April 2014

The GEAUX BUILD NewsleƩer is published for the benefit of the LSU Construc on Industry Advisory Council, LSU Construc on Management Alumni Chapter, and the LSU Bert S. Turner Department of CM. GEAUX BUILD
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisiana State University College of Engineering Bert S. Turner Department of Construc on Management CIAC • ALUMNI • LSU CM NEWSLETTER April 2014  Vol 10  Issue 1 Index Inside This Issue... CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ADVISORY COUNCIL (CIAC) CIAC Le er from the President • 4 Licensing Fee Benefits Educa on • 5 LSU CM Ranked #1 • 6 Construc on Interview Day • 7 CM ALUMNI CHAPTER (CMAC) Fluor Contributes to CM E‐Lab • 11 BERT S. TURNER DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Note from the Chair • 12 Post Bac Cer ficate in CM • 13 Industry Develops CM E‐Lab • 14 2 GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 Featured Story Featured Ar cle ADVISORY COUNCIL DONATES $100,000 TO LSU CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT The newly named Bert S. Turner Department of Construction Management at Louisiana State University
has received a $100,000 gift from the department’s Construction Industry Advisory Council (CIAC).
The gift is the largest made in the 17-year history of the Advisory Council and will be used by the
department to support its programs.
“CIAC is an integral part of the CM Department. Without them, we would not be where we are today.
Their personal interest in our students, faculty, and staff goes unmatched compared to other CM programs in
the nation,” said Dr. Charles Berryman, Department Chair. “Donations like this are huge to all within the
Department as it provides funding to help the student activities, faculty/staff development, and laboratory
needs. Many thanks go out to the CIAC and its members.”
CIAC consists of construction industry leaders and former construction management students who advise
department administrators and faculty on current construction industry needs and best practices and
influence the department's strategic direction.
Scott Couper, CIAC President and a 1981 graduate of LSU’s Construction Management Program, signed
the donation check following CIAC approval of the gift during its fall 2013 meeting in Baton Rouge. “The
CIAC is grateful to all of our members for their continued support. It is our membership dues that enabled
our $100,000 gift to the LSU Department of Construction Management, by far the largest gift to date.” said
Couper. “As an organization, we are committed to provide guidance to the CM Department and ensure
these funds are wisely used to benefit todays, as well as, future CM students.”
The LSU Construction Industry Advisory Council (CIAC)
was established in 1997 to help build LSU’s
Management Department into the premier training ground
for construction managers who are ready to enter the workforce. Tax-deductible annual membership dues of $1,000
are passed onto the department for its use. In return, CIAC
members provide guidance in determining how these
dollars are spent and how the Department grows and
LSU’s Construction Management program
currently has one of the largest student enrollments in the
country among universities with Construction programs. For
Dr. Charles (Chuck) Berryman, CM Chair, with CIAC President Sco Couper more information, visit our website: www.ciac-lsu.org.
GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 3 Construc on Industry Advisory Council Mission Statement
Le er from the President It’s an exci ng me to be involved in the CIAC! Our members are truly making a difference to the LSU Construc on Management Department, College of Engineering and the future of our industry. Personal and professional me dedicated by our members to various commi ees has greatly enhanced the program. The Student Enhancement Commi ee has been interac ng with students by providing learning opportuni es outside the classroom. The Department Enhancement Commi ee has worked with member companies to ou it recently acquired materials lab space with learning aids. Inside the classroom, the work of the Curriculum and Accredita on Commi ee has focused on the four emphasis areas of industrial, commercial, highway and residen al. A guest lecturer series, developed by commi ee members along with faculty members, has been hugely successful. Addi onal support and ideas are always welcomed. Please consider contribu ng your me and talent to one of these commi ees. You will find the work rewarding. The membership of the CIAC con nues to grow. Thanks to the support of both long me and new members and the sound decisions by the Board of Directors, the CIAC proudly presented the LSU CM Department with a $100,000 dona on. This amount represents a significant increase over previous years. Funds will be used to increase educa onal opportuni es for the students. The CIAC has been assis ng Dr. Berryman with the evalua on of poten al professors and recrui ng the best of them. Addi ons to the CM faculty will be announced in the near future. We sincerely thank the CIAC members for their support. Again, we encourage you to get involved and help make a difference! ‐ Sco Couper, President of CIAC Enhancing the construc on
industry through the LSU
Construc on Management
Program and its mission of
providing high quality
educa on.
