Weebly website directions

Go to http://education.weebly.com
Create a user name: Everyone should use the first letter of their first name, followed by their last name, and the word
“health”. Ex. rladeurhealth
Choose a password that you WILL NOT FORGET! I recommend whatever password you use for facebook, twitter, lunch
code, or your email.
Use your email account in the space provided for email. If you don’t have an email account, you can use your school
email. It should be firstname.lastname@madison.stu.kyschools.us
Fill out the information:
Name: your name
School name: Madison Central
School district: Madison
Country: United States
Next, choose “create a website”
Enter a title for your website. You will use your name and health as your title Ex. Mr. LaDeur’s health website
Under type of site, choose: education. Under category choose: class project
Choose to use a subdomain of weebly.com. Type in your username so it reads www.your user name.weebly.com so
mine would look like: www.rladeurhealth.weebly.com
Get started by following the prompts on the screen to add text and different pages.
Every time we do an assignment in here, you will add a page and name it for the assignment.
Health Triangle Assignment
Go to pages and click “Add Page” and name it “Health Triangle”
Your assignment is to write a paragraph about the three sides of the health triangle defining each side and giving
examples of positive behaviors for each side and negative behaviors for each side. Then, explain how improving one
side of the triangle can improve the other sides and how doing something negative to one side can damage the other
sides. You can include pictures of a health triangle or pictures of the activities you’re describing. When you’re done,
click “Publish” at the top. When it says, “Website Published!” you’re good to go, just X out of the box (do not click
This will be due Sunday, January 6th at 7:00 pm.