale #417
Richards, Nepomuceno, Riles & Suer, 1982
Administration: Individual
Description: Used for rating different pain behaviours. Designed to be administered and scored rapidly by a
variety of health care professionals.
Time: untimed: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Pain & Pain Behaviours)
UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3) #639
Russell & Cutrona, 1988
Range: Adults
Description: Measures loneliness conceptualised as a unidimensional emotional response to a discrepancy
between desired and achieved levels of social contact.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.250 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
UCLA Social Support Inventory #684
Dunkel-Schetter, Feinstein & Call, 1986
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: University of California, Los Angeles.
Understanding Myself: Managing My Own Behaviour #885
Cameron, 1999
Administration: Group
Range: 8-13 yrs
Description: Self-management of behaviour which prevents learning.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Self-Regulated Learning and Behaviour)
Universal Orientation Scale (UOS) #1730
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the tendency toward non-prejudice
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 420-434 and pg 388 from "Measures of Political
University Characteristics Index #332
Administration: Group
Range: Adults
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Filed & storage
University Environment Scale #1567
Gloria & Kurpius, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures university students' perceptions of the university environment.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Hispanc Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 18, 533-549 and pg.860 - from "Measures for Clinical
Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Unlabelled Fascist Attitudes #640
Edwards, 1941
Range: Adults
Description: Developed as a subtle measure of fascism broadening the concept by basing it on writings about
the nature of fascism.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.516 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale #2027
Administration: Individual
Range: 18-85 yrs
Description: Assesses risk taking and impulsive behaviour.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Utility Test #333
Wilson, Merrifield & Guilford, 1969
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescents
Time: 5 mins each part
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Validity Indicator Profile (VIP) #1349
Frederick, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 18-69 yrs
Description: Used with patients who are being evaluated or treated for cognitive difficulties. It consists of two
subtests, Nonverbal and Verbal.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Value Orientations #641
Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 1961
Range: Adults
Description: Measures the orientations of respondents toward four dilemmas, representing common human
problems for which all people at all times must find some solution.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.713 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Value Profile #642
Bales & Couch, 1969
Range: Adults
Description: Used to measure agreement with a set of value statements considered relevant to interaction with
others in laboratory group studies.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.693 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Value Survey #643
Rokeach, 1967
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses goals in life (terminal values) and modes of conduct (instrumental values) in terms of
their relative importance as guiding principles in life.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.673 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Values Survey #1668
Schwartz & Bardi, 2001
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Evaluates the importance of abstract values, presented out of context, using a complex numerical
scale to indicate their evaluations.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 32(3), 268-290
Values Conflict Resolution Assessment #1568
Kinnier, 1987
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 21-55 yrs
Description: Designed to assess the extent to which an individual is resolved about a specific values conflict.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34, 34-37 and pg.862 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test #693
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale (VADPRS) #1867
Wolraich, Lambert, Doffing et al., 2003
Range: 6-11 yrs
Description: Assesse disruptive problems.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2003; 28: 559-68 and pg 166 from “Assessment Scales in Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry”
Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Teacher Rating Scale (VADTRS) #1868
Wolarich, Feurer, Hannah, Baumgaertel, Pinnock, 1998
Range: 6-12 yrs
Description: Assesses disruptive problems.
Time: 10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 1998; 26: 141-52 and pg 166 from “Assessment Scales in
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”.
Varni-Thompson Paediatric Pain Questionnaire (PPQ) #420
Varni, Thompson & Hanson, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: Children
Description: Designed to be sensitive to the cognitive/developmental abilities of children. It addresses the
intensity of pain on a visual analogue scale and body outline together with sensory, affective and
evaluative aspects of pain experience.
Time: Child form <10 mins; Parent form 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Measures in Health Psychology: A Users Portfolio (Pain & Pain Behaviours)
Verbal Aggressiveness Scale #1569
Infante & Wigley,III, 1986
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures verbal aggressiveness as a trait that predisposes people to attack the self-concept of
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Communication Monographs, 53, 61-69 and pg.868 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Verbal Language Development Scale #376
Mecham, 1971
Administration: Individual
Range: 1-16 yrs
Description: An extension of the communication portion of the Vineland Social Maturity Scale.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set - out of print
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Classroom Edition #335
Sparrow, Balla & Cicchetti, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Birth-18 yrs
Description: Designed to measure personal and social sufficiency.
