As I Lay Dying End of Novel Projects and Papers

As I Lay Dying End of Novel Projects and Papers
Choice #1: The Bundren Family Board Game (Group of 2-3 students sharing
Create a board game using plywood or other sturdy board. It must be at
least 3' X 3'. Design it to reflect the Bundren Family adventure of delivering Addie to her
final resting place. Design markers, squares with penalties or rewards (on cards), all
locations mentioned in the text must be included on the board (don't forget the hill on
which the house sits and Dewey Dell's cotton row!). Think of CandyLand! The game
will be assessed on the following criteria:
Pleasing visuals (art and color)
Interpretation of events into game scheme
Unique design elements which enhance game's appeal.
Inclusion of all geographic locations in book.
Accurate relation of details to one another and scale
Cards represent actual or plausible events in novel with suitable
Written rules are understandable and reasonable
Class understands rules
Class can complete game.
Choice #2: The 16th narrator (individual, 3-5 pages creative writing project)
Become another character in the story such as an unseen neighbor, Lafe,
or the new Mrs.Bundren. Write your own chapter to be inserted into the novel. Describe
a scene which has already been described or create a new one. Use a "voice" appropriate
to this new character and stream-of-consciousness technique. In addition to the usual
criteria for writing, additional criteria will include:
Choice of character
Choice and interpretation of plot events
Writing technique:
Ability to accurately, realistically use "voice" of a character you
(think: tone, diction, syntax.....)
Ability to use stream-of-consciousness effectively but still make
sense to the reader
Choice #3 “Cliff’s” notes -- (Group of 2 students sharing grade)
Create your own version of Cliff’s Notes for As I Lay Dying . The study
guide must include the following elements:
Introduction to William Faulkner and his works.
Introduction to the novel including a discussion of themes of the novel
Style of the novel
Synopsis of the novel
Character analysis of each of the major characters
Summary and commentary for each chapter
Review questions for the novel
Bibliography of appropriate resources for further study (it is assumed
that you used these resources to help you in your careful analysis of the novel)
Criteria for grading:
Inclusion of all elements.
Neatness and professionalism of publication
Depth of analysis and discussion of all elements
Choice #4 Research/Theme in the work (individual)
Using outside critical sources (minimum 3), write a paper which analyzes
the relationship between two central characters such as Addie and Jewel or Jewel and
How is their relationship unusual? How does their relationship affect the behavior of the
Proper MLA format and Works Cited page must be included. All outside sources
must be turned in with the final copy. Criteria will be the same as applied to
previous writing assignments.