Music 110 History of American Jazz

Approved by Faculty Senate March 30, 2009
MUS 110 - History of American Jazz
Catalog Description:
A history of jazz music in America; African and European influences, emergence
as a recognizable art form in the 20th century, and present-day varieties. Offered each
This course is eligible for University Studies Credit under:
B. Arts and Science Core,
4. Fine and Performing Arts
Course Objectives:
1) To explore the language, skills and materials of jazz music through studying
it's history and origins. (USP outcome a)
2) To expand creativity through guided listening, composing and performing.
(USP outcome b)
3) To investigate cultural and gender contexts of artistic expression, in jazz,
through historical study and biographical information on it's major contributors. (USP
outcome c )
4) To engage in reflective analysis of one's own artistic expression, and the
expression of others in the jazz medium. (USP outcome d )
1) Test: Jazz Styles 8th ed., Mark C. Gridley, Prentice-Hall, 2000 (required)
2) Jazz Classics CD, Mark C. Gridley (required)
3) The Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz (CD's), available in the Media Library in
Maxwell Hall
Plan of Study:
The outline of the text will be followed closely regarding historical development
of jazz styles and the major performers in each period. Emphasis will be placed on live
demonstrations of these styles by the instructor and selected musicians. Students are
encouraged to increase their knowledge of the idiom through listening experiences via
recordings and live performances. Students are responsible for one artistic expression
piece, composing and performing in groups.
Two exams will be given during the course and will account for 60% of the grade,
(300 points each). Each exam will feature multiple choice questions.
The remaining 40% (400 points) of the grade will be accounted for by completing
the following:
Complete, at least, a two page, thoroughly proofread, typewritten review of one jazz
album. It may be your own, one from the library, or from an FM radio station. If you are
buying one, you might consult footnotes in the text, look at the discography, or ask for a
recommendation. Due date for this review is (date) Within your review, be certain to
describe the music in terms of the categories and musical techniques outlined in lectures
(the roles of the various instruments, styles used, etc.), and the form, of at least one
piece, on the recording
(12-Bar Blues, AABA, etc.) Make certain that you discuss all the influences on this
music that you can, including cultural, social and musical. Also, make sure to include
mention of specific soloists. Use the name of the soloists, the tune and the instrument.
Give your reactions! For example, what did you like best, or least and why? (20%)
Each semester, The Winona State University Jazz Ensemble, under the direction of
Dr. Rich MacDonald, performs a special concert in the WSU Mainstage Theatre.
Students in Jazz 110 are required to attend this presentation, and to write a three page,
single-spaced type-written, thoroughly proofread review of the concert. In your review,
you should emphasize the following:
1. Describe the setting in which the event takes place.
2. Give a somewhat detailed outline of the musical groups you are hearing, and describe
their instrumentation.
3. Discuss the arrangements and compositions that were performed, giving credit to
their individual arrangers and composers.
4. Explain and define the style of the arrangements and compositions that were played.
5. Give a musical description of the performing soloists, describing the style in which
they performed, and the instrument they played.
6. Describe in, Course musical terms, techniques used by soloists, or musical groups.
Examples: Call - Response, Polyrhythm, Walking Bass, Riff etc. Forms used
must apply to a specific performance offering. (20%)
Please see the WSU Dept. of Music Calendar for performance dates and