Time: 60-90 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 2
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Expanded Form #334
Sparrow, Balla & Cicchetti, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-12 yrs
Description: Designed to measure personal and social sufficiency.
Time: 20 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 1(forms)
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Interview Edition #336
Sparrow, Balla & Cicchetti, 1984
Administration: Individual
Range: Birth-18 yrs
Description: Designed to measure personal and social sufficiency.
Time: 20-60 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 1 (forms)
Vineland II - ASSIST The Teacher Rating Form #1950
Sparrow, Cicchetti, Balla, 2008
Scoring and Reporting System
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Vineland II – ASSIST Expanded Form #1972
Sparrow, Cicchetti, Balla, 2008
Scoring and Reporting System
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Vineland II – ASSIST Reporting System #1973
Sparrow, Cicchetti, Balla, 2008
Scoring and Reporting System
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Vineland II - Survey Interview #1661
Sparrow, Cicchetti & Balla 2005
Administration: Individual
Range: Birth-89 yrs
Description: Used to measure adaptive and maladaptive behaviour.
Time: 20-60 min mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 9, shelf 4 (forms)
Vineland-II Expanded Interview #1662
Sparrow, Cicchetti & Balla 2005
Administration: Individual
Range: Birth-89 yrs
Description: Used to measure adaptive and maladaptive behaviour.
Time: 20-60 min mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 9, shelf 4 (forms)
Vineland II – Teacher Rating #1663
Sparrow, Cicchetti & Balla 2005
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-21:11 yrs
Description: Used to measure adaptive and maladaptive behaviour.
Time: 20-60 min mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Bay 9, shelf 4 (forms)
Vineland Social Maturity Scale #337
Doll, 1965
Administration: Individual
Range: Birth-30 yrs
Description: Provides an outline of detailed performances in respect to which children show a progressive
capacity for looking after themselves.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Storage 4
Location: Specimen Set
Visual Neglect #1301
Gauthier, DeHaut & Joanette, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adult
Description: This test is used to detect visual hemi-inattention or "hemineglect" usually to the side contralateral
to the lesion. This test is also known as the Bells Test.
Time: 1-5 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: International Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 11,49-54 and pg. 547 - "A Compendium of
Neuropsychological Tests"
Visual Object and Space Perception Battery (VOSP) #1933
Warrington, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adults
Description: Consists of eight tests, each designed to assess a particular aspect of object or space perception
while minimizing the involvement of other cognitive skills.The VOSP will enable an assessor to compare
the scores of a subject with those of a normal control sample and those obtained from patients with rightand left-cerebral lesions.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 6
Visual Patterns Test: a test of short term visual memory #1801
Della Sala, Gray, Baddeley & Wilson, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Description: Measures short term visual memory.
Number in Stock: 1
Vocational & Educational Counselling #370
Bennett & Orbach, 1945
Range: Adults
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Vocational Behaviour Checklist #338
Walls, Zane & Werner, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: 16+ yrs
Description: Assesses pre-vocational and vocational skills, assists in planning individualised programming, and
assesses the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Filed & storage
Vocational Preference Inventory #339
Holland, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Assesses personality using occupational item content.