Sco Couper
Gerrad Dela e
President Elect Theresa Jones
Past President Josh Rounds
Treasure Kathy Trahan
Secretary Steve Fleury
Mike Barber
Ken Naquin
Rudy Comeaux
Thom Bonner
Glen Gulino
Vic Weston
Travis Blair
Kenny Freeman
Art Favre
Lane Grigsby
Jon Gary
LSU Alumni Dr. Charles Berryman
LSU CM Chair Stephanie Heumann
LSU Faculty Member
Gerrad Dela e
Personnel Josh Rounds
Finance and Governance
Ryan Day
Curriculum and Accredita on Review
Timmy Boudreaux
Department Enhancement
Travis Blair
Student Enhancement
Steve Fleury
Membership and Fundraising Visit our website: www.ciac‐lsu.org Join our group “LSU Construc on Industry Advisory Council’ 4 GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 Theresa Jones
Publicity and Promo on Construc on Industry Advisory Council Licensing Fee Benefits Educa on CONTRACTORS LICENSING FEES BENEFIT ACCREDITED CM PROGRAMS When contractor’s licenses are renewed this year and into the future, a por on of the renewal fee will go directly to construc on management educa on in the state. The funds will be divided among the accredited schools of construc on management; half will be evenly split on a pro‐rata basis and the other half divided based on the previous year’s gradua on rate. All schools are in need of the addi onal funding, and LSU’s Construc on Management Department is in a posi on to receive a large share of these funds. While the law does allow contractors to opt out, we highly encourage all CIAC members and any licensed contractor to accept this fee upon renewal. Please make an effort to iden fy the individual responsible for renewing the license for your organiza on and ensure they make an informed decision. Department Enhancement The department Enhancement commi ee is pleased to announce comple on of Phase 1 of ou i ng the new CM E‐lab. Thanks to the great efforts by MMR group and Performance Contractors for comple ng an integrated industrial piping and instrumenta on model allowing students to view a real life example of the industrial field. Our commi ee has also received numerous loose item dona ons from local companies and vendors such as pipe fi ngs, steel examples, rebar, etc. We are currently engaged in crea ng a 3‐D model and engineered drawings of the current mechanical model. In addi on, we are moving into Phase 2 which will include civil, process equipment, and commer‐
cial construc on examples. Fundraising Tournament CIAC GOLF TOURNAMENT: CARTER PLANTATION 8AM This annual fundraiser for the LSU CM Department is a great opportunity to enjoy a game of golf and network with fellow members and guests. For more informa on, contact Steve Fleury, membership and fundraising chair at: sfleury@topcor.com. GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 5 Construc on Industry Advisory Council LSU CM Ranked #1 THE TOP SCHOOLS FOR CM DEGREES HELP FUTURE BUILDERS The LSU Construc on Industry Advisory Council (LSU CIAC) was established in 1997 to help build LSU’s Construc on Management Department into the premier educa onal se ng for construc on managers who are ready to hit the ground running. LSU’s CM program currently has one of the largest student enrollments in the country among universi es with Construc on programs. #1 ‐ Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College – Located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, this college is ranked #1 based on gradua on rate and is a top‐notch choice for those looking to become highly effec ve construc on managers. Both Bachelors and Masters degree programs are offered. For more info visit: h p://blog.rockanddirt.com/community/general‐ar cles/top‐schools‐for‐construc on‐management/ A Golden Opportunity at Lafreniere Park LAFRENIERE PARK – NEW ORLEANS GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING The CIAC Fall General Membership mee ng provided a golden opportunity for all who a ended. As in past years, the mee ng began with a