Invisible Man Questions Chapters 3-5

Invisible Man Questions Chapters 22-23
Name: ………………………………. Period: ……. Date: ……………….
1. The protagonist receives extreme criticism for organizing a funeral celebration for
Brother Clifton. What does Tobitt say about the funeral and about Brother
2. The protagonist asks Tobitt what does he know about the suffering of the blacks.
How does Tobitt respond to that question?
3. How does the Brotherhood leaders answer him when he asks, “But what if I wish
to express an idea?”
4. What reasons does the protagonist give for a lot of black people being unhappy
with the Brotherhood?
5. Explain the policies of the Brotherhood as stated on page 473.
6. Brother Jack gets so mad at the protagonist that what bizarre thing happens to
Brother Jack? What is the symbolism here?
7. On page 476 Brother Jack comments that Discipline involves what?
8. What does the protagonist now realize about Brother Jack?
9. The protagonist now see the Brotherhood as the hypocrisy that it is, but why can’t
he leave the Brotherhood?
10. Ras and his men attack the protagonist, so he dons a disguise to elude them. Some
people start to mistake him for another guy. What is the name they call him with
this mistaken identity?
11. Ras is inciting the crowd against the Brotherhood? What does he tell the crowd to
do in Harlem?
12. He goes to his old bar hangout where nobody recognizes him. Why does the
bartender throw him out?
13.He steps into a church where the people are raising money. What are they raising
money for?
14. Describe the revelations that the protagonist has about the Brotherhood on page
15. After this revelation, what does the protagonist vow to do?