Camp Ripely ASP - Minnesota National Guard

Camp Ripley
Ammunition Supply
External SOP
18 NOV 2014
Camp Ripley ASP
External Standard Operating Procedures
Table of Contents……………………………………………………......
SECTION I INDRODUCTION………………………………………………………
Purpose and Scope………………………………………………
Concept of Operations……………………………………………
Safety and Security………………………………………………
Reference & Forms………………………………………………
DA Form 1687……………………………………………………
Assumption of Command………………………………………...
DA Form 581……………………………………………………..
Receiving Training Ammunition………………………………….
Ammunition Shipping, Movement and Receipt………………….
Transportation of Small Arms Ammunition………………………
Dual Driver Protective Service (DDPS)……………………………
DA Form 5515……………………………………………………..
Turning-In Ammunition & Residue…………….…………………..
DA Form 5692-R……………………………………………………
DA Form 5811-R…………………………………..………………..
Ammunition Pick-up Checklist…………………………………….
DA FORM 1687 …………………………………………………………………….
DA FORM 581s – Live and Residue ..........................................................................
DA FORM 5811-R .....................................................................................................
DD FORM 626 - Vehicle Inspection..........................................................................
DA FORM 5515 – Ammunition Control Document (unit internal use)…………....
Small Arms Residue ……………………………………………………………….
25mm Residue …………………………………………………………………….
40mm single round ………………………………………………………………..
40mm for MK-19 ………………………………………………………………….
Mortars …………………………………………………………………………….
105mm Howitzer ………………………………………………………………….
120mm Tank……………………………………………………………………….
155mm Howitzer …………………………………………………………………..
ARTY Fuzes ……………………………………………………………………….
Demolition Items …………………………………………………………………..
Pyrotechnics ……………………………………………………………………….
Brass conversion chart………………………………………………………………
Residue Request Memo…………………………………………………………….
Purpose and Scope: This SOP establishes ammunition supply procedures for Camp Ripley. It
identifies ASP support and customer responsibilities. It adheres to Department of Defense (DOD),
Department of the Army (DA), and Forces Command (FORSCOM) security, accountability, safety and
logistics regulations.
General: Munitions are one of the most expensive commodities used by the Armed Forces.
Because of the huge volume required for training, special procedures were implemented by the
Department of the Army to insure that all organizations receive only authorized training ammunition.
Army Regulation 5-13 and the Total Ammunition Management information System (TAMIS)
established guide lines to insure that organizations received authorized requirements and to stop the
misuse, abuse, and stock piling of training ammunition. It is imperative that all individuals involved
with training ammunition be fully aware of these directives and their impact if not adhered to. This
installation WILL NOT issue ammunition to any unit without the requirements in this SOP being met.
All correspondence will be sent to the address below:
Camp Ripley Logistics Officer
15000 HWY 115
Little Falls, MN 56345
Responsibilities: The Logistics Officer has the overall responsibility for the operation of the
Installation Ammunition Supply Point and related activities. It is the responsibility of the Ammunition
Supply Point to insure that all units comply with the requirements set forth in this SOP. All personnel
involved in ammunition activities will comply with DOD/DA/FORSCOM and applicable SOP’s
governing ammunition operation. It is the user’s responsibility to be aware of and in compliance.
a. AMMUNITION SUPPLY POINT (ASP) responsibilities:
(1) Prepare, revise, & publish external Class V SOP IAW current regulations,
directives & policies.
(2) Furnish ammunition based on quantities authorized.
(3) Manage all training ammunition using Standard Army Ammunition
System (SAAS).
(4) Strictly observe ammunition requisition procedures.
(5) Maintain stock levels for mission requirements.
(6) Consolidate monthly training ammunition forecasts from the appropriate
(7) Process all requests for issue/turn in.
(8) Receive, store, issue and retrograde ammunition.
(9) Observe & enforce explosive safety, security and accountability
requirements during all operations.
(10) Shipment of ammunition and residue as directed.
b. Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) or Organizations having final approving
authority of DA Form 581
(1) Review & approve all requests of ammunition (DA 581) submitted by
subordinate units.
(2) Manage & maintain records of subordinate units’ authorizations &
(3) Ensure that DA Form 581s are IAW DA Pam 710-2-2 and TAMIS.
