CMDR Ric Leahy

CMDR Ric Leahy - Biography
Areas of Expertise
Consulting, facilitating and training on practical leadership
skills, teambuilding, change/transition management, and
strategic planning.
Coaching managers to become leaders.
Career History
Consultant, Trainer and Leadership Coach PeopleTeamsLeaders Pty Ltd, Melbourne Business School Mt Eliza Executive Education, Institute of Executive
Coaching, Blackdot Pty Ltd - 2006 to present.
Military planner - Joint Logistic Group - 2006.
Team Leader and Military planner - Multi National Force Iraq
- 2005.
Leader and Trainer - Sea Training Group - 2003-2004.
Commanding Officer - Joint Logistic Unit - 2001-2002.
Qualifications, Memberships and Awards
Masters of Business Administration
Bachelor of Arts with Honours Class I (English Literature)
Executive Coaching Level II (IECA)
Member Neuroleadership Institute
Conspicuous Service Cross, Queen’s Medal, Peter Mitchell Navy Officer of the Year
Diagnostic Tools
MBTI (Form M and EIR), Majors PTI, FIRO-B, LSI
Ric has more than twenty one years professional military experience as a manager and leader of
military and cross-functional logistic teams. His experience includes major unit command; three
separate deployments on active service in Iraq, East Timor and Cambodia; exchange duty with the
United States Navy; and two years as the research officer to the Chief of Navy.
Since starting his own consulting company Ric has worked with the Financial Services and
Banking Industry, a Public Relations firm, Federal and State Public Sector Departments,
Information Technology firms, the Biotech sector, Melbourne Business School, and Not for Profit
organisations as a Consultant, Facilitator and Executive Coach.
In addition to Ric’s professional experience, he is an accomplished screenwriter and prize winning,
published author. He is a skilled and experienced manager, communicator, coach
and facilitator.