Many factors aided industrial growth.
A. Changes in farming led the way.
1. the enclosure movement
2. crop rotation
3. improved livestock
4. effects on population
B. A rise in population helped industry.
C. Great Britain had many advantages.
1. abundant natural resources
2. a favorable geography
3. a favorable climate for new ideas
4. a good banking system
5. political stability
Britain led in the rise of industry.
A. Inventions revolutionized the textile industry.
B. One invention led to another.
C. Watt improved the steam engine.
Industry grew and spread to new lands.
A. Engineers built roads and canals.
B. The Railway Age began.
C. Railroads spread across England.
D. Railroads had far-reaching effects.
E. Industrialization spread to other countries.
1. the spread to the United States
2. the spread to Europe
F. Britain led the world in industry.
Industry changed ways of life.
A. More people lived in cities.
B. Problems arose as cities grew.
C. The Industrial Revolution changed working conditions.
D. Children suffered in mills and mines.
E. The middle class expanded.
F. Class tensions arose
1. laissez-faire government
2. the beginning of unions
3. continuing tensions