(4) Review subordinate units’ forecasts through TAMIS and verify approved
(5) Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) or organizations having final
approving authority of DA Form 581 will forward DA Form 1687 &
assumption of command.
(6) Approve issues for home station/other posts.
c. Unit responsibilities:
(1) Analyze scheduled training and unit strength to eliminate
unnecessary/unauthorized expenditures and ensure that class V requests
are limited to required items and authorized and realistic quantities.
(2) Monthly submission of accurate ammunition forecasts to Major
Subordinate Command (MSC) for approval.
(3) Reconcile DA Form 581s in TAMIS.
(4) Maintain safe practices and appropriate security when handling,
transporting, storing, and using ammunition.
(5) Maintain appropriate regulations and SOPs for the ammunition used and
operations being performed.
(6) Maintain accountability for all ammunition and residue components under
unit control.
(7) Ensure that personnel managing, handling and transporting ammunition
have been screened, trained, and certified IAW DA PAM 385-64, AR
190-11, AR 600-55, 49 CFR & DOD 4500.9-R
(8) Ensure that DA1687 & DA581’s with original signatures are forwarded to
the ASP. Assumption of Command orders must accompany DA 1687.
Digital “wet” signatures are now required on Class V DA Form 1687s.
Concept of Operation: The Post ASP will store and issue all authorized Class V
(ammunition) items required to satisfy the needs of units training at Camp Ripley. Some
items may not be available, but every effort will be made to issue, a suitable and authorized
substitute item. All issues will be made from the ASP. Separate DA Form 581s will be
submitted for each scheduled ammunition draw.
Safety and Security: The paramount consideration in operating an ASP is the safety and
security of personnel, equipment and stocks. When conflicts occur between safety, security
and training realism; safety and security will be given priority, Class V items are deliberately
designed to be dangerous and destructive. All personnel associated with the Post ASP must
be constantly aware of the potential dangerous and destructive qualities of these items.
Maintaining safety and security of each respective storage point must receive special
command emphasis from all personnel involved in carrying out their assigned mission.
a. General Safety Requirements:
(1) All personnel engaged in ASP or munitions Operations will be thoroughly
trained in explosive safety, DA PAM 385-64, FORSCOM Reg 700-4 and
be capable of recognizing explosive hazards.
(2) Improper, rough, and/or careless handling of explosive materials will not
be allowed.
(3) Munitions will be handled under the direct supervision of competent
personnel who thoroughly understand the hazards and risks involved.
(4) The minimum number of personnel will be exposed for the minimum time
to the smallest quantity of explosives, consistent with safety, efficiency
and unit mission. Unnecessary personnel will be barred from hazardous
b. General Security Requirements:
(1) Munitions Storage Areas will be established IAW the Camp Ripley
Regulation, AR 190-11, DOD Manual 5100.76-M, DA PAM 385-64.
(2) All personnel involved with munitions are responsible for security to
prevent unlawful entry, theft or intentional destruction.
6. References and Forms:
ASP Forms and References
a. Forms using units will need to have prepared (if applicable):
DA Form 581
Request for Issue and Turn-In of Ammunition
DA Form 2203-R
Demolition Reconnaissance Report
DA Form 5514-R
TAMIS Training Ammunition Forecast Report
DA Form 5515
Training Ammunition Control Document
DA Form 5692-R
Ammunition Consumption Certificate
DA Form 5811-R
Certificate - Lost or Damaged Class 5 Ammunition Items
DD Form 626
Motor Vehicle Inspection (Transporting Hazardous Materials)
DD Form 2890
DoD Multimodal Dangerous Goods Declaration
b. References used to compile information:
AR 5-13
Training Ammunition Management System
AR 75-1
Malfunctions Involving Ammunition and Explosives
AR 190-11
Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
AR 385-63
Policies and Procedures for Firing Ammunition for Training…
AR 385-10
The Army Safety Program
AR 710-2
Inventory Management Supply Policy Below The Wholesale Level
CTA 50-909
Field and Garrison Furnishings and Equipment
DA PAM 350-38
Standards in Weapons Training Commission (STRAC)
DA PAM 385-64
Ammunition Explosives Safety
DA PAM 700-19
Army Munitions Reporting System
DA PAM 710-2-1
Using Unit Supply System (Manual Procedures)
DA PAM 710-2-2
Supply Support Activity Supply System
DOD 5100.76-M
Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunitions,
and Explosives
FM 4-30.1
Munitions Support in the Theater of Operations
ATP 4-35.1
Techniques for Munitions Handlers
FORSCOM-R 700-4 Ammunition
SB 742-1
Ammunition Surveillance Procedures
SB 755-1
Disposition of Used Packing Material
TB 9-1300-385
Munitions Restrictions and Suspensions
TB 43-0250
Ammunition Handling, Storage and Safety
TM 9-1300-200
Ammunition General
Hazard Classification of US Military Explosives and Munitions
Substitution List
Conventional Ammunition Substitutability/Interchangeability List
Conventional Ammunition Packaging and Unit Load Data Index
Section II of this SOP will provide training units with critical information concerning Class
V. It will take the using unit step by step to assist with Class V supply procedures. This SOP
should be read by the Unit Commander, Unit Trainer, and Unit Class V Coordinator. The
Unit Class V Coordinator should maintain this SOP for the unit. It should be treated as a
living document for changes will occur as dictated by Army Regulations. The Camp Ripley
ASP staff is here to assist and support using units so all training requirements for ammunition
can be accomplished. All references and Forms used in this SOP are located on the Intranet
This SOP can also be downloaded (in color) via the internet from the Minnesota National
Guard website.
