General Vision and Viewpoint Notes (Juno and the Paycock/I`m Not

Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
“Juno and the Paycock” “I’m Not Scared” (INS)
by Sean O’Casey by Gabriele Salvatores
Comparisons and Contrasts
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Par. 1:
Opening of the text
sets the tone for
vision and viewpoint
(pessimistic note)
 JP opens on a
 In common with JP, the
pessimistic note. From
opening scene of INS,
the very beginning
despite its magnificent
there is a deep sense of
setting, gives us a sense
that cruelty, humiliation
 The cramped, confined
conditions of the poor
tenement dwelling of
the Boyle family
and conflict are to be
found wherever human
beings mingle.
 The sequence of opening
creates an atmosphere
shots reveal a dark,
of gloom.
sinister, underground on
 The horror associated
with execution and
death pervades the air
as Mary reads the
which the words “I’m Not
Scared” are scrawled in
 Above the pit a black
graphic details about
raven, a bird associated
the execution of their
with death and predatory
neighbour Robbie
instincts, croaks loudly,
creating a gloomy,
 Johnny Boyle’s
“tremulous look of
threatening mood.
 The idyllic beauty of the
indefinite fear” and his
golden landscape which
hysterical reaction to
follows this sequence and
these details add to the
which surrounds the
overpowering sense of
village of Acqua Traverse
misery, as does the
conceals the ugly reality
description of his “thin”
and evil that lurk
and “delicate” body
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
which has been
 The freedom and
shattered by a cruel
happiness of childhood is
soon replaced by a scene
 Johnny Boyle is
seemingly dependent on
the “light lightin’ before
the picture of the
of bullying and
intimidation amongst a
group of children playing.
 Skull takes delight in
virgin”. His physical
humiliating a young girl,
injuries, incurred during
Barbara, by insisting that
the Rising and its
she perform an
aftermath, are
embarrassing forfeit
reminders of the
when she loses a race.
suffering and brutality
When Michele intervenes
experienced during a
to spare her this
dark period of Irish
humiliation, he is ordered
to undertake a dangerous
 The play opens
pessimistically with
scenes of human misery,
the horrors of war and
task, which had the
potential to seriously
hurt him.
 The difference between
references to death by
the hostile opening of the
film, as opposed to the
opening of JP is in its
impact on the viewer.
There is not the same
tendency to take it
 Childhood bullying can
never be seen as bad as
the poverty and misery of
a family living in a time of
Civil War.
 However, the tendency of
those who gain power,
however little it may be,
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
to abuse that power is a
common aspect of both
of the stories and casts a
cloud over both.
 The small cruelties of the
children’s gang remind us
that children imitate
what they see around
them and thus we are
prepared for the more
brutal, inhumane
treatment of a
defenceless child as the
film unfolds.
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Par. 2:
Tensions between
husband and wife.
Marriage is depicted
as negative
 Tensions between
 Tensions exist between
husband and wife create
Anna and Pino creating a
a pessimistic view of
pessimistic view of the
life in the play.
 Juno and Boyle have an
 Unlike Juno and Boyle,
uneasy relationship,
Anna and Pino genuinely
arising from the fact
seem to love each other
that Boyle is so
but their involvement in
reluctant to address
the kidnapping puts a
the financial crisis
huge strain on their
which is facing his
 He leaves the onus for
 Like in JP, financial
issues put a strain on the
supporting the family on
marriage. Unlike Boyle,
the shoulders of Juno,
Pino does make a real
his long-suffering wife.
effort to provide for the
Juno bitterly resents
family that he loves.
her husband’s lack of
Unfortunately, this
means he has to spend
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
 Despite some
long bouts of time away
wonderfully comic
from the family in order
moments which relieve
to earn money. This is
the marital tensions,
clear in the scene where
the audience is left in
Pino returns to the
no doubt that the
delight of his children
marriage is dead.
who clearly haven’t seen
 Disillusionment and fear
have eroded any
him in a long time.
