Notes 5 - Indiana University Computer Science Department

B553 Lecture 5: Matrix Algebra Review
Kris Hauser
January 19, 2012
We have seen in prior lectures how vectors represent points in Rn and
gradients of functions. Matrices represent linear transformations of vector
quantities. This lecture will present standard matrix notation, conventions,
and basic identities that will be used throughout this course. During the
course of this discussion we will also drop the boldface notation for vectors,
and it will remain this way for the rest of the class.
A matrix A represents a linear transformation of an n-dimensional vector
space to an m-dimensional one. It is given by an m×n array of real numbers.
Usually matrices are denoted as uppercase letters (e.g., A, B, C), with the
entry in the i’th row and j’th column denoted in the subscript ·i,j , or when
it is unambiguous, ·ij (e.g., A1,2 , A1p ).
A1,1 · · · A1,n
.. 
A =  ...
. 
Am,n · · · Am,n
Matrix-Vector Product
An m × n matrix A transforms vectors x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) into m-dimensional
vectors y = (y1 , . . . , ym ) = Ax as follows:
y1 =
A1j xj
ym =
Amj xj
Or, more concisely, yi = j=1 Aij xj for i = 1, . . . , m. (Note that matrixvector multiplication is not symmetric, so xA is an invalid operation.)
Linearity of matrix-vector multiplication. We can see that matrixvector multiplication is linear, that is A(ax + by) = aAx + bAy for all a, b, x,
and y. It is also linear in terms of component-wise addition and multiplication of matrices, as long as the matrices are of the same size. More precisely,
if A and B are both m × n matrices, then (aA + bB)x = aAx + bBx for all
a, b, and x.
Identity matrix. One special matrix that occurs frequently is the n × n
identity matrix In , which has 0’s in all off-diagonal positions Iij with i 6= j,
and 1’s in all diagonal positions Iii . It is significant because In x = x for all
x ∈ Rn .
Matrix Product
When two linear transformations are performed one after the other, the result
is also a linear transformation. Suppose A is m × n, B is n × p, and x
is a p-dimensional vector, and consider the result of A(Bx) (that is, first
multiplying by B and then multiplying the result by A). We see that
Bx = (
B1j xj , . . . ,
Bnj xj )
Ay = (
A1k yk , . . . ,
Amk yk )
A(Bx) =
A1k (
Bkj xj ), . . . ,
Amk (
Bkj xj ) .
Rearranging the summations, we see that
A(Bx) =
A1k Bkj )xj ), . . . ,
Amk Bkj xj ) .
j=1 k=1
j=1 k=1
In other words, we could have A(Bx) = Cx if we were to form a matrix C
such that
Cij =
Aik Bkj
This is exactly the definition of the matrix product, and we say C = AB. The
entry Cij of can also be obtained taking the dot-product of the i’th column
of A and the j’th column of B.
Matrix product is associative but not symmetric. By the above
derivation we can drop the parentheses A(Bx) = (AB)x. So, matrix-vector
and matrix-matrix multiplication are associative. Note again however that
matrix-matrix multiplication is not symmetric, that is AB 6= BA in general.
Column and row vectors. Note that if we were to write an n-dimensional
vector x stacked in a n × 1 matrix x (denoted in lowercase), we can turn
the matrix-vector y = Ax into the matrix product y = Ax. Here, if A is an
m × n matrix, then y is an m × 1 matrix.
 
A1,1 · · · A1,n
 ..   ..
..   .. 
 . = .
.  . 
Am,n · · · Am,n
Hence, there is a one-to-one correspondence between vectors and matrices
with one column. These matrices are called column vectors and will be
our default notation for vectors throughout the rest of the course. We will
occasionally also deal with row vectors, which are matrices with a single row.
The transpose AT of a matrix A simply switches A’s rows and columns.
(AT )ij = Aji .
If A is m × n, then AT is n × m.
Symmetric matrix. If A = AT , then A is symmetric.
