20 - Movie Poster and Critique

Movie Poster and Critique
Your Task: Imagine the just completed unit had been made into a Hollywood
produced movie. Design the movie poster that you would use to advertise the
movie and write a critique of the “movie.”
1. Draw and color your poster on a full page of white paper.
a. It must include:
i. An image or scene that represents the “movie”
ii. The title of the “movie”
iii. The “actors” in the “movie”
2. Write your movie critique on lined paper.
a. Your critique should be 3 paragraphs.
i. Paragraph 1 should summarize the major events of
the unit.
ii. Paragraph 2 should summarize the main people in
the unit.
iii. Paragraph 3 should give your opinion on the events
of the unit. (Was it boring? Was it exciting? Did they
make mistakes? What would you have done
differently?) How many stars out of four would you
give it, why?