social, allowing all to unwind a er a busy day, reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. Many took advantage of this networking me to develop new business contacts. The mee ng included updates on the LSU CM Department by Dr. Charles Berryman, and on the CIAC, by Sco Couper, its current president. The dynamic guest speaker for the event was Gary Golden of Golden Opportuni es, a training and development company designed to help corpora ons excel. Gary tested those in a endance with a challenging team building exercise that was both entertaining and educa onal. A er a couple of a empts, the determined construc on industry professionals proved they could overcome the most difficult of challenges. 6 GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 Construc on Industry Advisory Council Curriculum and Accredita on Commi ee The Guest Lecture Series began in September 2013. This program has received great feedback from the students, faculty, and the industry professionals who took the me to lecture on a topics within the CM 1011Introduc on to Construc on course. This has proven to be another great way for students and industry professionals to interact. The search for professionals to par cipate in the lecture series for the spring semester has begun. This is a great opportunity for CIAC member companies to become involved. The commi ee, in conjunc on with the Construc on Management Department, began work in October gathering informa on including surveys from current students, alumni, industry and CIAC member employees. This informa on will be submi ed as part of the overall quality control plan in the package to be reviewed by ACCE during the March 2014 visit. CID Social On March 20th, the CIAC hosted our annual Fall CID Social on LSU’s campus at LOD COOK across from University Lake. The social was well a ended by CIAC members, CM students, CM facility, as well as other companies recrui ng at LSU who a ended as our guests. The food and drink was good, the conversa ons even be er. It was a great opportunity to mingle with students and facility in a professional social se ng. Many of us had a chance to catch up with old classmates from “back in the day” and make new friends in our Industry. We encourage this ou ng in the spring and fall while “pass a good me”. Construc on Interview Day LSU’s Careers Services held another successful Construc on Interview Day on Friday, March 21st. The Student Union Ballroom was filled to near capacity with prospec ve employers and students searching for full‐ me careers or part‐ me internships. With 58 different employers conducted a total of 504 interviews, both students and employers felt the event was a great experience. GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 7 CIAC Membership Roster 2013‐2014 Construc on Industry Advisory Council 8 Angela La no‐Geier ABC New Orleans Bayou Chapter Paul Neely CB&I Al Bargas ABC Pelican Chapter Joshua Cain Cecil Perry Improvements Tim Hamelen Academic Partnerships Rita Hernandez Center Point Energy Alison Paz Alliance Safety Council Ashley Wolfe Circle, LLC Vic Weston Contractors Educa onal Trust Fund Wendy Thibodeaux Alliance Safety Council Diana Pietrogallo Alliance Safety Council Dianna Braud Alliance Safety Council Don Wheat CRI (Carr,Riggs & Ingram,LLC) Renee Barbier Alliance Safety Council John Haarala CSRS Karen Sparks Alliance Safety Council Jonathan Kernion Cycle Construc on Co, LLC Sheri Bankston Alliance Safety Council Steve Jones Didier Consultants Karen Anderson Alliance Safety Council Michael Cascio DR Horton, Inc William Dufrene Alliance Safety Council Kathy Trahan Alliance Safety Council Jay Dykes Dykes Electric Inc. Mike Rooney Ardent Services LLC Paul Friloux Excel Contractors Inc. Bo Markovic B & K Construc on Company, LLC Sco Zeringue Excel Contractors Inc. Mark Frilot Baker Donelson Chase Munn Excel Modular Scaffold Kevin Tabor Fabricated Steel