Matrix Inverse
An inverse A−1 of an n × n square matrix A is a matrix that satisfies the
following equation:
AA−1 = A−1 A = In
where In is the identity matrix. Not all square matrices have an inverse, in
which case we say A is not invertible (or singular). Invertible matrices are
significant because the unique solution x to the system of linear equations
Ax = b, is simply A−1 b. This holds for any b. If the matrix is not invertible,
then such an equation may or may not have a solution.
Orthogonal matrix. An orthogonal matrix is a square matrix that satisfies
AAT = In . In other words, its transpose is its inverse.
Matrix identities
Identities involving the transpose:
• (cA)T = cAT for any real value c.
• (A + B)T = AT + B T .
• (AB)T = B T AT .
• All 1 × 1 matrices are symmetric, the identity matrix is symmetric, and
all uniform scalings of a symmetric matrix are symmetric.
• A + AT is symmetric.
• The dot product x·y is equal to xT y, with x and y denoting the column
vector representations of x and y, respectively.
• xT Ay = y T AT x, with x and y column vectors.
Identities involving the inverse:
• In−1 = In .
• (cA)−1 = 1c A−1 for any real value c 6= 0.
• (AB)−1 = B −1 A−1 if both B and A are invertible.
• If A and B are invertible, then (ABA−1 )−1 = AB −1 A−1 .
Common mistakes
Matrix expressions are similar to standard expressions regarding real numbers in that addition and subtraction are equivalent, multiplication is nearly
equivalent, and inverses give an approximation of division. But, this similarity leads to common pitfalls when manipulating matrix equations. Here are
some common mistakes that you should look out for.
1. Swapping the arguments of a matrix product.
2. Propagating transposes or inverses into a matrix product without swapping the order of arguments.
3. Assuming that a matrix is invertible (or worse, assuming a non-square
matrix is invertible).
4. Performing operations on matrices of incompatible size.
Rank, Null space, and Definiteness
If A is not invertible (for instance, it may not be square) then the system
of linear equations Ax = b may not have a solution x. Or, it may have an
infinite number of solutions. Or, it may have solutions for some b’s and not
others. We would like to characterize, based on properties of A, when such
equations can be solved.
Matrix rank
Consider the columns of A as a list of vectors a1 , . . . , an . Recall that if b ∈
Span(a1 , . . . , an ), then b is a linear combination of a1 , . . . , an . If this holds,
then it is sufficient to set each component xi to the respective coefficient on
ai in order to solve Ax = b. On the other hand, if b ∈
/ Span(a1 , . . . , an ), then
there is not solution. So, the set of vectors b such that Ax = b has a solution
is precisely Span(a1 , . . . , an ).
Rank. The rank of an m × n matrix A is the size of the largest subset of
{a1 , . . . , an } that is linearly independent. In other words, if A has rank k,
then Span(a1 , . . . , an ) is an k-dimensional subspace of Rm . If k = n, then A
is said to have full column rank, and such problems have at most one solution.
If k = m, then A is said to have full row rank, and such problems have at
least one solution. If k = m = n, then A is invertible.
Overdetermined system. Now suppose that the rank of A is k < m. Then
there are some possible values of b that are not attainable by linear combinations of a1 , . . . , an . Such systems are known as overdetermined because
there are more constraints than can be fulfilled by adjusting the values of x.
Overdetermined systems are usually not solved exactly, but are more often
solved in a least squares sense minx ||Ax − b||2 .
Underdetermined system. If the rank of A is k < n, then there are an
infinite number of solutions x to the equation Ax0 = Ax. To see this, let
some column of A be linearly dependent on the remaining columns.
this column is a1 without loss of generality. Then, a1 − ni=2 ci ai = 0 for
some coefficients ci . So, any multiple of the vector v = (1, −c2 , . . . , −cn ) can
be added to x0 without affecting the value of A(x0 + cv). Such systems are
known as underdetermined because they may be solved by multple values of
A system can be both underdetermined and overdetermined if k < m
and k < n. This means there are some values of b for which there is no
solution, but for those that do have a solution, there are an infinite number
of solutions.