Time: 15-30 mins
Number in Stock: 1 x 1985 Ed; 6 x 1978 Ed
Location: Filed & storage
Vocational Training Screening Test #340
Schalock, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at teaching vocational skills within a community based mental retardation program.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Storage
WAIS-R as a Neuropsychological Instrument (WAIS-R NI) #162
Kaplan, Morris & Delis, 1991
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-74 yrs
Description: Used as an alternative method of interpreting subtest results when assessing adults with a known
or suspected brain dysfunction.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay11, Shelf 2
WAIS III Assessment #826
Kaufman & Lichtenberger, 1999
Description: A book that covers administration, scoring, interpretation, and reporting. It gives expert advice on
avoiding common pitfalls and is conveniently formatted for rapid reference.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
WAIS III / WMS III Writer #827
Psychological Corporation, 1998
Range: 16-89 yrs
Description: Generates four types of reports to provide an accurate interpretation of the examinee's intellectual
and memory functioning.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
WAIS-III/WMS-III/WIAT-II Writer (Windows Version) #908
Psychological Corporation, 2001
Range: 16-89 yrs
Description: Efficiently scores and interprets results. Offers a clear, concise interpretation of cognitive,
memory, and achievement scores.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
WAIS-IV (Scoring Assisstant) #1951
Wechsler, 2008
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Description: Assesses intelectual ability in adults
Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal #341
Watson & Glaser, 1980
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 14+ yrs
Description: Assesses critical thinking abilities
Time: 40 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Way of Life Scale #1570
Wright et al, 1990
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures nonmutuality, a measure of exaggerated social control thought to be related to Type A
behaviour pattern.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Research Personality, 24, 258-269 and pg.870 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 2"
Ways of Coping #502
Greenberg, 1996
Location: adapted from: 9-to-5 National Survey of Women & Stress, Cleveland, Ohio.
Ways of Coping - Cancer Version #685
Dunkel-Schetter, Feinstein, Taylor & Falke, 1992
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Health Psychology, 11: 79-87.
Ways of Coping Questionnaire #312
Folkman & Lazarus, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses coping in a reconstructed recent stressful encounter, through what they thought, felt and
Time: 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: Permission to Copy
Ways of Coping Checklist - Adult #1185
Vitaliano et al, 1985
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: A measure of an individual's ability to cope based on Lazarus's transactional model of stress.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Multivariate Behavioral Research, 20, 3-26 and pg.324 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry,
2nd Ed."
Ways of Coping Checklist – Child/Adolescent #1812
Halstead & Bennett Johnson & Cunningham, 1993
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Ways to Live #644
Morris, 1956
Range: Adults
Description: Descriptions of 13 philosophies of life are evaluated by respondents in terms of the kind of life
they personally would like to live.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.685 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Ways to Live (Short Form) #624
Dempsey & Dukes, 1966
Range: Adults
Description: A short form of the Ways to Live test in that the 13 philosophies have been cut down to less than
50 words each.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg.690 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Webster Scale #1175
Webster, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Elderly
Description: Used for assessing the degree of disability in Parkinson's disease.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Modern Treatments, 5, 257-282 and pg.302 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age Psychiatry, 2nd Ed."
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) #738
Wechsler, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-89 yrs
Description: Designed to quickly and reliably assess the cognitive functioning of children and adults.
Time: 15-30 min
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Bay 6, Shelf 2
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI-II) #2030
Wechsler 2011
Range: 6-90yrs
Description: Provides scores that estimate general intellectual ability.
Time: 30 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 6, Shelf 2
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Revised (WAIS-R) #342
Wechsler, 1981
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-74 yrs
Description: Measures intelligence in adults and adolescents.
Time: 75 mins
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 1
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (3rd Ed) - WAIS-III #662
Wechsler, 1995, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-89 yrs
Description: Used to test intellectual ability for adults.
Time: 45-60 mins
Number in Stock: 2 (11 in storage) , 2 extra manuals (4 in storage) (1997)
Number in Stock: Specimen Set + 3 Storage (1995) Bay 20, Shelf 1a
Location: Bay 10, Shelf 2
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (4th Ed) – WAIS-IV #1949
Wechsler, 2008
Range: Adult
Description: Assesses intelectual ability in adults
Number in Stock: 18 + 10 spare manuals
Location: Bay 10, Shelf 4, 5, 6
Bay 10, Shelf 5 (forms)
Bay 10, Shelf 3 (spare manuals and DVDs)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Administration & Scoring Manuals #344
Fantuzzo, Blakey & Gorsuch, 1989
Administration: Individual
Description: Used to provide competency-based training in the administration and scoring of the WAIS-R.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Storage 3
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Microcomputer Assisted Interpretative Report (IBM) #343
Wechsler, 1990
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-74 yrs
Description: Used to generate an interpretive report based on accepted WAIS-R research.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) #345
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-19 yrs
Description: A standardised achievement battery designed to allow meaningful comparisons of general ability.
