The Endocrine System Project

The Endocrine System Project
Create a Poster on an endocrine organ including the following information:
1. Title (name of Organ)
2. Location in body & Size
3. Names of Hormones secreted & their functions and target organs in the body
4. Brief description of any associated diseases (over or underproduction)
5. Any other interesting facts or tidbits
Present Organ to class and Point it out on dissectible torso in room, complete chart as
other groups are presenting
Write an essay giving an overview of the endocrine system & description of each of the
glands. Finally, if you had to give up one of your endocrine organs, which would it be
and why? (It must be an organ you currently have in your body!)
The Endocrine System Project
Create a Poster on an endocrine organ including the following information:
1. Title (name of Organ)
2. Location in body & Size
3. Names of Hormones secreted & their functions and target organs in the body
4. Brief description of any associated diseases (over or underproduction)
5. Any other interesting facts or tidbits
Present Organ to class and Point it out on dissectible torso in room, complete chart as
other groups are presenting
Write an essay giving an overview of the endocrine system & description of each of the
glands. Finally, if you had to give up one of your endocrine organs, which would it be
and why? (It must be an organ you currently have in your body!)