Art 1 Quiz 1 Study Guide Cave Painting The Bust of Nefertiti The

Art 1 Quiz 1 Study Guide
Cave Painting
Location: Lascaux, France
Date: 15,000 – 10,000 BC
The Bust of Nefertiti
The Death Mask of Tutankhamun
Artist: Thutmose
Date: 1327 BC
Date: 1350 BC
Art Culture: Egyptian Art
Art Culture: Egyptian Art
1. Queen Nefertiti’s Husband was Akhenaten.
2. The Egyptians built the pyramids to function as tombs.
3. An element of art that is in and around objects in a composition (and can also show depth) is called
4. Line is an element of art that is used to define space, contours and outlines.
5. The space inside of an object you’re drawing is the positive space.
6. The space around and object is negative space.
7. A principle of design concerned with the inclusion of differences in the elements of a composition to
offset unity and add interest to an artwork is called Variety.
8. A principle of design referring to the arrangement of visual elements to create stability in an artwork.
There are three types of these arrangements: asymmetrical, symmetrical, and radial. It is called
9. What was the main subject matter of the Paleolithic Cave Paintings?
10. What kind of media was used to paint the caves in Lascaux, France?
Dirt, sticks, soil, mud, animal blood, animal fat
11. What does the art of ancient Egypt (the pyramids, death masks, etc.) tell us about their culture?
12. What is a Blind Contour Drawing? A drawing that you make while looking at the object and NOT at
your paper.