T-Resume-Updated 2-10-07

Theresa Elizabeth Howard
Marymount University
2807 North Glebe Road
Arlington, VA 22207
GPA: 3.944
Completed courses: Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Illustrator; and Design I
Expect to complete courses as of May 2006: Desktop Publishing; Figure
Drawing; and Dreamweaver
Awards: Marymount University: Four-year academic scholarship; Spirit of Service
Scholarship (requiring 60 hours of service per semester); Catholic high school scholarship;
the United States Achievement Academy: Leadership and Service Award-2006; and
Marymount University Dean’s List – Fall Semester 2006
College Activities: Campus Ministry-including Grate American Sleep-out, Halloween
Trick-or-Treat Party for Underprivileged Children, and Campus Ministry Small Group
Activity; Literary Magazine--Art Staff; and Intramural Dodgeball
Mount de Sales Academy
700 Academy Road
Catonsville, MD 21228
Graduation date: May 28, 2005
GPA: 3.4
Honor Roll, 1st Honors—1 quarter; 2nd Honors—6 quarters;
Honors courses in Geometry, Algebra II, Precalculus, Portfolio Development,
Genetics and Biotechnology, Studio Survey, Spanish II; Honors Advanced
Portfolio Development; and Advanced Placement Statistics.
Awards: Who’s Who Among American High School Students—three years; State of
Maryland-Governor Ehrlich’s Service Award; the United States Achievement AcademyNational Art Award-2005; the United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award; the
Prudential Spirit of Community Award; and the President’s Volunteer Service Award
Secondary School Activities: President and Founder of the Social Justice Club; Art Editor
for Images Literary Magazine—one year; Treasurer of Students Against Destructive
Decisions (SADD); Member of the National Art Honor Society (NAHS)—three years;
Senior Retreat Team—1 year; Member of the Pro-Life Club—three years; Member of the
Academy Club—three years; Indoor Track—two years; Team Manager—Basketball—one
Marymount University – Campus Security
September 2005-December 2005
Temporary Employment – Childcare and Independent Cleaning Services
June-August 2005
Symmetry First Architects, LLC – Intern
June-August 2004
Assisted in production of blueprints on AutoCAD and general office management.
The Source Unlimited (Interior Design) – Intern and Office Assistant
June-August 2003
Assisted in selection of materials for presentations to clients.
Ellicott City Copy Center – Office Manager
June-August 2003
Volunteer Work:
Archdiocese of Baltimore;
 Happy Helpers for the Homeless
 Justice Action Week (JAW) including:
1. Don Miller House
2. Habitat for Humanity
3. Marian House
4. Franciscan Youth Center
5. The League for the Physically Disabled
6. Catholic Relief Services
 Sarah’s House
 St. Martin’s Nursing Home
 Our Daily Bread
Pro- Life March in Washington D.C—three years;
Maryland State Legislature: Testified in defense of life issues (specifically
HB 621 or the parental notice bill) March 16, 2004
Other Organizations/Activities:
National Student Leadership Conference: Inside the Arts in Chicago, Illinois—July 2004
John Robert Powers Modeling Agency—Training Class—2003-2004
Church of the Resurrection Youth Ministry—Resource Team; Chairperson of the
Stewardship Subcommittee of Youth Committee—three years; Confirmation Peer
Minister—four years; Eucharistic Minister; Youth Ministry Choir; Leadership and
Ministry for Peers (LAMP); Parish Representative for the Archdiocesan High
School Leadership Institute (High-LI); Parish Representative for the National
Catholic Youth Conference in Houston, Texas—2003; Baltimore Catholic Youth
Conference in Ocean City, Maryland—2002 and 2004
Girl Scouts for seven years—1992-1999
Skills and Interests: Exceptional leadership and organizational skills; good public speaker;
drawing; basketball and softball; singing; proficient in Microsoft Word and Power Point;
experience in the use of AutoCAD