Chapter 8 Deviance coreobj 2014

Chapter 8
Objectives: After studying this chapter the students will be able to:
A. Define “deviance” and understand why deviance is relative from a sociological
perspective (190)
B. Know why human groups need norms to exist and consequently, develop a
system of social control for enforcing norms (190-19)
C. Describe some of the sanctions human groups use to enforce norms,
including shaming and degradation ceremonies (192, 196)
D. Differentiate between biological, psychological, and sociological explanations
for why people violate norms. (192-193)
E. Discuss deviance from the symbolic interactionist perspective, describing and
applying the various components of differential association theory, control theory,
and labeling theory. (193-195)
F. List and discuss the five techniques of neutralization (197)
G. From the Functionalist Perspective, know which functions deviance fulfills for
society. (199-204)
H. Understand strain theory and discuss its social implications (199-201)
I. Discuss the role power plays in defining and punishing deviance while
discussing, from the conflict perspective, how the criminal justice system
legitimates and perpetuates social inequality. (201-204)
J. Describe the different ways street crime and white collar crime are perceived
by the public and treated by the criminal justice system. (201-206)
K. Address the ramifications of the growing prison population in the U.S.;
examine how the way society addresses crime is related to the conflict
perspective. (205-208)
L. Talk about the gender, social class, and racial –ethnic bias with regard to the
death penalty. (210-212)
M. Explain why crime statistics may be misleading and should be interpreted with
caution. (214)
N. Know what is meant by the “medicalization of deviance” and why some
sociologist view mental illness as more of a social, rather than biological
O. Explain why the United States needs to develop a fairer and more humane
approach to dealing with deviance. (216)
Chapter 8
Core List/Top Ten
degradation ceremonies
street crime
hate crimes
labeling theory
Strain theory
control theory
positive sanctions
negative sanctions
genetic predisposition
Institutional Means
criminal justice system
Cultural Goals
police discretion
marginal working class
differential association
personality disorder
illegitimate opportunity structure
techniques of neutralization
white-collar crime
medicalization of deviance
recidivism rate
serial murder
working class
social order
social control