Math 101 Homework 1 Some Conversion Tables Metric to U.S. 1

Math 101
Homework 1
Some Conversion Tables
Metric to U.S.
1 millimeter [mm]
0.03937 in
1 centimeter [cm] 10 mm 0.3937 in
1 meter [m]
100 cm 1.0936 yd
1 kilometer [km] 1000 m 0.6214 mile
U.S. to metric
1 inch [in]
1 foot [ft]
12 in
1 yard [yd]
3 ft
1 mile
1760 yd
1 int nautical mile 2025.4 yd
2.54 cm
0.3048 m
0.9144 m
1.6093 km
1.853 km
Area Conversions
Metric to U.S.
1 sq cm [cm2 ] 100 mm2
0.1550 in2
1 sq m [m2 ] 10,000 cm2 1.1960 yd2
1 hectare [ha] 10,000 m2 2.4711 acres
1 sq km [km2 ]
100 ha
0.3861 mile2
U.S. to metric
1 sq inch [in2 ]
1 sq foot [ft2 ]
144 in2
1 sq yd [yd2 ]
9 ft2
1 acre
4840 yd2
1 sq mile [mile2 ] 640 acres
6.4516 cm2
0.0929 m2
0.8361 m2
4046.9 m2
2.59 km2
Fluids and Weights
Metric to U.S.
1 gram [g]
1,000 mg
1 kilogram [kg] 1,000 g
1 tonne [t]
1,000 kg
1 liter [`]
0.0353 oz
2.2046 lb
1.1023 ton
1.0569 qt
U.S. to metric
1 fluid ounce
29.574 ml
1 pint
16 fl oz 0.4731 `
1 gallon
4 qt
3.7854 `
1 pound [lb] 16 oz 0.4536 kg
Exercises. Use the above conversion tables to answer the following questions:
1. Which is larger: 400 meters or a quarter mile.
2. Which is larger: 13 millimeters (mm) or half an inch? Use
your answer to explain why mechanics often interchange a metric
13 mm wrench with a standard 1/2 inch wrench.
3. In Mexico the currency exchange rate is 1 U.S. dollar equals
10.85 pesos. If gasoline costs 52.3 pesos per liter, what is the
price of gasoline is U.S. dollars per gallon?
4. In Mexico the currency exchange rate is 1 U.S. dollar equals
10.85 pesos. If a kilogram of shrimp costs 40 pesos, what is the
price of shrimp is U.S. dollars per pound?
5. A developer wishes to build houses on a 5 acre piece of land.
Each house is built on a lot whose size is 60 feet by 80 feet. What
is the maximum number of houses that can be built on the five
6. How many years is 1 billion seconds?