Royalty Pageant Guidelines 2015

Royalty Pageant Guidelines
The Middle Park Fair and Rodeo Royalty will represent the Middle Park Fair and
Rodeo, the western heritage and history of Middle Park throughout their yearlong
reign. The Court will consist of a Queen, Attendant and Princess.
The Middle Park Fair and Rodeo will crown the Queen and Court during the
CPRA Rodeo on Sunday August 9, 2015. The candidate who has the highest
total score from all judging will be crowned as Queen; the next highest total score
candidate will be named as 1st Attendant. The Princess candidate with the
highest total score will be crowned Princess.
The following guidelines and requirements will apply to all candidates who apply
for the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo Royalty Competition.
Age Qualifications
 Queen:
must be between the ages of 14 -18 as of January 1st, 2015
 Attendant: must be between the ages of 14-18 as of January 1, 2015
 Princess: must be between the ages of 8-13 as January 1, 2015
*The reigning Attendant is eligible to participate in the Queen competition for the
following year, provided the reigning Queen is not asked to step down and
Attendant has fulfilled the remainder of the Queen’s reign. The Princess is
eligible to participate in the Queen’s contest the following year as long as she
meets the age requirements.
Marital status
 All candidates must be single and never married or pregnant.
 If any member of the Royalty court decides to marry, cohabitate or
becomes pregnant, she will automatically forfeit her title.
Residency requirements
 All candidates must be a full-time resident of Grand or Summit Counties.
(Exception if candidate is attending college)
 The Royalty Coordinator and MPFR Board of Directors reserve the right to
ask for proof of residency.
Event Participation and Responsibilities
As a representative of the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo, you will be required to
attend many events. The Royalty Coordinator and the Middle Park Fair Board
have set forth the following guidelines to ensure your safety, and the well being
of the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo.
The Royalty Coordinator is responsible for communicating with the Court
as to what events are to be attended.
Some of the events are listed below, but are certainly are not limited to,
should the MPFR Board and Royalty Coordinator feel that an appearance
by the Royalty Court is deemed appropriate and beneficial to the MPFR.
Middle Park Fair and Rodeo
National Western Stock Show
Kremmling Days
Hot Sulphur Days (parade)
4th of July Granby (parade)
Buffalo BBQ Grand Lake (parade)
Fishing Contest
Mud Shuffle
MPFR Princess Contest
Lions Club Tree Event
High Country Stampede Rodeo
Granby Rodeo
MPFR Junior Livestock Sale
All 4-H/FFA events at Middle Park Fair
MPFR Queen’s Barrel Race
MPFR Junior Rodeo
MPFR Open Horse Show
Colorado Association of Fairs and Rodeo’s Convention
Middle Park Fair and Rodeo Royalty will be supervised/ chaperoned at all
times by a parent/coach/guardian or coordinator when at an event.
As representatives of the MPFR the royalty court must act as a team.
Therefore the court shall remain together unless otherwise approved by
the Royalty Coordinator or MPFR Board Member.
Royalty is required to attend monthly MPFR meetings throughout the year,
along with the Coordinator.
Keep current on thank you notes and correspondence when applicable.
Please understand that if selected as Middle Park Fair and Rodeo Royalty,
winners are responsible for their own transportation, clothing and expenses
incurred as a result of representing the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo, unless the
MPFR Board of Directors deems otherwise in specific instances.
Event Attire
As a representative of the MPFR we expect the Royalty Court will dress
appropriately to the function. At all times this will include the MPFR crown, belt
buckle and sash and preferably a felt hat, and chaps when appropriate. This
attire may include skirts, dresses, pants, vests or jackets, but at no time will
ripped or faded jeans be allowed. Please do not wear tank tops, sleeveless shirts
or crop tops.
Jeans and shirts must be pressed. Remember you are representing the MPFR
and we expect you to be professional in your appearance.
No Sponsorship donations maybe taken in the name of the Middle Park Fair and
Rodeo Queen/ Queen’s Attendant/ Princess without the knowledge and consent
of the Middle Park Fair Board and the Queen Coordinator. All donations, money,
clothing, etc. received by the candidate must be with the donor’s knowledge and
understanding that it is for that of the candidate’s own personal benefit.
Royalty Competition
All agree the MPFR Board and Queen Coordinator shall determine the
manner and method of conducting the competition including time, method
and manner of judging, presentation and supervision of awards. The
decision of the persons designated by the MPFR Board to judge various
events in any and all matters pertaining to the selection of the winner shall
be FINAL in all respects.
The Royalty Competition will be judged on, but not limited to the following criteria:
 Speech/ Public speaking ability
 Appearance/ Modeling
 Personality / Poise
 Interview
 Questions
 Middle Park Fair and Rodeo knowledge
 Horse/ Livestock/ Rodeo knowledge
 Horsemanship
 Current events
The following may also be taken into consideration by the judges
 Maturity
 Sincerity
 Integrity
Required Competition Participation
 Prepared Speech
 Personal Interview
 Modeling
 Impromptu Questioning
 Award presentations at Livestock Shows and events
 Attendance and assistance Queen’s Barrel Race
 Assistance and awards presentations at the Junior Rodeo
 Attendance and assistance at the Livestock Sale
 Attendance and assistance with activities at the Middle Park Rodeo
Candidates should be aware that any act of discourtesy or disobedience, or
trying to influence the judges, Queen Coordinator or MPFR Board on the part of
the candidate or in any way hinder the progress of the competition to the judges,
will disqualify the candidate and said candidate would be subject to discipline as
outlined below.