The ASP’s hours of operation are from 0700-1630. Weekend hours are normally 0800-1530
but are subject to change based on demand. Arrangements for pickup and turn-ins other than
listed above must be made 24 hours in advance.
All units should coordinate pick-up items at least two days in advance; this allows a final
check of pick-up requirements to correct any potential problems.
If you are training, at any location other than Camp Ripley and require ammunition to be
transported to that location YOU MUST start coordination at least 30 DAYS in advance of
training date.
a. Training ammunition will not be shipped directly to any units. Units requiring these
items make arrangements to physically pick up the ammunition at the ASP.
b. Units are reminded of the requirement to comply with both physical security IAW
AR 190-11 and explosive safety IAW DA PAM 385-64 when storing ammunition in
Arms Rooms. A DD Form 2890 must be prepared for all ammunition transported on a
public roadway (off post).
Any questions or requests for information please call:
Ammo Storage DSN 871-3167/3168/3169 COM (320) 616-3167/3168/3169
QASAS DSN 871-6151
COM (320) 616-6151
Ammo Fax DSN 871-7060
COM (320) 632-7060
E-Mail Address:
The following steps are listed in sequence to assist using units in accomplishing their
ammunition related mission smoothly and in a timely manner:
a. Forecasting
It is the unit’s responsibility to get an approved forecast through their higher headquarters. Forecasts
MUST be submitted 90 days prior to the required training date. NO FORECAST, NO AMMO.
Forecasting will be accomplished in accordance with AR 5-13, training ammunition management.
Chapter 2 of AR 5-13 lists the objectives, functions and requirements for the proper submittal of forecast
by using TAMIS. The ASP orders all forecasted ammunition, so please forecast
as accurately as possible to prevent the cost of shipping ammunition that will not be used.
b. DA FORM 1687
Notice of Delegation of Authority-Receipt for Supplies, DA Form 1687, must be updated as changes
occur. “THE AUTHORITY TO” block should read “Requisition or Receipt of Class V Supplies”. The
authorized representatives listed must have passed a security screening as required by AR 190-11, Ref:
DA PAM 710-2-1, paragraph 2-11. Only the individuals listed on the unit’s current DA Form 1687 may
receipt for ammunition. Individuals on the DA Form 1687 must be HAZMAT certified to sign for
ammunition from the Camp Ripley ASP. Only the Unit Commander or designated Property Book
Officer can delegate authorization to request/receive ammunition. As of 15 NOV 2014, there are new,
additional requirements for Class V signature cards. Please see the example DA FORM 1687 in
SECTION VI of this SOP for the proper format. Electronic “wet” signatures are now required and the
original electronic copy must be e-mailed to the ASP..
Assumption of Command Orders must accompany DA Form 1687, Ref: DA PAM 710-2-1. The UIC
and DODAAC on the DA Form 1687 must match the UIC and DODAAC in TAMIS used to generate
the e581.
d. DA FORM 581
All Army and Marine Corp units are required to use the electronic 581 (e-581) in TAMIS. A separate e581 must be submitted for every scheduled draw. The ASP will not store ammunition for a unit after it
has been signed for on a DA FORM 581. A unit will typically have several DA FORM 581s for an AT
period. Applicable Ammunition Information Notices (AINs) will be given to the unit at the time of their
ammunition draw. AINs contain important safety information that must be passed on to the user.
For other organizations, a “For Issue” DA Form 581, Request for Issue and Turn-in of Ammunition, will
be prepared IAW reference DA PAM 710-2-1, Fig 11-8. Block 13a: Enter name of authorized requestor
as indicated by using units’ DA Form 1687, printed or typed. Block 13c: Enter signature of authorized
requestor as indicated on using unit’s DA Form 1687. Block 14a: Enter the name of the authorized
approving authority. The DA Form 581, prepared IAW DA PAM 710-2-1, Para 11-9d, will be received
by the ASP at least three days prior to the requested pick-up date.
Units are required to schedule/verify draw times 24 hours prior to arriving at the ASP for ammunition
pick-up. Vehicles being dispatched to transport ammunition should be inspected by unit maintenance
personnel prior to arrival at ASP. A stringent safety inspection will be performed by ASP personnel,
using DD Form 626 Ref: DA PAM 710-2-1, Para 11-10. ASP personnel will brief the vehicle drivers
and issue them a DD Form 2890 for any ammunition being transported off post. Units are required to
review their load plan with ASP personnel prior to receiving ammunition. Space, weight, and
compatibility restrictions must be taken into consideration when creating a load plan. Use the
CAPULDI and YELLOW BOOK for assistance in developing your load plan. Both of these
publications can be found under the ASIS tab of the Munitions History Program (MHP) website.
Vehicles containing Category I or II ammunition require an armed guard and should be requested for
pick-up on the same day as use. An ammunition vehicle holding area outside of the ASP is currently
being planned down range.
Hazard class/division 1.4 ammunition and limited quantities of pyrotechnics may be stored in the
Cantonment Area with an approved site license from the Installation Safety Office, (320) 616-3158.
Explosive safety standards and sufficient security measures must be taken into consideration and be in
accordance with DA Pam 385-64 and AR 190-11. Other ammunition will not be stored within the
Cantonment Area. Storage requirements may be coordinated with the Instalation Safety Office or the
Regional QASAS.
Only vehicles with satisfactory conditions will be accepted for loading. Vehicles arriving to pick up
class/division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4 (other than 1.4s small arms ammunition) explosives will be inspected
IAW DOD 4500 9-R, DA PAM 385-64, and FORSCOM Reg 700-4, chap 3. Minimum requirement for
vehicle fire extinguishers for all movements of ammunition in government vehicles is two 10BC rated
extinguishers for each vehicle, NSN 4210-01-149-1356. Ammunition in all vehicles will be strapped
down securely with approved tie down straps NSN 16700-00-725-1437, IAW FORSCOM Reg 700-4,
Para 3-2d or blocked and braced IAW AMC Series Drawings 19-48. All ammunition must be in a
covered vehicle or covered with a tarp.
As a general rule, ammunition will not be transported in a passenger compartment of a vehicle.
However, limited quantities (no more than two full outer packs) of small arms ammunition may be
transported in the trunk or cargo areas of van type GSA vehicles. This applies only to hazard
class/division 1.4S small arms and only when it would create a hardship on the unit to obtain the proper
type vehicle required. NO ammunition may be transported in privately owned vehicles (POVs).
The following selected ammunition, in quantities shown, does not require DDPS:
a. Inert/Dummy - any quantity
b. Blank Small Arms Ammunition (1.4S) - any quantity
c. .22 Caliber Ammunition - any quantity
All other ammunition items regardless of quantity require DDPS with both drivers HAZMAT trained.
i. DA FORM 5515
Training Ammunition Control Document DA FORM 5515 is used as a sub hand receipt for ammunition
at First Line Supervisor level (FLS), Ref: DA PAM 710-2-1, Fig 11-12, 11-13. Using this Form will aid
Range OIC’s/NCOIC’s in determining the minimum number of ammunition containers to be opened for
the completion of training. 5515’s are not to be used to transfer ammunition between units.