Time: 30-90 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Storage
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – II (WIAT-II) #909
Psychological Corporation, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-89 yrs
Description: Used for achievement skills assessment, learning disability diagnosis, special education
placement, curriculum planning, and clinical appraisal for preschool children through adults.
Time: 30-50 min – children, 50-80 min - adolescents & adults
Number in Stock: 6
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 3
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – II Abreviated (WIAT-II Abbreviated) #832
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-89 yrs
Description: Consists of three subtests – spelling, word reading and numerical operations. It is used to identify
and track basic academic skills and intervention needs.
Time: 10-20 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 3
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised (WISC-R) #1931
Wechsler, 1974, 1968 - 1copy
Administration: Individual
Range: 6 ½ yrs to 16 ½ yrs
Description: Assesses a child's intelectual ability.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set + 3 in Storage
Location: Bay 22, Shelf 1
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - III (WISC-III) #347
Wechsler, 1992
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-16 yrs
Description: Assesses intellectual ability in children.
Time: timed; varies with subtest
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 22, Shelf 2 & Storage 3
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – 4th Ed (WISC-IV) #985
Wechsler, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-16.11 yrs
Description: Assesses a child's intellectual ability.
Number in Stock: 10 sets, 16 spare manuals
Location: Bay 22, Shelf 3,4,5&6
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Micro Computer Assisted Interpretative Report #348
Wechsler, 1986
Description: Aids professionals in scoring and interpreting WISC-R test results.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Wechsler Memory Scale - Revised (WMS-R) #349
Wechsler, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-74 yrs
Description: Assesses memory functioning. Used with aphasic and organically brain injured individuals and
the elderly.
Time: timed; varies with subtest
Number in Stock: Specimen Set + storage
Wechsler Memory Scale (3rd Ed) - WMS-III #661
Wechsler, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-89 yrs
Description: Clinical memory battery for adults. WMS-III focuses on domain specific memory processes and
enhanced clinical utility.
Time: timed; varies with subtest
Number in Stock: 10, 3 extra manuals
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 8
Bay 11, Shelf 6 – forms and spare manuals
Wechsler Memory Scale (4th Ed) – WMS-IV #1963
Wechsler, 2009
Administration: Individual
Range: 16 – 90 yrs
Discription: In recognition of emergic demographic and clinical trends , the WMS-IV was developed to provide
you with the most advanced measure of memory and result you can trust when addressing the changing
clinical landscape.
Time: 45-60 min
Number in Stock: 11
Location: Bay 11 , Shelf 7 (forms shelf 6)
Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability – WNV #
Wechsler, 2006
Administration: Individual
Range: 4-21 years
Description: Clinical instrument designrd to mneasure the general cognitive abilities
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 14, Shelf 8
WMS – III – Abbreviated
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 4
WMS-IV #1964
Scoring Assistant
WMS-IV #1965
Report Writer
Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence - Revised (WPPSI-R) #350
Wechsler, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-7 yrs
Description: Assesses the abilities of younger children.
Time: timed; 2-2.5 min / test
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 21, Shelf 1
Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence - III (WPPSI-III) #917
Wechsler, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: 2yr6mths-7yr3mths
Description: Accurately measures intellectual ability in children.
Time: timed; 2yr6mths-3 yr11mths: 30-45 min, 4yrs-7yr3mths: 60 min
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 21, Shelf 3
Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence - IV (WPPSI-IV) #2031
Wechsler, 2012
Administaration: Individual
Range: 2yr6mths-7yr7mths
Description: Measures the cognitive ability of children. Updated edition of WPPSI III.
