Massachusetts Dental Society Leadership Institute

Massachusetts Dental Society
Leadership Institute
What we have discovered and rediscovered, is that leadership is not the
private reserve of a few charismatic men and women.
It is a process ordinary people use when they are bringing forth
the best from themselves and others.
“The Leadership Challenge”, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner
September 17, 2009
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1
OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................. 2
TEAM ROLES............................................................................................................ 3
Leader .................................................................................................................... 4
Facilitator................................................................................................................ 4
Recorder ................................................................................................................ 4
Loyal Opposition..................................................................................................... 5
Timekeeper ............................................................................................................ 5
Evaluator ................................................................................................................ 5
LEADER OR MANAGER? ......................................................................................... 6
THE FACE OF LEADERSHIP.................................................................................... 7
LEADERSHIP STYLE................................................................................................ 8
Case Study #1........................................................................................................ 9
Case Study #2...................................................................................................... 10
Case Study #3...................................................................................................... 11
Case Study #4...................................................................................................... 12
THE VOICE OF LEADERSHIP ................................................................................ 13
PERSONAL COMMITTMENT.................................................................................. 15
RESOURCES .......................................................................................................... 16
Books ................................................................................................................... 16
Websites .............................................................................................................. 16
ABOUT US .............................................................................................................. 17
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
A community is like a
ship; everyone ought
to be prepared to take
the helm.
Henrik Ibsen
As we look ahead into
the next century,
leaders will be those
who empower others.
Bill Gates
If you're not confused,
you're not paying
Leadership in business, in our communities, in our
families, has become a universal expectation. But
without a rulebook many of us feel like we have been
set adrift. What is leadership? How does one
transform oneself into a leader? Psychologists,
coaches, gurus have long sought answers to those
questions. What have they discovered? There is no
rulebook, but there are guiding principals. We do not
magically transform into leaders but we can grow in
our leadership effectiveness.
Leaders don’t have all the answers; they ask the
questions. Leaders are not expert at doing; they
create the environment for others to do extraordinary
things. Leaders are not flawless; they grow from their
mistakes. Leaders don’t live with the known; they
swim in the unknown.
Tom Peters
A leader is best
When people barely
know he exists.
Not so good when
people obey and
acclaim him.
Worse when they
despise him.
But of a good leader
Who talks little, when
his work is done
And his aim fulfilled,
They will say
“We did it ourselves.”
Lao Tzu
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
During this seminar you will have an opportunity to:
If your actions inspire
others to dream more,
learn more, do more
and become more,
you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams
 Explore the role of leader vs. manager
 Assess preferred leadership style
 Determine
The art of leadership
is saying no, not yes.
It is very easy to say
Tony Blair
when to adjust leadership style
to effectively achieve goals
 Discover
how vision, mission, and values
impact effective leadership
 Set personal development goals
The superior man is
distressed by the
limitations of his
ability; he is not
distressed by the fact
that men do not
recognize the ability
that he has.
To make a difference
is not a matter of
accident, a matter of
casual occurrence of
the tides. People
choose to make a
Maya Angelou
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
The manager asks
how and when; the
leader asks what and
Warren Bennis
To think is easy. To
act is hard. But the
hardest thing in the
world is to act in
accordance with your
I start with the
premise that the
function of leadership
is to produce more
leaders, not more
Ralph Nader
Effective teams share the following traits:
1. Purpose is clear – The vision and mission are
clearly understood by team members. Equally
as important, team members are passionate
about the vision and see the mission worthy of
their energy.
2. Goals are set and accomplished – Effective
teams accomplish their objectives. Team
members understand and own their role in the
team’s success.
3. Problems and obstacles are surfaced and
solved – Team members trust their colleagues
and leader. Hidden agendas do not exist.
Problems are addressed with respect and
solved through collaboration.
Management is
efficiency in climbing
the ladder of success;
leadership determines
whether the ladder is
leaning against the
right wall.
Stephen R. Covey
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
The country is full of
good coaches. What it
takes to win is a
bunch of interested
Don Coryell
Research has shown that teams tend to be very
successful when the following roles are employed:
Our success has
really been based on
partnerships from the
very beginning.
Bill Gates
Whatever you are, be
a good one.
Abraham Lincoln
If a rhinoceros were
to enter this
restaurant now, there
is no denying he
would have great
power here. But I
should be the first to
rise and assure him
that he had no
authority whatever.
G.K. Chesterton
A genuine leader is
not a searcher for
consensus but a
molder of consensus.
Martin Luther King
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
The key to realizing a
dream is to focus not
on success but
significance - and
then even the small
steps and little
victories along your
path will take on
greater meaning.
