Leader 報報/ from Cecilia Sappho

Leader 報報
在台中,談起英語教學幾乎人人都會聯想到 Leader ESL School,Leader 如何能在英語教育機構林立的中
台灣獨樹一幟?創新的教學理念與課程規劃以及對教學環境設備的堅持與要求,在在都讓 LEADER 成為
英語教學的領導品牌,為何在 Leader 學習的孩子特別優秀呢?是許多英語教育界同行的疑問,在本篇文
章中我們將為您探討兒童學習英語的心路歷程,以下為您專訪 LEADER ESL SCHOOL 國小部高年級兩小朋
Student 1: Grade 6-A 程麒融 Bill
Teacher: Hi! I’m Teacher Sappho, I heard you won the second place of English Speech Contest at Tung- Xing
Elementary School. Would you like to tell us something about that?
Bill: Yes, I was talking about “Learning English Happily”. This was my topic.
Teacher: How long and how did you prepare for the speech?
Bill: I practiced my speech with my parents and teachers. They helped me correct my mistakes.
Teacher: Are you afraid of speaking on the stage? Was that your first speech?
Bill: I’m not afraid of speaking on the stage. I have many speech experiences in Leader School.
Teacher: So you must be really good at English speeches. (smiles) Now, let’s talk about learning English. How
long have you studied in Leader School?
Bill: I’ve studied English at Leader School since Grade 1.
Teacher: Do you like Leader School so far? Do you think Leader School provides a good environment for
learning English?
Bill: Yes. I like to talk with foreign teachers and friends. It is a good place to learn English.
Teacher: I also heard that you were good at Chinese as well. You won a lot of Chinese Speech Contests. It
seems that you have a talent for learning languages. Would you like to share some tips with us?
Bill: I usually read comic books and novels such as “Snoopy” and “Harry Potter”. (Speaking proudly) I also listen
to English CDs. And I speak a lot. I like to talk to foreigners.
Teacher: Umm… That’s a good way to learn English. Well, thank you for sharing tips with us. I hope you keep
up the good work.
Student 2: Grade 5-A 林曼芳 Jessie
Teacher: Hi! I’m Teacher Sappho. I’m going to interview the outstanding students. I heard that you were good
at English. You won many English Speech Contests. Would you like to talk about that? What were your
Jessie: Yes. I participated in several English Speech Contests. Umm…my topics were like “Tiger Witch” and
“Trips to USA.”
Teacher: How did you prepare for the speeches? And did you enjoy the speeches?
Jessie: I practiced with my mom and teachers. My teacher corrected my grammar and pronunciation. They
helped me a lot. It took me a lot of time to prepare.
Teacher: Are you afraid of speaking in public like speech contests?
Jessie: Actually, I was a little bit nervous about standing on the stage. But I still enjoyed doing the speeches.
Teacher: How long have you studied English at Leader School?
Jessie: I’ve studied English from Grade 1.
Teacher: Do you like Leader School so far?
Jessie: Yes, I like some of the teachers. They are so funny and humorous.
Teacher: Such as…?
Jessie: Such as Teacher Erica and Teacher Alex. (She gave me a sweet smile.)
Teacher: Which class is your favorite? And why?
Jessie: My favorite class is reading class. I enjoy reading many different stories.
Teacher: How do you learn English? Do you have any learning skills to share with others?
Jessie: I just memorize the vocabulary and read story books. I use phonics to help me memorize vocabulary.
Sometimes if you misspell the words, you will know the mistakes.
Teacher: Cool! That’s very clever. Thank you for giving the good advices. I hope you keep these strategies.
以上兩位小朋友在 LEADER 教育體系中學習有超過 5 年以上的時間,在國民小學成績優異,品學兼優,
在國、英語文各項競賽中嶄露頭角,如果您也想和他們一樣傑出,讓我們一起加入 LEADER ESL 的行列!
圖文: Cecilia/Sappho