Products John Scarlato Fluor Enterprises Edwin Anglin Graduate Student Trey Crawford Grady Crawford Construc on Doug Barber Barber Brothers Contrac ng Co LLC Bert Wilson Barriere Construc on Co. Rene Duplan s Barriere Construc on Co. Brian Schneider Bayou Lacombe Construc on Andrew Lopez Benne Builders, LLC Anthony Jacob Boh Bros Construc on Shane Kirkpatrick Group Contractors Ron Brylski Boh Bros Construc on Kaysee Belanger Group Contractors Jeff Plauche Boh Bros Construc on Victor Camacho Gulf Concrete Technology Dale Biggers Boh Bros Construc on Adam Hyla Hoist & Crane service Group Harold Baur III Boh Bros Construc on Danny Cavalier Brand Energy & Infrastructure Dave Cunningham Hoist & Crane Service Group Roy D. Langridge Broadmoor, LLC Barry Kilpatrick Iberia Bank Stephen Scallan Broadmoor, LLC Stephen Miller Insula ons, Inc. Chris Jones Brock Services, LLC Jonathan Metz ISC Constructors Thomas Bulliard Bulliard Construc on Co., Inc. Chris Thompson ISC Constructors, LLC Euclid Michel Cajun Constructors, Inc Glen Gulino ISC Constructors, LLC Marty Brodnax Cajun Constructors, Inc Neil Rome Cajun Constructors, Inc Mario Rispone ISC Constructors, LLC Paul Nola Cajun Constructors, Inc Sean Beard I SC Constructors, LLC Todd Grigsby Cajun Constructors, Inc Kary Millet ISC Constructors, LLC Chip Dupuy Cajun Deep Founda on Monte Bueche ISC Constructors, LLC. Chris Usry Cajun Industries, LLC Jeff Luce ISC Constructors, LLC. Lane Grigsby Cajun Industries, LLC Jobe Newman ISC Constructors, LLC. Lee Mayeux Cajun Industries, LLC Jason Moak ISC Constructors, LLC. Mike Barber Cajun Industries, LLC Clay Barden Cajun‐IDC Chris Melancon James Construc on Group, LLC Ronnie Volen ne CB&I Conrad Bourg James Construc on Group, LLC Andy Dupuy CB&I Jeff James JB James Construc on GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 Construc on Industry Advisory Council Leston Juneau Juneau Construc on Company Chris Ieyoub Performance Contractors, Inc. Jus n Mannina Kiewit Kenny Freeman Petrin Corpora on John Hampton Louisiana Agencies, LLC Joshua Loeske Quality Sitework Materials, Inc Arnold Rezac La Machinery Jeremy Corbe Ratcliff Construc on Company, LLC Chris Vaccar Leevac Industries Marc Bourgeois Regal Construc on, LLC Mikelyn McGuire Leevac Industries Josh Causey Repcon, Inc Ken Naquin Louisiana AGC Thomas Russell Russell Pool Company Inc Thom Bonner L.S. Womack, Inc. Ryan Gootee Ryan Goo ee General Contractors Kirby Stumpf M.R. Pi man Group, LLC Chris Fox Sa erfield & Pon kes Construc on Chris Shinaberry MAPP Construc on Hendrik Prufer Sa erfield & Pon kes Construc on Brad Reese MAPP Construc on Gerard Whi le Shavers‐Whi le Construc on Mark LaHaye MAPP Construc on Michael Mayeux Southern Delta Construc on Ross Dupre Milton J. Womack, Inc. Tim Furnish Specialty Applica on Services, Inc. Brent Courville MMR Constructors, Inc Todd Foust The Foust Group, LLC Ma hew Cobb MMR Constructors, Inc Rudy Comeaux The Lemoine Company, LLC Kevin Alexander MMR Constructors, Inc Theresa Jones The Lemoine Company, LLC Josh Cantu MMR Constructors, Inc Emily Thurman The Lemoine Company, LLC Tom Welborn MMR Constructors, Inc Allan McDonnel The McDonnel Group David Miller Moore Construc on Steven Fleury Topcor Michael Jacob Na onal Development Builders Paul Miano Triad Electric & Controls Brian Reine Omni Pinnacle, LLC Brian Bordelon Triad Electric & Controls Cody Comeaux Pala‐Interstate, LLC Gerrad Dela e Turner Industries Group, LLC Jeffrey Murray Pala‐Interstate, LLC Omer Hebert Turner Industries Group, LLC Monica Berbling Pala‐Interstate, LLC Randy Rebowe Turner Industries Group, LLC Sco Couper Pala‐Interstate, LLC Bruce Magee United Rentals Trench Safety Travis Blair Pala‐Interstate, LLC Tim Thigpen Westgate Jason Williams Pat Williams Construc on, Inc Kenneth Marcell Wharton‐Smith, Inc. Ronald Ortega Peoples Health Andre’ Boagni Wharton‐Smith, Inc. Art Favre Performance Contractors, Inc. Ryan