 This distance and
possibility of happiness
pressure to make enough
between Juno and Boyle.
money to make ends meet
 When Juno eventually
deserts her husband, we
agree with her that she
has done her best in
vain to save her
 O’Casey’s portrait of
Juno is sympathetic,
describing her as a
woman who could have
been “handsome” and
“clever” but whose life
with Boyle has reduced
her to a state of
“harassed anxiety”.
 Marriage is negatively
depicted and this adds
to the prevailing
darkness of the general
vision and viewpoint.
puts Anna and Pino’s
marriage under strain,
though they appear to be
working through it.
 However, when Pino gets
his family involved in the
kidnapping of a young boy
in order to make more
money his marriage is put
under real threat. Anna
still loves her husband
but her discomfort at
being involved in the
crime is evident
throughout the film.
 Anna becomes
increasingly stressed and
disillusioned with her
husband, which is clear
when she makes Michele
promise he will get out of
Acqua Traverse when he
is old enough.
 Though they still love
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
each other at the end, it
is quite clear that Pino is
going to be arrested for
his involvement in the
crime and so it seems his
marriage will inevitably
fall apart.
 This failed marriage adds
to the sense of darkness
and misery of the vision
of the film.
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Par. 3: Negativity
 The negative impact of
 Family relationships in
of family
other family
INS are presented in a
relationships is
slightly more positive
established the
apparent in JP.
light than in JP, initially
often bleak vision
and viewpoint of
both texts.
 Mary has very little
sympathy for her
at least.
 Although Anna Amitrano
brother Johnny’s
is a tense, irritable
nervous tension and
woman, she is, like Juno,
refuses to dance
a loving mother to her
attendance on him or
children. She scolds them
assist him in any way.
for staying away from
 She engages in conflict
with Juno concerning
the strike action which
she is supporting, with
little regard for the
the house for too long
and tends to blame
Michele for anything
which befalls his younger
sister, Maria.
extra burdens which
 She cares for and loves
she is placing on her
her children. She is
mother, who is now the
clearly not totally at ease
only wage-earner in the
with her husband Pino’s
encouragement of
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
 Johnny constantly plays
Juno’s sympathy for his
pathetic physical and
emotional state,
treating his mother
with little respect but
with many demands.
 Neither of the Boyle
children have any
respect whatsoever for
their father and treat
him with total
 The poor quality of
family relationships in
JP is evident and it is
clear that poverty and
fear play a major role in
the negativity of these
 The efforts of Juno to
get her children to
respect their father,
her unfailing love for
them and her attempts
to keep the family
together help to relieve
what would otherwise
physical dominance when
he is testing Michele’s
arm strength. Her
expression visibly
darkens as she listens to
 This suggests that she
does not want Michele to
follow the traditional
model of menfolk from
the village. In fact, she
makes him promise that
he will leave Acqua
Traverse when he is old
enough and never come
back. She does her best
to shield her children
from the kidnapping.
 Anna is a woman with
normal, maternal instincts
who, like Juno in JP, is
caught up in something
which she cannot control.
 Pino is a long,
demonstrative father.
His children greet his
arrival at home with
 Anna has respect for
be a dark, hopeless view
Pino, unlike Juno and
of human nature.
Boyle. However, like
Juno, she wants the best
for her family and she
shares some of the same
frustration at her
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
circumstances that Juno
 There is much complexity
in the depiction of the
family relationships in
INS, as there is in JP
because despite the
normality, happiness and
love which exists
between the family
members, there is an
underlying tension
associated with the
kidnapped child which
impacts on Michele.
 Pino threatens to beat
his son silly if he goes
back to visit Filippo and
Pino uses emotional
manipulation to enforce
his command.
