Braveheart Worksheet 2

Braveheart Worksheet 2
4) The next day.
Recap the scene using the following elements:
a) Look after the fire / hear horses come
b) Stop walking / realize his father and brother not come
c) Men come towards him / pour water
d) Enter the house / men wash his father
5) The funeral:
List 2 important events at the funeral ( justify your answer) :
6) Who says what?
“We’ll stay here tonight. Tomorrow you’ll come with me.”
“I don’t want to leave.”
“It was in Latin.”
“That’s something we’ll have to remedy.”
“Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow him.”
“What are they doing?”
“Saying goodbye in their own way: playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes.”
“First learn to use this and then I’ll teach you to use this.”
7) There are mistakes in this sum up , correct them.
It’s a song which relates the story of Malcolm Wallace , an English hero known as coward heart in the
13th century. One day when he was old, he followed his brother and his uncle and discovered a whole
family having a party at their house. His father convinced other nobles to fight against the Scottish army.
They arrived the next day but came back alive. At the end of their funeral, everybody was dancing when
a little girl picked up a rose, the emblem of England and gave it to William. This made him laugh. He was
still looking at the little girl and laughing when he saw his uncle Argyle.
Finally, he left to live with his brother, ready to learn how to play with his wits and with a car.