(1) Scheduling Turn-ins
Units are required to schedule turn-ins a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Requests for turn-in will be
processed by the ASP on a first-come, first-served basis. Live and residue must be segregated or placed
on separate vehicles. Units must bring enough personnel to unload and handle the quantity of
ammunition and/or residue that is being turning in. Weights and quantities are recorded on locallygenerated Live and Residue Turn-in Worksheets. The unit representative turning in the
ammunition/residue must know the approximate quantity/weight of ammunition being turned in
and verify the ASP’s counts and weights before signing the turn-in worksheet. Turn-ins must be
organized with items separated by type. Disorganized turn-ins can create accountability problems and
potential safety hazards. The ASP may require a unit fix their deficiencies and reschedule their turn-in if
it is disorganized. The turn-in worksheets are consolidated when the unit clears with the ASP. Turn-ins
are not accepted after 1500 hrs without prior approval. During a typical Annual Training period, a unit
may have several turn-ins. Final turn-ins and clearing for an AT period must be scheduled before 1100
hrs. Units sharing ammunition or utilizing shared ranges are responsible for turning in their own live
ammunition and residue quantities. The ASP WILL NOT separate residue weights after turn-ins
are completed. It is the unit’s responsibility to do this prior to arriving at the ASP for their scheduled
(2) Clearing
Separate DA FORM 581s will be prepared for live ammunition, and residue items. The ASP will
provide SAAS-generated DA FORM 581s for live and residue turn-ins. The ASP reconciles the residue
turn-in quantities using the weight factors listed in SECTION VI of this SOP or by an individual item
count. Guidance for the turn-in of specific groups of ammunition can also be found in SECTION VI.
Ask ASP personnel if you have any questions. All ammunition turned in live must be repackaged in
its original configuration. Complete DA Form 5811-R (Lost or Damaged Class V Ammunition) items
for any residue shortages. The first LTC (O-5) in chain of command signs the certificate. Completion
documentation is required from the using unit within
five working days after completion of the training.
When the using unit exceeds the five working days time limit without prior coordination, the ASP
initiates command notification and WILL NOT issue more ammunition to that unit until the
documentation is completed.
k. DA FORM 5692-R
All Security Category I and II ammunition/explosives and items listed with a “T” in the reconciliation
column of Table J-12 in DA PAM 710-2-1 require DA FORM 5692-R (Ammunition Consumption
Certificate). This form is signed by the OIC of the range.
l. DA FORM 5811-R
Certificate - Lost or damaged class V. Required if any ammunition is unaccounted for or damaged.
To draw ammunition, you must meet the following criteria and coordinate with ASP personnel NLT two
days before pick-up date:
1. A properly completed DA Form 1687. (See example on page 10)
2. Assumption of Command Order for the individual authenticating above DA Form
3. Approved forecast.
4. An Approved DA FORM 581 (e-581). Block 13 & 14 must be signed by individual as
authorized on current DA 1687.
5. A valid military ID card is required for person signing DA Form 581 (receipt for issue
and turn-in of ammunition).
6. Commercial drivers, DOD civilians, contractors, and reserve technicians in technician
status must have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) endorsed for hazardous material
and vehicle type. A medical examiner’s certificate issued within the previous 24 months
is also required.
7. Military personnel have to be in uniform and have in their possession a valid military
driver’s license for the type of vehicles they are driving. A CDL with HAZMAT
endorsement cannot be used in lieu of a military driver’s license.
8. All drivers and assistant drivers picking up ammunition are required to be Hazardous
Material (HAZMAT) trained and have in their possession proof of ammunition-specific
training (valid for two years). Unit personnel signing for and transporting ammunition
must meet the training requirements listed in SECTION V of this SOP. Registration for
the required courses is done through the ATRRS website.
9. Proper vehicles. Only 1.4S small arms ammunition can be transported in vans, sedans,
blazers, 4 seat HMMWVs or other passenger vehicles. Limited amounts (two, outer
packs) of small arms ammunition 1.4S can be transported in the above type passenger
carrying vehicles.
10. Create a load plan and have it available to review with the ASP prior to receiving
ammunition. The driver of each vehicle must have a load plan for their specific vehicle.
11. Two 10-BC rated fire extinguisher per vehicle regardless of the type of ammunition.
(NSN 4210-00-775-0127)
12. Ample tie-down Straps for securing all ammunition. Rope or other tie-down materials
are not authorized. (NSN 1670-00-725-1437/5340-00-980-9277)
13. Dual Driver Protective Service (DDPS) requires two licensed and HAZMAT trained
personnel in any vehicle transporting ammunition. The only exception being that any
quantity of 1.4S blank and .22 CAL ammunition does not require DDPS.