 As regards the general
vision and viewpoint of
both texts it can be said
that family relationships
in INS and JP are
clouded by tensions
arising from poverty,
irresponsibility and
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
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Par. 4:
While the key
friendship between
Michele and Filippo in
 Most of the key
 The relationship between
friendships in JP are
Michele and the
tinged with negativity.
kidnapped boy, Filippo,
 Boyle and his sidekick
shows a side of humanity
that is admirable and
INS offers us
Joxer are a classic
positivity and
comic duo. It would be
optimism, there is a
all too easy to be
key difference in JP
carried away by the
from two distinctly
where most of the
comedy and thus miss
different social classes.
friendships are
the essential nastiness
While Michele belongs to
tinged with
which exists between
the poorer, southern
these two men.
Italian community, Filippo
 When Boyle thinks he
has inherited a fortune,
he decides that he
wants nothing to do
with Joxer anymore.
 Joxer also has no
hesitation in revealing
his contempt for his old
crony, laughing at Boyle
 Michele and Filippo are
is a child of the wealthy
Carducci family from
 Michele is physically
daring and more vividly
emotional than the more
refined, protected
 What is uplifting is the
pretending to be a
fact that these
“deep-sea sailor”. This
differences in no way
foreshadows the way
affect the capacity of
Joxer will turn on Boyle
the children to find
at the start of Act III
common ground and
when he positively
develop an extraordinary
delights in his friend’s
relationships which shows
Michele at his noblest
and most humane.
 Joxer is shown as a
 The affection and loyalty
dark, conniving
that develop between the
character, regardless
two children lift the
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
of his contribution to
appalling pessimism and
some comic moments of
disgust which one feels
the play.
at seeing any child so
 A similar insincerity can
be observed in Bentham.
brutalised by adults.
 The same cannot be said
He deserts Mary in her
of JP. Mary’s relationship
hour of need despite
with Bentham turns sour
the fact that she is
when she becomes
carrying his child.
pregnant and the will
 Jerry Devine also
proves to be shallow and
judgemental, claiming
that “humanity is above
everything” but
abandoning Mary with
his self-righteous
exclamation “My God,
Mary, have you fallen as
low as that?”.
 The negative
relationships portrayed
in JP makes us question
the capacity for most
people to think beyond
themselves and their
own needs.
turns out to be useless.
Bentham, unlike Michele,
abandons Mary, putting
his own interests first.
There is nothing uplifting
or positive about
Bentham’s conduct or
that of Jerry Devine,
who also puts his own
needs before those of a
woman whom he claims to
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
Both texts are set
during times of
national unrest which
makes the vision and
viewpoint quite
JP is set in a time of
national unrest. The
of INS and JP. This
horrors associated with
creates a tension in both
war cast a dark pall over
texts which affects the
the whole play.
general vision and
viewpoint. Dysfunctional
We see the atrocities
societies in which one
which were committed
class of people feel
during the Irish Civil
envious and resentful of
War. Men, who had once
the status of others play
fought side-by-side in
a role in creating and
1916, became bitter
maintaining a pervading
enemies and engaged in
sense of gloom.
brutal executions of
each other.
those fighting on either
side of the Civil War in
vicious manner which is
JP, there was a
graphically described by
traditional conflict
Mary. The man who
between the north and
betrayed him, Johnny
south of Italy. The north
Boyle, experiences a
was seen to have the
similarly horrific and
wealth, power and
degrading death.
influence whereas the
south was seen to be
Johnny Boyle endures
hostile, primitive and
mental torture, knowing
jealous of the north.
that he is a marked
The general vision and
viewpoint portrays acts
of senseless violence
where the sacrifices
made by idealistic young
men in war are depicted
as being essentially
futile and self-
In the same way as there
was tension between
Robbie Tancred is
murdered in a most
Social unrest is a feature
The most appalling aspect
of the escalating crime in
Italy was the terror
created by kidnapping
children, who were seen
as the most profitable
targets. This background
creates the dark and
pessimistic backdrop to
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
the film’s storyline.
