2010-07-22_ZAB_Supplemental Item_2806 Stuart

Item #10
Jacob, Melinda
Zoning Adjustments Board (ZAB)
FW: Discrimination against Eldridge Cleaver's family by Nate Dahl
From: Susan McReynolds [mailto:susan2804@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 9:16 AM
To: Zoning Adjustments Board (ZAB)
Subject: Fw: Discrimination against Eldridge Cleaver's family by Nate Dahl
We feel it is imperative that the Zoning Adjustment Board know what has been going on behind the scenes
prior to the meeting tonight. Ms. O'Neill informed Marsha Blackader and Ms. Thompson and myself 6 months
ago that Nate Dahl promised her that the variance was a "done deal". None of us have understood what was
going on until yesterday afternoon when I recieved some information that Mr. Dahl would not actually be ruling
for Ms. O'Neill but AGAINST my family and I. Ms. Thompson, who investigates fraud for a job, will be
calling for a Grand Jury investigation should the "Done Deal" go through without further review and fair and
open contact with Ms. Thompson and myself. Respectfully, Susan McReynolds 2804 Kelsey, Berkeley, CA
94705 510-848-4204
--- On Wed, 7/21/10, Susan McReynolds <susan2804@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
From: Susan McReynolds <susan2804@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Discrimination against Eldridge Cleaver's family by Nate Dahl
To: Mayor@cityofberkeley.info
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 4:12 PM
Dear Mayor Bates- Under further advisement this afternoon, I will be contacting the NAACP local office in
regards to Nathan Dahl's discriminatory actions against my family-Eldridge Cleaver's surviving family-here in
Berkeley. Because our status is common knowledge among the neighbors and the O'Neills purchased their
home at 2806 Stuart from a couple who resided here at the same time as Mr. Cleaver, we are aware that the
O'Neills and Mr. Dahl have attempted to humiliate us and override any rights that Mr. Cleaver's children and I
have according to law. Mr. Dahl has met frequently with Ms. O'Neill but has always refused to meet with either
my daughter or me. He has made preemptory promises to Mrs. O'Neill based on personality rather than
evidence. He has refused to inspect any of the code violations on the property of 2806 Stuart. Gerald Love was
forthright and inspected immediately. He was polite and cordial and fair. He met with me personally right
away. However, Mr. Dahl appears to be playing some kind of punitive race card against us. I put up with long
years of being stared at and whispered about and my children being targeted at school. It hardly seems
appropriate to continue a sick vendetta against an old addicted black man now that he has been dead these many
years. I had hoped that by maintaining a low profile my family could live in peace. It's obvious that there are
still some ugly thoughts out there and that they are contained by some of our public officials who have the right
to make life-changing decisions totally subjectively. I say, shame on the system. Respectfully, Susan Mary
McReynolds 2804 Kelsey Street, Berkeley CA 94705 510-848-4204