Girouard Whitney Bank Josh Rounds Performance Contractors, Inc. David Koons Willbros Brent Boé Performance Contractors, Inc. Chris Michel Woodward Design + Build Chase Rainey Performance Contractors, Inc. Mar n Padial Workbox Ryan Day Performance Contractors, Inc. Jason Creech Performance Contractors, Inc. Darren Alleman Performance Contractors, Inc. Timmy Boudreaux Performance Contractors, Inc. David Theriot Performance Contractors, Inc. Weylin Guidry Performance Contractors, Inc. Adam Gordon Performance Contractors, Inc. Dillon Naquin Performance Contractors, Inc. Sean Gahan Performance Contractors, Inc. Colin Bussey Performance Contractors, Inc. Dylan Schroeder Performance Contractors, Inc. Andrew Meschwitz Performance Contractors, Inc. GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 9 CM Alumni Chapter Alumni Spotlight: Art E. Favre Art Favre Invests in Louisiana's Future Labor Market ART FAVRE Founder/President, Performance Contractors Growing up in Gulfport, Miss., Art Favre had li le doubt about where he would go to college. "LSU always seemed the logical choice," the founder and president of Performance Contractors Inc. says. "Deciding what to major in proved a bit more difficult." Whether it was by fortune, fate, or luck, Favre chose industrial construc on. Not a bad choice. Last year, the company he founded in 1979 posted $574 million dollars in revenue, placing it in the top five of Business Report's Top 100 Private Companies. Says Favre: "Saying the degree "The quality of life for our children and grandchildren depends on our success in from LSU served me well is an bringing top‐quality students into engi‐
understatement." neering and construc on," Favre says. With more than $60 billion in industrial contracts in the pipeline in And he prac ces what he preaches. More Louisiana, Favre worries that the than 120 of his key staff posi ons are state's intellectual capital might not held by LSU graduates. be able to keep up with the demand for engineers. So he has joined other "We should all take the me to give something back to the next genera on," companies and individuals in Favre says. "Each of us must get involved suppor ng Breaking New Ground, a in the educa onal process." $100 million public‐private partner‐
ship to support Favre's alma mater, the LSU College of Engineering. Favre recently donated $2 million Ar cle originally published by the Baton to the campaign, and that's on top of Rouge Business Report on January 6, the $1.2 million he previously donated 2014. to establish an endowed chair in LSU's Department of Construc on For more info visit: cm.lsu.edu
Management. 10 GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 CMAC Golf Tournament The Construc on Manage‐
ment Alumni Chapter Fall 2013 Golf Tournament had a fantas c turnout. Over 33 teams gathered for a fun day of golf , dinner, and prizes. Although a storm came in right around start me, it passed quickly and the day turned out to be a beau ful one for golfing. We had a good group of students helping out and strong sponsorship from industry. Overall, the day was a success, raising over $5,000 to help fund the ASC Student Compe on Team. Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the day a great one! For more info visit: lsuconstruc on.org Par cipants enjoy a day on the green CM Alumni Chapter Fluor Contributes to CM E‐Lab CMAC HAS A
To create a profile visit:
FLUOR DONATES NATURAL GAS EXPANDER MODEL TO LSU CM Students in the Bert S. Turner Department of Construc on Management have a new resource to help visualize industrial construc on projects. Fluor Corpora on has donated a model of a Natural Gas Expander Pro‐
ject from its offices in Houston to incor‐
porate into industrial construc on clas‐