Time: 30 min – 2 hours
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 21, Shelf 5 & 6
Wechsler Test of Adult Reading (WTAR) #828
Psychological Corporation, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-89 yrs
Description: A reading test co-normed with the WAIS-III & WMS-III. Designed as an assessment tool for
estimating premorbid intellectual functioning in adults.
Time: 5-10 min
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 12, Shelf 6
Weight Locus of Control Scale #645
Saltzer, 1982
Range: Adults
Description: Assesses beliefs about how one’s weight is determined, varying from internal to external sources
of control.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.489 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes"
Welsh Figure Preference Test #351
Welsh, 1959
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-Adults
Description: Evaluates individual personality traits through figure identification.
Time: untimed; 50 mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Filed & storage
Werry-Weiss-Peters Activity Rating Scale #720
Werry, 1970
Administration: Individual
Range: 3-9 yrs
Description: Designed as a parent interview to quantify activity level in children, and as a dependent measure
in psychpharmacological research.
Time: 5 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Child Psychology Portfolio (Health & Illness in Childhood)
West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory #1651
Kerns, Turk & Rudy, 1985
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 10+ yrs
Description: Designed to assess psychosocial and behavioural aspects of chronic pain.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Pain, 23, 345-356 and pg 603 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) #120
Kertesz, 1982
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent & Adults
Description: Designed to test aphasic disability and to provide data needed to establish a prognosis for therapy.
Measures the language functions of content, fluency, auditory comprehension, repetition and naming.
Time: untimed; 1 hr
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 4
Western Aphasia Battery – Revised #1954
Kertesz, 2007
Administration: Individual
Range: Adults, teenage children
Description: Designed to evaluate a patient's language function following stroke, dementia or other acquired
neurological disorder.
Time: 30-45 min
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 4
White Bear Supression Inventory #1571
Wegner & Zanakos, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Designed to measure thought suppression.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Personality, 62, 615-640 and pg.882 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2"
WHOQOL-SRPB Field Test Instrument #1295
World Health Organization, 2002
Range: Adult
Description: Looks at quality of life, health, spirituality, religiousness and personal beliefs.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: http://www.who.int/msa/qol
WHO Well-Being Index (WHO-5) #1013
Bonsignore, Barkow, Jessen & Heun, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: 50+ yrs
Description: A short screening instrument for the detection of depression in the general population. Especially
useful for identifying elderly subjects with depression.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 251(2), 1127-1131
Who-Are-You (W-A-Y) #880
Ravenette, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Any age
Description: Theory-driven structured approach for investigating significant aspects of self-constructs.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychology in Education Portfolio (Children's Self-Perceptions)
Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) #352
Jastak & Jastak, 1978
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Level I - 5-11 yrs; Level II - 12+ yrs
Description: Measures the basic educational skills of word recognition, spelling, and arithmetic and identifies
individuals with learning difficulties.
Time: 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Wide Range Achievement Test - 3 (WRAT-3) #353
Wilkinson, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-75 yrs
Description: Measures the basic educational skills of word recognition, spelling, and arithmetic and identifies
individuals with learning difficulties.
Time: 15-30 mins
Number in Stock: 3
Location: Bay 7, Shelf 4
Wide Range Achievement Test - 4th Edition (WRAT-4) #1660
Wilkinson, 2005
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-95 yrs
Description: Assess basic knowledge of word reading, reading comprehension, spelling and arithmetic.
Time: 30-45 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 7, Shelf 4
Wide Range Assessment of Memory & Learning-2 (WRAML-2) #965
Adams & Sheslow, 2003
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-90yrs
Description: Used to look at memory function and dysfunction across development from child to adult.
Number in Stock: 1
Location: Bay 9, Shelf 2
Wide Range Interest-Opinion Test (WRIOT) #366
Jastak & Jastak, 1979
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 5 yrs-Adult
Description: Provides information about vocational interests (without language requirements). Assesses levels
of self-projected ability, aspiration levels, and social conformity.
