Animal Farm Project:

Animal Farm Project: Directions: For this assignment you have to chose ​
AT LEAST 4 of the 8 options​
provided for you. Please carefully read the instructions for each option and follow them in order to successfully complete this assignment. Each option has the same point value, chose the four that interst you the most! Option 1: Create a Comic Strip: For this option you will be creating your own 8 panel comic strip detailing one important scene in the novel. 1.)
Pick one of the most important scenes from ​
Animal Farm. 2.)
Separate a sheet of computer paper into 8 sections 3.)
Fill out the panels in chronological order with words and drawings 4.)
Color the panels 5.)
Explain on the back of the comic (or on a separate sheet of paper) and explain why you chose this scene, why it is important to the novel, and why you drew it the way you did. Option 2: Create an alternate ending to the story: For this option you will be creating an alternate ending to the novel. This needs to be at least two pages. 1.)
Write a full heading, and the title should be “Chapter 10” 2.)
Write an alternate ending to the novel. It should be at least two pages. 3.)
After this is complete, a paragraph should accompany the chapter. This paragraph should explain: why you changed the ending, why you like your ending better, explain in detail one change you made and why. Option 3: Create your own test questions (20 Questions): For this option you will be creating your own test questions for a test on Animal Farm. This test must be at least ​
20 questions ​
and should have a variety of different question types. (Multiple choice, true/false, short answer, fill­in­the­blank, ect.) 1.)
Review the book. 2.)
Create approximately two questions per chapter. 3.)
Make sure to include questions of at least three different types. 4.)
Include at least one short answer question. 5.)
Create an answer key to your test! Option 4: Find three songs that have similar themes that Animal Farm has: This option requires you find three songs that relate to themes found within Animal Farm. These themes should be approved by the teacher. Some suggestions are: the danger of being uneducated, the danger of propaganda, abuse of power, working class struggles, any other themes must be approved.) 1.)
Review the novel to see different themes that are present. 2.)
Find SCHOOL APPROPRIATE songs that illustrate these themes. 3.)
For each song, write at least a paragraph explanation as to why the song fits the theme. Option 5: Create three Facebook Profiles for different characters: This option requires you to chose three different characters from Animal Farm and create Facebook Profiles for each of them. 1.)
Chose three characters from the novel. 2.)
Chose a Facebook name for the characters 3.)
Draw or choose a profile picture/cover photo for each animal 4.)
Create at least 4 likes that you think the animal would have. 5.)
Create at least 2 posts that would appear on their profile 6.)
Draw or create with the internet these profiles for these characters with: A profile picture, a cover photo, 4 likes, and 2 posts per wall. 7.)
Write a one paragraph response on a separate sheet of paper describing why you chose those animals, why you picked/drew the pictures that you utilized, and explain the wall posts. Option 6: Create 8 Twitter conversations/tweets: For this option you will be expected to compose at least 8 different tweets. These tweets can be from multiple characters in the novel. (140 characters or less) 1.)
Review the book for any characters you would like to compose a tweet about. 2.)
You should choose AT LEAST two different character to utilize. 3.)
Create a clever twitter handle for your characters. 4.)
Each tweet should utilize AT LEAST one hashtag. 5.)
All tweets should be 140 characters or less. 6.)
Write a paragraph describing why you chose the twitter handles you did, and pick at least one tweet and explain how it is relevant to the story. Option 7: Write News Story about a Major Battle: For this option you should chose a major battle from Animal Farm, pretend you are a reporter and write a news story describing what happened this news article should be AT LEAST one page long. 1.)
Chose a battle in Animal Farm. 2.)
Locate the details of the story: who was involved, what happened, where it occurred, when it took place and why it happened. 3.)
After the details are collected, you should compile these into a news story (you may use the newspaper for inspiration) 4.)
You must include at least one piece fake quote from a character in Animal Farm. Option 8: Create a power pyramid with the characters in Animal Farm: This option will require you to analyze the social structure present within Animal Farm. You will need to create a pyramid that ranks the animals in order from least powerful to most powerful. (NOT STRENGTH!) 1.)
Review the character charts and the novel for characters and begin figuring out who has the most power on the farm. (Hint: Sheep would be the bottom, Napoleon would be the top.) 2.)
On a blank sheet of paper, create a pyramid with the least powerful animal on the bottom, most powerful on the top. 3.)
Write at least a paragraph on a separate sheet of paper describing why you ranked the characters this way. 