LSU became a Fluor Partner ses. “FLUOR was the first engineering University in 2007, and the company to design a unit that would rela onship has since expanded and receive natural gas in a liquid state strengthened significantly. Fluor's from the unique style ships and expand historical support of LSU began in it to a gaseous form to be distributed 1992, and total giving has exceeded through the various pipelines,” said more than $500,000. John M. Scarlato, Project Control Team Lead with Fluor. For more info visit: cm.lsu.edu ASC Region V Student Compe
on Sponsorship CM ALUMNI CHAPTER FUNDRAISES FOR ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS OF CONSTRUCTION (ASC) COMPETITION The Associated Schools of The Dallas/East Texas and Fort Worth AGC chapters merged, crea ng Construc on (ASC) is the profession‐
al associa on for the development the new "super" chapter named TEXO. and advancement of construc on They oversee and sponsor compe on in which universi es build student educa on, where the sharing of ide‐
as and knowledge inspires, guides teams to tackle a simulated bid situa on. The students are given and promotes excellence in curricu‐
la, teaching, research and service. project informa on and are then Within its structure is our Region 5 ‐ allo ed a short me to prepare the South Central. It is comprised of bid and presenta on materials, such colleges and universi es offering as PowerPoint presenta ons, charts, four‐year and two‐year CM, science and proposal packages. and technology degrees in Plans are to use funds generated by Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and our CMAC golf tournament to Texas. This regions holds annually a sponsor students so they can compete student compe on hosted by in the ASC compe ons. More to come as this develops. TEXO. GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 11 LSU Construc on Management Note from the Chair Dr. Charles Berryman What is Construc on Management? For those who work in it know, it is the business side of construc on, but it is one of the most difficult academic disciplines to explain to the general public. I believe this is soon to change in Louisiana with the assistance of our construc on industry. In February, LSU’s College of Engineering announced the success of a record breaking capital campaign to enhance and expand LSU’s engineering college. Publicly launched in April 2013, more than 450 individual and corporate donors pledged $52.5 million in private funds with our construc on industry providing almost a quarter of the funds. The industry funding helped fulfill the College’s commitment to a $100 million public/private partnership to renovate Patrick F. Taylor Hall. For us, our Industry’s contribu on has provided addi onal classrooms and laboratories while naming the Department a er Bert S. Turner. Their generosity has opened many doors for construc on educa on and greatly assisted us in be er defining Construc on Management to the world. Thank you industry!!! LSU CM Department Named for Bert S. Turner TURNER INDUSTRIES PLEDGES $5 MILLION TO LSU CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The Bert and Sue Turner Family, sole shareholders of Turner Industries Group, LLC, unanimously supported a $5 million gi from Turner Industries to name the Department of Construc on Management in honor of the late Bert S. Turner. Turner was a 1943 LSU alumnus and 1991 Hall of Dis nc on Member, both in the College of Engineering. The Turner Industries gi bolsters the private funding in support of the college’s “Breaking New Ground” campaign. Founder and chairman emeritus of Turner Industries, “The Turner family wanted to honor Bert for his many Bert S. Turner was awarded an honorary doctorate of contribu ons to Louisiana, in par cular higher educa on,” humane le ers from LSU in 1996 and was named LSU said, Roland Toups, Chairman and CEO of Turner Industries Alumni of the Year in 2002. The Turner family (Mrs. Sue Group, LLC. “This is one of the many ways to remember him, Turner and their five children: Susan, Robert, Moo, Thom‐
