Cheers - Eteamz

We are the eagles-(turn low v and high v)
Watch us go-(tuck jump)
Were‟re here (punch down r and open)
To say (punch left and open)
Hello XX
H_E_L_L_O (l bow& arrow all the way around)
Trintiy Eagles XX
Say Hello (behind head and open jumping jack)
Our team is filled with might(Diagonal arm, brken, diagonal arm, brken, daggers, clasp)
Eagles are set to fight(right lung, open bow & arrow, Straighten to diagonal, daggers, clasp)
Packed with power(prep for toe touch)
and ready to win(finish jump and stand)
Eagles lets begin(low v w/ left lunge, clasp, high v front right lunge)
Eagles are going (brkn t,dive,)
Straight to the top(T, touchdown)
We‟re on the move and never stop(high v jump prep for “A” jump)
Eagles are pushing right on through(right arm and knee, left arm and knee with circle round to
dog stance)
We‟re rolling over you (roll tight on back and point right finger)
Everybody yell go eagles, so eagles, go eagles (repeat)
Break it down (lasso turn)
Everybody yell go eagles XX go eagles
Front to back(switch lines)
Left to right
Come on eagles
Fight, fight, fight(high v on last word)
„Stomp em gonna get on down
Stomp em don‟t‟ mess around
Stomp em gonna get on down
Stomp em get down (squat and to R jumps)
Let‟s go Red-(R diagonal pull to bkn t)
Let‟s go White (L diagonal pull to brkn t)
Red-(low v) X
White (high V) X
Everybody to the eagle rumble (repeat)
Eagles rumble (straight arms sweep across chest & belly roll)
Hey Hey You (point finger)
You know what to do
You‟ve gotta rock with the red (dagger swing)
And roll with the white (belly roll)
Spirit Spunk
Cut loose (blade serving hands)
Get loud (right hip up& down)
H-U_S_T_L_E (side arms v and twist)
Hustle hustle hustle
psyched is what we need to be
Get psyched (dagger 1/2/ circle L) Allright (dagger ½ circle R)
R_O_C_K (brkn arrow l,daggers, brkn arrow r, daggers)
Eagles, rock the house(touchdown, daggers,hips)
lets go lets go
L_E_T_S_G_O(belly roll low and chest)
Were too hot to handle
There is no doubt
Were to hot to handle
We‟ll knock you out (rapid punch start r)
Eagles don‟t mess around (repeat 3x)
We just get down Yeah (slap knees and bend r knee in)
L_E_T_S_G_O (claps)
Let‟s go eagles (low v pump high r punch)
Rock Steady
The eagles are ready
Rock, rock, rock, rock (swing arms)
Steady steady steady steady (pivot and swing)
Eagles ignite
Spark that fight (fist sparking motion)
G_O_ G_O_ (claps)
Go eagles go (low v, waist wrap, high V)
We‟re rowdy we‟re rough (clap high v)
We‟re big and mean and tough (fist motion by stomach)
We‟re too hot to handle
We‟re too rough to touch
Too hot, too rough (XX)
We‟re too much (leg slap & pose)
L_E_T_S_G_O (hips and arms in low v‟s)
Let‟s go eagles
Let‟s get fired up (daggers, cross, daggers, right punch)
Lets get tough (claps)
We‟re fired up you bet
The eagles make you sweat (left side arm clasp, arm up, bring right arm to forehead)
Eagle fans we wanna see you
Stomp(X) and shake it
Come on Stomp (X) and shake it
Red and blue
You know what to do
Jump & Shout(low V jazz, megaphone mouth)
The eagles knock you out(fall back partner)
Everybody in the stands
Give our team a great big hand
stompXstompX stompXX (repeat)
Hey fans on three lets yell
Go eagles go
1-2-3 yell(number point)
go eagles go(high v, broken v, high v)
say 1-2-3 yell (repeat motions)
go eagles go (repeat motions)
Red, blue and white(side pull back to pose look front and return)
Were the eagles(touchdown)
And we fight (daggers, hips)
Get fired up to win(diagnol R,center, diagnol L, center)
Eagles lets begin(claps)
Lets go red (lean r with leg slap, clap)
Let‟s go white (lean l with leg slap clap)
Come on eagles (face center with leg slap clap)
Lets win tonight (side legs, T, touchdown)
E-EA_EAGLE (right punch across body, left punch across body, dagger dig with feet)
Eagles, eagles
On to victory
Who are we cheering for?
