Johnny Tremain Essay Checklist.doc

Johnny Tremain Essay Checklist
Revise1. Read your essay out loud to yourself or someone else.
2. Introductory ParagraphIs there any information in the introduction that you repeated in the supporting paragraph?
Did you include author and title?
Who is Johnny?
Is there any unnecessary information? Is it all important to discuss the blame of the accident?
3. Supporting paragraphsDo your paragraphs follow the theses sentence?
Is there unnecessary wording? Example: _________ is the next most responsible or I think___
4. Concluding paragraphProblems for Johnny are discussed?
Changes or problems for the Laphams are discussed?
5. Did you repeat any words too often?
EditIs your title italicized?
Is the author’s name spelled correctly?
Are the character names spelled correctly?
Are paragraphs indented? Should they be also spaced??? (no)
Are your compound sentences punctuated correctly with a comma?
You should have a centered title with your name below and also centered. Your title should be in a
larger font than the body of your essay and your name is the smallest. The entire essay should fit on one
page. Use black and a reasonable font style.