Searching the Biomedical Literature: Medline(Ovid), PubMed

Biology 3100
Library Session 3
Sept 26, 2011
• MEDLINE is a bibliographic database produced by the National Library of Medicine, a division of the National Institutes of Health.
• Medline(Ovid) is the subscription‐based interface that provides access to the MEDLINE database
• PubMed is the free interface that provides access to the MEDLINE database.
• Medline covers the broad field of biomedicine, and includes microbiology, immunology, endocrinology, pharmacology, toxicology, and other areas of biology and medicine. • Coverage is from 1966 to the present. MEDLINE(Ovid)Vs.PubMed
• more sophisticated mapping system to help identify appropriate subject headings (MeSH terms)
• more control over the "explode" function and selecting subject terms or text words
• the ability to connect to the York Online Catalog and link to library holdings
• the ability to save complex search strategies using search statement numbers
• the AutoAlert update feature
PubMed • more current database with citations added directly by journal publishers
• search engine that simultaneously searches for subject headings and key words
• and automatically explodes subject headings
• more direct links to full‐text journal articles
• "related articles" feature
• faster response time
• free access to everyone with internet connection
• (MeSH) are what make searching in MEDLINE so powerful. • They are specific terms that are used to index articles in MEDLINE. • They are structured in Hierarchies “trees” of broader and narrower related terms. • They provide a consistent way to find articles that are about
the same topic but use different terminology. SUBJECTHEADINGvs KEYWORD
• A word or phrase assigned to a book or article that describes what it is about. • The word comes from a thesaurus of terms specific to the database and is standard for all books or articles about that subject
• An arbitrary word used in a book or article to refer to a topic in the book or article. • It is selected by the author to describe a topic or concept or is a term that appears in the abstract or title
• Different authors use different terms to describe the same concept
SH vs. KW
• Basic Search allows natural language searching
• Ranks results by Score or Relevancy
• Advanced Search allows more controlled searching with MeSH headings and Keywords
• You can select the sorting function – default is by date of publication
• More control over the "explode" function and selecting subject terms or text words
Launched Nov. 2004
Elsevier product
Includes its own web search engine Scirus
Draws on Medline, Embase, Compendex, World Textile Index, Fluidex, Geobase, Biobase • Uses all of their controlled vocabularies making searching more powerful
• Provides international coverage • Citation data available from 1996 onwards (bibliographic data back to 1966)
• Covers over 15,000 titles total • Broader range of types of publications than WoS
• Covers more serials
• Very heavy weighting toward coverage of Biomedical literature, though some social sciences and physical sciences coverage