Domains & Kingdoms Domain Bacteria Domain Archaea Domain

Notes 17.3
Domains & Kingdoms
Section 17.3
Domain Bacteria
Kingdom - Eubacteria
autotrophic or heterotrophic
cell walls contain
peptidoglycan (chain of a
alternating sugars; porous
but strong)
· ex. E. coli, Lactobacillus
Domain Archaea
E. coli
· Kingdom - Archaea
· ancient, but more closely
related to Eukarya
· prokaryotic
· cells walls WITHOUT
· unicellular
· autotropic or heterotrophic Methanogens halophiles
· extremophiles - live in extreme environments
· ex. Methanogens halophiles (loves salt)
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Domain Eukarya
· Kingdoms - Protista, Fungi, Plantae, & Animalia
· all eukaryotic
Kingdom Protista
· protists - eukaryotic organisms that can be unicellular,
colonial, or multicellular
· NO organs
· 3 groups
algae - autotrophs, plant-like
protozoans - heterotrophs, animal-like
funguslike - autotrophs
· ex. amoebas, slime mold, mildew, euglena
Notes 17.3
Kingdom Fungi
· fungus - unicellular or
multicellular eukaryote that
absorbs nutrients from
organic materials in its
· heterotrophic
· lack motility (ability to move)
· cell walls with chitin
· ex. mushrooms, yeast
· all animals are
heterotrophic, multicellular
· no cell walls
· complex organ systems
Kingdom Plantae
· multicellular
· cell wall with cellulose
· autotrophic (contain
chloroplasts for photosynthesis)
· lack motility
· ex. moss, ferns, trees, flower plants
Viruses - NOT LIVING
· nucleic acid surrounded by a protein
· are NOT included in biological classification system