Oprah Winfrey
What was the best
thing before sliced
George Carlin
Sooner or later we all
discover that the
important moments in
life are not the
advertised ones, not
the birthdays, the
graduations, the
weddings, not the
great goals achieved.
The real milestones
are less prepossessing. They come to
the door of memory
unannounced, stray
dogs that amble in,
sniff around a bit and
simply never leave.
Our lives are
measured by these.
Susan B. Anthony
Loyal Opposition
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
The best vision is
Malcolm S. Forbes
The ear of the leader
must ring with the
voices of the people.
Woodrow Wilson
Today’s environment has all but eliminated the luxury
we may once have had of performing as either a
manger or a leader. Intuitively most of us know that
there are distinct differences between managing and
leading. Understanding these differences can assist
us in becoming effective leader-managers.
Delegating work
works, provided the
one delegating works,
Robert Half
The best executive is
the one who has sense
enough to pick good
men to do what he
wants done, and selfrestraint enough to
keep from meddling
with them while they
do it.
Theodore Roosevelt
We are what we
repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is
not an act, but a
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
What do leaders look like?
I am a man of fixed
and unbending
principles, the first of
which is to be flexible
at all times.
Everett Dirksen
1. As a team, identify a leader we all would know.
Select someone you admire and would follow
even when not in total agreement.
2. Using the discussion questions below, analyze the
elements that contribute to your perception of this
person as a leader.
Leadership is the art
of getting someone
else to do something
you want done
because he wants to
do it.
Dwight D.
3. Select a member of your team to present a
summary of your discussion to the group.
What behaviors and traits have you observed that
cause you to perceive this person as a leader?
What obstacles has this leader faced? How did
s/he overcome them?
A leader takes people
where they want to
go. A great leader
takes people where
they don't necessarily
want to go but ought
to be.
Rosalynn Carter
What lessons have you learned from this person
about leadership?
How can you apply these lessons in your lives?
Luck is not something
you can mention in
the presence of selfmade men.
E. B. White
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
If you want to build a
ship, don't herd
people together to
collect wood and
don't assign them
tasks and work, but
rather teach them to
long for the endless
immensity of the sea.
Antoine de SaintExupery
The spirited horse,
which will try to win
the race of its own
accord, will run even
faster if encouraged.
Each of us has a preferred leadership style... the style
we are most comfortable utilizing, the style we are
mostly likely to employ when we feel stressed.
However, we all are capable of and do operate in all
leadership styles at various times. In understanding
our preferred style and recognizing when it is
beneficial to apply a different style, we nurture our
potential to become extraordinary leaders.
Refer to page 25 of
“Be Prepared to Lead”
to assess your preferred leadership style.
If everything seems
under control, you're
just not going fast
Mario Andretti
Moving fast is not the
same as going
Robert Anthony
Courage is being
scared to death, but
saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
Case Study #1
Good leaders make
people feel that
they're at the very
heart of things, not at
the periphery.
Everyone feels that he
or she makes a
difference to the
success of the
organization. When
that happens people
feel centered and that
gives their work
Warren Bennis
Dictators ride to and
fro upon tigers which
they dare not
dismount. And the
tigers are getting
Winston Churchill
Sharon has often been recognized for her
contributions to the success of the annual Yankee
Dental Congress. She sees the value of building
relationships and often mentors new members. She is
willing to pitch in and help wherever needed, whether
evaluating speaker proposals or greeting participants
as they arrive. As a result she has built strong
relationships with other volunteers. Those with whom
she has worked are pleased to follow her example.
This year she has been asked to chair the event. She
will be working with people with whom she has not
had previous contact. Many new members on her
committees feel that they are being underutilized in
some roles, e.g., taking tickets, and have expressed
their dissatisfaction to her and some of their
What has contributed to Sharon’s success in the
past? How can she build on this?
How should Sharon adjust her leadership style to
ensure a successful meeting and satisfied
volunteers who are pleased to contribute next
I don't know the key
to success, but the key
to failure is trying to
please everybody.
Bill Cosby
Our chief want is
someone who will
inspire us to be what
we know we could be.
Ralph Waldo
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
Case Study #2
There is nothing more
difficult to take in
hand, more perilous
to conduct, or more
uncertain in its
success than to take
the lead in the
introduction of a new
order of things.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Few things help an
individual more than
to place responsibility
upon them and to let
them know that you
trust them.
Booker T.
Wherever there is a
man who exercises
authority, there is a
man who resists
Oscar Wilde
Ahmed has been working in the large, established,
and progressive dental practice of Dr. Smith for three
years. The office manager handles the “human
resource” issues. Many on the staff have been with
Dr. Smith for years and generally like their jobs.
Ahmed’s easygoing approach has resulted in easy
acceptance as a member of the team.
He has recently purchased a small practice and is
excited about applying all he learned working with Dr.