14. An E-5 or above and an armed guard is required to sign for Security CAT I and II
ammunition items. CAT I & II items include AT-4’s demolition items, and
fragmentation grenades. Be sure to request ammunition for the armed guard on the e581.
15. Turn-in of all ammunition items (serviceable, unserviceable and residue) has to be
done on DA Form 581. The ASP staff will assist in the preparation of the DA Form 581s.
16. All vehicles, both contract and tactical, to be loaded with ammunition will be required
to pass a safety inspection as detailed on DD Form 626. Units should conduct a DD
Form 626 inspection prior to arriving at the ASP to ensure that their vehicle(s) are
suitable for transporting ammunition. Drivers arriving at the ASP with blocks 1 through
11 completed will expedite the vehicle inspection process.
The ammunition amnesty program is necessary to ensure maximum recovery of military ammunition,
explosives, and residue items. The program is established to provide an opportunity for individuals to
return ammunition, which has been stolen, misplaced, or erroneously left in the possession of a unit after
turn-in and reconciliation has been finalized. These returns can be made without fear of prosecution.
During normal operating hours, ASP personnel will accept delivery of all items turned in under the
Amnesty Program. Ammunition items must be handed directly to an ASP operator at the ASP. No
paperwork required.
The Amnesty Program is not a substitute for normal turn-in procedures and will not be used to avoid
standard supply procedures. Units discovering ammunition on hand after having reconciled their
account are authorized and encouraged to make an amended turn-in.
Suspect and/or unidentified Ammunition/explosives Found On Post (AFOP) after normal ASP duty
hours will be handled by Range Control or Security personnel.
Unit Commanders should perform quarterly briefings on the Amnesty Program procedures. A refresher
should be given during pre-firing briefings. Additional information and guidance can be found in DA
Pam 710-2-1, Para 11-19 and FORSCOM Reg 700-4, Chap. 5.
Amnesty that is safe to handle and transport can be turned in directly to the ASP at anytime. The ASP
has an amnesty located by the South entrance to building 24-199, Range Control. Small arms, .50 cal
and below can be deposited in this amnesty box. Do NOT bring amnesty items into building 24-199.
An annual amnesty day will be scheduled on the second Tuesday of September. The Camp Ripley Joint
Visitors Bureau (JVB) will advertise the amnesty day.
DA FORM 1687
Note: Signatures must include a digital “wet
signature.” See ARNG-ILS memorandum
dated 10 OCT 2014 for digital signature
instructions. Any change invalidates the
entire form.
Date must be one day less than any ETS date or one day less than the date
on the top. Must be in DD MMM YYYY format.
Must say “YES” to draw ammunition. Xs and check marks are unacceptable.
UIC and DODAAC must match the assumption of command letter and the e581 submitted in TAMIS
These statements are required. Commanders must ensure that the security screening is conducted.
Rank and ETS date must be listed. Date must be in the DD MMM YYYY format
The fist empty line must have the words “not used”
DA FORM 581 - Live
DOC# is provided
by the using unit
Quantities are
consolidated from
live turn-in
Issue document
Residue 581
document number
DA FORM 581 - Residue
DOC# is provided
by the using unit
Quantities are
consolidated from
residue turn-in
Issue document
Live turn-in
document number.
Signature of person
turning in the
DA FORM 5811-R (Shortage Statement)
Enter the
nomenclature and
quantity of missing
Explanation of what
you think happened
to the items and
what you did to
recover them
Signature of
individual providing
the explanation
Check these three
blocks if the
commander does
not want an
Signature of the first
O-5 in the chain of
command. Ensure
rank is listed
Complete these
blocks prior to
arriving at the ASP
DA FORM 5515
This form is a document used to account for ammunition and residue within a unit.
Drivers, assistant drivers, and personnel signing for ammunition must have ammunition-specific
HAZMAT training.