Michele is introduced to
a world of conspiracy and
cruelty. He discovers
that human greed and
envy are capable of
overcoming the finer
qualities which human
beings are capable of
possessing. Likewise, the
Civil War in JP creates
immense human misery
and suffering. Atrocious
deeds are done out of a
spirit of hatred and
Johnny Boyle, and other
men, who were once
motivated by patriotic
idealism, find themselves
the victims of a society
that has turned on itself
and is capable of betrayal
and self-destruction.
The political and social
situations in each text
add to the general sense
of gloom and negativity.
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Language and
contribute to
Language and imagery in
Language and imagery
JP contribute to the
also contribute to the
changing moods of the
tone of foreboding in the
play and serve to
film, as in JP.
highlight the difference
The language reveals a
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
moods of the
in social class between
low level of expression
play and the
and ignorant coarseness
of many of the male
The language of
characters in INS. The
Bentham differentiates
violence of their language
him from the tenement
adds to the sense of
dwellers. Bentham’s
threat which hangs over
language is formal,
the entire film.
precise and academic.
Bentham deliberately
influenced by the vicious
uses language to
Sergio, and when Filippo’s
impress those whom he
mother pleads for her
considers beneath him.
son back on the news,
He takes full advantage
Pino responds in a rage
of his assumed
with “what the fuck does
Juno and Mary are both
exploited by this man
she want?”
his foul character. When
educated and
one of the locals suggests
honourable. Later, when
that they should release
he deserts her, Mary
the child and abandon
admits that Bentham
him, Segio flies into a
was not all that he
storm of abuse: “What
are you thinking? … shit
for brains … you fucking
The language used by
certain characters
marks them out as being
different from others.
Despite Mary’s best
efforts to educate
herself, Mary will never
be Bentham’s equal.
The divisions created by
differences in social
class have a negative
Sergio is profoundly foulmouthed, in keeping with
whom they see as
Pino has clearly become
Although both Johnny
and Boyle are both quite
vicious in their
condemnation of Mary at
the end of the play,
nothing in JP quite
matches the ferocity and
vulgarity of the language
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
effect on the lives of
the characters.
in INS.
Many of the images in
with the exception of
the text are related to
Bentham, reveal a lack of
a depressing general
education and
vision of life.
refinement, but not
vulgarity or obscenity in
In JP certain groups of
their manner of speech.
images shape the vision
The mood of INS is
of despair and
darkened by the foulness
of the language.
throughout the text.
Religious imagery is
and helps to clarify the
play. Johnny sees the
general vision and
votive light before the
viewpoint of the director.
statue of the Virgin
Mary as a symbol of
The landscape itself is a
hope and comfort.
striking visual image. The
However, it also serves
ground is completely
as a reminder that he
covered in wheat, there
cannot escape his act of
are no trees or shade,
betrayal as he imagines
just waves of wheat.
he sees Robbie Tancred
kneeling before the
Unfortunately, the idyllic
landscape, with the clear
blue skies and the haze
The same light is
of the summer heat, only
extinguished just
serves to highlight the
before Johnny is taken
ugliness which is hidden
away to be shot. The
in the depths of this
statue of the Virgin
beautiful world.
Mary becomes symbolic
of all the mothers who
have lost sons in a
violent manner.
Imagery also contributes
to the mood of the film
used effectively in the
The characters in JP,
Juno, Mrs. Tancred and
As in JP, symbolism
emphasises the dark
vision. The cawing and
circling of predatory
birds as Michele
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
Mrs. Manning have that
descends into the pit for
common bond and many
the first time reminds us
of their prayers are
of the predatory nature
directed to the mother
of human beings.
of God.
The dilapidated,
uninhabited farmhouse
which the children
discover is almost a
symbol of what may
become of their own
In the same way as
language and imagery help
create atmosphere in JP,
they also contribute
greatly to the overall
mood and vision of INS.
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Par. 7:
The ending of a text
is crucial to
understanding the
vision and viewpoint
of that world. Is the
The ending of any text
The ending of any
is always crucial in
narrative is of the
determining the general
utmost importance when
vision and viewpoint of a
deciding the general
vision and viewpoint of a
text. This is true of INS.
