CASE STUDIES CHALLENGE Case Study: Shea Homes Trilogy • Comprehensive social media and digital PR campaign to promote online personality assessment tool for Trilogy Ac5ve Lifestyle Communi5es (The quiz gave ac5ve adults insight into their personality types related to where they would like to live) • Goals included growing online audience, increase par5cipa5on in events, opportuni5es to introduce Trilogy to
prospec5ve customers SOLUTION • Created 12 Facebook pages,one for each community • Daily pos5ngs to Facebook and TwiVer to increase fans-­‐likes followers, increase sharing, increase linking to survey • Photo sharing strategy to engage with community photos • Digital PR plan with relevant ar5cles to blogs and media • Re-­‐packaging of blog content for social media RESULTS Attracted
people to
the site!
• Highly successful Facebook adver5sing campaign became the #1 promo5onal source for driving traffic to the site with nearly 25,000 visits • Events such asThe Good Life Fes5val andWine Lovers Sweepstakes built engagement, loyalty and return visits Online Survey Custom Facebook Tabs Blog Coverage Trilogy Event PromoCons Online Sweepstakes Zenzi Case Study: Chiquita Banana Challenge • Re-­‐energize an iconic brand for people Under 35 • Build loyalty and product preference • Drive traffic to SoluCon • Crowd-­‐sourcing campaign challenging banana fans to recreate the iconic Chiquita banana s5cker • Approachable engagement for a classic brand • Crea5ve, out-­‐of-­‐the-­‐box expression of brand’s fun personality • Targeted true emo5onal center-­‐ the s5cker, not the banana Zenzi Case Study: Chiquita Banana Results • 55 million media impressions (5x ini5al goal) • 100,000 votes submiVed • 25,000 designs created at • High-­‐profile coverage included NYT, Time Magazine and Chicago Tribune "Humans have always no5ced novelty, but it’s harder to get our aVen5on in the mul5colored and abundant context of a megamart, where one heap of bananas looks much like another. This makes it all the more impressive that Chiquita has received so much noCce by being creaCve with the liJle blue sCckers that adorn its flagship fruit.” –New York Times Zenzi Case Study: Aptera Motors Challenge • Aptera, Greek for “Wingless Flight”, tasked Zenzi with the company’s official launch and unveiling of its ultra-­‐green vehicle, the hybrid version of which was capable of 300 miles per gallon. While compe5tors had more marke5ng dollars, Zenzi turned the challenge into an advantage for Aptera. Zenzi Case Study: Aptera Motors SoluCon • To set the company apart from the pack, messaging focused on what the compe55on lacked; safety, uniqueness and firsts in design innova5on. Zenzi avoided focusing too heavily on automo5ve trade publica5ons and shows, op5ng for venues that spotlighted Aptera such as celebrity green events, mo5on pictures and commercials. Zenzi Case Study: Aptera Motors Results • Zenzi achieved massive reach for Aptera with stories in outlets such as Good Morning America, CNN, 60 Minutes, LA Times, Fortune, Time Magazine, Popular Mechanics (cover), Wired (cover), USA Today (cover) and Yahoo! (homepage). Top 5er media coverage validated Aptera, helped to secure addi5onal VC funding and created a “trickle down” media blitz with par5cipa5on in the Global Green Pre-­‐Oscar Party, Paramount Pictures’ Star Trek movie and a Touchstone Energy commercial. In just five months, Zenzi secured 223 news clips, $658,527 in ad dollars, 1,361,739 online impressions and 20,583,110 in total readership Case Study: Nestlé DrumsCck Challenge • Drive $25MM in sales of new Lil’ Drums • Reinvigorate Drums5ck Brand among modern families • Drive awareness and trial of en5re Drums5ck product line SoluCon • Extensive media outreach for new Lil’ Drums product, including broadcast media tour, NY editor mee5ng, crea5ve press kits • Appealed to emo5onal center of modern moms with Lil’ Heroes contest • Inspired grassroots local news to complement high-­‐profile product news Nestlé DrumsCck Results • 115 million+ media impressions over course of program • Top selling new product • Category leadership • Media impressions included Good Morning America, Yahoo! Food, Woman's World, Shape, Family Circle, Paren5ng Magazine, Hungry Girl Case Study: Fruit Bars Planting in FarmVille