The following online courses are required to be completed:
The course numbers have recently changed in ATRRS and it can be quite confusing so please use this
Each soldier must also receive some training at their units to include:
a) Fire Extinguisher use. Recommend enlisting local fire department for fire extinguisher use training
including how to fight a fire, when to fight a fire and when to evacuate.
b) Load securing/use of cargo load ratchet straps. See TC 21-305-20/AFMAN 24-306(I), Chapters 14
and 21
c) Physical Security training for ammunition during transportation and storage. AR 190-11, Paragraphs
5-8 and 7-10.
When all of this training has been completed, the commander must sign a memorandum stating that the
soldiers have completed the training and the memo must be presented to the ASP prior to the time of
issue. An example memorandum is included on the next page.
Questions regarding the training requirements can be directed to the regional QASAS at (320) 616-6151.
Sample HAZMAT training memorandum
Small Arms Residue
Small arms brass and links are separated by caliber and accounted for by weight. Place expended cartridge casings
in the wirebound boxes that it was issued in. Brass and links must be dry and free of debris. Metal ammo cans must dry be
completely empty. Every can will be opened and inspected by ASP personnel to verify that they are empty.
Small Arms Blank Residue
Follow the same guidance listed under “Small Arms Residue” except that only 50% of the brass weight is required
and calibers may be mixed. Opened 5.56mm blanks will either be put back in their original cardboard boxes or on stripper
clips to allow for an accurate count.
25mm Residue
Expended cartridge casings and links will be separated and accounted for by weight. Depending on the quantity,
casings and links may be collected in hoppers available from the ASP. Cans will be turned in with the inner packing (Black
plastic spacers) still inside.
40mm - Single Round
Expended cartridge casings are accounted for by counting each casing. For DODIC B519, place the white plastic
casings (25 ea.) back into the cardboard boxes that they came in. This allows them to be counted quickly. Aluminum 40mm
casings will also be counted and can be returned in any container.
40mm for MK-19
MK-19 ammunition is generally packaged 32 per metal can. MK-19 casings are accounted for by weight. Remove
all foam packaging and put as many expended casings as possible in the metal cans. Cans will be weighed without the lids.
Remaining cans will be turned in completely empty and inspected by ASP personnel. The large, flat foam pieces are
recycled and should be turned back in to the ASP. The shaped pieces can be discarded.
All mortars come packaged in fiber tubes. The fiber tubes are packaged in wirebound boxes, hinged wooden boxes,
or metal cans. Accountability is determined by the turn-in of the fibers and boxes/cans. Turn-in wooden boxes and metals
cans completely empty. Having the lids off of the fiber tubes when arriving at the ASP will expedite the turn-in. Large wire
baskets are available from ASP to aid in the handling of the fibers.
105mm Howitzer
105mm howitzer rounds are packaged in fiber tubes. The fiber tubes are either packaged 2 per wooden box or one
per metal canister. Accountable residue for each round is a nose plug (metal or plastic), casing, fiber, and canister/wood
120mm Tank
Aft caps must be turned in. Keep pallets (“honeycombs”) banded. Return with lids off.
155mm Howitzer Projectiles
155mm projectiles are accounted for by the turn-in of the nose plug, grommet and pallet top/bottom. Nose plugs
and grommets will be counted individually. Place nose plugs in a wirebound box. Connect grommets in rings of 5 each to
expedite counting. Pallet tops and bottoms will be separated and places on pallets.
ARTY Fuzes
Artillery fuzes come packaged 8 ea per metal can. Turn in the cans completely empty.
Demolition Items
Demolition items come in a variety of different packaging configurations. Any metal cans or hinged wood boxes
must be returned to the ASP. Since many demolition items are completely consumed and many are CIIC CAT 2, a
consumption certificate (DA FORM 5692) signed by the OIC of the range is required.
Pyrotechnic items come in a variety of different packaging configurations. All metal cans and hinged wood boxes
must be returned to the ASP. Many items do not require anything to be turned in. However, expended items (such as smoke
grenade bodies and flare tubes) and trash must be removed from the training area and disposed of at the ASP.
Multiply the total number of rounds by the conversion factor and round down.
Example: 3200 rounds of A064 (5.56mm 4 Ball / 1 Tracer, linked)
3200 X .0135 = 43 pounds of brass
3200 X .00438 = 14 pounds of link
Sample AMMO Can Request Memorandum
Ammunition residue items (including empty cans) may be requested for official use. Requests
may only be submitted by the S4 or commander.
*This memorandum must be sent to the Camp Ripley Logistics Officer (CW4 Festler) for