while, at the same me, suppor ng and expanding the as, John) and Turner Industries have been a valued partner opportuni es for LSU’s future Construc on Management to LSU and the College of Engineering for many years. students.” "With this gi , I thank the Turner family for Turner Industries' contribu on will receive the one‐to‐one dis nguishing LSU’s construc on management program to state match provided by the State of Louisiana under the be er prepare our graduates for the increasing complexity agreement to renovate Patrick F. Taylor Hall and construct a of new construc on projects and advanced technology Chemical Engineering building. It also represents the largest in the construc on industry," said Rick Koubek, Dean and dona on to the Department of Construc on Management in Bert S. Turner Chair, College of Engineering. “An esteemed its 43‐year history. alumnus in the college, Bert S. Turner’s legacy will “For decades, the Turner Family has devoted countless con nue to make a difference in the lives of our students hours relessly championing LSU’s cause,” said LSU and help transform LSU's College of Engineering into one President and Chancellor F. King Alexander. “I speak on of the most compe ve programs in the country.” behalf of the students, faculty and staff at LSU, when I say we are deeply humbled and honored by this generous For more info visit: cm.lsu.edu contribu on honoring Bert S. Turner’s legacy.” 12 GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 LSU Construc on Management
NEW: C3 Dimension Studio
promotes student teamwork in the CM
Enterprise and provides the needed
technology for teaching Building
Informa on Modeling to construc on
students The College of Engineering
provides a workspace for students to
collaborate on class projects and
u lize new technologies essen al to
future success in their chosen career
The studio located in Room 3213
Patrick F. Taylor includes eighteen
student worksta ons and one
instructor worksta on. Funding for the
so ware was graciously provided by
Sa erfield & Pon kes Construc on
and Louisiana Associa on of General
Cajun Names the CM Chairs Suite Cajun Industries $250,000
gi to the Breaking New
Ground Campaign will be
designated for the LSU CM
Departments Chairs Admin
Thank You Cajun!!
Post Baccalaureate Cer ficate in CM
MMR Gives $1 Million MMR
announced a $1 million gi to
the Louisiana State University
(LSU) College of Engineering.
MMR, headquartered in Baton
Rouge with 20 branch offices
throughout North and South
America, is the largest
instrumenta on construc on
firm in the United States. The
dona on will further elevate
the CM programs prominence
by providing state‐of‐the‐art
learning spaces to be er
prepare its students for
successful employment in the
construc on industry.
Approved through the Board of
Regents, this degree program is the
first online
degree program ever to be
offered by Louisiana State University.
The PBC will be conferred upon
students who demonstrate work of
high merit that entails scholarship
achievement through six online CM
courses specifically designed to
provide the basic core knowledge
needed for a construc on manager.
requirements for the PBC program
will acquire a perspec ve on the role
of Construc on Management in both
industry and society. This online
program will
prepare graduate
students for a
career change
(especially those in architecture and
or qualified
It will provide industry and
governmental agencies with qualified
individuals with skill sets developed
using Construc on Management core
principles. Business or architecture
majors can seek the cer ficate as
they begin a career change process
into the construc on industry. The
construc on industry in Louisiana
and the US has a large popula on of
people in managerial posi ons
educa on
Construc on Management.
individuals from the various city
municipali es, government agencies,
marke ng
professionals, accountants, a or‐
neys, and lenders.