EagleXX eaglesXX eaglesXX go!
Hey Hey Eagle fans
Yell it out and rock the stands(r hammer punch and bounce, l hammer punch and bounce)
Yell HTS yell HTS
H (broken T)
T (shoot forward into dive motion)
S ((step up into broken T) X
We are the best (right broken arm, r at arm pit, punch r on best)
You can do it (repeat)
If you put your mind to it
Buckle down; buckle down, (genie arms with hand slaps)
Do it, do it, do it (right hammer)
Who rocks the house?
The eagles rock the house
When the eagles rock the house
We rock it
All the way down (touchdown, daggers, hips)
Eagle power can‟t be broken
Were on fire and were smoking (slap, slap, clasp)
We‟ve got spirit
SP_I_R_IT (XX)(genie arm slaps)
Soul satisfaction
Give me some of that action
Hey you check us our(point and right side pose)
Hey, hey its time to fight
Everybody yell red and white
Yell red(hold up cards)
Yell white(hold up cards)
Pride and spirit
Eagles lets hear it (XX)
Eagles lets get physical
Get tough, get down, get mean
Hold em Hold em
Lets go D (leg slap, daggers, right punch and r foot back)
Eagles have the power
Now is the hour
GO, Fight, Win or hold that line
Give me a V (highV)
Dot the I(r arm hit head)
Curl the C(hip circle)
Victory XX(dagger, high kick)
victoryXX(dagger high V)
Defense chants
Push‟em back, Push em back, Way back-(stop sign walk, bounce jump back)
Hold that line Eagles- cross arms, pull hands, T and clasp
Defense, defense (right arm punch) XX
Eagles attack
Sack that quarterback (squat with knee cross arms)
Big D
Come alive
And stop that drive (leg slap, jump into candlestick stop signs palms)
Hold‟em(wrap r arm front)
Get rough (muscles)
Defense ((wrap left arm front)
Stay tough (muscles)
Take it away (cross arms small in front with marching feet)
A big D-EFENSE (step kick “Charleston” 3 times)
A big D (right punch)
Eagles have the power
Now is the hour
hold that line
Hold em Hold em
Lets go D (leg slap, daggers, right punch and r foot back)
Offense chants
We want a touchdown XX
(arms at sides & raise to touchdown)
1 and 10 do it again- (r brkn v to diagnol arm with knee bounces)
Hey Eagles
Drive it down the line(driving motion)
We want a touchdown
One more time (number 1 in air)
Eagles are pushin right on thru(dagger and push front with walk)
Were fired up(touchdown jump)
And after you (behind head point)
M_O_V_E (low l, high l, high r, low r)
Move that ball (claps)
T_O_U_C_H_D_O_W_N (t motion and prep for A jump)
Offense, offense (right arm punch) XX
Offense, Offense
Do it now
Move that ball (squat, r step, left step.. on words)
1-2-3-4(daggers, legs, t,touchdown)
Eagle team raise that score (XX,daggers right punch)
Hut, Hut Hike(leg slap 2X, clasp)
That‟s what we like
Offense, offense,
Fight, fight, fight(jump and right punch)
Offense chants
We got the ball so lets go, lets go
We got the ball so
Lets go(leg slap & hitchhike thumb)
Come on eagles(repeat)
Score 6 more(step back, touchdown, daggers)
Score Score (XX)
6 more (XX)
We want a touchdown XX
(arms at sides & raise to touchdown)
Score Score (XX)
6 more (XX)
„Stomp em gonna get on down
Stomp em don‟t‟ mess around
Stomp em gonna get on down
Stomp em get down (squat and to R jumps)
Let‟s go Red-(R diagonal pull to bkn t)
Let‟s go White (L diagonal pull to brkn t)
Red-(low v) X
White (high V) X
Everybody to the eagle rumble (repeat)
Eagles rumble (straight arms sweep across chest & belly roll)
Offense chants
Hey Hey You (point finger)
You know what to do
You‟ve gotta rock with the red (dagger swing)
And roll with the white (belly roll)
Spirit Spunk
Cut loose (blade serving hands)