Juno has to endure the
message we are left
loss of all her hopes for
with positive or
the future. She finds
powerfully dramatic as is
negative or a
herself faced with
the ending of JP.
combination of both?
moments of intense
desperation where she
makes the most drastic
of choices.
Unable to cope with the
The ending of the film is
Michele has to draw
strength from his own
humanity. Faced with the
appalling reality that
Filippo is going to be
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
rejection of Mary by
murdered, Michele puts
Boyle, Juno is forced to
his own life and safety at
make a decision
risk in a magnificent act
between her role as a
of loyalty and courage.
mother and her role as
a wife. She chooses to
very scared but he
support her daughter
overcomes his own fear
and abandons Boyle to
until he reaches the place
his own fate.
where Filippo is bound
Throughout the play,
and gagged. When he
her greatest hope was
manages to free Filippo,
to keep her family
he frantically tries to
together. Her struggle
escape but is stuck and is
to achieve happiness
mistakenly gunned down
and fulfilment ends in
by his own father.
failure. Johnny is dead,
Mary has been
the ending of INS would
and Boyle has returned
be as devastating as the
to his selfish ways.
Had Michele died in this
act of heroic courage,
abandoned by Bentham
Michele is most definitely
ending of JP, where
The broad, slapstick
death and destitution is
comedy of many of the
the ultimate price paid by
play’s scenes only serve
the main characters to
to highlight the terrible
achieve independence
tragedy of the ending.
from those who control
The final Act of the
play is filled with
However, the fact that
dramatic intensity. The
Michele does not die does
manner in which Johnny,
not totally relieve the
a tormented and
ending of its pessimistic
crippled young man, is
view of life and humanity.
dragged out to a violent
The reality is that a
death as his drunken
group of ordinary people
father spends the last
with children of their
penny the family has on
own were willing to
drink is profoundly
murder an innocent child
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
Juno has to face the
in order to extort money.
identification of her
of the film is a beautiful,
dead son on her own and
almost dreamy image of
attempt to support her
Filippo looking like a
daughter who has been
Guardian Angel as he
abandoned by men who
extends his hand to a
claimed to love her. The
wounded but smiling
text ends on a note of
Michele, the viewers
sadness and misery.
know that this is not the
ending but the beginning
Juno faces an uncertain
of another wave of
future, struggling to
provide for her
daughter and future
Although the final shot
What will happen to the
grandchild. However,
families of Acqua
despite the pervading
Traverse and to the
sense of gloom, there is
children in particular?
no doubt that human
The film ends, like JP,
nature can be seen at
with an uncertain vision
its finest capacity for
of what the future may
love and self-sacrifice.
Juno stands by her
At the end of the story
daughter, refusing to be
Michele has become a
influenced by the
man essentially, choosing
taboos which
something different from
surrounded pregnancy
what others have tried to
outside of marriage at
force upon him. This is
this time in Ireland.
very like the ending of JP
where Juno also makes a
She reassures her
courageous choice, thus
frightened daughter
demonstrating her own
who feels despair that
uniqueness and humanity.
her child will be
fatherless: “It’ll have
Michele survives but he
what’s far betther – it’ll
has had to absorb a very
have two mothers”.
sad wisdom that beauty
Comparative Studies – General Vision and Viewpoint
Though the reality of
can conceal ugliness and
the novel is a
those whom we most
trust and depend on can
pessimistic vision of
be part of that ugliness.
life, Juno’s love
transcends the tragedy
The endings of both INS
and JP are complex with
of her circumstances,
both positive and
providing a vision of
negative notes because
motherly love which is
Filippo and Michele are
both uplifting and
spared death and one
hopes the adults of
Acqua Traverse have
come to see the error of
their ways.
Likewise, we can only
hope the Juno and Mary
Boyle can find a way
forward without Boyle in
their lives.
That said, there is much
to cause discomfort and
gloom in the endings of
both texts.