Time: 40-60 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Wilson-Patterson Attitude Inventory (WPAI) Conservatism Scale #1682
Wilson & Patterson, 1989
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures a general factor of conservatism that is though to underlie all social attitudes Time: 4060 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 7, 264-269 and pg 106 from "Measures of Political
Willingness to Care Scale #1572
Abell, 2000
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures informal caregivers' attitudes toward providing emotional, physical, and instrumental
support to persons living with AIDS.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Research on Social Work Practice, and pg.884 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Willingness to Tolerate Nonconformists #1707
Stouffer, 1955
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Measures the extent to which an individual respects the civil rights of radicals and other
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: pg 259 from "Measures of Political Attitudes"
Williams Intelligence Test for Children with Defective Vision #356
Williams, 1956
Administration: Individual
Range: 5-15 yrs
Description: An intelligence test for children who are totally blind or do not have sufficient sight to see with
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 1 - out of print
Location: Bay 5, Shelf 1
Wine Knowledge Test #1025
Hughson & Boakes, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Discriminates well between wine experts and novices. Looks at whether expert performance is
based on superior ability, on fluency in "wine talk", or on knowledge about wine.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – in file
Location: Australian Journal of Psychology, 53(2), 103-108
Kaplan, Fein, Kramer, Delis & Morris, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-16 yrs 11 mths
Description: A supplement to the WISC-III. It provides a norm referenced assessment of the component
processes involved in many of the WISC-III subtest.
Time: varies by number of subtests administered.
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 6, Shelf 2
WISC-III Writer (Windows Version) #519
Administration: Individual
Range: 6-17 yrs
Description: Generates scores and reports for the WISC-III and WIAT by integrating an analysis and word
processing package, allowing for the production of tailored psychological reports.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
WISC-IV Scoring Assistant #986
Wechsler, 2003
Administration: Individual
Description: Scores the WISC-IV and generates reports.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
WISC IV Writer
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test #354
Grant & Berg, 1993
Administration: Individual
Range: 6.5-89 yrs
Description: Primarily used as a diagnostic tool for detecting perseverative thinking and assessing abstract
reasoning ability in the neuropsychological field.
Time: untimed; 20-30 mins
Number in Stock: 3, 4 extra manuals
Location: Bay 11, Shelf 4
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: Computer Version 4 (WCST:CV4) #984
Heaton & PAR Staff, 1999
Administration: Individual
Range: 6.5-89 yrs
Description: Administer WCST on-screen. Scores and generates reports.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Wisconsin Quality of Life Index #1584
Becker & Diamond, 1993
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to assess the quality of life of individuals with severe and persistent mental illness.
Time: 20-50 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Quality of Life Research, 2, 239-251 and pg 141 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Wittenborn Psychiatric Rating Scale #355
Wittenborn, 1968
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2 - out of print
Location: Filed
Wonderlic Personnel Test #987
Wonderlick Inc, 1999
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Used to evaluate job applicants for employment and occupational training. Assesses general
cognitive ability.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test - R #367
Woodcock, 1987
Administration: Individual
Range: 4 yrs-Adult
Description: Assesses an individual’s reading ability.
Time: untimed; 30 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Location: Bay 23, Shelf 1
Woodcock-Johnson Psyco Educational Battery - Revised #357
Woodcock & Johnson, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: 2yrs-Adult
Description: Evaluates individual cognitive ability, scholastic achievement, and interest level.
Time: Cognitive - 30-40 mins; Achievement - 50-60 mins
Number in Stock: 2 achievement
Location: Storage
Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ-III) #966
Woodcock, McGrew & Mather, 2000
Administration: Individual
Range: 2-90+ yrs
Description: Provides a co-normed set of tests for measuring general intellectual ability, specific cognitive
abilities, scholastic aptitude, oral language, and academic achievement.