Get loud (right hip up& down)
H-U_S_T_L_E (side arms v and twist)
Hustle hustle hustle
psyched is what we need to be
Get psyched (dagger 1/2/ circle L) Allright (dagger ½ circle R)
Give me a V (highV)
Dot the I(r arm hit head)
Curl the C(hip circle)
Victory XX(dagger, high kick)
victoryXX(dagger high V)
R_O_C_K (brkn arrow l,daggers, brkn arrow r, daggers)
Eagles, rock the house(touchdown, daggers,hips)
lets go lets go
L_E_T_S_G_O(belly roll low and chest)
Were too hot to handle
There is no doubt
Were to hot to handle
We‟ll knock you out (rapid punch start r)
Eagles don‟t mess around (repeat 3x)
We just get down Yeah (slap knees and bend r knee in)
Offense chants
L_E_T_S_G_O (claps)
Let‟s go eagles (low v pump high r punch)
Rock Steady
The eagles are ready
Rock, rock, rock, rock (swing arms)
Steady steady steady steady (pivot and swing)
Eagles ignite
Spark that fight (fist sparking motion)
G_O_ G_O_ (claps)
Go eagles go (low v, waist wrap, high V)
We‟re rowdy we‟re rough (clap high v)
We‟re big and mean and tough (fist motion by stomach)
We‟re too hot to handle
We‟re too rough to touch
Too hot, too rough (XX)
We‟re too much (leg slap & pose)
L_E_T_S_G_O (hips and arms in low v‟s)
Let‟s go eagles
Let‟s get fired up (daggers, cross, daggers, right punch)
Lets get tough (claps)
We‟re fired up you bet
The eagles make you sweat (left side arm clasp, arm up, bring right arm to forehead)
Eagle fans we wanna see you
Stomp(X) and shake it
Come on Stomp (X) and shake it
Offense chants
Red and blue
You know what to do
Jump & Shout(low V jazz, megaphone mouth)
The eagles knock you out(fall back partner)
Everybody in the stands
Give our team a great big hand
stompXstompX stompXX (repeat)
Hey fans on three lets yell
Go eagles go
1-2-3 yell(number point)
go eagles go(high v, broken v, high v)
say 1-2-3 yell (repeat motions)
go eagles go (repeat motions)
Red, blue and white(side pull back to pose look front and return)
Were the eagles(touchdown)
And we fight (daggers, hips)
Get fired up to win(diagnol R,center, diagnol L, center)
Eagles lets begin(claps)
Front to back(switch lines)
Left to right
Come on eagles
Fight, fight, fight(high v on last word)
Lets go red (lean r with leg slap, clap)
Let‟s go white (lean l with leg slap clap)
Come on eagles (face center with leg slap clap)
Lets win tonight (side legs, T, touchdown)
E-EA_EAGLE (right punch across body, left punch across body, dagger dig with feet)
Eagles, eagles
On to victory
Offense chants
Who are we cheering for?
EagleXX eaglesXX eaglesXX go!
Hey Hey Eagle fans
Yell it out and rock the stands(r hammer punch and bounce, l hammer punch and bounce)
Yell HTS yell HTS
H (broken T)
T (shoot forward into dive motion)
S ((step up into broken T) X
We are the best (right broken arm, r at arm pit, punch r on best)
You can do it (repeat)
If you put your mind to it
Buckle down; buckle down, (genie arms with hand slaps)
Do it, do it, do it (right hammer)
Who rocks the house?
The eagles rock the house
When the eagles rock the house
We rock it
All the way down (touchdown, daggers, hips)
Eagle power can‟t be broken
Were on fire and were smoking (slap, slap, clasp)
We‟ve got spirit
SP_I_R_IT (XX)(genie arm slaps)
Soul satifaction
Give me some of that action
Hey you check us our(point and right side pose)
Offense chants
Hey, hey its time to fight
Everybody yell red and white
Yell red(hold up cards)
Yell white(hold up cards)
Pride and spirit
Eagles lets hear it (XX)
Eagles lets get physical
Get tough, get down, get mean
Eagles have the power
Now is the hour
GO, Fight, Win
Trinity Eagles go go go
You can‟t beat H T S