Word List: cred = believe

Word List: cred = believe
accreditation (n)
granting approval or belief in a school
credential (n)
a document that proves a person is believable
credible (adj)
believable; reliable
credit (v)
to believe that someone will do something
creditor (n)
a person who believes that he will be paid back the money
that he loaned
credulous (adj)
tending to believe too easily; easily convinced; easily fooled
creed (n)
a set of religious beliefs or principles
discredit (v)
to refuse to believe; to reject as untrue
incredible (adj)
not believable; improbable; unlikely
incredulous (adj)
doubting; unwilling or unable to believe
Greek and Latin Roots © 2004 Creative Teaching Press
Vocabulary Sort: cred
tending to believe too easily; easily convinced; easily fooled
believable; reliable
not believable; improbable; unlikely
to refuse to believe; to reject as untrue
a document that proves a person is believable
Greek and Latin Roots © 2004 Creative Teaching Press
a set of religious beliefs or principles
a person who believes that he will be paid back the money that he
granting approval or belief in a school
to believe that someone will do something
doubting; unwilling or unable to believe
Read-Around Review: cred
I have the first card.
Who has the root that means believe?
I have the root cred.
Who has the word that describes something that is so unlikely that you can’t believe
that it actually happened?
I have the word incredible.
Who has the word the names a document that some people, including teachers, earn to
show they are qualified for their job?
I have the word credential.
Who has the word that describes a person who is owed money and believes that the
people who borrowed his or her money will pay it back?
I have the word creditor.
Who has the word that names what some people, groups, schools, and companies receive
that makes them worthy of being believed?
I have the word accreditation.
Who has the word that describes what you do when you don’t believe what you are hearing?
I have the word discredit.
Who has the word that names the set of religious beliefs followed by a church?
I have the word creed.
Who has the word that describes a person who is easily fooled and believes anything
he or she hears?
I have the word credible.
Who has the word that describes what you give to people whom you trust?
I have the word credit.
Who has the word that describes a person who doubts everything that he hears
and has a hard time believing what people tell him?
I have the word incredulous.
Who has the first card?
Greek and Latin Roots © 2004 Creative Teaching Press
I have the word credulous.
Who has the word that describes a person who is honest, reliable, and believable
in what she says?
Name _________________________________________
Date _________________________________________
Vocabulary Quiz: cred
Shade in the bubble for the correct word.
1. If a person has a reputation for not telling the truth, people will tend to do this to what
he says.
A) discredit
B) incredible
C) credit
D) credential
2. This person is waiting to be paid back the money that he loaned. He believes that he will
get it back.
A) credential
B) incredible
C) creed
D) creditor
3. This is a document that people, such as teachers, earn to show that they know what they
are doing.
A) credential
B) creditor
C) credit
D) creed
4. This is a word that describes a person who believes everything he hears.
A) accreditation B) credential
C) creditor
D) credulous
5. What do you give to someone if she follows through on what she says she will do?
A) credit
B) creditor
C) creeds
D) credential
6. A person in jail or a friend who is always in trouble would never be described as this.
A) incredulous
B) credible
C) creditor
D) creed
7. Schools must prove that they have high standards in order to keep this.
A) accreditation B) creeds
C) incredulous
D) creditors
8. Which word describes something that you have a hard time believing but really
did happen?
A) incredible
B) credulous
C) creed
D) creditor
9. A person who never believes anything she hears would be described as which
of the following?
A) credible
B) incredulous
C) creditor
D) creed
10. Each church or religious group follows one of these that may be more or less specific to
its members.
A) creed
B) creditors
C) credentials
D) accreditation
Write the correct word on the line so the sentence makes sense.
Greek and Latin Roots © 2004 Creative Teaching Press
11. After listening to her son tell a lie every day for a week, Mrs. Jamison was _____________________ about
his story of the lost homework folder.
12. According to that church’s _____________________, girls could only wear dresses and boys had to
wear suits.
13. You deserve _____________________ for admitting what you did wrong before getting caught.
14. Teachers in public education have earned _____________________ that prove they know how to teach.
15. It was absolutely _____________________ that she won the lottery!