THERMODYNAMICS T135D/C - Computerized Marcet Boiler

T135D/C - Computerized Marcet Boiler - Code 958225
1. General
The Didacta T135D/C is designed to determine the corresponding temperature and pressure values for wet saturated steam
at all pressures ranging from atmospheric up to 17 bar.
Moreover, the transducers and the dedicated software allow the data acquisition of the main thermodynamics quantities and
to obtain as a table or as a graph, the acquired values and the thermodynamic calculated quantities.
2. Composition
The unit includes:
Cylindrical boiler, made of thermically insulated steel
Electrical resistance, for water heating and evaporation
Temperature Pt100 type probe
Digital temperature indicator with analog outlet for PC data acquisition
Pressure signal transducer for the readout of the relative pressure inside the boiler
Digital pressure indicator with analog output for PC data acquisition
Tap for filling the boiler controlling the maximum water level in
Max pressure safety valve
Water discharge tap
Data acquisition card with USB interface
Magnetothermal differential switch, manual controls, signaling lamps and protection fuses
Data acquisition and analysis software for Windows
DIDACTA Italia S.r.l. - Strada del Cascinotto, 139/30 - 10156 Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011 2731708 - Fax +39 011 2733088 - - E-mail:
3. Description
Marcet boiler by Didacta enables operators to determine the pressure and temperature values of saturated wet steam at all
pressure levels included between atmospheric pressure and 17 bar.
The cylindrical boiler is filled with a known quantity of water, then heat is given through the resistance. Heat is supplied to the
water in the boiler under steady-volume rather than steady-pressure conditions. The liquid gradual evaporation will thus
cause pressure - and therefore the saturation temperature - to increase in the boiler enclosed space and the values are
visualized on digital indicators.
The data acquisition and analysis software works in MS-Windows environment and acquires real time data, elaborates them
and stores them. It can display and print the acquired data and the quantities obtained by calculation and it processes
graphics which describe the trends of the calculated quantities. Moreover, instead of acquiring data from transducers, it is
possible to insert data from keyboard, allowing an independent use of the software.
4. Technical Features
Maximum boiler capacity : 3l
Electrical resistance: 2kW
Thermometer temperature range: 0°C to +250°C
Manometer pressure range: 0bar to 25bar
Maximum safety valve pressure: 18bar
Maximum test pressure: 34 bar
5. Experiments
Determination of the pressure-temperature relationship for saturated water steam.
Plotting of Mollier’s diagram
6. Service requirements
Electrical supply: 220/240 V single-phase, 50 Hz; 2 kW
Hydraulic supply: from mains
PC minimum Pentium with HD >10Gb, CD drive, SVGA graphic card minimum, mouse, 32MB RAM, USB port
XP MS-Windows or later versions
Graphic printer
7. Weight and dimensions
Dimensions: 550 x 400 x 900 h mm
Weight: 78 kg
Cod. R01162/E 1012 Ed. 01 Rev. 01
In any time and without notice, Didacta Italia can carry out any appropriate modification on the product details, always
maintaining their main features, according to the designing and teaching necessity.
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