Introduction to Spanish Course Syllabus

Español 2 - Srta. Jocelyn Nebel
Marquette High School, Rm. G22 & G23
Telephone: (636) 891-6000 (Voicemail— Ext. 26212)
Spanish 2 is an elective course that teaches students to communicate in Spanish at an intermediate level.
Students will continue their study of the language and culture, and practice talking about themselves and
what they did in the past tense. Students will learn new grammatical structures to talk about daily routine,
explore the culture of storytelling in Latin America, and begin to express desires and hope for their future.
Missouri Standards for Foreign Language Learning:
Students will communicate in languages other than English.
Students will gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
Students will connect with other disciplines and acquire information.
Students will develop insight into the nature of language and culture.
Students will participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.
Daily Materials:
 Pens and pencils, highlighter, whiteboard marker
 Notebook and/or loose-leaf paper (for notes, in-class practice, etc.)
 Planner
 Three ring binder for notes, activities, and notebook
Gahala, Estella, Patricia Hamilton Carlin, Audrey L. Heining-Boynton, et. al. Avancemos. Austin, Texas: Holt
McDougal, 2010.
Spanish 1 Topics:
Going on a trip and saying what you did
Staying healthy and daily routine
Going shopping for souvenirs and clothing
Storytelling and legends of México
Preparing and describing food (recipies)
Ordering in a restaurant
Evaluation: Quarter grades will be given on a point basis and weighted as follows:
Reading and Listening Assessments: 30% Can you interpret information in audio and visual form?
Writing and Speaking Assessments: 30%
Can you present information in the target language?
Grammar: 15%
Know concepts such as agreement, verb conjugations, etc.
Vocabulary: 15%
Identifying and producing key terms for each unit
Culture: 10%
Can you compare and make connections to their life?
Rockwood Grading Scale:
100-93 A
Consequences to Inappropriate Behaviors (found in the student handbook):
Step One: Verbal warning
Step Three: Detention & parent phone call
Step Two: Student/teacher conference
Step Four: Office referral
Note: Severe misbehaviors will be immediately referred to the office.
Students will be considered tardy if they arrive in the classroom after the bell rings without a pass. MHS’s
tardy policy is as follows:
Tardy 1: Warning
Tardies 3-4: One-hour of after-school detention
Tardy 2: Warning and parent phone call
Tardies 5+: Office referral
Extra Help and Practice:
During the semester, there will be times when you may feel that you need extra practice. Use these ideas to
help you:
1) You may check out a text (book or CD). This can be a resource to assist you with difficult concepts
(grammar, vocabulary, reading).
2) Use your previous vocabulary lists and grammar notes to review old concepts.
3) Make and study vocabulary flash cards (SpanishEnglish, EnglishSpanish, or SpanishSpanish to
practice both recognition and production of vocabulary).
4) Do the online practice activities in your textbook, or utilize other online practice resources.
5) Complete workbook activities not covered in class at home.
6) Plan to stay after on Wednesdays so I can assist you with study strategies or ask for the name of a
tutor that I can recommend.
Cheating and Plagiarism:
All assessments and assignments should be completed individually unless instructed otherwise. Copying or
allowing another classmate to copy is cheating and will result in a zero on the assignment or test. Copying
from resources word-for-word or using a translation service to translate sentences or paragraphs is also
considered plagiarism, which will result in a zero. Students may only use a book or online dictionary to look
up individual words but this should not include more than 5 words per assignment. All cheating incidents
will be reported to parents and principals.
A few additional policy notes for students and parents:
1) It is the students’ responsibility to talk with me in order to discuss work assigned during an absence.
2) Work not turned in by the next progress report or quarter will result in a zero grade.
3) There is Spanish homework everyday-studying/reviewing/memorizing vocabulary is integral.
Workbook pages will be assigned weekly for practice. Other assignments and projects will be assigned
from time to time as well.
4) Quizzes will specifically include vocabulary and grammar topics for each section. These will follow inclass practice activities that have similar formats. Exams will be kept and filed after corrections are
completed. Parents may request to view these at any time, just let me know.
5) This course is a year-long class that will introduce basic grammar, phrases, vocabulary and cultural
notes. A grade of C- or higher is needed to move on to the second year.
6) Our textbook has an extremely helpful and interactive website. The main website is Follow the prompts and there are sections of practice activities.
Spanish 2 Contract
Dear Marquette Parent or Guardian:
As your student continues his/her study of the Spanish language and culture, I would like to introduce myself
and welcome you to the start of a great year at Marquette High School!
I have given each student a copy of the Spanish 2 Class Description and Procedures packet, and we have
discussed this together in class. He or she has been instructed to review the information with you. After reading the
handout, please sign the form below stating that you have read and are aware of the class policies. Your student will
also sign the form, agreeing to follow the class policies throughout the semester. Please remind your student to return
the bottom portion to me by Friday, August 23, 2013. Please contact me any time regarding clarifications, questions or
concerns. You can reach me during the day by voice mail or e-mail, and I will be happy to return your message.
Ms. Jocelyn Nebel
Marquette High School – Rm G23
(636) 891-6000 Ext. 26212
Spanish 1 Contract
My parent(s) or guardian(s) and I have discussed the class descriptions and procedures sheet. I
understand and agree to follow the policies throughout the year.
Student’s Name (Printed)
Student’s Signature
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name(s) (Printed)
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature(s)
Parents’ Home Phone Number:
Parents’ E-mail address (optional): ________________________________________________
Spanish Writing Policy—Academic Honesty
One of the important objectives of learning Spanish is being able to present written ideas and information in
the target language. In order to achieve this objective, students must express themselves with their own
language skills and ability. Therefore, plagiarism and/or copying paragraphs and/or sentences with no or very
few changes and the use of electronic translation devices are not allowed for any assignment for the following
1. Translation devices are often not correct.
2. Translation devices usually translate word-for-word, which frequently results in inauthentic language.
3. Although students may be allowed to use a dictionary or other resource for writing, these aids are
simply that – aids. You are still required to do your own thinking. Translation devices do the work
instead of you, and that is cheating.
4. On a practical level, translation devices will not be available to you as you travel throughout the world.
You need to rely on and build your own knowledge and ability to express yourself.
You will receive a zero for the assignment.
Office Referral
In addition, students will adhere to a strict policy of academic honesty. Students’ work should be their own.
This includes all tests, quizzes, homework assignments, and projects. Collaborative work is only permitted
with the teacher’s permission. Work which violates this policy will be given a grade of zero and referred to the
grade level principal.
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Spanish Writing Policy—Academic Honesty
I understand and agree to the above policy regarding academic honesty in Spanish writing.
Student Name (printed)
Student Signature
As a parent, I understand and support the above policy. If my student violates the policy, I will
support the consequences given to him/her as presented above.
Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)
Parent/Guardian Signature