For more info visit: cm.lsu.edu GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014
13 LSU Construc on Management Industry Develops CM E‐Lab INDUSTRY SUPPORT FACILITATES LEARNING ENVIORNMENT Thanks to members of the local construc on Industry, LSU CM now has func oning models to showcase and educate students. These instruments are essen al for educa ng the future workforce and are prized by the CM Department. Piping model and miscellaneous fi ngs Industrial Electrical & control compo‐
complete with controls gi ed from nents gi ed from MMR Group. Contains Performance Contractors. This par cular the latest equipment used in the industrial model comes with the latest technology se ng and provides students with a view and flow control as well as connec ons/
of the different types of connec ons. weld types. New Faces This year we welcomed two new faces to our expanding department! Dr. Yimin Zhu Professor Dr. Zhu holds the Pulte Home Professorship and will be performing research in Construc on Informa cs and Miscellaneous pumps, motors, pipes, valves, Construc on Educa on. He is also developing the Building connec ons, flanges, couplings, etc. used in Informa on Modeling Lab for the industrial and commercial areas donated teaching. by Performance, MMR, Alliance Kimberley Williams, MBA Safety Council, Programs Coordinator In this new role, Kimberley will Topcor, Sunbelt oversee LSU Online – CM Degree Supply, Pala, Turner, Programs. She will also coordi‐
Wharton Smith, and nate ac vi es for Industry, LSU‐
Fluor. S, BRCC and assist with recrui ng efforts. 14 GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 Topcor provided four different types of insulated industrial pipes, each having a specific purpose for hot or cold fluids. They even provid‐
ed the paint process for typical pipe installs. LSU Construc on Management LSU Construc on Student Associa on STUDENT ORGANIZATION ENRICHES STUDENT LIFE AND AIDS IN CAREER PATH The CM Department houses the Highlights from this year include:  Monthly mee ngs with guest Construc on Student Associa on speakers (CSA) at Louisiana State University.  Student‐Industry mentor pro‐
It is open to all LSU students majoring gram with CIAC in Construc on Management. As an  Football tailgate socials for stu‐
ambassador for the Department, CSA dents and alumni strives to advance the educa on,  Annual Hog Roast experience, and employability of its  Annual Crawfish Boil members by fostering professional  Annual Pig Roast and peer networking, providing And we are looking forward to The Annual enhanced opportuni es for Banquet and Fundraiser on Thursday, April professional educa on, and 3rd! Tickets can be purchased by contac ng promo ng the student agenda to the CM department of the College of Me McCormick at mmcco11@ gers.lsu.edu . Engineering at LSU. Students are encouraged to par cipate by applying for membership and a ending mee ngs and planned social events during regular school semesters. Associated Builders & Contractors Na onal Compe
on The LSU CM Team competed in November of 2013 at the Associate Builders & Contractors CM Compe on held in Las Vegas, Nevada. LSU’s team: Albert Hebert, Darren Sco , Jus n Kinchen, and Chris Pinell placed in the top 10 category, doing excep onally well in Project Management and Es ma ng. NEW: LSU Online Master of Science in CM BUILD NEW EXPERTISE AND CONNECTIONS WITH LSU’S NEWLY DEVELOPED MSCM ONLINE LSU's Online Master of Science in Construc on Management program mold professionals into leaders fully prepared to oversee the rigors and scope of complex residen al, commercial, industrial, civil and government projects that are transforming communi es in the United States and abroad. The online version of the M.S. in Construc on Management has been developed by global na onal academic leaders in construc on educa on. It is currently one of the very few fully online construc on master's programs offered by a major land grant ins tu on with no residency or on‐site requirements. It is intended for the military, industry professional or for those interested in a career change who are unable to a end tradi onal lectures and have access to the Internet. It is a professional prac ce‐oriented advanced degree that offers a unique blend of 36 credit hours (12 courses) of Construc on Management and leadership courses. The degree is designed to develop individuals as leaders of complex building projects with mastery in the best prac ces contained within sustainability, building informa on modeling, project delivery, and decision making. Our graduates are highly regarded and sought‐a er professionals. In fact, nearly 100 percent of LSU engineering graduates have enjoyed con nuous employment over the past 15 years. LSU's Construc on Management baccalaureate degree program, an integral part of the graduate degree development, is accredited by the American Council for Construc on Educa on ‐ a leading global advocate of quality construc on educa on programs. For more info visit: cm.lsu.edu GEAUX BUILD News • April 2014 15 GEAUX BUILD