Disciplinary Actions
It is the responsibility of the Royalty Court to represent the MPFR with the
highest dignity and respect. The list below is some of the items a member of the
Royalty Court maybe disciplined for. Violation(s) may result in immediate removal
from the Royalty Program whereupon any and all awards are to be returned to
the MPFR Royalty Program immediately upon dismissal.
 Drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking (including marijuana), or under the
influence of narcotics at anytime.
 Kissing/ hand holding while in royalty apparel
 Refusal to attend an event
 Cussing, swearing while in royalty apparel
 Un-sportsmanship like conduct while in royalty apparel
 Fighting while in royalty apparel
 Conduct that is unladylike or embarrassing to the MPFR.
 Animal Abuse while in the arena or other public venue.
 Disrespectful behavior or un-lady like behavior while in royalty attire
 Being arrested or being issued a ticket for drinking, drugs or any violent
 Inappropriate or harassing behavior by parents/guardian or anyone
associated with any member of the Royalty court before, during or after
the completion will result in dismissal and forfeiture of all awards.
 At no time before, during, or after any part of the competition will a
contestant, parent/guardian or anyone associated with the contestant be
allowed to approach a judge. However, a judge may approach a
contestant after the competition with suggestions concerning area of
In the event a Royalty member is removed from the court, the 1st Attendant will fill
the remainder of the term for Queen, and the Royalty Coordinator and MPFR
Board of Directors will decide if the Princess vacancy is to be filled or left vacant
until the next Royalty Competition.
All judges are carefully selected and are invited to judge this contest because of
their ability and expertise.
The winner will be determined by total points, meaning the candidate who has
the highest total points when all judged categories are added together will be
declared the winner. The runner-up in points will be named the 1st Attendant.
The same process will determine the Princess contest winner.
In the event of a tie in the final scoring, the high score in Personality/ Poise will
determine the winner. The MPFR Board will then determine any tie still existing
at a special meeting.
Middle Park Fair and Rodeo Royalty Pageant
Judges Scoring Criteria
Pageant Night
Speech Category – 100 points total
Speech follows a topic – is interesting and entertaining
Eye Contact with the audience
Projects confidence
Body Gestures
Posture and movement
Speech stays within time allowed (2-3 min)
Speech is memorized and sharp
Appearance / Modeling - 75 points
Outfit Choice
Boots, hat, buckle
Hair styled / makeup appropriate
Neat and clean, outfit pressed, hat clean, boots shined and clean
Modeling ability
Personality/ Poise – 100 points
Pleasant, friendly, relaxed, poised, sincere and confident
Eye Contact
Ability to converse
Seems genuine
Impromptu Questions – 75 points
Knowledgeable of current events
Knowledge of MPFR history
Confident in answers and ability to think quickly
Tone of voice
Fluent Speech
Total points possible – 350
Horsemanship Day
Horsemanship Pattern – 75 points
Correct Pattern
Lead changes
Controllable speed
Posture Balance
Horse Handling
Flag and Queen’s Run – 50 points
Controllable Speed
Vertical Flag
Total points possible – 125
Total points all competitions - 475
A note to our candidates As you enter this competition we hope each of you takes some time to really look
at your reasons for entering this pageant. We have included some information for
reading and consideration as you begin your week of judging.
Let’s face it; it’s a basic fact of life in competition, you win some you lose some.
However, when you blame others for your loss and attempt to bring the winners,
coordinators and judges down you are only damaging your own reputation. Look
at the loss for what it is, maybe you didn’t bring your best game and someone
else did. Learn from this experience and move on. Being a gracious loser is as
equally important as being a gracious winner, and perhaps at times more so.
When a candidate loses a title 99.9% of the time it is not due to politics or
crooked judges. Take a moment and look at some of the reasons why a
candidate is not chosen.
Study time – Their knowledge is insufficient, whether this be current events,
history of the fair, animal knowledge or even requirements of the position they
are trying out for. Maybe they are incapable of piecing together an answer to a
judge’s question.
Polish and grace – sometimes candidates lack the polish and grace that goes
along with the title. Some are blessed with the ability to naturally glide through
modeling, but for many they need to practice, practice, practice. Try on your
outfits with your family, asking for their help and practicing until you feel
comfortable. Don’t wait until the day before the pageant and throw an outfit
together, the judges will notice.
Horsemanship skills- not all of us are comfortable on a horse. A nervous
uncontrollable horse will not win horsemanship. Even lifetime riders need a tuneup occasionally. Ask for help and practice, practice; practice your Queen wave,
flag carrying and patterns.
Remember all candidates are not going to “connect” with the judges, just like you
are not going to “connect” with every person you meet in life.
Look at whom you associate yourself with, if you want to be a winner, surround
yourself with winners. Don’t be drawn into the drama game.
And finally - ask yourself - are you prepared to be judged and critiqued? Are you
able to swallow your pride and realize that maybe you were not the best
candidate and you didn’t bring your A-game to the pageant and maybe another
candidate truly deserved to win.
So, candidates the ball is in your court now!
We wish you all the best of luck this week!
The Middle Park Fair Board and Queen Coordinator