Null space
For underdetermined systems with k < n, we ask how many directions d can
we move in to preserve Ad = 0? The space of such directions is known as the
null space. These are significant because if we move a point x in any such
direction, we leave the value of Ax = A(x + d) = Ax + Ad = Ax unchanged.
It turns out that this space can be spanned by n − k linearly independent
directions, and is therefore a space of dimension n − k. (Null spaces will
feature prominently in constrained optimization problems.)
Positive/Negative Definiteness
A symmetric square matrix A is positive semi-definite if for all vectors x,
xT Ax ≥ 0. It is strictly positive definite if equality holds only for x = 0. It
can be shown that positive definite matrices are invertible. The inverse of a
positive definite matrix is positive definite as well.
Although it is not clear at the moment what this condition means, it will
become important in later lectures. Many matrices that we encounter will be
shown to be positive definite! For example, the matrix (AT A) for a matrix
A of full column rank is positive definite. Also, a local minimum of a scalar
field, the Hessian matrix is positive definite.
Likewise, a matrix for which xT Ax ≤ 0 is called negative semi-definite,
and is called strictly negative definite if equality holds only at x = 0. If none
of these conditions holds, the matrix is called indefinite.
Matrix Factorizations
Several matrix factorizations have proven useful in numerical analysis, computer science, and engineering. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with
these factorizations so that you can apply them.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
If there exist a real number λ and vector x such that Ax = λx, then λ and x
are known as an eigenvalue and eigenvector of A, respectively. Briefly, here
are some facts about eigenvalues.
1. All matrices have at least one and at most n distinct eigenvalues.
2. Symmetric matrices have real eigenvalues.
3. Positive definite matrices have a full set of real, positive eigenvalues.
4. Positive semi-definite matrices have real, nonnegative eigenvalues.
5. Nonsymmetric matrices may have complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Eigendecomposition. Symmetric matrices A can be decomposed into the
form QΛQT , where Λ is a diagonal matrix and Q is an orthogonal matrix. Λ
is related to Q in that the ith entry of Λ is an eigenvalue that corresponds
to the i’th column of Q, which is its eigenvector.
The significance of this decomposition is that multiplication by a symmetric matrix can be represented by a rotation transformation, then an axisaligned scaling, then an inverse rotation. It also gives a convenient form for
the inverse, and to test whether an inverse exists. If every element of the diagonal of Λ is nonzero, then A−1 = QΛ−1 QT . Λ−1 is easy to compute because
it simply requires taking the reciprocal of each element on the diagonal.
Decompositions into Triangular Forms
LU decomposition. It can be shown that using the Gaussian elimination
procedure, any matrix A can be decomposed into A = P LU , where P is
a permutation matrix, L is a lower triangular matrix, and U is an upper
triangular matrix. This decomposition is significant because permutation
matrices are easily invertible, and triangular matrices are easily invertible if
their diagonals are nonzero. (The solution to any invertible triangular matrix
equation Lx = b can be found quickly through a backsubstitution procedure)
So, if L, and U are invertible, then A is invertible as well! This method is
very frequently employed to solve an invertible system of equations.
Cholesky decomposition. The special case of the LU decomposition of
a symmetric positive-definite matrix is known as a Cholesky decomposition.
It can be seen that to be symmetric, U = LT , and hence A = LLT . For
symmetric indefinite matrices, there is a related Cholesky decomposition into
LDLT , where D is a diagonal matrix. Cholesky decompositions can be be
computed in slightly fewer steps than general LU decompositions.
Singular Value Decomposition
The singular value decomposition (SVD) is one of the most useful tools in
scientific computing. It gives a similar factorizaton to the eigendecomposition, but can be applied to non-square matrices. It also gives convenient
solutions to find a matrix’s rank and null space, and to compute pseudoinverses. It is the most common method used to perform principal components
analysis (PCA) in statistics and machine learning, and in generalizing New8
ton’s method to higher dimensions. It can also be used to perform robust
least-squares fitting in underdetermined systems.