Challenge • Capitalize on Dreyer’s/ Edy’s Fruit Bars brand integra5on with Farmville game • Tie into Communi5es Take Root, a mul5-­‐
year cause marke5ng program Zenzi developed • Turn an adver5sing deal into a newsworthy event to aVract recogni5on from tech, gaming and mainstream media SoluCon • Bring real life Farmville players and bloggers from across the country to the town of Farmville, VA to plant real fruit trees • Players got their hands dirty helping to provide “crops” for years to come • Coordinate special event with city of Farmville, which was covered by na5onal media • Tied directly into Communi5es Take Root mission, to bring a fresh and sustainable source of fruit to people across the country Case Study: Fruit Bars Planting in FarmVille
What the Media Said…
“Similar to the Green Giant or 7-­‐Eleven events from last year, that saw players leaving their computers long enough to buy products in the real world containing redeemable codes, it looks as though this summer’s promoQon will be with ‘Edy’s Fruit Bars’.” – “FarmVille is teaming up with Edy’s Fruit Bars and Dreyer’s Ice Cream later this summer. To celebrate this crosspromoQon, Dreyer’s and Edy’s Fruit Bars are sponsoring an a-­‐mazing 500,000FV$ Farm Cash Giveaway! No, that’s not a typo. They will be giving away 500,000 Farm Cash which is roughly equivalent to a whopping amount of $82,500 USD assuming that you opted for the best value Farm Cash package.” –FarmVille Freak “ A good example of a brand integraQon that improves the gaming experience is the Dreyer’s Fruit Bars campaign that is running in FarmVille. Players have the opportunity to plant Dreyer’s branded crops, which are more profitable than comparable plants and create the possibility of receiving recogniQon as a top grower. Dreyer’s is even bringing the promoQon into the real world by selecQng a few players to travel to Farmville, Virginia, and plant an actual fruit orchard for the community.” –Mashable “FARMVILLE-­‐ Down by Wilck’s Lake on a sunny Monday a large crowd of young, old and in-­‐ betweeners were hard at work. Shovels pried into the solid ground near the boat ramp on the east end of the lake and rocks, remnants of bricks and lumps of grass were siaed from the soil to make room for some 45-­‐50 fruit trees.” –The Farmville Herald Case Study: Sandvine Policy Control CHALLENGE Develop campaign focusing on their flagship PTS plarorm’s ability to manage bandwidth resources on-­‐the-­‐fly in addi5on to posi5oning execu5ves as thought leaders on net neutrality and the future of mobile broadband services. SOLUTION Zenzi coordinated a campaign that focused on thought leadership posi5oning through contributed ar5cles, industry speaking events and media rela5ons targe5ng na5onal and interna5onal broadband trades. Ca
RESULTS -Mul5ple contributed ar5cles place in top-­‐5er trades including CED, Mul5channel News, VON -­‐Secured speaking opportuni5es. for NCTA, CTIA, SCTE -­‐Nearly 200 million media impressions, including print, online, podcasts and blogs Sales Results: InfoneQcs Research named Sandvine as the market leader in standalone deep-­‐packet-­‐inspecQon (DPI) CHALLENGE Case Study:Mushroom Networks’ TRUFFLE -Introduce complicated technology to small businesses and media. -­‐Gain awareness for service technology as a new type of business class service. SOLUTION -A mul5-­‐faceted public rela5ons plan -­‐Mul5ple touch points including media rela5ons, analyst outreach, bloggers, industry research and outreach. RESULTS Coined
-Became expert source for media and received exposure in Connected Planet, Wired, Engineering News-­‐Record -­‐The term Broadband Bonding has been adopted as an industry-­‐wide term. Sales Results: Mushroom Networks went from $0 to moving over $100K of equipment per month and is currently in several trials with Qer-­‐1 service providers. means crescendo— the culmination of carefully !
"crafted notes, harmonies and !
sounds !
• Founded in 2002, our agency’s mission is to create a
similar phenomenon for clients to achieve business growth !
• Through PR, social media and influencer marketing
we energize people to take action and engage in
tangible, measurable, lasting ways !