Italian I & II - The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
2011-2012 Summer Session
Course code & title:
ITAL 1010
Italian I & II
14May –20 June 2011
Language of instruction:
Italian / English
ITA 1010
No of
6 units
ERB 804
Dr. Ludovica Ricci
Course description:
This is a summer intensive Italian language course for beginners, covering the full syllabus of ITAL1001 and ITAL1002.
Please read the Study Scheme Note.
Learning outcomes:
The students at the end of the course will be able to have a correct pronunciation of the language, getting familiar with its
different features. They will be able to have a basic conversation and oral understanding about various everyday situations,
such as introducing oneself and others, greeting, asking and giving information, etc….The same skills will be developed for
the written language (reading and writing), and the course will also transmit to the learners a good knowledge of the Italian
culture, and a basic knowledge of the country and its lifestyle. And the second part of the course is a continuation based on
studying the language used in everyday situations, and the linguistic syllabus includes lessons on past tense, direct and
indirect object pronouns, some more irregular verbs in the present tense, a further overview on articled prepositions,
adjectives in the superlative form, modal verbs and some common adverbs. The learning process will be enhanced by group
work and audio-visual aids.
Attendance/Punctuality [1]
Written assignments and homework
Oral Exam
Test 1
Test 2(final test) [2]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1] You are required to attend at least 75% of the class. Treat 75% attendance as the minimum, not the maximum. The success of your own
learning will highly depend on your attendance. Should you miss more than 25% of the class, you will automatically fail the
course. If you are unable to attend, get informed about what content and homework you missed and make it up yourself.
[2] Test 2 include: Listening comprehension, reading comprehension, grammar & written expression.
Course material:
Textbook: LINEA DIRETTA 1A (includes exercises section, grammar tables , available in the 2nd University Bookstore at Li Wai Chun
Readings & references:
Different audio-visual materials can be found through the University library system
A desk-size bilingual dictionary (pocket-size dictionaries are not recommended
Course syllabus: The course will cover the first 6 units of the textbook Linea Diretta 1A
Lezione 1
Speech acts
- Greetings
- Introducing yourself and others
- nations & nationalities
- offering something
- titles and professions
- how to make the spelling
- Personal pronouns
- Formal/informal approach
- alphabet
- present tense of “to be”
- definite and indefinite articles
- nouns and adjectives in the singular form
- present tense of regular and some irregular verbs
-some prepositions
Lezione 2
- Recall someone’s attention
- ordering something
- to thank someone
- asking/giving information
- reporting personal events and situations
- asking/answering the time
- Numbers (0-100)
- plural of nouns, adjectives and articles
- accordance of adjectives with nouns
- indicative present tense of regular verbs and of
some irregular verbs
- “there is & there are”
- Prepositions (a-in)
- the time
Lezione 3
- Booking a room
- expressing preferences and describing
- confirming a booking
- talking about holiday places
- making a phone call
- the verb “piacere”
- Ordinal and cardinal numbers
- the verb “dare”
- articled prepositions “su, da, a“
- plural of nouns in –co and –go
- date (days and months)
How to get to a place: asking/giving Indicative present tense of the irregular verbs
information; Talking about and describing “uscire, sapere, venire”, the modal verbs “volere,
public places of interest; sending one to dovere, potere”; direct pronouns (“lo, la, li, le”);
someone else; family members; talking articled prepositions; adverbs construction; the
about family life.
indefinite pronouns “tutto, ogni”
Lezione 5
Reporting about a journey; getting The past tense of transitive and intransitive verbs,
information and talking about places of adjectives in the superlative form; the use of of the
HO SAPUTO CHE HAI holiday; making suggestions about places impersonal subject “si”;
to visit.
the partitive article in the plural form
Lezione 4
Lezione 6
Talking about food; recommending and The position of the object direct in the sentence.
getting suggestions
The partitive pronoun “ne”
Schedule (Subject to change):
ITAL 1010 Date
Public Holidays
Day 1
May 14
Introduction, Lezione 1
Day 2
May 15
Lezione 1
Day 3
May 16
Lezione 1
Day 4
May 17
Lezione 1
Day 5
May 18
Day 6
May 21
Lezione 2
Day 7
May 22
Lezione 2
Day 8
May 23
Lezione 3
Day 9
May 24
Lezione 3
Day 10
May 25
Lezione 3
Day 11
May 28
Lezione 3
Day 12
May 29
Lezione 3
Day 13
May 30
Lezione 3
Day 14
May 31
Revision /Test 1
Day 15
June 1
Lezione 4. Review previous ones
Day 16
June 4
Lezione 4
Day 17
June 5
Lezione 4
Day 18
June 6
Lezione 4
June 7
Lezione 5
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
June 8
June 11
June 12
Midterm test
Lezione 6
Day 23
June 13
Lezione 6
Day 24
June 14
Lezione 6
Day 25
June 15
Lezione 6
Day 26
June 18
Day 27
Day 28
June 19
June 20
Lezione 6 Revision.
Final test
Oral exam
For further information, please contact:
Modern Languages (Deputy Telephone
Ms Annette Frömel
3943 7064
General Office
3943 7110
G26, Leung Kau Kui Building
G17 Leung Kau Kui Building
Feedback for Evaluation
Our language programme highly values students’ feedback and comments and is happy to use them for reflection
on our teaching and improvement. Students are very welcome to provide comments and feedback on the course
any time to their course teacher or the course level coordinator through email or in personal conversation. In
addition, students’ feedbacks will be collected in the middle of the term through an open-end questionnaire and
the teacher will discuss the feedbacks in class and make improvements if necessary. The course will also follow the
university’s course evaluation exercise at the end of the term, and students’ feedbacks will be used for future
course planning and teaching.
Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures
applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at
h ttp :// licy/academich onesty/. With each assignment, students will be required to submit a statement that
they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures.