Garden City Public Schools Garden City, New York

Garden City Public Schools
Garden City, New York
Course: Italian 2H
Overview of Course
Students enrolled in an Honors Program are preparing for the College Course, which will
be taken in senior year. For the Level II Course, there will be an increasing emphasis on
reading and writing in the language. Reading materials will supplement the text.
Students will also be required to express themselves in the foreign language, outside the
scope of the material specifically covered in class. This class addresses the requirements
of the first half of Checkpoint B of the state syllabus.
Instructional Philosophy
The Department of World Languages believes that the primary goal of second language
learning is the achievement of functional communication in the context of the target
language. Language learning is also an invaluable asset to students who will be taking
their place in the world today. To achieve this goal, the aim of the department is twofold:
To teach students the skills necessary for effective communication in the foreign
language; i.e.: listening, speaking, reading and writing and to provide students with the
insight into and appreciation of the foreign culture in order that they become more
informed and understanding citizens of the world.
Knowledge and Skills Objectives
Students will be able to use a language other than English for communication.
Listening and Speaking are primary communicative goals in modern language learning.
These skills are used for the purposes of socializing, providing and acquiring information,
expressing personal feelings and opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of action.
Reading and Writing are used in languages other than English for the purposes of
socializing, providing and acquiring information, expressing personal feelings and
opinions, and getting others to adopt a course of action.
Students will develop cross-cultural skills and understandings.
Effective Communication involves meanings that go beyond words and require an
understanding of perceptions, gestures, folklore, and family and community dynamics.
All of these elements can affect whether and how well a message is received.
Units of Study
Unità 1. Visitare: Siamo a Roma!
Communicative goals
• Addressing different people
• Asking what and where things are
• Telling someone your age
• Describing states of being
• Negating
• Related reading
A. Il sostantivo singolare Singular Nouns
B. L’articolo indeterminativo Indefinite articles
C. I pronomi soggetto Subject Pronouns
D. Il verbo essere The verb essere
E. C’è, ci sono There is / There are
F. Il negativo semplice The negative
G. L’articolo determinativo singolare Definite articles (singular)
H. Il verbo avere e le espressioni idiomatiche con avere The verb avere & idiomatic
expressions w/avere
I. Le preposizioni semplici Simple prepositions
J. Il presente indicativo dei verbi della prima coniugazione The present indicative of
1st conjugation verbs
K. L'ora Time
Unità 2. Studiare: Impariamo l'italiano!
Communicative goals
Talking about school
Using the plural
Expressing possession
Expressing likes and dislikes
Telling time
Related reading
A. I verbi della seconda coniugazione 2nd conjugation verbs
B. I verbi della terza coniugazione 3rd conjugation verbs
C. Il sostantivo plurale Plural nouns
D. L’articolo determinativo plurale Definite articles (plural)
E. L’aggettivo Adjectives
F. I verbi irregolari: andare, venire, uscire, dare, stare Irregular verbs
G. Il verbo piacere The verb to be pleasing to
Unità 3: Abitare: Andiamo a casa mia!
Communicative goals
Talking about the family
Asking questions
Describing people and things
Describing a home
Indicating people and things
Talking about the weather
Talking about what you have to do, want to do, and can do
Doing errands
Related reading
A. Le parole interrogative
B. Bello e buono
Adjectives: beautiful / good
This / That
C. Questo e quello
D. Volere, dovere, potere (“Triplets” = to desire / to have to / to be able to)
E. I verbi irregolari fare, dire, bere Irregular verbs (to do, to make, to bake / to tell, to
say / to drink)
F. Le preposizioni articolate (Prepositions + articles)
Unità 4: Comprare: Facciamo delle commissioni!
Communicative goals
Talking about past actions and events
Specifying quantities
Talking about food
Shopping for food
Shopping in specialty stores
Handling and changing money
Avoiding redundancy
Expressing there
Related reading
A. Il passato prossimo The present perfect tense
B. I numeri da 100 a Numbers
C. Il partitivo The partitive
D. Ne Pronoun ne
E. I pronomi complemento oggetto diretto Direct Object Pronouns
F. L’accordo con i pronomi complemento diretto nel passato prossimo Direct Object
pronouns used w/past tense
Unità 5 : Mangiare: Tutti a tavola!
Communicative goals
Ordering food and drink
Avoiding redundancy
Describing actions
Cooking and sharing recipes
Related reading
A. I pronomi complemento oggetto indiretto Indirect Object Pronouns
B. Ci Pronoun ci
C. Gli avverbi Adverbs
D. Molto e troppo too much / too many
E. Conoscere e sapere The verbs to know
F. Si impersonale e passivante Impersonal si
Unità 6: Rilassarsi: Cosa facciamo di bello?
Communicative goals
Talking about things you used to do
Describing actions, situations, people, and things in the past
Talking about hobbies
Talking about sports
Talking about the future
Discussing vacations
Related reading
A. L’imperfetto
The imperfect tense
B. Il tempo progressivo The progressive tense
C. L’imperfetto e il passato prossimo The imperfect vs. the present perfect
D. Il futuro The future tense
E. I pronomi tonici Disjunctive pronouns
Major Resources
Reference materials that you can review when completing exercises will be provided in
class as well as on the teacher website. Included are glossaries of grammatical terms,
grammar references, verb charts, and other helpful information.
Parliamo Italiano textbook
Parliamo Italiano workbook
Multimedia CD-ROM to accompany Parliamo Italiano
*Note: Cultural Readings and Topical literature will be examined for each unit covered.
Students are responsible for taking notes and completing on-line activities and/or web
quests for each unit. Assignments will be chosen randomly and graded as formal
Italian news websites for current events