Music Appreciation Syllabus

Music Appreciation
Instructor: Mrs. Love
Welcome to Music Appreciation! This class will change the way you understand,
appreciate and enjoy listening to music. Over the course of this semester we will be
meeting to consider how music is created and how it impacts our lives. We will be
discussing and researching many different styles of music and their historical
significance. When you leave this class you will be able to describe and critique many
forms of music as well as understand the historical context that allowed different
styles of music to be created.
Course Objectives
learn the basic elements of music.
be exposed to some of the significant music styles throughout history.
learn about music from around the world.
learn to distinguish different styles of music by their characteristics.
learn how music affects and is affected by everyday life.
We will be using many different resources to enhance our understanding of music.
Much of the class will be based on the book “Music: Its Role and Importance in Our
Lives”. We will listen to recordings of music from many time periods and from many
regions of the world. Students must have their school laptop during every class
period as well as a pencil.
Course Expectations/Assessments
The following are ways in which you will be evaluated throughout the year:
1. Daily Participation
This grade will be determined based on your behavior in class,
and your response to questions and/or classroom discussions.
This will also include in-class assignments.
2. Review Questions, Quizzes and Tests
3. Special Projects
Group presentations.
Grading Scale
95-100 = A
90 - 94 = A87 – 89 = B+
83 – 86 = B
80 – 82 = B77 – 79 = C+
73 – 76 = C
70 – 72 = C67 – 69 = D+
63 – 66 = D
60 – 62 = D59 & below F
Discipline is quality that must come from within the individual. Because of this
fact, each student is responsible for his or her own actions as a member of this class.
Any student who shows an inability to work effectively in class (with the teacher or
other students) will experience the consequences that fall under the School and School
Board policies.
1. Food, Drinks, Gum, and Candy are not to be brought into the classroom.
2. All students are to be in the classroom when the bell rings in order to not
receive a tardy.
3. Always have your binder, paper and pencil to every class.
4. Students are to remain quiet, not talking during class time unless instructed
5. Show respect to school property, other classmates and teacher at all times.
If you have any question concerning this syllabus or if you have any other
questions over the course of the year do not hesitate to call.
The Ozark High School phone number is 582-5901 Ext. 3105 or:
Email Mrs. Love at