Number in Stock: 19
Location: Bay 23, Shelf 2 to 7
Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ-III) – Compuserve #993
Schrank & Woodcock, 2003
Administration: Individual
Description: This program calculates scores and provides the user with accurate developmental, normreferenced, and proficiency-based descriptions of the subject's performance.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Woodcock-Johnson Technical Manual #808
McGrew, Werder & Woodcock, 1991
Description: A reference on theory and current research to supplement the WJ-R Examiner's Manual.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Woodcock-Johnson Report Writer for WJ III #1960
Schrank, Woodcock
Description: Helps gathering and recording subject information and create comprehensive reports.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Work Adjustment Inventory (WAI) #948
Gilliam, 1994
Range: 12-22 yrs
Description: Assesses work-related temperament. Measures Activity, Empathy, Sociability, Assertiveness,
Adaptability, and Emotionality.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Work Adjustment Rating Scale #358
Bitter & Bolanovich, 1970
Administration: Individual
Range: 16-21 yrs
Description: Measures job readiness behaviours.
Time: untimed; 3-5 mins
Number in Stock: 4
Location: Filed
Work Alienation #646
Seeman, 1967
Range: 20-79 yrs
Description: Refers to work that is self-estranged in the sense that it provides little intrinsic satisfaction.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: pg.341 - from "Measures of Personality & Social Psychological Attitudes" and pg.80 from
“The Experience of Work”
Work Alienation #1821
Miller, 1967
Number in Stock: Phoptocopy – on file
Location: American Sociological Review 755-768 and pg. 79 fron “The Experience of Work”
Work Alienation: An Intergrative Approach #990
Kanungo., 1982
Description: A book about work alienation and involvement includes measures.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Work and Life Attitudes Survey #947
Warr, Cook & Wall, 1979
Administration: Individualor Group
Range: 16-21 yrs
Description: Looks at eight scales relevant to the quality of working life.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psychology, 52, 129-148 and pg. 32 from “The Experience of Work”
Work Aptitude Profile & Practice Set #359
Saville & Holdsworth Ltd., 1987
Administration: Group
Range: 15-17 yrs
Description: Assesses occupational aptitude in various career-related areas.
Time: 5 mins / section
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Work Aspect Preference Scale (WAPS) #360
Pryor, 1983
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 15+ yrs
Description: Measures work qualities that individuals consider important such as independence, selfdevelopment, money, and prestige.
Time: untimed; 10-15 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Work Aspect Preference Scale II (WAPS-II) #967
Pryor, 2001
Administration: Individual
Range: Adolescent-Adult
Description: A psychological measure constructed to assess the quality of work that individuals consider
important to them.
Number in Stock: 1
Work Environment Scale #361
Moos & Insel, 1974
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Evaluates the social climate of work units.
Time: untimed; 20 mins
Number in Stock: 1
Work Environment Scale – 2nd Edition #725
Moos, 1994
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: One of 10 Social Climate Scales. The WES consists of 10 subscales that measure the actual,
preferred, and expected social environments of work settings.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: 2
Location: Bay 16, Shelf 6
Work Environment Scale – 4th Edition #2009
Moos, 2008
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Used for assessment of a workplace.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Work Locus of Control Scale #1026
Spector, 1988
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A16-item measure of generalised control beliefs in work settings.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psychology, 61, 335-340
Work Potential Profile #653
Rowe, 1997
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Developed as a tool for the initial assessment of long term unemployed persons or persons for
whom it is difficult to find employment.
Time: untimed
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Work Preference Questionnaire #1816
Fineman, 1975
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Occupational Psychology, 1975, 48, 11-32 and pg. 161 from “The Experience of Work”
Work Readiness Profile #2017
Rowe 1995
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 17+ yrs
Description: Assesses employment ability for people with disabilities
Time: 15-20 mins
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Work-Related Expectancies #1813
Sims, Szilagyi & McKemy, 1976
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Academy of Management Journal, 1976, 19, 4, 547-559 and pg. 209 from “The Experience of Work”
Worker Opinion Survey #1028
Cross, 1973
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: A measure of shop-floor satisfaction. This scale contains six subscales; Firm as a Whole; Pay;
Promotion; Job Itself; Immediate Superior and Co-workers.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Occupational Psychology, 47, 193-208 and pg. 61 from “The Experience of Work”
Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) #1048
Horvath & Greenberg, 1989
Range: Adult
Description: Measures some of the generic (nonspecific to a theory or technique) variables affecting the degree
of success on counselling.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Counseling Psychology, 36(2), 223-233
Working II
See Test of Interpersonal Competence for Employment
Worth of Youth Organization Questionnaire #1043
Sarver & Johnson & Verma, 2000
Range: 12-18 yrs
Description: A useful tool in determining the worth of a youth-serving organisation.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Journal of Extention, 38(3) or http://joe.org/joe/2000june/rb3.html
Wory Scale for Older Adults (WS) #1928
Wisocki, 1988
Range: Elderly
Description: Assesses worry in older adults, specific to events commonly associated with ageing.