Smith and his team. He has inherited the dental
assistant and office administrator who are very loyal
to the previous dentist and not particularly excited
about learning new techniques.
What strengths has Ahmed exhibited in his
previous position? How can these strengths help
him in the future?
What adjustments should Ahmed make to his
leadership style to achieve his goals?
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
Adversity has the
effect of eliciting
talents, which, in
circumstances, would
have lain dormant.
Never doubt that a
small group of
thoughtful committed
citizens can change
the world … it is the
only thing that ever
Margaret Mead
I am always ready to
learn, although I do
not always like being
Winston Churchill
Case Study #3
John has practiced dentistry for nine years and has
an excellent reputation in his community. He is active
in the Chamber of Commerce and a local breakfast
group. His patients like him and most new business
comes through positive word of month. One of his
patients and one of his Chamber colleagues are
county council members. A breakfast group friend
works in the county health department.
John is proud of the impact he has had on the oral
health of his patients. Not only does he provide good
care, he also places a high emphasis on education.
However, he feels that he can do more to impact the
health of people in his community. His research has
convinced him that adding fluoride to the water supply
benefits everyone. A small but vocal contingent of
people that includes one member of the public health
sub-committee of the county council believes that
fluoride is toxic and very dangerous. As a result,
approval of the proposal to add fluoride to the water
supply is in doubt.
What has contributed to John’s success thus far?
Can he build on his current success?
Everyone leads.
Leadership is action,
not position.
Donald H. McGannon
People do not lack
strength; they lack
Victor Hugo
What leadership style will help John achieve his
goal of adding fluoride to the community’s water
The growth and
development of people
is the highest calling
of leadership.
Harvey S. Firestone
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
Case Study #4
This is a giant
undertaking, but I
consider this a
personal film. It's my
film of a lifetime. I
read the book when I
was 18 and thought
then, 'I can't wait till
the movie comes out.'
Twenty years later, no
one had done it, so I
got impatient.
Peter Jackson on 'The
Lord Of The Rings'
To love what you do
and feel that it
matters, how could
anything be more
Katherine Graham
After graduating from dental school, Denise moved to
Boston to start her practice. Over the last fifteen years
she has built a successful practice with a staff of
twenty. Denise invests in her staff with on-the-job
training and courses in new procedures. One of her
assistants is currently going to dental school. People
perform their jobs well and rarely need to consult
Denise. The office runs like a well-oiled machine.
Today a large multiple car accident happened outside
their office. Because of a severe snowstorm, the
EMTs were delayed. Denise and her staff willingly
stepped in to help.
What has contributed to Denise’s success in
building her practice? What is her leadership
In this emergency situation how should she
adjust her style? Why?
Great necessities call
forth great leaders.
Abigail Adams
Before you are a
leader, success is all
about growing
yourself. When you
become a leader,
success is all about
growing others.
Jack Welch
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
I wanted to be an
editor or a journalist,
I wasn't really
interested in being an
entrepreneur, but I
soon found I had to
become an
entrepreneur in order
to keep my magazine
Richard Branson
If you are determined
enough and willing to
pay the price, you can
get it done.
Mike Ditka
Your position never
gives you the right to
command. It only
imposes on you the
duty of so living your
life that others may
receive your orders
without being
Dag Hammarskjöld
We lead from the essence of who we are as a person.
Lillas Brown
Values provide the foundation for our actions. One
often hears leaders speaking of their personal values
and the values of their organizations. In their research
on leadership and productivity, James M. Kouzes and
Barry Z. Posner have discovered that the most
committed and therefore the most productive team
members are those who have the greatest clarity
about their own personal values, plus clarity about the
organization’s values.
If you do not know where you are going,
every road will get you nowhere.
Henry Kissinger
provides us with an
inspiring, clear, vivid picture of where we are headed.
It need not be viewed as achievable today, but it must
inspire us to achieve great things today.
For example:
I believe that this nation should commit itself to
achieving the goal... of landing a man on the moon
and returning him safely to earth. (John F. Kennedy,
May 25, 1961 speech to Congress)
At the World Bank we have made the world's
challenge—to reduce global poverty—our challenge.
I skate to where the
puck is going to be,
not where it is going.
Wayne Gretsky
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
is what
you do. It is your
reason for being. An
statement should be
able to tell your story
in less than 30
The question is not
what you look at, but
what you see.
Henry David Thoreau
Whenever I go on a
ride, I'm always
thinking of what's
wrong with the thing
and how it can be
Walt Disney
Throughout the
centuries there were
men who took first
steps, down new
roads, armed with
nothing but their own
Ayn Rand
In matters of style,
swim with the
In matters of
principle, stand like a
Thomas Jefferson
Having a clearly articulated
mission statement gives one a
template of purpose that can
be used to initiate, evaluate,
and refine all of one's
Laurie Beth Jones
The Shining Smile is a small rural dental practice
providing general dentistry services to children
and adults.
Studio67 is a medium-sized restaurant focusing
on organic foods and an intriguing atmosphere, in
a prime neighborhood of Springfield.
List your personal values or the values of an organization
with which you work (your business, employer, a volunteer
organization, committee, etc.)
What is the vision?
What is the mission?
Is your mission focused on achieving your vision?
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
I have missed more
than 9000 shots in my
career. I have lost
almost 300 games. On
26 occasions I have
been entrusted to take
the game winning
shot... and missed.
And I have failed over
and over and over
again in my life.
Take a few moments to record what you are going to
do differently as a result of insights you have gained
during this seminar.
And that is why... I
Michael Jordan
We have discovered
that there are ways of
getting almost
anywhere we want to
go, if we really want
to go there.
Langston Hughes
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
Leadership and
learning are
indispensable to each
John F. Kennedy
Wise people learn
when they can. Fools
learn when they must.
Duke of Wellington
Knowledge is the
most democratic
source of power.
Alvin Toffler
Do not follow where
the path may lead. Go
instead where there is
no path and leave a
Ralph Waldo
Buckingham, Marcus, Clifton, Donald O.; Now, Discover
Your Strengths; Simon & Schuster
Buckingham, Marcus, Coffman, Curt; First, Break All the
Rules; Simon & Schuster
Gladwell, Malcolm; Blink; Penguin Books
Gladwell, Malcolm; The Tipping Point; Little, Brown and
Golman, Daniel; Working With Emotional Intelligence;
Bantam Books
Jennings, Jason; Less is More; Penguin Group
Kim, W. Chan, Mauborgne, Renée; Blue Ocean Strategy;
Harvard Business School Press
Kouzes, James M., Posner, Barry Z.; The Leadership
Challenge; Jossey-Bass
Levitt, Stephen D., Dubner, Stephen J.; Freakonmics;
HarperCollins Publishers
O’Hara-Devereaux, Mary; Navigating the Badlands;
Peters, Tom; The Tom Peters Seminar; Vintage Books
Putman, Robert D.; Bowling Alone; Simon & Schuster
Richards, Dick; The Art of Winning Commitment;
Zenger, John H., Folkman, Joseph; The Extraordinary
Leader; McGraw-Hill
When you are not
practicing, remember,
someone somewhere
is practicing ... and
when you meet him,
he will win.
Senator Bill Bradley
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development
Even if you are on the
right track, you will
get run over if you
just sit there.
Will Rogers
Ane Powers is the founder and managing partner of The White
Hawk Group LLC (WHG) and a respected change and career
management consultant. Prior to establishing WHG, Ane
enjoyed a successful career with Marriott International, Inc.,
where she served in a variety of field and staff positions. Her last
position was human resource executive of a $500 million
national restaurant business with a workforce of 20,000
employees. Preceding Marriott Ane was with the Virginia
Employment Commission where she directed more than thirty
employment and training programs.
With more than twenty-five years of business experience, Ane is
best known for her ability to quickly gain confidence and respect
at all levels of the organization and to facilitate the change
process with positive results. In 2005, she originated the popular
radio program, Talking Change, one of the early entrants into the
Internet-based market. She is a frequently requested speaker
and serves on the faculty of the American Management
The most courageous
act is still to think for
yourself. Aloud.
Coco Chanel
Great leaders are
almost always great
simplifiers, who can
cut through argument,
debate, and doubt to
offer a solution
everybody can
Gen. Colin Powell
The older I get the
less I listen to what
people say and the
more I look at what
they do.
Andrew Carnegie
Let's make a dent in
the universe.
Steve Jobs
Ane has provided business consulting services to recently
privatized companies in the former Soviet Union as a volunteer
with Citizens Development Corps. In 2007 and 2008, she served
on the planning committee for the ASTD International
Conference. Ane is a member of the Board of Directors of
Hostelling International-USA (HI) and chairs the board
development committee. She collaborates with her HI colleagues
to establish and ensure the implementation of the long-term
strategic vision for a non-profit organization with ninety hostels
serving over a million individuals.
The White Hawk Group LLC is a virtual, nationwide
organization of committed and talented coaching and training
consultants. Services include executive and leadership
coaching, skills and interests assessment, career transition
workshops and individual career management consulting. A
partial client list includes American Association for Justice;
Danya International, Inc.; Equinox Corporation; HMSHost;
Lance Armstrong Foundation; Marriott International Inc.;
NeighborWorks America; and Prince George’s County Public
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© 2009 The White Hawk Group LLC  Partners in Career Management & Leadership Development