The SVD of an m × n matrix A takes the form:
A = U ΣV T
where U is an m × m orthogonal matrix, V is an n × n orthogonal matrix,
and Σ is an m × n matrix with nonzero entries only on the diagonal.
Computing the rank. The rank of A is equal to the number of nonzero
elements on the diagonal of Σ.
Computing the nullspace. If Σii = 0 for some i, then the i’th column of
V T is in the null space of A. The set of all such columns of V T is an orthogonal
basis of the null space. If these vectors are assembled into an n × (n − k)
matrix N , then all solutions to the equation Ax = b can be obtained by
finding a single solution x0 , and letting x = x0 + N y any arbitrary choice of
y ∈ Rn−k .
Computing the pseudoinverse. A pseudoinverse is a generalization of
the inverse of a matrix that is used when an inverse does not exist. It can
also be used when a matrix is not square. The pseudoinverse A+ is defined
as an n × m matrix that has the following properties:
1. AA+ A = A
2. A+ AA+ = A+
3. (AA+ )T = AA+
4. (A+ A)T = A+ A
This matrix can be computed using the SVD. Note that the pseudoinverse
Σ+ of Σ can be computed by taking the reciprocal of all nonzero diagonal
entries of Σ, and leaving the zero entries. Then the pseudoinverse of A is
A+ = V Σ+ U T (convince yourself that this satisfies the properties of the
pseudoinverse). Note that if A is invertible, then A+ = A−1 .
Robust least squares. The SVD can be used to solve for all least-squares
solutions to a system linear equations, whether the system is full rank, underdetermined, overdetermined, or both! It can be shown that x0 = A+ b is
a least-squares solution to minx ||Ax − b||2 . To see this, take the gradient of
this quadratic function at x0
2AT (Ax0 − b) = AT (AA+ b − b) = (AT AA+ − AT )b
Now look at the transpose of the matrix above, apply the transpose rule, apply the third property of the pseudoinverse, and then apply the first property
of the pseudoinverse:
(AT AA+ − AT )T = (AA+ )T A − A = AA+ A − A = A − A = 0
Hence, the gradient at x0 is zero.
Since we can also compute the null-space matrix N , we see that all vectors
of the form x = A+ b + N y, with y arbitrary, are least squares solutions as
Software considerations
Software libraries
Software libraries for basic matrix operations are available in most languages.
Examples include LAPACK, GSL, JAMA for Java, and Numpy for Python.
Matlab is a special purpose language devised explicitly to make matrix calculations convenient. Most packages will provide the Cholesky decomposition,
LU decomposition, QR decomposition, and SVD. They typically also provide
eigenvalue/eigenvector computations for symmetric positive definite matrices, and sometimes for nonsymmetric matrices as well.
Computational Complexity
For square matrices, matrix-vector multiplication is O(n2 ), while the naive
approach to matrix multiplication is O(n3 ). There are algorithms that achieve
a slightly lower exponent, but these are not typically not competitive in practice because of large hidden constants. Matrix inversion is as complex as
matrix multiplication, and is typically solved using the O(n3 ) LU decomposition or the Cholesky decomposition if the matrix is symmetric (also O(n3 )
but with a smaller constant factor). Eigendecompositions and SVDs are also
O(n3 ) but with yet a larger constant factor.
Sparse Matrices
Sparse matrices — matrices in which most entries are zero — arise in many
applications including physical simulation and problems on graphs. Sparse
matrices can be stored in less than O(n2 ) space, and many operations (addition, multiplication) can be performed in time proportional to the number
of nonzero entries rather than the size of the matrix.
Solving a sparse system of equations Ax = b can often be solved efficiently
using the conjugate gradient method. See J. Shewchuck (1994) “An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method Without the Agonizing Pain” for
a good (and entertainingly written) reference on this method.