Time: 5-10 mins
Number in Stock: Photocopy
WPPSI-III Scoring Assistant #988
Wechsler, 2002
Administration: Individual
Range: 2.6-7.3 yrs
Description: Scores and reports on data for the WPSSI-III.
Number in Stock: Specimen Set
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale #933
Goodman et al, 1989
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Provides a specific measure of the severity of symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder that is
not influenced by the type of obsessions or compulsions present.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Archives of General Psychiatry, 46, 1006-11 and pg.199 - from "Sourcebook of Adult Assessment
Strategies" and pg.59 from "Rating Scales in Mental Health, 2nd Edition" and pg 572 from “Handbook of
Psychiatric Measures” and pg 110 from "Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety"
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Modified for Body Dysmorphic Disorder #1631
Phillips et al, 1997
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adult
Description: Designed to measure severity of body dysmorphic disorder and change in response to treatment.
Time: 10-15 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 33, 17-22 and pg 612 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Yale Global Tic Severity Scale #1588
Leckman et al, 1988
Administration: Individual
Range: Child-Adult
Description: Developed as a measure of tic severity and degree of impairment in individuals with Tourette's
syndrome and other tic disorders.
Time: 15-20 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescence Psychiatry, 29-8, 566-573 and pg 354 from
“Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
Young Adult Family Inventory of Life Events and Changes #1573
McCubbin & Patterson & Grochowski, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures the stressors and strains of young adults.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.892 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Young Adult Social Support Inventory #1574
McCubbin & Patterson & Grochowski, 1991
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 18+ yrs
Description: Measures social support in young adults, particularly entering college freshmen.
Number in Stock: Photocopy
Location: Family Assessment Inventories for Research and Practice. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin
and pg.897 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 2"
Young Children's Social Desirability Scale #1344
Ford & Rubin, 1970
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 3-5 yrs
Description: Measures need for social approval in young children. It considers social desirability as a form of
defensive denial.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 35, 195-204 and pg.625 - from "Measures for
Clinical Practice: a sourcebook, Vol 1"
Young Mania Rating Scale #1634
Young, Biggs, Ziegler & Meyer, 1978
Administration: Individual
Range: Adult
Description: Designed to measure the severity of manic symptoms and to gauge the effect of treatment on
mania severity.
Time: 15-30 min
Number in Stock: Permission to copy – on file
Location: British Journal of Psychiatry, 133, 429-435 and pg 612 from “Handbook of Psychiatric Measures”
and pg 57 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”.
Youth Coping Index #1345
McCubbin, Thompson & Elver, 1996
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adolescent
Description: Measures youth coping with an ethically sensitive instrument.
Number in Stock: Photocopy / Register
Location: Family Assessment: Resilience, Coping and Adaptation Inventories for Research and Practice.
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 585-611 and pg.628 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a
sourcebook, Vol 1"
Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale #1525
Zung, 1971
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: Adult
Description: Used to assess anxiety as a clinical disorder and quantify anxiety symptoms.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Psychosomatics, 12, 371-379 and pg.693 - from "Measures for Clinical Practice: a sourcebook,
Vol 2" and pg 114 from “Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety”
Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale #929
Zung, 1965
Administration: Individual or Group
Range: 25-74 yrs
Description: A 20-item depression scale. Part of the NCHS General well-being schedule.
Number in Stock: Photocopy – on file
Location: Archives of General Psychiary, 12, 63-70 and pg.339 - from "Assessment Scales in Old Age
Psychiatry, 2nd Ed." and pg123 - from "Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies"